• yesterday
Hear, Hear! All the way from the Isle of Love, please welcome Leah Kateb to the realm! 🐉🏰💜

thank you, leah, for traversing land and sea to spread love in the hopes of earning a seat on my esteemed Royal Court

and thank you to my crew and team for making this all happen!!

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00:00What is the truest stereotype about horse girls?
00:02That we're weird.
00:16Welcome to Royal Court, the show where pop culture royalty
00:18compete for a spot on my
00:20trusted council. I am your host and
00:22queen, Lady Brittany of House Broski
00:24and today I'm joined by the Queen
00:26of Calabasas. Please welcome
00:28Lady Lia Ketab.
00:30Oh my god!
00:32Hello Lady!
00:34Oh my god, I'm gonna like fall and like
00:36Yeah, this is a lot. It's a lot.
00:38Well, how is the journey in?
00:40Did you find the castle okay? I love the castle.
00:42Thank you so much. You're breaking
00:44in the new castle. I'm honored.
00:46Like, I'm honored.
00:48It's my honor. I truly like
00:50love you. I love you.
00:52So I like have been waiting
00:54for this moment.
00:56So we're gonna kick it off, I think.
00:58Lady Lia. Yes?
01:00Are you ready for the trial set before you?
01:02I am. I wish Miguel was here because god
01:04he would be throwing the voices back at
01:06you hard. Well, he's British for real
01:08that doesn't count. No, but you don't understand
01:10some of the voices he does are
01:12crazy. I don't think I'm very good at it.
01:14That's okay.
01:16Okay, ready? Yes.
01:18Let the trials begin.
01:22Oh, it's like an actual.
01:24I don't even know where to look.
01:26It's so official
01:28in here. Lia.
01:32I'm in trouble.
01:36Would you rather do Love Island again
01:38or Squid Game? Oh my
01:42I feel like they're kind of the same vibe.
01:44Oh my god.
01:46I would have to agree. Am I gonna
01:48actually die in Squid Game?
01:50Because if I actually am gonna die
01:52I'd do Love Island. But if it's like the one
01:54where you like fuck around. It's a Mr. B. Squid
01:58In that case, Love Island. No, I'm just kidding.
02:00You've described yourself as a
02:02Squidward stan. Hell yeah.
02:04What is it about Squidward that really
02:06resonates with you? There's nothing
02:08that doesn't. I actually think
02:10he's a legend. He's so underrated.
02:12Agreed. The jokes are so
02:14funny. Sometimes people try and tell me
02:16that I look like Squidward.
02:18And honestly guys,
02:20I take that as a compliment.
02:22I don't give a fuck, frankly.
02:24And one time this guy, I liked him. I was
02:26like 14 years old and he
02:28told me I looked like Squidward.
02:30And then people wonder why I got a fucking
02:32nose job. I'm kidding.
02:34Why? It starts so
02:36young. It starts so
02:38young. Someone told me I look like Owen
02:40Wilson as a 13 year old and I said
02:42that's the meanest thing you could have said to me. I think he's
02:44hot. Thank you. I think handsome Squidward's
02:46hot. Handsome, but I didn't
02:48get that one. I think normal
02:50Squidward's hot too. I love him. He's just
02:52he's the moment. He is actually
02:54the comedic crux of that show.
02:56I'm ready to discuss whenever anyone
02:58else's hid the treatment he got
03:00on that show.
03:02What is the truest stereotype about
03:04horse girls? That we're weird.
03:10You don't smell bad though. Oh no,
03:12that is my, oh I
03:14pride myself on smelling good.
03:16You do, you do. You'll never catch
03:18me slipping in that department.
03:20So you're just a weirdo. Kind of,
03:22but that just sounds, I know I was going to say that's
03:24giving like, what the hell is that show
03:26Riverdale where he's like, I'm fucking weird,
03:28okay? I'm not like other guys.
03:30I'm not normal. And then he does like the most
03:32like normal white man shit like you
03:34ever seen. Just a white guy in a beanie.
03:36You know, Larry.
03:38People in and out of the villa
03:40call you Snow White because of your connection
03:42to animals. Yes. Are you sure it wasn't
03:44because you had a ton of freaky guys following you around?
03:46Y'all slept in one room?
03:48That was a real
03:50meaning. You cracked it.
03:52I knew it. Let me just check it off here.
03:54No, I thought it was so cute
03:56when I was in the hotel
03:58room without any of the
04:00phones or anything like I'd wake
04:02up and I would have birds like on my bed
04:04on the bed and then
04:06like I would have like a family of geckos
04:08outside my door.
04:10It was like a whole thing. Yeah, I was like sitting
04:12in the bed with the birds
04:14and feeding them like
04:16we were actually vibing out and I didn't
04:18have a phone so I was having a ball with them
04:20I was like, thank God like you're here.
04:22It was amazing.
04:24Like Fiona from Shrek where they all
04:26come to her and then they explode.
04:28That's how I would fucking be with the
04:30animals. How long has it been since
04:32you last watched the How to Fix a Broken Heart Ted Talk?
04:36What a crazy question.
04:38Just like
04:40Where did I say that?
04:42I watch your
04:46You do?
04:48Do you know how like I could cry?
04:50Wait, that's really nice.
04:52Maximize the enjoy.
04:54That's really nice.
04:56That's ridiculous.
04:58You posted your first video
05:00and I was like, let's fucking go dude.
05:04That's really sweet.
05:06Like really sweet.
05:08Oh my God.
05:10I love you dude.
05:12Everyone loves you.
05:14Oh my God.
05:16I used to watch that Ted Talk you guys.
05:18Like I'm like
05:20how many views are on there?
05:22Because I am at least
05:24at minimum
05:26and I'm not exaggerating
05:28like 500k.
05:30Like I'm not kidding
05:32in the slightest.
05:34Tell the people what it was.
05:36It's a Ted Talk on
05:38How to Fix a Broken Heart and at the time
05:40like I really was searching like
05:42how the fuck like do you get over things?
05:44When you end up on Ted Talk YouTube
05:46you're down bad bitch.
05:48You're in like a hole and I accidentally
05:50found that one though but I was like
05:52you know what? He's actually so
05:54right. Did I listen to the Ted Talk?
05:56No, but
05:58did it sit with me still?
06:02Did I keep going back to like a horrible person?
06:04Yes. Of course.
06:06Duh. But I don't know.
06:08It's good. It's good. Watch it.
06:10He owes me money though because I've promoted
06:12him so much. Yeah. A publicist fee
06:14if you guys are doing that.
06:16I'm actually a secret publicist.
06:18Leah you pass.
06:24Well Leah after such a
06:26beautiful royal interrogation I'm quite
06:28famished. How are you? Oh God I was gonna
06:30do the voice but I choked.
06:32I actually am hungry.
06:34I haven't eaten today. Squat ass.
06:36Oh my God.
06:40Love this vibe.
06:42And a beverage.
06:44Is it
06:46DC? It's DC. Period.
06:48A mother-tucking diet coke. They did
06:50their fucking research.
06:52Cheers for real. You know you do like to
06:54dip it in there? I've seen that but I'm
06:56scared because you bitches are crazy.
06:58Like what? That can't be good.
07:00Have you done the one with pickle juice?
07:02Where you put pickle juice in the diet coke?
07:04Should we?
07:06Is that real?
07:08What are we doing guys?
07:10Cheers for real.
07:14Yeah. Yeah I get that.
07:16It gives you like a good morning.
07:18It gives me like a
07:20I need to go to the toilet. This is like my first
07:22first thing I ate today.
07:24Mine was a Red Bull.
07:28Let's hang out. Let's keep.
07:30You were an AP art ho.
07:32I am an AP
07:34art ho as well. Really?
07:36I want to know though like what did you
07:38hyper fixate on? Were there any periods
07:40you really liked? Okay.
07:42I really love pottery.
07:44And I
07:46my favorite thing out of everything
07:48we would do because we would do like paper
07:50mache and
07:52I had to build
07:54a house out of styrofoam
07:56You had to do an architecture? Damn.
07:58Let me add more to the lore. I took architecture
08:00classes in college for two years.
08:02Were you going to minor in it?
08:04I was literally going to be an architect.
08:06That's fucking crazy.
08:08I was literally in school for it.
08:10And I liked it a lot.
08:12But I don't know.
08:14It just wasn't calling my name anymore.
08:16So do you still do like ceramics?
08:18Like pottery? I haven't in a while.
08:20And I really want to but you can't have
08:22nails on for it.
08:24Big Mama needs them but I do then maybe
08:26the next time. We kind of have twinning nails.
08:28I love a stiletto. Dude.
08:30You're too good. Your favorite movie
08:32is Jurassic Park. Hell yeah.
08:34But you also, a runner up, Silver Metal
08:36is Silence of the Lambs.
08:38Are you a horror girl? Did you see
08:40Nosferatu? Of course.
08:42Let's discuss. What?
08:44She ate down. Lily ate. She's the motherfucking
08:46star. No. It was giving Scream
08:48Queen like and I love Bill
08:50was that his name? Bill?
08:52Bill, I love you.
08:54He killed it. Shout out Bill.
08:56Were you a Tumblr girl? I was
08:58a Tumblr girl. I still have Tumblr
09:00guys. I do too. Like I literally
09:02still have it. What was your vibe?
09:04Have you changed? This is gonna
09:06be so embarrassing but it was
09:08Hope Core.
09:12I still
09:14look at that.
09:16I need it. Fucking need it.
09:18I need it. You love a photo of a pastel
09:20flower. I do. I do.
09:22I need all the hope I can get.
09:24Mine was just like Spongebob GIFs and like
09:26horny Percy Jackson.
09:28Like Wattpad.
09:30I used to have a One
09:32Direction Stan account. On Twitter?
09:34No, on Instagram.
09:36Instagram? And it lowkey had like
09:3811k followers. Oh my god.
09:40And this was when I was like, I don't know, like
09:4214. I was like, I'm
09:44famous. We were doing social media
09:46management as preteens. No, it was
09:48crazy. Yeah. Were you like an
09:50update account or just like, I love
09:52them. All of it. Holy shit.
09:54Yeah. Wow, that's lore.
09:56The lore goes crazy. It goes
09:58so deep. You used to make fake
10:00YouTube videos as a child
10:02and now we know you make real YouTube videos
10:04that are living like Larry.
10:06I love
10:08that you get the reference. Sometimes people message
10:10me and they're like, it reminds me of
10:12Shut up. I have a Spongebob
10:14jellyfish tattoo.
10:16You know, I wanted to get Squidward tattooed
10:18but I was like, I don't know where to put him.
10:20Do it in like a funny place. I know, I'm like,
10:22wait, no, I'm kidding.
10:24I'm like, I don't know where the hell to put him.
10:26Do like a right here.
10:28Behind your ear like Ariana Grande.
10:30They're like, I'm a hair up at like a carpet.
10:32They're like, turn it over your shoulder and they see fucking
10:36Full color detail.
10:38Very much. Shirt and all. Proud little crop top.
10:40So I know not to take tattoo
10:42advice from you. Yes.
10:44I actually like your tattoos
10:46a lot. Thanks. I kind of
10:48committed to like, just be silly. Oh my god, you like
10:50the Twilight Zone? I love the Twilight Zone. My parents
10:52are really into it. They always tell me to watch it but I
10:54haven't watched it yet. Well, it's like
10:56old TV. I love old
10:58ass movies. Lock in.
11:00It's so good. I will.
11:02Okay, I'm gonna lock in. I'd recommend it.
11:04Have you watched Twin Peaks? No.
11:06It's been recommended to me though. Do you like
11:08David Lynch? Well, RIP.
11:10RIP. I do.
11:12I wasn't like a David Lynch stan.
11:14I am. I know, yeah. Y'all ride
11:16for him. I need to lock in.
11:18You need to watch Lost Highway.
11:20Okay. That's one of my all time faves of his
11:22and then Blue Velvet's obviously
11:24fucking iconic. Yeah. Mahal on Drive
11:26is also iconic. Yeah, these are all on my
11:28mailing box. You need to watch it.
11:30Okay, so let's swap. I'll watch that
11:32and then you can watch mine and then
11:34you can text me and tell me what you think. Will do.
11:36I'll keep you updated. What was the dumbest
11:38shit y'all did in the villa to entertain
11:40yourselves and each other? Janae and I
11:42would play volleyball for hours.
11:44Really? Yeah, but that's not
11:46dumb. We just had so much fun doing that.
11:48Sadly, we actually didn't have an hour
11:50free, so. That's psychotic.
11:52Um, I can't even think
11:54of one dumb thing that was done
11:56to kill time because like we really
11:58didn't have like a break
12:00to head to. Had you booked and busy?
12:02No. They had us clocking the hell
12:04in. Like, I'm
12:06not kidding. I actually thought I was going
12:08on vacation. Like, I was
12:10so tired and I also had to beat the
12:12shit out of my face. So
12:14and do my hair. It was
12:16definitely crazy and then they would have us go to
12:18sleep at like
12:20I, you don't have, you don't know the time
12:22but like you can kind of tell from the sky
12:24like sometimes it would be just getting light
12:26out and that's when we would go to sleep
12:28and then you wake us up like two hours later.
12:30What the hell? And I love
12:32sleep. Like if I could sleep like 20 hours
12:34a day, I would. That shit would
12:36kill me. Do you have a favorite
12:38meme or edit you've seen of yourself?
12:40I was posting like when we thought TikTok
12:42was gonna go down.
12:44I was posting a lot of my favorite
12:46edits but I don't know.
12:48There are so many funny ones but I haven't
12:50seen one. A lot of them are just like cute
12:52like love ones. Yeah.
12:54And then the other ones
12:56the other ones are like
12:58the ones that I've heard thousands
13:00of times of like suck my dick.
13:02That one and like. The one liners.
13:04Yeah. But I don't know.
13:06I'll take um
13:10You guys can tell me which one should
13:12be. Tag me. Tag me.
13:14Show me. Well. Make them.
13:16Leah, you've passed.
13:22Well Lady Leah
13:24we're having so much fun so far
13:26but I think it's time that
13:28we sort of do your family crest.
13:30What happened to the accent?
13:32I just switched.
13:36I locked the fuck in. So we need you
13:38to draw your family crest. I'll have you start
13:40and I'm gonna ask you some questions.
13:42Okay. Oh my god. Multitask.
13:44Okay. What has your experience been
13:46going from like a normal
13:48everyday person
13:50to a reality TV fan
13:52favorite? Like does that
13:54mess with the ego at all? Or does it
13:56give you imposter syndrome?
13:58In a general sense I'm like
14:00I feel really grateful above
14:02anything else. I think it took a minute
14:04but now that I kind of
14:06am learning more
14:08about you know what's going on
14:10in this life. I'm
14:12feeling, I feel good. What to you
14:14is the difference between like
14:16cause you vlog now
14:18and TikTok and Instagram I mean it's
14:20you know. What's the line between content
14:22and what's not content to you?
14:24Like what do you keep for yourself?
14:26I don't know if I have like specific
14:28things that I keep to myself
14:30because for me at least like
14:32I know a lot of people like to keep their relationships
14:34private and
14:36for me like they got
14:38to kind of see mine
14:40play out exactly and so
14:42that is something that I don't mind
14:44sharing at all cause on top of that
14:46like I know people are always like oh like outside
14:48opinions doesn't that freak you out but I'm like I
14:50really actually don't give a fuck.
14:52Because it's like you don't
14:54know him and you don't know
14:56me. So it's like
14:58I just don't give a fuck. Good.
15:00This is scary.
15:04What is
15:06something Love Island taught you that isn't
15:08love related? I was gonna say like
15:10kind of just have more self
15:12respect. I reacted
15:14in certain ways that I did just
15:16because I already was kind of
15:18in that like headspace
15:20already but I think for me
15:22maybe like not
15:24repeating old
15:26patterns because I would always
15:28go back to a guy who like
15:30didn't know if he wanted me or
15:32wanted to be with me really or not or like
15:34was rude to me like I loved that
15:36shit when I was younger.
15:38Addicted to it. I was like
15:40it's like fun like fuck up
15:42my life but like now
15:44it's just not. And it's not worth the fucking
15:46time. No it's just
15:48quite frankly not.
15:50I never thought that
15:52I would be with someone
15:54who is
15:56so caring and like attentive
15:58and good to
16:00me like I don't know I just never saw that
16:02for myself like I thought
16:04no I really didn't see that
16:06ever happening like I never thought
16:08I would have a guy that like
16:10actually liked me
16:12other than like
16:14I don't know for like the things that guys
16:16normally want you for like
16:18that I have now like Miguel like he's just
16:20like everything
16:22I could have asked for and I'm just like
16:24it's crazy.
16:26It's really important too of like
16:28I mean you talked about it on the show of
16:30I usually go for fucking shitheads
16:32you know and that's been my type and
16:34challenging yourself to be like okay well what if I give
16:36this a try? I could be
16:38the happiest I've ever been.
16:40Look at you!
16:42Well there, present us your
16:46And repeat the props if you don't mind.
16:48Dog blue, which I promise
16:50she actually doesn't look like that.
16:52And then my
16:54sign, which is actually
16:56a fallopian tube.
16:58And then we have Squidward
17:00who looks
17:02I just don't know.
17:04And then some stars.
17:08Beautiful Lady Leah!
17:10Well Lady Leah, it is my
17:12pleasure and privilege to induct you
17:14into the royal court!
17:16We shall
17:18proceed with the knighting. Stay where
17:20you are. Oh my god.
17:22Don't look at my footwork.
17:24Don't zoom in on me.
17:26What the hell's going on?
17:28I knight thee
17:30Lady Leah,
17:32Persian princess of the realm.
17:36And a
17:38parting gift for you.
17:40You're lying.
17:42Isn't that nice? Wait.
17:44Get into that Diet Coke and
17:46that. Yeah! Oh my god.
17:48This is so nice.
17:50Does everyone get a mug? They do.
17:52But that one is
17:54yours. No, this is adorable.
17:56I love this. This is really sweet.
17:58Is there anything you'd like to promote
18:00to my realm?
18:02Hey. No, I'm just kidding.
18:04So now that I have you alone.
18:06No, I'm just kidding.
18:08Just, just, yeah.
18:10Vibe with me. I have my
18:12Instagram, my TikTok,
18:14and my new YouTube. Well, she's
18:16not that new. I bring you guys on a lot
18:18of adventures with me. Yay!
18:20That's about it, I think. Thank you,
18:22Leah! Guards, take her away.
18:28Bye. Oh, actually?
18:32Goodbye, Leah. Hold on, maybe I'm gonna trip.
18:34Hold on. All right, guard.
18:36Let's go.
