• 5 hours ago
I'm so sorry for slacking on the vlog lately. After our Michigan trip it was pedal to the metal and things got a little crazy. We're committed to trying to keep up with the filming so there are some more long form styles about how we truly live our life as an inter-abled couple and family. Thank you all for being here. We truly believe this is the start of something wonderful. One love!
Blind👨🏽‍🦯ParaJudo🥋ParaSkate🛹 🇺🇸TeamUSA🦯Musician🎸MotivationalSpeaker🎤Podcaster🎙Four Bad Eyes Podcast👀👀Blind Busking Livestream Music Tour🚌 "the only disability is a bad attitude” #jkl and one love!!

👇🏼👇🏽Rent my Feature Length Documentary 👇🏿👇
A Shot In The Dark - Anthony Ferraro

🎥: Available now on Amazon Prime - https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07RZ9Q7B1/ref=atv_yv_hom_c_unkc_1_1

🎥: Available now on Apple TV - https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/a-shot-in-the-dark/umc.cmc.hmlhafzk662dnz7vfidtq6ej

🎥: Available now on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/A_Shot_in_the_Dark?id=-iN_Hguh1ZI.P

🎥: Available now on Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ashotinthedark

Despite a lifetime of adversity, a blind high school wrestler attempts to win a New Jersey State Championship before the end of his senior year. Anthony Ferraro has always tried to live a normal life. As he entered junior high, Anthony decided to try his luck at wrestling. After a dismal first season, he begged his father to enroll him in a wrestling club. His father obliged and found a coach willing to teach a blind kid to wrestle. The following year, despite his obvious disadvantage, Anthony went 24-1. Three years later, Anthony has set a number of goals for himself; to become the first three-time District Champ in his school's history, break the school record for most wins, and become the first blind state champion in New Jersey wrestling history. The question is, does he have a shot in the dark?

▶️Follow along my life - Anthony Ferraro. A Musician, Judoka, Motivational Speaker, Podcaster, Video Creator, Traveler, Adventurer, Son, Brother, Friend, Husband, Uncle, Dog Dad and more.

▶️Anthony is currently traveling the world in hopes to make it to the 2024 Paralympics in Paris, France. Anthony is a Blind Athlete (B1 Classification). Ranked #1 in -73kg category. Representing the United States of America and the Great State of New Jersey!

▶️Podcast Recap: https://www.fourbadeyes.com

▶️To learn more about Anthony Ferraro and the team at ASFVISION check out https://www.asfvision.com​​ or https://www.fourbadeyes.com

The Story Behind “A Shot In the Dark” - Chris Suchorsky - Director / Producer:

In the winter of 2012, I received an email from a former teammate and All-American wrestler, Lou Cerchio. He had come across a sizzle reel about a blind high school wrestler named Anthony Ferraro. Ollie, Anthony’s brother, had posted the sizzle with the hope of finding some help. He was looking to make a film about his little brother, who was a star wrestler, but also happened to be


00:00Okay, or yell at me. I know I suck my my vlogging. I haven't been vlogging didn't vlog enough in Michigan
00:07There was just so much going on and sometimes you just want to live in the moment and like not worry about going to find
00:12Where the camera is or putting people on you know on the spot or whatever, but it was an incredible week
00:16We over the weekend
00:17We went to a skate demo for Dan to skate in and we were chilling there and all of a sudden some some dude walks
00:23Across the skate park to us and gives us big hugs saying what's up Dan Anthony? I'm like who's that?
00:28He's like, oh, it's Tony like Tony Hawk
00:29Like you just said it all casually like what's up guys and then proceeds to give us a tour around the skate park and then Kelly
00:35And the baby were sitting on the side later
00:37And he saw them mid-session and ran off his board to stop and say what's up them and the baby girl got a picture with
00:43Him so it was incredible. We went pontoon boating
00:46I went stand-up paddleboarding and I just got back last night
00:50I got big news people big news my when I left so my right leg was at like 30%
00:55Give or take of strength
00:57My right leg was 30% to my left leg and I need to get it to like 80% to start running and stuff
01:03And then I retested today because it was my first day back your boy went up
01:0823% I'm at 53%
01:09Let's go and everything's smooth feeling really good feeling really strong and these gains are happening. Life is good
01:16I got a good recovery week. The family got to reset. It was like a vacation and all is copacetic, baby
01:21So I'm back. I'm gonna start filming some more. I did the dishes for an hour today a lot going on
01:27We got some new toys for the baby girl, and yeah
01:31We got blocks and the grocery debt and all this stuff, so we're having a good time
01:35Go check out for bad eyes podcast wherever you stream your podcasts because we got some good episodes on there
01:41Spread the word spread the love Brooklyn way all right. I'll be back GoPro stop recording. I'm not filming oh
01:48Oh, he's going backwards just to get
01:51Okay, all right, you don't have to go backwards upstairs to get to see
02:11So back to like the more interesting side of things didn't we just get a whole bunch of
02:19Cool we got here we got damn Mancina's
02:22Signature shoe the damn Mancina booze knit got braille on the tongue does Mancina on both tongues
02:29Should go cop these shoes on adidas.com get Mancina's shoes support the homie
02:34GoPro stopper, so here's our town. This is the first time
02:38Right it's first time. We're like really going for a walk together
02:41All four of us you got Delta, baby, Kelly
02:50It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and my walking feels good so this chocolate shop
02:58This chocolate shop my cousin on boy see
03:03Great chocolate made it means good feeling good watch how fast I can go up the stairs
03:12I'm up. Let's go
03:15Never give up so we have been major slacking over here on the VLOG front
03:22I am not sure
03:25Where we last left off. I've been slacking on the edit Anthony's been slacking on the record and
03:34Hey, Mama
03:38All right well, maybe Anthony will vlog right now, haha, who's the worst vlogger in the world
03:45We're going it's Friday and going to physical therapy and then a doctor's appointment follow-up
03:52So a little nervous because I was feeling great. I got up to 53%
03:56You know strength wise on my leg and then I went to the beach
03:59And I feel like I'm gonna be a little bit more active and I'm gonna be able to do a little bit more
04:05And then I went to the beach and I feel like it really set me back
04:08I just like acted like it wasn't her and my heart or dad mode. Yeah, I was carrying all this stuff
04:14I'm really sore all week
04:16And I also slipped down the last two stairs and that really didn't feel well
04:20And so I'm really nervous and I'm kind of bummed because I was feeling so freaking good, but I got a haircut
04:25I got four inches off
04:26I almost had a panic attack that my hair was ruined before I got my hair cut and
04:31Feel a little better about that now, thanks to my cousin great
04:33She hooked it up fresh cut probably can't even tell because my hair is still so long, but got a haircut
04:38I lost my favorite ring. Um, my friend passed away
04:42It's been a week and I also got some other bad news
04:44But sometimes when life hits all these things happen at once and it feels like it's never-ending
04:49But it doesn't and I have my family and I'm healthy enough and there's good things on the horizon
04:54We went on our first family walk together
04:56Yeah, and you've been such a good dad like while I went back to work and you've been helping me with child care
05:03so that we don't have to take our baby to daycare or
05:07Hire a nanny and I feel like you discredit the dad stuff
05:12No, I don't but I feel like you shouldn't shouldn't be like rewarded for being a dad
05:17Well, you're not being rewarded, but you have to realize that it is work
05:22Yeah, I'm still bummed because I'm not getting motivated enough to like work out I think that's bothering me
05:28I was talking to my brother-in-law last night Josh and he's we kind of came to the conclusion that I'm just like that type of
05:34Like all-or-nothing type person. So I feel like if I can't go all-in it's hard to see the point
05:47Update just got out of the doctor's physical therapy went well
05:51It was a little more swelling from the sand or whatever, but nothing bad
05:55Everything's still on track and I went to the doctor and his reaction was everything I ever needed
06:00He was like Anthony this couldn't look better
06:02Like this is you're so far ahead of where you're even supposed to be
06:07And I was telling him how my legs at 53% He's like yeah, but you're 53% It's like a normal person's 120%
06:13It was all like really positive and he made me feel really good. Like I told him the stuff I'm doing
06:17He's like shouldn't be doing that yet, but you have no pain not bad. So everything's going well and
06:23Got some big news coming up. All right, all right making some dinner. I hear me out hear me out
06:28What if I got Anthony?
06:30Snowshoes and he could walk on the sand and like be more stable
06:36So like I think I'm gonna like order him some snowshoes. I think it's a good idea. He's like against it, but good idea
06:43Going to the beach. We're going to the dog beach, you know the mofongo and I'm just gonna go chill
06:49I guess on the boardwalk and just listen to Delta's Bell. So stay tuned
06:54Delta is like vibrating. I probably just gave you a nice butt shot of Delta. Oh, no, I'm recording the wrong way
07:02Like oh, it's Delta
07:04Are you so excited to be the mofongo deli mofongo? Sometimes we call her deli meat. Sometimes we call her
07:10What's your favorite Delta nickname?
07:14It's all about the moon. Yeah, that's true. I like deli meat
07:19Beautiful day. I don't know about bringing the camera up to the boardwalk because there's so many people
07:25I don't want them to think I'm filming them. If I'm man with a camera, it could be scary
07:30So this beach is like the best dog beach in the world. There's always like tons of dogs down here and
07:39This couple is getting like a photo shoot over here and it's so funny
07:47Yeah, there's life. This is Delta's favorite place in the world. I don't know if I'm filming any of the dogs, but
07:54That's it, baby
07:56I'm just up here relaxed soaking it all in
08:10Love listening to people. It's just beautiful
08:16Wait, see if you can hear this lady. But yeah, it's like when I listen to people it's like watching TV for me
08:22Cuz it's no different
08:24Try to imagine their life and their story and like what they're talking about
08:30We got trucks
08:33They like stand
08:36Pulling the beaches every day and like clean them
08:43Turn all the old sand over make it fresh
08:51Can't hear Delta, it's too far away
08:54That lady's like, you know, my friends are rappers. I do all their album covers. Well
09:02Got kind of cold. So I came to the car
09:04But what I was saying was I love like listening to people's conversations not like I'm perfect
09:10But when they're like really loud and you're just chilling there
09:12They kind of don't have self-awareness and they're talking about the craziest stuff
09:16It's just like I can't help because I can't see so I just listen and oh man
09:20it's like watching TV and you just
09:22Imagine like being that person or like living their life like I just think about all that stuff and it's just so interesting
09:28Everyone has a story. So I just love getting to learn about people's stories and all that. It's some people are so out
09:34I love it be you and
09:36Yes, I'm just chillin. I'm feeling good me. It's good. Just don't want to push it on the sand
09:41I would think I'm gonna give it like one more week, but I was thinking about it getting in the car
09:44I like couldn't even get in the car by myself at one point
09:47So now I don't even think twice about getting in and out of the car
09:51It's so easy. I got like it's only been two and a half months and doing really well
09:55I can't believe how quick it's gone by, you know
09:57Like some of the days were long with the weeks go by quick
10:00If anyone has to go through something similar like a surgery or do rehab, you know
10:04You're you feeling like it's not gonna you're not gonna be the same. It will get better
10:08I like I'm here to tell you firsthand
10:09Everything's gonna be alright and just do what the doctors tell you and do research and just get after it and make that you
10:16Know your new goals is getting healthy
10:19So sometimes I get down on myself and you know
10:22The past couple weeks have actually believe it or not been a little rough
10:24Maybe just the past like two weeks and I was getting a little down
10:28And I just can't remember like cuz it's it's been hard to get to the gym
10:31Like I'm going to the physical therapy and all that stuff
10:33But it's been hard to get to the gym and work out and get motivated to all that
10:37I have to remember also being a dad and like that's one of the best things in the world and it's also it takes up
10:42A lot of time and energy and it's amazing
10:45But I gotta give myself some grace and like realize I am doing a lot
10:48I'm not just like laying around or being lazy or anything like that
10:51I'm living my life getting better each day and just looking towards those small gains
10:56So anyone out there struggling it will get better focus on the little things at first and really always focus on the little things
11:03We'll take care of the bigger thing
11:05But I guess sometimes you'll take a bigger picture instead of little things sometimes because I don't know why oh
11:10So you can have a different perspective. This has become a really weird rant, but thanks for listening. What's up? It's Tuesday
11:17Wait no, it's not it. It's Sunday
11:20I just played a church this morning
11:22And I'm headed to the tap house now to play for their 10-year anniversary playing acoustic solo and singing and then
11:30There's gonna be like other bands going on at the same time, so I have no idea how this is gonna work
11:35Yeah, I know. That's what I'm trying to tell him and see she agrees um, but we're going to have fun
11:41It's all gonna work out right girl. All right, so let's do this nothing Kelly forgot the keys
11:57Are you kidding me? You're joking, right?
12:02You're oh
12:04My I'm done GoPro stop recording
12:08Anthony just asked me if I would drive his friend who was like not able to drive himself home
12:17Well, so I did
12:22My thing with Anthony is would you if you could drive would you do it or would you
12:27Go or whatever. I forget the exact thing. I always say he's usually always like yes
12:33So and I have to take him because I honestly just feel horrible like that
12:38If he could drive himself, he would do it. So I just do it, but I don't mind driving him
12:46Oh, hello
12:49It's the vlog
12:53I'll just tell them about how I drive you places
13:04All right, so I had that gig yesterday and it was let me make sure I'm filming the right way
13:09I am have that kid yesterday and it was crazy
13:13There was like they basically blocked off the entire block and the one parking lot
13:17I know right the one parking lot was like slam. There was probably like what 200 people
13:23Maybe 200 people and there was a huge band playing like super loud whole blast and I was on the other side of the building
13:30At the patio playing acoustic music and I thought it was not going well
13:35But it actually was there was a people were loving it every time people came out
13:39they got a table out there and
13:40It was a very like it was crazy because the one side was chaos and then I was like the chill side
13:45Which I'd much rather be on the chill side, I think
13:50So it was a good gig
13:51Did you all know that money in the u.s. Is not accessible, but my biggest thing?
13:56This is the biggest problem I've ran into so I can like fold
14:01The baby sleeping so I can like fold money and like organize it and stuff, but I can't read it obviously
14:07But there's like apps you can use but my biggest problem is the credit card machines when you go to like check out of a
14:13Convenience store or most stores you can like slide your card in the machine to pay
14:17There's no accessible option for that at all
14:19And I have to ask for help from the cashier and they have to help me and sometimes I even have to give them my
14:25Pin number and it's really like why do I have to go through all those steps?
14:28Why can't there be a button I press to make it accessible with like a screen reader?
14:32So it talks out loud and I can do all that stuff on my own. It's just really frustrating
14:36So little things like that they run into as a blind person and you know
14:40I've heard from people in wheelchairs that those machines aren't low enough
14:43There's all these things and just we got to do better and accessibility. I got to go out there and consult
14:47What are some things you guys deal with in your everyday life? That is frustrating. That's an easy fix
14:52Let me know one love GoPro stop recording
