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Outtro song ▶️ Axel Thesleff - Bad Karma
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00:00This is me sneaking on to some of the biggest live streams in the world
00:04What the was that? No, I can't pay 300. I'm lying by the way. I'm lying by the way
00:09Why because I wanted to see if chat could spot me
00:12It's me versus chat and anytime they call me out they get a point and anytime I go undetected I get a point
00:17I prepared a bunch of different disguises to make sure that I win
00:20But if I lose I will do whatever the top comment of this video says
00:24Please have mercy on me starting with my first disguise uber eats delivery driver for this stream
00:28I made my way out to the beautiful state of florida. If you know this chair, you know exactly where I am
00:34Nicholas come on in
00:36Yeah, I have a delivery for you and the delivery
00:39Is what exactly so I know that a chat likes to accuse you of vaping. Yeah, it's an accusation. I've never vaped in my life
00:45Yeah, you know, but is it true though? 100% true. So I spent 300 on vapes
00:50I'm gonna deliver these fully concealed if chat recognizes me. I will be shocked. Don't sleep on your motion
00:55They might recognize you jinx he started up his stream. Yeah chat
01:00We got a banger stream plotted tonight while I put on my disguise in the other room guys here very simple
01:05We got the mask the glasses that I would never wear. Oh, they're already fogging up
01:13We got the hood we got the uber eats bag, there's no chance y'all catch me on this one
01:20Yo, let's go uber eats
01:23No, you gotta sign for it, I gotta sign for uber eats you have to show me your id so there's alcohol
01:27I think it's named eric eric. Come on in
01:45I did not order the holy dude. Is this the address? Yeah
01:49Yeah, nicholas, but I didn't order this dude. Oh my god, this is enough vapes for like a year, bro
01:54I can't pay this is like three hundred dollars worth of vapes. Just look at this real quick. Give me the id
02:00Thanks, there's more over here. Sure
02:05Do not believe that for a minute what was that bro, I don't vape guys
02:12But I think it was okay your acting was impeccable i'm hoping chat doesn't realize is that eric no
02:20Eric helping with clips now. Okay, they got me audience one eric zero
02:24I have to go way bigger on the next one after that horrible failure with jinx
02:28I had to make sure my new disguise was good enough for our next streamer miss kiss. I am
02:33Unbelievably disappointed in my performance god what I have in store for this one is so unbelievably over the top
02:40Your tiny little brains could never even fathom
02:46That's not me the chat's not gonna catch us this time
02:50Not one person my audience or his audience is gonna know that this is me. Don't forget your teeth. Thank you
02:56Ah, okay. This is miss kiffin. He's hosting his annual world of warcraft meetup, which is a huge event
03:02There's gonna be like a hundred thousand people watching everyone here plays online together all the time and only meets up once per year
03:08So i'm gonna have to blend in without getting caught go in there and grunt just blend in you're the best dress
03:13I know I went way too hard way too good
03:15I not only have to not be caught by chat, but by the other people here. Hey, what's going on adam?
03:21How you doing, buddy? Yeah, adam good to see you
03:24Who's that? What are you talking about? Who is this guy? You know him this is sketchy
03:28I think you're gonna get caught I knew I had no chance by myself
03:31So I asked for advice from the only two people I could trust
03:36I have absolutely no idea what i'm doing here. Why am I I don't even know what this is. All you need to know
03:40Zugzug zugzug
03:42What is zugzug? It's everything. What are you talking about? All right
03:46So as you can see all of mrs
03:48Friends are back here. There's like 50 people here. The stream is going to start in about five minutes. I'm nervous man
03:53I'm nervous, okay
04:04After a few minutes of awkwardly walking and standing around in the background of the stream
04:08Not only was chat getting suspicious, but so were the other guild members. You don't recognize me. Oh, that's weird
04:15Zog zog
04:30Zog zog
04:38Zog zog
04:45What's your favorite part of the guild so far
04:51It's that kind of orc there's 30 000 people watching and not one of them knows who I am
04:56I'm, pretty sure that we went completely undetected, baby
05:01That's a point for team arak this next one though. I feel even better about actually I am very worried about it
05:06All right, we're back in los angeles with a very special guest mr
05:10Courage himself the plan for this one is a trick as old as time. It's ricky's plumbing
05:14I actually went so far on this disguise. I got a fake mustache
05:19That might be the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life while courage started up his stream I became ricky the plumber
05:26This is the worst attempt that you've done
05:29Dude, I can't believe I got five more 2800 beebop cards
05:32I think I should get wet like they're like the toilet just exploded on me
05:34This has to be a train of ai right here, right?
05:38And a gold scar and I just get to fight ai
05:43Okay, i'm in character I was trying to fix the toilet downstairs it exploded
05:48Hello. Hey balls. How's it going? Uh, yep. Yo, so the toilet downstairs it kind of exploded
05:56I'm live by the way, what does that mean streaming? So a toilet downstairs it sort of exploded
06:01It's torrential downpour down there stream by chance it was water everywhere
06:05There's about a foot of water downstairs. You might have to replace the house brother
06:10Huh? What do you mean? Let's let's do this off camera. I'm streaming. How's it going chat?
06:13My son told me you were big deal. Can I get a picture with you? No, no, no
06:16I mean the bathroom is just destroyed
06:21I think we killed that bro. I think I killed that one. There's a 100% chance that they immediately knew
06:26All right, let's go look at the chat and let's see who took on the dub
06:32That was eric a fake plumber in your house eric trolled you. Oh, that's tough
06:37Why did you let me do that? I tried it. Why did you let me do that? That's so embarrassing
06:41Yeah, that's a point for chat now at this point I was down to one
06:44But I had a plan to get back in the lead
06:46You see the face house was in the middle of a 25 day subathon where every member was live streaming in a different room
06:52Meaning I could get up to five points here. So I was willing to do anything
06:57I'm here to clean your room. Oh god
07:01This is what greatness looks like whether you like it or not. I'm suited up. I'm gonna walk into the stream
07:05Let's get a point by the way
07:06None of these guys know that i'm coming here tonight except for lacy what's twitter looking like no twitch streamer
07:12Can ever go band for band with x2c?
07:15But guess what we can with you b.john tarani
07:19It's just a randoms
07:22Who the is this, excuse me? Yo, sir. I know y'all did not just order a in a main costume. Who is this?
07:30Wait a minute
07:34Yo, this is
07:37You missed some spots that was the second most demoralizing thing that has ever happened to me
07:42The first is what you're about to witness in this next room
07:49What the are you
08:01You cut
08:07I had just put my entire bloodline into generational aura debt, but there was only one thing that matters lacy's chat might not have known
08:15Eric eric that was eric. What is eric doing? No way. That was eric
08:19Are you telling me that I did all of this to lose?
08:21Yeah, yeah, but I still had another opportunity to get a point stable. Ronaldo decided to take his stream mobile and I had a plan
08:28Tell me this is not my best disguise. It's the worst disguise. I've ever okay
08:33That was it was a rhetorical statement. The plan was simple while ron lacy and sketch were at the batting cages
08:37I was gonna sneak up behind them that dang sketch. I'm literally a bush right now
08:42I need to get in front of the camera somehow without them seeing me
08:45Lol hit a shot. There's a tree right next to them right there
08:48I think I can give it right next to that tree and they will not notice me. Probably not
08:54All right, i'm walking up to the boys right now, this is huge
08:58I'm in the stream. I'm in the stream. I'm in the stream. How am I this close? I'm getting closer
09:02I'm getting closer. I successfully made it into the stream and things were going perfect until ron turned around
09:09Oh, this is going bad, it's going bad. Is that not a fucking illusion with an apple watch on blending in we can see you
09:18Hey, my spot got compromised my spot got compromised
09:22There's no way they knew that was me. Do you know that dude? I know that dude
09:27I'm running. Hey, hey, i'm heading to bush right now
09:49I think we did it. I have to check the chat dude can't even break 100 views on that video
09:53Video's gonna get 500 views
09:55They're talking about it right now. They think I am legitimately a stalker which I will take they didn't know
10:02Let's go, but I wasn't gonna stop there. I was about to infiltrate the biggest stream happening in the world. We are in pan
10:14The only problem with this is I have absolutely no idea where he is
10:17His streams are only about two or three hours long
10:19So I have like an hour to find him. Fortunately. My uber driver. Michael was already watching speed stream
10:24He's watching the stream live right now and then driving to wherever the place is
10:32He walked into a building that said patria on the outside
10:35So i'm gonna try to reverse image search this we're super spies
10:38The only problem was every time we found out where he was you're gonna be the mayor for the day
10:41Oh, i'm a president. He had already teleported to the next location
10:46Oh speed is currently at the top of some building
10:50Oh, I think it's a zip line
10:52Feels like the good old days, you know, just showing up to things hoping that it works out
10:58He always has these giant security guards around him, so I brought a security guard outfit geographically
11:02We're 99% of the way there. I'm not the smartest man in the world
11:06I'm, not the brightest man in the world
11:09So michael's op
11:12Is the real
11:14I'm about to throw up after an hour of driving
11:16Michael tracked down speed like a heat-seeking missile where he was getting onto a nearby yacht
11:21I see him, but even though I found speed I had a new problem
11:24I see you every time. Let's go. Let's go
11:40I felt really good about my disguise until we got out of the car a second ago
11:43I think we might have to do whatever the top comment says at this point
11:45What's what's up, bro, what's up?
11:51Speed was leaving on the yacht
11:53So I knew I needed to get on board if I wanted any chance to make it onto the street
12:01I don't know. It's like I think it's a hat
12:05We flew like 20 hours to stand right here just be in the background of the street
12:12Where that one drink at
12:21You're a little smelly bro, i'm smelly
12:26Really heavy really bro, why y'all keep playing with me bro? What's that in your hand bro? No, no, no, no, bring it out
12:34Bro me or you
12:51All right, we are back it's the final one. Oh i'm so nervous. Okay, here we go. Here's where I come on
12:58I don't know
13:00Please please chat. Please chat. Please chat. Please chat, please
13:08Eric in the back chilling in an obvious disguise spying on speed
13:12I guess i'm doing whatever the top comment is video says
13:14If you want a part two help me get to 20 million subscribers. Let me know in the comments
13:17That's pretty much it. I'm leaving. Please be nice