• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il Ministero della Salute sta dando grande importanza alla tematica della salute mentale e del benessere del cervello. È fondamentale un approccio emotivo nella cura del paziente, non solo per la diagnosi precoce. Ma soprattutto per una diagnosi tempestiva e un’adesione alla prevenzione terziaria che può essere la svolta del futuro”. Parole di Maria Rosaria Campitiello, capo dipartimento Prevenzione del Ministero della Salute, partecipando, a Roma, all’incontro ‘One brain, one health’ organizzato dalla Società italiana di Neurologia (Sin) che, in occasione della Settimana mondiale del Cervello 2025, ha presentato - presso il ministero della Salute - un decalogo per rispondere a 360 gradi a una sfida cruciale, quella della salute del cervello.


00:00Congratulations to the organizers of the event, talking about brain health is always good.
00:10OneBrain, OneHealth, so conceiving brain health also in a OneHealth perspective means that
00:16already from the first thousand days of life you have to pay attention to everything that surrounds the brain.
00:22The brain is our main action machine.
00:27Let's remember that it is now clear that health is also psychological health, as well as physical.
00:33And here is that the psychophysical well-being is fundamental for the concept of health.
00:37The WHO reminds us that it has reaffirmed the importance of the global approach to OneHealth.
00:44The Ministry of Health and Minister Lazio Schilacci have given great importance to the theme of mental health and brain well-being.
00:51Let's remember the institution of the table of mental health, which has been working for almost two years
00:57and is finally working on updating the national mental health plan.
01:03Let's remember the economic commitment that this government is investing in brain health, for example the Alzheimer's fund.
01:10It is clear that the change must be prospective.
01:13It is necessary that the government, therefore the legislator, as well as the minister and the ministry,
01:19approach brain health in an integrated way.
01:23We must not only pay attention to prevention, early diagnosis and treatment,
01:28because if the brain is well, the body is well, the human being is well.
01:33Finally, I want to remind you that, as a British study, Pinker,
01:39among the eight points of the humanization of care, puts mental health,
01:45the emotional approach to patient care is fundamental not only for early diagnosis,
01:52but above all for temporary therapy and for adherence to tertiary prevention, which can be the turning point of the future.
