Get To Work is an accurate representation of my daily commute from my bed to my desk.
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00:00Today I'm going to work. Hold on, let me fix this. One sec. Sorry, sorry, hold on.
00:19Give me like five minutes on this. There we go. Welcome to Get to Work, a game that I
00:29am fairly certain will give you guys a good idea of what it's like for me to get out of
00:34my bed every morning and go to my desk to record these videos for you guys. Some of
00:40you are probably wondering why this game isn't on Smitty Plays. And honestly, I was trying
00:44to decide whether or not it would be on Smitty Plays or not. But what it boiled down to was
00:50I have no plans on finishing this game. We'll see what happens. But it is a rage type game.
00:56You guys seem to really enjoy when we played that weird fish game. And then when we played
01:00that other game about carrying the glass, me and John, you guys really enjoyed that. And that's
01:05kind of a club. They're both climbing games. And I don't know, this would look funny. So here we
01:08are. OK, it's a main channel game. Deal with it. If you don't like it, I don't know what to tell
01:11you, buddy. OK, anyway, I want to start this now before I keep yapping. And OK, you are poor and
01:17bald. Get to work. OK, so this actually, funny enough, is the first thing I see when I wake up.
01:22I have this taped to my suit. What am I doing, dog? OK, believe it or not, this is entirely
01:29accurate to this point. Whoa! Oh, Jesus! OK, all right, we go fast. Apparently, we move very quick
01:36in this game. Bro, this is some... What? What do I turn into a crab man? This is like terrifying.
01:46What is this? What am I playing? Dude, I'm sliding around like crazy. Hold right trigger to break.
01:51OK, that's what we call breaking, apparently. This weird spider. This is disturbing. OK. Oh, my
01:59God. I'm OK. This story is a metaphor for climbing the corporate ladder. And you may be thinking that
02:07the rollerblades are a little comfy. But just last year, people were selling other people digital
02:12copies of monkeys to try and get ahead. So rollerblades are really not that far fetched. OK, who
02:18doesn't like a little speed? Can I do some spins? Ow! OK, what is my motivation? Am I just meant to
02:25keep going here? OK, you guys need to keep in mind my house is pretty big, so this is actually very
02:32accurate of what my house layout looks like. So we hop out of bed, we ride the rollerblades down,
02:37we keep going up. This is pretty satisfying. Hold on. I feel like you can string together some
02:42crazy combos here. Damn. Oh, my God. Oh, shit. Whoa. OK. All right. Easy there.
02:54Don't really don't. I have to admit, I'm a little confused as to what's going on. Not going to lie.
03:00You would think this is very familiar to me, but honestly, at this point, I don't know if I could
03:03keep up that facade. OK, I'm flying. Am I literally just I'm literally just meant to climb, I guess.
03:09OK, I could do that. Shouldn't be a problem. I really got to nail down the controls here
03:16because I'm a little worried I'm going to fly off the edge and reset. Good. Good. It's a slow.
03:26Oh, no. So I'm back at the start again, and this is a big reason why I don't think
03:33it belonged on speedy plays right here, because I don't think I'm going to be able to last
03:37mentally long enough to deal with finishing this game. And you know what? That's kind of what you
03:41got to expect with games like this. And I'm prepared to rage quit in front of all. It's not
03:45the first time I've done it in front of all of you. So no problem. Spin move. OK, don't. All right.
03:52Stop. Go up. Help. Help. God. What? Somebody please. The reset isn't as bad as I thought.
04:02OK, good. Nice little transition. We could do this. I think we're going to
04:06flawless it here from here on out. I think this point forward we are about to go.
04:12I found the problem. I'm not locked in enough. That's.
04:19Just kill me. OK, OK, we're not going to do the same thing we did. We're going to get speed. OK,
04:24we're going to. OK, well, then we're going to. Oh, there we go. There we go. We're going to get
04:28speed to go around this. Perfect. Same thing here. Then we're going to get more speed to do
04:34this jump. OK, we're basically back where we were. We were right here. So we're going to stop. We're
04:40not going to go crazy up the ramp. And then we're going to slowly try and just be easy with it. Be
04:47gentle, gentle. What's next? Even smaller piece of wood. OK, baby steps. OK, OK, OK. I don't know.
04:55I don't know. I said that. I don't know. I said that. OK, we're good. OK, if you're not confused
05:00as to what you're watching, allow me to remind you this is just my daily occurrence of me moving
05:04from my bed to my desk. Shit, shit. Oh, no. Oh, God. Why does my shadow look like that? Look at
05:12that little guy like a little spider freaking out. I backtrack to the to the right or do I commit?
05:26I should have discussed this more with my team before committing to one or the other. I need to
05:30learn the mechanics. That's literally what it is. That's all it is. It's all physics. Look at that.
05:34Look at that. Look at that. Look, we're learning. Isn't that insane how that happens when you play
05:39a game for longer than two seconds? You start to learn. People come into these comments that are
05:43like, Smitty, how do you not understand this? I got this like, you know, I beat the game. So I'm
05:48a perfect expert at the game. So you should listen to me. Well, motherfucker, I've only played for
05:5213 minutes and it's fucking confusing me. Kill. You know what? Let's go slow. I can't go that
06:08slow. Okay. All right. Hold on. I'm spinning around like a baby on the ground. Too fast.
06:12Too fast. I'm committed now. I'm committed now. Got it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
06:23The hiring manager at the company. Shut up. Okay. I think what I ultimately need to do is learn how
06:28to panic break, you know, but then again, if I keep panic breaking, I will never get over those
06:33like little things that, you know what I mean? It's just, I feel like I can't win. We're good.
06:39We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good. We're good. Keep it
06:41straight. Keep it straight. Smitty, you're a genius. And by genius, I mean, not that smart
06:46because it's taking you this long to do that. It's actually insane. Holy crap. He's gone two
06:50for two. He should probably slow down and try and learn a bit more about the game before full
06:54sending it. But here he goes again. He's full sent it to the next level. Holy crap. Stop. All
06:59right. Here we go. Here we go. We'll jump. Okay. This looks like a full one. Oh, don't know. Don't
07:05know. Panic, panic, panic. You're panicking. Your first interview. Oh, we did it. Okay.
07:12Welcome to your first job interview. Okay. I know it can be a little nerve wracking,
07:16but just relax and do your best. Okay. You're sure to get the job. All right. Orange surfaces
07:21are grippy. If you grab, you won't slide. Okay. I can do that. So if I grip...
07:36Editor, cut all that out. If I grip... Okay. Genius. Great. Grab that shit. Okay. Let's
07:44just scoot over here like a frog. Perfect. Let's see what our first job offer is.
07:52You've completed the interview process. Thank you. Unfortunately, the company needs you to
07:56do a take home interview. What do you mean? I see a note here that says,
07:59sorry for making you jump through all these hoops. What?
08:05No. What the fucking... Tony, what am I saying? Toby Maguire. Sorry. That's what I meant to say.
08:12What the shit? All right. This is the one, Smitty. You cannot mess this one up. You just can't.
08:17There's literally... There is a way. There's actually a way I can mess it up. Okay. I'm good.
08:21I'm good. A little worried about that one. Okay. Perfect landing. That's actually perfect. All
08:28right. Hold on. In we go. Beautiful. Let's get some more room and let's go for it. Let's go.
08:38Come on. Oh yeah. So the company just needs one more interview. The note here says,
08:44last one, we promise. What the hell? And to ignore the hoops on fire.
08:48That's just the technical bug in their hiring system. Okay. No problem. No problem. I've
08:55dealt with adversity before. I know that's what you want to hear at this point.
08:58Um, too far. Okay. We're good.
09:07Okay. We're back here. It's fine. I don't know what to tell you guys. Getting to my desk every
09:10morning is a task. All right. It's just what it's like. All right. Next. Tell you what though. I'm
09:16kind of nailing these parts. How am I doing that? What? How did I do that? Okay. I deserve to get
09:24reset here. That was my head. Okay. Let's get as much speed as we can on this. I think it wants
09:32me to. Oh my God. Okay. Get to this side. Great. And go. Holy crap, dude. Oh my. Finally. I could
09:49do that. I love reading things out loud. Hold on. Okay. Little oddly shaped desk you have.
09:57Let me just slowly grab this thing. Oh. Is this what depression feels like?
10:19Okay. It's different. I was going to say. Holy crap. If this, if this was different,
10:25I mean, if it wasn't different, I was going to, I was going to, I might, I might find the dev.
10:29I might find them. Like actually. Okay. I should have read that sign. I just totally
10:48ignored it. Cause the guy was talking to my ear and I just get distracted. Sometimes I have to
10:52like, okay. So I have to like, kind of deal with my speed like that. Holy crap. That was genius.
10:58All right. Next thing I kind of have to like take it easy. Here we go.
11:07That's literally perfect. If I don't get up here. Okay. Good. Good. Perfect. That's literally
11:13beautiful. That was, that was so nice. That was so fricking nice. All right. We take it easy off
11:18here. Then we go full speed. Come on. Even slower. They just want like a drop in. Got it. Oh,
11:26that was close on completing your training. Thank you. New job. Sortation center associate. I thought
11:31I was becoming a YouTuber. I thought it was going to my desk. What happened? Uh, we touched this
11:36thing. Holy shit. All right. Attempt number two. Like a frog. Where am I meant to go here?
11:46Transfer. Oh my God. We're flying now. Okay. That may be too fast. It's fine though. We're
11:51going to make up for it. We're going to make up for it. The perfect transfer.
11:55Transfer me right to the CEO position. Come on, baby.
11:59Your first day and look how big the warehouse is. Thank you. Oh, you're talking about the warehouse.
12:05There are absolutely no downsides to working in such a massive building with no railings or
12:11safety structures. Where am I? Where am I? What do I do up here? Am I supposed to be up here?
12:18I'm confused. Um, okay. Okay. I can, I can drop down from here. I can drop down right here.
12:22Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Huge. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay.
12:29I don't want to go too fast. I don't want to go too slow. I don't know. Okay. We're good.
12:36Ready? Relax. Do it. Flip. That was awesome.
12:49Oh, I see. I was meant to go this way.
12:53That pesky little ramp to nowhere got my ass. Fair enough.
12:58It's fine. I don't care. I don't care that they're putting like weird practices in my work. All right.
13:02This is going to be weird. Okay. I'm good. What kind of job is this? Ow.
13:11Relax. Oh my, oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay. Um, just, we just go. No, no, no. Oh,
13:21oh my God. I thought that was it. I thought that was it. Okay. All right. There's a pay raise up
13:27there. We can get there. We can get there. We can do it. We can do it. Oh my God. I feel like
13:33a frog. I feel like a frog. Just a tadpole that grew legs. Come on now. Pay raise, pay raise,
13:41pay raise. That's a W. Pizza. It looks like all the pizza's eaten.
13:51Boss is arguably better, but don't worry. A manager's position has opened up and that comes
13:57with a pay raise. Okay. Awesome. So when do I see that reflected in my, my, my bank account?
14:04Okay. I gotta be careful here. I would have gone down the trash chute. That would have been bad.
14:10Okay. It's fine. Just go relatively slowly. Probably don't want to hit these things.
14:16They look like the pinball type where they'd like knock you back. So I'm going to be extremely
14:20cautious here. Sneak around. You're fine. You are fine. Good. Okay. Let's speed it up a little
14:35bit. Probably should slow down, but we could speed it up a tiny bit. Currently still going the same
14:40speed I was, but that's okay. I'm scared. Okay. I'm worried about getting reset all the way to
14:45the bottom of this thing. You don't understand what it's like. Maybe you do because you've seen
14:49me do it like 17 times on a different level, but all things considered, we're doing pretty
14:54well on this one. Boom. Got it. Okay. It seems like there's multiple ways to go about this.
14:58I'm going to trust my intuition on this one and go for this.
15:04I knew I made the right decision. I knew it. Oh, we could do that again. No problem. We could do
15:09that. This one looks skinnier. It's fine. It's fine. We get another run at it. We get another
15:13run at it. Come on, Smitty. Come on. I'm going to sue for psychological torture. This job is
15:23horrible. We got it. W. That's huge. Nice and easy. Nice and easy. Jump. Come on, warehouse
15:31manager. Oh my God. Slow. Perfect. Perfect. Oh, what? What was that? Did it say college degree
15:45required? Oh my God. It did. Oh my God. And they know, they somehow know I don't have a college
15:52degree. That's toxic. Okay. I'm going to try it again. Bitch. Fine. Unpaid internship.
16:00Oh, to be young and naive, they were never going to promote a lowly warehouse worker.
16:05That would require them to pay you more, but you refuse to be held down by the system. And if
16:10taking an unpaid internship will open up more opportunities to climb the corporate ladder,
16:14by gosh, you'll do it. What the hell? Okay. I guess we have to just do it this way. I don't
16:19see how the other way would lead me the right way. We'll just, we'll just do it. No problem.
16:23Second shot. No. How the hell am I supposed to do that? Are you kidding?
16:30Honestly, first try is kind of crazy. You're not gonna lie. Oh shit. Yeah. I mean, first try,
16:36like no problem. Honestly, that was kind of embarrassing. I'm a little disappointed game.
16:39You know, I thought there'd be like a challenge here, but apparently you don't have the balls
16:43for that. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. We're good. We're fine.
16:49Take it easy. Nice. Do a little transfer. Beautiful.
16:55Okay. I, I just wanted to kill the speed because I'm nervous. And it was a good idea. It was a good
16:59idea. It almost backfired, but it was a good idea. Let's go up here. Come on. Unpaid internship.
17:08Okay. Up here. I don't know if we should go full speed. I don't know if it's a good idea.
17:12Should I do it? I'm doing it. Yay. Yay. Tomorrow is your first day as an unpaid intern. Huge.
17:21What an honor. Oh man. The corporate, the corporate field is crazy. All right, here we go.
17:31We can just brute force it. It's fine. I don't think they, I don't think they expected that.
17:36Get up there, you son of a bitch. Kill speed almost completely and slide off this. Then we'll
17:40get enough speed to jump. Perfect. And then we'll get enough speed to jump here. Beautiful. And then
17:47we'll be up here. That's fucked up. I'm going to pipe Daryl. That's what I'm going to do. I,
18:06by the way, I've fully dropped the narrative that this is how I get to work. This is just not,
18:10I thought this game was going to be something a little different, but apparently there's like a
18:14whole narrator talking to me and have the story and shit. Perfect. Come on, baby. Come on. Let's
18:28go. Next, next, uh, next part. Where, uh, where, uh, this, what happened? Why did my guy just,
18:37why? It's not my guy at all. It was me. I'm the problem. But why did my guy just do that?
18:41Why did he just randomly decide to slide out that way? Just, just wildly
18:49at their show. Replay that. Okay. We're back. We're back after that absolute blunder by the
18:57game. We are back and we're going to too fast. No, we're good. We're good. I don't need that
19:02thing. I don't care about what that is. I don't care, but it did say the grind set on it. Hold
19:06on. Now I'm kind of interested, but I'm committed. I'm committed to being up here and that's just
19:10the reality. Come on. Great. They mentioned grind set. Should I go grab those things? Do I
19:32need them? God damn. I'm not a way, right? Like I get to, I should be able to redo, redo all that.
19:37I don't got to, I gotta go all the way back here to do all that. It's the name of the game.
19:45Slow down. God damn dude. Okay. It's fine. We're up here. I don't know. I'm freaking out. I'm
19:50sorry. I apologize. I'm on edge. It's been a long day. God, I'm getting, I'm not getting paid for
19:54doing this work, which is ironic because this video I'm going to get paid, you know, through,
19:58you know, Google, but you know, in, in, in, in regards to the overarching story,
20:03wait, am I done here? Oh, I see. And then I could go up to floor two by hitting this ramp.
20:08Ah, perfect. On the second floor, you meet Jim who tells you that at the end of the year,
20:13several interns are chosen to interview for a paid position. No way. Financial analyst. No way.
20:18He tells you to just work hard and go with the flow. Okay. I can do that. I can work hard and
20:24go with the flow. I'm chill. See how chill I was going over that. Literally no problems. You won't
20:30hear from me. HR. No problems. Here we go. Floor three. God damn. We might skip. We can skip. We
20:38can skip. Oh man. I was so excited. You meet your boss's boss. Who's impressed with your can do
20:44attitude. He says, if you keep it up, he might put in a good word for that in-house interview.
20:49Yeah. Fucking right, dude. Stop lying to my face.
20:55Come on. Come on, baby. Oh my God. We're getting crazy. We're getting crazy.
20:59How am I supposed to know where to go? Do I go to this? I think I go here. You think I'm going
21:04to take that thing? Hell no. I'm sliding down this little guy right here. Slide right down it.
21:10Oh my God. Okay. We're good. And then we go down this and then we stop and then we full send.
21:21Crazy speed. Holy shit. At the all hands meeting, your boss Bill announces that you've been chosen
21:27for the in-house interview. Oh, it's been a year. According to him,
21:30it's just a bunch of softball questions since it's really more of a formality than anything.
21:38Okay. All right. Okay. Just one fricking second here. Jump. Jump again.
21:49Jump a fourth time. I think. Jump again. Beautiful. We're like a butterfly doing a nice dance.
21:57Butterflies dance. I don't know. They fly. Full-time position. Come on. Make that shit.
22:03Huge. Huge. Huge. You looking your best. Bring on the softball questions.
22:09Dude, this looks insane. How am I... Bro. How am I supposed to do this first try?
22:15See? See what I mean? We can still do it. No? Okay.
22:20Okay. W. Question one. What's your biggest weakness?
22:25This game. No! Back at the bottom of the fucking questions. That's where I find myself.
22:37That was kind of smooth. Not gonna lie. That was even smoother.
22:42Okay. Good. Okay. Not so good. Honestly horrible. Dude, how big is this? Okay. That was the last
22:49one and I fucked it up. Of course I did. You know, that's so like me to just mess that up.
22:55Okay. I'm good. I'm good. Chill, bro. I'm not freaking out. You're freaking out.
23:10Come on! Another one? Are you kidding? I don't even know if I do at this point. Honestly.
23:17I don't. I don't know. Is that an honest answer? Okay. Let's do it.
23:21Come on, man. I can't go fast enough. I can save it. I can save it. I can do it. I can finally...
23:30Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Huh? Huh? Okay. We backtrack. It's fine. It's
23:36fine. I can swing up. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. I
23:40can do it. I just need to swing the right way. It's all right. It's a little setback. You know,
23:47they happen in life. You just got to be prepped for them. And you know, this is just a part of
23:50the interview process. I almost fell again. We can do it. We can do it. Now we know what we're
23:56dealing with. Okay. We're back here again. Oh my god. If that fucked me up. God damn it. God
24:15damn it. God, why have you forsaken me? Watch this shit. Watch this shit.
24:24Are you still watching? Are you still watching? Are you still watching?
24:30Come on, man. What? Oh my god. I'm all the way back here. I'm about to hit the button. I'm gonna
24:37hit the button. I do not have the mental fortitude to play a game like this. I just, I know that.
24:41I know that when I started it, I knew what it was. Like, to a degree, I knew what it was. And
24:46I was like, yeah, I can do that. Like, maybe not do it, but like, I was like, yeah, I can play that
24:51for a video. And I'll have fun. At this point, I gotta say, not having fun. Skip right to the next
24:57floor. Fuck you. Let's go. Here we go. Oh, we're flawless run now. We're not even falling again.
25:03We are never falling again, ever. Oh my god. We're smooth. We're smooth like peanut butter.
25:08Not the crunchy kind, obviously. Here we go. I'm back to answer questions, bitch. Let's go.
25:16Literally flawless. No stopping. Should have been some stopping. Just a little bit of stopping.
25:22Just a tiny bit, you know? Just a little bit of stopping. How long is this game? How long is it?
25:31I'm gonna, I'm gonna slam my head into a wall. I'm gonna purposely find the part of my brain
25:34that remembers this game, and I'm gonna get rid of it. God! Dude! How the fuck are you supposed
25:44to do that? Oh my god. I'm gonna show you how to do it. I'm gonna show you how to do it right after
25:49this next run, because I just fell down again. But watch this. Okay, after this next one,
25:52I promise. All right, we're just gonna skip this part entirely. Never mind. Okay, we're gonna,
25:56we're gonna reset from this part. No problem. And then we're gonna flip around like this.
26:01Great. We're gonna flawless this. No problem. No stopping. No nothing.
26:04I mean, there's gonna be stopping right here, but like irrelevant. Okay.
26:12Okay, okay. A little bit of stopping again. Let's get our angle. Let's get our angle.
26:23I got nothing to say. I don't have anything to say anymore. This might, the rest of the
26:27video might just be silent. I'm gonna be honest. That might be, that might be the reality here.
26:33Come on! Let's freaking go, dude! Woo! This is the best unpaid internship I've ever had in my
26:44life. All right. I don't care what you're saying. I'm flawlessing this shit. Come on. Come on.
26:55Junior financial analyst! Oh my god. What the hell?
27:07Okay. Um, all right. So I'm supposed to go up on this thing, then grab it.
27:13Holy shit. Whee! What the fuck?
27:17No one is going to notice you if you don't let yourself stand out.
27:21Okay. All right. So should I, should I restart from here? Or should I just fucking...
27:27Why is there a chair down here? Ow!
27:33Oh my god. Here we go. Here we go.
27:38Beautiful. Beautiful. Literally perfect. Oh my god!
27:42Was I meant to do that? Am I going to make this? Okay, good. Oh! Damn!
27:53Finally. Oh my god. This is wild. That was a stupid idea. I can, I can recover. I can recover
28:00from here. Ow! Dude, I'm going up the ranks. I'm going up the ranks. Oh my god. I'm going up the
28:08ranks. Ow! True. We gotta stick together. Damn! The perfect dap in an office setting is crazy.
28:28I'm in the wrong side of this. I should, I should... Okay, I can transfer. Oh my god,
28:32beautiful. Oh my god, I'm incredible. I'm literally incredible. We can take this easy.
28:35We don't have to go crazy. We don't gotta go crazy. Spinny, we don't gotta go crazy. We don't
28:37gotta go crazy. We could just, we could just casually skate through this one. Casually skate
28:42through. Cash, cash, cash-a-roo. There we go. Okay, don't hit these. I don't even want to find
28:46out what they do in this playthrough. I don't even care. Nice. Perfect. Perfect. Transfer.
28:52Transfer. Too fast. Transfer. Beautiful. Next. Literally no problem. And they said the corporate
29:00world was going to be hard. I wouldn't make it. Like, look at me go though.
29:05This is once again a very accurate representation of what it's like to go, dude, to go to my desk
29:10in the morning. It's just flawless. Okay.
29:27I'm ready.
29:28I'm ready.
29:32Holy shit! Ow! I didn't realize they were right here. Holy crap. Okay, this is a lot.
29:38There's a lot of people I gotta skate through. No problem though. I'm not worried about them
29:41knocking me off. They are not, they are not competition to me. They are merely obstacles
29:45in my way. Literally no problem. I could have skipped this whole thing. I should have done
29:55that, but I'm going to, okay. You know what? I am going to do that. I am going to skip this
29:58whole thing. Come on! Please. No. No! Don't hit the pole! Okay. Oh my God. Why did I,
30:15why did I do that? There's something wrong with me. My hubris could not take it. It's fine. We'll
30:20be back up there and literally an editing collab. Watch. Hold on a sec. I can't really
30:28collab right now. I have to focus. All right, here we go. We're back. Just like that. No
30:36painstaking things went into me getting back to this point. It's going to happen this time.
30:42All right. Flawless run. Here we go. Okay. There's a lot more than I thought. I always forget about
30:47that. I don't know why I forgot about it. Okay. I think we just take it easy. You know,
30:54I think we just, we just relax. We do a nice little, you know, a nice little humble climb
31:00to the top. Nothing too crazy. My ass really thought I was safe when I got in here, bro.
31:06And little did I know you would fall down the entire thing if I fell. If I hit any of these
31:12things, I'm going to freak out. You're going to hear me slam my controller. I might break it.
31:16Video ends. Can't even hit the give up button. Okay. How do I, how do I recover from this?
31:30Let's take it easy. All right. Let's take it so easy. We are literally not going to
31:34touch these things at all from this point forward. We're going to sail through this
31:39nice and easy. This is the most boring part of the video right here.
31:43I didn't even touch it. I didn't even touch that fucking thing. You gotta be kidding me.
31:50Stupid game has collision issues. Of course it does. Look at it. Okay.
31:59Do what? Do I go over that? I'm going to go over it. Oh, there's a hole there. Oh my God.
32:04Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. We're good. We're good. We're going to sneak by.
32:10I'm not even going to attempt the ramp. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay. I do the
32:16jump here. I do the jump. I clear this and I clear the next. I just go for it.
32:21Stop. Okay. Okay. Um, I guess we try this way, dude. How am I, how am I,
32:27how am I supposed to do that? If I even touch these things on the side. All right. All right.
32:31I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. All right. We have to jump sideways.
32:42I can do that. I told you I could do it. Don't you fucking hit that thing. Oh my God. Okay.
32:49We're good. The second round of interviews cuts out 90% of the applicants. The herd has been
32:54thinned out and you're still standing strong. Thank God. Dude, the atmosphere of this game
32:58has changed completely since I got to this point. I thought it was going to be some crazy
33:04fast action sequence, but it's just tense as hell. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Okay. Okay.
33:14You got to be kidding me. That's a joke, right? I can do it.
33:18Why did I slow down? Oh my God. I'm stupid. I hit, I hit, I hit the brake. I don't know
33:23what happened. I can, I can, I can recover. I can recover. I can recover. Flip flip.
33:29Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain. It's the only word I know now. Pain. I'm doing it.
33:40Okay. Now that we're an expert at that, it's no problem. It's fine. Literally not an issue.
33:50I want to die. How in the fuck knuckle am I meant to get back? No, actually genuine question. How
33:57am I, how am I, how am I supposed to do that? Is there something I'm missing on the other side?
34:03I literally had this on first try and I hit, I hit the brakes right at the end. I don't know
34:07what happened. I literally hit the brakes and I don't know how to explode. We're going,
34:10we're going, I guess. Holy shit. On the fly. You got to learn it on the fly, Smitty. There's no
34:18time to stop and learn. You gotta just go. You can stop and learn. You can stop and learn anytime
34:22you want actually. Fuck! I was going to overshoot it. I had to. Bruh. Bruh. Bruh. You can do it.
34:30You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You've been training for this for like an hour now.
34:36This is nothing to you. This is nothing. Make the jump. Stop. Stop. Re-evaluate. Re-evaluate.
34:43Jump. Huge. Keep going. Stop. Wait. Nice and easy. Nice and easy. Stop. Come on now. Come on.
35:02Firebox! Oh! Wait.
35:13Okay. My gut is telling me go left. Maybe my character can wear a hat and I can hide my bald.
35:43Okay. I gotta see what it is. I gotta at least see.
35:53Oh. Okay.
36:12Yeah. I picked middle management. That's not worth it for the hat. I'm not going
36:15all the way back to the bottom. I'm not doing it.
36:24Should I have picked the hat? Or is this meant to happen? I feel like this is meant-
36:32Maybe I can- Maybe I can glitch it. Maybe. Maybe. Just maybe I can find a way to get over this.
36:38Here we go. I'm gonna ride the wall. I'm gonna ride the wall.
36:42Shit! No!
36:44Oh. Great. That makes me really comfortable. Oh.
36:55Thought that was gonna hurt a lot more than it actually did. I just bounced off my big butt.
36:59All right. How do I- Am I supposed to be- Am I meant to be going all the way down here? I feel
37:03like I am. Just by the way this game has gone. I'm just flying. What the hell is wrong with me?
37:13Okay. So that's kind of what you're gonna bring to the level. Got it. All right. Well,
37:22I'm just gonna do- I'm just gonna freestyle then. I found in life if you just wing it
37:27sometimes you'll do better. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this shit though. Like honestly.
37:44Is everyone at this company bald? Because if that's the case I should be the CEO. I'm the
37:47best bald guy here. Look at me. No one else is doing what I do. No one else is about it. Look
37:51at this shit. I'm already halfway through this fucking level. Okay. I'm back at the start again.
37:56I wish the game would give me just like a progress meter. You know? Just so I had an idea of what I'm
38:01working towards. You know? And how far I am from the goal. It would really help me keep going.
38:06Because at this point I kind of want to hit right bumper. I'm not built for these. All right? I'm
38:10just not built for them. I'm gonna- Oh, I'm gonna change that narrative though right now. I'm gonna
38:15change that narrative right now. Oh, here we go. Come on. Damn. All right. Oh, shit.
38:40Fair enough.
38:47What the hell? Oh my god. Oh my god. I don't- I don't even know what's going on anymore. I don't-
38:52I'm just flying. I'm flying. Okay. I have just reset massively. This is not good. I literally
38:57want to die. I want to hit right bumper so bad. You have no idea. I want this video to end.
39:04Oh, that's not bad. What is even the fucking point of-
39:14That's all the give up button does? It just makes you fall over? It lets you ragdoll. Okay. Well,
39:21I wish I would have known about this earlier because then I would- I would have done some
39:23funny moments with it like this. That's so funny. God, I hate this game.
39:32Where am I going? Where am I going? I forget. I forget. Okay. Okay. Good.
39:40Oh my god. Oh, there's a pool there. Why is this here? Oh my god. I can reset. I can reset. I can
39:46do this again. I can do this again. I just got to be careful. Okay. There we go. There we go.
39:53Not enough speed, but we'll make it. We'll make it. We'll make it. We'll make the speed. We'll
39:56make the speed. Just like that. Boom. I am way too fast for my own good. What is this? I'm picking
40:03it up. The Grind Set. Welcome back to The Grind Set, the only business-minded podcast that gets
40:10you real results. You sound kind of down, Chaz. What's going on? I am a little down, TJ. I'm
40:16currently coming to terms with how hard it is to be rich. Everyone says being rich is easy,
40:20but it's hard. Harder than being poor. That's for damn sure. Because they don't tell you about
40:25all the enemies you make when you're rich. People trying to slander you on social media,
40:29exclude you from their social wine mixers, and probably most commonly attempt to poison you.
40:34Oh, man. I couldn't believe how much poisoning happens at the top.
40:38It really is a problem for beta males. Sigmas like me stay one step ahead by constantly building
40:44up a tolerance to deadly poisons. You see this? I've been personally microdosing deadly nightshade.
40:54I'm so glad I didn't pick up any of these to this point. This might've put me over the edge,
40:58people. Don't know how I'm feeling about this game. This is...
41:03Having a great time, though. Hope you guys are too. All right, let's grind.
41:06For the past three and a half weeks, and my doctor told me it's dangerous.
41:10He told me to stop. You know what I told him? I was actually... Hard to speak.
41:28Thank you for watching. Get to work. If you want to see me play more rage games,
41:38leave a like. If you want to subject me to that, and this video does really well, fine. But I'm
41:44not going to be happy about it. Subscribe if you're new. Check out my other channels I actually
41:47enjoy playing on. Check out Smitty Plays, Smitty Minus, Smitty Plus. Check them all out.
41:54I just got an achievement that says, a real quitter. Give up for longer than one minute.
42:00Yeah, I'm done with this game, bro. I'm not going to beat it. I knew from the beginning,
42:04I had a feeling I wasn't going to do it. I don't know what to tell you, man. I hate these games,
42:09and I'm not going to play them. Just entertain you guys, and force myself to beat them.
42:13When there's a point where I know I'm done, I'm done, okay? Thank you for watching. I appreciate
42:18it. Leave comment suggestions for what I should play next that's stupid like this,
42:23and dumb, and shouldn't have ever been made, and I hate the developer of. Thank you for watching,