• 4 hours ago


00:00The last performance of the Zawatsuko music festival was in Sendai.
00:05At that time, Takinaka from Rakuten came to see it.
00:11He came to see it with his friends.
00:13They were a couple.
00:15Takinaka is coming, so I thought the audience would be happy.
00:19Everyone was excited about the chair.
00:22When I thought that Rakuten would be like,
00:30Do you have anyone you want to apologize to?
00:35I have.
00:37Do you have anyone you want to apologize to?
00:39I have a lot.
00:40Who do you want to ask?
00:42It's unusual for Chisako to apologize.
00:46It's not directly my responsibility,
00:50but I think it's my fault.
00:54The last performance of the Zawatsuko music festival was in Sendai.
00:59At that time, there was a one-man competition.
01:02My subordinates were in charge of the one-man competition.
01:05Are you a subordinate?
01:07Two cellists were playing the cello to pull out the chair.
01:12Even if the chair was pulled out,
01:14they could play the cello on the air chair.
01:16Can you do that?
01:21It's moving!
01:24Are you whispering?
01:25I'm whispering.
01:27The person who pulled out the chair was Enokido, a violinist.
01:32He wanted to surprise me on the stage.
01:36Takinaka from Rakuten came to see me.
01:41He came to see me as a friend.
01:45I thought the audience would be happy to see Takinaka.
01:49I even borrowed Takinaka's uniform.
01:52I gave it to my violinist friend.
01:55I put Takinaka's uniform on the chair.
01:58When Takinaka pulled out the chair, everyone was excited.
02:02I thought the audience would be excited to see Takinaka.
02:09But Takinaka's uniform was so small that I couldn't see him on the monitor.
02:16The audience was so big.
02:18Everyone could see Takinaka's uniform from a distance.
02:23But I couldn't see Takinaka.
02:26I couldn't see Takinaka at all.
02:28I was so surprised that I went into the freezer.
02:33Do you remember that?
02:34I remember it very well.
02:36I slipped a lot.
02:39Let's see the scene.
02:48He's laughing at this point.
02:50He's pushing Takinaka's butt.
02:53He's pushing Takinaka's butt.
02:59One person came out.
03:05He's turning around.
03:09What should I do?
03:11I have nothing to do.
03:16He's floating.
03:19Is he holding him?
03:20He's holding him.
03:22Isn't he hurt?
03:25He threw Takinaka.
03:27He threw Takinaka.
03:31He threw Takinaka.
03:38Who did you imitate?
03:41Did you imitate Takinaka?
03:43Yes, I did.
03:44The hall was so quiet that I couldn't imagine it would be any quieter.
03:49The audience was a fan of Rakuten.
03:51It was in Sendai.
03:53I thought it would be like, Yay! Rakuten! Yay!
03:58But Takahashi was wearing a uniform.
04:01He didn't know Takinaka was there.
04:04I didn't know he was there.
04:06I didn't know he was there.
04:08I should have said, Are you there?
04:14I said, Rakuten is wearing a uniform.
04:19But I didn't know who he was.
04:22Takinaka came out.
04:24I put him on a chair and pulled him.
04:27We got excited.
04:29We didn't get excited.
04:32You didn't get excited?
04:33We got excited.
04:34After that, I wanted another bite.
04:38Yes, yes.
04:39Because he was a pitcher.
04:41I said, Are you still doing that?
04:46I said, How long are you going to do that?
04:49I didn't get that much.
04:52Even if that happens, it's Takahashi for that time.
04:56That's right.
05:00You knew that would happen, right?
05:02No, I didn't know.
05:04Because it was a surprise.
05:06Even if it was a surprise...
05:07You didn't have a lot of energy.
05:08I didn't have a lot of energy.
05:10Wait a minute.
05:11If he was a talent, he would have done it.
05:13He did it perfectly.
05:16He's good at doing it little by little.
05:19At that time, he had a partner.
05:21Did you have a partner?
05:23But both of them were useless.
05:29Is Takinaka angry with me?
05:32I don't know.
05:33I thought it was a little difficult.
05:35I thought it was a little difficult, so I ran away.
05:37That's right.
05:39I thought it was difficult no matter how I did it.
05:41I thought it was difficult no matter how I did it.
05:44But Takinaka was a spotter.
05:47But maybe he wasn't there.
05:49I didn't know.
05:50I didn't know where he was sitting.
05:52I didn't have any information.
05:53He was there as a couple.
05:55He thought he couldn't receive it because of him.
05:59I'm sorry about that.
06:01And his wife was angry.
06:04Whose wife was angry?
06:06Takinaka's wife.
06:07His wife was angry with him.
06:09His wife said,
06:10It's your fault.
06:12And he slapped her.
06:16I'm really sorry about that.
06:18I wanted to apologize to Takinaka.
06:22But after that, I had a fight with Enokido five times on the line.
06:29I don't know about Enokido, but I wanted to cheer him up.
06:32I tried my best.
06:34But I couldn't receive it.
06:37It's not about trying your best.
06:38It's not about trying your best.
06:40I see.
06:41You didn't prepare well.
06:42Yes, I didn't prepare well.
06:51That was close.
06:54Today is White Day.
06:57We conducted a survey on what you were happy to receive on White Day.
07:02We created a top 20.
07:04You will be given a quiz to guess the items in the ranking.
07:09If you answer one question correctly, you will get a prize.
07:13It looks delicious.
07:14This is from Hotel New Otani in Tokyo.
07:18It's called Taikan-en.
07:21It has three Amao sesame dumplings.
07:23It's one of Amao.
07:25It looks delicious.
07:26It looks delicious.
07:27Everyone, please try your best.
07:33Today, March 14th, is White Day.
07:39We conducted a survey on 489 women in their 20s and 50s who work in Tokyo.
07:48We ranked the top 20 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
07:54If it's an expensive item, you can use it at a tourist attraction.
08:02If you don't know what to buy, you won't know what to buy.
08:07If that's the case, you should get it and use it.
08:10Please imagine what kind of gift you were happy to receive.
08:18You will be given a quiz to guess the items in the ranking.
08:25Please answer quickly.
08:27For example, you will be given a hint.
08:33You will be given a hint.
08:34Please answer quickly.
08:36First, let's look at the rankings from 20th to 11th.
08:41Top 20 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
08:45Top 20 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
08:48You were happy to receive a scarf because it was still cold in the spring.
08:58Top 19 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
09:01You were happy to receive a stuffed animal because you know what you like.
09:15You were happy to receive a stuffed animal because you know what you like.
09:19There are people who like their favorite characters.
09:24There are people who like their favorite characters.
09:26For example, I like Snoopy.
09:29Are you happy to receive Snoopy?
09:31Yes, I am happy to receive Snoopy.
09:33Top 18 items you were happy to receive on White Day.
09:36You were happy to receive a watch because you wanted it for a long time.
09:43You want that, don't you?
09:44I'm happy to receive that.
09:46It's not a favorite watch.
09:49By the way, there are many women who are happy to receive a watch because they want to share the same time.
10:00Next, what is the item that was in the 17th place?
10:06Please answer quickly with a hint to the voice of the city.
10:09What is the item that was in the 17th place?
10:11Please answer quickly with a hint to the voice of the city.
10:13What is the item that was in the 17th place?
10:16You should answer.
10:21Why did a woman come out?
10:24I want to give you a hint.
10:32You should answer quickly.
10:33I have a habit of answering quickly.
10:36Please answer quickly.
10:38You should answer quickly.
10:40What is the item that was in the 17th place?
10:50You should answer quickly.
10:55You should answer quickly.
10:58It is difficult to choose from all the items in the world.
11:02Please answer quickly with a hint to the voice of the city.
11:04Did you say that to me?
11:05I said it.
11:09Did you say that to me?
11:10I was surprised.
11:11I was surprised.
11:12I will give you a hint.
11:13Please look at the continuation.
11:14Please look at the continuation.
11:16This is the item that was in the 21st place.
11:17This is the item that was in the 21st place.
11:18I am happy because I can see my favorite color and design.
11:27I can also use it on a daily basis.
11:29I can look at it and remember it.
11:32I am very happy.
11:34I can use it for small and large things.
11:38I think it's good to use it.
11:41I think it depends on my taste.
11:45I like black, white, and pink.
11:51I can change it depending on my mood.
11:53I think it's good to be able to change it depending on my mood.
11:57Have you actually used it?
11:58I haven't used it.
12:00Chisako answered the question.
12:04It's not a wallet.
12:08It's a scarf.
12:10It's not a scarf.
12:12Katsushige answered the question.
12:15The bag is higher.
12:17It's not a bag.
12:18The bag is higher.
12:20The bag is different.
12:22The bag is higher.
12:24It's like a bag.
12:27It's not a bag.
12:29It's not a bag.
12:30It's close.
12:31I got it.
12:32It's a bag.
12:33Don't be stupid.
12:37If you answer with a bag, I'll be angry.
12:39It's not a bag.
12:40It's a makeup bag.
12:43Yoshizumi answered the question.
12:49It's not a bag.
12:50It's like a bag.
12:52I didn't know Yoshizumi knew the word makeup bag.
12:58You have someone, right?
13:00I have someone.
13:02I have someone.
13:05I don't know what a makeup bag is.
13:07What is a makeup bag?
13:12Why do you know?
13:14Men use makeup bags.
13:16I don't use it.
13:17Do you have it?
13:19Do you use it to shave your beard?
13:20I don't use makeup.
13:23It's like a bag.
13:25It's like a bath set.
13:26I got it.
13:27I got it.
13:28It's for business class.
13:31Is that a bag?
13:34It's like a bath set.
13:36For example, you can put your smartphone or charger in it.
13:42It's like a small accessory.
13:45Do you have it?
13:46It's necessary.
13:50I have a bath set.
13:51I use it a lot.
13:52You do, right?
13:53Do you have it?
13:54Do you have it?
13:57The answer is a makeup bag.
14:00That's the end of the quiz.
14:03Let's continue.
14:04How many points did you get?
14:05I got 10 points.
14:06Why did you get 10 points for this?
14:10What did you say?
14:12Can you eat that?
14:14Yes, I can.
14:15That's amazing.
14:17How many questions do you have left?
14:18How many questions do you have left?
14:19How many questions do you have left?
14:20It's a test.
14:21It's a test.
14:23There are 6 questions left.
14:25It's not a test.
14:27It's a test for February and March.
14:30It's a test.
14:31Let's continue.
14:34Top 20 things that made White Day happy.
14:38The 16th place is...
14:41A reason why you can always wear it if your lover gives it to you.
14:50That's a good thing.
14:51Earrings aren't expensive.
14:54Expensive things are expensive.
14:56The 14th place is...
15:00A reason why you can always wear it if your lover gives it to you.
15:08I have it.
15:09I have it.
15:10I have it.
15:11I have it.
15:12I have it.
15:13I have it.
15:14I have it.
15:15I have it.
15:16Who said candy?
15:17There are 14 places.
15:19Candy was the word we used in the past.
15:22Wasn't white day mashmallow?
15:24It was candy.
15:25It was candy.
15:26It was candy.
15:28The chocolate was like Tai-like.
15:30I don't know if it was like Tai-like but I think it was candy.
15:34When I said candy the audience was surprised.
15:39I apologize but I've never had candy from the audience.
15:43I'm sorry, but I'll give it to you next time.
15:47I'll give you as much as you want.
15:49There were marshmallows, weren't there?
15:50No, I don't know.
15:51I've heard of marshmallows.
15:52It was white because it was white, right?
15:54There were marshmallows.
15:55White chocolate was that light in the past.
15:57It wasn't.
15:58It was lighter in the past.
16:01Now, please look at the next one.
16:03Number 14.
16:05Another reason why you can carry it around all the time.
16:11It's a wallet.
16:13And number 13.
16:19There was a wallet, too.
16:21There are many women who are happy that they can use it every day, regardless of age.
16:28Next, what came in 12th place?
16:32Please answer the voice of the city by pressing the hint.
16:40I'm happy if it's my real name.
16:43Who did you give it to?
16:45It's my real name.
16:47I'm happy if it's my real name.
16:48Is your real name someone you're dating?
16:49That's right.
16:51I'm going to start dating.
16:54First, Chisako pressed it.
16:59No, it's not a ring.
17:01And Candy Katsushige pressed it.
17:08I'm confident.
17:09Go ahead.
17:10I'm going to start dating.
17:12The key to my house.
17:14Are you stupid?
17:18Are you stupid?
17:20I'm happy if you give me the key to my house.
17:23Are you stupid?
17:24I won't give it to you.
17:25Are you stupid?
17:27No, it's not.
17:30Yoshitsune-san pressed it.
17:34No, it's not.
17:37On the towel.
17:39The key to my house.
17:43You're happy.
17:44I'm happy if you give me the key to my house.
17:47You haven't given me the key yet.
17:51I don't need it.
17:55I'm happy if you give me the key to my house.
17:57I'm happy if you give me the key to my house.
17:58You can come anytime.
18:00You can come anytime.
18:01Only you can come.
18:03You can come anytime.
18:06The key.
18:08Are you stupid?
18:10No, it's not.
18:13Let's continue.
18:15I'm going to start dating.
18:19The key.
18:20I'm happy if you give me the key to my house.
18:24I'm happy if you give me the key to my house.
18:26I'm not happy if you give me the key to my house.
18:27I'm not happy if you give me the key to my house.
18:29I'm happy if you give me the key to my house.
18:32I got it.
18:34I got it.
18:35Let's continue.
18:37The phone.
18:43I'm happy if you give me the new phone.
18:48I will give you the phone in my name.
18:51I will pay for everything.
18:53I will give you the phone.
18:54I will give you the phone.
18:56You are always doing something wrong.
19:02I will give you a bag.
19:05That's great.
19:06I don't like the key or the smartphone.
19:09You are doing something wrong.
19:11I don't like the key or the smartphone.
19:13That's great.
19:15This is the broach.
19:18This is also wrong.
19:21Let's continue.
19:24But you made me stay around that you're amazing
19:27It's great. It's a comic. I'm there. I'm kind of
19:30Thank you. I can't do that. I think I'll eat you must you Oh
19:33Katsushige, Sanga, I got to sit down. Don't up
19:36My condo was a good piece. It's a
19:41Much of it
19:46It's your happiness, it's a
19:54So I'm sorry
19:56Don't know yeah, I mean good. Yeah, I mean good watch guy. Yes. Yeah, I get it. It's a key that don't
20:06Miss me some
20:09Viva watch guys
20:12Okay, I'm gonna sit here. It's a you're gonna sit here. It's you're gonna
20:16Make this
20:18Listen, you're gonna be on
20:28Can do you can't
20:35It's a kind of fun day
20:41You know
20:45Hi, what are you talking about?
21:20It's not a good idea to get underwear from a man.
21:24It's disgusting.
21:25I've gotten underwear from a woman.
21:27Women have it from men.
21:29That's interesting.
21:32I shouldn't give it to him.
21:34I don't think I've ever given it to him.
21:36You can't go to the store.
21:38You can't.
21:40Why did you ask for yellow underwear?
21:45I don't think so.
21:47Yellow equals underwear.
21:49I don't know why.
21:52When I was in elementary school,
21:54everyone thought I was stupid.
21:56Don't watch this episode when you were in elementary school.
21:59Please watch it.
22:01What was the color?
22:03It was yellow and pink.
22:07I usually give it to him as a surprise,
22:09but I won in front of him.
22:12That was interesting.
22:14He was a foreigner.
22:16I see.
22:17Which country are you from?
22:19Saudi Arabia.
22:23The answer was a bouquet of flowers.
22:26Flowers make you happy?
22:28But a bouquet of flowers is...
22:30I don't know.
22:32I don't know.
22:34Actually, I'm happy when I get a bouquet of flowers.
22:37I got a bouquet of flowers on my birthday.
22:40I love flowers.
22:42I don't know why, but I love flowers.
22:44I have a question.
22:46I feel like I'm going to die.
22:48But that's the 12th place.
22:50Do you prefer a bouquet of flowers?
22:52If it's a bouquet of flowers,
22:54I prefer a fruit party.
22:58Let's watch the next one.
23:00The 11th place.
23:03I'm glad I use it often.
23:05That's what many people said.
23:07I'm glad I get it sometimes.
23:09You'll die if you get a bouquet of flowers.
23:14You'll die if you get a bouquet of flowers.
23:16I'll get it on Valentine's Day.
23:22The 11th place.
23:25I'm glad I use it often.
23:27That's what many people said.
23:32A coffee shop ticket.
23:36You'll die if you get a bouquet of flowers.
23:38I'll get it on Valentine's Day.
23:40You'll die if you get a bouquet of flowers.
23:42I'll get it on Valentine's Day.
23:44Two bouquets of flowers.
23:46Two bouquets of flowers?
23:48You'll die if you get a bouquet of flowers.
23:50I'm glad I use it often.
23:52I'm glad I use it often.
23:54I'm a fool guard.
23:56I'm a fool guard.
23:58I'm a fool guard.
24:00I'm a fool guard.
24:02We've seen the 20th and 11th places.
24:04We've seen the 20th and 11th places.
24:06The underwear of Mr.Kazushige.
24:08The underwear of Mr.Kazushige.
24:10Smartphone underwear.
24:12Smartphone underwear.
24:14He's a genius.
24:16That's how he's lived his life.
24:18That's how he's lived his life.
24:22Have you ever given a present to someone with a smartphone?
24:24Have you ever given a present to someone with a smartphone?
24:26Yes, I have.
24:28Because my smartphone is broken.
24:30Because my smartphone is broken.
24:32I can't do anything about it.
24:34It's cracked.
24:36I'm sorry.
24:38I bought a kiss.
24:40I bought a kiss.
24:42I bought a kiss.
24:44I bought a kiss.
24:46I bought a kiss.
24:48I bought a kiss.
24:50I bought a kiss.
24:52I bought a kiss.
24:54I bought a kiss.
24:56I bought a kiss.
24:58I bought a kiss.
25:00I bought a kiss.
25:02I bought a kiss.
25:04I bought a kiss.
25:06Can you ask that kind of question as a man?
25:08Can you ask that kind of question as a man?
25:10Your smartphone is broken
25:12You were asked to buy it.
25:14You were asked to buy it.
25:16About warranty period.
25:18You can't ask that kind of question as a man.
25:20Don't meet someone who asks you to buy it.
25:22Don't meet someone who asks you to buy it.
25:24She's not dating anyone.
25:26She's just a friend.
25:28Don't talk to someone who asks you that.
25:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
26:00no, no, no, no, no.
26:01If it's來じゃ無駄なものばっかり渡す
26:20I'm going to start with the first place ranking.
26:24There is a quiz where you have to guess the product that you ranked in the middle.
26:28For now, Mr. Yoshizumi and Ms. Chisako have been selected.
26:32Please do your best.
26:33Is there a product that I mentioned earlier?
26:35Yes, of course.
26:40All Aikagi?
26:44Aikagi and underwear.
26:45Aikagi and underwear.
26:47Unfortunately, all Aikagi and underwear.
26:50Let's see the rest.
26:54Top 10 things that made me happy on White Day.
27:00The 10th place is...
27:02A bag because the price is higher than what you gave.
27:11A bag.
27:12A bag.
27:13A bag.
27:16The 9th place is...
27:19There are various colors.
27:22I have decided the color I want to buy.
27:26I think it's a good opportunity to try various colors.
27:34I gave a chocolate as a gift on Valentine's Day.
27:38As a return, on White Day,
27:41I gave a snack as a gift.
27:45I didn't care about the brand.
27:48I was glad that people knew it.
27:52The reason why I ranked in the middle is...
28:01How can I choose a lipstick?
28:04I can't choose.
28:06It's amazing that people choose this.
28:08I can't choose.
28:10I can't choose.
28:11It's amazing.
28:13If you get a lipstick from a man you like,
28:16you will be happy.
28:23What is the 8th place?
28:26Please answer quickly.
28:29I thought the quiz was a gift.
28:32Am I okay today?
28:34As soon as I got it,
28:37all women were excited.
28:41All women were excited?
28:46It's fashionable.
28:48It's cute.
28:50It's close to my heart.
28:54Have you ever got it?
28:57I want to get it this year.
29:00I feel good.
29:02There are many famous shops.
29:05But I don't buy it myself.
29:15Please answer.
29:21I have nothing to say.
29:26There must be someone who gives me a car.
29:30There is no one.
29:32It's a white sleeve.
29:36It's fashionable.
29:39I don't drink, but I drink champagne.
29:43It's wrong.
29:45Please continue.
29:47It's fashionable.
29:48It's expensive.
29:50I don't buy it myself.
29:55I would be happy if I got it.
29:58It's a little better than what everyone chooses.
30:08It's cute, so I'm excited.
30:14I got it.
30:16In February and October,
30:21I don't think women and men can afford such expensive chocolates.
30:26It's 10 times more expensive than that.
30:39Top 10 things she was happy to get on White Day.
30:46What is the 8th place?
30:49Please answer by pressing the button.
30:54It's a little better than what everyone chooses.
31:00I would be happy if I got it.
31:03It's cute, so I'm excited.
31:09I got it.
31:11In February and October,
31:16I don't think women and men can afford such expensive chocolates.
31:22It's 10 times more expensive than that.
31:27It's chocolate.
31:29It's 10 times more expensive than that.
31:32It's like Baka Hanzawa Naoki.
31:36Where is Baka?
31:38It's wrong.
31:40It's fashionable and cute.
31:42It's fashionable and cute.
31:45It's a little expensive, so I don't buy it myself.
31:50Mr. Yoshizumi.
31:52It's strawberry.
31:54It's wrong.
31:56It's cute and fashionable.
32:00You don't buy it yourself, do you?
32:02No, I don't.
32:06But I think it's a little expensive for those who answered the interview.
32:13You're looking at me from above.
32:16It's not like a car.
32:20I know that.
32:22It's fashionable, so I don't buy it myself.
32:24It's a little expensive.
32:29I'm sorry.
32:31I'm sorry.
32:33Please continue.
32:35It's cute, so I'm excited.
32:41It's a little expensive.
32:43It's a little expensive.
32:46It's a little expensive.
32:48It's a little expensive.
32:50It's shiny when you get it.
32:55It's shiny when you get it.
32:56Chisako answered.
32:58It's a macaron.
33:00It's right.
33:05Did you answer?
33:07Did you answer?
33:09It's a marron glace.
33:15Marron glace is a little expensive.
33:17It's not old.
33:19It's old.
33:21It's a marron glace.
33:23It's a macaron.
33:25Why is it like that?
33:27It's amazing.
33:29It's not marron glace.
33:31It's amazing.
33:33It's a macaron.
33:35I thought it was a donut.
33:37I'm glad.
33:39It's a donut.
33:41I'm glad.
33:43It's coming out.
33:45It's coming out.
33:47It's a possibility.
33:49Please continue.
33:51Please continue.
33:53It's a famous brand.
33:55It's a famous brand.
33:57It's expensive.
33:59It's expensive.
34:01I'm glad to get it back.
34:03I'm glad to get it back.
34:05That's right.
34:07Do you like macaron?
34:09I like sweet macaron.
34:11I don't eat chocolate flavor macaron.
34:13I love it.
34:19I have everything to choose from.
34:21I do not know which I should buy.
34:23I do not know which I should buy.
34:25I buy what I want.
34:27I get what I don't like.
34:29I get what I don't like.
34:31I found a smell of something.
34:33I don't think I have ever met you, so I can't pick.
34:38I may not like it, but I can use it to discover new things.
34:44It may be one of the things I'm happy about.
34:46The reason why she ranked in is...
34:51Do you have someone who gives you perfume?
34:53It's great that you can give it.
34:56When you feel close to someone you can't meet,
34:59The answer is, it's very popular as a return gift to your lover.
35:05Ah, so from here, it's the lover's turn.
35:08Next, in 6th place is...
35:12Cake, right?
35:13I thought that would be there.
35:15Cake is there, right?
35:17And, what is in 5th place?
35:20Please answer the city's voice by pressing the hint.
35:24I don't even know what I'm donut is.
35:27This is bad.
35:28I usually use it, so...
35:30When I was little, I didn't really care about it.
35:34But as an adult, I think it's a must-have.
35:41She pressed it.
35:42Katsushige-san, let's go.
35:43I got it.
35:45Ballpoint pen.
35:46Ballpoint pen.
35:50That's wrong.
35:51Wait a minute.
35:52Ballpoint pen?
35:54Ballpoint pen?
35:56Why did you do that?
35:58I've seen a ballpoint pen saying yes.
36:01No, it's a high-priced ballpoint pen.
36:03Even if it's high-priced, it doesn't matter if it's a Cross or Mont Blanc.
36:06Ballpoint pen?
36:07Isn't that nice?
36:08That's a graduation celebration.
36:0910 years, 30 years ago.
36:11When I was in middle school,
36:13I gave a present to a senior when he graduated.
36:17At that time, I gave him a ballpoint pen.
36:20He wasn't happy after all.
36:23I don't think he was happy at that time.
36:27He wasn't happy.
36:28What did he do?
36:29Chisako-san pressed it.
36:30Chisako-san, please answer.
36:34That's right.
36:38What was that?
36:39What was the hint?
36:40The hint was,
36:41when you were young, it was up to there,
36:43but when you become an adult, you use it.
36:45Do you need a handkerchief?
36:47I don't need it.
36:49You don't need it, right?
36:50You don't need it, right?
36:51Many people have it.
36:52I want to ask a woman,
36:54when do you use a handkerchief?
36:56When I wash my hands.
36:57Not when you wash your hands.
36:58You use it when you don't wash your hands.
37:00When you wash your hands.
37:01When you go to the bathroom.
37:02It comes out like this.
37:04It comes out like this.
37:06There is also a paper.
37:08Everyone uses it a lot.
37:10Where do you use a handkerchief?
37:13Many people have a handkerchief towel.
37:15It's a small towel.
37:16It's a small towel.
37:17Like this.
37:18That's right.
37:19Do you have a handkerchief?
37:20I have a handkerchief.
37:22Because you're the prince of handkerchiefs.
37:23I'm the prince of handkerchiefs.
37:24I'm the prince of handkerchiefs.
37:25Because I sweat a lot.
37:28I have a handkerchief to wipe my sweat.
37:30Is that so?
37:32Be careful.
37:33Be careful.
37:37There is a brand that I like and collect,
37:43so I would be very happy if I could get that brand.
37:47If it's a little expensive,
37:50you can use it for sightseeing.
37:56But the Hermes handkerchief is cute.
37:59I would be very happy if I could get it.
38:02Since it is used on a daily basis,
38:04many women say that it is okay to have as many as you like.
38:09By the way, have you ever received anything that is in here?
38:13I have never received anything on White Day.
38:17I have received cookies made by my husband.
38:20Did I give you a glass of baklava?
38:23Yes, you did.
38:25I'm sorry.
38:27Takashi, do you have any Valentine's Day gifts for your wife?
38:36No, I don't.
38:39I don't.
38:41I eat all the chocolates I receive at work.
38:46That's true.
38:48Don't you get any chocolates from your wife?
38:50No, I don't.
38:53I don't eat chocolates.
38:55Do you get chocolates from your wife?
38:57No, I don't.
38:59I just tell her,
39:01you are fat, so stop eating chocolates.
39:03Let's move on.
39:05The fourth place is...
39:08The reason why he was happy that his wife knew what he wanted was...
39:20Here it is.
39:22It's here.
39:23In the survey, he said,
39:25he sold it because he broke up with his wife.
39:30What is the third place?
39:34He already pressed it.
39:36It's because he got it.
39:38Let's go, Chisako.
39:40It's not a ring.
39:42It's not?
39:43It's the third place.
39:45I'll give you a hint.
39:47What is the third place?
39:51Please answer the city's voice by pressing the hint.
39:55What is the fourth place?
39:59It's easy to see it,
40:01and it's easy to notice it.
40:03I want to keep it clean,
40:05so I use it every day.
40:07Every day?
40:09Once a day?
40:10No, how many times?
40:12I can't count.
40:14It has a lot of scents,
40:17so I can tell the person's taste by the scent.
40:24No, no, no.
40:26I'll give it to you.
40:28I forgot the name.
40:30What was it?
40:32It's that.
40:34It's from Kyoto.
40:37Kyoto's oily chicken.
40:39Oily chicken.
40:41It's not.
40:42It's not?
40:45Hand cream.
40:46Hand cream.
40:53Who would be happy to receive a hand cream?
40:57I wonder who would be happy to receive a hand cream.
41:01What are you talking about?
41:03I've never heard of it.
41:04All old ladies like hand cream.
41:06Is that so?
41:07Hand cream is popular in the society.
41:10If it's not popular, you can't print it.
41:15Hand cream.
41:17Hand cream.
41:19I'll never get it.
41:21I've never used it.
41:23I'm happier with oily chicken.
41:25You're happier with oily chicken?
41:27It's from Yojiya.
41:29Yojiya's oily chicken.
41:30It's famous.
41:31You use it a lot, don't you?
41:32It's good, but it's like you're getting oily for White Day.
41:36That's true.
41:38It's because it's dry season.
41:40It's winter.
41:41You're oily.
41:42That's right.
41:44Let's listen to the hint.
41:46Let's listen to the hint.
41:49I'm happy to see what I usually use.
41:54It's not a scent.
41:56It's my own hand.
41:59I don't like it when it's moist and I get excited.
42:02I don't like dryness.
42:05It's the season.
42:07It's not that I don't take care of it.
42:11It's like they're taking care of my body.
42:17I've never heard of it.
42:20Hermes hand cream is the best.
42:23Do you have Hermes hand cream?
42:24Yes, I do.
42:25Can I take a note of it later?
42:28I'll teach you a lot.
42:32It's affordable and easy to use.
42:37Hermes hand cream is in third place.
42:41I don't know.
42:42It's a quiz again.
42:43I did my best.
42:46I'm sure.
42:48What's in second place?
42:51Please answer the city's voice with a hint.
42:59I'm not good at sweet things.
43:02It's easy to eat.
43:04I think it's easy to eat.
43:07It's a little bit sweet.
43:09It's a little bit sweet.
43:11I got it.
43:13It's a little bit sweet.
43:16It's a little bit sweet.
43:18It's a little bit sweet.
43:21It's a little bit sweet.
43:24You'll know if you take a look at the hint.
43:27It's not a ballpoint pen, is it?
43:30It's a ballpoint pen.
43:38I'm not good at sweet things.
43:42It's easy to eat.
43:44I think it's easy to eat.
43:47It's a little bit sweet.
43:49It's a little bit sweet.
43:51I got it.
43:52It's a little bit sweet.
43:54It's a little bit sweet.
43:56It's a little bit sweet.
43:57It's a little bit sweet.
43:58It's a little bit sweet.
43:59It's a little bit sweet.
44:00It's a little bit sweet.
44:01It's a little bit sweet.
44:02It's a little bit sweet.
44:03It's a little bit sweet.
44:04It's a little bit sweet.
44:05It's a little bit sweet.
44:06It's a little bit sweet.
44:07It's a little bit sweet.
44:08It's a little bit sweet.
44:09It's a little bit sweet.
44:10It's a little bit sweet.
44:11It's a little bit sweet.
44:12It's a little bit sweet.
44:13It's a little bit sweet.
44:14It's a little bit sweet.
44:15It's a little bit sweet.
44:16It's a little bit sweet.
44:17It's a little bit sweet.
44:18It's a little bit sweet.
44:19It's a little bit sweet.
44:20It's a little bit sweet.
44:21It's just food.
44:24He got the flan?
44:25You get the flan?
44:26He did?
44:28Get going!
44:29No spoilers now.
44:30You get great fuckChoto
44:31of flan when you make it.
44:32It doesn't stink
44:33and you can hadwell it.
44:35And you can make it yourselves.
44:36If you make it by yourself
44:38I can see how good you're doing,
44:40so that's actually great.
44:45I get it.
44:46I got it now.
44:47Kazushige, will you get it?
44:49This is made by myself.
44:53Made by yourself.
44:57Anko, Anko, Monka.
44:59You can make it by yourself.
45:01If you were more honest.
45:03Why? That's the only thing I can do.
45:05Cookies are more honest.
45:09Yoshizumi is correct.
45:11It's not Monaka.
45:15I told you.
45:17I only got cookies made by myself.
45:19Chisako said she would give it to you.
45:21I gave it to you.
45:23I did it by myself.
45:27Have you ever seen someone say
45:29it's a handmade Monaka?
45:31It's pretty elaborate.
45:33You can make Anko by yourself.
45:35I like that.
45:37Monaka. Handmade Monaka.
45:39The correct answer is
45:43There were many people saying
45:45it's Cookie.
45:47I like the feeling of Toraya.
45:49It's really good.
45:51I was surprised.
45:53We don't know what's really good.
45:55There's only one left.
45:57If you don't get this right.
45:59You'll get it.
46:01Katsushige is the only one who didn't get it right.
46:03Let's continue.
46:05What made White Day happy.
46:07The first place.
46:11Is it a quiz?
46:13The correct answer is quiz.
46:17Katsushige is the only one who didn't get it right.
46:21Let's continue.
46:23Thank you everyone.
46:29It's not.
46:31It's not?
46:33It's not?
46:37You'll know if you look at the hint.
46:39Is it a ballpoint pen?
46:41It's a ballpoint pen.
46:43It's a ballpoint pen.
46:45Hurry up.
46:47Hurry up.
46:49Hurry up.
46:51Hurry up.
46:53I like it.
46:57Girls like it.
46:59I saw it.
47:01I didn't buy it.
47:03Let's go.
47:09Girls like it.
47:11Girls like gold.
47:17It's a diamond.
47:19It's a diamond.
47:23What are you saying?
47:25You can say it again.
47:29It's a diamond.
47:31It's a shame.
47:33It's Mitsukoshi.
47:35It's Mitsukoshi.
47:37Let's continue.
47:39I saw it at Mitsukoshi.
47:41I didn't buy it today.
47:45It's expensive.
47:47It's expensive.
47:49I feel like it's going up.
47:51I feel like it's going up.
47:53What can I get?
47:55It's expensive.
47:57It's expensive.
47:59I can't buy it easily.
48:01I can't buy it easily.
48:03I can't buy it easily.
48:05I'll be happy.
48:09It's like a reward for hard work.
48:11I don't eat all at once.
48:13I look forward to it little by little.
48:15I look forward to it little by little.
48:17I look forward to it little by little.
48:21Good luck.
48:23Hurry up!
48:25We don't have time.
48:27We don't have time.
48:29We don't have time.
48:32Are you ready?
48:35Louboutin shoes.
48:36You can eat them.
48:38Oh, I see.
48:40Oh, right, right.
48:42Louboutin shoes.
48:44Suddenly, Ryoko Yonekura appeared.
48:48Would you like to do it again?
48:49Can I do it again?
48:50I made a mistake.
48:51Are you okay?
48:53Are you ready?
48:54Girls like everything.
48:56They like expensive things.
48:57They are happy with things they don't buy.
48:59They work hard at their jobs and enjoy it as a reward.
49:02Let's do it.
49:04Let's do it.
49:06I'll say it again.
49:07This is the only one.
49:12He said, oh.
49:14Did Mr. Katsushige answer at the end?
49:17Oh, that's right.
49:19I did it.
49:23I see.
49:27Girls like everything.
49:28They like expensive things.
49:29They are happy with things they don't buy.
49:31They work hard at their jobs and enjoy it as a reward.
49:35Let's do it.
49:37Let's do it.
49:38I'll say it again.
49:40This is the only one.
49:41Very expensive chocolate.
49:44He said, oh.
49:46Very expensive chocolate.
49:47Did Mr. Katsushige answer at the end?
49:50Oh, that's right.
49:55I see.
49:57I knew it.
49:59That's right.
50:00I've done this before.
50:04I got a very cheap chocolate board.
50:06I gave it back to Pierre Marcolini.
50:11He was very happy with it.
50:15I see.
50:16I knew it.
50:18But I didn't have a bag or a car.
50:21He didn't have a car.
50:22If he had a car, he would have done it.
50:25So, everyone got a reward.
50:31The last one in China.
50:33It's a whole Amao compote with strawberry syrup in the dough.
50:40It's a sesame fruit dumpling.
50:42It's very filling.
50:43Isn't it hot?
50:44It's good.
50:45Is it good?
50:46It's good.
50:47It's my first time eating strawberry compote.
50:51It's good.
50:52It's hot.
50:54I feel like White Day has come today.
50:57I hope you can use this as a reference.
50:59I see.
51:00If you haven't given it back yet,
51:02you can give it to me later.
51:03Then, chocolate is fine.
51:05Chocolate is fine?
51:06Because it's better to give the first place.
51:09That's right.
51:10I know that what I selected is a little dangerous.
51:15I think it's better to do it as it is.
51:17It smells pretty dangerous, doesn't it?
51:19It smells dangerous.
51:20On the contrary, I think it makes people uncomfortable.
51:23I'll teach you next time.
51:28Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture.
51:31There is a shop that makes the locals nervous.
51:39It was founded in 1950.
51:42It's a family shop, Hangai.
51:46There are clothes for 108 yen per piece in the store.
51:51Is that so?
51:53There are towels for 328 yen per piece.
51:59Is it so cheap?
52:02There are 90% of cosmetics for more than 10,000 yen.
52:09It's a very cheap product.
52:11It's a very popular shop for locals and their families.
52:21It was a horror movie.
52:23I thought it was a curse.
52:25It's creepy.
52:28It's scary.
52:29To be honest, it's scary.
52:34For some reason, the locals are afraid of it.
52:41What's going on?
52:43When the staff looks at it...
52:47What's that?
52:50It's scary.
52:53What's that?
52:56It's scary.
52:57It's scary.
53:02There is something scary.
53:05What's that?
53:06There is a sign.
53:13When I look at the previous picture...
53:17Originally, it was a picture of a cute baby.
53:23Did it change?
53:31It changed.
53:36It's too funny.
53:38To put it simply, it's a deterioration.
53:41It's a deterioration every year.
53:43And in recent years, it has become a scary feeling.
53:49Yes, this sign.
53:51Before the deterioration, it was a cute baby.
53:55But in 2023, the paint began to melt.
53:59It's pretty scary.
54:01In 2024, it will look like this with further deterioration.
54:06In the next two or three years...
54:07I'm getting more and more scared.
54:09It's scary.
54:11Then, this sign became a hot topic, and the number of visitors increased.
54:17Every time I come to see it, I feel like it's scary.
54:20I'm watching it while having fun.
54:23When I see it in the dark or at home, I'm scared.
54:27I thought it was like a horror movie or Chuck E. Cheese.
54:32The letters are solid.
54:35He said he didn't want to disappoint people who came to see the sign.
54:39He said he couldn't change it.
54:43To be honest, I don't know if that sign can beat this summer's motion.
54:47If I say that, this year may be the last.
54:50If it's a motion this year, it's over.
54:52It's the last year.
54:55Why don't you go there once before you change the sign?
55:01I was scared of that sign, but it was cheap.
55:04That's right.
55:06You don't close the store, do you?
55:08No, I don't.
55:09It's about 50,000 yen for 40,000 yen.
55:14That's a horror movie, isn't it?
55:18That's a story to be happy about.
55:20I just received it.
55:24Speaking of changing,
55:26Last year, I came out.
55:29I had Botox.
55:31It's already healed.
55:34I can see my teeth.
55:37It was perfectly healed before.
55:39Even though it was perfectly healed,
55:41If I post a picture of myself on Instagram,
55:44It's still Karasutengu.
55:46I can write it.
55:48That's why I'm so angry.
55:52Recently, when I'm about 56 years old,
55:56There are people who do thread lifting.
55:59Do you know what it is?
56:01What is it?
56:02I put a thread in here.
56:04I don't know how to put it in.
56:06Then it goes up here.
56:09But the moment I did it, it went up too much.
56:12I don't know who it is.
56:13It's like the Adams family.
56:16That's right.
56:18Once a friend did it.
56:20I thought I did it.
56:22But I couldn't say it.
56:24I told my friend that I did it.
56:27But after about a month,
56:29It feels just right.
56:31When I met him at that time,
56:33He said it wasn't like that at all.
56:35It's like I'm the bad guy.
56:39It's healed now.
56:41That's when I did it.
56:43You talked about it last year.
56:46You failed to do Botox and became like Karasutengu.
56:50When I saw the picture,
56:53When I saw that,
56:55You look a little like Karasutengu.
56:58But you were originally a very beautiful person.
57:01Did you originally say Karasutengu?
57:02No, no, no.
57:03I didn't say that.
57:04But after all,
57:07Mr. Katsunori said,
57:09Even though it's healed,
57:11You're forgetting how to laugh, aren't you?
57:13You still have it?
57:15Yes, I still have it.
57:17So I thought I was laughing properly.
57:19No, more...
57:23You care too much.
57:25That's right. I care too much.
