• 4 days ago
EPFO EDLI Scheme: EPFO कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन (EPFO) ने Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) Scheme में 3 बड़े बदलाव किए हैं. ये बदलाव उन परिवारों के लिए राहत भरे हैं, जो किसी EPF सदस्य के आकस्मिक निधन की स्थिति में वित्तीय असुरक्षा झेलते थे. EPFO की 237वीं बैठक में लिए गए इन फैसलों से लाखों परिवारों को हर साल फायदा मिलेगा. खासतौर पर death claim process को आसान बनाने और ज्यादा सुरक्षा देने के लिए ये कदम उठाए गए हैं. आइए जानते हैं कि नए बदलाव क्या हैं और आपको इसका कैसे फायदा मिलेगा.

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00:00EPFO is a useful news for account holders of Karmachari Bhavishya Nidhi Sanghatan.
00:10EPFO has made a change in the Employed Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme.
00:15So, let us tell you in detail about the changes in this scheme, what will change and what are the losses and benefits.
00:24Under this change, it will be easier to file a claim for a person who has passed away and there will be an increase in coverage along with the insurance payment.
00:33This will help thousands of families every year.
00:36Actually, if an EPF member passes away before one year of his employment, the family does not get EDLI, Death Lab.
00:46But if an EPF member passes away before one year of his employment, his family will get an insurance of a minimum of Rs. 50,000.
00:57With this amendment, it is expected that more than Rs. 5,000 will be benefited during the year of employment.
01:06Now, if you want to know what EDLI scheme is, then in 1976, the Indian government started the EDLI scheme to provide financial security to the families of Karmacharis in a state of uncertainty.
01:20Under this scheme, life insurance is given to registered Karmacharis for EPF.
01:27Especially, this scheme covers those EPF account holders who pass away within a year of employment.
01:34Karmacharis who change their jobs also get insurance coverage.
01:38By changing the rules of EPFO, those EPF members will get the benefit of EDLI, which has recently been included in the EPF scheme.
01:47And within a year of employment, they have passed away.
01:50In such a situation, the EPF member's family will get a life insurance of a minimum of Rs. 50,000.
01:58After the amendment to the EDLI scheme, Karmacharis will now get insurance coverage ranging from Rs. 2.5 lakh to Rs. 7 lakh.
02:05In simple words, the insurance amount received under EDLI in the last 12 months is 35 times of the monthly salary.
02:16This means that if a Karmachari's monthly salary is Rs. 15,000, then he will get 35 times of Rs. 5,25,000.
02:25Along with this, he will also get a bonus of Rs. 1,75,000.
02:29The total amount received under the scheme is Rs. 7 lakh.
02:33If an EPF member takes a gap of 1-2 days while changing his job, then this service is considered a break in duration.
02:42This does not benefit the family.
02:44However, if there is a gap of up to 2 months between two jobs, then this service will be considered a continue.
02:52This will benefit more than 1,000 families every year.
02:57So, what is your opinion about this new change and rules of EPF?
03:01Give us your opinion in the comment box and keep watching GoodReturns for such updates.
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