During Tuesday’s House Education and the Workforce Committee hearing, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) questioned experts about the consequences of school choice policy on public school funding.
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00:00Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to the witnesses for being here today.
00:04I want to begin by acknowledging the role that public schools play in our communities,
00:09our economy, and in democracy.
00:11With the overwhelming majority of students in public schools, public education is the
00:16foundation on which we build our future.
00:19Public schools serve the needs of every child, regardless of background or income.
00:24That's why we need to protect public education and, importantly, funding for public education
00:29from voucher scams that funnel taxpayer dollars into private institutions.
00:34That being said, I, and most Democrats, support a wide range of options within the public
00:39school system.
00:40In many states and districts, families have choices among magnet schools, public charter
00:45schools, as the Chairman mentioned, and intra-district and inter-district open enrollment policies.
00:50For example, in the district I represent, we have some of the top magnet programs in
00:54the state, including Portland's Benson Polytechnic High School, a CTE magnet school that offers
00:59major programs in automotive, building construction, electrical engineering, health occupations,
01:05media production, and more.
01:07And the Beaverton School District has many choices, an international magnet, arts and
01:11communication magnet, and the Beaverton Academy of Science and Engineering.
01:15These valuable opportunities are offered to all students and, most importantly, they are
01:20offered at free public schools that are required to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Act.
01:26I want to note that the Chairman mentioned woke ideologies, and this is just another
01:31reminder that the federal government does not, by law, set curriculum.
01:35But let's talk about universal vouchers, which are often pushed with little or no income
01:40restrictions, meaning that every student, whether from a single-parent home where the
01:44mom is working and making minimum wage, or from a billionaire family like Elon Musk's,
01:49they could all receive the same amount of taxpayer money, all while the public schools
01:53that serve the rest, the majority, are left to do more with less.
01:58And in this discussion, we must consider rural areas.
02:01In the district I represent, I have urban areas, but I have a lot of rural school districts
02:05where the public school is the heart of the community, and the only option is a public
02:12So in those rural school districts, I know what kind of reaction I would get if I told
02:15them that part of their public school funding was cut, but here's a voucher so your student
02:19can go to another school.
02:20There is no other school.
02:23And there's very little chance of bridging that funding gap, leaving them to either make
02:27cuts, increase class sizes, or both.
02:29And that's the main reason why several states, including Nebraska, Kentucky, Colorado, they've
02:35all rejected voucher schemes.
02:37Moreover, what message does it send to teachers and students who are already feeling the strain
02:41of a system that's underfunded and overburdened?
02:44Stripping away already-strained public schools of more funding to support private schools.
02:48That's not the answer.
02:50The solution is clear.
02:51We must invest in public education so every child has the chance to thrive in the classroom.
02:57It's also worth noting that voucher schemes permit private schools to discriminate against
03:02students based on disability, religion, and other factors that have, and they've also
03:06been found to increase segregation.
03:09And people across the country remain legitimately concerned about the use of taxpayer dollars
03:14for religious schools because it is so intertwined that it violates the constitutional principle
03:19of separation of church and state.
03:21And for many reasons, the argument to support universal vouchers based on NAEP scores, it's
03:26really not persuasive.
03:28Test scores are one way to evaluate student success.
03:31We had a global pandemic that led to social isolation, and according to the American Psychological
03:36Association, there's a mental health crisis among youth.
03:40There's increasing, and some say excessive, use of electronic devices by kids, and importantly,
03:46the scores of high performers stayed pretty much the same.
03:48It was scores for low performers that plummeted.
03:52That's not a case for vouchers.
03:53It's a case for funding, fully funding Title I, McKinney-Vento, and other programs that
03:59support low-income students.
04:01We cannot ignore facts.
04:03Voucher programs do not improve student outcomes.
04:06Research shows that in states with large voucher programs, like Louisiana, Indiana, Ohio, students
04:12using vouchers tend to perform worse than their peers in public schools.
04:16These programs are a misuse of taxpayer dollars, and they contribute, again, to discrimination,
04:21segregation, and a lack of accountability.
04:24Speaking of a lack of accountability, a recent study about the Arizona voucher program found
04:29that the state imposes no transparency or accountability requirements on private schools
04:33that receive taxpayer dollars through the state's voucher program.
04:37And additionally, Arizona parents who are shopping for a school say it's difficult to
04:41get any independently verified information about the quality of instruction or financial
04:46stability of these private schools that are getting public dollars.
04:50Public education is already under attack from this administration.
04:53We know that with the looming threat of an executive order to dismantle the Department
04:57of Education.
04:59Let's not make things worse by allowing the use of public funding for private schools.
05:03So instead of funding private schools, we need to invest in public education so every
05:07child, no matter their zip code, deserves access to a high-quality education.
05:12I look forward to the conversation, and I yield back the balance of my time.