• 2 days ago
02:00I'll take that necklace now.
02:02Go ahead, blow us up now and kill him too.
02:10All right.
02:13I will.
02:24Castor oil.
02:26Give me that gun.
02:27Get the plane started.
02:28I'll stall them long enough for you to get there.
02:29It's our only chance.
03:01Around the house.
03:42After him.
03:45Tell Moloch and the lane when the wing is ready.
03:47I'll be waiting for them.
04:11The fighter's taking off in the wing.
04:14Rise to the stratosphere.
04:16We want to be sure they don't follow us.
04:18Well, no use trying to chase them.
04:20My plane won't go that fast.
04:22Anyway, Steve, I got the necklace.
04:25Let's get back to town.
04:26Can I look at the necklace, Mr. Tracy?
04:29Here you are, boy.
05:04Club reported back home, sir.
05:06He and the others got away from Tracy's men in the car.
05:09We'll need them for the work at the cove.
05:22Broad will be at Whitey's.
05:23You can start now, Caston.
05:51The value of Randolph's formula, Molag,
05:53depends upon who wants to buy it.
05:55In that case, the formula of Michelinium
05:58is very valuable to us.
06:00Thanks to Mr. Callion.
06:07I'm glad you're safe, Gordon,
06:09even though you do not bring the Mogra necklace.
06:12I can still use you.
06:14What's done is done.
06:17I sent Caston over to see Randolph.
06:19Has any report come from the cove?
06:21The submarine hasn't docked yet.
06:23You don't think Callion will draw out now, do you?
06:26If I could depend upon you, Gordon,
06:28as much as I can upon Callion,
06:30the formula for Michelinium would be out of this country
06:32in another two or three hours.
06:34Our only failure so far is an inferior organization.
06:39I'm going to Whitey's.
06:44You can sign that in the usual manner, Gwen.
06:47Well, Steve, any luck?
06:49The fingerprints on that gun belong to Claude Destino.
06:57Where does Destino hang out?
06:59At Whitey's down at the cove.
07:00He's a pretty slippery customer.
07:02Whitey's stays at the cove even though it's deserted.
07:05Not staying there for love of the place.
07:08How about the gun serial number?
07:10It was filed off.
07:11We got a reading at the laboratory.
07:12It was registered to Hans Jensen.
07:14He's Randolph's watchman.
07:16Why, he's a famous chemist.
07:17The man who just perfected a new secret alloy called nickelanium.
07:20We haven't any time to lose.
07:21We're going to visit Mr. Randolph.
07:22Mike, get the car ready, will you?
07:23He's seldom home, but I've been to his laboratory,
07:25and we might find him there.
07:26That foreman mustn't get into the wrong hands.
07:48Come on in, boss.
07:49It's open.
08:05What happened to Mr. Randolph?
08:08They took it.
08:10You mean your formula?
08:11Hey, chief.
08:12There's a footprint in some oil over here.
08:14You reckon that means anything?
08:16Better take a look at that footprint, Gwen.
08:27That's the man, Mr. Tracy.
08:34I think I've got something, Dick.
08:38What do you think of it, Mr. Randolph?
08:40That looks like the typical reaction for sesame oil, Miss Andrews.
08:44It is sesame seed oil.
08:45The test is infallible.
08:47The man who stepped in that spilled alkali solution
08:50had the oil on his feet.
08:52Two and two equals the cove this time.
08:54I checked on that when I was looking up Claude Mustinum.
08:57Those warehouses there were last used by a big vegetable oil importing house.
09:01Phone Anderson, Gwen.
09:02We're going down to the cove.
09:15Get right to the waterfront, Steve.
09:45What'll it be, gents?
09:46What'll it be?
09:47You're strangers around here, I take it.
09:50Try my stew.
09:51I'm famous.
09:53You don't have to run back to these guys, Whitey.
09:55Testina here knows them, even if you don't.
10:15Come on.
10:29We got the formula all right.
10:39Come on.
10:45Any word of that submarine yet?
10:47Not since the last report.
10:48Said he docked sometime today.
11:01It's about time Canyon Submarine arrived.
11:15Gee, Testino.
11:21What'll it be?
11:36I'll take some of this stew.
11:44Come on.
12:14Where do you think you're going?
12:45You and a couple of men go back.
12:47Whitey's in trouble.
13:15Tracy is coming through the passage.
13:17Get him and bring him up to me.
13:39Don't move, Tracy.
13:41Easy, copper.
13:42Get going, Tracy.
13:43Get going, Tracy.
13:44Up the stairs.
13:45Come on.
14:04Okay, drop that gun and reach for the sky.
14:08Come on, up with him.
14:11Get in there.
14:13In the rear of the car.
14:14Gee, I helped that time, didn't I?
14:15You're dead.
14:35Come on, on your feet.
14:39Get down those stairs.
14:40Step on it.
14:42Come on.
14:51Keep him covered, Mike.
14:52That man will lead me to Randolph's formula.
15:12Dirty stuff now.
15:29We have no time to lose.
15:30Government men are up front, Mr. Callion.
15:32No morning, Grosky.
15:33Tell Captain Stark to stand by.
15:35We leave at once.
15:37Here is Randolph's formula for nickeladium.
15:39My government appreciates your efficiency.
15:43Come on.
15:56Prepare to submerge.
16:04Fill number four and seven tanks.
16:12Let's go.
16:42Subtitling by SUBS Hamburg