DISATER FLIGHT - Thriller Movies Full Movie English - Ruth Kearney - Steven Hartley
Short filmTranscript
00:00:30The new algorithm should increase uptime by at least 20%.
00:00:37Let's hope that's enough. We need to catch a break here.
00:00:46Today is the day, sir. I can do it. All systems are go.
00:00:52Excellent. Proceed to phase two.
00:01:00Initiating dispersal protocol now.
00:01:23Release all engines.
00:01:30Releasing the drones.
00:01:39They're in the air. First data burst coming in 3, 2, 1.
00:01:45Typing the data streams into little blue.
00:01:48Starting the predictive model.
00:01:50Alright, she's all yours.
00:01:52Alright, we are live. How's it looking on your end, Major?
00:02:07Looks good. Transmission is clear.
00:02:11Statistical accuracy at 42%, 44%, now 48%.
00:02:17Looks like we have a constant rise to target, Major.
00:02:23This is it.
00:02:25About 3,000 meters to our 10 o'clock, 18 degrees east.
00:02:33Let's switch it over.
00:02:36Hold on.
00:02:38Now at 55%.
00:02:40Drones are down 30%. We'll start to get a drop in data transmission in 30 seconds.
00:02:45Just hold on.
00:02:4757%. Stabilizing at target levels, Major.
00:02:50We're running out of time.
00:02:52Let's do this, people.
00:02:54Yes. Switching to auto controls now.
00:03:09Acceleration, Major.
00:03:11We're measuring a wind speed increase of 11%, sir.
00:03:1411%. Outstanding.
00:03:17Let's fly this plane.
00:03:20Ready to proceed to the next phase.
00:03:24Acceleration is increasing.
00:03:26Velocity up 18%.
00:03:31That's significantly higher than the model. Do we have a problem, Doctor?
00:03:36Cannot confirm at this time, Major.
00:03:39We're now at 23%.
00:03:43Ground speed 735 miles per hour.
00:03:50You're exceeding the structural limitations of the plane.
00:03:53Shut it down.
00:04:00Negative response. We're still accelerating, Major.
00:04:06Integrity of the jet stream is compromised. Keep diving. Get back to your seats.
00:04:13Lock in.
00:04:14Danger. Danger. Danger.
00:04:20We're down in the stream. Initiate shutdown protocols now.
00:04:27We need more power to break out of this.
00:04:29Smackdown on property.
00:04:37Danger. Danger. Danger.
00:04:44Lost contact, sir. I need the abort code.
00:04:48Hang on. Let's see if they can break out of this.
00:04:50The jet stream's been diverted.
00:04:52Diverted where?
00:04:54West coast, sir. Just north of San Francisco.
00:04:57Abort code. Tango Delta.
00:05:08C7 California.
00:05:11No. Actually, I am a scientist. I was going to be a scientist. I was going to go further than that.
00:05:18But now here I am. I'm a weatherman.
00:05:20Okay, more energy. More energy.
00:05:22I'm Steve, Sonny Simpson.
00:05:25When you're looking for the guy that knows Seattle's weather, I'm the weather.
00:05:29Let's see.
00:05:31This is forward, right?
00:05:33Okay, let's try it again.
00:05:35But this thing's not knocking on our door yet. It's way out in the scatland.
00:05:39Does anybody even know where the scatlands are? Are they east-west?
00:05:43Oh, they're east. Okay.
00:05:45Going again?
00:05:48What? We're live?
00:05:54Normal high in the Seattle area this year.
00:05:59So it looks like another Steve, Sonny Simpson week.
00:06:03Kilometers? Are we doing the Canadian version or the American version?
00:06:08Here we go.
00:06:10I have winds gusting up into the 60 kilometers per hour.
00:06:15Just about midnight.
00:06:17On the way. We'll talk about that in a moment.
00:06:20In a moment. In a moment. In a moment.
00:06:25Good morning, Seattle. Take a deep breath.
00:06:28The air is fresh and clean thanks to the frequent thunderstorms.
00:06:30They've been hitting us all week.
00:06:32The weather guy swears to me we've got nothing but blue sky ahead of us.
00:06:35That doesn't go for the Seattle Thunderbirds, of course.
00:06:37Yet they're 0 and 14 and looking for Wayne in the record books.
00:06:40If you ask me, we can do it.
00:06:42Let's see if we can't take the blues.
00:06:45There you go. Just sent you my analysis.
00:06:48Excellent. We look forward to reviewing it.
00:06:51Okay, so listen, Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, whoever you are.
00:06:54This armchair analyst thing you have me doing here, it's fallen short.
00:06:57We really need some on-the-ground observations.
00:07:00What are you proposing?
00:07:02Well, it looks to me like one of these anomalies is forming kind of close to here.
00:07:06How can you tell?
00:07:08I don't know. I can just tell. Call it a hunch.
00:07:12Anyway, here's an idea.
00:07:14How about we go up there together, we make some observations, and we finally meet?
00:07:18That's not recommended.
00:07:20What do you mean not recommended?
00:07:22There's no substitute for direct observation.
00:07:24Plus, I think I deserve to know who I've been dealing with.
00:07:27We strongly advise you stay clear of that area.
00:07:31Why? What's the issue? Why won't you just...
00:07:33Oh, my...
00:07:36Hello? Over here? Your fiancé?
00:07:39Oh, I'm sorry, baby. Come here. Come here. Come here.
00:07:43Come here.
00:07:45Who are you talking to?
00:07:47I wish I knew. It's this same anonymous caller.
00:07:50They keep feeding me data and asking me questions.
00:07:52Really? You expect me to believe that?
00:07:55Why would they be feeding you data?
00:07:57I don't know. I guess they value my input.
00:08:00And who might they be?
00:08:02I can't keep telling you, baby. I have no idea.
00:08:04It's probably some climate research team that's stuck and they need some insight.
00:08:08From you? A research team?
00:08:10What do you mean, from me?
00:08:14Oh, you mean from a guy who got kicked out of his doctoral program for plagiarism.
00:08:19Okay, I didn't say that, so stop being so sensitive.
00:08:24Besides, I thought they called it cheating.
00:08:25Yeah, same thing. I get it. Okay.
00:08:28Okay, plagiarism.
00:08:30Okay, stop.
00:08:32Look, you know I'll stand by you no matter what.
00:08:34You've just got a great opportunity here.
00:08:37As the KPQR weatherman?
00:08:41Steve, you've got to let go of the past.
00:08:43You've got a new job ahead of you and rocking the boat like this is risky.
00:08:46I'm not rocking the boat. I've been tracking these weird patterns for months now.
00:08:49My predictive algorithms show that they're going to spike.
00:08:51I just, I wish you could forget all this and focus on your job.
00:08:54My job is to predict the weather, Ange.
00:08:57No, that is a scientist's job.
00:08:59And that didn't pan out, which, you know, is fine by me.
00:09:02But your job is to, you know, deliver your lines and look cute and be funny.
00:09:07And you're great at that.
00:09:09Jack knows it, too. He's grooming you.
00:09:11Jack, please.
00:09:15Speak of the devil.
00:09:17Please, think about it for me.
00:09:18I have.
00:09:20This is Steve.
00:09:24Come on, buddy. Where's the nickname we worked out?
00:09:27Steve Sonny Simpson. Weather guy. Friendly. Easy on the eye. Right? With me?
00:09:33Sonny. Sonny Simpson. Yeah, sure. You know, we don't want to alienate the average show.
00:09:37Alienate? God forbid.
00:09:39We are entertainers, Sonny boy. Hold on a sec.
00:09:42Well, what the hell is this? Get him in here.
00:09:44That's what I love about this job.
00:09:46Entertainment opens up opportunities to inspire, to educate, to make a difference in the world.
00:09:51Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell are you talking about?
00:09:55This is about ratings.
00:09:57I don't know what difference you're planning on making, but this is all about ratings.
00:10:02So let's see if we can't give them a boost, huh?
00:10:04Lighten up. Bring some levity to the game.
00:10:07My bottom line goes down when their bottom line goes down.
00:10:10You got that?
00:10:11Go, go, go.
00:10:13Yeah, I can do that, Jack. You know, I can do some light banter and, you know, we can have a little more fun with it. That's cool.
00:10:18Maybe try something where you wear different outfits, you know, like reflecting the weather.
00:10:23So if it's snow, like wear a big coat.
00:10:26If it's rain, maybe a rain hat.
00:10:29If it's a sunny day, maybe a college shirt.
00:10:34Wow, Jack. You know what, man? That's really...
00:10:37The original.
00:10:38Let's try injecting some sex appeal. How about a speedo?
00:10:41A speedo? Are you serious?
00:10:44Serious as a heart attack.
00:10:46Yeah, you know what, Jack? I don't think that's going to play too well.
00:10:50Oh, come on, Sonny. Get with the program.
00:10:53Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on.
00:10:56I got another brainstorm.
00:10:59Weatherman gone wild.
00:11:02Weatherman gone wild?
00:11:04Yeah, you know what, Jack?
00:11:05Weatherman gone wild?
00:11:07Yeah, you know, like girls gone wild, teens gone wild.
00:11:11Weatherman gone wild.
00:11:13Weather's gone crazy, so is the weatherman.
00:11:15Weatherman gone wild. Think about it.
00:11:17It's got YouTube virality written all over it.
00:11:19Weatherman gone wild.
00:11:21I want you to think about it. Come on, say it back to me, Steve. Say it back to me.
00:11:26Weatherman gone wild.
00:11:28There you go. Say it again.
00:11:30You know what, this is really interesting, but I got something I got to talk to you about.
00:11:32Just say it back to me. Come on. Weatherman gone wild.
00:11:35Weatherman gone wild. Okay? I'm going to think about it, but listen.
00:11:38I got this huge scoop. It's an unbelievable story.
00:11:41What? Like a weather scoop?
00:11:43Yeah. All I need is a camera crew and a field truck.
00:11:45Who do you think you are? Tom Brokaw?
00:11:48I'll give you a van and a cameraman. What are you going to give me, Weatherman?
00:11:52Jack, I'm going to give you footage you have never seen before.
00:11:56That's what I love about you, Sonny boy. You get it.
00:11:59What are we talking about here? Give me the pitch.
00:12:02Okay, check it out, Jack.
00:12:04There's going to be a convergence in the jet stream that's going to cause this huge weather anomaly.
00:12:09It's going to be out of this world.
00:12:11Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell are you talking about?
00:12:14Um, I'm talking about Weatherman gone wild.
00:12:20You know, it's going to be off the charts.
00:12:22Richter, Weatherman gone wild. I'm all in.
00:12:24Now you're talking. Save all the cerebral nonsense for the Discovery Channel.
00:12:28I want ratings. I want Weatherman gone wild.
00:12:30Yeah, I hear you, brother. Okay, cool. Weatherman gone wild. I got it. Over and out.
00:12:36The guy is out of his mind.
00:12:42You promised me something.
00:12:44Sure, anything, baby.
00:12:46No more anonymous calls, okay? It doesn't feel right.
00:12:50I have no idea who's calling me.
00:12:52Okay, whatever. Just no more, right?
00:12:55Okay. I love you.
00:12:58Love you.
00:13:01Weatherman gone wild.
00:13:04Yeah, baby.
00:13:06You better look out when you get home tonight.
00:13:24No signal.
00:13:31So how'd you get into this racket anyway, Louie?
00:13:35News cameraman. How'd you get into it?
00:13:38Did you always want to be a cameraman?
00:13:40Did you play with cameras as a kid?
00:13:42You know, stuff like that?
00:13:44Gotta pay the bills.
00:13:46Keeps the ball and chain happy.
00:13:50You mean the wife.
00:13:52The wife.
00:14:00The wife.
00:14:31What's happening?
00:14:33You know, I was born in Budapest, Hungary.
00:14:36Went to the same film school as Vilmos Zygmunt.
00:14:39Vilmos Zygmunt?
00:14:41Vilmos Zygmunt.
00:14:43Great cinematographer.
00:14:45Shot movies for Steven Spielberg.
00:14:47Spielberg? Really?
00:14:49Yeah, and I shoot the KPQR morning news.
00:14:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:14:55Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:14:58Yeah, and I shoot the KPQR morning news.
00:15:01I hear you, man. Life's a bitch, huh?
00:15:04And then you die.
00:15:06Are you sure there's a story here?
00:15:09Not much to look at.
00:15:11Louie, see those cirrocumulus clouds right there?
00:15:15That's what I want you to focus on.
00:15:20Well, I thought it was something more to do with weathermen going wild.
00:15:26I'm sure Jack was thinking about this.
00:15:28I don't care what Jack's thinking about.
00:15:30This is a huge scoop, Louie.
00:15:32The jet stream's not supposed to change.
00:15:34It's a constant.
00:15:36It's like gravity got shot off in the middle of the night.
00:15:38So no girls in bikinis, huh?
00:15:40Just roll the camera.
00:15:42The clouds are perfect right now.
00:15:44Perfect, you say?
00:15:46Nobody's ever seen anything like this.
00:15:50How about you just indulge me a little bit?
00:15:52I'll indulge you all you want.
00:15:53I heard that this is supposed to be a live broadcast.
00:15:59Yeah, they want us to do it live.
00:16:02I thought we were just getting some B-roll.
00:16:05Now, are you ready with your stand-up weathermen going wild?
00:16:11It's a story about climate change.
00:16:13The jet stream changing course.
00:16:15I don't want to rain on your parade, but this is no PBS.
00:16:19Yeah, I hear you.
00:16:20Now, Steve, just relax.
00:16:25Play the fact that you're on a live shoot and nothing's happening.
00:16:29Trust me, this won't be the first time.
00:16:32Really? Thanks, Louie.
00:16:35No problem, kid.
00:16:37You going to stand there?
00:16:39Yeah, just don't forget to pan up to the sky.
00:16:41Yeah, got it.
00:16:43Here we go.
00:16:50Boy, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
00:16:52Speaking of hot and wild, here's our own Steve Sunny Simpson,
00:16:58the weatherman gone wild with an incredible story.
00:17:01Sunny, what do you have for us?
00:17:04How's it going back there?
00:17:06Fine, Steve. The question is, how's it going there?
00:17:09Right. Well, what if I told you that in the middle of the night, gravity got shut off?
00:17:15That's exactly what I said.
00:17:16Why don't you take a look at this?
00:17:18That's a classic cirrocumulus cloud.
00:17:21They exist between 25,000 and 40,000 feet in the jet stream.
00:17:25But notice how it's shredded.
00:17:27What I'm saying is that the jet stream as we've known it has changed fundamentally.
00:17:33That's fascinating, Sunny.
00:17:35So, what are we looking at in our future?
00:17:38I mean, in terms of weather.
00:17:40It's kind of hard to tell from here, but...
00:17:46What is that?
00:18:02What do you expect us to tell the President, Major?
00:18:05Have you lost control of Thor's hammer?
00:18:07Lost control?
00:18:10What you're looking at is proof of concept.
00:18:12Thor's hammer is going to be one of the most powerful weapon systems ever created.
00:18:16This is not going to get developed without some degree of collateral damage.
00:18:20I'm not exactly sure what your expectations are.
00:18:26We expect the collateral damage to remain below acceptable levels.
00:18:33You give me the eggs, I'll make the omelet.
00:18:42Proceed, Major.
00:18:44Yes, ma'am. Wouldn't have it any other way.
00:19:12What is that?
00:19:42What is that?
00:20:12Hold on, Bowie! Hold on! Hold on!
00:20:17Hold on, Bowie! Stay with me! Bowie!
00:20:42He's awake!
00:20:51He's awake!
00:21:00Hey, Daisy. Looking pretty cute today.
00:21:03Hey, folks. The jet stream is moving a lot these days.
00:21:06And it's really sort of traveling in a direction here.
00:21:10And it's spawning these little spinning depressive things that's hovering right above our heads.
00:21:16Hey, baby.
00:21:19Big day. You ready to go home?
00:21:22Aren't you a sight for sore eyes.
00:21:24Watching your favorite show?
00:21:28To the north and into the east. Bringing in a lot of punch.
00:21:31Where that rain come out of there?
00:21:33They all got it wrong.
00:21:36Don't worry about them, okay?
00:21:38Jack called.
00:21:40They've got a whole new show planned for you.
00:21:43Tornado Man.
00:21:47Baby, Tornado Man.
00:21:49This is gonna get you on the anchor track.
00:21:51That was no Tornado Ant.
00:21:54You don't know what you're talking about.
00:21:56You're a celebrity now.
00:21:58A celebrity? What are you talking about?
00:22:00You're Tornado Man.
00:22:02Okay, you have to see this video. You're probably the only person who's not seen this.
00:22:11Almost two million views.
00:22:14Notice how it's shredded.
00:22:16What I'm saying is that the jet stream, as we've noted, has changed fundamentally.
00:22:22That's fascinating, Sonny.
00:22:24So, what are we looking at in our future?
00:22:27I mean, in terms of weather.
00:22:29Yeah, it's kind of hard to tell from here, but...
00:22:33What is that?
00:22:34It's kind of hard to tell from here, but...
00:22:36What is that?
00:23:00Isn't that amazing?
00:23:01It has almost two million views.
00:23:04Okay, wait until you see this.
00:23:08You're even on a T-shirt.
00:23:12Do you know what, Ange? I mean, that's great. Yeah, a million views.
00:23:15But Louie is dead.
00:23:17How do you think this makes me feel?
00:23:20Yeah, I know.
00:23:22I took him out there. He was my responsibility.
00:23:24Baby, it was an accident.
00:23:26No, no, it wasn't, Ange.
00:23:29Listen to me.
00:23:31I got a call from those anonymous people, and they warned me not to go out there.
00:23:36But I went out there anyway.
00:23:38Do you hear what I'm saying?
00:23:40They told me not to go.
00:23:43Steve, I've stood by you for two years, helping you rebuild your life.
00:23:50And suddenly this great opportunity has come along, and...
00:23:54Look, I feel bad for Louie and his family, too.
00:23:57Believe me, I do.
00:23:58But no matter what you do now, there's no bringing him back.
00:24:05Will you just think about it?
00:24:10I'm gonna go and handle your release papers, okay?
00:24:29Man, it's kind of hard to tell from here, but...
00:24:32What is that?
00:24:35What is that?
00:24:38That's fascinating, Sonny.
00:24:40So, what are we looking at in our future?
00:24:43I mean, in terms of weather.
00:24:45Man, it's kind of hard to tell from here, but...
00:24:51What is that?
00:24:53What is that?
00:24:55What is that?
00:24:56What is that?
00:25:02Yeah, hello?
00:25:04Hey, yo, yo, yo, is this Tornado Man? Do I have the honor?
00:25:07Ah, hey, Jack.
00:25:09How's it all coming together, buddy? I understand you're almost on your feet.
00:25:12So when can I expect you back?
00:25:14I want Tornado Man on the air.
00:25:16Yeah, you know, I'm not sure I want to be back on the air.
00:25:20What the hell are you talking about?
00:25:21You know, with Louie and everything, I just...
00:25:23I don't know if I want to be a weatherman anymore, Jack.
00:25:30Listen to me, buddy.
00:25:32Bad things happen to good people.
00:25:35Now, you want to spend your life moping, or you want to move on?
00:25:39I just...
00:25:41I don't know if I can get it...
00:25:43Listen to me.
00:25:45You got a bright future.
00:25:47You gotta weather these things.
00:25:49You understand what I'm saying?
00:25:53When can I expect you back?
00:25:55When's Tornado Man coming back?
00:25:57Jack, listen, I just need some time, man.
00:25:59I can't commit right now.
00:26:01Okay, Steve, be straight with me.
00:26:03Are you fielding other offers right now? If so, who are you talking to?
00:26:05It's not like that, Jack, alright? I gotta go.
00:26:07Wait, hold on a sec.
00:26:09Hang on a sec.
00:26:14It's gotta be CNN. I'm gonna have to swing the offer.
00:26:21Oh, man.
00:26:23We're relieved to hear you survived the incident.
00:26:25Yeah? Who is we, exactly?
00:26:28That information cannot be disclosed at this time.
00:26:31What do you people want from me?
00:26:33Access to the data figures to predict the location of the event.
00:26:37You know what data I've used.
00:26:39What model did you use to make the prediction?
00:26:42You want answers from me?
00:26:44You're gonna have to answer my questions.
00:26:46Sounds to me like you guys opened Pandora's box and let out something you can't control.
00:26:50Why don't you guys just tell me who this is?
00:26:52We are asking the questions.
00:26:54No, I'm asking the questions!
00:26:56I went out there, I got someone killed!
00:26:58I want some answers!
00:27:00You were warned. You did not hear a warning.
00:27:03This conversation is over.
00:27:20Oh, my bloody schedule, this shot.
00:27:24There's half a dozen lorries behind this one.
00:27:27Come on, get a bloody move on!
00:27:34You what?
00:27:36Say what?
00:27:38What did you say to me, boy?
00:27:39Hey, boy.
00:27:49Well, thank you.
00:27:56You're all right, you are.
00:28:39In London, a freak weather condition caused fish to rain from the sky.
00:28:43They're estimating nearly 100,000 fish came down in the space of just a few minutes.
00:28:48Experts say a cyclone in the Atlantic was responsible for what many are taking to be a biblical sign of the end of days.
00:28:56Where we come from, there's an ancient prophecy that says that when a man challenges God, he is punished.
00:29:06Is this how you're planning on spending your day again?
00:29:09In front of the computer with the TV on, like some kind of loser?
00:29:14Come on, baby, is this what losers look like?
00:29:17You don't want me to answer that question.
00:29:19Hey, doctor said I should stay off my feet for a week.
00:29:22He said that two weeks ago, okay?
00:29:25Ever since you came out of your coma, you've been obsessing about this not-a-tornado thing.
00:29:29Well, it turns out my hunch may be right.
00:29:31Something is destabilizing the jet stream and it's becoming dangerous and unpredictable.
00:29:35Okay, stop it, Steve.
00:29:37You're not a scientist anymore.
00:29:39Actually, I was working on my PhD in meteorology and atmospheric engineering.
00:29:44Okay, don't talk to me like I'm stupid.
00:29:47You know that I hate that.
00:29:49Alright, look, um, I'm sorry, baby.
00:29:51It's just, you know, I...
00:29:53Look, okay, whatever you were, they're never gonna let you be that again.
00:30:01I'm sorry, but that part of your life is over.
00:30:04Your life is over.
00:30:06You have a new life now with me and instead of giving it a go, you're just throwing it away.
00:30:12You should be capitalizing on this YouTube video thing.
00:30:15Oh, come on, YouTube? Are you...
00:30:17No, I mean, you know, TV, a book deal, at least renegotiate your contract with the station.
00:30:22But all you're doing is sitting in front of the computer researching something that nobody believes ever happened.
00:30:29It was a freak accident, okay?
00:30:32A tornado.
00:30:35And now you're just in this vicious downward spiral.
00:30:40Wait, what'd you just say?
00:30:42It was a tornado.
00:30:44No, no, after that.
00:30:46Vicious downward spiral?
00:30:49Oh my God, that's it, that's it, that's what I've been looking for, that's brilliant.
00:30:56You just said something that helped me solve this problem that I've been working on for like a month.
00:30:59What are you doing?
00:31:01Oh my God.
00:31:05Baby, you have no...
00:31:08This is huge, you have no idea.
00:31:15Gotta go to work.
00:31:40Are you seriously considering allowing a pile of fish to derail this program?
00:31:44The British are asking questions. Their experts believe this was a motivated incident.
00:31:48We'll be in a politically vulnerable position when the program is revealed.
00:31:54And why would we ever feel a need to reveal it?
00:32:00Our fingerprints have to remain invisible, Major.
00:32:05Let me clarify something.
00:32:07This weapons system leaves no fingerprint whatsoever.
00:32:12We are on the verge of transforming America's strategic position back to a level where we will again be unstoppable.
00:32:20If we discontinue this program, do you think the Chinese will?
00:32:24What about the Russians?
00:32:26We need to swallow our fears and remember what we're fighting for.
00:32:31This is all well understood, Major.
00:32:33However, we must warn you.
00:32:35The success of this program will have many fathers.
00:32:38But its failure will be an orphan.
00:32:40Are we clear?
00:32:44We're clear.
00:32:47Thank you for your confidence.
00:32:49I'm sure we'll get through this together.
00:32:51We're clear.
00:32:53Thank you for your confidence.
00:32:58What can I do for you, Doctor?
00:33:00Security's been tracking Steve Simpson's research.
00:33:02The weatherman?
00:33:04Yeah. He may have had a breakthrough.
00:33:06I have it keyed up down below if you'd like to take a look.
00:33:08The weatherman solved a billion-dollar problem that an entire research facility couldn't?
00:33:13More like discovered a deeper problem.
00:33:15Go on.
00:33:17When we took control of the jet stream and accelerated, we destabilized a natural phenomenon.
00:33:21Higher speeds might have led to a complex series of chain reactions that may be impossible to model.
00:33:27Doctor, I know all this.
00:33:29But the feeling that it's leading to a complete breakdown of many processes that have contributed to...
00:33:32Bottom line.
00:33:36Imagine the jet stream cycling the world, accelerating itself over and over again.
00:33:41At first, it might create many jet streams,
00:33:44splintering off unpredictably, randomly from the source.
00:33:47But soon, as it increases in power, the rogue streams grow as well,
00:33:49increasing in size, growing to the larger than any city, any country, any continent.
00:33:55They engulf the entire planet.
00:33:59So how do we control it?
00:34:02I don't think we can.
00:34:04No. Wrong answer. How do we control it?
00:34:07We have passed the tipping point here, Major.
00:34:11We were the catalyst. We created it. That means we can control it.
00:34:15I'm going to ask you one more time. How do we control it?
00:34:19I'm telling you that life on this planet is about to face a major readjustment.
00:34:25Do you think you're the first scientist to say it's the end of the world?
00:34:31When they dropped the atom bomb, they all said, it's the end of the world.
00:34:35When they developed the neutron bomb, they said, again, it's the end of the world.
00:34:40Let me give you a hint.
00:34:42The only thing that leads to the end of the world is the end of the world.
00:34:45If we started it, we can control it, and that's exactly what we're going to do.
00:34:51I just... I think that I'm just missing some pieces of the puzzle.
00:34:57I need some help.
00:35:02You have all the resources of the United States military.
00:35:09I need to bring Simpson in.
00:35:12The weatherman again.
00:35:16How do you think he's going to feel when he sees you?
00:35:21How will he react when he looks around and sees his life's work has been weaponized?
00:35:29He only needs to understand the more mundane uses of foreign.
00:35:34We created all this to bring rain to the desert.
00:35:40That's my problem.
00:35:41No, your problems are my problems, and I don't want to carry your baggage.
00:35:51We need to bring in Simpson.
00:36:01Bring in the weatherman.
00:36:03Bring in the weatherman.
00:36:10Hey, it's sunny in Seattle, so let's take a look at how the day is developing with Chopper Phil in the morning traffic report.
00:36:21Oh, yeah. I'm down here, honey. I fell asleep at my desk.
00:36:27Baby, you should take it easy on yourself. What were you doing?
00:36:32You know what? I'm really not quite sure what I was doing.
00:36:38But I think I have a feeling I know what I'm doing today.
00:36:45Yeah? What's that?
00:36:49I'm going to go in. I'm going to talk to Jack, and maybe we'll launch this Tornado Man thing.
00:36:56Maybe he'll give me a show.
00:36:57Make it fun with some fun facts. You know, mix in some of that weatherman gone wild stuff, I guess.
00:37:06That sounds great, baby.
00:37:09You know, it's still pretty early. You want to come upstairs for a snuggle?
00:37:53Want some breakfast?
00:37:54No, I'm good. I'm going to grab some at the office. I want to get in and close Jack, you know?
00:37:58That's the spirit. See, I told you, it's good to let go sometimes.
00:38:02Yeah, you know, what's the worst that could happen? The end of the world?
00:38:06Well, it's not.
00:38:14What was I thinking?
00:38:17Hey, you want to grab lunch at the Green Tavern?
00:38:20Yeah, sure.
00:38:22Alright, sounds good.
00:38:24Don't be late, alright?
00:38:27Good morning, sir. Are you Steven Simpson?
00:38:34I'm Agent Bo. I'm going to need you to come with us.
00:38:38Hey, sweetie, don't forget to make a reservation. You know how crazy it gets there.
00:38:43Yeah, sure. I'll get it covered. Don't sweat it.
00:38:46Right now?
00:38:47Yes, sir.
00:38:49What's this about?
00:38:51It's a matter of national security.
00:38:58Do you understand?
00:39:01Who are you talking to, sweetie?
00:39:05Oh, uh, I'm just talking to myself, baby. You know, a little crazy morning talk. That kind of stuff.
00:39:12We need to go, sir.
00:39:15Alright, just give me a second, okay?
00:39:22Um, you know what? The funniest thing? I don't think I can make lunch. Something just came up.
00:39:30What is it?
00:39:32It's Jack. He wants to go over some ideas for this new show.
00:39:38How did he know you were even coming in? You just told me this morning.
00:39:42I just... I know. It's just crazy coincidence. Great minds think alike, you know?
00:39:49Right. Okay, well, um, good luck.
00:39:52Alright. I gotta go. I love you. Bye. Bye.
00:40:12Sorry. No outside communications.
00:40:16Dude, you just rejected my girlfriend's call. You know what she's gonna do?
00:40:22You must be a single fella.
00:40:25Must be.
00:40:27Here, take a look at this.
00:40:30Wow. Top secret document just for me?
00:41:12What the fuck?
00:41:29Come on, come on!
00:41:41We have breaking news coming in.
00:41:43The midwestern town of Madison, Wisconsin was apparently wiped off the map today
00:41:48after what we're hearing might have been the most powerful tornado on record.
00:41:53It touched down just moments ago.
00:41:55Collateral damage, Major.
00:41:57Success doesn't come without a price.
00:42:00Put on your big board pants and get back to work.
00:42:12What is this place?
00:42:15This is the operations room.
00:42:17What's it for?
00:42:20Why don't you go talk to your buddy over there? I'm sure he'll fill you in.
00:42:27Hello, Steve.
00:42:34Now it all makes sense.
00:42:35Who else would have knowledge of my thesis but not understand it besides the guy who stole it?
00:42:40I didn't steal it from you.
00:42:44You know, we were partners for six years. You were my friend.
00:42:47And you turn around, you accuse me of stealing government documents, plagiarism.
00:42:51You testify against me!
00:42:54It's not that simple, Steve.
00:42:56I guess not.
00:42:58Because you up and vanished.
00:42:59You know, the people back home, they actually thought I had something to do with your disappearance.
00:43:04But the whole time you were here, wherever the hell we are, working some secret government program.
00:43:11You wanted to publish, to give it all away.
00:43:14Our gift to humanity?
00:43:16Listen, Mr. Open Source.
00:43:18Did you really think the government was just going to let you give that kind of power away?
00:43:22Daniel, what have you done?
00:43:24Tell me you've not turned this into a weapon.
00:43:26Same ideals.
00:43:28Using weather for the betterment of man.
00:43:31It's just under better control now.
00:43:35Look, I didn't have a choice.
00:43:37Everyone has a choice!
00:43:39That's true.
00:43:42So now you have to make a choice, Mr. Simpson.
00:43:46And who the hell are you?
00:43:48Major Nichols Shaw, United States Air Force.
00:43:52A genius.
00:43:53The United States Air Force.
00:43:56The genie's out of the bottle.
00:43:58So you two can work together.
00:44:02Or you can die together.
00:44:05The builder's choice.
00:44:46Sorry, but you make most of the work, we'll say.
00:44:53All right.
00:45:20A hundred square miles just wiped off the map.
00:45:24Why is this happening?
00:45:26Well, when you geniuses accelerated the jet stream, because of the magnetic field, it created a dynamo.
00:45:33The faster it goes, the more energy it creates.
00:45:35But unlike a real dynamo, there's no friction at 40,000 feet to slow it down.
00:45:40Instead, there's this natural push from the warming effect of the sun and the Earth's rotation.
00:45:45I hadn't thought it out.
00:45:47Yeah, well, next time you mess with a planet, you might want to.
00:45:50Oh, what are you talking about?
00:45:52There ain't gonna be no next time.
00:45:54Yeah, I'm done.
00:45:56Mr. Simpson.
00:45:58Look at me. Focus.
00:46:00Now, we need to get back on point and figure out how to control it.
00:46:04The question is, how do you stop that which is unstoppable?
00:46:20That's it. I got it.
00:46:23The only force strong enough to spin down the jet stream is the jet stream itself.
00:46:28We splinter off a portion of the stream, turn it around, ram it back into the main current.
00:46:33Make a U-turn and slam it back into the main stream.
00:46:37That's your big idea?
00:46:38Yeah, genius. Sometimes the simplest ones are the best ones.
00:46:41Unfortunately, we don't have nearly that kind of control.
00:46:44Well, if you're taking into account the dynamo effect and building the algorithm, we would.
00:46:49We've had hundreds of scientists, the best minds in the world, working on this for years.
00:46:57What makes you think you're right?
00:47:00A hunch?
00:47:03A hunch.
00:47:07A weatherman's intuition.
00:47:12Let's get to work.
00:47:19Let's go.
00:47:22You ready for this, boys?
00:47:24Alright, let's do it.
00:47:42That is a big plane.
00:47:44Oh, no, no, no, don't. Please.
00:47:48I told you, no outside communications.
00:47:51Come on, man, let me just call her back, please.
00:47:53This is going to make her a little bit crazy. She goes nuts when I reject her calls.
00:47:57Now, for the first rejection back in the car, I can explain it, I can sell that, make it look like an accident.
00:48:02But a second one, that's a serious offense.
00:48:05Mr. Simpson, I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
00:48:10I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
00:48:13And it's really not my problem.
00:48:18Assistant, this is it.
00:48:20That's my girl. No, no, please don't. Don't, don't, don't.
00:48:23Hey, I'm rejecting her call. I'm not putting a bullet in her kneecap.
00:48:27Listen to me. She will call the phone company and place a trace on this call. You don't need that.
00:48:32What I don't need is a breach of security protocol.
00:48:34I understand. I promise you. You can stay right here and listen to everything I say.
00:48:39If I say one thing that's not kosher, you can shoot me.
00:48:42Put a bullet in my kneecap or whatever you call it in your world.
00:48:45Don't tell me, Mr. Simpson.
00:48:48No matter what you say, it can't be the truth or anywhere near it.
00:48:52Okay, okay. I got it. I got it. Thank you.
00:48:55Hey, baby.
00:48:57Steve, where are you? I called your office. You haven't been in all day. What are you doing?
00:49:01You know, something came up.
00:49:06Okay. All right. Honey, I'm at a meeting.
00:49:09You're at a meeting. It's 10 p.m. at night. Who are you with?
00:49:12Well, this Bolivian coffee magnate, Hugo Chavez.
00:49:18He wants to fly me down to Bolivia and study weather patterns that are affecting their coffee crop.
00:49:24Are you being serious right now? Do you think I'm stupid?
00:49:28Hugo Chavez is the president of Venezuela.
00:49:32What's that sound? Are you at an airport?
00:49:36Yeah, I'm going on a trip to Bolivia.
00:49:39With Hugo Chavez. Okay, Steve, are you with that girl?
00:49:44Babe, there is no other girl. I'm just caught up in a situation.
00:49:47Right, right, Steve. Okay.
00:49:49And you gotta trust me on this one. I promise you, there is no other girl.
00:49:56Okay, but you need to tell me where you are exactly.
00:49:59An airport.
00:50:01What airport, Steve?
00:50:03I don't know. Honestly, I have no idea.
00:50:07Why? Why are you lying to me?
00:50:10Okay, time's up, 007.
00:50:12Listen, baby, I gotta go. I should be home tomorrow. I love you. I love you so much. Okay, bye.
00:50:30I feel better now.
00:50:32Yeah, just great.
00:50:48Looks like Mr. Simpson's prediction is holding true.
00:50:51We have a rogue jet stream forming just off the west coast.
00:50:55We only have one shot at this. Let's make it count, people.
00:50:58Failure is not an option.
00:51:09Tom 1, check.
00:51:11And I'm rolling.
00:51:13Check. Alright, Tom 2.
00:51:15Check. Alright, you can land, please.
00:51:21Let's get this show on the road.
00:51:27Let's get this show on the road.
00:51:57Let's get this show on the road.
00:52:13We have a bearing on the center of the convergence.
00:52:16Altitude 10,000 feet, speed 350 miles per hour.
00:52:22It's gonna be a bumpy ride, boys.
00:52:25Buckle up.
00:52:27We're in for a bumpy ride, but we're gonna be safe, right?
00:52:30This is a big jet. It can handle those shearing forces, yeah?
00:52:33Sure, that's what these planes are built for.
00:52:43Danger! Danger! Danger!
00:52:53No problem.
00:52:54No problem.
00:52:56Great. I feel safer now.
00:53:01There he is. Jet stream convergence is just ahead. Everyone sat down behind him.
00:53:06I'm not sure how this is gonna go.
00:53:09Here we go!
00:53:18Come on. Come on, baby. Hold on.
00:53:20Give me a 10-degree flap.
00:53:2210 degrees.
00:53:25I got power slightly degenerated pre-abort.
00:53:28You want me to take him offline?
00:53:30Negative. We're gonna have to ride it out.
00:53:36What the hell's going on back there?
00:53:38I don't know, man. I think he was electrocuted.
00:53:41Jesus. Check his pulse.
00:53:43No pulse. Beginning CPR.
00:53:48You're doing it all wrong.
00:53:50I got this, man. I saw this on Baywatch.
00:53:55Come on.
00:53:57Come on, Sable!
00:54:04We gotta turn around. This man needs help.
00:54:12Not anymore.
00:54:17Aw, come on!
00:54:19Military operations don't just end because people die, Mr. Simpson.
00:54:25Now get to your workstations while I secure the body.
00:54:34Military mission.
00:54:39This is purely a weapon. This had nothing to do with making it rain in the desert.
00:54:43That's what I've been trying to tell you.
00:54:45You turned my work into a loaded gun.
00:54:47They were gonna steal it anyway. I tried to guide it and keep it humanitarian, but I was wrong.
00:54:50Oh, Jesus.
00:54:52You were right the whole time.
00:54:54Power corrupts absolutely.
00:55:04This is it, gentlemen.
00:55:06Ground zero for the jet stream is Seattle, Washington,
00:55:09then moving southbound all the way down the Pacific coast.
00:55:12It's now or never.
00:55:16Game time.
00:55:18Target area is 20,000 meters at near 10 o'clock.
00:55:20Roger. Closing on target.
00:55:27Closing on target.
00:55:29Commencing dispersal.
00:55:40Releasing now.
00:55:51They're gone. First data burst coming in three, two, one.
00:55:58Plugging data into little blue.
00:56:09Statistical accuracy is 64%.
00:56:1468% major.
00:56:16That's already higher than we've ever achieved.
00:56:21This weatherman has proven to be an asset.
00:56:38It's beautiful.
00:56:51That level of detail is amazing.
00:57:0275% still rising.
00:57:06We've reached 80% accuracy.
00:57:08We may pull this thing out yet, gentlemen.
00:57:11Good work.
00:57:13They're going to be naming high schools after you.
00:57:15Football stadiums.
00:57:17120 seconds left on target.
00:57:18120 seconds left of probes.
00:57:21Copy. Switching to max projective.
00:57:23We'll begin bursting.
00:57:25But we're only at 81%.
00:57:2881% is the highest we've ever achieved.
00:57:31We normally work at a much lower percentage.
00:57:3360% is considered a success.
00:57:35Oh yeah, I forgot.
00:57:37Collateral damage never was an issue for you guys.
00:57:41Guess not.
00:57:48We have to re-accelerate.
00:57:53They are leaving the stream, sir.
00:58:00Let's save the world.
00:58:05Beginning repositioning maneuver.
00:58:06Beginning repositioning maneuver.
00:58:17We have control of the stream.
00:58:19Still going reposition.
00:58:23I think we may have a problem.
00:58:27It's all good.
00:58:29We're still within mission parameters.
00:58:31Maintain course change.
00:58:33Everything's good on our side.
00:58:37Losing predictive accuracy.
00:58:39Down to 73%.
00:58:41No, 64%.
00:58:43We're losing control of the jet stream.
00:58:48Failure is not an option.
00:58:50Hang in there.
00:58:52We have to keep control of the stream.
00:58:54I need a solution.
00:58:56Yeah, but I don't have one.
00:59:04System's locked up.
00:59:06Glitter's going to lose coherency in a second.
00:59:08I'm taking Little Blue offline.
00:59:14You're going to have to control the plasma discharges, Steve.
00:59:16Do it manually.
00:59:20Blue is making trillions of operations per second.
00:59:22Little Blue's a computer.
00:59:24You're intuitive.
00:59:26It'll fire wherever you point.
00:59:28I have no idea where to point it.
00:59:30Do it, Steve.
00:59:32Use your gut.
00:59:34I'm a weatherman.
00:59:36I'm a weatherman.
00:59:58This is ridiculous. It's not working.
01:00:00Keep trying.
01:00:01Coherence failure seconds away.
01:00:32Dude, this isn't working.
01:00:34I'm just not the guy, man.
01:00:36Listen to me.
01:00:38You know we have a massive storm convergence growing.
01:00:40I know.
01:00:41If we don't stop it now,
01:00:43every city on the west coast is going to be wiped out.
01:00:45Seattle's at ground zero.
01:00:47So come on.
01:00:49Use your gut.
01:00:51I know what's happening.
01:00:53It's just impossible.
01:00:55It's just impossible.
01:00:57It's just impossible.
01:00:59It's just impossible.
01:01:01It's just impossible.
01:01:07No way.
01:01:12You are not going to answer that!
01:01:14It's Angel.
01:01:16No kidding!
01:01:17What kind of service do you have?
01:01:19Hey, baby.
01:01:21Why is it so loud?
01:01:25Steve, will you please just tell me where you are?
01:01:29I wish I could.
01:01:32I don't understand why you're lying to me.
01:01:36It's not as if you're on some secret U.S. mission or something.
01:01:43everything's going to be fine.
01:01:45No, it's not, Steve.
01:01:47You can't just hurt me like this and lie to me
01:01:50and worst of all, not even tell me where you are.
01:01:53Ange, Ange, listen to me.
01:01:55Listen to me.
01:01:56If you decide that you really love me, you can give me a call.
01:01:59No, no, no, Ange!
01:02:32Ange is moving out.
01:02:34Yeah, like that's a big surprise.
01:02:36Steve, do that again.
01:02:38Do what again?
01:02:43Steve, Ange is leaving you, right?
01:02:46How does that make you feel?
01:02:48It makes me feel mad.
01:02:50Makes you feel angry, right?
01:02:51Yeah, really angry.
01:02:52What about me?
01:02:53What about what I did to you?
01:02:54I stole your life.
01:02:55Does that make you angry?
01:02:56Yeah, it makes me really angry.
01:02:57You pissed me off.
01:02:58You sold me out.
01:02:59What else?
01:03:00Tell me what else makes you angry.
01:03:01Agent Bowback over there.
01:03:02He pisses me off.
01:03:03He's an idiot with a smirk on his face.
01:03:05What else makes you angry?
01:03:07The mission pisses me off.
01:03:08And that weather station.
01:03:09KPQR and Jack.
01:03:11The guy who wants me to be the weatherman and go wild.
01:03:13He makes me go crazy.
01:03:15What about the jet stream?
01:03:16Does that make you angry?
01:03:17The jet stream makes me crazy.
01:03:19I want to go insane.
01:03:21I hate the jet stream.
01:03:22You hate the jet stream?
01:03:23I hate the freaking jet stream.
01:03:25I hate it.
01:03:26I hate the jet stream.
01:03:27I hate the jet stream.
01:03:28I hate the jet stream.
01:03:30I hate it.
01:03:31I hate the jet stream.
01:03:42Coherence is strengthening.
01:03:47You're doing it.
01:03:48You're doing it.
01:03:49The jet stream's refocusing.
01:03:52I'm doing it.
01:03:53I'm doing it.
01:03:54I can't do this.
01:03:55I can't do this.
01:03:56I can't do this.
01:03:57Let's bring this sucker around, baby.
01:03:59You heard him.
01:04:00Let's complete the maneuver.
01:04:03Bring it around.
01:04:04Bring this sucker around.
01:04:09Coherence restored.
01:04:11Excellent, gentlemen.
01:04:13It's working.
01:04:14We're within mission parameters.
01:04:15We're go for phase three.
01:04:17Let's collide the streams.
01:04:23Brace yourselves.
01:04:24Here we go.
01:04:27Here we go.
01:04:28Here we go.
01:04:56What's our status?
01:04:57Jet stream is normalizing.
01:04:59Confirm that, please.
01:05:01Confirmed, sir.
01:05:02Jet stream is normalized.
01:05:05Nice work.
01:05:07Nice work, everybody.
01:05:08I'll be in my office.
01:05:11Yes, sir.
01:05:18Good job.
01:05:20We did it.
01:05:21We did it.
01:05:22No, you did it.
01:05:40The accuracy indicator says 99%.
01:05:4799% accuracy?
01:05:49How's that even possible?
01:05:51Little Blue learned from what you were doing.
01:05:53It solved the dynamic airflow model.
01:06:16I'm happy to report Thor's Hammer is a fully operational weapon system.
01:06:27Excellent work, Major.
01:06:32What do you think is going to happen now?
01:06:34What do you mean? We're heading back to base.
01:06:35Yeah, we're heading back to base with a fully operational weapon system.
01:06:39What do you think is going to happen to us?
01:06:41A guy just died and Captain America over there played it off like it was a bump in the road.
01:06:45Do you think it'll let us go back to our regular lives?
01:06:49I don't have a regular life.
01:06:57Major, we have a security issue up here.
01:07:01Requesting a relay.
01:07:09You got it.
01:07:11I need you to safeguard Little Blue and secure the transmission of all its data.
01:07:15Am I making myself clear?
01:07:17Yes, sir.
01:07:28Sergeant, open up a high-speed secure channel.
01:07:32We're going to download their data.
01:07:34Yes, sir.
01:07:40Listen to me.
01:07:42We'll never know when or where they're going to use it, because we'll never leave that base alive.
01:07:47I say we wait the drives on that thing.
01:07:51Gentlemen, we have orders to open a secure channel and secure the transmission.
01:07:57We're going to upload all data from Little Blue back to base.
01:08:07I'm going to need you to step away from this terminal.
01:08:10No, that ain't going to happen.
01:08:15Dr. Byrd, begin the upload.
01:08:21Daniel, don't do it!
01:08:23Once they get the data, they're going to kill both of us.
01:08:29Hey, Simpson, what's your problem?
01:08:32You helped save the world. Your country appreciates that. Where's all this hostility coming from?
01:08:37You heard the Major.
01:08:39You guys stole my work once. There's no way in hell you're doing it again.
01:08:43All right, go home.
01:08:44All right, all right, all right. Chill, chill.
01:08:47Dr. Byrd, begin the upload.
01:08:50Begin the upload. Now.
01:09:02It's Angel.
01:09:20That's gunfire. Get back there and see what's going on.
01:09:27The next one's going to be right through your heart. Do you understand, Simpson?
01:09:39Now, for the last time, Dr. Byrd, start the upload.
01:10:00That's better.
01:10:06Hey, Jim, what's going on here? I heard weapon fire.
01:10:12It's okay, Lieutenant. I've got everything under control.
01:10:20Cut it off.
01:10:41Cut it off.
01:10:45I said, cut it off!
01:10:50Put the gun down.
01:10:52Shut it down. I swear, I'll shoot.
01:10:56Shut it down!
01:10:58I'll shoot you!
01:11:04Are you really that good?
01:11:08Are you sure you won't hit your buddy over here?
01:11:12Behind you!
01:11:13Put your gun down!
01:11:17Don't move!
01:11:19Get back! Get back!
01:11:21Don't you move!
01:11:27You've had your fun. Why don't you put the gun away before you hurt yourself?
01:11:34Get back! Get back!
01:11:48Get back!
01:11:57You've got to be the worst shot I've ever seen.
01:12:10Oh, crap.
01:12:19Help me!
01:12:26Get off my head!
01:12:31My arm!
01:12:35Come on!
01:12:43The mission's been compromised.
01:12:45Possible structural damage. I need clearance to land immediately.
01:12:49What's the ETA of that plane?
01:12:51At the current rated altitude, about 15 minutes.
01:12:55And the status on that data download?
01:12:57Should complete in nine minutes, as long as there are no interruptions.
01:13:00Pass me through this, Captain.
01:13:07Captain, what is the status of your plane?
01:13:10Captain, I need you to listen to me very carefully.
01:13:13I need you to put the plane on autopilot right now.
01:13:15I need you to go back to the control room and secure the data download.
01:13:18Do you understand me?
01:13:19Major, I do not recommend that I leave the cockpit until I land this plane.
01:13:23That is a direct order, Captain.
01:14:08You are crazy, man!
01:14:11What the hell is going on back here?
01:14:29Baron, you've been shot!
01:14:32Stop the upload!
01:14:35Danny, hang on there! I'll be right back!
01:15:02Stop the upload!
01:15:15The upload was completed!
01:15:18We're below 10,000 feet. You don't need a mask!
01:15:20Get me to the cockpit!
01:15:22Do you know how to fly this plane?
01:15:24I learned a lot from these bastards.
01:15:26What do you have in mind?
01:15:28Just get me to the cockpit!
01:15:30All right, brother, let's do this!
01:15:45You got it? You got it?
01:15:47Listen to me. You need to get off this plane.
01:15:50Get off the plane?
01:15:52How am I going to do that?
01:15:55Are you out of your mind?
01:15:57Steve, you want to live?
01:15:59You need to get to the back of the plane, put on a chute, and get out of here.
01:16:03Danny, I am not going to leave you here.
01:16:08Wait, what are you doing?
01:16:09Turning the systems back online.
01:16:11We just saved the world. Why would you turn it back on?
01:16:15Almost with a Thor's hammer.
01:16:26Danny, listen to me. You need to think this through.
01:16:29For once in your life, you need to listen to me.
01:16:32I'm taking this dream straight back into the base.
01:16:35This whole program ends here and now.
01:16:39Step on that parachute and get the hell out of here.
01:16:42I am not going to leave you here to die.
01:16:44Look at me.
01:16:46I got a bullet in my gut.
01:16:49I got maybe ten minutes to live before I bleed to death.
01:16:52We knew that this might be a one-way trip.
01:16:55I don't want to go out of here.
01:16:57Knowing that Shaw might win this.
01:16:59No, man, no.
01:17:01We take out the base, we land this beast, I get you to a hospital.
01:17:04Everything will be fine.
01:17:05Steve, Steve.
01:17:06Let's not happen.
01:17:08The only way you're getting out of here is a parachute.
01:17:12Look, look, I took your life for you.
01:17:16Let me give it back.
01:17:19Now get out of here.
01:17:22I missed you, brother.
01:17:27Next time you get a great idea, keep it to yourself.
01:17:32Now go.
01:17:46Sir, I have a truck on the plane.
01:17:48Sir, I have a truck on the plane. They're returning to base.
01:17:53Is the download complete?
01:17:55Yes, sir. We have it all.
01:17:57Any word from the pilot?
01:17:59Negative. Pilot has shut down all communications.
01:18:05Activate anti-aircraft batteries.
01:18:09Target the plane, Perez.
01:18:11Sir, it's our plane.
01:18:13It's a rogue plane. It's a direct order. Target it now.
01:18:16Put up the satellite.
01:18:18Satellite's up.
01:18:25They're pulling the jet stream right at us.
01:18:29Jet 9-1-0-17-38.
01:18:31Descending to Alexander Air Base.
01:18:33Please acknowledge.
01:18:38Coming right back at you.
01:18:54Open the blast shield. I want to see what the hell's going on out there.
01:19:10It's coming right at us.
01:19:11Wind speed?
01:19:12800 miles an hour.
01:19:17Weapons live.
01:19:33Let's see what the hell...
01:19:46Direct hit, sir. The plane is down.
01:19:51I want this base put on lockdown right away. Get to it.
01:19:55Sergeant, I want that downloaded, secured and encrypted ASAP.
01:19:59Yes, sir.
01:20:00Sir? It's still coming, sir.
01:20:12This is turning into a real bad day.
01:20:27It's beautiful.
01:20:39Shut it down. Shut it all down.
01:20:43Thor's hammer never existed. Is that clear?
01:21:33Hey! Angel!
01:21:37How you doing, baby?
01:21:39How do you think I'm doing? I'm leaving.
01:21:43I just called to tell you I'm leaving my keys in your mailbox.
01:21:46No, no, Angel, please. Don't do that. Don't.
01:21:49How am I supposed to trust you when you won't even tell me where you are?
01:21:54What's that sound? Are you at another airport?
01:21:57No, I'm, uh... I'm definitely not at an airport, but...
01:22:02Yeah, there is a helicopter.
01:22:04Hang on. Steve, take your right hand and wave to the helicopter above you.
01:22:14There you go.
01:22:18Thank you, baby.
01:22:20We continue with live coverage from our new helicopter that is over what appears to be the only survivor from a C-17 crash.
01:22:26Early reports indicate that what may have been a weather weapons test gone out of control
01:22:32caused the plane to crash and destroy the military test facility.
01:22:36The death toll may be in the hundreds as we wait for further reports.
01:22:40So far, no government sources have made any statements...
01:22:43Oh, my God. Steve, is that you?
01:22:47It's me. I guess you know where I'm at.
01:22:50Where am I?
01:22:58In a world where weather's gone wild,
01:23:02only one man has the insight, the talent, the power
01:23:08to forecast what's coming at you.
01:23:11Steve Sully Simpson is The Weatherman.
01:23:21All right, man. I think we've got it. What'd you think? That was awesome.
01:23:23Yeah, it was pretty good, but I want to go again.
01:23:25I said go again!
01:23:27Okay. Why? What's wrong with that?
01:23:29You know, I just want to take it up a notch. I want to pump it up.
01:23:31You know what I mean? I want it to be riggeder.
01:23:33I'm going to really go for it on this one, okay?
01:23:35Also, if you get the camera guy to have the crane swoop in a little bit lower,
01:23:39maybe you can drop that crane down a little.
01:23:41We've got a better angle over here.
01:23:43Cool. All right.