• 3 hours ago
In a meeting in the Oval Office on Thursday, President Trump was asked if his commitment to NATO will change.

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00:00That base is that we have quite a few soldiers on Greenland
00:04Commitment to NATO will everything anything change
00:07Your commitment to NATO will anything change same amount of money. Well, I think they made a great step by
00:16Putting Mark in charge
00:17I think to me that's a great step because he and I have seen eye to eye on everything for a long time
00:23We've been doing this a long time now. No, yes now and
00:27So that's a great step
00:29You have to keep NATO strong you have to keep it
00:34But the biggest thing we have to worry about right now is what's going on right now
00:37I think the rest is going to take care of itself. I don't see this how this was a fluke
00:42This was something that if we had a competent president, it would not have happened
00:47The man was grossly incompetent. All you have to do is look and take a look at he signs by AutoPAD
00:53Who was signing all this stuff by AutoPAD? Who would think you signed?
00:58Important documents by AutoPAD, you know, these are major documents you're signing you're proud to sign them
01:03You have your signature and something in 300 years. They say oh look
01:07Can you imagine everything was signed by AutoPAD almost everything?
01:11Nobody's ever heard of such a thing. So
01:14Should have never happened
