Aggressive dog training 🐕
❤️ Sarabi came to us from Under Dog Rescue for resource guarding and aggression towards dogs.
❤️ We always start with our dogs in a muzzle to ensure safety and introduce them to the pack. Slowly but surely (with lots of fuss along the way) Sarabi gets confidence from us as she blends into the pack and finds her feet.
❤️ We always correct any unwanted behavior, work on leash training and observe all interactions.
Sarabi has done amazingly with us and we hope she finds her forever home!
#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #doglover #dogpsychology #reactivedog #puppytraining #dog #dogbehavior #dogpsychology #dogpack #reactivedog #aggressivedog #rescuedog
❤️ Sarabi came to us from Under Dog Rescue for resource guarding and aggression towards dogs.
❤️ We always start with our dogs in a muzzle to ensure safety and introduce them to the pack. Slowly but surely (with lots of fuss along the way) Sarabi gets confidence from us as she blends into the pack and finds her feet.
❤️ We always correct any unwanted behavior, work on leash training and observe all interactions.
Sarabi has done amazingly with us and we hope she finds her forever home!
#dogtraining #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #doglover #dogpsychology #reactivedog #puppytraining #dog #dogbehavior #dogpsychology #dogpack #reactivedog #aggressivedog #rescuedog
00:00Right, here we have Sarabi. I don't know if I'm saying that right. Weird fucking name,
00:09didn't pick it. However, she came to us for biting dogs. She's very resource guarded,
00:14has a lot of issues with socialization, clearly has some past traumas. So what we're doing here
00:19is desensitization and exposure training. If you pussyfoot around the dog, correction every time.
00:27If you pussyfoot around the fucking dog, you walk at the other end of the fucking street,
00:31you don't fucking pass the triggers, you make it more exciting, the prey drive increases,
00:35and as a result these territorial mannerisms get worse and worse and worse. She's a one-year-old
00:39who hasn't been socialized that well. My brother in the litter, he got adopted and he's absolutely
00:45fine, but this one's a little bit scared. The fosters are great, we know them, they've fostered
00:49loads of fucking dogs before, but what's starting to happen now is they've just started to desensitize
00:53her with the muzzle on with their own pack. Bit snappy, bit reactive, bit growly, that's why they
00:59come to us for a little bit of help. So what are we doing? We've got about 35 pack members here,
01:03they're all giving her a lot of space for a reason. They're giving her space because she's
01:07already fucking bit all of them, but once again, that is why we have a muzzle on, because the
01:11muzzle is the perfect tool to desensitize and expose to the animal. You can call it flooding,
01:15you can call it whatever you fucking want, but what the psychology of the animal is,
01:18is the present moment, that's all that they are. They do not project into the future,
01:22they do not remember the past. So as you put them into a confident environment with good pack
01:26members at the beginning, she's going to snap, she's going to be unconfident. Day one, day two,
01:30day three, the unfamiliar will become familiar. We're going to start to rewire that brain,
01:34the new neurological pathways will be into a preferred habit loop, which will be into a nice
01:39play and routine, socialization, good manners, leash etiquette, socialization. And as a result,
01:44we are just slowly but surely getting her confident to mass groups of dogs. So when she does get
01:49adopted and she's walking down the street, or she does bump into a dog every once in a while,
01:53it isn't going to be a big fucking fiasco, because remember, what she's showing right now is just
01:57pure unconfidence. Aggression and reactivity is purely unconfident, unless it has been trained
02:02otherwise. So as a result, it's a defense mechanism and it's just making herself feel big.
02:06So what we're going to try and do is negatively reinforce all of these snaps and give her a new
02:10neurological pathway, which is the new habit form loop. So now what we're going to do is every time
02:15she reacts, we're going to correct her to give the negative association. The positive association
02:19right now is me being confident. It's allowing her to just be at one. It's about being out,
02:23being socializing. Fun, freedom, and food is positive reinforcement. Every time she's negative,
02:28we snap her. Every time it's positive, it's get on with the attitude. And this is the back and
02:33forth, and this is the equilibrium that will start to rewire that subconscious mind into the forward
02:38habit loop, and as a result, she'll be socialized by the end of the week.
03:08So right now, what we're going to be doing is teaching little Missy leash pressure. You can
03:28already see that growling dog across the street. She's here for resource guarding. She's here for
03:33aggression towards dogs. She's come from underdog rescue, and as you can see with her very cute,
03:38yellow, funny, simple harness, adopt me. So what we're going to end up doing is leash pressure,
03:44teaching her leash pressure. If your dog is leash reactive and they don't understand the principles
03:47and the fundamentals of what this means, then you're never going to fuck, you're always going
03:51to struggle. But remember, leash pressure is only one part of the on leash. We have about four
03:55aspects, five aspects that we need to master in order for the dog to engage with us, to be
03:59obedient, and not to react to any dogs. But remember, the majority of the majority of leash
04:04pressure and the majority of leash etiquette doesn't even start with this leash. It starts
04:08from your mark working 100% of the time. This is why we've been desensitizing her and exposing her
04:13to mass quantities of dogs today. Every time she snaps, giving a negative reinforcement on the
04:18neutral playing ground when she's allowed to play, allowed to sniff, and just allowed to be social
04:23with the dogs and play. That's the positive reinforcement, increasing the positivity.
04:27As a result, what you're doing, the negative reinforcement is a cause of craving on the
04:31positive. She's one years old, she's got a lot to learn. So what we're just going to do now,
04:34I'm going to show you, is just how to get her leash pressure. Because if I don't,
04:38if I don't master these fundamentals right now, I've got no chance when other dogs get fucking
04:42close. So what we're going to do now is you're going to have a sit leash on. You can see,
04:49sit. Doesn't know sit. You say it once, never repeat yourself. It's the whole point of your
04:56mark working 100% of the time. This dog needs to understand when you communicate that your
05:01articulation means you are listening to the very first protocol. Good girl. She made eye contact
05:06with me. That's when we're going to start going again. Short leash, eye contact. We're just
05:13navigating the situation. Get her used to this leash pressure. You can see she's trying to drag
05:18to the left. Not happening. Keep her back into this parallel position. Sit.
05:28You can see she wanted to. Needs a little bit of guidance. Eye contact, go forward again. Very
05:34simple. Most people, the reason why a lot of their dogs are assholes is simply due to the premises of
05:40them not doing this basic shit. We make things look very simple. It's not fancy. We don't have
05:46all the little treat pouches or the special prong collars and E collars and remote controls because
05:51it's bullshit. You don't fucking need any of that. Train 2000 dogs, mostly all biting dogs,
05:56without the use of these things. And what we always really focus on is fundamentals.
06:02Teaching her leash pressure with the slip leash. Eye contact. If I say sit, I'm going to say it
06:08once. Didn't even say it that time. Magician. Dogs are creatures of habits. Eye contact.
06:15Go forward again. Get a bit of a breath.
06:21And you can see this is when a lot of people would opt for the treat to positively reinforce
06:25the animal, motivate the animal. I'm not saying you can't. However, I ain't going to fucking do
06:31it. We're really teaching her if leash pressure is being in a following state. You can see at
06:50the beginning of the session, she was listening. She was engaging. The dopamine was high. It's
06:57exciting to be outside the fucking house. You can see in the middle ground that she started
07:01fighting me, trying to claw me. That's why she's got a fucking muzzle on. And this is what a lot
07:05of the issues have with a lot of individuals. So you can see what I'm teaching her right now
07:09is to be in a following state. It's up with every direction that I move in. She just has to follow
07:16without any resistance. You can see it's getting better and better and better.
07:20And this is why I keep telling a lot of people, you are skipping the fucking cues all the time.
07:26You simply need to teach your dog leash pressure with five steps forward, five steps back.
07:31And as a result, what we're going to start to be doing is get her to be engaged.
07:39Go into a sit, eye contact, move forward. Really, really, really master this. You're
07:46going to get a fence line. You're going to master it. Repetition and consistency.
07:50The whole goal is for your dog to be no further than three feet, slight little bend in a perfectly
07:57parallel position. This is when you could use treats to motivate your dog. At the beginning
08:02stage, she was fantastic. Didn't need any motivation whatsoever. You can see then she
08:08had a massive attack, jumping up, clawing me. I don't want to fucking do this. But once again,
08:13it's when you get a treat to motivate her. But you can see completely unnecessary. All I had to do
08:20is walk past this for about seven, eight minutes until her conscious mind got back into a following
08:24state, a neutral state. Because remember, I don't need to use a positive reinforcement to teach
08:30leash pressure. It's completely unnecessary. Me providing the phone, the off leash, the freedom,
08:35the free roam of my house, the love, the attention, the food that I deliver to the dog.
08:41This is the necessity of the life. This is the positive reinforcement. My confidence is the
08:46positive reinforcement. I don't need to use any treats because if you use treats as a motivator,
08:51you're effectively taking the association away from you. Ultimately diluting the effectiveness
08:56of the dopamine of you. So right now, you using treats, I'm not going to lie. It will help the
09:02situation. But in the long haul, when it comes to domestication and your dog doesn't listen to
09:07on simple domestication techniques such as, or cues such as barking at the front door, barking
09:12at the fence line, having shit recall, it's because you conditioned your dog. Classical
09:17conditioning, the association is attached towards the dopamine of the food. So if you want to fucking
09:23treat your dog and get the dog to motivate right now, I'm not saying it ain't going to work. If I
09:27had a treat right now, it should be a bit more enjoyable, should be a bit more engaged because
09:30dogs are very food motivated. But the biggest issue we see of a lot of people, if you're
09:34struggling with this, you're going to be struggling with cues inside the house, such as biting people,
09:39biting dogs, resource guarding, which she's here for. And again, the whole reason why she
09:43struggles is because the dopamine is not attached towards you. And every time you use a stimulus
09:48that isn't you, which is positive reinforcement, the dopamine gets diluted. And this is where you
09:53have not classical conditioned your animal for an association to be you. You can see it's completely
09:58unnecessary. Look how well she's walking now. She's got the fucking gist of it. If I, if I give
10:04her a little, oh, see a little bit, she bites back. Eye contact, move forward. You can tell
10:11it's all about energy. I'm not talking to the dog. I'm not saying anything. And this is where we're
10:16going to start to desensitize the dog and just start to get a used to leash pressure. Good girl.
10:24See, that's the positive reinforcement. Now I'm going to get Maverick involved. Mavie come.
10:27So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk Maverick. She's extremely least reactive to all
10:31dogs. The fact that she's even getting close to Maverick this well is a massive deal. She hasn't
10:35been able to do that since. It's all it takes is a good day here at Cherry Hogs to desensitize a
10:39dog to 40 dogs. The reason why she's confident with me is because I'm navigating with her.
10:43I'm communicating in an effective manner, exactly how her native mother would. So why would she
10:47react with me when she's feeling confident? And this is the key. We say a reactive dog is an
10:51unconfident dog because they do not think that you are going to step up to the plate. So if I say
10:56Mavie come, what I'm going to do now is I'm desensitizing. Mav come. I'm just desensitizing
11:01her to the dog Maverick. Mav can kind of do whatever he wants. He can just be a typical
11:05spazzy dude or who's had two walks and now he's just fucking off his head. But what we're going
11:10to do, good boy Mav. Mav keep coming at. Mav come. I don't care what you do as long as you stay on
11:14the path. And this is the whole point what you're doing. Even though Maverick's a very neutral dog,
11:18he's not going to cause any reactivity due to his lovely gentle aura. We're just getting her
11:23used to desensitizing her and just using him as a navigation skill in order for her to fucking
11:28concentrate, navigate around the situation, desensitize her to other animals, other dogs.
11:33So it's not as easy as just leash pressure. These are the little steps that you have to do in order
11:38to reverse the behavior issues. And this is what we do. Sit. Mav come. Sit. Down. In order for them
11:48to get on with one another. This is all about the socialization, the desensitization.
11:52You can see that she's engaged with me. She ain't going to do fuck diddly squat because
11:56just for a 20 minute session right now, I've taught her that I'm in control because I'm
12:00communicating in an effective manner, exactly how a native mother would communicate. And as a result,
12:05I'm extremely positive. I'm extremely confident. And this is where she's oozing onto me. And that's
12:10why she can't keep her fucking eyes off of me. If you pussyfoot around the dog.
12:40Come on, baby. All my babies.