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Insane Things You CAN'T UNSEE in Fortnite
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- Ali-A

Video uploaded & owned by Ali-A. (PG, Family Friendly + No Swearing!)
00:00Today I'm testing things in fortnight that once you see you'll never be able to unsee and other secrets and hidden details
00:07Starting with meow skulls eyelids of beanies. We're talking about this skin right here
00:13I can see he's got a beanie. Wait a second
00:16He's got a beanie as a head and the exact same beanie as eyelids
00:20How have I never noticed that before the OG stonehead guy looks exactly like the dad from cloudy of a chance of meatballs
00:27This statue can be found on the OG reload map
00:29Look at him iconic mustache. No eyes and a big eyebrow. If you look at the dad, they are literally the same thing
00:36It's actually out of the film frozen fish stick has a milk mustache this one right here
00:42Apparently it looks very happy and frozen. But wait a second. He kind of does look
00:47I know what he's been drinking some hot chocolate and cream. But now that I see it, I'm never I'm seeing it
00:53Fletcher Cain is his own custom gold poop bags that we fly into his mansion, which is Fletcher Cain's official layer
01:00We go into his bathroom
01:03He's got his own golden wolf paper bags to pick up his poop
01:08I mean that's pretty fancy my icon skin image has been
01:11Broken ever since release when my icon skins back in the shop
01:14It looks like this you'll see it previewing one of the middle stars of the skin
01:18However, they've accidentally kept in the back of my headphones here all of the headphones here and
01:27The hat here, which is from the base style version of the skin
01:33I don't think anyone's ever pointed this out to me and now I will never not unsee it the golden vaults actually
01:38If Fletcher Cain's face on them, alright
01:40Let's break inside the vault and see if Fletcher Cain really is producing his own gold. There we go
01:46Hi Fletcher Cain, how rich are you? Here we go. Let's have a look. Oh, yeah
01:51It's got some custom wolf gold design. Okay. Here's rich rich
01:56Almost all fortnight skins don't have fingernails only seems right to start with my own skin
02:01Do I have fingernails my fists are clenched right there alley. So
02:06Really hard to tell but I don't think I'm seeing them this guy
02:09No, no, look look nothing. Let's do some girls. Nope
02:14Definitely no fingernails just wait kind of has the outline of them. Oh, she does have fingernails
02:21I think it all depends if they've got painted nails or not
02:24She's just got lumps of skin safe to say Lady Gaga definitely does have fingernails
02:29But most of them don't the mini-map shows the wrong battle bus pound
02:33It's been like this since the game launched
02:35But if we fly in we can see that the satellite on top is on the right-hand side of the bus, right?
02:41But if we put up the mini-map look the satellite is on the left-hand side of the bus, how have they got that wrong?
02:48It's been up for seven years. The barren hordes emote completely breaks Mecca Morty. I've got Mecca Morty on
02:54Let's put on the barren emote this one. It's a look
03:03What have they done
03:05Only his head moves everything else a giant statue
03:09Okay, I'm sure for that you're gonna fix this but you've got to use this to troll your friends
03:14Skillet is planning to launch a nuke if we go to skillets black market area apparently. Oh look there it is
03:21He's got the plans of what looks to be a nuclear bomb. I mean look at that explosion
03:27Look at the imagery he's putting together if you compare that to the actual construction of a nuke
03:33This guy's planning something seriously insane to the island. What are you up to buddy?
03:37There's a tiny chance you can get dill bits whilst mining gold
03:41Apparently there's only a nought point one percent chance or one in 1000 chance of you getting this
03:49But if you break gold
03:51Robin just getting gold look at that
03:53You can get a deal but the only way of getting it outside of a vault it is so rare
04:00Let me know if you guys managed to find this the Coachella skins are missing seasons. We find the Coachella skins
04:06I think it's this one. Oh, yeah part of the Coachella set
04:09It doesn't say when they came to the game look introducing chapter 5 season 2 normal skin
04:14These ones will never know when they were created
04:16We're actually never only two skins in the game not to have seasonal information now
04:21I'll never on see it Renzo's buttons make no sense. Okay, so this is Renzo. Let's take a look at your buttons, mate
04:28Let's work this out. The buttons are on
04:32The part of his shirt that should have the holes because if you try to put that
04:38Through the buttons this piece of material would go over the top of the button material if that makes sense
04:44They're not designed properly the buttons need to go on the other side. The global axe is completely wrong
04:50So if you think about it, this pickaxe has the moon Sun Mars and other planets circling earth
04:56But it should actually be the Sun in the middle with all the other planets circling around it should look like this
05:02How did I never notice that the Rex skin has apparently been broken for seven years as apparently is this skin here?
05:09I want to look at the bigger version of the render. Oh, wait, what these little bits here are actually
05:15Jones's original yellow hair just glitching through his t-rex outfit. They fixed it in game
05:20So you can't see it in the skin
05:22But if we go back and look at the icon here
05:25But look you can still see that the render has the yellow hair there for now
05:29You made a mistake Jack Sparrow's cutlass is flipped. We look at the Jack skin. We can see the sword
05:36But this part here to protect your hand should be facing
05:40Forwards in a sword fight, which means a sharp part of the sword should be facing the same way
05:45But it's not we got some crazy keen-eyed people to notice this stuff
05:49But it is wrong kit bash can snap his fingers, but he doesn't actually have any and this is the kit bash skin
05:56I think looking at this hand. It's literally just a magnet. Apparently you can snap
06:02Yeah, you just like the hand that makes zero sense
06:06I was I make any sense and it's your built-in snap of sound effect in his Magnus
06:12Colossus is missing the X on his belt. Look at any of the other x-men skins
06:16You can see the X is there the X is there but if we go to Colossus, it's just a circle
06:22Why is the X not there? This is what it should look like
06:25How did they forget something so obvious Rick and Morty have a secret location on the island right now?
06:31Do you fly to this set of cherry blossom trees?
06:34You can see a random toilet with a TV and fan set up looking out of the beautiful edge of the island
06:42And if we sit on it, we can see the kind of views that you get
06:44It's so pretty and then if we look at this image from the Rick and Morty show
06:48You can see set up the exact same toilet to look out over the world. He's in referencing the show
06:53There's a secret kung fu panda location on the map right now
06:57So if you go just left of shiny shafts, you can see this right here
07:01It seems to be commemorating
07:03Grandmaster Oogway's death within the kung fu panda series and you never know
07:07This could mean we're getting kung fu panda coming to the game soon. The adamantium claws pickaxe is actually broken
07:13Okay, I didn't realize how many claws we've had so far in fortnight
07:18Let's go with the original apparently is mainly the female skins
07:22It doesn't work with but let's go with rogue for example, but then go to the pickaxes
07:27Oh, yeah, look, it's like sticking out of our hand. It's not quite properly in her hands
07:33Well, I'm never using this combo. That's for sure fortnight is in the Simpsons. Let's watch this
07:39Which one's the scammer?
07:42The IRS tax police are on their way to your home, but we'll accept immediate payment in fortnight V books
07:48a reference V box
07:51fortnight and Simpsons
07:52Collaboration confirmed just its cone features a chemical compound for slurp juice a what on earth is a chemical compound for slurp juice
08:00Let's put on the cone style here and zoom in. Wait, what is that? Oh my gosh, it does
08:10What it managed to create a chemical compound for slurp is on the other ones as well
08:15No, it's just in her original orange hat, but it does spell out slurp. Travis Scott has no nipples
08:21Let's take a closer. Look at you Travis. Oh
08:24Wow, yeah, actually doesn't I thought maybe none of her skins in fortnight of nipples, but not many of them have their top off
08:31I guess they're not allowed to show nipples in fortnight. Jonesy is Batman. Okay, let's take a look at Batman
08:37And then take a look at the face and that chin and mouth is actually Jonesy
08:42We compared some of the other Batman faces. He's got a bit of a beard
08:46It's a custom face model
08:48If you go back to this one the original one from chapter 1 season X and then pull up the Jonesy skin
08:54Dude, it's the same chin the same mouth. Josie is Batman
09:00Take the bow is actually a reference to Spongebob. It's this emote here. Take a bow
09:06Whoa, look at that. We look at this emote with the rainbow over her head and then look
09:15Spongebob in fortnight confirmed. They are literally the same thing
09:19Healy is only five years old if we watch the trailer for how Peeley was created
09:25It starts with Jones taking a banana and walking into a rift as you can see here. Oh
09:35Then PD was formed and this trailer came out five years ago
09:40It's technically only five years old fortnight are selling mean t-shirts on the island
09:46I think we've all seen those wolf t-shirts that people wear and sell everywhere and look it's even like a doge
09:53Joke t-shirt in there. Look at all the wolves howling at the moon
09:58Fortnight love to throw memes in the map
10:00The Lost Lake face has been preserved within lone wolves layer
10:03So if we go to the bottom of lone wolf layer near the vault
10:06Look at this. That was the face that used to be under the previous POI here
10:11It's been preserved and kept almost as like a prize. It is still on the map
10:16I wonder why a full skeleton Peely looks very creepy
10:21So we all know this skin which is half skeleton half Peely
10:24But what if we doubled the skeleton the whole body was a skeleton look at that
10:30What the heck I will never unsee this image and why is his brain where his bum is meant to be his heads just a
10:38Skull with nothing in it. She venomous spider-man lenses in her eyes
10:42We look at spider-man and zoom in on the eyes
10:45It has kind of like little effect like like a like a texture effect within the eyes, right?
10:50They can see it a bit better here actually on this spider-man if we go to the male venom
10:55We can see that it's not got back
10:57It's just like a glossy gray color, but then for some reason on she venom they've used the spider-man eye textures
11:04Even though that's not accurate to the film sparkle specialist. His hair is broken
11:09This is a very OG skin from chapter 1 season 2 and maybe oh
11:14What is that? Look, it's just a little bit of blue there. What how is no one fixed?
11:20I feel like epic after watching this video. I've got so many things to fix
11:23That's so annoying because when you're playing you will literally see that blue dot all the time
11:27The p1000 skin is actually the very first iron man
11:32Now if we play these two trailers together as we can see here side by side
11:36It is a carbon copy of when Tony Stark makes a very first iron man suit in the first iron man film to escape the cave
11:44Meaning that skin technically is the first ever iron man skin in fortnight
11:48The deep space gliders don't make any sense if I use this glider and I pull backwards see the back flaps go down
11:56If I lean forwards the flaps go up
12:00That's the wrong way
12:02If I want to go down
12:03The flap should be facing the opposite direction and if I want to go up the flap should be facing the other way as well
12:09Whoever designed this glider is clearly not an aerospace engineer big deal was grown and born in kappa factory
12:15We look at this image here. We can see him coming out of a vat of pickles
12:19It does say kappa kappa in the background the back bling even says kappa kappa on it and the pickaxe too
12:25We got to confirm this because if we go over to kappa factory
12:29You can see all these giant vats one of them must line up with this loading screen. Yeah, look. It's a giant pickle
12:37Is this his son or his family members growing? I guess it confirms
12:41Literally where he was born flat first feet apparently aren't actually flat
12:45So this skin is flat foot. Does she actually have a flat foot?
12:49She's got the letter F a flat foot
12:51If we go down to her feet, you can clearly see she has an arched foot
12:55It is not actually flat that one's not flat and neither is this one. You are not an actual flat footed person
13:03She's a liar agent Jones checks his watch on the wrong arm. Take a look at Jones
13:07We can see his watches on his left wrist if we do the have a seat emote
13:13You should be looking at this arm
13:15Yeah, it's the wrong hand mate. Also, the bows are literally going through the chair you big idiot Jonesy
13:23NPCs can secretly talk to each other. So apparently if we go to demon dojo, this is the first time this has ever happened
13:29apparently Jones and
13:32Demon Rose here can actually talk to each other
13:35If you just stand back and let them chat, I send something but perhaps it's nothing
13:40I feel like you're holding something back night Rose. Look I literally a conversation
13:45I can't describe what I sense and I'm not sure if you'd believe me if I did it sounds like something really bad
13:50Happening to the island and these guys are talking about it paper airplane glider his secret text on it
13:56Okay, so this is a glider. You can see loads of text on it actually got some laughing
14:01We've got some weird faces and apparently just here. The text says my name is Jeff
14:08Yeah, which is the iconic line from the 21 Jump Street film hidden away on the underside of his glide
14:14You don't ever see it in replay mode
14:16The poor line skin actually works at a restaurant on the island if you go to Canyon Crossing
14:21You can see there's this shop selling loads of like cuddle buns. They're like bunny bow buns
14:27I guess look for designs are exactly the same if you go inside you can see even more of what they sell matching up
14:35Exactly with the skin design and even her back bling shows some of the food that she sells in the shop
14:42Save the world image is very badly edited
14:44So if we go to a save the world game mode and then pull out the image look here
14:49That is just completely edited wrong. What's even weirder is that they have an image in the in-game files
14:56That's right. They just don't bother using it epic
14:59You're using the wrong image the original assault rifle sites were back to front and they fixed this in battle royale
15:06But if we go into save the world, it's still the original assault rifle design
15:10If we drop it on the floor look look the front of it is completely wrong
15:15That should be facing the other way
15:17This is how it should look and now you'll never be able to unsee it
15:21There's a secret Kendo and big deal chats. So if we go up to big deal as Kendo, he'll say what's in the jar, bro
15:29What's in the jar?
15:31Wait, wait, look at look at Kendo's pocket dude. Kendo has pickles on his waist
15:37He's even got like a cutout pickle as a part of his suit. No wonder big deal so shocked about this
15:42Floppers aren't actually alive
15:44This is way easier to see when you glitch the flopper bigger with this crazy new glitch
15:49We need to go bigger than this. Look how large is getting and then you start to realize something's not quite right
15:56But look at this look at the flop. I have a look at the middle
15:59Look, there's literally a line down the middle of the flopper. Does that mean that floppers are artificially created?
16:06I ain't real the built-in grids emo is a reference to Lion King this skin right here as this bill in emo. Oh
16:14Yeah, he's literally holding him up just like they do in the Lion King film
16:19Do we need more skins where there's someone inside him? That's hilarious
16:23Sub-zeros poster is wrong. If we look at this, it says battle royale. Hey
16:296s2 I should be a C for chapter unless they put the K in there to reference the facties were mortal
16:35Combat or someone just pressed the wrong key on their keyboard. There's a secret bow hidden on ciphers glider
16:41We take a closer look at ciphers glider, which is actually sick to be fair
16:45Whoa, yeah, look look at the arm of the glide. You see right there
16:49If we then compare that bow with ciphers microphone apparently this is a gift from his wife and it's a little easter egg included in
16:56His glider. That's so cool. The Barkington style skins are targeting my Anja
17:01I always knew dogs hated cats, but apparently in this trailer, you can see that they really don't like an Anja cat. Oh
17:10Or meowsers, oh, yeah, look they've literally been throwing darts at her
17:16Okay, do not go up to these guys if you're a cat skin
17:19You have been warned the bright bag zip is broken. Not my bright bag zip. Surely. Where's it broke? Well, whoa
17:27It's is broken I feel like it's intentional
17:30I feel like they've designed the zip to be broken on purpose
17:33But I've never noticed that and I will now never unsee it
17:37That was so much fun. Click on screen here to see me logging into super old accounts or testing out clickbait shorts
17:43I'll see you in one of these videos. Thanks for watching
