• 2 days ago
Fortnite Update Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00Fortnite just launched a huge new update with three new weapons, a ton of exotics, and so
00:04much more.
00:05I even have a way to play with the new exotic weapons early, so make sure to watch this
00:08whole video and let's jump into it.
00:10If you didn't know, you can follow people in-game.
00:12So while you're in Fortnite, go to the left of play and hit the magnifying glass, type
00:15in typical gamer, go over to creators, and then tap on my icon here, and you will see
00:20that there is a button to favorite.
00:22And now Fortnite added it where you can see people's favorites.
00:25As you can see, 753,000 of you lovely people have favored me in Fortnite, which actually
00:30makes me the number one most followed creator in the game.
00:34That absolutely blows my mind.
00:35And how cool would it be if we were the first creator ever in Fortnite to hit 1 million
00:41So I'm asking for a favor.
00:42Go in-game and make sure to favor me, just like this.
00:45Maybe if we hit a million followers, Fortnite will give me a play button like YouTube does,
00:49or an icon skip.
00:50So go favor me.
00:52First things first, let's open up the map.
00:53As you can see, nothing has changed.
00:55Well, at least it looks like nothing has changed, but there is a couple of things I want to
00:58share with you.
00:59And to start off our journey here, we're going to be landing at Crime City.
01:02I want to take a bite out of crime.
01:04So this update is huge.
01:06I don't remember the last time we had such a massive update.
01:08We got the new rocket drill, pump and dump, an outlaw shotgun, plus a ton of new exotics,
01:13which you can play with today.
01:14Let me go ahead and open this up.
01:15And there's just so much to talk about as well.
01:18Let me go ahead and just get my bearings here, get myself some thermite, hopefully see if
01:22I can find one of the new weapons.
01:25Oh, he's close by.
01:26I hear him.
01:27Got one.
01:28And look what they had.
01:31The pump and dump.
01:32Let's go ahead and pick that up.
01:33Now this thing is a shotgun and SMG at the same time, which is really, really awesome.
01:37Let me show you.
01:38Shotgun, SMG.
01:39You can't like aim down sight with it, but if you just hold your shoot button, you're
01:44going to shoot the SMG.
01:45And if you hold the aim button, you're going to shoot your shotgun.
01:47You can do so at the same time.
01:48Look, they had one.
01:49So look, SMG and shotgun at the same time.
01:53This item is pretty darn cool.
01:54I think it's the first time we've seen Fortnite do an item like this, which is awesome.
01:58Of course, it begs the question, like, is this new item better than the Sentinel pump?
02:03Sentinel pump is definitely going to be better just as a shotgun.
02:07The fact that this could shoot SMG as well is really, really good and really interesting
02:14We'll see how it evolves and we'll see what the player base thinks.
02:15But honestly, I think it's really, really awesome.
02:18Next up, we have the outlaw shotgun here.
02:20Now this thing has two shots in it.
02:22Pretty slow firing, but it would seem that with two shots and with it firing so slow
02:26that it should do a ton of damage to opponents.
02:29So we'll have to test that out.
02:30Let's go ahead and thermite this vault.
02:32There you go.
02:33I'm going to throw this one already.
02:35Shocking time.
02:37That's pretty good.
02:38Now I'm going to go ahead and blow up my thermite.
02:39This is a great way to open up the vault fast and just throw it on there.
02:42And when it's available to take damage, you shoot it and it goes to the next step, which
02:47is pretty wild.
02:48Oh, 140 to the dome.
02:50What's up?
02:52This thing does a lot of damage.
02:53So it's on there.
02:54Blow it up.
02:55This is how to speed run the vault, honestly.
02:59Come on, open up.
03:00And boom, vault is open.
03:01All right.
03:02Let's go ahead and get ourselves some dill bits.
03:05We're going to need those two dill bits, and then we need some gold as well.
03:09So let's just go ahead and break all these open.
03:11Now it's fun to heist up.
03:13It really is.
03:14And now you can do it in Fortnite's new LTM, well, old new LTM, they refreshed it.
03:18We now have the getaway LTM, and there is actually a ranked version too, which is very,
03:24very interesting.
03:25A little concerning because they've been putting out a lot of ranked stuff and, oh, the rocket
03:29But like I was saying, it's a little concerning because take, for example, OG Zero Build Ranked
03:33has like no players.
03:34So it's a little odd them bringing out a ranked mode for an LTM, but I guess we'll have to
03:39So this is the getaway game mode.
03:40Retrieve one of four crystal llamas and successfully extract one of three getaway vans.
03:43The first three teams to make their way to a van win.
03:46Try out ranked getaway and see if you can hit Unreal.
03:48All right, let's check out the video.
03:49The getaway.
03:50We've got big deal on the track.
03:52Look at these supply drops.
03:55Rocket drill going crazy.
03:57You can see the new shock in there.
04:00The crystal llama.
04:04Extract to the van.
04:05Oh, this is bringing back memories.
04:07We're going to have to play this.
04:11We're going to have to try it out.
04:12I'll probably make a video of me playing that game out, but check out the rocket drill.
04:15This is a brand new.
04:16Basically acts like the rocket ram, which if you haven't used came out in chapter four,
04:21season four.
04:22It's really cool.
04:23Now I know a little bit about this thing.
04:25If you go ahead and aim with it, you can go ahead and drill stuff and you actually get
04:28the materials from it in build mode, which is fantastic.
04:31Great way to just get mats so you don't have to use your pickaxe.
04:34You can also hit people with this to do damage.
04:36And of course, if you hit the fire button, you're going to go ahead and fly up with it,
04:40which is a great form of mobility.
04:42Come crashing down.
04:43Now you will see that bar that's charging up in the middle.
04:46You see, I charged up halfway, which means I could fly for half the distance as I did
04:50the first time.
04:51Now, when you use it, you can go ahead and just swap to another weapon and you'll just
04:54kind of fall back down to earth, which is really great for surprising people.
04:59I think somebody is here.
05:02Now our shotgun is pretty cool.
05:05I got to admit, you got to be really close to somebody to do extreme damage though.
05:08I don't know if it'll replace the central pump shotgun.
05:11Only time will tell.
05:12Now the black markets are pretty interesting.
05:15You can see that they replaced the mythic central pump with the mythic pump and dump.
05:19So we're going to go ahead and I think we tried out the outlaw shotgun enough.
05:22We're going to use the mythic pump and dump.
05:24This thing should do a ton of damage.
05:25We're actually going to talk to skillet.
05:26You can see he can rift you.
05:27You can talk to him.
05:28And then he has this option, which requires the epic outlaw key card.
05:31Well, where do you find that?
05:32It's a great question.
05:33I'll explain that in just a second, but it's useful for us to come over to this side and
05:37see this area.
05:38It was locked off before, but now you can see that there's stuff inside there.
05:42And if you try to open it, it will say that, uh, denied complete the outlaw key card community
05:47quest to access.
05:49If we look through here, you will see there's an exotic rocket launcher.
05:53We have another exotic over there.
05:55We have a chest with a little lock there, an arcade machine, and, uh, and there's a
06:00lot more.
06:01So how do you get the key card?
06:02Now, if you open up your map and go over to quests, you will see that there's this outlaw
06:06key card quest outlaws unite and push back against Fletcher pain.
06:09So click on that.
06:10There's different tiers and we will lock different outlaw key cards, gray, green, blue, purple,
06:15and gold.
06:16So it says, impress the outlaws, complete the community quest to acquire the common
06:19outlaw key card and gain access to black market backroom.
06:21And to do that, you have to rob vaults and cases alongside the fortnight community.
06:26Right now, the community is at 2%, so we need everyone to go ahead and, uh, rob vaults and
06:30cases in the game.
06:31But you can actually play with these exotic weapons right now.
06:34Oh my gosh, what was that?
06:38Why do you rush me like that?
06:40I didn't like that.
06:41Like I was mentioning though, you could actually play with those exotics right now and test
06:45them out and have a ton of fun.
06:47So this is how you can try out a bunch of the new exotic weapons early.
06:50Go to the left of play and hit the search button.
06:52Type in typical gamer, go over to creators, tap on me, hit the favorite button if you
06:56haven't done it before, and it's going to give you 10,000 XP if you've never done it.
06:59And then head on over to super red versus blue.
07:01Click on it, make sure the heart's filled in, hit select, and then hit the play button.
07:05All right.
07:06So when you load in, just go ahead and turn around and you'll see a bunch of the new weapons
07:09like the pump and dump, outlaw shotgun.
07:11We've got the rocket drill.
07:13Heck, you can even go over and get the mythic mammoth pistol or the collateral damage AR.
07:17Now from here, you can go ahead and hop in and fight people.
07:19What we really want to do is test out the brand new exotics.
07:23And to do that, we're going to want to spin the exotic wheel here.
07:26These weapons are way too overpowered to have them just out.
07:29So you need 50 gold to spin this thing for a chance to get one of the new items.
07:32And there's a lot of them.
07:33So basically we added a brand new feature, which is the bank.
07:37Now when you're playing super red versus blue, if you want to keep your progress, you got
07:40to transfer it in 500 gold chunks.
07:42That's the minimum.
07:43Otherwise, if you don't do that, you're going to lose your gold.
07:45All right, let's go ahead and spin this wheel.
07:47Come on, give me something good.
07:49I don't even know what I want.
07:50There's like six new exotics.
07:51We got the lawless slap cannon.
07:55And I got snipe.
07:56Oh, it gives me the slap effect so I can run forever without using sprint.
07:59Don't forget, you can also spin for a superpower in the middle or for mythic weapons.
08:03Over on this side.
08:04Look, I didn't want to say anything, but I heard that only cool people hit the favorite
08:08So if you hit it, just know that that's true.
08:11Only cool people do it.
08:12The favorite button.
08:13So go over here and hit the favorite button.
08:15All right.
08:16Let's spin the wheel again.
08:17Let's see what we get.
08:18Come on.
08:19We got the lawless blink pump and dump.
08:20So as you can see, if you use it, whenever you reload anything, you get the blink effect,
08:23the zero point effect.
08:24So if I reload the SMG or if I reload the shotgun, it doesn't matter.
08:28I can just go ahead and blink, which is really, really good.
08:32Look at that.
08:33I reload and dash, dash, reload, dash.
08:41It's so good.
08:45Look at that.
08:46We're popping off.
08:48Make sure to spin the wheel and try them all.
08:51What am I going to get next?
08:54I got, I just got the lawless stink rifle.
08:56Get this.
08:57One shot headshots people.
08:58And additionally, it creates a stink grenade at whatever location that you shot at.
09:04So look at that.
09:08Stinks hitting them.
09:09I never thought I'd see the day where there's an exotic hunting rifle.
09:12I'd love to see it.
09:16Oh my goodness.
09:18Now I want to try them all.
09:19But the one thing I really want to see is the exotic rocket launcher.
09:23Oh, I just got the lawless heavy impact tracking sniper.
09:27What does this do?
09:29Oh, if you just shoot near somebody, it marks them.
09:33That's really good.
09:34Look at this.
09:35I don't even have to hit them.
09:36I just shoot beside them and it marks everyone in the area.
09:39Oh my gosh.
09:40It also does a ton of damage.
09:41These exotics are awesome.
09:43I'm glad exotics are back.
09:47There we go.
09:48We have the lawless shockwave rocket launcher.
09:51So you can go ahead and shoot it and you fly.
09:54You do no damage to yourself and it's a great way to have some mobility.
09:57So you do this.
10:01Oh, this is awesome.
10:04Oh my goodness.
10:05This is so cool.
10:06It's like shooting a shockwave at your feet.
10:08How much damage does it do?
10:09Oh, 55.
10:10So it doesn't do a lot of damage.
10:11But because mostly you want to use it for its mobility effect, which is so cool.
10:16It actually shoots a rocket really fast.
10:21You can see why we don't want everyone having this.
10:23Because it would be sheer and utter chaos.
10:28It is fun though.
10:29Look at my inventory.
10:30Full exotic.
10:33Oh, you can launch your teammates with it.
10:35Look at this.
10:36Launch my teammates.
10:39Is it working on cars?
10:45This is awesome.
10:47This is great.
10:48Go try it out today in Super Red versus Blue.
10:53Oh, shoot.
11:01What are you doing?
11:02Why is everyone going psycho right now?
11:04Holy smokes.
11:06They're all ambushing me.
11:07All right, let's get on out of here.
11:08Sounds like people were fighting over here.
11:10I'm going to go ahead and rocket drill.
11:14Where are you at?
11:16I'm going to go ahead and shockwave over there.
11:19I'm going to put this thing to the test.
11:22Drill them.
11:23All right, so the three new weapons are really cool.
11:25I like them a lot.
11:26And only time will tell how good they are in kind of the meta.
11:30But I figure one or two of them are going to be a hit.
11:32Now, you can see here I'm rocking the invincible skin with a different colorway.
11:35That's because we are getting the invincible round two collab.
11:39Guess what, buddy?
11:40I'm going to rocket drill you too.
11:45It does a decent amount of damage, but you got to get really close to the person to use it.
11:47And that is really dangerous to do.
11:49I think I just heard somebody snipe.
11:52I see him over there.
11:53I'm flying.
11:54Get my shockwave ready.
11:56Pumping doom.
12:01SMG go crazy.
12:02This guy doesn't even know what he's doing.
12:04The SMG is actually really good on the pumping.
12:06I couldn't believe my eyes.
12:07Couldn't believe it.
12:08What did I just see over here?
12:10There's golden llamas.
12:11What the heck?
12:12What the heck?
12:13All right.
12:14Well, golden llamas are in Fortnite.
12:15This wasn't even in my notes.
12:16I'm going to go ahead and search it.
12:17Can you break it?
12:18Oh, you can't.
12:19Oh, you can break it.
12:20I'm going to go ahead and search it.
12:21Llamas don't run around like they did in chapter four.
12:23Let's pop this open and you will see that I got a ton of stuff.
12:27I got a thousand gold and I got four gold splashes.
12:34Well, you're definitely going to want to get those llamas.
12:36Let's go ahead and get out of the storm here.
12:37We're going to fly with a rocket drill.
12:39Let's grab this car.
12:40Now, at the other black market locations, a few things have changed.
12:43Like, they sell the rocket drill at some of them.
12:45But largely, the mythic weapons at the other two spots are the same.
12:48I think you can now get the mythic central pump from attacking one of those armored vans.
12:51You have a chance of it.
12:52So, if you want one of those, go ahead.
12:54By the way, Fortnite gave me this car early.
12:56It looks pretty cool.
12:57The Tigress.
12:58Well, like I was mentioning about the Invincible collab, we have this new style for Invincible.
13:01We have Alan the Alien and Duplicate.
13:04And apparently, Duplicate is going to be a free skin that you just got to complete some
13:07quests to get, which is really awesome.
13:10Love free skins.
13:13Oh, my goodness.
13:14Pump and dump.
13:16Pump and dump.
13:18Gosh, it's Sub-Zero's combat kit, which honestly, I'm going to show you something cool with it.
13:23But to show you something cool, we got to eliminate somebody.
13:25Let me tell you, it's going to get toasty.
13:28Oh, my gosh.
13:29They're trying to shoot me.
13:30I don't like that very much.
13:32Coming at you.
13:34Oh, toasty.
13:40Give me that medallion.
13:41Okay, I don't know why it didn't pop up, but there's supposed to be a guy that pops up in
13:45the corner of your screen that says toasty.
13:47I think it's only when somebody else is using...
13:50I actually don't think he says the voice line that he does in the actual Mortal Kombat games.
13:54OG ones.
13:55Give me that crown.
13:56And I want the Mythic pump, but I'll wait on that.
13:58But yeah, a guy will pop up in the bottom right corner of your screen, so don't be surprised
14:02if you see that when somebody is attacking you with Sub-Zero.
14:04We got a new ballistic map and items that are coming in April.
14:06We have new emotes plus two new skins in the Lego Pass.
14:09We got Rebel Oro when you get the pass, and we have Carmine Rosso for the final tier.
14:13Now, this is the Lego Pass here, and you will see that the first stage you have Rebel Oro.
14:17You can go ahead and view them in the Fortnite version, and kind of cool.
14:21This might be the best Lego skin that I've seen so far.
14:23And then there's a bunch of Lego items that you can unlock.
14:26There's this tragedy emote, which I think is pretty funny.
14:29Like, if somebody hits you for, like, 190 and you do this emote, they might leave you alone.
14:33There's this emote as well called Loot Stash.
14:36Just wiggling your bags of money.
14:38There's a crown in there, too.
14:39And then you will see that we have Carmine Rosso, and this is what she looks like in Battle Royale.
14:45Pretty clean skin, honestly.
14:46Her haircut's a little funny, though.
14:48Siphon is returning to ranked in this update, which is awesome.
14:51It was previously just in tournaments, and that was really fun.
14:54It's great to see them add it to ranked itself.
14:57You can get some better practice now.
14:58Let me just tell you that.
14:59Ooh, we look cool.
15:01We got the medallion, and I'm feeling nice.
15:05Fortnite also just has a ton of unique skins that they're coming out with this season, and a lot of them got leaked.
15:11And they look cool.
15:12I like that Fortnite is really stepping into their creative arc here and leaning less on collabs.
15:17But at the same time, they're also doing a lot of collabs.
15:19We got a new Kendrick Lamar emote that's coming out in a week or two.
15:22I wonder what that's gonna be.
15:24I wonder if we're getting a Drake or Kendrick Lamar skin in Fortnite first.
15:27We got brand new super styles, and I actually really think that they look cool.
15:31Here we got the brand new super styles.
15:33This is the marbled green variant, and we got it for Valentina, Fletcher Kane, Keisha Cross, Big Dill, and Joss.
15:41The next style is gonna be the cracked crimson style, and you can see this on all of them.
15:45I actually really like the red and gold.
15:47Looks interesting on Big Dill.
15:48And then we have the outlaw opal, which is like a rainbow rock kind of style.
15:53This is definitely my favorite.
15:54Big Dill is looking crazy.
15:56Valentina got the drip, and Fletcher Kane, yup.
16:00That cape is just out of this world.
16:02Fortnite does a pretty good job with super styles every season, but it can be hard to switch it up and make them look different.
16:08But I think they did a good job this time around.
16:11I do wish that Sub-Zero was included in the skins that got a super style, but hey, I'll take it.
16:16We're jumping off this.
16:17Skills that pay the bills.
16:18You can also now unlock Outlaw Midas and his new style, which has been revealed.
16:22And man, I'm a fan.
16:24Got Gilded Aura Contrail.
16:26The Outlaw's Whip Knives Pickaxe.
16:29Bullet Rider Glider.
16:31Oh, this is so cool.
16:34This is a glider?
16:35We have the Criminal Convoy Loading Screen.
16:37Outlaw Midas looking sleek as always.
16:39Then page two, we got the Outlaw's Mugshot Emote.
16:45All right, drippy.
16:46Outlaw's Knife Rack.
16:47Back Blink.
16:48King of the Outlaw Spray.
16:49And then we have Gunslinger Outlaw Midas.
16:52Dang, he looks cool.
16:53That's awesome.
16:54And then third page.
16:55Then we have a different variant of the Pickaxe.
16:58The Shadow Sparrow Emote, a.k.a. the Golden Gunslinger Loading Screen,
17:03which honestly, he kind of looks like Loki in this.
17:05Yeah, he really does look like Loki.
17:06Got Big Dill in the back with like a giant brain head.
17:11We got the Ghost variants of his Glider and the Back Blink.
17:14And then we have just the Ghost variant or Outlaw Midas.
17:17Yeah, this skin is reactive.
17:18So the more limbs you get, the more gold you get as well.
17:21Until you're all drippy gold.
17:23I think he looks great.
17:24Now I'm excited to unlock Outlaw Midas in this style.
17:26Where is everybody at?
17:27They're scared to fight me because I'm invincible.
17:30By the way, look at my Crocs.
17:32Yeah, I got these Crocs early.
17:33And that means that they're coming to the item shop soon.
17:35You thought you could escape Crocs?
17:37No, they're in Fortnite now.
17:38Now there's a massive reboot van update that's coming soon.
17:40Apparently it's going to be today or next Tuesday.
17:43But you'll have the option to buy reboot cards for 500 gold each,
17:46where you can also just reboot all your teammates for 1,000 gold,
17:49which will reboot them with shields and an AR as well.
17:54Wow, you had no health.
17:55I'm stocked.
17:56Utterly stocked.
17:57Now, I believe this is where the Bird gas station was.
18:01Come on, Sub-Zero, you buddy.
18:02Oh, shoot.
18:05It will be rebuilt during this season, I believe.
18:07Look, you can get a mending machine, but you have to pay Baron tax on stuff.
18:10Apparently, as a community, we can work on removing the Baron tax.
18:13Keep it moving with Sub-Zero.
18:15We're also getting a new Laura Croft skin that's coming to the game.
18:18So if you missed out on Laura Croft in Chapter 2,
18:20you can get a new style of her skin when they drop it.
18:23All right, 1v1 situation.
18:26And we win the game.
18:27Absolutely insane.
18:28Massive W.
18:29Cool update.
