• yesterday


00:00Previously on Wild Cards.
00:02Can we just put all our cards on the table and hash this out?
00:05There's nothing to hash out.
00:06You still don't trust me.
00:07Why should I?
00:08It's late. You shouldn't be here.
00:09You're not even on this case.
00:10I know it's hard.
00:11Birthdays for loved ones who aren't here anymore.
00:13Thanks for sticking with me on this case.
00:15It was actually really nice not to be alone yesterday.
00:17We'll never go back to the way things were.
00:19It'll just be something new.
00:23You know, something I've been thinking about is how we call ourselves artists.
00:27But, of course, our creativity is not the kind that produces, say,
00:31a magnificent work of art or a breathtaking symphony that lasts forever.
00:36No, no.
00:37The ultimate irony for us is that if we pull off the perfect con,
00:41no one will even know that we were there.
00:44We came, we scored, we evaporated. Poof.
00:47Or, as someone much smarter than I once said,
00:50our revels now are ended.
00:53These, our actors, as I foretold you, were all spirits and are now melted into thin air.
01:00We are such stuff as dreams are made of.
01:03But if this life is but a dream, it's been a wonderful one.
01:07And I'm left to ponder what I'll find on the other side when I awake.
01:19I'm glad I'm inside.
01:23Hey, Chief. Is this a sleepwalking butt doll?
01:30So what was so important about this case that it couldn't wait until daylight?
01:34There's been a murder on a private island offshore.
01:36We're heading to the marina right now to take the boat over.
01:39The victim is a Serena Pendragon, 39-year-old medium.
01:43The psychic? Oldest scam in the book.
01:46What, you're not a believer?
01:48Psychics are the lowest of low. They prey on people at the worst times of their life.
01:52And since you said private island, I'm assuming the mark was rich.
01:57You ever heard of the Hawksmoor family?
01:59As in Hawksmoor frozen seafood?
02:01Yeah, that's the one.
02:02I love their fried shrimp bites.
02:04Mm, me too. So bad, but so good.
02:08Yeah, well, the founder, Alistair Hawksmoor, disappeared seven years ago.
02:12His boat was found adrift at sea, but his body was never recovered.
02:15Let me guess, the dead psychic put her touch on Alistair's wealthy widow?
02:20Sweet gig, that must have been.
02:22Isn't that island supposed to be haunted?
02:24Yeah, I remember hearing stories about it as a kid, the haunted Hawksmoor Island.
02:28Children think everything's haunted, and then we grow up and we realize there's no such thing as ghosts.
02:32This coming from the person who believes in aliens?
02:34Aliens are people. They just live on a different planet.
02:37Ghosts are just puffs of smoke.
02:40Come on, you don't actually believe.
02:43Let's just say I want to keep an open mind.
02:50I can't see anything.
02:53The ferryman said left over the bridge.
02:56You the police?
02:57Yes, Detective Ellis.
02:59Durwood. I'm the caretaker.
03:01Durwood the caretaker. Great name. Very spooky.
03:05Can you take us to the bridge?
03:07Yeah, sure.
03:08Let's go.
03:09Okay, let's go.
03:10Okay, let's go.
03:11Okay, let's go.
03:12Okay, let's go.
03:13Okay, let's go.
03:14Okay, let's go.
03:15Okay, let's go.
03:16Let's go.
03:18Can you take us to the body?
03:20We've found it.
03:32She was stabbed in the chest.
03:35Knife, likely.
03:37Specifics, TBD.
03:39What about the time of death?
03:41The body's still cooling.
03:43Ballpark, roughly 2 a.m.
03:45Well, you were the one that found the body.
03:47Did you see anyone or hear anything?
03:49Not a peep.
03:50What were you doing wandering around in the middle of the night?
03:52Wicked storms brewing and we could lose power.
03:54I was out collecting extra firewood.
03:56All right, let's start sweeping the area.
03:58We're looking for a knife and footprints.
04:01Although, all this wet grass, I don't know how many footprints...
04:06I thought you didn't believe in ghosts.
04:08I didn't.
04:09Until I saw that.
04:11Alistair's killed Serena!
04:13Oh, no!
04:17As in Alistair Hogsmore?
04:20Except he's been dead for seven years.
04:29They must have sold a boatload of frozen fish fingers to build this joint.
04:36You're not supposed to wander about on your own.
04:40It's Alistair.
04:42He's back.
04:44He killed Serena.
04:46This is Clara, the housekeeper.
04:48And he wants to kill me, too.
04:50No, no, everything is fine.
04:52Just let me get her back into bed.
04:54Come on.
04:55Dorothy, let me help you.
05:00Up until a few weeks ago, she was sharp as a tack.
05:02Who else is on the island?
05:04Usually, it's just the four of us, including Serena.
05:07But this weekend, Dorothy's stepchildren and granddaughter are visiting.
05:10And you keep track of who comes and goes?
05:12I keep a close watch on the dock.
05:14So when Serena was killed, there was only six people on the island.
05:17Is that correct?
05:18That's right.
05:21Better fetch some more wood.
05:32There, there.
05:33Nothing to be afraid of.
05:34You're safe.
05:35Ooh, chocolate.
05:37Do you mind if I have one?
05:40It's my chocolates.
05:42Well, someone's never learned to share.
05:44Okay, now, Dorothy.
05:46Try to sleep.
05:49Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
05:57I didn't want to talk about Alistair in front of Dorothy.
05:59It'll only upset her.
06:00Does she really believe her dead husband is trying to kill her?
06:03Grief can do strange things to people's minds, I can tell you.
06:06To have your husband disappear at sea and never find the body.
06:10She never got a real chance to say goodbye.
06:13That's why Dorothy first contacted the medium.
06:16She was desperate to know if poor Alistair was at peace.
06:19Well, did she get any answers?
06:21Serena said all the usual things like,
06:23he's in a better place now and he still loves you.
06:26So why is Dorothy suddenly afraid of him?
06:29I don't know.
06:31A few weeks ago, Dorothy's mind began to wander.
06:34She believed that Alistair was angry with her, wanted to hurt her.
06:38That's when she invited Serena to come live here full time.
06:41Is there any reason why Dorothy would want to harm Serena?
06:45So, can I ask you, do you think Alistair's ghost is real?
06:49Until recently, I would have said no.
06:51Then what changed?
06:54Alistair used to smoke a particular kind of expensive cigar.
06:59Lately, I swear, I've smelled that smoke again.
07:04Another nightmare.
07:06So we've got one dead medium and a total of six suspects, all on an island.
07:09Shouldn't take too long.
07:10Unless you think there's a smoking ghost going around and stabbing people.
07:14Of course not. Our killer's obviously somebody in this house.
07:17I think it's time we met the rest of this Hawksmore family.
07:20They're supposed to be in the dry room.
07:25Hi. I'm Detective Ellis, and this is my...
07:28I am Cassandra, special police psychic consultant.
07:32A conduit for the other side.
07:34Another psychic.
07:36Yes, and we only bring Cassandra in on our very special cases.
07:42And judging by the dead medium on your lawn, you guys need my special gifts.
07:47Only if you can help wrap it up sooner rather than later.
07:50I have an open house on the mainland tomorrow.
07:52Someone is dead, sister dear.
07:54I know, brother dear. Don't use that scolding tone with me.
07:57There are more important things right now than another one of your real estate deals.
08:00We all know you have the more important job running the family business.
08:03All right. Enough.
08:05Let's not forget why we're here.
08:07What does bring you all here to the island?
08:09It's been seven years to the day our father went missing at sea.
08:12His body was never found, so he couldn't legally be declared dead.
08:16Until today, that is.
08:18Wait, I see something.
08:20A paper. A document.
08:23It looks official.
08:27A will. I see a will.
08:30Our family lawyer is arriving on the morning boat to hold the reading.
08:33And as if today wasn't sad enough, seeing how our dear stepmother's declined,
08:37and now poor Serena's murderer.
08:40Who would harm that sweet woman?
08:46You guys are too much.
08:47Ivy, quiet.
08:49Oh, come on, Mom. Who are you trying to kid?
08:51My finely tuned instrument is picking up on some negative energy.
08:55I'm sensing tension within this family.
08:57Tension my ass. Try hatred.
09:00They pretend they're sad Serena's dead, but the truth is they've bitched about her for years.
09:04Can't you control your child?
09:05When you have kids, maybe then you can give an opinion.
09:08Wait, you can't have kids.
09:10No, I can't have kids. Don't bring that up again.
09:12I can bring up whatever.
09:13Charming family.
09:15Maybe they'll invite us for Thanksgiving.
09:17This is getting us nowhere.
09:18I think we should divide and conquer.
09:21Be quiet.
09:23Clearly that psychic was out to score a payday.
09:26Preying on the bereaved and vulnerable.
09:28I can't imagine sinking as low as to conning somebody out of their money.
09:32But fraud or no fraud, she brought great solace to my dear stepmom.
09:39It's been very hard on her since Father disappeared.
09:42And where were you this morning around 2am?
09:45In bed, asleep.
09:47And you didn't hear anything unusual?
09:49No, but I take a sleeping pill, so I wouldn't wake if a train went through my room.
09:54But you know who wasn't sleeping?
09:56I have insomnia.
09:57When Father disappeared, I took over the family business.
10:00I've had trouble sleeping ever since.
10:02Must have been a big responsibility.
10:04We sell 11 million dollars of frozen fish fingers every year.
10:09Okay, so if you were up at 2am, you must have heard something.
10:12Surely some voices, a scream, footsteps.
10:14Just the sound of waves.
10:15Any idea why somebody would want to kill Serena?
10:18None at all. At least, not if the motive was financial.
10:21What do you mean by that?
10:22I'm afraid Dorothy doesn't have much time left.
10:24When she's gone, then Serena would have been dismissed anyway.
10:27So why kill her now?
10:28Honestly, I'm surprised it took them this long.
10:31They were both afraid that Serena was trying to take control of the money through Dorothy.
10:35But your grandfather's will is being read today, and they're all gonna leave here multi-millionaires.
10:40If money was the motive, how does killing Serena make sense?
10:44You have a sidekick. You tell me.
10:46You're probably in the will too.
10:48I don't care. I'd give all the Hawksmore millions for just one more day with Grandpa.
10:52I'm sensing you two are close.
10:55He was more like a father to me.
10:57Loving. Kind.
11:00Which is why I don't see what he ever saw in Dorothy.
11:02But everyone, your mom, your uncle, they speak so fondly of Dorothy.
11:06They hate Dorothy.
11:08Alastair and his first wife couldn't have children of their own, so they adopted Gil and Holly.
11:14This house was so full of love back then.
11:17After she died, Alastair was devastated.
11:19Then Dorothy swept into his life and his home.
11:23And the kids resented Dorothy?
11:25Of course. Not without reason.
11:27Dorothy can be a demanding woman.
11:29Can't abide anyone who doesn't measure up to her standards.
11:32That would include her own stepchildren?
11:34I'm afraid so.
11:35I've never seen a more spoiled bunch.
11:37Those kids are always running home when they're short of money.
11:40How did they feel about Serena?
11:42They called her terrible names behind her back.
11:45Some to her face as well.
11:47So I'm guessing they weren't too thrilled when she moved in?
11:49The last few weeks, Serena wouldn't even let them talk to Dorothy.
11:52Do you think any of them could be capable of murder?
11:54I wouldn't doubt it.
11:55If you ask me, the Hawksmoores are cursed.
12:00That must be Dick, the lawyer.
12:05Hi, I'm...
12:06You must be Dick, the lawyer.
12:08How did you...
12:09I'm Cassandra, the psychic police consultant.
12:11That's how I sensed you were the Dick lawyer.
12:15I mean, Dick, the lawyer.
12:17Tell me, how is Dorothy?
12:19She's upstairs resting, but the housekeeper said she's been asking for you.
12:22Well, I'm here for the will reading, which we should do immediately.
12:25It was a rough crossing, and I really don't want to miss the next boat back.
12:38My team is done.
12:39We're taking the body back for the full-spot treatment.
12:42Any preliminaries you can share?
12:43Dick was stabbed between 1 and 3 AM.
12:46No murder weapon turned up as yet.
12:48You're sure it was a knife?
12:49Roughly six inches long.
12:51And judging from the entry wound, it had a flat edge.
12:54I'll call with further details.
12:57Storm's getting closer.
13:00And one of these lovely people is a killer.
13:03You kids have fun.
13:10Rolling in.
13:12Look who I brought.
13:14Everyone's favorite person.
13:18And Olive said the murder weapon we're looking for is a flat-edged knife six inches long.
13:22Okay, so money-grubbing kids, check.
13:24Evil stepmother, check.
13:25And conniving fake medium, check.
13:27Serena was killed on the exact same morning that Alistair was to be declared dead.
13:31There's no way that's a coincidence. I just haven't connected all the dots yet.
13:35We're doubly grieved today.
13:37Aside from the tragic death of Serena,
13:40we are here to legally recognize the passing of Alistair Hawksmoor.
13:51Wounded in service to his country,
13:53beloved husband to Dorothy,
13:55and father to his adopted family,
13:57and, well, very dear friend to me.
14:01Time is money, Dick. Let's cut to the chase.
14:04Now that Alistair is gone,
14:07the only one whose fingerprint can open this safe
14:12is Dorothy.
14:18My dear.
14:25I could cut the tension in here with a six-inch flat-edged knife.
14:32What the hell?
14:37What the hell?
14:43Alistair has come back from the grave and wants to kill us all.
14:49Maybe I am psychic.
14:55This matches the coroner's description of the murder weapon.
14:57That's impossible. It's Dad's fishing knife.
15:01Gil, please.
15:14Great. So, you two couldn't open it,
15:17and Clara and Derwood failed as well.
15:19We always assumed the knife went overboard with him.
15:21Dorothy's back in bed? What's the game?
15:24I'm gonna need you to put your thumb on the scanner, please.
15:26Why would I stab Serena with a knife
15:28and then hide it in a safe I knew would be open in the morning?
15:30Just do as he says.
15:32Don't talk to my daughter like that.
15:38Well, there's still one person who's yet to try.
15:41I've known this family for 40 years.
15:43I mean, you can't honestly believe.
15:46Look, we just need to be sure.
15:58Well, that settles it.
16:00Dorothy has to be the murderer.
16:03For once, I agree with you. I had no idea she was so far gone.
16:06There's no way Dorothy could stab anyone.
16:08She can barely muster up the strength to brush her own hair.
16:11Well, unfortunately, facts don't lie.
16:13She's the only one that could open that safe.
16:16Max, what are you doing?
16:18We've lost cell service.
16:20Please, could we continue with the reading?
16:22Yes, but not here. We'll continue in the dining room.
16:25Until I can get a forensics team in here, this room's off limits.
16:28Oh, and needless to say, nobody will be leaving this island until I say so.
16:32I, Alistair Hawkspur, being of sound mind and body,
16:38do hereby declare this to be my last will and testament,
16:42revoking all previous wills made by me.
16:45Here it comes.
16:47To my two children, Gil and Holly,
16:50and my granddaughter, Ivy,
16:53I leave nothing.
16:57Is this a joke?
16:58I may be psychic, but I didn't see that coming.
17:00I realize I have spoiled them far too long,
17:03and it is time for them to make their own way in this world.
17:06What the hell?
17:07Therefore, I bequeath my entire estate to the one individual
17:11whose love, companionship, and support I found lacking in my family.
17:19To my beloved wife.
17:20No way.
17:21Dorothy Hawkspur.
17:22This is ridiculous. We'll take this to court.
17:24She doesn't deserve any of this.
17:25We're going to fight this.
17:26You're free, of course, to contest the will,
17:28but the last thing Alistair told me
17:30was that he trusted Dorothy to do the right thing with his money.
17:33To think of all the sucking up I've done.
17:35He loved that woman more than anything in the world.
17:38This is ridiculous.
17:39You know she has done nothing for this family.
17:41I wonder if Dorothy knew about this.
17:42Okay, let's just say that Dorothy knew
17:44that she was going to inherit her husband's entire estate, right?
17:47How does killing your trusted spiritual advisor make any sense?
17:50I mean, what problem is that solving?
17:54Is that a man's voice?
17:57Yeah, but everybody's downstairs.
17:59Get out. Leave me alone.
18:02Go away, please. Go away.
18:06Hey, hey, hey. It's okay.
18:08You're safe now, alright?
18:10Who are you talking to?
18:12Alistair. He won't leave me alone.
18:15Don't worry. There's nobody here but us.
18:20Look, you know we both heard something.
18:22This is the classic spiritualist con.
18:24There must be something hidden in this room, like a speaker.
18:27Okay, you keep your calm. I'll start looking.
18:32Alistair would never hurt you.
18:34He loved you.
18:36He's very, very angry.
18:39Why would he be angry?
18:41He wants to kill me.
18:45It's okay.
18:47Hey, come check this out.
18:54A speaking horn?
18:56A what?
18:57I used to live in an old brownstone that had one of these.
19:00Before the days of intercoms, you would speak into that horn,
19:03and you could talk to people in the kitchen or library or wherever.
19:06So these tubes could be running through the whole house?
19:08Let's find out.
19:25Max, keep talking!
19:27Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.
19:32Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life's about a dream.
19:36Row, row, row your...
19:47Hey, Max. I can hear you. I think I found it.
19:49You have a zet?
19:54There's a brick that's loose.
19:56What about my caboose?
20:00Hey, Max!
20:01Can you hear me?
20:02Yes. Stop yelling. Jeez.
20:04There's something inside the wall.
20:06Hidden treasure?
20:15Definitely not treasure.
20:25Huh. Do you see what I see?
20:28Or actually what I don't see?
20:30Yeah, the skeleton's missing an arm.
20:32This is Alistair Hogsmore.
20:34He was never missing at sea.
20:36Unless he crawled in there and walled himself up.
20:38He was murdered. Look.
20:40There's a piece of metal lodged between his ribs.
20:43Looks like the tip of a knife to me.
20:47Well, it's a perfect fit.
20:49Whoever killed Alistair seven years ago
20:51used the same knife to kill Serena.
20:53We always assumed Dad was dead, but murdered.
20:55We're sorry to break it to you like this.
20:57Does this affect the will?
20:59We just found out our father was murdered.
21:01Can you stop thinking about money for a single minute?
21:03Dick, answer the question.
21:05Legally, no. The will stands.
21:07What's all the commotion?
21:09I just put Dorothy to bed for the night.
21:11I'm afraid it's too late.
21:13What's all the commotion?
21:15I just put Dorothy to bed for the night.
21:17I'm afraid we just discovered Alistair's body
21:19in the basement behind a wall.
21:21Oh, my God.
21:23When Dorothy finds out, this will really put her over the edge.
21:25You're right. No way she can handle the estate.
21:27She's not in her right mind.
21:29If she's examined and declared unfit,
21:31conservatorship would revert to one of you.
21:33Which one?
21:35Well, I've run the family business for the last seven years.
21:37Run it into the ground, you mean?
21:39That's a lie. I should be conservator.
21:41How dare you?
21:43As entertaining as all of this is, it's getting us nowhere.
21:45She's right. What about you, Dick?
21:49You want me to manage the conservatorship?
21:53Any of it has set a theory.
21:55You've been managing our legal affairs for years.
21:57We trust you.
21:59Dick, as long as I get my fair share.
22:07Excuse me.
22:11I know you worked for Alistair for years.
22:15His murder must be a shock to you.
22:19But your tears tell a different story.
22:21How did you know?
22:23I'm psychic, remember?
22:25Does anybody else know?
22:29When Alistair and I first fell in love,
22:31we decided to keep it a secret.
22:33At least until after he divorced Dorothy.
22:35To this day,
22:37she has never found out.
22:39So he was going to end his marriage?
22:41So that we could be married.
22:49These are his love letters.
22:51All these years,
22:53I thought that he got cold feet,
22:55decided to run away.
22:57I feel so ashamed.
22:59I should have known better.
23:01Since you've been here,
23:03have you...
23:05felt anything from Alistair?
23:09Maybe if I could
23:11hold his letters.
23:25He's here.
23:27It's Alistair.
23:29It's Alistair.
23:33He says he loves you.
23:37But what?
23:39But he wants you to move on.
23:41He wants you to be happy.
23:43You've been sad for too long.
23:45When he disappeared,
23:47it was like a piece of me went with him.
23:49I guess I've hung around all these years
23:51hoping he would
23:53somehow return.
23:55He said you have such a big heart.
23:57You just have to give it to someone else.
23:59Thank you so much.
24:03Do you mind if I keep these letters?
24:05It might help with the investigation.
24:07Of course.
24:09I have nothing to hide anymore.
24:19No, listen.
24:21I'm telling you, rice has no place
24:23in a burrito. It's just filler.
24:25Look at all that space that could be going to beans.
24:27Look, that's what should be in there.
24:29The last thing you need is more beans.
24:31What the hell is that supposed to mean?
24:35Hey, what are you two up to?
24:37Well, apparently one of us is contributing
24:39to global warming, but...
24:41Ignore her. What's up?
24:43Look, the signal's hit and miss out here.
24:45I just texted you a bunch of names I need you to check out.
24:47Send me whatever you can ASAP.
24:49The storm's really kicking up out here.
24:51Not much longer.
24:53Beep, beep, beep.
24:57I don't...
25:09You're not leaving this house.
25:11What do you mean?
25:13The tides are too rough.
25:15No more crossings tonight.
25:17So what, we're stuck here?
25:21Be quiet.
25:23That there's a sofa bed for two.
25:27Right, but it's such a big house.
25:29Surely there's got to be at least two bedrooms available.
25:31The upstairs bedrooms are all occupied
25:33and the old wing is prone to flooding.
25:41You'll be nice and warm here.
25:43Call if you need anything else.
25:51You can take the bed.
25:53I'll take the bench.
25:57Okay, so
25:59Alistair was planning on
26:01divorcing Dorothy because he fell in love
26:03with the housekeeper.
26:05Right, but the lawyer said that Alistair
26:07changed the will because he loved Dorothy so much.
26:09But why leave everything to a woman you're about to divorce?
26:11Are you sure that those letters back up
26:13what Clara said? Oh, yeah.
26:15If these letters got any hotter, they would burst into flames.
26:19I forgot I scored us some snacks.
26:25You stole Dorothy's chocolates?
26:27She'll never know.
26:29I was getting kind of hungry.
26:41Got any more? Yeah.
26:43And to think
26:45we were under the same roof for so long,
26:47I was afraid to tell you
26:49how I really felt.
26:51Oh, he was shy.
26:53I still remember our first kiss
26:55in the back garden
26:57under the blue globe of full moon.
26:59But now I've come to realize
27:01that I never really started living
27:03until I found you.
27:05Oh, that's weird.
27:09It's kind of sweet.
27:13Why did he write that
27:15in neon green ink?
27:17You're crazy.
27:19The letters are bright red.
27:21Look how big
27:23the letters are.
27:25Yeah, you're right.
27:27It's like they're growing.
27:49Wait, I forget. Why were we laughing?
27:51I don't remember.
27:53I don't remember.
27:59I'm only crying
28:01because I just love him so much.
28:03He's just such a pure soul.
28:07I'm going to be away all night.
28:09You know, he's got food,
28:11but I wouldn't feel scared.
28:13You know, am I a horrible father?
28:19Why are you so far away?
28:21What do you mean?
28:23I'm right beside you.
28:27When you said
28:29you've learned to keep an open mind,
28:31what did you mean by that?
28:35I don't know.
28:37You're just going to laugh at me.
28:39I promise I won't.
28:41Make me swear.
28:43Make me swear.
28:45I've never told anyone this before.
28:47It's about Daniel.
28:49Daniel was your brother,
28:51and you are his brother.
28:53Yeah, that's right.
28:57You know, when Daniel was about five years old,
28:59he started sneaking into my bedroom at night
29:01because he was too scared to sleep alone.
29:05He said he kept hearing these noises
29:07coming from the walls,
29:09so I told him I'd sleep with him,
29:11but he didn't.
29:13I told him I'd sleep with him.
29:15We could figure it out together.
29:17And, uh, sure enough,
29:19he was right.
29:21There was something.
29:23What was it?
29:25It was a cricket.
29:27Like, ten feet long,
29:29with huge eyes?
29:31No, no, just a regular cricket.
29:33So, of course, I told him
29:35there was nothing to be afraid of.
29:37If anything,
29:39it was the cricket that was afraid.
29:41I told him that crickets make that noise
29:43when they're trying to find
29:45a partner or a friend.
29:47That, essentially,
29:49that's just a cricket saying,
29:51I feel alone.
29:53So then Daniel leaned into
29:55this little hole that was in the wall,
29:57and he just whispered,
29:59It's okay. You're not alone.
30:01I'll be your cricket.
30:03That's so sweet.
30:07And then the sound just stopped.
30:09It was the strangest thing.
30:13So anyways, after that day,
30:15if either one of us was ever upset
30:17or sad or alone,
30:19we'd just whisper,
30:21I'll be your cricket.
30:25I feel like I'm crying.
30:27Can we cry?
30:29Cricket became like a code word
30:31for us.
30:33You know, if you said that,
30:35you didn't need to say anything else.
30:37You knew that whatever you were facing,
30:39you weren't gonna have to face it alone.
30:47On the day
30:49of Daniel's funeral,
30:51I went back
30:53to my apartment.
30:57I'd never felt so sad,
30:59so, uh,
31:03I was really
31:05missing my cricket.
31:07And then all of a sudden...
31:13I heard this noise,
31:15so I followed it to my bedroom,
31:17and then when I saw the door open,
31:19right there on the windowsill
31:21was, uh...
31:23Your cricket?
31:35I'll be your cricket.
31:57I'll be your cricket.
32:23Yeah, yeah, I'm right here.
32:25Stop yelling.
32:27What are you doing under the bed?
32:29I don't know.
32:31What happened last night?
32:35turned on the fire,
32:37and we read Alistair's letters,
32:39and then...
32:43Did we?
32:49We did, didn't we?
32:51We did.
32:53How did that happen?
32:57Dorothy's chocolates.
32:59I think we were dosed.
33:01Oh, God.
33:03You know, this reminds me
33:05of my long-lost weekend at Joshua Tree
33:07circa 2019.
33:09I met this wandering group of yoga masters,
33:11and when I say we,
33:13stretch the limit.
33:15Okay, Max, TMI.
33:17Wait, you know what? That explains it.
33:19Dorothy isn't losing her mind.
33:21At least Grandma still knows how to party.
33:23I think someone's been drugging Dorothy
33:25without our knowledge.
33:27And I guess we were caught in the crossfire.
33:29Look, I think we should
33:31probably talk about...
33:33Yeah, we probably should.
33:37But maybe we should
33:39find that killer first?
33:41Yeah, you're probably right.
33:43Okay, I'm gonna go outside
33:45and see if I can't get signal.
33:47Simmons and Yates might have an update.
33:49Let's check out those chocolates.
33:51You good? Yeah.
33:55No hits on the handyman, the housekeeper,
33:57or any of the kids.
33:59What about the lawyer?
34:01Funny you should mention him.
34:03Turns out Dick's been living on his boat in the marina
34:05ever since separating from his wife.
34:07Last time I checked, that's not a crime.
34:09Well, according to the marina manager,
34:11Dick's boat wasn't docked the night of the murder.
34:13And that weird marina guy said that he saw Dick
34:15leaving at 1 a.m. and, get this,
34:17Hey, so what are you waiting for? Go check out his boat.
34:19Yeah, we already did. We found recordings of
34:21Dick and Alistair's legal conversations.
34:23Dick spliced them together. I texted you a
34:25sample of the audio file.
34:27I have returned
34:29from the grave to take
34:31you with me.
34:33That sounds like the voice we heard coming from Dorothy's room.
34:35What the hell is going on over there?
34:37Have you guys been slimed yet?
34:39Normally we would bring Dick in,
34:41but until this storm lets up...
34:51Game's up, Clara.
34:53We know you're drugging Dorothy.
34:55What are you talking about?
34:57The chocolates.
34:59They're laced or something.
35:01What are you putting in these?
35:03Nothing. I just opened the box
35:05and put them on Dorothy's tray,
35:07but they're not drugged. Dick's been sending
35:09them for years.
35:11The lawyer is sending these? Dorothy loves them.
35:13Always has one in the morning and one at night.
35:19There's a pinprick in the bottom.
35:25And in this one too.
35:27Looks like it was done with a
35:29hypodermic needle. That's so strange.
35:31Serena was asking about the chocolates too.
35:33The medium? What did she say?
35:35Just that she wanted to know who sent them.
35:37Come to think of it,
35:39that was the day
35:41before she was murdered.
35:43Leave me alone!
35:53Hey. What's going on?
35:55She's heard the voice again.
35:57It's okay. There's no one here.
35:59I know your secret.
36:03I'd know his voice anywhere.
36:05Clara, get Dorothy out of here, please.
36:07Come on, Dorothy.
36:09That's okay.
36:11There's no way that could be Alistair's voice.
36:13It's impossible. Yeah, not unless you know how the trick is done.
36:15It's coming from over here.
36:17I know your secret.
36:23I know
36:25your secret.
36:27So it wasn't coming from the
36:29speaking tube after all.
36:31It said to a timer, meant to go off several
36:33times throughout the day.
36:35It was a scam.
36:37The family lawyer.
36:39That Dick.
36:43Serena was asking
36:45about the chocolates before she was murdered.
36:47So she must have figured out that they were dosed.
36:49Well, the coroner said the time of death is between
36:511 and 3 a.m. Now, we know Dick left the marina
36:53at 1. We're roughly 45 minutes
36:55by boat. So what, he docks
36:57on the other side of the island, kills Serena,
36:59and then leaves without anyone knowing.
37:01Yeah, it tracks. So Dick was
37:03trying to make everyone believe she was crazy.
37:05And then he takes over the Hawksmoor fortune.
37:07So did Dick
37:09kill Alistair too? If only the dead could
37:13Maybe they can.
37:17I don't get it.
37:19Why are we all here? Is it about the well?
37:21Has there been a development?
37:23You could say that.
37:27We have been summoned
37:29by the other side.
37:33Are you ready to speak to the dead?
37:39May I get you your robe?
37:41Oh, leave me alone
37:43and don't fuss.
37:47Well, the will has been read.
37:49Why am I not rid of all of you yet?
37:55Alistair has
37:57something to tell us.
37:59Could you all close your eyes and hold hands, please?
38:09Alistair Hawksmoor,
38:11your family is here to help you cross
38:13to the other side. Are you
38:15here? Knock one for yes,
38:17twice for no. If he's not here,
38:19how can he knock twice? I said,
38:21are you here?
38:25Thank you, spirit.
38:27Do you smell that?
38:29Is that? It's Grandpa's cigar.
38:31Me too.
38:33Alistair has a message
38:35for us, but he says he
38:37needs a human vessel.
38:39Please don't be alarmed about what you're about to witness.
38:53I am
38:59why have you returned? To seek
39:01justice. I know who killed
39:03Serena. Is there someone in this room?
39:13Dick killed Serena.
39:17That's crazy.
39:19Serena knew he was drugging Dorothy to try
39:21and take over my estate.
39:23You little rat.
39:25I mean, did you seriously believe that?
39:27He killed her with the same knife
39:29that he tried to kill me with.
39:31I thought you were my friend and you killed me.
39:33I'm not taking the fall for this.
39:35I didn't kill you.
39:37She did.
39:39Shut up, you fool.
39:41Oh, that's right.
39:43I remember now.
39:45Dorothy killed me.
39:47She found out you were gonna divorce her.
39:49You bitch. She killed you.
39:51She called me in to clean up the mess, just like
39:53I've been cleaning up the messes of you spoiled rats.
39:55Yeah, but she always knew Serena was a fraud.
39:57She was just keeping a psychic around to help her
39:59play the grieving widow. And after you
40:01walled up Alistair's dead body in the basement,
40:03you forged a new will.
40:05But when Serena discovered that you were drugging Dorothy's
40:07chocolates, she confronted you. See, she figured out
40:09that you were gonna declare Dorothy incompetent
40:11so you could swoop in and take control of the estate.
40:13Therefore, Serena had
40:15to die. Dick,
40:17you've ruined everything.
40:19Dorothy, you killed my father?
40:21You killed Grandpa.
40:23For a few minutes, you killed my father.
40:25After all of these years, you lived at his house.
40:27Oh, I did not see that coming.
40:29Guess I'm not so psychic after all.
40:43So Dorothy paid Dick
40:45to hide the body and keep his silence.
40:47Rather than chance a murder investigation,
40:49they decided it'd be safer to just conceal
40:51the murder and wait out the years
40:53until Alistair could be declared dead.
40:55But Dick got greedy and decided to
40:57double-cross Dorothy.
40:59He was the one who originally installed the safe, so
41:01he knew the master code to bypass
41:03the fingerprint scanner. And Alistair's
41:05will that was read? Dick forged
41:07that. But luckily,
41:09Alistair's intentions were clearly spelled
41:13In these love letters,
41:15he planned to marry you and change his
41:17will to make you the sole beneficiary.
41:19She was too generous. I told him I didn't want
41:21anything but him.
41:23Thank you, both,
41:25for everything. Of course.
41:31that's that. Yeah,
41:33I guess that's that.
41:37We should probably talk about... Yeah, we need to talk about...
41:39Go ahead. No, you first.
41:41Look, I just don't want to do
41:43that thing where we pretend like something didn't happen.
41:45Of course not. Because
41:47something definitely happened.
41:49But I don't want it
41:51to be weird between us, you know? Well, me
41:53neither. Because we worked together and I thought we were
41:55finally getting to a good place.
41:57Me too. Okay.
41:59Good. Yeah.
42:01So, you can
42:03just put this behind us? It's already
42:05fading so fast in the rearview mirror.
42:17By the way, it was really cool what you did back there
42:19in this house. What do you mean?
42:21Alistair's cigar smell. I didn't do that.
42:23I thought that was you. Okay,
42:25don't play with me. I'm dead serious, Max.
42:27I didn't do anything. Well, then who was it?
42:45Just arrived this morning.
42:47Must be for the office. P.S. We're out of coffee.
42:49Love, Max.
42:51You know, no one's stopping you
42:53from buying more coffee once in a while,
43:05Say cheese.
43:09I seem to remember reading
43:11somewhere that tequila has a
43:13natural source of caffeine in it.