• 2 days ago
I Spent $15,000 Upgrading Subscribers Fortnite Accounts!
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- Ali-A

Video uploaded & owned by Ali-A. (PG, Family Friendly + No Swearing!)
00:00Today I'm upgrading my subscribers fortnight accounts
00:04I'll first see what they already own and then spin a wheel with upgrade prices worth over
00:10$15,000 I could be buying these higher battle pass for them or gifting them a
00:15$5,000 skin or even the biggest prize of them all
00:21These are my most expensive prizes yet, so let's get upgrading starting with being
00:27Chilling love the name this accounts fairly new are only
00:31600 levels and he's sitting a little low on V bucks. I think we can help that
00:36This is very much a new player. The only icon skin. I'm seeing it's
00:42A great creator. Where's your boy? No way to be seen. What's up with that being chilling?
00:47Nothing that exists before chapter 5 starting with maybe one of the worst seasons in recent times
00:54Megalodon the fist they does have all of the awesome Marvel skins ranked up and this guy's a big brain
01:00He's got the free Santa skin, but mr
01:03Dapper mint skin, which is actually free for linking to a Lego account the free juice world skin
01:08Look, this may not be the most stacked account, but I think this guy's smart at getting his free rewards
01:13Is he smart enough to have my code entered? No
01:16Which means he has just one single spin
01:20We have massively increased the chance about 1 million V buck reward from the first time. We did this video
01:25So it's a genuine high chance of landing on it. Someone got a hundred thousand V bucks last time
01:30How lucky will this guy be or the Eon skin?
01:41That is literally look one and a half
01:45$1,000 he was almost on me, but he will be getting something from the item shop. I felt generous guys
01:51Okay, I've given him 5,000 V bucks. I think he's a Marvel fan
01:56I'm gonna give him this set look how much you get it's close to the
02:015,000 let's go next up. She's even was maxed out all the battle passes
02:07Let's take a look at that locker. This looks like the biggest default setup
02:11I've ever seen in my life, but they are definitely not a default. Holy cow
02:16They've got a lot of skins here got a full gold version of the ice king from back in the day
02:21Oh, he's favoriting a mega and he's got all of the lights. Holy cow. Is he a real OG though?
02:28Cool trooper pink
02:30What? Okay, he's got one of them. Let's go trooper
02:33Oh, this guy was tricking me into thinking it was a default even has one of the rarest gliders
02:40one of the first gliders ever in fortnight
02:45Let's go wait, he's got my emo. Where's my skin? He's only got the lucky skin
02:50Oh mate now we gotta have a word. Oh my goodness
02:53He's got a fresh emote in chapter 1 season 1 the rarest emote in the game
02:59But will he be getting one spin or two spin?
03:02He came prepared code ali-a's entered
03:06Let me just emphasize how crazy some of these prizes are a million V bucks the double helix skin and Nintendo exclusive skin with
03:14$5,000 V bucks adding me as a friend item shop battle pass upgrades will be accounts
03:20This video are gonna get some serious upgrades. Good luck my friend
03:24You've got two spins and your first upgrade is oh my god
03:31Thought he was about to get the most expensive skin on there
03:35Finishing the battle pass for prize number one because all of his battle passes have been ranked up
03:41I'm gonna give him a little bit of a mystery prize for the first one and prize number two
03:45Thank you so much for supporting me using my creator code ali-a. It means the world to me
03:515,000 V bucks the V bucks have been added and I can now confirm that he is sitting over
03:5820,000 I've niced him and replaced battle pass upgrade with the max V bucks 13 and a half thousand
04:04I'm gonna take it upon myself to buy something with the V bucks. I've just given him. Okay, come on
04:08There's no way you do not own
04:11Fish sticks. I'm giving him fish sticks and all those V bucks what an upgrade dust pool
04:16I'm liking this kick and skin combo. It's from the UK shout out and quite a lot of levels
04:23So, let's see if he's got anything. Oh gee
04:25It's got a singularity skin with all the styles. This guy's been playing since
04:31chapter one
04:32He's got the original Peely the prisoner and also all of the variants of the prisoner
04:38You have to do some really odd quests to get them unlocked the glow skin a Samsung
04:44Exclusive I'm just like this is just making us how sick kicks are on most skins
04:48I've not tried it on lots of these skins now fun fact was an extremely rare mystique style. He's got it
04:54Oh my god tactical mystique. This guy is more rare styles than I do. What is this dish destroyer?
05:01It's could only be obtained by logging in and playing fortnight through Nvidia GeForce now
05:06It's basically streams a PC version of fortnight to your phone
05:10I don't even know if I did this and I don't even remember seeing this pickaxe
05:14Let's check the shop before we spin a wheel
05:17He's smart can by the way spell it however you want doesn't matter two letters are uppercase all the letters are uppercase
05:24He's got them all lowercase and that is fine
05:25It was a mixture of nerves and excitement when I spin this and what's it gonna be the first of two upgrades is
05:35My gosh adding me that's the first time anyone has ever
05:41Landed on this. I'll be sending him a friend's request nice
05:46Congratulations now he can remind me every single day the rare styles that he owns and I don't pray there's two spins. Don't forget
05:54What's it gonna be I want to give him the battle pass I want to give him the battle pass
06:02Come on
06:03B bucks have been added enough. I've thrown a lot on there. Voila me. I am on his friends list
06:09I'd love to see his reaction to that
06:11I'm gonna get the battle pass with the bundle for him
06:14Look at all of these beautiful rewards you're getting and since he got the max out battle pass one
06:20This is what I'm hoping. He's got enough V bucks. How many if I add 15,000 me should have load surely
06:25Oh my god, I gave him way too many. Okay, I may have over upgraded his account here, but enjoy the
06:3214,000 remaining V bucks you got Rick war. It's only level 14. Does he have the battle passes?
06:38Oh my goodness. This guy has barely any of the passes
06:42It's primed for a battle pass upgrade sitting on quite a few V bucks. Oh the prized
06:49Llama this represents the rank
06:52You've got himself up to the exotic style
06:56Catalina could be acquired from getting XP on the mobile version of fortnight to encourage people to download and play it
07:03So that's one free skin and this guy's the newest free mobile skin
07:07You go chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 this person's only been playing very
07:14Recently, and I love that players are still coming to the game
07:17Even though it's seven years old getting involved playing and having fun when you get to
07:23He's done it. He will to spins locked in
07:27Hopefully the wheel spin is in his favor. There's some big prizes here
07:33Whoa, just going past the hundred thousand V bucks. He's got an emo the next spin
07:38Let's get him something even bigger and better than just an emo. What could be possible here. Oh
07:48I've thrown on the max V buck code card
07:51I can and I love the fact that we can get him some big upgrades here. So let's get the battle pass
07:58I'm gonna do the battle bundle which costs a little bit more but we're getting loads of the levels done
08:03Look at all those sweet juicy rewards. It's got Fletcher Kane. Oh, he's gonna be buzzing. I'm feeling extra nice
08:10I'm gonna get him the OG pass as well. So let's lock that in to two battle passes
08:18He's still left with a ton of V bucks just because they're hilarious I'm gonna buy him a Crocs
08:24Yes Crocs are in for night or what and you can show them off with the dream feet
08:30Emo and it's up to him what he does with the rest of the V bucks now on his account
08:35Hamze with the psycho bandit a skin hasn't been seen for years
08:39And he has tons of levels little bit of V bucks already. Wait, why is this locker empty? Oh, wait, is it all random?
08:46I guess he's gonna have quite a lot of stuff
08:48400 he only favorites five. What are we gonna see the og black knight the founders rose?
08:55Skin the world warrior skin only available from the original World Cup back in chapter 1 and of course psycho bandit the rare
09:03Skin, we've seen already. Holy moly. He's got some
09:07expensive skins the iconic skin the galaxy skin for buying a galaxy phone
09:13He's even got the newest
09:16PlayStation exclusive skin it I bet a lot of people don't look at this
09:19But if we scroll down to here, this is actually a very rare icon only given out to people playing fortnight
09:26I believe right at the beginning in
09:282017 this account is OG. Does he have my code? Oh
09:33Boy, come on. Let's spin the wheel. There's lots of things in the item shop. You could get he doesn't have any of exclusive skins
09:40on this wheel
09:43Bucks a solid first spin that 1 million V box is just floating there spin number two
09:50Almost everyone's clocked on to put my code in what we're gonna get. Oh
09:59Millimeters away from getting a hundred thousand V box, but an emote will be his V box have been topped up
10:06This one's kind of funny
10:08I'm buying in the water cannon. I had to be fair. I actually gave him a thousand V box to spend on emotes
10:15I'm gonna go for that one
10:16I don't know why this tick-tock songs just it's got me hook line the sinker so I'm giving him that one as well to
10:21emotes and V box next up when TV bucks this guy is poor over
10:299,000 account levels from Australia a shout-out. Holy Moly's guys had a
10:33100 ranked victory Royals. I reckon he's a little bit of a pro gamer, you know
10:39He's got a sweaty loadout on I think he could be a little bit of a fan of Lachlan
10:44And he's got the FNCS pickaxe to how many skins?
10:48She's Louise. It's got almost
10:5150% of every skin in the game. Hey, let's go to favorites. Hold on the only icon skin. He has favorited is
10:59Me let's go and I was just think this is a lot of female sweaty skins here. No way
11:05He has the mr. Beast glider only a hundred thousand people won this for mr. Beast fortnight tournament
11:11That's rare
11:12He's got the Diplodocus on and also the pig skin toy was only in the item shop for one
11:19Single day costing zero V bucks if you weren't there to claim it you'll never get it again
11:24I'm noting see this logo here, right PS. I think it's like a really rare banner
11:29Some creators had a limited amount of codes to give out rare banners. I don't think I've got any of them
11:35That's how rare they are. Whoa
11:37He's got the eon skin, dude
11:39If we look at my wheel that is literally one of the free rewards an eon skin that skins like a thousand dollar
11:46Xbox exclusive skin. I did not expect anyone to actually have the skin already
11:51Ladies and gentlemen, people know what is up the first
11:56I get kind of nervous. Oh my good. Oh my god. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh
12:05What is it dude what like genuinely I think it is just
12:132800 like I'm not sure in here. I if that was close to 200,000 I'd give it to him, but it is close
12:20He was a pixel away
12:22Second spin a chance that 100,000 V bucks a million V bucks is on there. The rewards are incredible
12:32That is almost the exact same spin twice in a row
12:36I feel bad as to how close that was 200,000 twice
12:40Here we go
12:40The V bucks have been added and to be fair the one thing he was lacking in was V bucks, but not anymore
12:47Mr. Ash with the bopping lobby music. It's been grinding over level a hundred
12:53I don't see many people using this skin. You can basically put sprays anywhere you want
12:57It's a very customizable skin or a lot of recent skins on here
13:01A lot of these accounts are quite new or they got favorited 20 favorited skins pretty much all female skins
13:09Oh Lara Croft
13:11We are getting a new Lara skin because this skin is one of the most popular female skins in the game
13:16But was tied to a battle pass in chapter 2 and they have the gold style
13:21I'm so jealous man. This is such a good skin. I just look at the styles. It's so good. All the laser blast
13:28I love this emo. Fun fact. It's actually very rare having not been seen for over
13:351,300 days and it's a banger one like
13:38Equals one request for epic to bring this emote back to the item shop. Come on hit the like button
13:43This is also quite a rare spray only available through a Walmart code
13:47So you'd pick one of these up within a physical Walmart to redeem. We're back in season 6
13:51What are we saying code alleys entered clean as day love to see it. Good luck my friend ash. You have won yourself
14:04Skin as a
14:07$1,000 Xbox exclusive skin
14:10Congratulations, one of the most expensive upgrades on this wheel, but that's not the only spin we've got another one
14:17Could he pull off both exclusive skins? Wait, wait, wait this guy's finesse
14:2613,000 V bucks. That's an upgrade the V bucks are added
14:30You can see me unlocking the ill skin almost six and a half years ago
14:35One of my favorite exclusive skins ash has now got it. Congrats
14:40South dog level one not a single V buck on his account
14:45I think I've actually seen that before what is this account the free juice world skin and pickaxe?
14:51I think you could get this for free as well. Whoa
14:55This is the most free-to-play account of snoop skin the mobile free skin a very old
15:02Chapter 3 free skin. Does it go any older than that?
15:05This is basically a free skin only account apart from booger
15:10Apparently maybe just plays at Christmas. The earliest cosmetic I can find is chapter 2 season 4
15:15He does have a full musical instrument set up
15:18I kind of overlooked the fact that some people may just play the fortnight music mode
15:22This is the most primed account for upgrading that I've ever seen in my life
15:26He doesn't have my code entered, but I'm not surprised
15:29He's never bought anything which means he has just one single spin. I hope for his sake
15:35It's something good something that brings him back to the game keeps him playing. Good luck my friend
15:40Honestly, even the 1,000 V bucks will be a huge
15:49100,000 V bucks
15:54The rest of the year
15:56I've added the V bucks. If my maths correct, it should be exactly a hundred thousand. Let's see
16:07100,000 what an upgrade
16:09Legend, that's the weirdest spelling name I've ever seen
16:12I like the red Dylan kick combo here shout out island only account level a thousand barely any V bucks to his name
16:20He doesn't have too many skins at all. Yule jacket from Winterfest does a renegade raider, but no longer means anything
16:27It's obviously a very new skin. I don't think this guy's been playing for long at all
16:31He's just been grinding out the recent seasons. He's got the pilfering plush for watching the Disney live event
16:37He does have the current ranked back bling. Oh
16:41Dudes grinding he's in elite right now. It's right here the golden side with the very recent
16:47Remix free reward. Let's go to the shop
16:53All you had to do was type four letters in good luck, let's
17:01Could it just be something very
17:07Holy moly do those about to get a hundred thousand. I swear screw it. I'm gonna be nice
17:12I'm gonna spin it again for him. Whatever this lands on I'll give it to him as well two spins is a free account
17:16He's only been playing recently. Let's give him an item shop skin and an item shop
17:22Emo V bucks have been topped up ready to go on a little bit of a spending spree, right?
17:27Since it comes with three skins, it's a good price. Let's go for the invincible bundle. That's a great deal
17:33Look and smash the controller
17:35I don't know if he's a rager but just in case he can have that one as well. Enjoy my friend reaps level two
17:43He's got the agent Bailey skin nurse and old skids is a weird account look
17:48He's even got the snowflake umbrella the first reward umbrella all the way from chapter 1 season 2
17:54What about the outfits how OG is this guy gonna go?
17:58Healy's on their prodigy PlayStation Plus exclusive skin that I never got calamity. How much did they upgrade it, dude?
18:05This guy looks like he's an OG grinder. I'm not gonna lie
18:10Ragnarok ranked up Omega
18:12No, he doesn't have the lights I always feel so bad for people who don't have the lights the original black knight is there of
18:19course the original
18:21Sparkle specialist fully gold Brutus at meowscles. Oh, we just stopped at meowscles
18:27We played a lot played more than me in chapter 2. Okay, kind of stopped in chapter 3
18:32Nothing in chapter 4 barely and he just came on for the three rewards in chapter 5 and has only just
18:38Come back recently in chapter 6. He's got any of the passes nothing, dude
18:42I think he's jumped back on fortnight just to have his account upgraded dude has gone on and made sure code alias
18:49Oh, this guy is dedicated to supporting me. What a legend
18:52Let's get him some rewards to bring him back on the game again
18:55Maybe a battle pass will draw him in something from the item shop. Maybe and let's see
19:01talking about the pass we are
19:04Maxing it out. He hasn't even bought it. That's gonna be an expensive one code Ali a second spin. Good luck
19:11What can we get here? I think you'd be happy with anything anything on here will be huge an item shop skin
19:17Let's do it. The V bucks are locked in if we go over to passes and then gonna max out. That's not all
19:25I'm gonna get him something from the item shop. I'm going with the Golden King bundle who doesn't love Midas, dude
19:31You've got some great stuff on your account. Come play fortnight again. Welcome flip side turtles
19:39170 Diplodocus icon. Wait, what are you telling me? There's a Diplodocus icon. Why do I not wear that?
19:46Let's see if we can spot anything super OG a lot of recent stuff and Nick a skin Billy Eilish
19:52So he likes the music passes as well. This is an OG account dudes been playing probably from day one
19:59You know what? I've got a check. It's always got to be done a mega does he happen?
20:04No, he's even got the OG founder skin doesn't have Travis Scott if we go to gliders
20:11He did get the free Travis Scott glide
20:14I wonder how many people did that got the glider but never got the skin and probably regret it now
20:18I'm recently with the addition of Snoop Dogg with chapter 2 remix
20:21We thought we may see the tidy remix all the way back in chapter 1 season 3
20:28But this thing ain't returned yet. It is
20:32OG and rare wait, you know what? I didn't check which icons does he have wait?
20:36No, you've got Nick Nick's the only one look
20:39I'm not gonna hate on him because Nick's a legend
20:41But can we please add Ali to this list the next time I come out? Okay. All right. Is he a supporter? He is
20:47Let's go locked in. Well, my friend. Let's get you something new first spin
20:53What could it be we've got some big V buck handouts that have yet to be landed on
21:06He's got the battle pass I'll get you the Lego pass the skin in there is pretty cool second spin now
21:12What could we get? Are we gonna get a big hitter?
21:16ladies and
21:21Item shop emote people first thing I'm gonna get him is the Lego pass this our skin is nice
21:28Look at that. This is a new emote. I don't think I've seen it dude. Can you throw?
21:32Baseballs at people that's hilarious. I'm getting at him and since it's not on the wheel
21:36I just can't get over how hilarious they are like you've seen these Crocs
21:40Look, you can put them in chill mode or sport mode. Enjoy a pair of kicks Western
21:45Wait, you've already got an exclusive skin here. This is a PlayStation exclusive the Neo Versa the combo sick
21:53I rate this loadout a thousand
21:57Okay, I reckon he's gonna have some good stuff here Kratos
22:00Everyone wants this guy to return old style unlocked as well drift. Did he fully max out drift?
22:05Yes, look at that the lights on the glow sick skin
22:09But look at this if we go to his favorites, it's actually his only
22:14Favorited pickaxe. This is a rare one
22:16You have to complete save the world and hit max rank. Not many people have done that
22:23Oh his only favorite skin is your boy. What a legend
22:27What style has he gone for blue version with the mask on he's covering up my face. Okay, mate
22:32I see how it is. He's ali-a entered. Let's go. Come on
22:36I'll be back to see a lot of V bucks dropped exclusive skins. He doesn't have
22:44Just an emote still there's definitely things he doesn't have any item shop. Thank you everyone for using code ali-a
22:49This is your reward a second spin. What will it be? Oh
22:54a skin and an emote V bucks added
22:58So I think he's gonna be happy with another invincible skin added on there. In fact, the backlink says fortnight instead of fortnight
23:08No, you know what maybe you'll find it funny let's chuck that on there as well. Enjoy your upgrades
23:14Son-son off the back of a victory out the crown glow. This guy's running low on V bucks. I'm here to help
23:19We've got another big grinder here
23:226,000 I don't know how many levels in on my account
23:24Interesting as soon as we go on here the merry mint axe given out through a code
23:29Redemption the internet went crazy for these when they were available and I didn't know this but the crewmate back bling hasn't been seen for a
23:37Thousand days. This is actually becoming pretty rare now
23:41I've never seen this before if you type in Travis
23:45He has the Astro Jack skin, but he doesn't have the Travis Scott skin
23:50I think this skin may be rarer
23:52But the fact he got this and not the one that everyone does care about I feel bad for him
23:57This guy can flex on us. He's got the mr. Beast umbrella
23:59But I need to start doing more often is checking how many wins these accounts have six. Okay, not bad code ali-a is entered
24:06Let's give him something new spin the wheel
24:10People in a half
24:12Thousand is a huge V buck. It's will the 100,000 you hit that's the question. It's like a
24:19$500 worth of V bucks. Holy moly. I don't think he had the battle pass
24:24Yeah, he doesn't have any of them V bucks are added the battle pass. I will get for him
24:30I feel like whenever I do it
24:31I gotta go for the one that gives him some bonus bits in there as well and have fun spending those V bucks
24:37Chocoa, you know, this person's got a lot of skins when they got this many
24:41unselected cosmetics
24:44Most amount of skins we've seen so far. We take a look at the gaming legend skins. Look at this arcane
24:51Vi, they only got one of the two arcane skins, but they haven't returned in ages
24:56Chun-li is actually really rare as well with all three of the Street Fighter scene having not been seen for over
25:04950 days even has the exclusive Xbox black style of Master Chief. Oh my gosh
25:10There it is this skin right here Rue was only in the item shop for two days back in chapter 2
25:16I don't think this skin will ever
25:18Return and will probably be one of the rarest skins in the game as the years go on
25:24Almost forgot to check the store for a second. Hey
25:27There we go. It's entered
25:30Legend good luck my friend. What can be added to this account to make it even better than it already is
25:385,000 V bucks a solid first spin the second code alley a spin is being locked in good luck
25:45Sir a million V bar another 5,000. He got the exact same twice
25:50Hey, that's still good. The V bucks are adding up
25:5520,000 waffle
25:58Flexing with a mega lights already. I can just tell by the V bucks the level the skin
26:04I think we're about to see an absolutely. Oh, that's a nice combo and absolutely cracked out dude this green
26:11Oh, this guy's got a sick combo. I see a cracked-out locker here. I can just tell you know what?
26:16Let's just take a look at favorites. Okay hundred favorites. You've got a lot of skins
26:20This is the og John wicks who's been around since the beginning. Oh, we got rainbow iron, man
26:25That was the top top top super style version in chapter 2 season 4. I've not seen that on many accounts ever
26:33I'm so interested in stars at the moment, by the way, because they are almost rarer than the skins themselves in some cases jinx
26:40Arcane just finished watching season 2 of the show. It is so good. There's no way he got gold
26:44Nah, see that shows he got the max level of Iron Man, but no one gets max level Peely
26:50That is creepy a little bit of cold on the face. That's weird Wolverine styles
26:56Yeah, that's every single style you can get base version classic Logan and all the way up to the rainbow one, dude
27:03I'm jealous the code is entered Dan cushion
27:06Almost everyone in this video has got two spins as you love to see I think some item shop upgrades or ad alley a
27:15item shop
27:18Upgrade as the first unlock that million V bucks still staring at me in my face
27:26100,000 item shop emo
27:29Perfect upgrade V bucks have been added time to get a bundle of bundles gonna be a big one
27:35So I'm gonna make this the bundle unlock and they have just added Kendrick Lamar's humble emo into the store
27:41So I'm gonna add that to him relish. Wait, this is the guy who's clickbait shorts
27:46We test a
27:48Shout out. He's got the alley a spray level 100 emoticon from season 7 season X season 9
27:55I don't know if I have any of these you have to grind back in the day. Holy moly. That's almost every skin in the game
28:02He's only got 30 favorites. I feel like you'd want me to see all my
28:07goodness, this is one of the free skins on the list a double helix skin a
28:14Nintendo exclusive skin that I have but wasn't sold for very long and now if you want to buy this skin
28:20It will cost you upwards of
28:24$5,000 I did not expect to find someone that had that skin. He's got Travis Scott. They're chillin
28:29How many styles has he got on party trooper over jay balvin one is rare
28:34Do you have any other rare skins doesn't have a galaxy skin doesn't have the eon skin me could technically win it rue
28:40He has two people in this video have it. That's insane. Oh, look at these raps
28:46He's got the chapter 4 season 1 champion rank chapter 3 season 2 champion rap, dude
28:53I didn't even know there were this many way. What the heck they look sick safe
28:56Save his account is stacked if we go to the shop. Okay, we have to delete that
29:00Don't know whose code that is that ain't the right one. That's what you should be putting in people
29:05The final spin of this video you want me to upgrade more accounts and potentially yours if a like button make sure code alias
29:13Enter this will be the final spin the count is already stacked but a worthy upgrade
29:24He is gonna be happy what a way to finish the video
29:30That was so much fun, but I've done even more
29:33Upgrading click on screen here to watch more accounts get upgraded
29:36Make sure you subscribe hit the like button enter code ali-a and you could be upgraded next
