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00:00This is MrSavage, and for every damage you get in this next game of Fortnite, I will pay you $1.
00:06Let's go.
00:06Except for every damage you take, I'm gonna take away a dollar.
00:10Let's dive in.
00:10Wait, is that a part of the rules?
00:12Yeah, no, no, no, it's a new DLC.
00:13It's like Top Comment and Last Comment, PeterBot.
00:15Are you ready? You're in Ranked as well.
00:16Let's go.
00:17All right, let's do it. What are you dropping?
00:19Uh, I think I'm just gonna go my job spot, to be honest.
00:21Outlaw Oasis.
00:23Okay, so the thing is, while he is playing Ranked,
00:25so it should be a little bit harder than the past times we've done this challenge.
00:29And also, PeterBot killed a few bots, I think.
00:31So, like, you know.
00:32Yeah, well, I'm playing Ranked. I'm not, I'm not a little, not a little biatch.
00:35All right, let's see.
00:36Oh, and yes, this is an IRL episode.
00:38I'm here in Norway right now.
00:39We just filmed some crazy stuff for, uh, Savage's channel.
00:42A little snowball fight.
00:43You'll see that on his channel.
00:44Off-Rip, what are we talking here?
00:46I'm on 5% pack loss, bro.
00:47I'm lagging, I don't know what's going on.
00:50Okay, here we go.
00:51First fight of the day.
00:52Getting the slow barrels.
00:54No shotgun, but he's got a sniper.
00:56So sniper's banned in comp, but it's still in Ranked.
00:59I'm getting a shotgun, I'm not trying to do damage.
01:02Could be a world's first negative damage start.
01:05That would be crazy.
01:07Gonna keep that.
01:08Oh, here we go.
01:10Little Jujutsu Kaisen skin on.
01:12Versus Travis Scott.
01:15Oh, clean $100.
01:17Clean $100 to start us off and he didn't lose anything for it.
01:21Let's go.
01:22Okay, looking good, looking good.
01:24So we're going to be using the stat screen at the end of the video
01:26to make sure we know exactly how much money we are paying.
01:29Mr. Savage, everything will be in USD.
01:31And yeah, we're filming a bunch of videos today, so it should be fun.
01:33This is the first one that we're doing,
01:35and hopefully for Savage's channel.
01:36You know the secret there with the vault, right?
01:38Yeah, I know the secret.
01:39Turn of Wolves and everything.
01:40Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:41Right on there, bro.
01:42I see.
01:42I reckon you should have gone maybe something a bit more harder.
01:44Is there someone here?
01:46Maybe, bro.
01:46I'm playing ragdoll.
01:47There's like three people there, though.
01:49Oh, I haven't even been to this town over here.
01:51This is where Mongraal used to go.
01:52Headshot snipe would pay so much.
01:54Oh, wait.
01:54That's a bot.
01:55Wait, damage farm bots.
01:57I don't know if that damage counts.
01:58No, it's just a player, so it wouldn't count.
02:00All right, here we go.
02:02Trying to earn some more money.
02:03Oh, I have not seen that tech before.
02:06And there's $72 in your bank account.
02:08How much more is he going to go for there?
02:10Oh, that's the bot.
02:10Surely he'd be trying to get some of that headshot snipe.
02:12Oh, there's $22 gold.
02:16The bots are taking your money, bro.
02:18Are you serious?
02:18The bots just took $22 out of your account.
02:20That's crazy.
02:22Bots actually just stole, like, a blue from you.
02:25Bro, just took a subway away.
02:27Yeah, like, hello?
02:28All right.
02:29Oh, here we go.
02:32He's using the Nikkei 30 strat.
02:34What's the Nikkei 30 strat?
02:35Is it sticky?
02:36Grenade launcher.
02:37Yeah, but if you get that, bro, you can do it too.
02:40That's true.
02:41Okay, we're talking...
02:42Oh, $30.
02:47Sounded like a keyboard.
02:48Oh, $91, but we took a little bit.
02:52Oh, $77.
02:56My man.
02:59Love you, coach, here.
03:02You took a little bit of damage there.
03:04So far, you've only taken, what, 83 damage total?
03:06Something like that.
03:07I think that's fine.
03:08Yeah, he had, like, full shields as well.
03:10And as you're going to see, this video is going to cost me a lot of money.
03:13So make sure to use code POWER in the Fortnite item shop.
03:15So now you've got a sticky nade launcher.
03:17Why is it called the Nikkei 30 strat, by the way?
03:19Because, bro, I saw a TikTok of him doing it.
03:21It kind of blew up.
03:22And now, every time I play ranked, everyone's doing it.
03:26All right, so I have an idea to pitch to you right now
03:29that could make you a lot of money.
03:31And I don't know if you've thought about it,
03:32but the new bats this season, they deal fall damage.
03:36And if you hit someone off, they'll take 500 fall damage.
03:40Like, that's where fall damage caps off at.
03:42It's one damage equal one dollar.
03:44I'm here to pay it out.
03:45It's actually crazy, what I did with Alex as well,
03:47the traps back that season did, like, a thousand damage.
03:49But he didn't actually get one.
03:50So yeah, and you dropped your sniper, too.
03:52No headshot snipes.
03:53Like, that's big money.
03:54I'm your friend, bro.
03:55Like, I'm here to try my best, but like...
03:58You don't want to take everything.
03:58I don't want to empty your wallet either, bro.
04:00No, I appreciate that.
04:01I actually do.
04:02Crime City's just, like, cooked.
04:05Man on a bike.
04:05Man on a bike.
04:06Free beam, free damage.
04:10Nah, he's got off his bike.
04:13All right.
04:21Watching this is like prank.
04:25Are they at, like, a POV camp?
04:28Wait, I'm gonna show you now.
04:30I messed up, dude.
04:34There we go, 28.
04:35And dead.
04:36There we go.
04:37There we go.
04:38Purple pump now.
04:39All right.
04:47I thought you're about to get a free, like, free damage out.
04:50I mean, it looks like you're gonna get it out of the way.
04:52Now, you could do Peterbot strat,
04:53let him get, like, a mini shield going,
04:55so you get the damage up a little bit.
04:56Yeah, he was abusing that one.
04:58Oh, but that's the thing, you don't want to get beamed in the back.
05:02I mean, you don't actually have to get the kills.
05:03It's all about damage.
05:04And all about not taking damage.
05:06All right, this is the headshot sniper I've ever seen one, though.
05:09Just, uh, wondering about this guy, man.
05:11I think he got scared, you know?
05:12I mean, hopefully he goes around, gets, like, a full shield going.
05:17Come on, man.
05:19I mean, you're doing well to take damage, but...
05:24Oh, 150!
05:25Oh, he did get the heal.
05:27Trying to do a big, big damage to finish.
05:29Headshot sniper.
05:31Yeah, let me just get in this box and...
05:33Yeah, 100%.
05:33Yeah, you do that, though.
05:34That's literally you.
05:38Yeah, you should open the sniper!
05:40Like, I'm trying to get you paid.
05:42I'm trying to get you paid, bro.
05:44All right, it's actually racking up a decent amount.
05:46You've taken, like, what?
05:47Yeah, still 83 damage, I think.
05:48Okay, here we go.
05:49Another fight back-to-back.
05:51It's too early now.
05:52It's all you.
05:57Decent damage.
05:58I'm letting this guy heal, bro.
05:59There's a chug jug in there.
06:00Oh, nice.
06:01He just got cracked by the other guy.
06:02Yep, yep.
06:03Nah, throw the chug jug at him.
06:04I get you, I get you.
06:05This guy's worth nothing right now.
06:07I gotta wait a bit.
06:08We're gonna get you a bat.
06:08We're gonna get you a bat.
06:10Nah, it's looking good, though.
06:11Five elims.
06:12Okay, here he comes in.
06:17What, you're just gonna let him heal?
06:19Why not, bro?
06:20I'm farming your money right now, bro.
06:24He's gonna eat the whole chug jug, come back out,
06:27and make me lose like 300 bugs.
06:29I mean, this is like way harder than the one we did with Peterbot,
06:31because he didn't have the penalty of every damage, like,
06:34taking away his money.
06:36Oh my.
06:38You're just milking.
06:39I'm gonna be rich!
06:40I was gonna do this in reload with Savage.
06:42I haven't done one of these in reload before.
06:43If you guys want me to potentially do one in the future on reload,
06:46let me know, comment down below.
06:47But it would cost me a lot of money.
06:49I almost did it today here with Savage,
06:51but I'm kind of glad I didn't,
06:52because he would actually farm them out of the sky.
06:54Oh, you're actually just milking this guy like a cow.
07:01Your aim is insane, bro.
07:05It's like 100 to finish as well.
07:08Okay, he's racking up.
07:09Oh, he's got the bat!
07:10Okay, can he get a full damage hit?
07:12This is what I'm really excited for.
07:14You know, at the end, there's always like,
07:16there's always some noobs that have just been camping the whole game.
07:18Have you seen that clip of the guy,
07:21I think it was in the Asia region,
07:22where he gets in the toilet,
07:23and then the guy follows him,
07:25the whole troop follow him in the toilet,
07:26and he just go, bang, hits him, bang, hits him.
07:28If you did that, that'd be $1,500,
07:30because there's just five...
07:31Actually, it's more than that,
07:32because you get them for 90 on the hit,
07:33and then they take 500.
07:34So you actually get like 600.
07:36So like, maybe just taking fights on the hill.
07:38It's easier than zeroes though.
07:39Well, that's literally rent.
07:41I can pay rent in three seconds, bro.
07:44That's disgusting.
07:46I'm in a car now as well, so I can't get a tank.
07:49That's smart, that's smart.
07:50This is the beamer.
07:51Come on, where's everyone at, bro?
07:52I gotta get in some action.
07:53Oh, here we go.
07:55Oh, big build fight.
07:56I saw a build finishing up there.
07:58Yeah, I mean, it's gotta be close.
08:04Oh, it's stuck.
08:09Okay, you're actually just milking everything now.
08:12Oh, this guy died, bro.
08:13That's fine, it's food week anyway.
08:15Oh, 120.
08:18Oh, wait, how did you...
08:20How did you get it in?
08:22Bro, come on.
08:22Do you know how to get it in?
08:30It's actually crazy once you blight it.
08:32It's just like, I actually thought it was final.
08:39I hate blighting in a tree, bro.
08:41Like, why is there a tree in my face while I'm fighting?
08:43You know what I mean?
08:44Hey man, you gotta have some chance to be the person to win.
08:50Man, EU player's diff.
08:51I'm just saying right now.
08:54You're pretty far, bro.
08:58You took like, I think, 30 damage max there.
09:01Compared to all the damage I've done so far, bro.
09:0330 damage is nothing.
09:04Actually, you're actually doing work.
09:05Like, I'm not gonna lie.
09:06Bro, I wonder...
09:07How much do you think I'm on right now?
09:08I think you're...
09:09Yeah, because this is the first time I'm doing it
09:10where I'm not actually live calculating.
09:12I reckon you're probably on...
09:15I reckon like 1,200, maybe?
09:1610 kills.
09:18Yeah, you milked that one guy for like 400 or something.
09:20Bro, I've gotta be on more than 1,200.
09:22All right, let's look...
09:23I mean, if you get a bat kill, you really talk to him.
09:25I need to remember that.
09:26I don't need... I've never even...
09:27I don't...
09:28So, yeah, you use the right click to charge it.
09:30And that's the one that'll give full damage.
09:32Did I just get shot at or am I bugging out?
09:34I'm pretty sure that was the bat.
09:35Ha ha ha!
09:36Have you not used the bat before?
09:38I've used the bat, just I've never right clicked with it before.
09:40So, there is also something as well.
09:42There's like a bonus $100 if you get the victory.
09:44I don't know if it's worth it.
09:46$100 if you get the victory out.
09:48Just a heads up.
09:48So, don't choke to win, whatever you do.
09:50I think you should make that bonus in top 500 person.
09:53I know, we got some more bonuses coming.
09:54We got some more bonuses coming.
09:55I mean, realistically, me telling you about the bat full damage
09:58is probably a bonus in itself.
09:59So, we normally do top five is double damage.
10:02Okay, okay, okay.
10:03PeterBot made sure to abuse that as best he could.
10:05So, if you hit a double damage bat hit...
10:07Oh, this guy's asking for a bat, bro.
10:08He's 500.
10:09This'll be 500 full damage for sure.
10:11He's doing the Nikkei 30 strike as well, bro.
10:13Okay, he's dead.
10:16Okay, he's low.
10:18You need him to heal though, because if you hit him with the bat,
10:20he's gonna go...
10:21He'll die before he even goes flying.
10:28Oh, someone's flying.
10:30Someone is flying.
10:33Oh my god.
10:40Hold on, hold on.
10:41What's going on?
10:43Oh, so many people here.
10:46All right.
10:48Steal my kill, bro.
10:50Oh, okay.
10:52That was like not a crazy amount of damage.
10:57Oh, 178.
11:02Oh, okay.
11:03Nice, nice, nice.
11:05All right, last guy, last guy.
11:06Surely, surely try to set up a bat.
11:08Bro, yeah, bro, I'd love to, but like, bro,
11:11these guys are in diamond.
11:12They're not that bad.
11:13I'm watching you absolutely sh** on all these players.
11:16Not gonna lie, every one of these players would have killed me,
11:18but like, the fact you're doing it as well flawlessly,
11:20you're not taking any damage,
11:21especially with grenade launcher strat,
11:22like you can easily just lose damage like crazy.
11:27Okay, I reckon you're at least 2k right now.
11:32Okay, where are you?
11:33Oh, come on.
11:35Jeez, this guy's awful.
11:37This might be a bat.
11:38Nah, but you won't be able to hit him off from here,
11:41because he'll just go blighter.
11:45Oh, that's just, yeah.
11:46I mean, you could let him free.
11:49No, I didn't even want to kill him.
11:51Yeah, I thought, yeah.
11:52I just took one damage.
11:53I just lost a dollar.
11:54Oh, true.
11:55Dollar gone.
11:56Did you see that?
11:56Yeah, no.
11:57There's a player there.
11:59I just saw something break.
12:02You see him?
12:03Bro, this guy's bad.
12:04Batter up.
12:04This is the bad mob.
12:06Here we go.
12:08Oh my god, this guy's so bad, I think.
12:10You just get to sit behind this rock.
12:11He comes past.
12:12Yeah, I'm just going to sit.
12:15No, no.
12:18Oh, 75, please.
12:1950, oh.
12:21And he just did 80 damage to me as well.
12:23Yeah, bro.
12:25Yeah, you need to take, like, actually the big mount.
12:28Oh, there we go.
12:30You got your money back.
12:32Headshot snipe.
12:33Oh, you don't have a snipe.
12:36Come on.
12:37Okay, here we go.
12:40Smash is spamming me.
12:44He's behind you, he's not dead.
12:51Oh, oh, he's in the box.
12:57$1, $2, $2, $2, $2.
13:02You're milking $2 a second right now.
13:03Oh, look, he gave me a kill, man.
13:05$2, $2.
13:06$5, you're losing $5.
13:08$5 a second is gone, bro.
13:10$50 from the bank account.
13:12No, man.
13:13These guys are assing me.
13:14All right, one more dies and you're on top five for double damage.
13:17Oh, just on one, man.
13:21So just so you know, for top five, it's double damage,
13:23but it's also you lose double damage too.
13:25So it's like if you get beamed for, you know, $200, you lose $400.
13:30Okay, okay, okay.
13:32All right, you're about to kill this Novels.
13:34Yeah, yeah, you're good.
13:34He's boxed up in wood.
13:37That's all you.
13:42I'm actually concerned about my math, though.
13:44Yeah, that's why you need this, though.
13:54That's clean.
13:56Oh, you, oh, you.
13:58Go heal, go heal, go heal.
13:59I just started emoting.
14:00Did you see that?
14:01No, I didn't see it.
14:02You started dancing while I hurt you.
14:03Let's go, let's go.
14:06All right, it's double damage now.
14:07So for every damage you do, it's $2,
14:10but for every damage you take, you also lose $2.
14:12I know what I'm doing, bro.
14:14I'm just gonna go sell the island, bro.
14:16Oh, it's actually in.
14:18Okay, now you get beamed on the way up, though.
14:19Come on, beam him, beam him, beam him, beam him.
14:21I'm not getting beamed for shit.
14:22Oh, okay, this is dangerous.
14:25This is dangerous.
14:26How iconic.
14:27Level zone and pumped power.
14:28Let's go.
14:29Everyone's just based off of fighting.
14:31Oh, this did not work out the way I thought it was going to.
14:38This could be deadly.
14:39Huge bat here could go crazy off the mountain.
14:43Sticky knave with the bat.
14:50Oh, it's like 140 bucks.
14:52That's a beam.
14:56Give me a bot this time.
14:59You guys have to move in.
15:02Oh, another 70 bucks.
15:04100 bucks.
15:04Oh, he died.
15:06Nice, 100 bucks.
15:11Oh, another 50 bucks.
15:17Savage is making sure here to get tagged.
15:19It doesn't really matter about kills.
15:20If he just like damages on the rotate, let them pop shield.
15:23That's more potential damage.
15:27I don't want to die on his own, though.
15:29I think surely this is worth it instead of just going to fight them.
15:32I mean, yes, I actually think it is.
15:35Everybody's dying to each other now.
15:39Oh, he's going in.
15:42Oh, he's out.
15:43What the?
15:44Big shockwave.
15:46It's no real big hills to even bother with the bat anymore.
15:55Okay, that's kind of nasty.
15:57Needs the mats.
15:58Needs the mats.
15:59Okay, top three situation.
16:05Oh, that's like 200 bucks.
16:05That's 200 bucks over there.
16:06200 bucks.
16:08He doesn't have shields, though.
16:10Oh, he got back on.
16:10Oh, I'm going to let him heal.
16:14He's got like five chug jugs loaded.
16:16Like, I swear.
16:18Oh, he's on you at least.
16:19Oh, he's just literally not fighting.
16:24I can double damage.
16:25You probably got an extra like 400 bucks already.
16:27On top.
16:29Okay, he's...
16:30Oh, we could be on for a big bat here.
16:36I'm just...
16:36I want to get you paid, bro.
16:37It's a thousand bucks.
16:38Oh, oh my god.
16:39Oh my god.
16:43And you could like sticky nade to like get rid of it.
16:48Oh no.
16:53Doesn't he cancel it?
16:54Oh, oh.
16:57But it was mine.
16:58Oh, no.
17:00Oh, no.
17:02All right, only one.
17:04All right, you took 20 damage.
17:05That's 40 bucks backwards.
17:06I don't think this guy's mats.
17:07This might be the bad play.
17:09This might actually work this time.
17:14Come on.
17:16Oh, no.
17:18Now he's got no mats, 100%.
17:20But you need a heal.
17:22Oh, no.
17:24I just took so much damage, bro.
17:26Let's see it.
17:27I've never used this right click with a bear, though.
17:28That's crazy.
17:29All right, so I reckon you probably got like 600 bucks on bonus damage there at the end.
17:33Maybe, probably more.
17:34All right, here we go.
17:35The stat screen.
17:36I probably, yeah, you probably took like what, 300?
17:38Not even.
17:38I don't think you took 300.
17:41All righty.
17:42Big rank up game, match stats.
17:45Here we go.
17:46Drum roll, please.
17:53How much damage taken?
17:55That's nothing.
17:56I reckon I probably owe you like 3.5k, too.
17:58Because you got double damage as well.
18:01That's, bro.
18:02Hey, I appreciate it, man.
18:04Thank you, bro.
18:07Make sure you use code LOKI so I can continue the series.
18:09GG's, guys.
18:10Make sure to check out Savage's channel.
18:12Link in the description.