• vor 15 Stunden
Just puckin' around with my friends who have never played Hockey.

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Outro Music Created by: https://www.youtube.com/@MattercellEntertainment


00:00Ich glaube, ich habe es dir in den Mittelpunkt gesetzt.
00:04Oh mein Gott!
00:06Das ist das beste FCTE, Kumpel!
00:10Willkommen bei Puck, einem überraschend in-Depth-Physik-basierten Hockey-Spiel,
00:13das ihr vielleicht erkennt, weil ich es ein paar Wochen zuvor auf meinem Hauptkanal gespielt habe.
00:17Nur in dem Video war es mein erstes Mal in dem Spiel zu spielen.
00:20In diesem Spiel wirst du mich dominieren sehen.
00:22Ich meine, es wird nicht so viel besser sein,
00:24aber ich hatte schon seitdem mehr Stunden auf dem Spiel.
00:26Und als der einzige, der Stunden auf diesem Spiel hat,
00:28dachte ich, es wäre witzig, meine Freunde,
00:30die es noch nie gespielt haben, zu verabschieden,
00:32und 0 Stunden auf dem Spiel zu haben,
00:34und auf sie zu dunkeln.
00:35Ich töte, wer auch immer das ist,
00:36ich kümmere mich nicht um...
00:37Was zum Teufel?
00:38Nach einer Weile wird es aber leid,
00:40als der einzige Kanadier, der gegen seine Freunde spielt,
00:42der noch nie dieses Hockey-Spiel gespielt hat.
00:44Also haben wir entschieden, zusammenzuarbeiten und die öffentlichen Lobbys zu schlagen,
00:46und es war tatsächlich ein wirklich guter Zeitpunkt.
00:48Wenn ihr möchtet, dass wir mehr dieses Spiel spielen,
00:50lasst bitte ein Like da, damit ich es im Allgemeinen besser machen kann.
00:52Abonnieren Sie, wenn Sie neu auf dem Kanal sind,
00:54und schauen Sie auch die Volllänge von VOD,
00:56die in den kommenden Tagen auf Smitty Minus erscheint.
00:58Vielen Dank für das Zuschauen,
01:00und ich hoffe, Sie genießen den Rest des Videos.
01:25Ich hatte gehofft,
01:26ich hatte gehofft,
01:27dass ich etwas wirklich Cooles machen würde,
01:28um den Stream zu fangen,
01:29und dann ist es...
01:31Es ist nicht gut.
01:33Klicken Sie auf den Post.
01:34Es ist drin.
01:35Wir gewinnen.
01:36Los geht's.
01:37Bist du bereit, verdammt verdammt verschnitten zu werden, Kumpel?
01:39Du, ich habe deine Spielzeiten ein bisschen
01:41verrückt bemerkt in diesem Spiel.
01:43Wie viele Spielzeiten hast du, Smitty?
01:44Sieben Stunden.
01:45Es gibt keinen Sinn, dass wir sogar schießen.
01:47Smitty wird verdammt verdammt scheiße machen.
01:49Ich werde versuchen,
01:50es so lustig wie möglich für euch zu machen.
01:52Hey, wie kannst du den verdammten Puck zerquetschen?
01:55Du, ich versuche,
01:56es so lustig wie möglich für euch zu machen.
01:57Warte, ich fahre mit voller Geschwindigkeit in das Netz.
01:58Warte, ich fahre mit voller Geschwindigkeit in das Netz.
01:59Warte, ich fahre mit voller Geschwindigkeit in das Netz.
02:01Das ist etwas, das ich nicht kontrollieren kann.
02:02Das ist etwas, das ich nicht kontrollieren kann.
02:03Lass uns schnell Hockey-Schule machen für euch.
02:04Lass uns schnell Hockey-Schule machen für euch.
02:05Komm zum Mittelfeld.
02:07Nimm einen Knie.
02:08Nimm einen Knie, Leute.
02:09Nimm einen Knie.
02:10Okay, er hat es herausgefunden,
02:11er hat gute Kontrollen.
02:13Ich habe es.
02:15Du musst den Puck in einer von den Netzen holen.
02:16Du musst den Puck in einer von den Netzen holen.
02:17Die Netze sind das Farbdern deines Teams,
02:18Die Netze sind das Farbdern deines Teams,
02:19das du aufschneiden musst.
02:20das du aufschneiden musst.
02:21Wenn du Grün bist, schneidest du auf Rot,
02:22wenn du Rot bist, schneidest du auf Blau.
02:23Wenn du Rot bist, schneidest du auf Rot,
02:24wenn du Rot bist, schneidest du auf Blau.
02:28Kontrollen halten dich fest,
02:29es hilft dir auch, zu drehen,
02:30wenn du durch gehst.
02:31Aber du kannst dich
02:32schneller schlagen
02:33wie so.
02:44It's a little faster
02:46You can also say that I'm double tapping you
02:48Yes, you can jump and spin if you double tap A or D
02:51Oh, why am I left-handing? Can I switch that?
02:53Yes, you can in the settings
02:55That's fucked up, that's why I suck
02:58It says I'm right-handing
03:00Oh, Jesus, I just got laid out
03:02Dude, this guy's ready for hockey
03:05There's 30 seconds, are we good?
03:07Are we good to do the three-on-one?
03:10Alright, boys, let's have a nice face-off
03:13Oh, what the fuck?
03:15I'm free, I'm breaking free
03:17I got him, I got him
03:18By the way, Flum, you can lift the stick, by the way
03:26Nope, nope
03:27Oh, shit
03:28Playing Gritsky again? Make a wish, kids, let's do it
03:32Oh, my God
03:33Oh, Jesus
03:34Yeah, baby
03:35Dude, oh, shit, shit, shit, shit
03:37I got it in, I got it in
03:39Yeah, get that shit
03:42Oh, plastered
03:47Oh, you bastard
03:52Get out of my way, fool
03:56No, dude
03:58He's alone
04:00It's alright
04:06Careful, Flum
04:08Are you guys gonna stop that?
04:10Oh, he's there
04:12Oh, my God
04:17Shit, dude, there's too many of them on me
04:20Like flies
04:21Oh, my God
04:23That dude just flew past my screen
04:29That was so clean
04:31This would be sick in VR, though
04:33Yeah, it would be sick
04:34You'd be sick all over your room
04:36Get interfered with
04:37Play the puck, dude, you coward
04:39John, get ready
04:41I'm coming
04:43Oh, you bastards
04:45Wait, did I hit it?
04:46I'm left-handed now
04:48Oh, shit
04:52Wow, I think left-handed is weird
04:54I'm going back
04:56Oh, my God
05:01Right here, right here, big man, right here
05:04Get that shit out of there
05:05That's crazy
05:07Bro, you know how hard this is?
05:08Good period, good period
05:09What FOV are you guys at?
05:10I can't tell if you're at 100
05:12I'm at 100, so 100 feels better
05:14That's what I'm at, then
05:15So I'm already there
05:18No, you fucker
05:20No, no, no
05:21Yeah, you're gonna mess it up
05:22You're gonna mess it up
05:23Oh, it just went past
05:25Hit it out, hit it out
05:26I'm wide open
05:27But I keep on turning the wrong way
05:28Because I'm fucking brain-dead
05:30I'm fucking brain-dead
05:34This is like when you start POM now
05:36Don't, don't, wait, give me
05:37Mulligan, Mulligan, Mulligan
05:38You're a fucking bitch
05:40Playtime's over
05:41Okay, man
05:42I don't know, it's literally
05:43Playtime's not over
05:44Like, we're still playing
05:46Oh, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, leave
05:51They leave him alone
05:53I'm just trying to slow down with it
05:55Look out
05:56Come on
05:57Come on
05:58I keep on rotating myself
05:59That's not very helpful
06:03I'm seeing stars
06:06Play it like a team
06:07One of you hog him
06:08The other one stay open
06:09So the one hogging him can pass
06:10That way I don't have to do much
06:13Looking good, John
06:14This is it, John
06:15This is it
06:17Off you
06:18Behind it
06:19Game time
06:20This is it
06:21We finally put together some passes
06:22I'm open
06:24You went past it
06:27You better come out, John
06:28Challenge my ass
06:29I'm running straight into you
06:32How's that taste?
06:33It's great
06:34Oh, no
06:35Oh, no
06:36Score it, score it
06:37Guys, take it slow
06:38Don't go fucking crazy
06:40You already sent it past
06:43I got it
06:44Guys, huge, huge
06:46How do I?
06:48Guys, I'm not even over there
06:50I'm not even over there anymore
06:53They just skated away
06:54They're fucking skating in tandem
06:56Oh, no
06:57This is it
07:00Guys, don't forget
07:01Don't forget to hold your ships
07:02You go a little bit quicker for a little bit
07:04Oh, yeah, that's true
07:05That's like
07:06A nice golf swing, buddy
07:08You fucking scrub
07:10You think if I hang on here
07:11Eye sticking
07:12There's a minute left
07:13We're gonna get it
07:14We're gonna get this
07:15We're gonna get this
07:16How are you hitting it so far away?
07:17Let's just watch
07:18Yeah, I'm just gonna watch
07:19Let's just see if they can do it
07:20You have to fade, huh?
07:24Okay, yeah
07:25This is my perfect animation
07:26Jesus Christ
07:27You got this
07:28You got this
07:29I'm just gonna get a bit closer
07:32Scroll away quicker
07:34Yeah, they're pulling the goalie out, guys
07:36The problem is, I don't understand how to hit
07:37Spinni, don't cheat
07:40Spinni, let him cook
07:41The problem is
07:42I don't understand how to hit a hockey puck
07:44You know?
07:45You just hit it
07:47No, it's not like a baseball bat
07:48You know, where you're thinking like
07:50Did you guys score?
07:51Oh my God
07:53I'm trying
07:54I'm gonna fuckin smack this
07:56What's that for sound?
07:57Hit it here
07:58If you can hit it too
07:59Maybe I can do it
08:00Oh man!
08:02Ich sollte nicht schießen, das ist nicht meine Natur.
08:04Er fängt sofort an, sich auf das Netz zu schlagen.
08:14Andere Seite.
08:16Nein, ich muss es umdrehen.
08:20Jetzt was mache ich? Es ist hinter mir.
08:22Oh Scheiße.
08:26Warte, lass es gehen, lass es gehen.
08:28Komm schon, das war fast da.
08:32Ich werde es schießen.
08:34Das ist, was ich sage, wenn ich es schieße,
08:36wird es unter mir verloren.
08:38Schieß es! Schieß es!
08:40Ah, aus dem Dome.
08:42Übrigens, du kannst mich jetzt überlaufen.
08:44Du könntest eine Person
08:46einfach schießen.
08:48Warte, was machst du?
08:54Schieß es! Schieß es!
08:58Das war so langsam.
09:02Oh Scheiße!
09:04Nein, nein!
09:06Schieß es!
09:10Habe ich es getroffen? Ich glaube, ich habe es getroffen.
09:12Ihr habt eine Chance, eine großartige Chance,
09:14ein 3 gegen 0, jetzt.
09:16Jemand hat ihn getroffen.
09:18Schieß es!
09:20Schieß es!
09:26Das ist so dumm.
09:28Sie sollten das nur auf dem Boden machen.
09:30Das nennt sich Road Hockey.
09:32Das nennt sich Road Hockey, Alter.
09:34Hier kommt er.
09:36Langsam, aber er kommt.
09:42Alter, diese Stickhandlung ist verrückt.
09:44Es ist, als würde ich Conor McDavid
09:46und Slow Motion sehen.
09:48Ich mache endlich etwas Gutes für unser Team
09:50und dann schießt du es.
09:52Nicht jetzt, es war alles Fake.
09:54Das ist ein guter Ort.
09:56Jemand muss einfach
10:00Hier kommt John.
10:02Er kapitalisiert nicht.
10:04Ich werde mich einfach nicht bewegen.
10:06Wie geht das?
10:08Ich werde mich einfach nur
10:12Ich glaube, ich stehe in der Mitte.
10:14Oh, tut mir leid, Leute.
10:16Mann, sie kamen einfach
10:18und haben es getroffen.
10:20Zu spät.
10:22Das ist der beste Moment, um zu schießen.
10:24Schieß es nicht in die Luft, Alter.
10:26Ich werde mich ein bisschen bewegen.
10:28Und ich werde mich nicht bewegen.
10:30Ich frage mich, ob ich
10:32höhere oder tiefe Lückensstabilität brauche.
10:34Wahrscheinlich tiefer, oder?
10:36Du kannst es nicht schreiben, Alter.
10:38Ich habe es nicht bewegt.
10:40Er hat es einfach in meinen Stick gelegt.
10:42Alter, ich weiß nicht, wie man
10:44dieses Spiel schießt.
10:46Ich schieße es immer umher.
10:48Dann stopp das.
10:50Was willst du von mir, Alter?
10:52Das könnte es sein.
10:54Ich dachte, ich werde es schießen.
10:56Ich wollte nur
10:58die Glorie nehmen.
11:00Es hat 12 Minuten gedauert,
11:02um ein Tor zu schießen.
11:04Es war ein Torwart unterwegs.
11:06Es war einer von denen,
11:08die du aufsetzt und es tut nichts.
11:10Aber es ist getroffen.
11:12Du weißt es, John hat es getroffen.
11:14John hat es wirklich
11:16auf meinen Stick getroffen.
11:20Es hat mir 5 Sekunden gedauert,
11:22um ein Tor zu schießen.
11:26Okay, Leute, wir müssen es
11:28schnell zurückbekommen.
11:44Oh, sie versuchen es jetzt.
11:46Ich habe das Gefühl,
11:48dass sie es versuchen.
11:50Ja, leider haben wir gezwungen.
11:52Pass es, Flump, pass es.
11:54Ich habe es, ich habe es.
11:56Oh mein Gott.
12:00Oh, gut getroffen.
12:02Ich hatte eine Linie.
12:04Ich hatte eine Linie.
12:06Ich hatte eine Linie in allem.
12:08Das war verrückt.
12:10Ich denke, ich habe es in der Mitte
12:12für dich getroffen.
12:14Oh mein Gott.
12:16Oh mein Gott.
12:26Mein Schatz.
12:32Oh, das war Interferenz.
12:34Das war Riff.
12:36Nicht in meiner Hause.
12:38Nicht in meiner Hause.
12:40Hau das hier raus.
12:42Ich halte A das ganze Mal
12:44Stoppen Sie die Schlüssel!
12:48Ich habe es nach vorne gespuckt, wie ein Idiot!
12:52Ich habe es zurückgeschleudert und gedacht, oh nein, das ist wirklich zentral!
12:56Wenn ich das hier aufhätte, wäre das verrückt gewesen!
13:00Können wir noch vier andere random Leute schießen?
13:02Ich weiß nicht, ob du den Schmuck willst, aber ja, das können wir.
13:08Okay, Jungs, lasst uns rein! Gute Luck!
13:10Okay, los geht's!
13:12Nice, nice, huge!
13:14It's live!
13:16Dude, we're gonna score so quick! Pass that shit!
13:20Come on, Flop!
13:22Oh no!
13:24No, no, my stick was just on me, I see it!
13:28I'm alone, I'm alone!
13:34Absolutely sail that fucker!
13:36Dude, you did that on purpose!
13:38No, the first time I ever did that was on purpose, but that one wasn't!
13:42That was genuine!
13:44Pass that shit up, Tucker! I'm waiting for it!
13:46Oh my god, you're the best!
13:48You're cooking!
13:52I'm under pressure right now!
13:54I'm throwing it back, I'm throwing it back!
13:56I missed, I spit everywhere though!
14:00Who's ready for a pass?
14:02Me, me, me, me, I'm on the other side, this is it!
14:04Fuck me, dude, he lifted my stick!
14:08He's trying to come in there!
14:10Get it, get it, get it!
14:14After that moment would be...
14:18Look at that! It's open!
14:20It's nice, nice, nice!
14:22Trick shot!
14:24No! Pass out front!
14:26Oh my god, that was nuts, actually!
14:28I can't believe I did that!
14:32Oh my god, I'm just sending him!
14:34I wish I could go sideways!
14:38Dude, the synergy is actually crazy though,
14:40I'm not gonna lie!
14:42It's coming right back, it's coming right back!
14:44No, it's not!
14:46Yeah, it is!
14:48Dude, I'm getting checked!
14:50I'm getting four on one here!
14:52I feel like Austin Matthews!
14:54Get it up for him!
14:56Nice! Hot!
14:58Look at this!
15:00Bring it around!
15:02Let's go!
15:06Right place, right time!
15:10It's not gonna matter!
15:14Oh my god!
15:16It just doesn't matter, dude!
15:18He's frozen!
15:20I love beating up on people that have zero hours on this game,
15:22it's so much fun!
15:24No, they have at least ten minutes at this point!
15:26Look at that!
15:30Oh my god!
15:32That's another goal!
15:34I hit him, I hit him!
15:36Let's go!
15:38And I can hit it, but it really has to be a specific situation
15:40that I can hit it good!
15:42Oh, shit!
15:44Too high!
15:46That went above the glass!
15:50I'm killing whoever this is, I don't care if you're on my team!
15:52What the fuck?
15:56How the fuck am I supposed to score that?
15:58Like this?
16:04Tucker, wake up, bro!
16:06Wake up, you get handcuffed!
16:08Oh no!
16:12They burned down that thing, dude!
16:14They've had enough!
16:16Let's go!
16:20I love beating up on viewers
16:22that haven't played.
16:24What's the goalie doing?
16:30You're not alone!
16:36He sailed it right over!
16:38Oh, look at that fucking pass!
16:40Call me daddy, bitch!
16:42Call me daddy!
16:44Guess what I'm going to do with this, bro!
16:48The setup was crazy!
16:50The setup was crazy, good try!
16:52I want them to score, chat!
16:54I want them to score!
16:56You're good!
16:58I just held it so we could...
17:00Oh, here we go!
17:02Keep your stick down!
17:04Come on, you guys!
17:06I have to, I have to!
17:08I literally started sweating as I hit my stick!
17:10I was like, oh my god, I'm going to fumble this!
17:12I'm going to fumble this fucking thing, dude!
17:16A little panic?
17:18Oh, I'm taking it like this!
17:20I'm stealing it!
17:22Oh, shit!
17:30Dude, I'm dangling everybody!
17:32Oh my god, score that fucker!
17:34Fuck you!
17:36Tackling goalie!
17:50Oh, I fucked that one up, not going to lie!
17:54It's right there!
17:56It's a goal!
18:00Dude, you flipped it over!
18:02Oh, what?
18:04I didn't do that!
18:06I think one of them did that!
18:08I'd be geeking if I did that shit!
18:10Dude, Tucker, the blood is in the water!
18:12I'm trying to score!
18:14Who wants to score this one?
18:16Do it!
18:20Wait, wait, wait!
18:22Where did he touch it?
18:24Look at this, look at this!
18:28Gotta make sure!
18:30Oh, wait, I think my...
18:32Oh, goalie's out, goalie's out!
18:36That's my YouTuber right there!
18:38That's my Gretzky right there!
18:40Guess what's going to happen here, Tucker!
18:42It's so fucking hot!
18:54Oh, I hit it too hard!
18:56That was the right idea!
18:58Yeah, I just think I should've...
19:00Okay, that was not intentional!
19:06If they center it, I can score it!
19:08Bad center, bad center!
19:14Oh, good thing!
19:18Good eats!
19:20They should let you board people
19:22and knock them out of the game!
19:24And give like CTE!
19:28Don't panic, don't panic!
19:30I got it out, I got it out, don't worry!
19:34They're a second period team, dude!
19:36And then you win it
19:38and then you smack it to me!
19:40I don't know yet!
19:42Go, Tucker, go!
19:44Yes, dude!
19:46I'm checking you
19:48and what you bounced off, what the hell?
19:50I'm making out!
19:52Am I a mouse?
19:56Surely that's not acceptable for an animal!
19:58Well, no, it's like my computer mouse!
20:00Pick it up and just vomit into a live mouse!
20:02That's the best way I found out!
20:08That was actually...
20:10We should've just done the fucking 3v3, what the hell?
20:12You can do the 3v3 if you want!
20:16Oh my god, wait, what?
20:20Michigan moment, Michigan!
20:22Holy shit, dude!
20:24Put it in the Louvre! That was insane!
20:26It's actually pronounced
20:28the Louvre.
20:30I mean, technically still true.
20:36That was my fault, that was my fault.
20:38Definitely was, I wasn't gonna blame myself.
20:40I was hoping you were gonna cut my face,
20:42but it might take a little bit.
20:44I just stopped on the very edge
20:46and hit it with my...
20:48I used my handbrake.
20:50Oh my god, what a shot!
21:02That happens often.
21:04Oh, that's so open.
21:06If you don't hit that in, I will.
21:08You can score right here.
21:10Don't let me hit it in, I'm gonna miss.
21:12Yes, dude!
21:14Just enough, you touched it!
21:17That was the goal!
21:19I saw it going towards, like, maybe...
21:25Wait, hold on, I put a Nacuzzi on a drink.
21:29Wait, do you guys know what they're called?
21:31No, it's all good.
21:33Oh yes, just enough interference!
21:35Good save, good save.
21:37Do you know what they're called?
21:39Oh, that's a goal!
21:41Oh, skip that shit!
21:43Get it!
21:46Let's go, two scores!
21:52Just all five!
21:54Dude, there's so many people!
21:56I don't see it.
21:58Yeah, want this, or...?
22:00That's a score.
22:02It's all falling apart for them.
22:04Dude, look at...
22:06I wasn't ready, look at how I had to react.
22:08I had to pull my stick back.
22:10Watch my pass, I tapped it with the back of the stick.
22:12Look at my stick.
22:15Oh, I tricked them, they thought I was going to hit it.
22:17I got tackled.
22:19It's going straight towards the goal!
22:21Tucker's just camping that shit!
22:27You're always pointless!
22:29Oh, you have one assist, you're good.
22:31Wait, what's four?
22:33That's a turkey or whatever.
22:35Turkey, that's only a...
22:37It's like a single game time.
22:41How did I get the stick?
22:44I might go crazy here.
22:46I might go crazy here.
22:50Oh, that's so you.
22:54I got an assist for touching it.
22:56Yeah, I think you tapped it right as I skated by you.
22:58Yeah, it's very hard.
23:00No, there it goes.
23:04They stopped it just a little bit.
23:06Just kidding.
23:08Don't even touch it.
23:10He's there, look at him go!
23:14I had to make sure that thing was going in.
23:18Sometimes the pressure is all you really need.
23:21Good save.
23:26Good fucking hit, too.
23:28I knew it was happening.
23:30You bastard.
23:32Oh no.
23:34It's okay, it doesn't matter.
23:36Close game, close game.
23:38You're not even scoring in this part.
23:40Get that shit out of here!