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PF Withdrawal Via UPI: कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन (EPFO) जल्द ही अपने करोड़ों ग्राहकों को एक नई सुविधा देने जा रहा है। ईपीएफ सब्सक्राइबर्स (EPF Subscribers) जल्द ही पैसा यूपीआई (UPI) के जरिए निकाल सकेंगे। इससे पैसा निकालने में न केवल समय बचेगा, बल्कि पैसा निकालने की पूरी प्रक्रिया तुरंत हो जाएगी। जानें कैसे निकलेगा पैसा PF Withdrawal through UPI

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00:00Karmachari Bhavishya Nidhi Sangatam, i.e. EPFO, is soon going to provide its customers with the facility of withdrawing money through UPI.
00:09That is, you can now transfer the PF amount directly to your bank account through the Paytm, Google Pay, Phone Pay, etc. app at home.
00:17This facility will benefit millions of customers of EPFO.
00:21So what are the details, how will this whole process be done, let's find out in this video.
00:26So, according to reports, EPFO has already prepared a slot for UPI integration and this facility will be implemented soon.
00:34It will take less time to withdraw the PF amount from the EPFO facility.
00:38At the same time, if money is needed immediately, then this work will be done very easily.
00:43Now let's understand how you have to withdraw money.
00:46The facility to withdraw PF amount through UPI has not yet started.
00:50But the method of how to withdraw money through it has been told.
00:53First of all, you have to download the Google Pay, Paytm, etc. app on your phone.
00:58You have to link your bank with it.
01:00If you use any of these apps in the past, then you do not need to download any other app.
01:06You have to open the app and find the option of EPFO withdrawal.
01:11When this facility starts, this option will be shown.
01:14Now you have to enter your UAN number here.
01:17You have to select the type of withdrawal you want.
01:20You can withdraw the entire PF amount or some money.
01:24Some money means that according to the rules of EPFO, you can withdraw money for medical emergency, home loan repayment, or education expenses.
01:32You have to fill the same amount here and move the process forward.
01:38An OTP will come on your registered phone number.
01:41You have to put the OTP here and verify your transaction.
01:45After that, the PF money will immediately come in your bank account or digital wallet.
01:50To withdraw PF money, you have to complete the KYC of the PF account and this is mandatory.
01:56The information of Aadhar, PAN, and bank account is included in the KYC.
02:00Whether your KYC is complete or not, you can check its information online.
02:04For this, you have to log in to your PF account.
02:07For more information on this, you have to go to the official website of EPFO, epfindia.gov.in.
02:14Now let's know when this facility will start.
02:17To withdraw PF money through UPI, EPFO is talking to National Payment Corporation of India, i.e. NPCIA.
02:25This facility is expected to start in the next 2-3 months.
02:29After its start, EPF subscribers will be able to withdraw their money easily.
02:34This means that a wonderful facility is about to launch soon.
02:38If you want to withdraw your PF money, you don't have to follow a long process.
02:44You can easily transfer your PF money to your account through Google Pay or Paytm.
02:54How did you find this information and this facility? Do tell us in the comments.
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