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Sehri Ka Dastarkhwan & Azaan e Fajar | Shan-e- Sehr | Waseem Badami | 18 March 2025 | ARY Digital

Guest: Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi , Molana Imran Bashir

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00The mercy of my heart has been overshadowed again.
00:06How do I face you?
00:11I am falling, please hold me.
00:15Welcome, Iqbal.
00:16This is a very short session with the Ulema,
00:18but it is a joint session, so we don't have much time.
00:21We will talk about today's topic, InshaAllah.
00:23Qibla Mufti Sholam Jai Sahib will start, InshaAllah.
00:25May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his companions.
00:29Today is the 17th day of the blessed month of Ramadan.
00:32It is also called the Day of Judgement.
00:34It is the day when there is a difference between the truth and falsehood.
00:38There were 313 Muslims, the war was fought,
00:41and in front of them were more than a thousand enemies
00:46who were armed with all kinds of weapons and weapons.
00:50But here you can see that the earth, the sky, and the sky saw
00:56that when these 313 jumped into the battlefield of Badr,
00:59Allah the Almighty defeated the great enemy.
01:03It is said that the atmosphere of Badr is a memory that will last forever.
01:08This valley is still echoing with the slogan of Takbeer.
01:12May Allah the Almighty forgive all the martyrs of Badr
01:17for their good deeds.
01:19Our Imam says that if you pray to Allah through the martyrs of Badr,
01:26then that prayer will not be rejected.
01:28In short, it is the day of Ummul Mu'mineen Sayyida Ayesha,
01:32it is the day of Judgement.
01:34So, she is that lady, that respected wife.
01:37She is Ummul Mu'mineen,
01:39but her surah was presented to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:43In her veil, there is a blessed revelation on the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
01:47And when it was the last time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:51then the Prophet's holy head was in his lap,
01:54and he kissed it.
01:56May Allah the Almighty bless the Ummul Mu'mineen Sayyida Ayesha,
02:01especially the women of our Ummah.
02:05JazakAllah. Qibla.
02:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
02:07Regarding the battle of Badr,
02:10the Holy Qur'an has explained it on the Day of Judgement.
02:14It is a day that will make a difference for the people.
02:16In what way?
02:22That whoever lives after today, will live on a basis of evidence.
02:26And whoever will be destroyed by the world, will also live on a basis of evidence.
02:31Then the Qur'an has explained it.
02:37Not the Muslims, but the humanity.
02:41He deserves to live in this world with dignity.
02:47And whoever will harm humanity,
02:49then the water will wash him away,
02:52just like it washes away the fowl.
02:54And because Ayesha Sadiqa, our parents were sacrificed for her,
02:58Allah gave her the status that she is the mother of our Ummah.
03:09Allah has given her great virtues.
03:12The greatest virtue that I believe in,
03:16is that the most beloved place to Allah in the whole universe,
03:19is the place where our Master, peace and blessings be upon him, is resting.
03:23And that blessed Hujra is of my mother, Ayesha.
03:26Allah has given her this status.
03:29And the companions say that whenever we face any difficulty,
03:35we go to our mother, Ayesha.
03:37Whether it is the matter of Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh,
03:41or of any kind, in any respect,
03:44it is a great path for women.
03:47I request that we should include the wives of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
03:52in the list,
03:54so that our women get the information and follow their footsteps.
03:58JazakAllah. Iblah Mufti Aamir Sahib.
04:01Create the atmosphere of Badr, the angels will help you.
04:05You can get down from the Gurdwara, the train is inside, the train is still there.
04:09Indeed, the Battle of Badr,
04:12was the Day of Judgment.
04:13There was a clear distinction between truth and falsehood.
04:18And you see, for the truth and falsehood that will be until the Day of Judgment,
04:22this is such an example and standard.
04:25What did the Quran say?
04:26That the result of this battle,
04:29is to prove the truth to be the truth, and to prove falsehood to be falsehood.
04:36That is, even if falsehood is in quantity,
04:39even if it is in quantity, strength, or strength,
04:42and the truth is apparently less,
04:45but the truth always prevails,
04:47this has been given to us as a proper lesson in this battle.
04:51In short, there were people who took part in this battle at that time.
04:56The real responsibility of this battle was of the people of that time, of the companions.
05:01But today, when we are talking about the Battle of Badr,
05:04what did we learn from it? What did we gain from it?
05:07Allah the Almighty tells us this clearly.
05:10Allah the Almighty says that I made this intention.
05:13This is an example of proving the truth to be the truth and falsehood to be falsehood.
05:19On one hand, there was victory, strength, and power.
05:22But on the other hand,
05:23all this was not physical strength, but it was the strength of faith.
05:27So when there is the strength of faith and the people of truth,
05:30even if they are few, they can overcome many.
05:34There is a need to create the atmosphere of Badr.
05:38What do you say, Qibla Abba, final words, just a little time.
05:40In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
05:41I would like to say this.
05:41Those verses in which the Battle of Badr has been mentioned,
05:50Allah the Almighty has referred to it in the Holy Qur'an.
05:53There are verses of Surah Anfal,
05:54similarly, there is a verse of Surah Hajj, which I presented to you,
05:57that permission is given to those who are being fought with,
06:01because they have been oppressed,
06:03and Allah surely has power over their help.
06:05And what to say about the memory of that battle,
06:08the visit to Uhud was usually very easy,
06:11but it was a little difficult to go to Badr.
06:13But now things have become very friendly,
06:15so I would like to draw the attention of the caravans
06:17to include this in their visits with care,
06:21and go there a little,
06:22so that the atmosphere can be felt by staying there.
06:26What to say, thank you very much, Abbas Dawan Abdul Mujashid.
06:28Thank you very much.
06:29A break, and after that, InshaAllah,
06:30we will be back with Hazaan-e-Fajr, InshaAllah.
07:30Allah is the Greatest, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
08:01I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah
08:15I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
08:39I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
08:57Come to Prayer
09:16Come to Prayer
09:36Come to success
09:54Come to success
10:12Prayer is better than sleep
10:24Prayer is better than sleep
10:42Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
10:56There is none worthy of worship except Allah
11:11Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
11:40Thank you very much, Mr. Swarwardi,
11:43for giving us the opportunity to give Hazaan-e-Fajr.
11:45And so, the people of Pakistan, Alhamdulillah,
11:47have taken their 17th fast.
11:50In many countries of the world, the 18th fast will be taken, InshaAllah.
11:56With the condition of health, safety and life,
11:59we will meet you at 2pm, InshaAllah.
12:01With this prayer, we conclude.
12:03Allahumma hajirna minal naar, ya mujheer, ya mujheer, ya mujheer.
12:14InshaAllah, 2pm.
12:16Until then, Allah hafiz.
