Kisah petualangan Eldar dan Elnur ke negeri Uighur pada buku keduanya berjudul Doppaland melibatkan aktris Zaskia Adya Mecca sebagai penerjemah.
00:00The story of the Stolen Homes
00:06Connecting success with the first children's book,
00:08The Story of the Stolen Homes,
00:10which tells the story of Palestine,
00:12Guzelia Marisova released the second children's book,
00:16entitled Do Palen, on Friday, March 14,
00:19at Gramedia Grand Indonesia, Jakarta.
00:23In this second book,
00:24Guzelia tells the country she misses
00:27as a descendant of French Uyghurs raised in Kazakhstan.
00:32This book was originally in English,
00:34but then translated and translated into Indonesian,
00:38telling the story of Eldar and Elnur's adventure
00:41to a magical country with a pair of dopas,
00:44a symbol of the wealth of Uyghur culture.
00:48Actress and model of Indonesia, Zazkia Adyameka,
00:51who also helped translate the contents of this book,
00:54tells the experience she got from this book, Do Palen.
01:00Honestly, this second one,
01:02because if we talk about Palestine,
01:04it will be easier because I understand it better.
01:06But Uyghurs really don't know at all.
01:09I have no idea.
01:10I just know there are Uyghur Muslims,
01:12Uyghurs, until I met Guzel.
01:13Guzel said, I'm from Uyghur.
01:15So for me, when I was asked to help translate this book,
01:18I was really excited,
01:19because to learn, to know a new place,
01:23a new culture, a new community, a new custom,
01:26and then there are certain characteristics of that place,
01:28for me, it's always interesting.
01:32In addition to Zazkia,
01:33an illustrator from Bandung, Agya Putri,
01:36is also involved in helping organize this book.
01:39It is hoped that this Do Palen by Guzel Yamari Sova
01:42can help introduce the culture and history of Uyghur people
01:46to the whole world.
01:48From Jakarta, Salim David,
01:50Antara News Agency, reporting.