• 2 days ago
Coronation Street - Season 66 Episode 31


00:00["Pomp and Circumstance"]
00:30["Pomp and Circumstance"]
01:00Nobody under 70 should read that thing.
01:03Then again, you were born old.
01:05Good morning to you, too.
01:07What a wonderful start to the day.
01:13I could do with some small talk.
01:19I believe you and Tommy are rocking.
01:22That is big talk.
01:25Yeah, we split up and try not to look too chuffed.
01:29I'm not.
01:31What did you do?
01:34We are oil and water.
01:36He is a taker.
01:38And I am an assertive 21st century feminist.
01:44Oh, never mind.
01:48I better get back to Dad.
01:49If I hear that punctuality is the politeness of kings one more time...
01:54Oh, no.
01:57He's gone to the lakes.
02:00He's gone where?
02:02I ran him to the station this morning.
02:04Me and Amy are going to join him tomorrow.
02:07What the hell is he going to do in the flaming lakes?
02:09He's going to clear his head, apparently.
02:12To be fair, he was very fond of Cassie.
02:15Oh, great.
02:17So he's going to stare sadly into Windermere, pining over her?
02:21No, he's taking Keats and Wordsworth with him.
02:25I thought they were his friends from the Rotary.
02:27Blackpool, that'll be lovely for Alfie, won't it?
02:31He'll be going on everything and then hopefully sleep like a log.
02:34And the break will do him good.
02:37Is that a front door?
02:42Oh, I see there's a stamp on your birthday card.
02:43Oh, I don't do birthdays.
02:44Not at my age.
02:45Come on, sit down.
02:46You hungry?
02:47Er, just a cuppa will do me.
02:50Well, I can't be faffing, can I, with rollers, no.
03:02So come on, then.
03:03How are you?
03:04How's uni?
03:05It's stimulating, you know.
03:06How's the job at the library?
03:07Er, oh, well, telling people to shut up all day.
03:11I was born for it.
03:12Have you made some nice new mates?
03:13Have you been playing pool in the uni bar?
03:14Have you got new glasses as well?
03:17How long are you going to go on with the small talk before you tell me that Cass has
03:20been trying to poison Ken Barlow, hmm?
03:23There you go.
03:26Cheers for doing an extra hot.
03:30Ah, no probs.
03:31It's not worse than a coffee you can swig from the off.
03:34I mean, how's that a treat?
03:35Yeah, stone cold before you can say sugar or sweetener.
03:38He's right.
03:39You two want to get out more.
03:41Way too early for the funnies, you.
03:43What's he like?
03:44All right?
03:45I see you two kissed and made up then.
03:46Always do.
03:47Ugh, way too handsy in public.
03:48Oh, our chairman's loathsome.
03:49Thick as thieves, Sarah and Lou.
03:50Mind you, that Lou does know how to party.
03:51Well, she's married to a capeman.
03:52What is the capital?
03:53It's the capital of capital.
03:54And what does the capital mean?
03:55It's a capital.
03:56It's a capital.
03:57It's a capital, so it's a capital.
03:58It's a capital.
03:59I'm not sure I know what capital is.
04:00Well, you know, I think it's a capital of a capital.
04:01A capital of a capital.
04:02I see.
04:03I see.
04:04I see.
04:05I see.
04:06I see.
04:07I see.
04:08I see.
04:09I see.
04:14of New York State.
04:16You always ask me this one. Albany.
04:19Ooh! Confident. I like it.
04:22All right.
04:24Rhode Island.
04:27Smashing it! I'll have to teach her, Harry.
04:32OK. I'm way funnier than Anton Deck, true or false.
04:38Erm, I think I'll have to get back to you on that one.
04:40Yeah, very wise.
04:42Am I getting a raise in my pocket money?
04:45Yeah, go on, then, since all you've been a little belter.
04:48For definite?
04:49Yeah, for definite.
04:51Anton Deck, finance.
04:54It's awesome.
04:55Here you go. Thanks.
04:59Is that the posh hair conditioner I can smell?
05:02Torts lush.
05:0420 quid a bottle, it should be.
05:07What's that?
05:11You could do ours and all, if you want, while the board's up.
05:14Do it yourself. Make Shona's day.
05:17Yeah, it was a bit hard with one arm, innit?
05:19Plus, I iron all the time.
05:21What, do you want a coconut?
05:23I do! We split our chores 50-50, me and Shona.
05:27Yeah, right.
05:30What's up?
05:34Not like you to hold back.
05:36Is...is it possible, like, you could maybe just have
05:39a little word with Lily about maybe, you know,
05:41putting some of her stuff away after she's finished with it?
05:44Like, it's not a biggie or anything, it's just, you know,
05:47I'm trying to teach Harry good habits.
05:51Yeah, no, yeah, it's the least she could do, I suppose.
05:53Oh, come on, I don't mean it like that.
05:55No, no, it's... No, it's cool.
05:58Got anything else?
06:00Might as well get it all out in the open.
06:05No, no, that's...that's everything.
06:10It's going to be chilly in the lakes.
06:12Make sure Amy zips up her coat.
06:14Well, she'll love being told that.
06:16You're too soft on her.
06:17We both are.
06:19Any message for Ken?
06:21Yeah, tell him it's not in a Richard Curtis rom-com.
06:24An ex-junkie tried to kill him and he needs to get a grip.
06:29I won't remember any of that, I'll just say he's worried.
06:31Yeah, I'm worried he's grieving for a psychopath.
06:33Yeah, well, we know, but...
06:35Put yourself in his slippers.
06:37She did make him happy.
06:39She made him special drinks.
06:42Oi! What are you staring at? Do one.
06:46Disappear, you mean.
06:47Just like Tambeo.
06:49Get back down the drain, sewer rat.
06:51Do you know, I can smell you from here.
06:53Wait, wait, don't tell me, don't tell me.
06:55Lime, basil,
06:58bin juice.
07:00All right, you made your point.
07:02Are you defending her?
07:03No, as if. I'm just saying...
07:05..why kick her while she's down, you know?
07:08I don't believe this. You still fancy her.
07:19Well, it's a relief to know everything's OK in there.
07:23Um, mine's a peppermint tea, please, Dad.
07:26Oh, and leave the bag intact.
07:29Now, listen, don't let me fall asleep.
07:31I've got back-to-back meetings all afternoon.
07:33Your mum could sleep on a washing line when she was expecting.
07:36And eat for England, eh?
07:40She had a crazy thing about oranges as well.
07:42She'd eat about three a day.
07:43Dad, can...
07:45Can you not do that, please?
07:47What have I said?
07:49Well, the whole going nostalgic thing.
07:53I'm sorry this pregnancy is not going to have
07:55the fairy-tale ending you were hoping for.
07:58We are clearly in a relationship.
08:01We are clear on that, right?
08:06..I just worry that maybe one day you'll come to regret your decision.
08:10I mean, you've seen long-lost families.
08:14People do and don't make decisions for all kinds of reasons.
08:20No two pregnant women are the same.
08:23I'm trying, love. I'm trying.
08:26I know. You're the best.
08:28I just want you to be happy, now and in the future.
08:31I want that too.
08:33For me, I'm the baby.
08:35I know what I'm doing, yeah?
08:39So, how are you doing?
08:41I'm missing number eight like you wouldn't believe.
08:44But, erm...
08:46I mean, I'm grateful to Sarah, I am, but it's just...
08:51No, it's not.
08:53Well, it's not ideal, is it?
08:55No, no, it's not.
08:57But that's what I've been thinking, really.
09:00I didn't want to sound cheeky, and I know we couldn't move there
09:03when, you know, Harvey and his goons and everybody were after us,
09:06but what I'm thinking is, erm...
09:08Yeah, come on, love, cut to the chase, come on.
09:11Yeah. Can me, Lily and Shona move into Grasmere Drive?
09:16I mean, it...
09:18We'd move the TV upstairs, you know, in one of the bedrooms,
09:22you know, so we wouldn't be completely taken over.
09:25And it's just so we have a bit of wriggle room, really,
09:28cos there is...
09:30And a garden, you know, so we could go in and have a cuppa or a can or...
09:37Anyhow, I'm rambling.
09:39What do you reckon? What do you reckon, Graeme?
09:41Well, I reckon...
09:44I'm going to have to give this some serious thought.
09:50Yeah. Good.
09:51Yeah, no, no, that's, er...
09:53No, that's, er... fairer than that.
10:01Jason, what are you doing here?
10:03Oh, take a wild guess.
10:05Craig, I need to know what's going on.
10:08I'm on my dinner break.
10:10Well, while you stuff your pie hole, Cassie's as free as a bird,
10:14walking the streets, terrifying my dad.
10:16Because you won't give evidence against her.
10:19Right, so she can just line up her next victim.
10:22I know it's frustrating, but unless your dad gives evidence,
10:25there is not a lot that we can do.
10:26This is a joke.
10:28Look, bottom line, there's no case unless your dad changes his mind.
10:32Bleeding heart can. No chance.
10:35Listen, you just concentrate on your din-dins, eh?
10:38Don't worry about the mean streets of Weatherfield.
10:59Bottle of beer.
11:02I didn't hear the P word.
11:08I ain't no misery goat.
11:11Er... my beer.
11:13Yeah, it's weird. Bad manners.
11:15They give me this sense of... paralysis.
11:19Bottle of beer, please.
11:21See, that wasn't so hard, was it?
11:23Now I just need the S word and we're good to go.
11:25What have I got to be sorry for?
11:27It's you who said, come see my puppies.
11:30I'm sorry, I must have knocked my head and not realised.
11:33It goes without saying. Keep your gob shut.
11:37Like I'd want anyone to know.
11:38My missus is my right arm.
11:41You were going to cheat on her without a second thought.
11:43It's just as well it came to me senses.
11:45Nah, I wasn't feeling it.
11:48Your anger when I knocked you back.
11:49Who do you think you're talking to?
11:52I'm not only talking to you, I'm serving you alcohol.
11:54Which I can decide not to do any time I please, is that clear?
11:58Is this your headmistress act?
12:01If you can't act like a civilised human being,
12:03then you will be barred.
12:05You're right up yourself, you, aren't you?
12:07There had to be a catch, you looking like that.
12:09You're a nutjob.
12:10Look, I'll be in here as and when I feel like it.
12:13And if you won't serve me, I'll get behind there and serve myself.
12:17Is that clear?
12:18OK, you need to leave now.
12:19Oh, here's your mate.
12:21It's a do-lally duo.
12:22Get out now before I call the police.
12:26You ordered a bottle of beer, officer,
12:27but you forgot to say, please, cuff him.
12:31You're a joke.
12:32Pair of you.
12:41You're on the third floor, bro, but your darling daughter
12:42doesn't look too pleased to see you.
12:45Sounds about right.
12:46You all right, love?
12:47Hi. I'm going to get a latte to take out.
12:50Does anyone want anything?
12:51Pull up a chair.
12:52I would love to, but I've got to get back to the office.
12:54Busy day.
12:55Where did the scan go?
12:57Fine. Surprised Dad's not giving you a chapter in verse.
13:00Well, why would I do that?
13:01It's your private business.
13:03Yeah, it is.
13:05Sorry, I'm fine.
13:07Blood pressure's up a bit, but other than that, I'm all good.
13:10And in terms of the future?
13:12Excuse me.
13:13I've got to get back to work.
13:14Will you have a say in who adopts?
13:19I'll update you another time.
13:21All right.
13:22Love you.
13:29Do you want to tell Auntie Bernadine all about it?
13:32And all the years?
13:34I think I'm breaking my dad's heart.
13:37With the adoption?
13:39He keeps getting all excited.
13:41And I have to keep knocking it out of him, you know,
13:43remind him that he's not going to get to bounce baby Bailey on his knee.
13:48Probably won't even get a hold.
13:50Oh, love.
13:53I feel you.
13:56Are you planning on having a hold?
14:00Well, um...
14:02Probably just see how I feel on the day.
14:06So, if I want some more, I'll just phone that number.
14:08Just give me a call. I'm only on the phone,
14:10so I'll hear you any time.
14:12You all right? Cool.
14:13Cheers. Oh, nice one.
14:20Peace offering.
14:23Come on, it's rubbish when we're no-speaks.
14:26I was handling Mick.
14:28He was so nasty.
14:29Yes, but I was handling him.
14:31Yeah, but I was only trying to help.
14:33You've had such a rotten time of it.
14:36Yes, shafted from so many angles.
14:39Daisy, you were crying out for a bit of TLC.
14:43I'm doing OK.
14:45Darling, you've got to let yourself grieve.
14:48All this stiff upper-lip nonsense, it's not good for you.
14:53We're always better when we're a teen, right?
14:57Yeah, we were.
14:59Once upon a time.
15:07Daisy's head's strong.
15:10Remind you of anyone?
15:12I know.
15:13She will forgive you in time.
15:15You know she will.
15:17I don't know.
15:19Just, it feels like something's broken, you know?
15:22I'm walking around with an olive branch 24-7.
15:25I've practically begged forgiveness.
15:27Well, I told you, she's headstrong.
15:30And proud.
15:32She's just not letting herself grieve.
15:35It's like she's refusing to be vulnerable.
15:38I know I've had my moments with her,
15:40but you and Daisy, you've all I've got.
15:43She needs time.
15:46Perhaps you should back off for a bit.
15:48She knows you'll be there when she's ready.
15:52Well, at least I can keep an eye on her.
15:56Cos she's acting like she's got nothing to lose, you know?
15:59She's been a bit reckless.
16:01Why don't you focus on your life?
16:05We all need a bit of happiness, you know?
16:08I just want me and Daisy back on track.
16:11And for her to stop kicking on its nest, you know?
16:13Stop looking for trouble. It's heartbreaking.
16:16It is. It is.
16:20Come in.
16:25Like I said in my text, there's nobody home.
16:30What do you want, Tracy?
16:31To thrash this out.
16:32Lay everything on the table.
16:34You wearing a wire?
16:36There's a camera in my mam's eyes.
16:39It goes straight to PC Tinker.
16:43Look, I've made some lunch. Are you hungry?
16:46What is this? You're freaking me out now, Tracy.
16:48Dad said I lack compassion, so I've dusted off Delia
16:52and I've made her potato and leek soup.
16:55Look, just sit down.
17:05I get the poison bowl, ta.
17:08Suit yourself. I'm going in.
17:11Well, I will divide a spoon.
17:22Not bad.
17:25Bonafi' pie for afters?
17:27I get it now.
17:29You're trying to lull me into a false sense of security
17:32with the soup and then poison me with the pie.
17:37You know, my dad still sings your praises.
17:42I miss him.
17:43Miss fleecing him.
17:46That was good company.
17:48Apart from all that Gettysburg stuff.
17:51The brain on him.
17:55Amy calls him Grandad Google.
17:59Well, don't forget to leave space for pudding.
18:02I'll only eat it if I get to slice it and pick who gets what.
18:08What, like Russian roulette?
18:12Oh, did you pick his, um, tablets up yesterday?
18:15His, um, you know, the thing, the blood pressure ones?
18:17Yeah. Everything's in hand.
18:20And how did he get on at the Aussie?
18:21Did he mention his lower back?
18:24I know what he's like.
18:25He'll say they've got enough on the plates as it is
18:27and I'll be like, Ken, laying home with a trowel.
18:30You've got a doctor sat there, right in front of you.
18:33Tell them all about it.
18:37Cheers, love.
18:43You grab us a table, babe.
18:48Have a bottle of beer and a Bacardi and Diet Coke, please.
18:51With a capital P.
18:54Coming up.
18:56Face on it.
18:58You can pretend all you want.
19:00I could have given you a right seeing to yesterday.
19:02So there you were, gagging for it.
19:06Excuse me. Lou, is it?
19:10Did you know that we had to kick your husband out of here
19:13a couple of hours ago?
19:14You what?
19:15Yeah, see, the thing is...
19:18..is that he came on to me yesterday.
19:19In her dreams.
19:21He did what?
19:22And then he's back in here at opening time,
19:23telling me not to blab to you, or else.
19:27Did you try it on with her?
19:29She came on to me.
19:30She was fuming when I knocked her back.
19:36Why would I lie?
19:37I don't know.
19:38Cos you can't stand to see a happy couple.
19:43I'm not joking.
19:44You can try it on with her.
19:45So, what will be the biggest plus if you do sell out?
19:50Well, I will...
19:52We will rebuild number eight.
19:55Well, will you live in the meantime?
19:57Oh, well, we'll manage somehow.
19:59There's always light at the end of the tunnel, isn't there?
20:02Cos there'll be the builders and the joiners,
20:04and then number eight will rise from the ashes.
20:08Of course, Gail will be there.
20:10Oh, I wish she'd go.
20:11Having the time of her life.
20:13Oh, well, I'll drink to that.
20:14Me too.
20:16Come on, Emily, join us.
20:19Cheers to you.
20:20How's your cassa?
20:24You haven't heard?
20:26Yet my cassa has managed to ply Ken Barlow
20:30with as much antihistamine as it takes to dope a horse.
20:34Oh, my goodness.
20:35No, no, no, he's fine.
20:36He's lived to tell the tale.
20:38Oh, well, that tale never reached me.
20:40Well, she's lucky he didn't go to the police.
20:43Yes, for once.
20:44I'm just glad he's a wet Nelly lefty.
20:47Er, and is Jenny all right?
20:50Oh, well, she has a few problems.
20:53You know, I sometimes think her life is very difficult.
20:57Well, bad cassa takes difficult to new heights.
21:01Well, I have to applaud my David.
21:03He's come to realise all the important things in life.
21:07Oh, good for David.
21:10Do you know, I've really got to help him as much as I can,
21:12because with Gail and Max and Bethany all away,
21:16it's time to circle the wagons.
21:18Oh, come on, circle the wagons.
21:21Come on, there we go.
21:23Don't bang on about poison again, it's really boring.
21:27What am I doing here, Tracy?
21:29Well, you've eaten yourself stupid,
21:31so I'd say you've had a good lunch
21:33and we've managed not to kill each other.
21:36Do you think your dad will ever speak to me again?
21:39I don't doubt that.
21:41Not for a nanosecond.
21:42For real?
21:45Good old Ken.
21:47It will never get back to what it was.
21:50That ship has well and truly sailed.
21:55But maybe this will help.
22:00Oh, your eyes are like saucers, you little druggie.
22:05Well, go on, don't just stare at it.
22:08Dive in.
22:30You give me all that grief for slipping your dad some antihistamine,
22:34yet here you are trying to get me wasted on some dodgy old smack.
22:39My dad could have died because of you.
22:41You're lucky I'm being so generous.
22:43Nice try.
22:45But I got clean of that stuff every year and a half ago.
22:48Well, now's your chance to get reacquainted.
22:51Go on, you know you want to.
22:58So this is it, then?
23:00This is your big revenge plan?
23:03Get me hooked on Opio-D?
23:06I'm just trying to help you.
23:09You know, everybody out there despises you
23:14for the scumbag you really are.
23:17So you might as well get off your face.
23:20And all of this just melts away.
23:40Look, I am not the one you should be battering here.
23:43You think you're so much better than the rest of us, don't you?
23:45Well, I'll show you, you stuck-up little slapper.
23:47Hey, hey, hey, hey! What do you think you're playing at?
23:49I'm going to bounce her stupid head off the bar.
23:51Right, you... you try it, and I will hit you that hard
23:55they'll be picking your teeth out of the dartboard for next month.
23:57Oh, really? So it's all right for Barbie here to throw herself at my fella
24:00and then try and pin the blame on him?
24:02Throw herself at him?
24:03Minute you were out the door yesterday,
24:05he were all over her like a randy retriever.
24:07Thought I was going to have to chuck a bucket of water over him.
24:10She better not be telling the truth.
24:11Come on, you're not going to listen to her. They're in it together.
24:13You know, my advice, love.
24:14Go and find yourself a fella who treats you with a bit more respect.
24:18Now, do one, period.
24:20Home, now.
24:22Go on!
24:28You all right?
24:31Oh, yeah.
24:33Ever since my mum left,
24:35I think my dad blames himself for breaking the family apart.
24:39I think part of him was hoping this baby would bring us all back together,
24:41and I am ruining that.
24:45Well, you're doing what you think's best for you and your baby.
24:47That's what comes first.
24:49Not your dad.
24:51Yeah, I know.
24:54Just some days, you know, I still can't believe everything that's happened.
24:58I always thought I'd have my own family,
25:02a husband who loved me, loads of gorgeous babies.
25:06That's all gone now.
25:08No, it hasn't. You can still have all that.
25:11You've just got to give it time.
25:15Do you think you made the right decision giving Kit away?
25:18Sorry, that's not my business.
25:22No, you're all right.
25:25Do I wish I hadn't given him up?
25:28Every day.
25:31And sometimes, it hurt so bad that I didn't think I could breathe, but...
25:36I knew deep down that I couldn't give him the love and care he needed.
25:39Someone else had to do that.
25:42And they did.
25:45Look, someone out there is going to make an amazing parent
25:50to your little baby.
25:53Just like you will.
25:55Next time.
26:02Look, would you two sit down, please? I want to say something.
26:06Oh, I don't like the sound of that.
26:11I've made up my mind.
26:13I'm going to sell Grasmere Drive.
26:17You having a laugh?
26:18And then we'll have the money to repair number eight.
26:23Or at least you will be able to have the money to repair number eight.
26:25Wait, so you're going to sell the home that you love
26:30and give the proceeds to David?
26:32Not all the money, love. Not all the money.
26:35No, it'll be his inheritance when I pop my clogs, all right?
26:40Well, hang on a minute, Gran.
26:41Well, just... I said I was going to do the place up,
26:44not kick you out on the street.
26:45Of course you've put her up to this.
26:47No, no, do you not hear me? I said...
26:49Where are you going to live?
26:51You've not met some fancy man, have you?
26:53Oh, I wish.
26:55But I am going to have to downsize and find somewhere smaller.
26:59Gran, you can't sacrifice your home
27:01to dig him out of a hole that he made for himself.
27:04Well, thanks. I love you too.
27:06I'm sorry, but it's true.
27:08Oh, enough. Come on.
27:10What I do with my money, Sarah, is my business, all right?
27:17All I want now is my family.
27:19That's all that matters to me, right?
27:26Well, that lightened things up, didn't it?
27:28I thought I was going to have to damp my favourite ice bucket
27:31on lose head.
27:34I'm sorry.
27:36I've behaved like a complete brat.
27:38Is that make-or-should-be-a-possibility?
27:40You should be apologising. He's a nasty piece of work.
27:44I meant for everything else.
27:47Losing a baby is a traumatic experience.
27:51I know what that's like.
27:56I didn't even get a picture of the scan.
27:59I left before they could give me one.
28:04I'm sorry about what I said before.
28:07You know I don't blame you. I didn't mean that.
28:09We've all said things we regret.
28:12I don't think I'm coping very well.
28:15You don't have to.
28:16Not on your own. That's what I'm here for.
28:40Still alive, then?
28:44I've been all over the precinct looking for you.
28:46I didn't realise that this was your new place of abode.
28:51Hiya, Mum. Nice to see you too.
28:54Well, I would say the same to you, but you look an absolute wreck.
28:58Well, that's what happens when you get turfed out
29:00by your own family onto the street.
29:02I'm not going to be able to get out of here.
29:04I'm going to have to get out of here.
29:05I'm not going to be able to get out of here.
29:07By your own family onto the street.
29:11So, come on. Let's have it.
29:15Your big lecture.
29:17About what a disgrace I am.
29:20You're obviously jumping to have a go.
29:24Would it make any difference?
29:26Probably not.
29:32Come on. Grab your stuff. Let's go.
29:36Where are we going?
29:38We're going to sort this out.
29:40Nobody throws my daughter out into the gutter.
29:44Even if she does totally deserve it.
29:58Have you and Daniel had a chance to talk any more?
30:04About what?
30:06He told me I was the one.
30:08I said I didn't love him any more. The end.
30:12Because we're a disaster together.
30:15All we do is take massive lumps out of each other.
30:19It's like we're on this demented fairground
30:21that we can't get off of.
30:23Anyone can see that you two are crazy about each other.
30:26Yeah, crazy is the right word.
30:29One minute we're declaring undying love for each other
30:31and the next I'm telling him that someone else's kid is his.
30:36What if he breaks my heart again? Or what if I break his?
30:39Then you deal with it.
30:40If the time comes, which I'm sure it won't.
30:46Best we cut our losses now.
30:47Save ourselves a lifetime of misery.
30:51Do you know, for somebody so smart,
30:52you can't be a plonker sometimes.
30:57Have you got any idea what it feels like to be on your own?
31:00Hm? Longing for somebody to love you, to share your life with.
31:04Because me and that dating app do.
31:07You and Daniel, you're like...
31:11Kermit and Miss Piggy.
31:13Oh. Well, thank you for that.
31:15You know what I mean?
31:17You're meant to be together.
31:20Love like that, it doesn't come along very often.
31:24You've got to fight for it, you don't chuck it away.
31:28All right, I've got a breakdown to sort out,
31:30but I'll get the girls from dance later.
31:32Aw, thanks, love. That'll be a nanna.
31:34Take it that's you, Nan.
31:35Bet you had no luck tracking her down, did you?
31:37Look, before you have a go, this wasn't my idea.
31:40Why have you dragged her back here?
31:41No way. No, sorry, we're not having her back under this roof again.
31:44It's all right. Just sit down a minute.
31:46We're not moving until we've worked this out.
31:48What? Work it out?
31:51She tried to poison you, didn't she?
31:53She tried to poison me.
31:54Work it out?
31:56She tried to poison Ken.
31:58Yes, I know that, but it's Ken who doesn't want her sleeping rough.
32:02He actually said that?
32:03Yes, that's why he called me from the Lake District.
32:06And he wants it sorted.
32:08How is he?
32:09Well, you know, he's a little baffled
32:11by how anybody could betray his trust like that,
32:14but he's not used to it like we are.
32:16Now, look.
32:18Do you know how dangerous it is sleeping out in this weather?
32:22As a matter of fact, I do, yeah.
32:24Well, didn't you think about that when you threw her out the house?
32:27I'm sure she'll find some other pensioner to take advantage of.
32:30Listen to me.
32:31Ta, I'm as disgusted as you are about what she's done.
32:34I can hardly bring myself to look at her.
32:36But if Ken Barlow can show concern for her, then we can.
32:40Look, I don't care. I've made up my mind.
32:42I don't want you around the girls anymore.
32:45I warned you.
32:46Them girls have been through enough.
32:47I don't need you breaking their hearts again.
32:49Ta is right. She's not safe to be around them.
32:51Do you seriously think I'd hurt them?
32:54I don't know what you're capable of anymore.
32:56And you know what? I don't want to find out.
33:00Satisfied now, eh?
33:16Hey, Barlow.
33:17I've just heard about Michael's holiday with Glory.
33:20He sent your dad a load of photos.
33:22Most of them selfies by Glory, of course.
33:24Oh, I wonder where she's learned that from.
33:28Listen, Dad, about before.
33:30I'm sorry for snapping at you.
33:33It's fine.
33:34No, it's not.
33:35I know you're only looking out for me.
33:38I take it this is about the adoption?
33:42I just don't want you rushing into anything.
33:44Dad, I'm not.
33:46OK, it's all I've been thinking about,
33:47but I know that this is the right decision.
33:53Oh, sorry, guys. I've got to get back to work.
33:55But, hey, I'll catch up with you all later, OK?
33:56All right. See you later.
33:58Bye. See you.
34:02Look, I know this is hard for you, mate,
34:04but you are doing the right thing, standing by her.
34:08Yeah, but it's killing me to think
34:10we're not going to have the child in our life.
34:12I mean, I want to do right by her, but this is my grandkid.
34:16I can't just sit back and do nothing.
34:18Nowhere are you going?
34:20Nowhere are you going to do?
34:21Because whatever it is, it's a bad idea, Bea.
34:23I need to make a call.
34:25Is it who to? Ed?
34:29Just leave me alone. I should never have listened to you.
34:32Oh, that's it, is it?
34:34Running away from your problems as per usual?
34:37Did you not hear them?
34:39Ed, they said I'm a danger to those girls.
34:41They're not going to listen to me.
34:43Ed, they said I'm a danger to those girls.
34:45Meet the Gram.
34:46Yes, because they're angry at what you did,
34:49but I think they will come round eventually.
34:51They won't, and do you know why?
34:54Because they're right.
34:56I am a disgrace of a human being.
34:59Yes, you might well be a disgrace, Cassie,
35:02but you're my disgrace, and I have to stick with you.
35:05Just remembered, have you?
35:06Eh? You didn't seem too bothered
35:08when you were swanning off to uni.
35:10Oh, that is rubbish!
35:12You couldn't wait for me to go
35:14so you could carry on drugging poor Kembala.
35:16Will you just admit it? Eh?
35:19You're only back because your pride's damaged.
35:22Yet again, your useless piece of dirt daughter
35:25has made a show of you.
35:26You don't care if I'm sleeping in the streets.
35:29You, you just can't stand the shame of other people knowing.
35:33So go on, trot back off to uni
35:36and pretend I never existed again.
35:39And you never know.
35:41In a few weeks, I might really be dead.
35:45Cassie, wait a minute.
35:48I'm going to...
35:50I'm going to give you some money to get a hotel
35:53just until you can sort yourself out.
35:56Buying me off to ease your conscience?
35:58No, it's not my conscience that needs easing.
36:01Go on, just take it.
36:02Nana, you can keep your money.
36:06I'll look after myself, as I always have.
36:08Just take it, will you, please?
36:10Couple of nights, that's all it'll do you,
36:12but, you know, then we can talk about what happens next.
36:22Look, I'll explain everything when you get here.
36:24Just come as soon as you can.
36:26All right? OK, got to go. Bye.
36:30Just need to get up, though.
36:32Debbie, can I have a quick word?
36:35It'll have to be quick. About to wet myself.
36:38Right. You know that guy you saw me talking to earlier?
36:41I just want to say, it isn't what it looked like.
36:44Sorry, what guy?
36:45The guy earlier, you know, in the ginnel.
36:48No. No idea what you're on about.
36:51Have you got a secret lover on the sly?
36:54No. No, it's a guy I used to go to school with.
36:58I actually feel really sorry for him.
37:00You know, life hasn't really been that kind to him.
37:03Well, I'll be damned.
37:04Is this you doing compassion?
37:06I can do compassion. Sometimes.
37:09No, no.
37:12Blinders are back these days. Didn't see a thing.
37:15May I sign?
37:16Anyway, I have to go. I'm, er, busting.
37:19See you. See you.
37:30Everything all right?
37:33Seem to have lost something.
37:35No, I, er...
37:37Yeah, sorry, I found it. It was just my tram ticket.
38:01Door was open.
38:04I've got a not very good bottle of wine
38:06and I thought we could get drunk
38:08and pretend everything I've said and done in the last 24 hours
38:11never happened.
38:12What do you reckon?
38:22I see.
38:24What's brought this on?
38:26Jenny said I was being a plonker.
38:29Right after someone threatened to bounce my barbie head off the bar,
38:32so it's been a day.
38:34Sounds like it.
38:36Suppose you'd better come in, then.
38:43Can I just say...
38:45I'm really sorry about yesterday.
38:49And you know I didn't mean it.
38:52What I said about not loving you.
38:58So does that mean that you...
39:01want to get back together?
39:04I don't know.
39:08All I know is you are the single most important person in my life
39:11and I don't want you to ever not be a part of it.
39:16You know that's a double negative and a split infinitive.
39:20Not sure I can forgive that.
39:22OK, look, can we just...
39:24start over, please?
39:27Take it slow, see what happens.
39:36How cheap is this wine?
39:38It's so cheap.
39:41Looks like I'm having a hangover, then.
39:57Who made this?
39:58Heated it up.
40:01Don't see you putting healthy meals on the table.
40:04What, you call this healthy, do you?
40:06Do you think we could have one meal together without bickering?
40:11Look, Cassie, er...
40:13kind of banned microwaved meals.
40:15She didn't stop the salt in Ken's diet.
40:19She didn't mind upping his level of antihistamine, though, did she?
40:26whatever, she's gone now.
40:29Which is why I'm thinking about moving back in permanently.
40:35Anything to do with Tommy legging it down south?
40:38He did not leg it down south, Steve. He got a job.
40:42Anyway, whatever, I need to be around,
40:44make sure Cassie doesn't worm her way back in.
40:51We were beginning to think you weren't coming.
40:54Well, five minutes ago, we weren't,
40:56but then I realised that I'd be rude and ungrateful.
40:59Stop being rude and ungrateful.
41:02Have you thought any more about my offer?
41:04Gran, are you sure you want to do this?
41:10Well, then, yeah. I mean, you got yourself a deal. Thank you.
41:13Oh, well, that is splendid.
41:15Can we have an octopus side?
41:17Oh, yeah, and I'll have a swimming pool fitting, shall I?
41:20Well, this calls for a celebration.
41:23Come on.
41:26Right, here goes.
41:29To the future.
41:30To you. To Gran.
41:32Gosh, I suppose we're going to have to start looking
41:34for somewhere for you to live, then, aren't we?
41:36Well, actually, do you know, I've already got somewhere.
41:41Crikey, you don't hang about, do you? Where?
41:44Well, erm...
41:46Once you've sorted out the annex, right, I'll move in there.
41:54You're moving in with us?
41:56Hang on, what? I live in the annex.
41:59No, LIVED in the annex, my sweet.
42:02I mean, you can't expect me to stagger up the stairs to bed
42:05every night, can you?
42:06You little minx, you've been planning this from the off,
42:09haven't you?
42:10I don't know what you're talking about, Ladder.
42:12Oh, I think it's a brilliant idea.
42:13Yeah, well, you would. You don't have to work with her, do you?
42:16Now what? I've got to live with her.
42:18Excuse me, erm, wasn't it you that wanted to come and live with me?
42:23Yeah, Grant, no, for like a couple of weeks, that's not permanently.
42:27I mean, it's just...
42:28You can tell Shona, cos I ain't.
42:37What are you doing? You can't just walk in like that.
42:39Now you've got to ruin your surprise for tomorrow.
42:42Tyrone, I have just had to fork out to put your mother in some hotel
42:46and I'm hardly going to care a fig about what bubble bath you bought me.
42:52Is this how you want it to end? With your mother?
42:55No. No, of course it's not.
42:58Look, I know you were the one that told me she would never change
43:01and, stupidly, I didn't believe you.
43:02I thought that she would change.
43:04Yes, I can tell you're angry, I am as well.
43:07There's no excuse for what she did.
43:09What are we going to do about her?
43:11What are we going to do?
43:12She'll have her feet up on somebody else's sofa by this time tomorrow.
43:15Yeah, and what if she doesn't?
43:16Well, then that's her problem.
43:18Because from now on, I am going to start putting her in a bubble bath.
43:21I'm going to start putting my family first, and she is not part of that.
43:28I've got no money, I can't pay you.
43:32Do you mean you haven't got any?
43:38OK, that's great, then, erm...
43:40What time can you get to me tomorrow morning?
43:46OK, then, I'll see you then. Don't let me down.
43:50I really need this.
43:54See you.
