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A sus 32 años, la actriz y cantante mexicana construye con paso firme una carrera que va en ascenso. Hoy coprotagoniza su primera telenovela, A.MAR, donde el amor teje sus redes.


00:00I always liked to sing, but when I was a kid I was very shy, I remember one time at school they made us sing in front of the whole classroom.
00:09Everyone sang, I was the only one who didn't dare to sing, I was very shy.
00:15Then I started singing, until one day my best friend saw me sing and at Christmas he gave me Baileys and he made me sing with him in the karaoke.
00:25My mom saw me and she was like, how can you sing like that?
00:28I started singing classes, I started to let go a little more.
00:33I was going to be a veterinarian, I am from Playa del Carmen and I finished high school, there are not many universities there.
00:41And when I was deciding which veterinary university I was going to go to, or something related to animals or something like that,
00:48I was singing in places, I ended up singing in events.
00:52Once I sang in a place and a man saw me and told me, hey, I'm bringing a musical theater company to the beach,
01:00I wanted to see if you wanted to audition to do a play.
01:05And I was like, I don't know if I'm interested in acting.
01:08And he told me, well, you go to the audition and you stay, I don't know.
01:13I went, but it was like, well, I don't have anything to do, I'm going to go.
01:18I don't even, I mean, it doesn't even happen to me around here.
01:22I stayed with the character, I loved it, and then I did another play.
01:26And I said, no, I think I want to be an actress.
01:29When I decided that I wanted to be an actress, I investigated where I could go.
01:33I got into the CEA because there they have singing, dancing, acting.
01:37And it's much more complete, we have classes in television, acting focused on theater, voice.
01:44I mean, it's one of the most complete schools, really.
01:47And I got into the CEA.
01:49That's when I started getting jobs in small projects.
01:55Well, in La Rosa de Guadalupe, Como Dice El Licho.
01:59In the last year I got a novel, En La Que No Me Dejas, with Carlos Moreno.
02:05A character, well, the telenovela had already started when I met Carlos.
02:11And he told me that they wanted me in the novel.
02:15This character came out, who was Mirna, a short character, but who did have an important role.
02:21After that, I did Mujeres de Negro, also with Carlos Moreno.
02:28I was doing...
02:30Ah, in Las Amazonas, it's been many years.
02:35I ride a horse, so...
02:37Well, not for a long time, but in Las Amazonas, which was a Salvador Mejia novel,
02:42they needed someone who was the double of Gretel Valdez on horseback.
02:46And, well, I was looking for a job.
02:49They told me, like, hey, do you want to come? It's to ride a horse.
02:52These scenes.
02:54It was great, I really had a great time.
02:57I was riding a horse, which I love.
03:01Well, I loved it, not anymore, because I'm vegan and I don't do activities that include animals.
03:08But at that time, it wasn't me.
03:10Well, and I continued doing novels, small things.
03:13And then my first musical came out, which was Rock of Ages,
03:18which was a production by Gerardo Quiroz,
03:20which was associated with some TV producers, including Lalo Morguia,
03:25who is a musical producer and is, I mean, top.
03:29In fact, he is the one who composed the song, right now,
03:32Enamórate de mí, by Amar, the novel in which I am.
03:37But well, I was in Rock of Ages and Sashary,
03:41it was from 2017 to 2019.
03:45The truth is that I loved the work and everything,
03:50but it is too heavy to be a musical theater.
03:54And look, TV is heavy, but musical theater,
03:58to begin with, they don't pay you the same as they pay you on TV.
04:01And I feel that it is too repetitive.
04:04I mean, on TV you do different scenes,
04:07you may get 25 scenes in one day, but they are all different,
04:10it is always a different situation, it is very fun.
04:13And in the musical theater, maybe there will be someone who hates me for saying it,
04:19but it is always the same.
04:21And besides, you have to take care of yourself too much,
04:24because your voice, I am very sensitive to my voice,
04:27and with anything I get hoarse, as a result of this musical, too.
04:32So, yes, I couldn't go out, I didn't have a life.
04:37It was on weekends, well, it was from Tuesday to Sunday,
04:41we rested only one day, no, from Monday to Wednesday,
04:44no, from Wednesday to Monday, we rested only one day a week.
04:48So, two years like that, yes, it was too heavy,
04:51and I said, I don't think I prefer to do TV.
04:56But just coming back from doing Rock of Ages,
04:59I said, ok, I need to take a break from acting,
05:02like, to find myself again, I don't know what's going on.
05:05I went to Europe for a few months,
05:08I was alone, like, to find myself.
05:11I came back, and that's when the pandemic hit,
05:14so everything stopped.
05:17I said, ok, I'm going to Playa del Carmen,
05:20because, as I told you, I'm from there, I came back to live there.
05:23In what I would say I was doing, I was doing things online,
05:26and in 2022 I said, no, I need to go back to acting,
05:29this is not filling me up.
05:32I came back to live there.
05:35Well, I was taking some workshops to reactivate myself,
05:38and to update myself too,
05:41and in 2023 I came back to live here in Llano,
05:44and two or three months later I did a soap opera
05:47with Juan Osorio,
05:50El Amor No Tiene Receta, by Dr. Monica,
05:53and from there it was like, ok,
05:56I'm back on track,
05:59and in a little while I got this.
06:06As you say, it's my first co-protagonist,
06:09it's my biggest work,
06:12and a very complex character,
06:15that had a lot of changes,
06:18a lot of development,
06:21so yes, emotionally it was heavy.
06:24All the time something was happening to her,
06:27and you have to be careful not to take that as an actor,
06:30not to bring those emotions home,
06:33because one day, at the beginning,
06:36I felt sad and down,
06:39and I was like, what do I have?
06:42And suddenly I realized,
06:45no, this is not mine, this is Marina's,
06:48I was crying all day,
06:51shake it, nothing happened,
06:54so most of my calls were about crying,
06:57so it was a work of,
07:00ok, I'm going to build this,
07:03I'm going to use it as Marina,
07:06to get to those emotions,
07:09and not have to resort to my things,
07:12to get to the emotion.
07:15Pedro is a great person,
07:18and it's cool because with everyone who has talked about Pedro,
07:21everyone always has super nice opinions about him,
07:24he is a great person,
07:27he is a great co-worker,
07:30at the beginning he knew he was my first co-star,
07:33he even told me that he heard,
07:36I don't know if I can say this,
07:39that he heard,
07:42we hadn't started recording yet,
07:45but he said he heard some worries,
07:48like, let's see if he fills the character,
07:51because he hasn't done something so big,
07:54and he said, I'm going to help him,
07:57he is a super nice co-worker,
08:00to the point where he would tell me,
08:03what is your legacy,
08:06so you can always feel better,
08:09or he would tell me, let's study,
08:12and things like that,
08:15I feel like fate sent him to me,
08:18to be my co-worker,
08:21to give me a hand and help me with this project,
08:24he often advised me,
08:27and things like that,
08:30for the career.
08:33He could have been someone who said,
08:36I take advantage of his lack of experience,
08:39so I can shine,
08:42and he was like, no,
08:45let's make the couple work,
08:48and grow together as a couple,
08:51we are getting really nice comments,
08:54we are at the beach,
08:57and my character is floating in the sea,
09:00and she got sunburned,
09:03and I was like, ok,
09:06I have to be tanned,
09:09because I didn't have time,
09:12because we were recording,
09:15Nayarit, I had 2 or 3 days off,
09:18but I didn't want to get sunburned,
09:21and I didn't want the novel to last,
09:24so I got tanned,
09:27and I couldn't go to the tanning salon,
09:30so I did it myself,
09:33but I didn't look good,
09:36and the hysterical makeup,
09:39because I was all stained,
09:42it was a topic,
09:45and it was very metaphorical,
09:48because I was lost,
09:51I was in a relationship,
09:54I didn't know what was going to happen,
09:57I was like, I don't know,
10:00and Marina arrives,
10:03and she is lost,
10:06she doesn't know what to do with her life,
10:09right now she left Gabriel's house,
10:12and she said,
10:15I have to get a job,
10:18and she is on her own,
10:21and that's what was happening to me,
10:24when I started the novel,
10:27I was on my own,
10:30my ex left me with the dog,
10:33and my 2 cats,
10:36so it was all up to me,
10:39and I was on my own,
10:42and you can see Marina's growth,
10:45she is on her own,
10:48and she is very well positioned,
10:51and that's what was happening to me,
10:54I am very spiritual,
10:57I think everything happens for a reason,
11:00and the universe sends you messages,
11:03the way you will understand,
11:07I thank the project,
11:10for giving me this growth,
11:13as an actress,
11:16this maturity,
11:19to realize that I am already in bigger leagues,
11:22because once I talked to the producer,
11:25that everything comes when it has to,
11:28and I told him,
11:31because I had done casting with him 7 years ago,
11:34and I told him,
11:37if I had a character like that,
11:407 or 8 years ago,
11:43I would not have had half the maturity I have now,
11:46as an actress and as a person,
11:49to be able to carry out what it entails,
11:52a job like that,
11:55to start,
11:58you are super pressured all the time,
12:01and you have to be super responsible,
12:04your number one priority at that time,
12:07is the project,
12:10and get there, and be well,
12:13and have the health to be whole,
12:16but also the one that is pressing you there,
12:19and then put everything on your side,
12:22so that everything works,
12:25and not to delay the project,
12:28to realize everything that entails,
12:31that maturity,
12:34everyone tells me to rest,
12:37and I want to work again,
12:40they don't understand how much I love being on set,
12:43but my body needs right now,
12:46no more than 2 weeks of rest,
12:49yesterday I went to Televisa,
12:52I had a day off,
12:56I'm looking for a casting,
12:59today I have another one,
13:02what I would love to do would be series,
13:05a Netflix series,
13:08or a movie,
13:11but I trust that everything comes at its time,
13:14step by step,
13:17I feel that at this time it is no longer fought,
13:20to make novels with making series,
13:23because it is work,
13:26and you learn,
13:29and the audience sees you,
13:32and they learn something about the character you made,
13:35I would not stop making novels,
13:38to make series,
13:41I would like to be able to do both.
