• last week
02:01The fighter will be here any minute.
02:05The wing.
02:06Come on, boys!
02:18Land only long enough to load the specimen gold aboard.
02:58Don't land.
02:59Dick Tracy is ahead of us again.
03:14Come on, Mike!
03:29I'm done for.
03:39Give a shot, I sure won't miss.
03:42Neither will I.
03:50Help Tracy, Mike, while I attend to these rats.
04:07Calling location three.
04:08Calling location three.
04:10Dick Tracy stopped us again.
04:12We were unable to get the specimen gold.
04:15I am returning at once.
04:32Well, Mike, let me in, will you?
04:35Hello, Dick.
04:36Well, well.
04:37Mr. Odette.
04:39Mr. Potter, I'm glad to see you, gentlemen.
04:41We took the liberty of having your servant let us in.
04:44I was anxious to know if you'd had any luck concerning Gordon.
04:48I had any trace of my brother.
04:50But I'm sure I'm on the right track.
04:52The spider ring is responsible for his disappearance.
04:54If you can think of anything we can do to help you, just call on us.
04:59Thanks a lot.
05:00Good afternoon.
05:08Oh, hello, Chief.
05:11Yes, the daughter of H.T. Clayton, the famous aviation expert.
05:15I'll be there any minute.
05:16He'll tell you the setup.
05:18All right, I'll see what it's all about.
05:20Goodbye, sir.
05:22Better comb your hair, Mike.
05:24We're going to have a caller.
05:25A girl.
05:26Oh, boy.
05:27I hope she's beautiful.
05:31Is Mr. Tracy in?
05:33Why, yes, Miss Clayton.
05:34He's expecting you.
05:46Oh, Mr. Tracy?
05:48And you're Miss Clayton?
05:50This is my assistant, Mr. Lockwood.
05:51How do you do?
05:53Well, it's all right, Miss Clayton.
05:55We all work together.
05:56So you may feel free to tell us what brought you here.
05:58It's my father, Mr. Tracy.
06:00I'm worried about him.
06:02Well, won't you sit down?
06:06Now tell me what it's all about.
06:08Well, you see, Dad's been working on a new high-speed plane.
06:12Something much faster than anything ever flown before.
06:15We've been working in the utmost secrecy,
06:17and the hangar's been under guard day and night.
06:19I see.
06:20Well, I've had a feeling for some time that something was wrong.
06:25Dad only laughed at me and told me I was imagining things.
06:30Then, last night, someone broke into the house,
06:33and they rifled his desk.
06:35Someone after the plan of his motors?
06:37Yes, I'm sure that was what brought them there.
06:45All of them worthless.
06:47They don't tell my government anything that isn't already known.
06:50But, Excellency, they were stolen from Clayton's private desk.
06:54They must be what you wanted.
06:56They don't reveal the secret of the plane's great speed.
06:59That is what I wanted, and that is what you must obtain from me,
07:02or else I...
07:03Or else what, my dear Excellency?
07:06Or else I must contact the dirigible
07:09to pick me up at once and return to my country.
07:11My government will pay well for the secret of Clayton's new motor,
07:15but for these useless papers, nothing.
07:17I said I would get it for you. That should be sufficient.
07:20I will expect word when you have accomplished our agreement.
07:23Thank you, Your Excellency.
07:25You're welcome, Your Excellency.
07:27Well, I'll be going now.
07:33I'll expect word when you have accomplished our agreement.
07:36Good day.
07:56You wanted to see me?
07:58If we fail to get the secret of Clayton's new plane,
08:01our negotiations with Durston's government will come to nothing.
08:04Can you supply him with those plans?
08:06I can do better than that.
08:08I'll deliver the plane itself.
08:10Tell me, Gordon, how will you get this plane for us?
08:12The police are guarding it.
08:13Today it takes off on its final test flight.
08:16Who knows? It may fly right into our hands.
08:24Hello, dear.
08:25Hello, Daddy.
08:26Daddy, this is Mr. Tracy.
08:29Mr. Tracy is from the Department of Justice.
08:32Happy to meet you, Mr. Tracy.
08:34How do you do, sir?
08:35I thought I told...
08:36Now, don't scold Daddy.
08:38You know how worried I've been, especially after last night.
08:41I appreciate your being here, Mr. Tracy,
08:43but really there's no cause for alarm.
08:45The plane is amply guarded.
08:47Your daughter tells me you were robbed last night.
08:49Yes, but they'll never get any of my secrets that way.
08:54You know, in a revolutionary invention such as mine,
08:58there's bound to be lots of people interested.
09:00I'm turning the plans over to our government tonight
09:03if Betty's last test flight proves successful.
09:06You? Are you the test pilot?
09:08Why, certainly.
09:09I'm the only one who has ever handled the ship.
09:11Now, you'd better run along and get into your flying togs.
09:13Well, I'll be ready when you are, Dad.
09:15Come along, Gwen.
09:19I haven't trusted it out of the family.
09:22Besides, you'll have to know your ship pretty well
09:26when you're flying 700 miles an hour.
09:29700 miles an hour?
09:30Yes, would you like to go up with Betty and see how it handles?
09:33I certainly would.
09:34Think they'll let us go, too?
09:36What, riding that thing?
09:43Everything ready? Plenty of gas and oil?
09:47Mr. Tracy's going with you, dear.
09:48Oh, fine.
09:57Now, you folks better step clear of this propeller blast.
10:00They'll be taking off now.
10:09Well, happy landings, Dick.
10:11Women drivers in automobiles is bad enough.
10:14Heaven help old Tracy up there in that crate.
10:27What are we making now?
10:29About 500. I'll open her up now.
10:41Turning over perfectly.
10:43I think I'll go back to the airport now.
10:45No, you won't.
10:47Keep her head in the way she is.
10:49Keep your hands up till I get the controls.
10:57Head back to the airport.
11:01She's going about a jillion miles an hour.
11:03That's more than a hundred in her.
11:08She'll land in a minute, right back at the hangar.
11:12What's this, a stowaway?
11:14No, he tried to hijack your plane.
11:15He nearly got away with it, too.
11:17Take him to the station, boys.
11:19Mr. Tracy, I don't know how I can ever thank you for this.
11:23I can't even tell you how much I love you.
11:25I don't even know what to say.
11:27I don't even know what to do.
11:29I don't even know what to say.
11:32I'm going to have to tell you this, Dick.
11:34I'm going to have to tell you this, Dick.
11:36I'm going to have to tell you this.
11:37I'm going to have to tell you this, Dick.
11:38I don't know how I can ever thank you for this.
11:40That's all right, Mr. Clayton.
11:41I think this is the work of the spider ring.
11:43It was not difficult to smuggle our man aboard the plane.
11:46By now, he should be.
11:48You may enter.
11:50The plane has arrived.
11:52Something went wrong.
11:53That man was captured.
11:55I saw the plane land.
11:56Dick Tracy had him.
11:58Dick Tracy again, eh?
12:00The derridger will fix me up tomorrow morning.
12:02I must have either the plane or its plans before that time.
12:08This plan shows a sectional view of the new wing design.
12:12Well, I'll certainly be glad when these plans
12:14are out of our possession.
12:15Mr. Clayton?
12:28No, if I'm not Mr. Clayton, Mr. Clayton over there.
12:32Good evening.
12:33Mr. Clayton?
12:34Yes, sir?
12:35I'm John Henry.
12:36Bureau of Aeronautics.
12:38Oh, yes.
12:39I've been expecting you, Mr. Henderson.
12:41Now, we're all anxious to get down to business.
12:43Yes, I have the plans right here.
12:45I'll get them.
12:50Aren't you afraid those plans might be stolen?
12:53It wouldn't do the thief any good.
12:56I'm the only man who can decipher the code they're in.
13:01So you're from the Bureau of Aeronautics?
13:03Why, yes, sir.
13:04How's old Joe Williams getting along down there these days?
13:08Oh, Joe.
13:09He's coming along great.
13:11Expect promotion for him any time.
13:15Joe Williams has been dead for two years.
13:17You're not from the Bureau of Aeronautics.
13:19Better put those plans in a safe place, Mr. Clayton.
13:26Mike, get Steve.
13:27Tell him I got some of the Spider's men.
13:29OK, Chief.
13:32Caught him!
13:33Caught him, Steve!
13:34Caught who?
13:35Caught the house.
13:36The Spider.
13:37The house of the Spider?
13:38I tell you, the plans won't do you any good.
14:00Hey, stop!
14:13Are you hurt, Steve?
14:14No, I'm not hurt.
14:15I tried to stop, and all I got for it was dirt.
14:20That isn't dirt.
14:21It's mud.
14:22I got it off the car.
14:23What's the matter?
14:24I can have it cleaned.
14:25It's dry as a bone here.
14:27Maybe that's it.
14:29Let's call the weather bureau and find
14:30out where it's rained recently.
14:32Where has it rained heavily in this district this afternoon?
14:38It rained this afternoon in the mountains
14:39around Caribou Pass.
14:40Caribou Pass?
14:41Well, that's where the old Beachwood Hotel is.
14:43If I only had a quick way of getting there.
14:45Dad's speed plane.
14:46Use that.
14:47It's worth a try.
15:00So you still refuse to translate your plans for us,
15:02do you?
15:30Peter, can you forge a note from this sample of his writing?
15:34Sure, Chief.
15:41Write a little note to his daughter.
15:44I think we can get her to pay us a visit.
15:46You wouldn't do that.
15:49I'll tell you what to write.
15:54I'll do it.
15:55I thought you'd see it my way.
15:59And I am.
16:09Now get busy.
16:10I expect you to have everything ready by daylight.
16:29Oh, no you don't.
16:30Give me those plans.
16:59Quick, Mr. Clayton!
17:00This way!
17:12What happened?
17:13Where's Clayton?
17:14Gone with Dick Tracy.
17:16There they go!
17:20Get the wing ready.
17:41What happened?
17:42Where's Clayton?
17:43Gone with Dick Tracy.
17:45What's that noise?
17:46I heard gunfire.
18:06Take her visit.
18:07She's ready to fire.
18:15Blast them out of the sky!
18:21Emancipate the mortar!
18:25I got them.
