• 2 weeks ago
15 mins of Heat! Should the Miami Heat pursue Zion Williamson this summer?
00:00the heat shorthanded again tonight and uh if they do get davion mitchell that'll be cool
00:04quichotte johnson is with them from sioux falls i don't know if josh christopher is
00:08although josh christopher did light it up in the g league yesterday so he may be on the bench
00:12doesn't mean he might be doing a back-to-back he might be doing a back-to-back nothing like
00:17doing a back-to-back but in sioux falls right and then in cleveland what did he do last night
00:23he had a big game last night josh christopher everyone's kind of intrigued to see what he's got
00:28but uh he had 20 through three quarters man
00:35what a time why can't we call up somebody like who's our spencer knight
00:43um i'm curious to see what quichotte johnson has man i like quichotte johnson i think he's
00:48gonna be a good player i really do i think he's gonna be a good player i think that he's just
00:52he's he's big he's got he's got wingspan uh he's why we do basketball right wings only the heat do
01:01this right where guys just do what he's a drafted though he's like he's he's the thing is he he was
01:10on the same team as pela and pela ends up going to the second round and quichotte goes undrafted
01:16but the thing is that uh he was really good in the summer league like he really like popped
01:21and then he got hurt like right at the end of the old championship games but i don't know man
01:26i just think i was like this guy looks like he could be really something he's flying like you
01:31watch and i don't understand what's up with the g league you know we're at a day and age where
01:34technology's never been better why is all g league footage still grainy because they have
01:41like people like you filming it with their camcorder my camera looks way better than that
01:46i would have that looking like i would have them looking like 4k beauty if they had me as the
01:50cameraman for g league i just think it's like g league right of passions has to be grainy looking
01:56right because it's not the nba
02:01but pal look good that last game i want to see what he's got obviously a tough challenge now
02:05cleveland has big incentive tonight they can become the first team in the nba to
02:09clinch a playoff spot with a win tonight wow with a month of season left that's right
02:14that's right i mean they've all already surpassed what the heat can do
02:20uh this season yeah for sure they have 51 wins already yeah 51 and 10 this season they are eight
02:27games up on the boston celtics they've been good and and the boston celtics and the calves right
02:34now are clearly the cream of the crop in the east yes um nick's loss yesterday
02:41yes um nick's loss yesterday and what and the reason why i say that is because the nicks are
02:47third they can't beat nobody good nope they lost yesterday to the warriors which is interesting
02:55clash that's coming because the lakers are like seven and one the warriors are like eight and one
03:02right now since since the lakers and warriors trades the lakers now second in the eastern
03:08conference lebron james is insane right now his numbers are like his numbers are mirroring his
03:14his last mvp season and their defense has been incredible lucas starting to settle in they've
03:21won seven in a row and then the warriors obviously are nine and two since trading for jimmy butler
03:27nine and one he missed one of those games and then yesterday they win in the garden they beat
03:32the uh the new york nicks 114 102 steph curry 28 points i guess he's i don't think he's lost
03:38in the garden since 2014 yeah which kind of makes sense i mean the nicks have not been that great
03:48and he's been on amongst he's been amongst the best teams since and he's one of the best players
03:52on the planet so people were kind of shocked by that stat i'm like i can see it like we forget
03:58like you know 14 15 60 nicks or dumpster fire oh yeah oh yeah
04:07but you know they all look good man i will say if you were to say a conspiracy on why the nba is
04:14fixed and all these trades all this ratings talk having lebron james and steph curry back
04:22on really good teams is a way to get the nba ratings fixed yeah that's true i don't get people
04:28interested again yeah i mean it or like having them play in the first couple of rounds goodness
04:42yeah i mean like it's there's something right now because i don't know what to make of memphis
04:49memphis was up there they they kind of have fallen off they lost three in a row so of the
04:53rockets and now you have them and they're both very they're both pretty young teams john morant
04:58hasn't necessarily the same i'll take him down here if he wants to i mean we'll revitalize it
05:03baby uh you let me know oh i will say though let me let me be honest with you
05:10i'm still intrigued by the zion williamson in the offseason nero i gotta be honest with you
05:14i 37 last night i'm telling you dude i think there's something about
05:19marco revitalizing zion down in miami here is why this man and why we fight so much
05:28we just had a conversation what as far as the dolphins were concerned signing injury prone
05:35players right and within two segments
05:43he won't have any of it i'll take the injured the injured guy he's back baby
05:5337 last night you know what it's like i'm talking to fines i say
05:57hey man didn't we just have this conversation and you still just blew right through it
06:02right through the stop sign you do you understand right now the team that we root for
06:10yeah has eight available players and three of them came from sioux falls and your solution is
06:16let's go get another injury prone player but does that not do you understand how ridiculous that
06:23sounds a very efficient injury prone player if he's not playing well but when he plays he's very
06:30efficient okay oh my god shoots like 60 how many games has he played this year this year yeah he's
06:40played 24 i know it took him a while to get going he played 70 last year so 70 last year hold on
06:47so you think an answer to what ails this team is to go sign a guy who has played 24 games
06:56he has a very interesting contract though because you can opt out he's got safety nets
07:00so you could opt out of his deal and i was thinking to myself i'm like all right because
07:05uh i don't know i don't think you'd have to give up that much
07:10be real about it the pels you you don't like you don't fully like you don't
07:20decisions you don't fully like
07:23but figure out what the consequences are clearly the warriors pick we're going to get because
07:28they're going to make the playoffs very clearly okay so we got the warriors pick that's gonna be
07:33what 20 uh yeah 15 20 what do you think what do you think they're gonna get for zion williamson
07:40who because all the questions that you ask about zion williamson like i don't know if there's
07:45gonna be a lot of teams that are gonna be okay right enough to do it okay but here's my here's
07:50my question to you yep even if you could get him yeah at a reasonable deal
07:59if he's hurt and he consistently gets hurt how does it help you
08:07we're gonna have to change some behavior you know we're gonna have to change some
08:11less you sound like the person in a relationship that knows that they're getting into a relationship
08:19with somebody who's trouble and thinking i can fix them what problems do you have with zion
08:24williamson what problems what problems do you have leroy okay
08:32he needs to be in better shape lowest he's ever weighed he he needs to commit himself to
08:42the daily grind of basketball and he hasn't proven that he's willing to do that he hasn't and that's
08:52not and even if he has he still gets hurt all the time yeah but it's a bit of a fire down there what
08:58if i told you i'd get anthony davis for cheap um but but anthony davis is not on our timeline right
09:06now right like he's a little older you get him at 25 years old 25 years old you're trying to sell
09:14you like you're trying to sell yourself on something when you know the reality of what
09:22you're asking i don't think it's that crazy i think it's crazy when you're when you make an
09:27assumption oh when he comes if he comes down here he won't be hurt we need an infusion of talent
09:32leroy we do you need an infusion of talent but you also need an infusion of health right now you
09:39got eight guys that's gonna dress because of injury and your solution is to go sign another
09:46injury prone guy that makes no sense i think it makes a little sense no it doesn't you gotta buy
09:54low sometimes you gotta invest okay you can buy they could give him away if he's not playing how
10:01does that help you i mean we got i mean andrew wiggins is the plan he's missed more games than
10:05he's been than uh but andrew here's the deal though andrew wiggins has not had a history
10:15of injury problems so the fact that he got banged up is a lot different than if zion comes here and
10:24then the first month he's here he's out for a month you're gonna be like knew this was coming
10:29frog boy kevin durant or zion next year who would you want the heat to go after
10:36come on it's an easy question dude come on he's younger he has more of an upside and this whole
10:46overweight upside doesn't mean nothing all you have to look at is what his history is to this
10:54point i think he'd be so excited could it be different from here on out yes but you can't
11:00make decisions hoping that it's different than it's been for the first five years i think he's
11:08the guy dude i think that's the guy that he should go get he's the guy he's the guy and if it doesn't
11:13work at 37 points in 26 minutes last night i get all of that he's also only played 24 games
11:22what part of that don't you understand that on this team they have a problem with injuries
11:29and your solution is to go sign a guy who's injured it makes no sense so much fun though
11:36dude i mean imagine those dunks with him and bam and kalel oh my god a little bit of a spacing
11:42issue we need to get some more shooting we need to put two shooters there speaking of shooting by
11:47the way tyler hero dude you need to get this three-point shot going baby somebody said fun 24
11:56games yeah it was a fun it has been and how long before an end of the season with zion that pat
12:04rowley says we need guys to be available yeah i'm sure that's something that you have to be
12:12concerned about but okay thank you that's my that's my point so now that you acknowledge
12:17that you have to be conscious of his history and injury history how does that help the heat besides
12:25the name how does that help the heat he averages 26 baby he's only played 24 games last year he
12:35played 70 before the hamstring got him in the way okay and then oh okay okay he played 70
12:41you can add the three years surrounding that and he barely got to 70 lowest he's ever weighed
12:55goodness so so let me get this straight y'all don't care about
13:00all the injury stuff you just want zion it's not that i don't care about it but they have
13:06you act like you don't care about it because it's a big issue you just dismiss but his contract has
13:13outs so you can get out as non-guarantees in it because you're giving it here who cares if you
13:18have outs on a contract if you got to give up something to get him i don't think we have to
13:23give up that much you don't think i don't think so okay he's dg baby and you want him free in miami
13:35what's why because of astron
13:41he might have matured really totally matured but he's still only he could be mature as hell
13:49he still only played 24 games this year which was the biggest complaint of pat riley
13:54he got it right if pat riley had a problem with guys missing games then he's gonna go sign a guy
13:59that's only gonna play 35 games that makes no sense jimmy baller still missed a lot of games
14:06and he went and got him and guess where he's not guess where he is now yeah but he had a good run
14:10here he had a good run and everybody thought when jimmy came down here it was like ah that's not
14:16gonna work he's coming down there to retire i think you got look sometimes sometimes you have
14:21to go find gold nuggets okay where nobody's looking he's listen first of all everybody knows
14:29that zion is a hell of a player okay but if you want to contend and this is any team out there
14:38if you want to contend and your solution is signing an injury prone player shame on you
14:48even if that injury prone player has outs it look you're looking at it from the outs from
14:54the contract i'm looking at it from players who can help your team win on a consistent basis but
14:59you would agree we need talent yes you need available talent if he was available keyword
15:06okay it's a bit of a risk it's a bit of a risk no didn't no you gotta risk it to get the biscuit
15:11we got a whole bunch of risk on the team every game you're wondering how long somebody somebody
15:17get limping how long is he gonna be out you got damn near a starting five guys who are out
15:25take a break your solution to any of this is let's go sign another injury prone player
15:29it makes no damn sense
15:36nope don't say it yeah don't say it i just like it i just know you you was brewing in your brain
15:44and i'm telling you before words get out i don't like it nope nope
