Intaaaaaaangibles! Ron Rothstein gets fired up after Pelle Larsson's play last night, turning into superman! Tobin is infuriated with James Harden who continues getting away with it.
00:00That was used to mean something around these parts the last time someone heard like like a you know
00:05I just heard it playing but I'm like
00:07We played it because we knew this game is I think the Wizards game was the last time I remember the Peppers button getting hit
00:16Look at us. I remember the Peppers button getting hit. Look at us, you know, somebody on mute Leroy
00:25I would imagine that
00:28One time we came in here saying they played it kind of early I
00:33Don't think they've ever jinxed Peppers. I still don't think that they have had that happen. It's gotten close
00:39But I don't think that's happened
00:41Yesterday the Heat lose yet again. They fall to the LA Clippers at home
00:47This is a game that the Clippers not only didn't have Kawhi Leonard. No surprise didn't have Norman Powell who leads them in points per game
00:55Ty Lou took the night off
00:57with a back injury
00:59So they had their backup coach coach took the night off. Their coach took the night off and the Heat still lost
01:09Handsomely they got
01:12Beating the fourth quarter yet again in a game. They all they never led except to nothing
01:17Geez, and they lose
01:19119 104 the only moment that brought you a little bit of solace because there was some good offense yesterday for the Heat
01:26Andrew Wiggins had a nice game, you know did a little bit of everything
01:30Tyler hero 31 points from him
01:33But if you looked up and down the lineup
01:37Everybody was a minus and a deep minus
01:43for Pella Larson
01:45The only person yesterday who gave the Heat plus minutes was Pella Larson and let me just tell you something
02:02Wow, and I mean
02:06Leroy did you see that play by him yesterday? Or did you decide not to torture yourself? I didn't torture myself
02:11I'm gonna say to you dude, if we could put intangibles on a postcard this play that Pella Larson had yesterday
02:18Dude, it was it's really sad. This is one of the most exciting plays of the season, but it was I was scrappy
02:25It was scrappy was heat culture it dude
02:28I thought Wes Goldberg made a great point on lockdown where he's like, you know
02:34This used to not be rare for the Heat. They used to identify
02:38Themselves with others and it was such a great point by Wes. He's right the fact that we're like
02:46But this was so intangibles Leroy I'm sending you the tech I'm sending the play right now
02:53He dives like Superman to the floor right gets the ball
03:00Gets it to Duncan Robinson who was like
03:04Isn't able to handle it kicks it back to Pella who then has to get into another dogfight for the ball
03:13Gets the ball back
03:15Throws it to Terry Rozier who by some miracle of God hit a three
03:25You know, it's amazing oh
03:29My goodness what
03:32I've got the heat were wearing white for a second
03:35So I was following I was following the tangible in the white and then I'm like damn they gave up a three
03:42What is he talking about?
03:45What if I can't blame you that's just how they are with their jerseys these days do the NBA they just play willy-nilly rules
03:52Well, it's opposite
03:55Usually the white jerseys are at home for yeah, right. So this time they were in dark jerseys, which threw me off
04:03Pella Larson very fired up about this and
04:07Let me tell you
04:09He was fired up
04:11but nobody Leroy and I mean
04:14Nobody was more fired up than the legend himself
04:21Rothstein this was him at halftime. I like where we are right now, and I absolutely
04:34Every which way
04:36The play I'm going to show you I don't care that we're down five. What's it doesn't matter
04:41We're gonna watch Pella Lawson's play this is a coach's dream. Here we go
04:48Now he gets up see he doesn't quit on the play
04:53Would you look at that come on now, okay, this would make any football coach happy
05:00Rolling it comes the third touch, but that's not enough watch him now
05:06Duncan tries to call timeout watch we don't get the timeout luckily because they don't think he's got possession
05:13He's biting. He's rolling
05:16He kicks it to Duncan who kicks it
05:20There it goes, he's got it again, that's for watch this now here comes the assist
05:25Oh and Rose here says I can't miss this one better not miss. I better not miss this one
05:32He'll kill me. Hey
05:35What are the great plays we've seen all year long by a really good-looking rookie
05:40I don't know how to follow that up. He's right
05:44Pella Larson, he gets out of that dog, but his hair still looks incredible
05:51Nothing that Ron Ross said there was incorrect
05:54And it was the only joy that I was brought last night because my joy has been stuck for me like a vampire
05:58But that brought me joy yesterday seeing Pella Larson play like a dog
06:05Animated who's better than Ron Rostein? I was good. Stop it. Stop it
06:11Okay, roll the tape
06:15He's the greatest some guys is clicking play and he's waiting to see
06:20Loading a new drama film does anything give Ron Rostein more joy than hustle? Oh
06:27Roll it roll it
06:30Just clicking we just click it was great and Pella flexing the guns see that's how he acts
06:38But that's the thing that I love about Pella Larson if I could actually do something positive here
06:41I'm the love about Pella Larson is that man acts like that for his teammates to like he gets
06:47really inordinately
06:49celebratory for any play from his teammates and
06:53He deserved that moment. It's unfortunate that you know, the answer to this from everybody else was we need more
07:00You guys control that, you know
07:02Yeah, I saw Tyler say that yesterday. It's like yeah, okay, dude, you scored a great game, you know
07:07I don't know shuffle your feet on defense once
07:10And I swear to God Leroy. I can't believe this James Harden still getting away with it. Oh, I mean
07:16He's still getting away with it
07:18Looney Tunes with the steps
07:22So infuriated watching him play basketball where he just goads everybody and I was like, you know, are you kidding me, dude?
07:29Are you kidding me?
07:33Ron Ralston wasn't done by like as he thought that Pella did a good job on James Harden who did blow by Pella a couple
07:39Times, let's be fair. I'm not gonna be a complete he'd he'd he'd hover here
07:42But one of the things that he loved Leroy was his hands
07:47Pell he loved Pella's hands when defending James Harden. Here's more Ron Ralston on Fandul sports on
07:54Larson's timing on his double teams is
07:57Really impressive and yeah, and the other thing that's impressive is see he doesn't just come to double team
08:02He comes with high hands and he forces hang time passes. That's why we're stealing them
08:08Okay, this kid alone has had a tremendous impact on the game and I couldn't be
08:17Get this man some water love it. Well, that was fun to watch
08:21Hopefully side of things to come where I mentioned the doubles. Well, there he is. There's a double
08:31He's I mean he really is like he's beside himself was like can I can I get you some water the most joy