• 3 days ago
00:00Donny, here is the opportunity for North Carolina to look at
00:03everybody and say, you doubted our metrics, you doubted how
00:05good we were in terms of the quality of our resume. You
00:08don't think we should be in the NCAA tournament as the last team
00:12in. Here's the chance to prove them wrong and to start some
00:15March momentum. UNC three and a half point favorite in their
00:18opening round matchup in the first four, I should say,
00:22against San Diego State. How do you break down this game
00:24between the Tar Heels and the Astros?
00:25Yeah, obviously, we know the calling card for San Diego
00:27State for years has been their defense. And that certainly
00:30stands out at this point. But understand this, this line
00:32opened up for North Carolina as a favorite at minus three and a
00:34half points still sits right now at Fandu at minus three and a
00:37half points. However, other outlets been have moved to
00:39minus four and a half. So some of that money coming in on
00:42Carolina, and I technically agree with it. But a similar
00:45calling card to these games in Dayton, Ben, 144 and a half New
00:48Jersey, we posted here as a Fandu price now down to 142 and
00:52a half. And I expect those lines might even go lower than that
00:55point, because I just don't see a running match between North
00:58Carolina and San Diego State. But having said that, the more
01:00talented team is North Carolina. Let me see where this line ends
01:03up. Because I thought three and a half in that range was a fair
01:06price. You start talking four and a half and five points. I'm
01:09automatically going to San Diego State because understand this.
01:11Yes, Carolina is talented. But if the mo is when they step up
01:15in competition or play competition, it should be let's
01:17just say tournament worthy, haven't won those games. Now
01:20you're asking them to win by five plus points, it might be
01:22souped off.
