• 2 days ago
Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this super chilled, random vlog Currently in Dubai writing this and just wanted to say your love and support never ever goes unnoticed… my YouTube community means more to me than you’ll ever know.

Love always,

Molly x


00:00I get that over stimulated by my hair being down that like I will actually tie my hair
00:07up with quite frankly anything that I can get my hands on just to get my hair off the
00:11back of my neck. Like I insist on having all these blow-dryers at the minute to try and
00:14make me look like a 90s supermodel blow-dry queen which I never will be. But the reality
00:21is that I will literally like, I've used knickers, I've used knickers, knickers and knickers
00:27that's what I can think of right now. But I just literally, I couldn't find a clip or
00:30anything downstairs so I've had to use two metal pins just to get the neck off the back
00:37of my hair. The hair off the back of my neck because I just, I can't cope with it. Anyway
00:42guys hello, long time no vlog. It's been a minute and I don't even know why. I was thinking
00:47downstairs like why haven't I been vlogging? And I don't really know. Sometimes I just,
00:54I don't know I just resist picking up the camera, no excuse for it. I've been great,
00:59things have been great over here. It's actually half past eight at night on a Monday right
01:03now and I have just been at a lymphatic drainage appointment which was really nice, having
01:08a little bit of tummy lymphatic drainage. I was meant to have a really busy Monday today
01:12but actually I kind of decided, I took it upon myself to make it a not busy Monday and
01:17I kind of took the day for myself a little bit which has been nice. I've just been at
01:20home with Bambi literally. I went to the Traveller Centre this morning, did a little bit of show
01:24doping and that's literally it. I think it's why I've kind of been resisting to pick up
01:29the camera because I haven't really had loads to update you on to be honest guys. Like life's
01:32been chilled, it's been kind of quiet, I say that. Literally had a huge weekend. We had
01:37the Maybe pop up for International Women's Day. I also have spag bol on my chin because
01:41I just had a ready meal spag bol, I know how to live. But we had the pop up for International
01:47Women's Day with Maybe on Saturday so two days ago now and I've actually been genuinely
01:53on a comedown today and to be completely honest with you, I feel like that pop up,
01:58it was honestly so incredible to the point where afterwards I said to Fran, I was like
02:04I think that's one of the first events I've ever done where I'm more excited to get to
02:08the end of the day because a lot of the things I do I'm always like I'll be really excited
02:12and happy when this is done so that I can tick it off, say it's done and reflect on
02:17it and I did feel like that little bit with the first pop up just because I was so anxious
02:20and because it was such a huge event, I was kind of looking forward to it unfortunately
02:24being done. But with this pop up at the weekend, like I didn't feel like that at all. Like
02:28I literally felt like I don't want this to be done because I've enjoyed it so much. I'm
02:31going to have to get a clip before I carry on because I actually cannot, I can't do it.
02:37Now, now the pop ups done, I have like massive pop up blues because I enjoyed it so much
02:42like I literally can't even tell you how like gorgeous the vibes were and how lovely every
02:46single person that I met on Saturday like there was literally no, no dramas. I don't
02:52think I've, I don't think anyone was like unhappy with the whole experience like every
02:56single person I spoke to met any TikToks I've seen like everyone absolutely loved the pop
03:00up, which with me to have like zero controversy and to like have zero negative comments is
03:07like, have we just had a Christmas miracle? Like, have we literally just had like a complete
03:13To celebrate in Manchester was so good because I did feel so guilty when we did our first
03:19pop up it was in London and I know a lot of you guys think like I'm a Manchester girly
03:23and I'm like, I am seen as like Manchester like I wave the flag for the Mancunians because
03:28like I ship Manchester so hard like I love it. But if you're new around here, I'm not
03:34from Manchester. I am from down south. I'm from Hertfordshire, which is a lot closer
03:39to London than it is to Manchester. I'm a southern girly. But anyway, I keep going off
03:44on tangents. I really wanted to do something to serve our Manchester audience and our Manchester
03:49community. So to celebrate International Women's Day celebrate maybe and to celebrate in Manchester
03:54with coffee and cookies for free. It doesn't really get much better than that. In my opinion,
04:00it was so good. If you haven't seen it, I'll pop some pictures up here of what we did for
04:04the pop up this van. I was like, genuinely, that's not one thing that I would change about
04:07it. Of course, it's a lot easier to get just like a van, right versus a full like we had
04:13like a really, really big space to do for the first pop up. But basically, when I came
04:18up with the idea of the van, coffee van pop up, I knew the perfect perfect van to use.
04:25And basically, if you follow me on Instagram for a really long time, and you're like an
04:28avid watcher of my stories, maybe from like years ago, you'll have seen that I used to
04:32go to before Bambi was born, I used to go to a cookie van called baked by bean. And
04:36it's like she parks up like 20 minutes away from here and she serves the most unbelievable
04:41like treats, baked goods, brownies, banana bread cookies, like the best ever. And her
04:47van is so gorgeous and aesthetic. And I messaged her like I've got a really exciting idea like
04:51we meet up and basically, we transformed the baked by bean van into like a maybe takeover.
04:56She did all the cookies for us. We also partnered up with Sage, the coffee machine company,
05:01which was such a dream. You guys know how much I've fallen in love with my Sage coffee
05:04machine over the last few months, like it's literally quite quite literally changed my
05:07life. But this wasn't meant to be like a big long intro about the pop up. But I just wanted
05:10to fill you guys in because I didn't vlog it. And for obvious reasons, because we have
05:15filmed it on another platform, which you guys will be seeing really soon. Another small
05:19update for you guys. I had a lot of girls at the pop up actually coming and speaking
05:24to me about my piercings when they were like, getting their coffee and stuff. They're like,
05:27how your piercings, which I thought was so funny. People were asking me and guys, I can't
05:31tell you like, I don't want to I don't want to jinx it. Because my mum and Erin have both
05:36been having huge issues with their new piercings since they had them. We will have them done
05:40at the same time. And I'm having like, I don't want to say it because I'm not gonna jinx
05:45it touch wood. I'm having zero issues with mine so far. Like I couldn't be happier with
05:49the fact that this conch one which was it's literally caused me no issues at all. But
05:55I know it's because my piercing pillow and I keep telling my mum and Erin, like I don't
05:59feel sorry for you because you have to get a piercing pillow. And they're like, yeah,
06:01but the piercing pillow is the only reason I genuinely believe why I've had no problems
06:05with my piercings. I've been talking for nine minutes like what have I been talking about?
06:29I don't know what love is. I don't want you to wait for me. I don't know what love is.
06:41I don't want you to wait for me. I don't know what love is. I don't want you to wait for
06:56me. I don't know what love is. I don't want you to wait for me.
07:13The lights have temporarily, temporarily, temporarily, until it's the end of the day.
07:17The lights are temporarily malfunctioned in my room. So I've put a different light setting
07:22on. But I actually think I kind of prefer this. My bedside lights have stopped working,
07:26love that. But I've just put like a light setting on that I never use. It's like the
07:31down lights and like the out bit. I'm kind of really enjoying it. It feels a little bit less
07:35harsh than the bedside lights normally do. I've spoken a whole lot of nonsense at the start of
07:39this vlog. I just wanted to do a quick PSA, public service announcement, not that it applies to
07:45anyone else other than me because it's my problem. But you guys, I feel like if you follow me on
07:49Instagram, you'll know how much I have been loving, emphasis on loving my Oura ring. This
07:57little thing here has changed my life. Like I am so unbelievably committed to my sleep since having
08:02my Oura ring. Like genuinely it's changed my life. I could rant, I could literally go on about it,
08:06how much I love it. I personally only like to use it for my sleep. I don't really use it for
08:10anything else. Well I use it for my steps and stuff and like it's nice to see like, I don't
08:16know, other bits and bobs. But the sleep for me is the main thing. But basically to cut a long
08:19story short, at the pop-up, take a shot every time I mention the pop-up, I had to disconnect my Oura
08:24ring because I needed to connect the speaker with my phone to play the music from the van.
08:28I got nominated as DJ. So basically I had to disconnect my Oura ring and ever since then I've
08:33literally not been able to connect my Oura ring back to my phone. I have tried everything. I've
08:37followed all of the directions and I can't connect my Oura ring back to my phone and it's really,
08:42really upsetting me because I haven't been able to track my sleep for the last two nights and
08:47that for me like, it's causing me a lot of stress because I am now obsessed with tracking my sleep
08:53and for the last two nights I've not been able to and I just don't understand how I'm meant to
08:56connect it. Let me give it one last go. No one better ask me to connect my phone to the music
09:00ever again if it means that I have to disconnect my Oura ring because me and my Oura ring's
09:05relationship is far, far too serious to ever do this again. Right, troubleshooting. Reconnecting
09:12your Oura ring to your current device. Yes. Confirm that your device is on the latest version
09:17of the operating system. I think so. Place your ring on its charger. Done. If the charger's LED
09:24turns blue or red, see our troubleshooting charging issues page. No, it's not done that.
09:29Connect your phone to its own charger to ensure all power saving features are disabled.
09:35I only have one charger. Can't do that. Place your phone next to the ring. Done. Turn off your device's
09:41Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi can interfere with Bluetooth in certain. Wi-Fi turned off. Make sure that there
09:48are no other radio powered devices nearby. No. If the above steps did not restore connection,
09:53try deleting the Oura app. Now, I don't want to delete my Oura app because it's got all the data
09:58on that I've been logging up and it says if I delete the app, then it's going to basically
10:04delete everything that I've like built up over the last few months of all my. I really don't
10:09want to delete the app. Look at me. I'm going to turn my phone on and off. If in doubt, do the classic
10:16on and off trick. Whilst I turn my phone back on, tomorrow I have my final MIV, which is my
10:23master interview for Molly Mae Behind It All episode four, five, six. So tomorrow is my last
10:32day doing my section where I sit down and basically like narrate the what's going on in like the
10:38talking section. So yeah, if season two doesn't happen, which I'm not talking too much about right
10:45now, then this will be my last MIV ever. But if season two does happen, then this won't be my last
10:51MIV ever. So I'm not feeling too sad about tomorrow because I don't know. I feel like maybe this won't
10:57be my last MIV. We'll have to see. Anyway, guys, I am going to carry on. Still not connecting. I'm
11:03so upset. The old on and off trick didn't really work. Anyway, guys, I'm going to get an early
11:08night and I will catch up with you all in the morning for our final, maybe not final, master
11:14interview. Night night. Good morning, guys. Half seven. We're out. We're out of here for final MIV
11:27of Molly Mae Behind It All season, you know. I have two boxes of cookies next to me which
11:34are staring at me. I'm not doing it for breakfast, absolutely not. But they're staring at me,
11:38they're like leftover cookies from the pop up. So we are just in Glam. The hair for the MIV is
11:44very simple. So it took approximately how long, Jack? Five minutes. Traveled four hours for a
11:50five minute Glam. We're just doing Glam makeup, but we're having a problem because I had my derma
11:58painting done the other day. And I've mentioned on my Instagram story about the derma painting trap
12:03that I'm in at the minute of if I don't get my derma painting done, my face goes so peach fuzzy
12:10and I have like, you can see like a layer of hair, especially around where my sideburn area is.
12:15And at the BAFTAs, like on TikTok, I saw a few comments, people actually saying like, you can
12:19see like how hairy her face is. So I thought, well, I need to book in for my derma painting.
12:22But when I do have derma painting done, my makeup never ever sits how it would if I had the peach
12:28fuzz. It doesn't look as... It's got nothing to hold to. Yeah, it doesn't like sit on the skin
12:33the same as if it had that little bit of like fluffy hair to hold it. So we're just in this
12:39trap of like, if I don't get it done, I support a full beard. And if I do get it done, then my
12:43makeup slips off my face. Brands look at me like, don't say that. Because last time I said that,
12:48it was all over the place. Do you remember that? Molly Mae has a beard. Molly Mae's growing beard.
12:53Molly Mae supports full beard. Which is fine if you want a beard. No problem with that. But the
12:59derma painting trap is real. And honestly, it's one thing I wish I'd never, ever, ever started
13:04because once you do it once, it does grow back just a little bit thicker. It does. I won't hear
13:10any difference. I'm not going to lie. When it's got skincare on it, it does look like glass skin,
13:16but it's not. I'm here for it. I think it's just a maintenance thing and you can't slip it.
13:22Sorry about that. I just need like that happy medium stage of like a little bit of something.
13:31It's spiky. No, I've got to stop all. I'm so glad you guys understand though. It does.
13:37It won't shouldn't come back off. I did it once and now literally when it was growing back,
13:43it was coming back like growing back straight. It's not meant to be shaved. I know. I wish I'd
13:49never, ever done it. I'm not sure the reason, but it is there. That's the one thing I would
13:53teach Bambi when she grows up. I'll teach you anything else, but I'll just say, listen,
13:56the one thing I can teach you is don't start diving. When your mum goes mad about shaving
14:00your legs when you're young and like, don't shave. Yeah, I know. It's the same thing.
14:05What's with the redness? Did we? Guys, that's never been there before.
14:36I think it needs tweaked.
14:52We're going to start again, please. Yeah.
14:56Thing is, I just don't like putting it when I've got, when I've not got my extensions,
14:59I will use mask when I've got extensions in it. Molly, 10 minutes for the girl comes
15:03around for a blow dry, whack her mask in. It's me told. Well, I don't know how many times I have
15:08to tell you because next time I see you go, don't want bleach because my hair's snapping.
15:21Brilliant in the workplace, I'm putting it in my bowl. It does feel a bit better though.
15:24Yeah, do you know why? Because I'm not seeing you for quite a long time.
15:28We are deep into the MIV. MIV stands for master interview, doesn't it? But why?
15:35That's not correct. Because what does the V stand for? Yeah, but it's not really.
15:45Yeah, it's a me. It is a me. It's a MIV. Anyway, we're deep into it now. But we're having intervals
15:51of where we're putting on this little heater because it's freezing. And obviously we can't
15:57have the heater on when we're filming because the sound gets damaged. Damaged? Affected. We've
16:03ordered a Wagamama's for lunch, which I'm looking forward to. It's my second coffee and I've drank
16:09like full two glass, like they're huge glasses and I've had two of them. So my blood is actually 95%
16:15coffee right now. Hello. So I have just finished up at France. Bumpy bit of road. I've just finished
16:24up at France and I'm just heading home. And the best part about today, well this two days, is that
16:33I'm actually back at France at 7.30 in the morning. Honestly, like before, like if Bambi, I would have
16:40just stayed round if I wasn't her mum, to be perfectly honest with you, because I'm back so
16:44soon. But obviously I've got my little girlie to get back to. So I am going home literally just for
16:50the evening and I'm back there first thing in the morning doing, um, the next part of like a big
16:56shoot that I've got for a huge campaign I have going on this year with a really huge brand. So
17:04that's exciting. It's like the one thing I've not been able to tell you guys about. I feel like I
17:08haven't had something like that. Oh, we're slugging! I feel like I haven't had something like that for
17:13so long, like since Maybe was announced, that like I haven't been able to tell you guys about. I hate
17:17that, but yeah. I've got a shoot for something fun tomorrow, um, and then something I haven't
17:23filled you guys in on yet is that on Thursday, so literally two days from now, I am actually going
17:29on a holiday. So I'm going to Dubai, um, with Bambi and we are going for a little holiday, but I feel
17:39like I'm going to like really have like some like nice time off and just like really switch off. Like
17:46I'm still going to post and stuff. It's needed, this little trip, and I'm actually like very much,
17:51as you guys know, like a home girl. I love my time at home. I never really crave the need to go away,
17:58like I'm so content when I'm at home. It's like my happiest times, but recently I have been craving
18:04a little getaway and just some time to kind of just like escape. Has anyone else noticed like
18:11how incredible the sunsets are at the minute? Like the sunrises and the sunsets at the minute
18:16are so breathtakingly beautiful. Like I drive a lot in my car, as you guys know, like I'm often
18:21vlogging like either in my dressing room or in my car, and every time I'm driving at the minute in
18:25the evening, like I'm watching the most beautiful sunsets ever, like literal pastel pinks and
18:30purples and oranges. Like it's so breathtaking. Anyway, I love you guys. Speak to you in a sec.
18:35Good morning, guys. Wow, I sound horrendous. Quick coffee stop before we get to France this morning.
18:46Hello, yes, are you? Can I please get two cappuccinos?
18:49Yeah, are you taking away?
18:51Um, yes, please.
18:52Yes. Are they just regular or small?
18:55Just a regular cappuccino, please. And then can I please have a cup of coffee?
19:00Regular or small?
19:00Just a regular cappuccino, please. And then can I please get a latte with a small amount
19:06of agave in, please?
19:08And they hold it in a small mug?
19:10Uh, yes, please. Uh, yeah.
19:16Can I also get, um, four plain croissants? Or five plain croissants, actually. Thank you.
19:24There's some jam and butter in, um, to mark you.
19:27Wheat butter, I don't know if you've tried it.
19:29It's absolutely amazing.
19:30What is it? What butter?
19:32So, what milk is left, and then you use that to make butter.
19:35Try it.
19:36It's a complete waste of product.
19:37Oh, cool. Every time I try and use butter from here, though, it's always been in the fridge. It's
19:41like, it's like rock hard.
19:44Thank you. Have a nice day.
19:48Thank you very much.
19:51Good secured.
19:55If I don't get points from the glam team for that, then I'm gonna be upset.
20:00It's like a ghost town. So quiet.
20:03And just like that, we're back in the stupid, stupid car.
20:08Do I actually ever get out of my car? Like, it would appear not.
20:12Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.
20:17Good morning. Good morning.
20:20What a beautiful morning it is this morning.
20:24A coffee stop was necessary this morning.
20:27And yeah, a little girls trip for me.
20:32Latte with agave.
20:33Hot because it's Baltic.
20:35It's freezing.
20:38Back to France I go.
20:39Back in the car.
20:41Life gets really exciting.
20:42And I was actually like, deeping it earlier.
20:43I was thinking, this is actually why sometimes I don't vlog in the week.
20:46Because I'm doing a lot.
20:47But it's not stuff that like, you know, it's not interesting.
20:52One thing about me, I'm always going to be on time.
20:55I'm like so thingy about lateness.
21:00I can't bear it.
21:02So I always like the night before I'm going somewhere,
21:04check the Waze app before.
21:08To make sure like, I'll do like, what time do I need to leave to be there by this time?
21:12Because I can't bear being late for anything.
21:20Here we go again.
21:23Slipping and sliding for us.
21:25Dermaplane gate part two.
21:31Leave your lashes in the air.
21:37Oh, get over it.
21:39I'm here for early.
21:42I just need to know because I'm going to book my hair.
21:58Okay, I think I've done that.
21:59I think I've aborted like four there, or five.
22:02Yes, you've got one, two, three, four, five.
22:05Oh, okay.
22:06That's the first ones.
22:08This is how you put your croissants on after you've had your...
22:10Am I recording?
22:26Sorry about that.
22:29Ah, there she is.
22:38So, I can press this.
22:42Then I put that straight down.
22:43Put that straight down, and then we'll just put it all the way on the camera.
22:48Put that straight down.
22:51That's gorgeous.
22:52And then just let that roll.
22:54Let that run.
22:56Very nice.
23:00And we're wrapped.
23:03I'm literally living a groundhog day.
23:05I'm not going to make you watch me take my makeup off again,
23:08because this vlog has literally just been me like repeating the same day again.
23:15Oh my God, you're literally watching a repeat right now.
23:17I've clipped my hair up again with two metal pins,
23:21because basically in the cupboard downstairs where I always want to tie my hair up,
23:25like because I'm in the kitchen and I'm flustered,
23:27the only thing in that cupboard is these metal pins.
23:29So, I keep having to tie my hair up.
23:30I just need to basically take some scrunchies downstairs.
23:33But I'm finished shooting now for the day.
23:37It was quite a busy day.
23:40Once I finished the shoot with the secret brand,
23:43I then went straight into meetings for Maybe,
23:48and then I had a really awkward phone conversation
23:52that was so out of character for me,
23:53and like just really not a nice part of my day.
23:59You guys were actually really proud of me.
24:00I'm really...
24:01I stuck up for myself.
24:05The throat chakra, like one thing we're practicing in 2025,
24:08is that the throat chakra is unblocked and no more misses.
24:14Nice guy.
24:14Like no, no, no, no.
24:17I spent so many years.
24:18It's so random.
24:19I spent so many years like being a mouse and being too afraid to...
24:25I'm also speaking in riddles.
24:26You're like, what the hell is she talking about?
24:27But yeah, I've just been spent so many like years
24:29being too afraid to like actually open up this chakra of mine
24:33and speak my mind and actually not be afraid
24:36to like tell people what I'm thinking and feeling.
24:39And today I was like, do you know what?
24:40No, I saw some unfairness and I saw something I didn't like
24:44and I said, not today.
24:45Thank you very much.
24:47So yeah, that was an interesting part of my day.
24:49But the shoot went really well with the little secret brand.
24:52I'm really, really excited about that.
24:54It's going to be such a good little partnership.
24:55I don't know if anyone knows.
24:56I don't think anyone's worked it out.
24:57We're pretty much all packed for our holiday,
25:01which we go on in the morning.
25:03I will show you what I've packed in a second.
25:06I actually also got a new little purchase,
25:09which I can't decide if I like or not.
25:11So I need your guys' opinion.
25:12Yeah, I'm so excited.
25:13I feel like I haven't felt this excited for a trip in like so long.
25:18I really don't ever crave that holiday,
25:20but like I'm just ready.
25:22Like my bones need it.
25:23I got polyester on my glam now two days in a row.
25:26And I hate that I keep having to rub my lashes to take my mascara off
25:30because the lashes are too precious to be rubbing like that.
25:32Like, no.
25:33But I'm just running myself a really gorgeous bath.
25:35I've put my favourite honey bath in from Laura Mercier.
25:38Had like 10 people in my house today from to do the shoot,
25:42and so did Fran.
25:43It was crazy.
25:43Eggie is just so aloof.
25:46I don't even know what aloof means,
25:48but when I think of Eggie and look at Eggie,
25:51I think of aloof.
25:53Maybe you guys can let me know what aloof actually means in the comments.
26:01You okay?
26:02Come here.
26:03Come to your mum.
26:08Come here.
26:17Hello, my darling.
26:19I'm just having some chill time on the bed,
26:22having a little hiatus from organising everything I should be organising for tomorrow.
26:28It's getting quite late and stuff.
26:33Honestly, when you tell your friend you have some hot gossip drama and tea,
26:39which really is not even that gossipy or drama or tea,
26:42and she's literally like...
26:44This is the only kind of response from my friends when I tell them I have drama.
26:49I'm on the edge of my literal seat.
26:52I'm trembling.
26:54It's been too long.
26:55I'm near the edge of my seat.
26:55So I'll tell you in a minute.
26:58It's Steph's 30th birthday tomorrow,
27:00and she said this is the best present I could have ever given her.
27:03Just some great...
27:05It's not even gossip.
27:06It's not even interesting.
27:07I also want to show you guys this purchase that I can't decide if I like it or not.
27:11I need you guys' help.
27:13Let's head downstairs.
27:14Eggie's not going to like that.
27:17Oh my gosh, guys.
27:18I also haven't updated you about bread,
27:21but we found out recently that bread actually has heart disease,
27:27and he's got quite a severe level of it,
27:30and we're in a bit of a predicament at the minute
27:32because basically the vets have given us this medication for him to go on.
27:38It's basically beta blockers that we have to give him every single day,
27:41twice a day for the rest of his life for his heart disease,
27:45but basically if we miss one day of giving...
27:49He's tapping me.
27:50If we miss one day of giving him the beta blockers,
27:53if we miss one morning or one day or whatever,
27:56it can be really incredibly dangerous for him.
28:00More dangerous than not having him on them, I think they said.
28:04You cannot miss a day, but it's not that we would miss a day.
28:06It's like what if one day he decides that he doesn't...
28:09We can't give it to him because it's a droplet, it's a dropper,
28:12and bread's not the easiest cat to handle.
28:14Neither of them are.
28:15They won't be picked up.
28:16They won't be held.
28:17They'll be stroked like this,
28:19but I'll show you.
28:20If I try to pick...
28:21Well, to be fair, when he's chilled, he will be picked up,
28:24but they look really rigid.
28:26He doesn't...
28:27Neither of them like to be picked up at all.
28:30It's just always been how they are,
28:32so to give bread medicine every day, twice a day,
28:35it's not really that feasible,
28:38and I'm really worried if we start the medication,
28:40then one day he doesn't have it.
28:42Is that going to be really dangerous for him?
28:43I don't know.
28:45One of the lights just went off.
28:46Brett, come here.
28:50Hey, cheek to cheek.
28:52It's our poorly boy.
28:55It's our poorly boy.
28:56Are you okay?
28:58See, this is what I mean about he literally...
29:01I can only hold him like that.
29:03He won't be held,
29:05so trying to put a dropper in his mouth twice a day
29:08for the rest of his life...
29:11I just don't know if it's wiser to not start the beta blockers at all
29:15because is it more dangerous for me
29:17if we start the beta blockers and then miss a day?
29:21Oh, I don't know,
29:23but I obviously want to do what's best for him,
29:24and if they've told me to start them,
29:25then we need to start them,
29:26but what if one day he doesn't take them,
29:28or what if, for example, we're going away?
29:30I have someone here taking care of them,
29:31but it's just not 100% that he won't ever miss a day,
29:35and I don't know if that's super dangerous,
29:36but maybe you guys can let me know what you think.
29:39So my new purchase that I'm really not sure on...
29:43I am sure on it,
29:44but I'm doubting myself.
29:45It's this bag.
29:48It's like a...
29:49I wanted a new beach bag, basically,
29:52and I feel like this print...
29:56Now, I've got to be very careful about what I say about this
29:58because one time I spoke about a Gucci print item
30:02and nearly end...
30:03Well, did end up myself in a little...
30:06A little sissy scandal.
30:07You have to be careful with this print
30:08because I feel like sometimes it can look chic and cool,
30:11and then sometimes if you don't dress it right,
30:14it doesn't look like that.
30:17But the way the model had this bag...
30:20The way the model had this bag...
30:21Oh, bum to the wind.
30:23She was holding it kind of like this.
30:28My literal boobs are out.
30:29She was holding it like this,
30:32which I really loved.
30:33I thought like...
30:33But obviously, practically,
30:34like for practicality purposes,
30:36you're always probably going to carry it like this,
30:38but I don't know.
30:39I just thought like...
30:41I probably...
30:41I follow a girl called Tia Linacre.
30:43She wears like stuff in this Gucci print
30:45and she makes it look like so chic and so cool,
30:48so I want to try do the same.
30:50I don't want to make it look like
30:51how this print sometimes can look.
30:53Do you know what I mean?
30:55But it's a really practical bag.
30:56Like it's a really like perfect for the beach,
30:59perfect for chucking Babi's things in.
31:00You guys absolutely killed me with the...
31:03With my last clothing haul that I did
31:06for at the start of one of my vlogs recently,
31:08you guys were like,
31:09you need to return every single thing.
31:10Like what are you buying?
31:11Like I think I bought...
31:12It was like a suede piece,
31:13a two-piece from Zara,
31:15and you guys were like,
31:15you're not going to karate?
31:17I did return all that stuff,
31:18but you guys really humbled me
31:20with that trying on session.
31:21You're like, return the yellow jacket,
31:23return all the Zara stuff,
31:24like get it going.
31:24I was like, I'm glad I...
31:26I sometimes need you guys to humble me.
31:29Tell them.
31:31Tell them that you're poorly.
31:33I'm poorly.
31:35Can you believe he's got heart disease?
31:37Like I literally can't believe it
31:38and I'm just so glad that
31:39I took him to the vet
31:40and we found that out,
31:42but then I found out
31:42and I feel like I can't figure out like what to do.
31:45Honestly, they're both not allowed on the counter.
31:47Shouldn't be behind the counter.
31:48Name the film.
31:55They take the mick out of me.
31:58Right, this isn't going to be a long call
32:01because quite frankly,
32:02I don't have time, okay?
32:04But the tea's piping.
32:05I'm vlogging at the minute
32:06and I was showing the movie.
32:07I was like, if your friend doesn't react like this
32:09when you tell them that you've got hot tea,
32:12the tea is piping hot
32:14and if your friend's not reacting
32:16with these kind of messages,
32:17then that's not your friend.
32:19I was about to drive to your house,
32:20you have no idea.
32:22I was about to get in my car.
32:22I was about to make a drive to your house.
32:27I'm up in approximately five minutes.
32:31Why do I do this to myself?
32:32Why do I do this to myself?
32:33Why do I do this to myself?
32:34Why do I do this to myself?
32:35Like, why do I do this to myself?
32:38Yeah, I know why it is.
32:39It's because I've not been wearing my oar ring.
32:40I've not been taking my sleep seriously
32:41but the best thing that could happen to me today
32:44is that I managed to connect it this evening.
32:46I was sitting in bed and I've been...
32:49I've connected myself.
32:50So, oar ring, we're back as best friends.
32:53I'm just charging her up now.
32:55I'm so happy, like,
32:56that's the best thing that's happened to me today
32:58is that my oar ring is back in action.
33:00Baby, we're back in action.
33:02Guys, I am heading to bed
33:04and I've got a holiday in the morning.
33:06I've got me ollie bobs and I can't wait.
33:09I'm so excited and this vlog was...
33:12This vlog was so chilled and so nothing.
33:18As always, as I always say,
33:20this one genuinely was.
33:21I'm fully aware.
33:22I just wanted to jump on and say hi
33:24and just, like,
33:25just bring you along a little bit with me
33:27over the last couple of days.
33:28It's super chilled out.
33:29I feel like you guys probably have taken much away
33:30from this vlog
33:31but I just wanted to get something out for you guys
33:33and just to say hello
33:35because I love my YouTube family,
33:37as you all know.
33:38Like, honestly, my favourite platform ever, ever, ever.
33:41It's just the best.
33:42So I wanted just to get a video out for you guys
33:44and say hello.
33:46But anyway, if you made it to the end of this video,
33:48I love you millions.
33:51That's my half heart.
33:54Why am I doing that?
33:55Put that down.
33:56I love you millions.
33:58And I honestly just give myself the 8-24-7.
34:00I can't cope.
34:01I love you so much
34:02and hopefully I will see you all in my next video.
34:05Why have I got the giggles?
34:08What's wrong with me?