• yesterday


00:00Previously on wild cards you must be willing to walk away from anyone at the
00:04drop of a hat if you cannot that's your warning sign to cut the moose I'm really
00:08gonna miss this condo the last of the packages are soon to arrive and then we
00:12grab the payday of ten lifetimes I just don't want to do that thing where we
00:16pretend like something didn't happen something definitely happened
00:31oh my god yep death by stiletto hmm sad irony to be killed by the thing you
00:40love most be like if Simmons was killed by a burrito or if Yates was killed by
00:44no keep that in the partner vault probably not appropriate for the
00:48Commissioner oh yeah good point this is raw footage from a reality show you've
00:52never heard of the luxurious ladies of Linden Avenue why would I because it's
00:56amazing they're only like 10 season yeah people go crazy for it evidence by the
00:59number of calls I've gotten from the press since the body was discovered
01:02which is why you're all here Commissioner oh thank you Jim
01:07Oh honey like you asked now that's service Simmons and Yates have been on
01:14the case since it was called in yesterday but Commissioner Russo would
01:17like all hands on deck of course whatever you need Commissioner what was
01:20a cast doing all together well they had a girl's trip episode they rented a
01:23mansion you know get the cast under one roof for maximum drama and wine throwing
01:27yeah only this time one of the wine throwers ended up dead happened around
01:301130 p.m. yeah there were no cameras in the upstairs area or in the individual
01:34bedrooms but all the women say they were in bed for the night at 1130 yeah they
01:37were exhausted from a full day of tequila drinking and passive-aggressive
01:40behavior any suspects call was coming from inside the house as per the outdoor
01:44cameras no one injured nobody was in the mansion except for the cast and a small
01:48crew so who's shoe was it I mean the murder weapon
01:50Veronique's in fact earlier in the season during an argument with the other
01:54women she declared quote cross me and I will stab you in the back with my
01:59stiletto and quote looks like one of the other women beat Veronique to the punch
02:03or should we say stab cast have gone home I take it not exactly filming shut
02:07down so they could process the scene but they're gonna pick right back up tomorrow
02:10even though their friend was just murdered they say it's what Veronique
02:13would have wanted I'm pretty sure what she would have wanted was to not be
02:17stabbed with the shoe celebrity murders are the bane of any police department's
02:20existence they attract an unruly amount of attention and if you don't solve them
02:24that's all people remember now I am NOT having my mayoral campaign tanked by a
02:28bunch of overpaid reality stars so if the show won't halt production we need
02:33someone on the inside like who
02:44hi ladies I'm your new castmate it's so good to meet all of you
02:54I'm Aurora Banks now I know what you're thinking yes Stuart Banks the network
03:01president is my uncle yeah uncle Steve's the best anyways enough about me I've
03:06already heard so much about all of you you were right to call in an expert
03:10seriously this is the consultant you were talking about chief if you were
03:15sending your people to infiltrate the model would you brief them with the
03:18organized crime task force obviously well the dynamics of the players in
03:22question are more complex than any cartel mob or foreign dictatorship and
03:27depending on the alcohol intake more dangerous and what qualifies you as an
03:31expert not to brag but I've seen all ten seasons at least three times and I have
03:36one of only 200 candles from Veronique's now defunct scented candle company
03:40defunct what happened there all the candles they were supposed to smell like
03:44cinnamon but due to a production mishap ended up smelling like armpits you still
03:49kept it obviously because I'm a true fan may I continue fine let's take a
03:56look at who we're dealing with first up our victim Veronique she's consummate
04:01HBIC sorry HBIC head bitch in charge aren't you teaching him these things
04:06it's hard when they have no desire to learn Veronique's an OG cast member and
04:11ruthless as hell she notoriously dates much younger men oh we stan a cougar
04:16and also she drops a bombshell about one of the other ladies every finale
04:20that's the ace up her sleeve so maybe one of the other cast members killed her
04:23keep their secret from coming out if Veronique is the Queen who's next in
04:29line to the throne I'm Talia Talia is also an OG she's
04:33Veronique's bestie and the one who found the body she's married no kids she and
04:37her husband struggled for years to conceive she's been very forthcoming
04:40about that eventually she let go of that dream to focus on other things like her
04:45sobriety for one she got sober five years ago but recently there's been some
04:50rumors that she's fallen off the wagon you think that's true it's hard to say
04:53in this world what's said on camera and what's true are often two very different
04:59things but word is they caught the incident filming this season you are
05:03just in time for one of my famous mango mint mocktails or since you're not eight
05:09maybe juice boxes aren't your thing we have a whole crate of tequila and red
05:13wine I'm Jasmine Jasmine is a former New York party girl and current happily
05:19married woman with the perfect life and husband what exactly does she do it's
05:25not about what any of them do it's about what they they want you to think they do
05:30for instance Jasmine just dropped her new single my songs called too drunk to
05:37remember your name parenthesis or mine it's about partying but also it's about
05:53yes so bad it's legendary hello I'm Countess Katerina Katerina's from an
06:01obscure Slavic country that no one on the show can pronounce she's a countess
06:06and mentions it whenever she can my husband's account he friends with your
06:10uncle hi I'm Clementine there's not much to say about Clementine she's new
06:16on the show but based on her online presence she seems a little boring I
06:20don't know if anybody's told you this trip is my divorce party welcome those
06:27are the basics but I will be there as an on-site tech in your ears the whole time
06:33feeding you info as needed you're the best Ricky thank you I agree so Max is
06:39posing as a new cast member and what is Ellis doing hey you Greg that's what
06:46they tell me Rodney the network sent me to clean this mess up oh yeah the crisis
06:50producer so glad they sent you man God knows we need it I'll do what I can
06:53make sound more than qualified you produced on The Bachelor when the girl
06:56had the skydiving accident then survival with a snake bite there that was rough I
07:00hate snakes well snakes got nothing on these ladies not to mention the network
07:05chose now of all times to send in a new cast member gotta be kidding what's she
07:08like yeah she's a network nepo baby so I can't say a word about it you just
07:12better not be boring you know these women they're petty superficial
07:19narcissistic you name it but murderers I kind of find that hard to believe but
07:24after all these seasons nothing would surprise me that's crazy you're gonna
07:27finish the season without Veronique tell me about it speaking of which what was
07:31the secret she was gonna drop in the finale yeah network won't shut up about
07:34it no idea and now I have to reconceive the entire finale dinner on that note I
07:39got some brainstorming to do okay I'm here to help okay why don't I take those
07:43confessionals off your hands that's where I do my best work baby of course
07:45yeah work your magic and welcome the team thanks I can't believe Veronique is
07:57gone or the fact that there could be a murderer among us I just I cannot talk
08:03about this right now you guys know what else is like death divorce and this is
08:08supposed to be my divorce party remember it is very tragic the thing that's
08:13happened Wow Katarina what a groundbreaking
08:16observation why are you rolling eyes why are you saying things that add nothing
08:20to the conversation you are very good girl get your hands out of my face your
08:24hands out of my face stop your bickering I agree plus we're supposed to head into
08:32our grief meditation session to help me grieve my marriage since I'm getting
08:37divorced but obviously now we're grieving Veronique of course this is a
08:42clear thing to grieve yes of course Veronique
08:49breathe in happy memories of Veronique breathe out the pain of her sudden death
09:03breathe in the certainty that your friend is at peace breathe out any
09:13questions of your own mortality so who do you think did it did what who do you
09:25think killed Veronique oh I mean I don't know wait you don't think I did it do
09:31you no no of course not because I would never I have so much to lose my husband
09:37my home my new music career huh you would never breathe out any weight
09:44you're still holding on to I will say breathing it out I wonder about Clementine
09:51Clementine but she seems so boring I know but no one can be that boring plus
09:58I saw her walking the grounds out my window the night Veronique was murdered
10:01huh do you know what time 1111 on the dot I remember because I saw her right
10:06after I wish for my single to hit number one on Billboard charts ladies
10:11less chatting and more breathing out your traumas
10:20Veronique is dead but I am
10:26not dead Veronique is dead but I'm not dead okay
10:34Katerina's up first what can you tell me about her well Katerina's main
10:37storyline on the show is her feud with Jasmine those are the two that were
10:40fighting earlier right it's all they do every time it seems like they've buried
10:43the hatchet one of them digs it up again sounds chaotic it is and makes for
10:48excellent television you can't see it but I just did a chef's kiss gesture
10:54kiss what should I say to her to get her to open up easy just ask about Boris's
10:58arthritis Boris who's that her husband no he's her Shetland pony countess
11:04Katerina welcome I'm Rodney hello
11:10why don't you have a seat we'll get started right away I'm Liam I'm a camera
11:15nice to meet you Rodney that's Tim okay let me know when you're ready to roll
11:22good to go good countess Katerina my first and most
11:26important question for you is of course how's Boris doing with you away ah my
11:32little Barbara is such good boy my husband Z count he's sending me photos
11:38this morning I miss Boris so much especially since trip is horrible yes
11:44I'm sure it was very upsetting to see your friend like that I cannot believe
11:48that Veronique is how you say stomps fail you mean kick the bucket yes what
11:56can you tell me about the night of earnings murder yeah that night we go
12:01sleep early Jasmine drank too much divine and she's
12:04running her bitch mouth yes why don't you get along with Jasmine because she's
12:08having bitch mouth right okay do you think she could have killed Veronique
12:14Jasmine no she's awful terrible bad close but no killer though I am seeing
12:23Clementine go kitchen at time when murder really do you remember what time
12:28that was yes it was 10 after the 11th okay I got the tea and it's piping hot
12:34scalding you're gonna eat aloe vera that's how hot this tea is okay max I
12:39get it just spit it out according to Jasmine Clementine was walking on the
12:43grounds at 1111 around the time of the murder which means Clementine lied in
12:49her witness statement right but Katerina said she saw Clementine go down in the
12:52kitchen at 1110 so she couldn't have been in two places at the same time
12:54it's weird how they both mentioned Clementine I think they're in cahoots
12:58yeah those two are like tequila and red wine they don't mix well something's up
13:03I'm gonna call Katerina back in let me try I'll level with her diva to diva
13:11Katerina I brought your favorite two bottles of wine
13:35maybe not like tequila and red wine
13:49I am saying here is to risky no new girl catch us don't panic how can we get you
13:56not to tell what do you mean we're both married my husband is like toxically
13:59jealous and there's an infidelity clause in my prenup if he leaves me I get
14:03nothing and I have titles through husband as we count if he doing divorce
14:06me I was countess and then what am I just said girl we'll do whatever you
14:11want just don't spill the beans on the show you want money the car Katerina's
14:16pony look I'm not trying to ruin any of your lives okay you can trust me but
14:21tell me the truth this wasn't the first time was it we have been in love for
14:26years now that's a plot twist we met on the
14:29show and it was immediately like it I guess sometimes you just know hmm in my
14:36country we say someone hits you overhead with a frying pan of love sounds better
14:41language you know I get it okay but why pretend to hate each other as long as
14:47refuting we stay on the show and as long as we're on the show you get to see
14:50each other in all these years and nobody found out about this until recently what
14:55do you mean right before the trip Veronique told us she knew we still do
14:58not know how is she gonna spill your secret on the season finale no clue
15:01Veronique wasn't exactly predictable so you two killed her to keep the truth
15:07from coming out of course not not we weren't together when Veronique was
15:12killed together like like doing sex time yes Natalia screamed and we raced out so
15:18fast we accidentally put on each other's robes yes and before that when we're
15:22making the sex time Jasmine sees Clementine out the window 1111 mm-hmm
15:28told her about it and she did and when producer is finger pointing to Jasmine I
15:32panic and I say the wrong thing English it is not my first language and I am
15:36sometimes making them mixed up we didn't want anyone dead we just love
15:41each other and don't want that to change well if you love each other isn't change
15:45worth it we'd be left with nothing I mean what would we do you know what I
15:53think you two need this more than I do
15:59yep what Mac said checks out you see the monograms
16:03Jasmine's and Katerina's robe and Katerina's and Jasmine's tbh I love this
16:09for them so maybe they were together when Veronique was killed unless it's a
16:13cover-up they did both have motives since we're
16:15anything their secret but Max thinks they're telling the truth well assuming
16:18Jasmine and Katerina aren't lying and likely Clementine wasn't in her room at
16:23the time of the murder this is Rodney here can I get Clementine to the
16:28confessional room I repeat Clementine to the confessional room over what that
16:35was very convincing perhaps you missed your true calling as an overworked
16:39underslept cat hair covered reality show producer yeah I would be happy to help
16:44you know Ed from Sundance he's actually a close family friend so I could show
16:48him your short film Wow thanks tell you're so nice of course
16:54shit anytime Talia I I didn't have you scheduled I'm ready to talk about
16:59Veronique okay well then we'll get started here it's Clementine get it like
17:06yeah I get Clementine I want to get this over with now but Clementine we'll get
17:15to you next okay promise you want a cough drop I have those uh ones that
17:24you like with a lemon honey and eganesia oh yeah thank you yeah all right
17:32ready as I'll ever be Talia what can you tell us about the night of Veronique's
17:42there's something wrong my best friend is dead and I have to talk to you about
17:47it for a stupid TV show you know what I actually don't think I can do this I
17:52gotta be honest I really don't I know these things can be difficult to talk
17:55about okay how would you know my brother was actually murdered two years ago he
18:05was yeah look at the time I couldn't put my grief into words I barely can
18:13now when people try to tell you it it gets easier but it doesn't that grief
18:20just stays the same size some days you're stronger you know it's easier to
18:25carry in other days they're not you know I'm just I'm so angry you know I
18:40should still be here I understand that anger trust me I've been there and tell
18:45me you were the first person to find Veronique right I I want to take her a
18:56sleeping pill and there she was bloody after that it's like I'm underwater you
19:05know I hear screaming and realize it's me I'm screaming people talking I can't
19:12make anything out focus on her
19:20dad oh that's when I thought my year could not get any worse any worse what
19:28do you mean well I'm five years sober congrats that's huge thank you it is
19:38especially since my worst drunken moments are documented on the show they
19:43called me trainwrecked and the nickname was accurate sure that's hard to watch
19:49now oh I can't I don't it's too disturbing it's like I was possessed
19:57during those seasons you know just drinking away my shame but then I got
20:02sober and things got clear good for you that's definitely my biggest
20:09accomplishment and I would not just throw it away like so many people are
20:15saying yeah I heard about the incident two months ago no my drink was spiked
20:20okay I would not do that to myself somebody sabotaged me give any idea who
20:26could have done no idea Veronique was the only one that believed me she knew
20:32how important my sobriety is to me because she knew you exactly she had her
20:38flaws well but I've never had a friend like that I probably never will again
20:48look I hate to ask but I have to being her best friend do you have any idea
20:54what that secret was that she was gonna drop at the finale dinner no no she um
21:01she didn't tell me things like that she was way too strategic with the show
21:06that's what made her so good you know what um I think I really need to rest
21:11right now of course oh there's anything else I can do just let me know thank you
21:19hey um I'm really sorry about your loss thank you I mean it and I hope you have
21:26more strong days than weak ones you too
21:35okay take two I have so much to tell you about
21:39places for the filler party seriously
21:46yes know what a filler party is hey so these women get fillers on camera
21:52that's some kind of a party for them it's keeping up with the Joneses out
21:55here in this world the Joneses put chemicals in their faces all right let's
21:58get started Clementine take it away thank you for coming everyone given us
22:05this is my divorce party I thought fillers would be a great way to move in
22:09to our next chapters our nurse has everyone's individual brands based on
22:12your requests so just let her know your name enjoy
22:16aren't you getting filler oh I'm good I already got some in my ankle it's the
22:22latest trend in nice
22:26sorry I'm a bit paranoid could you just check for air bubbles in the needle oh
22:41my god what is it in that
22:46someone put acid in Clementine's syringe
22:59that was so scary your whole life must have flashed before your eyes same thing
23:04is happening to the side of my country in 96 he's face it is very melt I can't
23:09believe someone would want me dead I've never done anything to anyone I have no
23:15idea how that got into the syringe I prepared everything myself was it
23:19possible somebody could have tampered with materials well I was away from them
23:23when I was getting miked hey excuse me all shooting is paused
23:28while we investigate of course Liam I have a room where we can review some of
23:33the footage from the incident if you'd like officers yes thank you
23:37producer man guy boy real slick where are you going right I'm just gonna stay
23:49here good job officers thank you what can I say I just love to your crime
23:59right this way officers scram kid it's official police business
24:04leave that muffin also official police business
24:12look the nurse lifts up the needle and takes it out of the box okay so the
24:17needle wasn't switched in this moment hmm meaning there's no on-camera
24:20evidence it was ever tampered with
24:35this is where you anticipate the acid and you move your leg you weren't
24:41paranoid about air bubbles you faked an attempt on your own life didn't you yes
24:47wait what wait a minute how are we getting this footage the cops said no
24:51recording during the interrogations there's no way I was missing this it's
24:54obvious Clementine you killed Veronique you set this whole thing up to throw
24:58everyone off you sent I mean why else would you do something so crazy this is
25:02my divorce party my time to shine but then Veronica died and everybody forgets
25:07that it's supposed to be about me you faked an attempt on your own life for
25:10attention yes okay I'm not proud of it wait where the hell would you find acid
25:19on a girl's trip I had my assistant bring it in this morning I didn't want
25:23to harm anyone I swear and of course I didn't murder Veronique not a murderer
25:28too boring for that at least that's what Veronique thought I mean by that I mean
25:34at the beginning of the trip Veronique told me that she looked into me and
25:38discovered that I have no secrets I am just exactly as boring as I seem sick
25:45burn that doesn't explain the fact that you lied about where you were when she
25:48was killed truth is I was on the phone with my husband I want Larry back I miss
25:58him so much but I was too embarrassed to admit anything because well this is my
26:04divorce party
26:13pathetic little poser how dare you tarnish my best friend's memory you are
26:19disgraced to a country
26:30all right Clementine said in downtown while we check her out by either way
26:34she's facing a reckless endangerment charge yeah we're gonna need to do some
26:38interviews who do you want to talk to first let me see here did you scowly guy
26:47and then short one with questionable fashion sense rude all right move it
26:55is that bear Wow the women on the show have done things for attention before
27:00but acid syringe to the face it's next level look acid syringe or not if
27:05Clementine's alibi checks out we're back to square one okay so Clementine said
27:08that Veronique was looking into her what do you think that means some girl
27:12fashion social media stalking yeah that's how I found out my ex adopted a
27:16French bulldog evil bitchness just had hurt me no no chance Veronique was
27:21anywhere near social media she was a notorious Luddite she still used a
27:25flip phone he wanted to get dirt on someone but didn't know how to use a
27:28computer haven't you get it
27:33apparently she hired a private investigator of course should have
27:38guessed that we'd find those payments and Veronica's financials well I mean
27:41it's the old-school way to find out your co-workers dirty secrets speaking of
27:46which you want to hear some of mine I most certainly do not okay well you're
27:52missing out because one of them involves a blitzer prize winner and a sex robot
28:07I can't believe this I left the office around 5 like always does anything seem
28:15out of place about the scene to you his laptop is missing he always keeps it on
28:22his desk it's got all his case files that's most likely what they were after
28:25except he always kept hard copies of everything in a storage room down in
28:29the basement in case anything ever happened to the laptop or to him for
28:33that matter I guess we know where we're heading next
28:41sorry I'm late took me a second to fit into this thing for the finale dinner
28:49oh you look you look nice thank you oh can you help me zip up I can't reach
29:08you are playing with fire Maximus there you go
29:19um so so Clementine's alibi checks out her husband said they were on the phone
29:31for over an hour and she'll stop talking
29:38hello you're not gonna believe what we found in this PI's file seriously this
29:42is Pulitzer Prize winner and sex robot levels of dirt when you find out well
29:46according to this file Veronique was sleeping with Liam the camera guy
29:49that's the one you know Liam conveniently failed to mention that when
29:52we were questioning him there's more boxes so we'll send you photos as we
29:55work through okay keep us posted happy that this affair changes everything
30:00Liam was in the mansion when Veronique was murdered he was the one shooting the
30:04footage of the body being found maybe we missed something in the video well I
30:07know someone who likes a rewatch Liam and Veronique were doing the no pants
30:13dance can you believe it honestly yes she loved them young and pretty but
30:16she'd always cut them loose there's a tick-tock supercut of Oliver
30:20Himbo's crying post dumping set to Celine Dion it's hilarious all right
30:27enough okay we need to hurry it's almost time to roll on the finale dinner all
30:30right all right let me cook holy spit take did you just see what
30:35Gates and Simmons said about Talia yeah looks like Talia's got some secrets of
30:39her own how does this fit into the picture I don't know one thing at a
30:43time footage first Ricky and voila my feet should be on your screen we got it
30:48all right here we go sports fans
30:53all right go back did you hear that what do they think Ricky rewind it and play
31:02it again turn up the volume you just hear what I just heard yeah but we need
31:07more proof than that okay well we better get it so last night of filming aka the
31:11last night we're all gonna be under the same roof aka the last night we can
31:13solve this under cover Ricky we need more time good news ducklings you have a
31:19reality television expert here to advise you what does it have to do with reality
31:23television everything in this world there are ways of going about a finale
31:27dinner lucky for you it'll give you the time you need all right let's bring in
31:33the ladies all right ladies this is our last dinner of the season let's start
31:49it off with sharing a little something about Veronique shall we I can start I
31:55cannot believe Veronique is gone Veronique was my best friend in the
32:01entire world and the fact that she believed in me meant everything so I
32:06would like to raise a mango mint mocktail to Veronique V I'll be seeing
32:14you I want to say something about Veronique but I've just learned
32:23information I can't keep it in the camera boy was secretly stooping
32:26Veronique yeah he must have killed her that's why he kept the affair from the
32:31cops no no I I didn't I didn't kill her I swear that sounds like a guilty
32:35confessional to me it looks like we found our murderer no Liam did not kill
32:41Veronique how would you know
32:45because I did
32:51I did it okay I am the killer no you're not why would you lie because
33:00Talia is his mother I'm gonna win an Emmy for this just wait I think it's
33:10better come on humans we are hurtling towards the big finale here Liam is
33:16Talia's biological son a few years ago she pulled a few strings and got Liam a
33:21job on the show is that true I had you when I was only 17 giving you up was the
33:27hardest thing I've ever had to do that's why I drink running away from my
33:32shame but then I finally got sober and I got the courage to track you down I saw
33:38that you were in film school and I made the show give you a job having you
33:42around me every day kept me sober that's what made it so much harder for me when
33:47my drink was spiked why didn't you tell me I didn't tell anyone even Veronique I
33:53didn't think I deserved to have a relationship with you so I had to tell
33:58myself that I just had to be happy just to be around you every day and then I
34:02found out about you and Veronique when did you find out the day before she died
34:08Liam was setting up a shot Veronique was in glam getting touch-ups they shared
34:14these secret looks and then I knew Veronique was the same with all her
34:18young boyfriends she just tossed them aside when she was done with them and I
34:23knew she would do the same to you eventually and then she was gonna want
34:26you off the show and I was not about to let that happen
34:29not when I fought so hard to have you back in my life
34:33so I I went to her room
34:39and I killed her I mean it's a good story but it's not the real one yes it
34:45is no it's not you're protecting your son yes you went to Veronique's room to
34:52confront her when you went there she was already dead because someone else
34:57killed Veronique you were pushing it little mama yeah be worth it for this
35:09footage whoo this is juicy what can I say my girls unnatural Liam in the
35:18footage from that night somebody told you to go to Veronique's room who was it
35:22Greg probably but you were already filming when Talia was screaming she
35:28found Veronique in that exact moment the castmates rooms were all beside each
35:34other in a line down the hallway so the scream could have come from any of the
35:38rooms but Greg knew that it came from Veronique's why because Greg killed
35:46Veronique me it doesn't make any sense why would I kill the star of my own show
35:54but it wasn't gonna be that way for long was it Greg Oh because everybody knows
36:00that each year Veronica drops a bombshell and this year the bombshell was
36:05gonna be about Greg and what he did to tell you while filming two months ago
36:11that's my cue I did not realize it were all in this next shot okay well it's
36:21gonna be a long day okay well I'll get my drink and then I'll meet you guys out
36:25there we're gonna get my mocktail bartender left it here mango mint as
36:31always thanks doll you spiked my drink I'm an unconventional producer so what
36:43you missed trainwreck Talia you wanted a relapse story Liam you gave Veronique
36:51that footage didn't you yeah it was so she could prove that Greg did it yeah
36:58and she did show Greg the night that she died you knew when that video exposed you
37:05on camera you would lose your job yeah there's unconventional producing but
37:10scandal like this you would never recover from so you decided to kill
37:15Veronique you stabbed her with a shoe and try to frame the other women you
37:19can't prove any of this actually I can that's your cue oh whoa damn
37:29who's a gross actually I can
37:35we found the PI's laptop at your house you are the murderer you killed the PI
37:49because you knew he was the only other person that had the footage all you
37:53needed was a juicy secret to clear your name and that's why you used Veronique
37:57and Liam to cover your story you told me that right before the dinner you used me
38:03to set up the camera kit you killed two people just to save your job a job you
38:11think this is a job this is my Empire
38:18everyone's always talking about how this shows so dramatic and juicy why do you
38:22think that is it's because of me I am this show I have worked ten years on set
38:2914 hours a day I have sacrificed everything I made Veronique a star then
38:36she had the nerve to turn on me because I was doing my job poisoning castmates
38:40isn't your job if it's what the story needs than it is the viewers they want
38:45to train Rektalia so I just had the guts to give it to them because I always do
38:50what needs to be done Veronique was gonna take that away from me I didn't
38:54have a choice so I plunged that heel into her back you monster you tried to
39:04destroy my life you murdered my best friend he wanted my son to take the
39:09blame for it you're disgusting yeah you are disgusting oh sorry I got caught up
39:22how did you even figure any of this out because I'm not Aurora at all I'm a cop
39:28she's not a cop I'm basically a cop I was undercover this whole time yeah me
39:35too are you for your confessional Greg turn
39:40around put your hands behind your back you're under arrest I am so grateful to
39:47Veronique for clearing my name I will forever be heartbroken to know that she
39:52died doing it but I hope that she would be happy knowing that my son and I
40:01come here everyone this is my biological son Liam and we are finally going to be
40:16working on our relationship well at least we're gonna try but for tonight we
40:21have dinner reservations Oh speaking of that do you have any food
40:25allergies yeah I'm allergic to strawberries are you serious yeah so am
40:31I this is very drama time but I'm glad always figured
40:39Katerina I'm tired of pretending the fake cop is right I don't care if I lose
40:50everything if it means I get you I am happy to be normal
40:59so it means I'm getting you I love you I love you Katerina no one
41:12understands how hard it is being the niece of a network president everybody's
41:17always like nipple baby this nipple baby that well Aurora banks is here to say
41:22I'm bringing justice for nipple babies thanks enough the case is closed I never
41:29gonna throw my wine that might be the greatest episode in the history of
41:40reality TV well it's a shame no one will ever get to see it except the court for
41:45Greg sentencing mmm guess it's for the best you did make an excellent reality
41:51star but we don't need your face out there mmm true I did save one little
41:56clip you need to figure this out there's nothing to figure out okay this is just
42:06one co-worker and helping another co-worker with their zipper you can lie
42:11to me if it makes it easier to get out of this conversation but please just
42:16don't lie to yourself I'm not whatever you say sugarplum but remember George
42:23gets out in two weeks then we'll finish our project and you'll end up 10,000
42:28miles away from Ellis now if you'll excuse me I have a couple more boxes to
42:33dig into for the office it's almost done
42:58Max did you bring this in all by yourself are you crazy the cute delivery
43:04guy did who did he ask about me of course he did of course he did
43:12ooh a big one