• la semaine dernière
Charlie, étudiante à l'université de Gable, est une étoile montante du beach-volley. Avec sa partenaire Kiki, elles sont considérées comme l'un des duos sportifs les plus prometteurs, tout comme leurs rivales de l'université du Sud-Ouest, Annika et Hillary. Les quatre joueuses sont pressenties pour participer aux Jeux Olympiques, mais il n'y a de place que pour l'une d'entre elles, et la compétition bat son plein. Un matin, Hillary est retrouvée morte par sa coéquipière. Alors que la police mène l'enquête, Charlie est perturbée par la disparition de sa rivale. Mais elle va pouvoir compter sur le soutien de Becky, la nouvelle membre de son équipe...
00:00Volleyball star Hilary Horne was found dead this morning at Southwestern University.
00:05I heard Anakin fell on Hilary's dead face.
00:10We do have a new addition to the team.
00:12It's our new intern equipment manager, Becky Beckett.
00:15You're Charlie, right?
00:17You're the best player around.
00:18Oh, hardly.
00:19You have a really good shot at going pro.
00:22I'm a huge fan.
00:24Where were you the night of the murder?
00:26The stress has been driving me crazy.
00:28There's one spot left on the team and we're all trying to make it.
00:31With Hilary gone, it's just me and Charlie now.
00:33There's less competition.
00:34Which gives you all, Monin.
00:37Can I go now?
00:38The dream matchup, the two biggest stars in the country,
00:41Charlie McLeod and Annika Sanchez.
00:44We are undefeated.
00:49What is she doing here?
00:51We're having drinks. Join us.
00:52We're tired.
00:53Kiki is a jealous one.
00:55Ever since your new BFF Becky showed up,
00:57you've lost that fire that made you such a good player.
01:01Any idea who did it?
01:03It had to have been Kiki.
01:06Look, I think you should step out this season.
01:08Why would you say that?
01:09I don't want you to get hurt.
01:10What if it was the new girl?
01:13Everyone's just suspicious.
01:15You guys go out like every night.
01:18You're getting too close
01:19and I have a feeling that you're up to something.
01:22Girls can be mean,
01:23especially if they're competing for something they really want.
01:28My whole team's freaking out.
01:29We all feel unsafe.
01:31Whoever did this pre-planned everything.
01:33Large men's footprints at the crime scene.
01:37How are you feeling today?
01:38I need to get my head back in the game.
01:42You okay?
01:50Do you know where we are?
01:54Annika, run!
01:57Son nom n'est même pas Becky Beckett.
02:02Les championnats sont la semaine prochaine.
02:03Plus tard, nos rêves seront réalisés.