Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust - Ramzan Zakat Appeal
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#khawajagharibnawazwelfaretrust #ramzanzakatappeal #aryqtv
For Donations
Bank: United Bank limited
Branch: SITE Branch
Account Title: Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust
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#khawajagharibnawazwelfaretrust #ramzanzakatappeal #aryqtv
00:00Salaam-e-Aamina-Kilal-e-Mehboob-e-Subhani Salaam-e-Fakhr-e-Maujoodat-e-Fakhr-e-Nau-e-Insani
00:21Tiri Soorat Tiri Seerat Tira Naqsha Tira Jalwa
00:26Tiri Soorat Tiri Seerat Tira Naqsha Tira Jalwa
00:30Tabassum Guftgu Banda Nawazi Khanda Peshani
00:35Tira Dar Ho Mira Sar Ho Mira Dil Ho Tira Ghar Ho
00:40Tira Dar Ho Mira Sar Ho Mira Dil Ho Tira Ghar Ho
00:44Tamanna Mukhtasarsi Hai Magar Tamheed Tulani
02:03the poor, the needy, and the low-income class.
02:08And right now, you can see on your television screen how the Khwaja-e-Khwajgaon, Khwaja
02:16Gharib Nawaz, Welfare Trust, are presenting their services, where those who are unemployed,
02:25the low-income class, especially those who are encouraged, who are given a lot of thought,
02:35who are given priority, the white-collar class, who do not raise their hands in front of anyone.
02:46In the Holy Qur'an, it is stated,
02:50وَأَنفِقُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَلَا تُلْقُوا بِأَيْدِكُمْ إِلَىٰ التَّهْلُقَىٰ
02:55وَأَحْسِنُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ
02:59Be those who do good. Do not put yourself in ruin.
03:04And continue to do good.
03:06Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who do good.
03:11In the way of Allah, we get a lot of advice in terms of spending.
03:16Ladies and gentlemen, I will introduce today's guest to you.
03:23And especially now, before introducing him, I want you to see how we are presenting our services.
03:33Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, Welfare Trust, these offices are decorated.
03:37And then the biggest thing is that you are seeing a magnificent arrangement to meet the food needs.
03:44Where ration packages are being provided to people.
03:48If you look at this ration package, and if you want to know its information,
03:55then there is flour, lentils, sugar, leaves, dry milk.
04:00And you know that when this ration package is being prepared especially for Ramadan,
04:06then dates are also included in it.
04:09Drinks are also included.
04:11All those things that are sufficient for a family of 8 to 10 people.
04:19We respectfully give it to those who deserve it.
04:23Who are feeling the extreme need of it at the moment.
04:27Please come with me to my right.
04:30Excellent scholar of religion, Hazrat Allama Maulana Muhammad Amir Hamza.
04:34Peace be upon you.
04:35Peace be upon you.
04:36How are you?
04:37I am fine.
04:38Thank you for coming.
04:40Please come with me to my left.
04:43Excellent scholar of religion, Hazrat Muhammad Ahmad Qadri Mahmoodi.
04:49Peace be upon you.
04:50Peace be upon you.
04:51How are you?
04:53In the name of Allah.
04:54What would you like to present in the beginning?
04:56In the name of Allah.
04:57In the name of Allah.
04:58Peace be upon you.
04:59Peace be upon you.
05:00Peace be upon you.
05:58In the name of Allah.
05:59In the name of Allah.
06:00In the name of Allah.
06:01In the name of Allah.
06:02In the name of Allah.
06:03In the name of Allah.
06:04In the name of Allah.
06:05In the name of Allah.
06:06In the name of Allah.
06:07In the name of Allah.
06:08In the name of Allah.
06:09In the name of Allah.
06:10In the name of Allah.
06:11In the name of Allah.
06:12In the name of Allah.
06:13In the name of Allah.
06:14In the name of Allah.
06:15In the name of Allah.
06:16In the name of Allah.
06:17In the name of Allah.
06:18In the name of Allah.
06:19In the name of Allah.
06:20In the name of Allah.
06:21In the name of Allah.
06:22In the name of Allah.
06:23In the name of Allah.
06:24In the name of Allah.
06:55Allah Hu Allah. Allah Hu Allah.
07:06May Allah bless you.
07:08Very beautifully,
07:09we presented the poem of Hamdi Bari Ta'ala,
07:12by Muhammad Ahmad Raza Qadri Mahmoodi.
07:14May Allah bless you with more blessings.
07:19Allama Hamid Hamza,
07:22what would you like to say to the Khawaja of Khawaja Ka Faizan,
07:30Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust,
07:32who is presenting his services with the passion of serving the people.
07:35In this time of Ramadan,
07:37we are in the midst of Jalwa-e-Faroz,
07:38I would like to ask you about the importance of Zakat,
07:43and especially,
07:44what would you like to say to the viewers,
07:47who are watching us right now,
07:49and what is the importance of Zakat.
07:52I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
07:54In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
07:57The manner in which you spoke about this welfare trust,
08:01is certainly a commendable thing.
08:04The manner in which this service to the people is taking place,
08:08is certainly a matter of great honour.
08:11Because, in reality, it is seen that,
08:16it is important to give the rightful to the rightful.
08:19And if we talk about Ramadan,
08:21this is the month in which the rain of Allah's mercy,
08:25is pouring down on the number of the believers.
08:29Then you see that,
08:29in the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:33in a large number,
08:35he pointed out that,
08:36the Zakat of one's wealth,
08:38and through charity and charity,
08:41should be given to the poor and needy.
08:44Then this month,
08:45this month has been declared by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:48as the month of Al-Mu'asad.
08:49This is the month,
08:51which has been declared by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:54as the month of Al-Mu'asad.
08:56Then you see that,
08:57in the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
08:58and in the Holy Quran,
08:59Allah has declared that,
09:01the one who has the Nisaab,
09:02which is our Nisaab,
09:04which is 7.5 tons of gold,
09:05and 52 tons of silver.
09:06When that Nisaab is reached to the believer,
09:09then Zakat has been declared obligatory on him.
09:12Now, to pay this Zakat,
09:14basically means that,
09:15when we are paying the Zakat,
09:18then our intention should be that,
09:20the money of this Zakat,
09:22should reach to the rightful person,
09:25and help him.
09:27Because you see,
09:28Islam has never liked that system,
09:31where a rich person becomes close to a rich person,
09:34or a poor person becomes close to a poor person.
09:36Whether that society is related to a monopolistic society,
09:40or that society is capitalism,
09:41Islam has always condemned that society.
09:44And this,
09:45we should understand this,
09:47that Allah Almighty,
09:48has given the example of those people,
09:50who are worthy of being praised,
09:53that those people,
09:55who spend a lot of money in Zakat and charity,
09:58they spend their money.
10:00Then in the Holy Quran,
10:01Allah Almighty has said,
10:02وَمِمَّا رَزَقْ لَهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ
10:04That the money that we have given you,
10:07out of that, what do they do?
10:09They spend it.
10:10I would like to tell you one thing,
10:14that when a person is given the opportunity,
10:16that is, he is given the opportunity to spend,
10:19when he thinks that this money has been given to him by Allah Almighty.
10:22No doubt, this is the case.
10:23Now you see,
10:24that through this money,
10:26first of all, we understand this,
10:28see, a whole concept of Zakat,
10:30if we understand this,
10:31today you see,
10:32that in the materialistic era,
10:33people are living in such a way,
10:35that they are earning money,
10:37they are earning money,
10:38but there is no blessing in it.
10:39This is the case.
10:40And not having that blessing,
10:42the biggest sign is that,
10:43we have not searched for its source.
10:46Allah, the Lord of Glory,
10:47has given many ways for the believers,
10:50if they are adopted,
10:52then certainly,
10:52there can be a blessing in our wealth.
10:54This is true.
10:55Then you,
10:55in the Hadith Mubarakah,
10:57as you mentioned this welfare trust,
10:59you mentioned it as a supplementary,
11:01Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Welfare Trust,
11:04that how it helps the poor.
11:07So you see,
11:08that the Hadith Mubarakah of Hazrat Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
11:10is mentioned abundantly.
11:12The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
11:14which was mentioned by Imam Tirmizi in his Sunan,
11:17Hazrat Abu Sa'id Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, says,
11:20that whoever feeds a person who is hungry,
11:23then Allah, the Lord of Glory,
11:24will give him fruit in Paradise.
11:26And then he says,
11:27that whoever feeds the hungry,
11:30and then he says,
11:30whoever gives water to the thirsty,
11:33for that,
11:33Allah will arrange in Paradise,
11:35that a special water will be given to him,
11:37which is called the Rahiq-e-Makhtum.
11:40And then in another Hadith Mubarakah,
11:41the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, said,
11:44that one of the things that make forgiveness obligatory,
11:48is to feed a hungry person.
11:49Now you see,
11:51how Allah, the Lord of Glory,
11:52and the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
11:55I would like to present another Hadith Mubarakah.
11:58Because the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,
11:59is Qasim.
12:00Allah is Qasim-e-Nimat.
12:02He is Qasim-e-Nimat.
12:03And Allah, the Almighty,
12:04has given you the keys to all the treasures of the universe.
12:08He is Qasim himself.
12:09He is the one who distributes.
12:10You are saying that Muhammad,
12:12by taking an oath,
12:14says that giving charity does not reduce wealth,
12:16but it increases it even more.
12:18So until we don't see these things,
12:20we will not pay attention to these things.
12:22The wealth that we have been given,
12:24if we get the blessing of spending that wealth in the way of Allah,
12:28then what greater blessing can there be?
12:30What else can there be?
12:31In reality, it is this,
12:32that through that wealth,
12:33because you see,
12:34this month of Ramadan is present in front of us,
12:37where the chain of good deeds,
12:40the ranks of good deeds keep on increasing,
12:43and the ranks of good deeds keep on increasing.
12:47So this is a very good and golden opportunity for our viewers
12:50that I will draw their attention to this,
12:52that they should join this trust,
12:54and the way in which these packages of wealth are being distributed.
13:00The ration package that we are preparing,
13:02is a ration package of Rs. 10,000.
13:06In which you can also guess that if we want to prepare that ration package of Rs. 10,000 for our homes,
13:13it is impossible in Ramadan.
13:15It is exactly like that.
13:16So, Alhamdulillah, this is being done.
13:18You see, preparing with this money and then delivering it to those poor people,
13:22is such a difficult task.
13:24So you see, we should definitely pay attention to this,
13:27and we should definitely look for the mercy of Allah.
13:33Then I would like to say one more thing in front of you,
13:36through which we will develop more passion to do good and to achieve good.
13:43You see, Shah Sahib, we see two things in doing charity.
13:49One is that when we are doing charity, what is your condition at that time?
13:54Then after that, you see, when you are doing charity,
13:57what has inspired you to do this charity?
14:02So these two things play a very important role.
14:05I read the blessed verses of the Holy Qur'an in front of you,
14:08because you see, there is no better example of charity than the house of the Holy Prophet.
14:18Here, he would bring something for you,
14:21and if a question came to you, it would be presented to him.
14:26In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says,
14:27that they feed people for the sake of Allah's love, not for the sake of anyone else.
14:39And the commentators write in reference to the glory of the revelation of this verse,
14:42that Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
14:44his family fasted for three days,
14:47and on the occasion of Iftar, a question came to him,
14:51and he was immediately given those things.
14:54You see, it is the occasion of Ramadan,
14:57and we are going through this phase ourselves,
14:59that we are fasting all day long,
15:00and there is hunger, thirst, and all these things.
15:03And then when the time of Iftar comes,
15:06how do we feel at that time?
15:07So how are our morals affected at that time?
15:11But you see, there is that family,
15:14that there is hunger and thirst,
15:16but if a question has come to the house,
15:18then that thing is presented to them.
15:20Now, what inspired them?
15:22You see, as I mentioned earlier,
15:24that what inspires them to be generous?
15:27So, the thing that inspired them to be generous,
15:29was the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger.
15:32For the sake of Allah's pleasure,
15:34for the sake of pleasing Him,
15:36they presented those things in the way of Allah.
15:38And Huzoor, moving forward to what you said,
15:41that this is also a statement of the attributes of a believer,
15:45وَيُسِرُونَ عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ بَلَوْ كَانَ بِهِمْ خَسْرًا
15:48That, no doubt, even though they themselves are in need,
15:51but they give precedence to those in need over their own selves.
15:55And they do not look at any situation,
15:58whether it is a situation of ease,
16:00or a situation of hardship,
16:01then they leave it behind,
16:03because the target at that time is to attain the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger.
16:07When the target has been set,
16:09then whether it is a situation of hardship,
16:11or a situation of ease,
16:12they leave it behind in the way of Allah,
16:14and the wealth is presented.
16:15So, I pray to Allah,
16:17may He enable us to truly serve people with sincerity.
16:23Huzoor, you have given this beautiful message to our viewers as well.
16:28The reality is, dear viewers,
16:31that all of us need to come out of our comfort zones.
16:36And by coming out of our comfort zones,
16:38we should support GIGN as much as we can,
16:43and move forward to become the hands and arms of GIGN.
16:46Dear viewers,
16:47if you would like to support GIGN in this grand feast of Pakistan,
16:55then just 400 Pakistani Rupees.
16:58If you donate,
16:59then in this amount,
17:01there are many villages, districts, and ghats in Pakistan,
17:05where people do not have basic necessities of life.
17:10They do not have food, or water to drink.
17:15There are many other basic necessities of life.
17:20Poor people are deprived of these basic necessities.
17:27So, when you organize a Dawah-e-Iftar for them,
17:31and those people sit there,
17:33your charity,
17:35your Zakat,
17:37the reason for your contribution,
17:39which you are presenting as 400 Rupees,
17:42for a Muslim,
17:44then not only will he do the Iftar in that amount,
17:48but also a special food will be presented to him.
17:53And when that person eats that food,
17:58then how many prayers will he make at that time?
18:01That one prayer,
18:02my belief is that it will be accepted by you as well.
18:05We need this co-operation.
18:07Just 400 Rupees for the Iftar,
18:10and 10,000 Rupees for your ration packages,
18:14which you can provide by presenting your wealth,
18:18by working together with this institution.
18:23Alhamdulillah, this is a continuous process.
18:26It will continue.
18:28This process will continue throughout the year.
18:31I would like to invite our guest, Sayyed Adnan Khalid,
18:35to join us today.
18:37Hazrat Allama Maulana Ameer Hamza Sahib.
18:39I am very grateful for your coming.
18:42Thank you very much for coming.
18:44And for the beautiful conversation,
18:46especially with regards to zakat,
18:47and its importance.
18:49And Muhammad Ahmed Raza Qadri Mahmoodi.
18:52Thank you very much for coming.
18:54In the end, we will include a poem in your voice.
18:57I would like to invite our guest, Sayyed Adnan Khalid.
19:02May Allah bless you.
19:04Oh, Karam Sarkar
19:09Ab Toh Ho Gahein
19:13Hum Beshwar
19:18Jaano Dil Tum Par
19:22Fida Hai Do
19:26Jahan Ke Tajdaar
19:31Ya Rasool Allah
19:36Sun Leeje
19:39Meri Fariyad Ko
19:44Kaun Hai Jo Ke
19:49Sun Tere Sehwa
19:53Meri Kukaar
19:58Kaun Hai Jo Ke
20:02Sun Tere Sehwa
20:07Meri Kukaar
20:12Aur Gumbadi Khazra
20:16Ke Jalwe Aur
20:20Ho Iftaariya
20:25Aur Gumbadi Khazra
20:29Ke Jalwe Aur
20:33Ho Iftaariya
20:38Yaad Aati Hai
20:42Bogat Ramza Mein
20:46Taiba Ki Bahaad
20:51Yaad Aati Hai
20:55Bogat Ramza Mein
20:59Taiba Ki Bahaad
21:04Jaano Dil Tum Par
21:08Fida Hai Do
21:11Jahan Ke Tajdaar
21:17Main Akela
21:22Basayil Zindagi
21:26Ke Be Shuman
21:30Aap Ki Kuch Ki