• 2 days ago
Patrick Bet-David and Ben Cohen discuss why Trump gained support from lower-income voters, minorities, and those disillusioned with the status quo. Cohen argues that both parties fail the bottom 50%, while Bernie Sanders could have won against Trump with an anti-corporate stance.
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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


00:00So, let me ask you, why do you think Trump got elected? Why do you think Trump won?
00:03I think he won because the bottom 50% of the population is getting screwed by both parties.
00:10Both parties?
00:11Both parties.
00:13Yes, I do, because of the way that our economy is structured,
00:18which means that virtually all the money goes to the top,
00:22and virtually none of the money goes to the people on the bottom.
00:26Why though?
00:28Because of the laws, because of the laws and the regulations.
00:32So, why do you think so many blacks,
00:37why do you think so many Hispanics,
00:40voted for Trump like we've never seen before?
00:43So, why do you think the poor, low, middle-income support for Trump skyrocketed?
00:49Where Kamala Harris, who is, according to her, African-American, Jamaican, Indian,
00:54we don't know what she is, or Biden,
00:56why is it that even with her, she lost seven battleground states and she lost the majority?
01:02Why do you think that is?
01:03Why do you think black people and Hispanics trusted a white guy, Trump, Republican,
01:08more than they trusted an African-American lady to solve their problem?
01:13I think people were really unhappy with the status quo,
01:17and I think they voted for not the status quo.
01:20I actually believe that if voting for Bernie was an option, he would have won.
01:27Against Trump?
01:29Yeah, because they're both against the status quo.
01:32They're both against, well, I mean,
01:35they both say they're against corporations controlling the country.
01:39I mean, I personally believe that it's in words only in terms of Trump,
01:44but I think in terms of Bernie,
01:47I think he genuinely would want, you know, would work on reducing corporate influence.
01:53I mean, you know, I mean, the whole, I mean, when we talk about capitalism,
01:58I mean, you know, capitalism ends up having a small number of people accumulate a huge amount of wealth,
02:06and then you have the Supreme Court saying that, well, money's the same as free speech,
02:12and therefore we can't regulate spending in elections,
02:17and what we have in our country is a system of legalized bribery,
02:21and it used to be that the corporations and the rich and the wealthy were influencing legislation,
02:31and they were influencing who gets elected, and now they are who's getting elected.
02:37And, you know, I would rather see a representation of what the country actually is.
02:47I mean, the country is not just 100,000 really, 100,000?
02:55Yeah, I don't know, 10,000 really, really wealthy people.
02:59The country represents a very broad swath,
03:02and a representative democracy, that's what there ought to be running the country.
03:08But, you know, we have elections that are financed by millionaires, billionaires,
03:18and we end up with a government that favors that class of people.
03:25Does that include Bernie?
03:28Does that include Bernie?
03:31Was Bernie funded by rich people?
03:35No, he wasn't?
03:36Do you remember that exchange when Hex said, asked him a question,
03:40I don't know who it was, Rob, when he says, I don't know who it was,
03:43somebody asked him and said, I'm sorry, your campaign, 45% of your campaign was from Big Pharma.
03:49I don't know if you remember that one.
03:50Do you remember that one when he was, when-
03:52No, I don't remember.
03:53Well, let me-
03:5445% of a-
03:55I don't know what the percentage-
03:56Whose campaign was from Big Pharma?
03:57Bernie Sanders.
03:58No, that is absolutely, totally-
04:01100, 1,000% incorrect.
04:04Well, I mean, he got very upset about it because, but even with him, even with him,
04:09here's a socialist that's worth $10 million.
04:12He's a pretty rich guy.
04:13He used to say, millionaires and billionaires.
04:16Now he no longer says millionaires and billionaires.
04:18Why did he drop millionaires?
04:24Because he wrote a book and he got a million dollars or whatever?
04:28You can-
04:29I mean, but, you know, I mean, I was, I was helping on Bernie's campaign and-
04:35I think he got screwed, by the way, just so you know, by Hillary Clinton, if you ask me.
04:38He did, absolutely.
04:39And I like Bernie.
04:40I do too.
04:43I just don't think he's good for the economy.
04:44I really like Bernie.
04:45I think he's a good guy.
04:46I just don't think he's good for the economy.
04:48I think he would be good for an economy that works for all Americans instead of just the
04:54upper crust like you and me.
04:56I think in 2000, when you were selling your company, you wouldn't have voted for Bernie.
04:59Absolutely, I would have voted for Bernie.
05:01I totally would have voted for Bernie.
05:03I voted for Bernie when he was mayor, when he first ran for mayor of Burlington.
05:08If capital gains went to 80% and you sold your company, you're okay with that?
05:11Yes, I am okay with that.
05:14Because I do not believe that we should have a country where, what, 0.1% of the population
05:21owns 90% of the wealth?
05:22You're part of it.
05:23You're part of the 0.1% thing.
05:25You don't want to give up your wealth.
05:26You're still keeping it.
05:27Here's your friend Bernie.
05:28Rob, can you play this clip?
05:29Watch this clip.
05:30I'm going to make America healthier than other countries in the world right now.
05:34Will you guarantee do what every other major country does?
05:38It's a simple question, Bob.
05:39And by the way, Bernie, the problem of corruption is not just in the federal agencies.
05:46It's in Congress, too.
05:48Almost all the members of this panel are accepting, including yourself, are accepting millions
05:53of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry.
05:55Oh, no, no, no.
05:57And protecting their interests.
05:59I thought that that would come.
06:01No, no, no.
06:02Don't run around.
06:03I ran for president like you.
06:04I got millions and millions of contributions.
06:08They did not come from the executives, not one nickel of PAC money from the pharmaceutical
06:14They came from workers.
06:15In 2020, in 2020, you were the single largest receiver of pharmaceutical money.
06:20Receiver of pharmaceutical money.
06:22From workers all over this country.
06:25Workers, not a nickel from corporate PACs.
06:28Bernie, you were the single largest acceptor of pharmaceutical dollars.
06:32No, from workers in the industry.
06:341.5 million.
06:35Yeah, out of 200 million.
06:37All right.
06:39Bernie didn't like that, too.
06:40You have not answered.
06:41Last question.
06:42So again, the hypocrisy in politics is a little bit frustrating because I understand Bernie
06:47says, well, we got to do the millionaires and billionaire class.
06:50The moment he becomes a millionaire, he drops a millionaire.
06:52He just wants to bash the billionaires now.
06:54I don't take any money.
06:56One and a half million comes.
06:57The eventual challenges, the hypocrisy that shows up.
07:00And I think that's the part that Americans are tired of it.
07:03They're just sick of the games that politicians play.
07:07And they're eventually saying they're done with it.
07:09You know, I when I was working with Bernie, you know, he was saying billionaires should
07:15not exist.
07:16And, you know, that that struck me as kind of weird.
07:20I mean, I said, why?
07:22Why shouldn't billionaires exist?
07:24Why shouldn't we have billionaires?
07:26And then I realized that nobody needs that kind of money there.
07:32And how can you accumulate that kind of kind of wealth when you've got so many other people
07:41that are barely getting by?
07:46Why shouldn't we have a system?
07:48You know, it is kind of peculiarly American.
07:53I don't believe that that kind of spread exists in in a lot of other countries, in a lot of
08:00European countries.
08:01Yeah, because we actually believe in free enterprise and free market.
08:04And we allow you to build it as big as you want.
08:06And here's the crazy thing, Ben.
08:08Very crazy.
08:09I mean, there's free enterprise in any of the Scandinavian countries.
08:13Not at the levels that we have.
08:14Not at the levels that we have.
08:15We recognize guys like you who, even if you're a socialist, we recognize guys like you who
08:23took a ice cream company.
08:25Hey, speaking of ice cream, you got a spoon?
08:28I mean, the shit's melting.
08:29I'm good with it.
08:30I got you a spoon.
08:31Well, I don't see the spoon.
08:32Humberto probably took the spoon and didn't have an ice cream in the back.
08:35So I got mine over here.
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