• 6 hours ago
Lots of music this week. We head to Oxford, Ohio to be with Camp Abilities a camp for blind and visually impaired kids. It was a great time and reminded me of my childhood. I was so happy to be able to visit with my wife, baby and doggy.
Blind👨🏽‍🦯ParaJudo🥋ParaSkate🛹 🇺🇸TeamUSA🦯Musician🎸MotivationalSpeaker🎤Podcaster🎙Four Bad Eyes Podcast👀👀Blind Busking Livestream Music Tour🚌 "the only disability is a bad attitude” #jkl and one love!!

👇🏼👇🏽Rent my Feature Length Documentary 👇🏿👇
A Shot In The Dark - Anthony Ferraro

🎥: Available now on Amazon Prime - https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07RZ9Q7B1/ref=atv_yv_hom_c_unkc_1_1

🎥: Available now on Apple TV - https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/a-shot-in-the-dark/umc.cmc.hmlhafzk662dnz7vfidtq6ej

🎥: Available now on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/A_Shot_in_the_Dark?id=-iN_Hguh1ZI.P

🎥: Available now on Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/ashotinthedark

Despite a lifetime of adversity, a blind high school wrestler attempts to win a New Jersey State Championship before the end of his senior year. Anthony Ferraro has always tried to live a normal life. As he entered junior high, Anthony decided to try his luck at wrestling. After a dismal first season, he begged his father to enroll him in a wrestling club. His father obliged and found a coach willing to teach a blind kid to wrestle. The following year, despite his obvious disadvantage, Anthony went 24-1. Three years later, Anthony has set a number of goals for himself; to become the first three-time District Champ in his school's history, break the school record for most wins, and become the first blind state champion in New Jersey wrestling history. The question is, does he have a shot in the dark?

▶️Follow along my life - Anthony Ferraro. A Musician, Judoka, Motivational Speaker, Podcaster, Video Creator, Traveler, Adventurer, Son, Brother, Friend, Husband, Uncle, Dog Dad and more.

▶️Anthony is currently traveling the world in hopes to make it to the 2024 Paralympics in Paris, France. Anthony is a Blind Athlete (B1 Classification). Ranked #1 in -73kg category. Representing the United States of America and the Great State of New Jersey!

▶️Podcast Recap: https://www.fourbadeyes.com

▶️To learn more about Anthony Ferraro and the team at ASFVISION check out https://www.asfvision.com​ or https://www.turmericteatime.com​ or https://www.fourbadeyes.com

The Story Behind “A Shot In the Dark” - Chris Suchorsky - Director / Producer:

In the winter of 2012, I received an email from a former teammate and All-American wrestler, Lou Cerchio. He had come across a sizzle reel about a blind high school wrestler named Anthony Ferraro. Ollie, Anthony’s brother, had posted the sizzle with the hope of finding some help. He was looking to make a film about his little brother, who was a star wrestler, but also happened to be blind. I reached out to Ollie to discuss the project. To my surprise, he was now living in LA working as an editor fo


00:00What's up? Just got back from the ocean. Cleaned up the playzone.
00:09Ever expanding again.
00:17You guessed it.
00:23Anyways, no other news.
00:27Oh, we're going to Paris. I'll let Anthony update you there.
00:32Also, Anthony just made some food.
00:35We are in talks about a new grill, so
00:42hopefully this will be one of the last Char-Chars. Okay, one love.
00:56Anthony plays music every other Friday at this awesome place called the Pool Bar.
01:26I'll leave the camera running so you can have some of the music in the background of the vlog.
01:57Mama, don't you cry no more.
02:02Because I know I see your roommate.
02:06Straight from your back door.
02:10Or CC Rider.
02:14We are at summer camp. Camp Abilities for the blind and visually impaired.
02:21In Oxford. Oh, hi.
02:25This is our dorm room. Got some toys.
02:29Been really slacking on the vlog life, but I brought the camera and that's the first step, so
02:35hopefully we can bring you some more action.
02:37There's Delta.
02:46Alright, maybe, well, let's go find Anthony.
02:49Your cane!
02:51Okay, I know I didn't mean to, but you left this out and just tripped me and I stubbed my toe.
03:01I found Anthony.
03:02What does it say? Can you read it, please? Please?
03:10That's an E2. What does that mean?
03:15It's not the E you're going for.
03:19Tune up?
03:21No, you're tuning to an E2 right now.
03:25Tune up?
03:28Tune up?
03:30I found Anthony.
03:31Yo, what's up? We're in, honestly, I don't know where we are because we flew into Kentucky,
03:36drove through Indiana, and then landed in Ohio, and I thought we were in Cincinnati, but we're at the Miami University.
03:43Oxford, Ohio.
03:45So, about to go hang with the kiddos. It's been an epic camp week. I learned a new blind game.
03:50Got to speak to all of them.
03:53I know, and it's just been amazing. I've, like, forgot how much I love this type of stuff.
03:59Like, it's just, it feels right, and it feels like I'm at the right place, and it just feels like home.
04:04The kids are so sweet, and it's like blind kids getting to learn from each other and talk to each other about questions
04:10maybe they don't get to ask, like, their other regular friends.
04:14So, the one kid was talking to this other little kid, and they're, like, so young, and he was like,
04:19hey, so, like, what's your, like, what's it like to see how you see?
04:24And it was just so sweet. They were describing to each other. It made me want to cry.
04:29But yeah, this has been epic, and hopefully Kelly can maybe get some clips, and I'll get some clips.
04:33I rode a dirt bike today on the back.
04:37GoPro, stop recording.
04:39Wednesday, headed to small groups at camp, and we're doing jam sessions with me.
04:46And we're writing songs with the kids. It's been epic.
04:48We wrote the Born Blind Blues.
04:52I'm going to record some of this.
04:54Yeah, we're at Miami U.
04:56In Ohio.
04:57Which is in Ohio.
04:58But, great.
04:59Oh, yeah. I've got to grab my guitar.
05:06What's up?
05:09How's it going?
05:10You're on camera.
05:11Oh, lord.
05:12This is Kelly Lusk. She's the brains behind this whole operation.
05:16Some days.
05:18She's amazing.
05:20We should write something about how many of you guys use Siri.
05:23Oh, Siri.
05:24Oh, Siri. That's a good one.
05:25Yeah. I feel like we could rhyme things with Siri.
05:28Are we talking to our phones?
05:30When you use Siri, you gotta speak clearly, or she'll go somewhere else.
05:37Sending texts to all my friends, but the words sometimes don't make sense.
05:47Siri, Siri is my best friend. If I didn't have it, then my world would end.
05:54Got my personal assistant in my pocket. I get confused when my phone gets locked down.
06:02I tried my password too many times. Now I'm locked out of my phone. Oh, my.
06:11Siri, Siri, what's it gonna be? What's on my calendar, can you tell me?
06:20I use a U when I cook food. I wouldn't know when to take it out to.
06:26You hold all of my calendar, and I don't know what rhymes with calendar.
06:36What else does Siri do?
06:39When I can't find my phone, I yell for you, and you tell me I'm over here, dude.
06:47Siri, Siri, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'd be pretty screwed.
06:57I'm loving the forced rhymes.
07:01What else?
07:08Siri, Siri, what do I wear? Can you tell me?
07:13Siri, Siri, what do I wear? Can you tell me how the weather's out there?
07:20She said it's 85, sunny too, with a low of 72.
07:29When outside started to rain, I said, Siri, how come you didn't warn me, man?
07:42You call all my friends for me.
07:47If you didn't, I would never see all my friends and my family.
07:54Thank you, Siri.
07:58I like to change your voice and language. I like to make you sound Australian.
08:05Sometimes I get bored, I'll do English too, but sometimes I can't understand you.
08:19I remember when I was in Paris one time, I asked you how to say I was blind.
08:26Then I started saying what you told me, and people looked at me like I was crazy.
08:31You told me that's not what you want to say, it's actually pretty bad, don't say it again.
08:40Just don't you call yourself that, do you even know what you're saying, man?
08:48So don't say, je suis aveugleux, that's not the way to tell people too.
08:55Moral of the story is I never learned how to say blind in Paris.
09:04Siri, Siri, you let me down, I think I'm gonna power you down.
09:13Turn my phone off and take a break, then maybe later you'll help me bake a cake.
09:19Then maybe later you'll help me bake a cake.
09:26Thank you, Siri.
