• last week
Coming up this week we’ll use the force at a lightsabre school, learn some tricks of the trade with a young magician, and we’ll take a guided tour of Newcastle’s underground tunnels.
00:00Coming up this week, we'll use the force at a lightsaber school,
00:03we'll learn some tricks of the trade with a young magician,
00:05and we'll take a guided tour of Newcastle's underground tunnels.
00:09It was used, first of all, to transport coal in Victorian times.
00:14So we got the coal going at 30 mile an hour through this tunnel
00:18on tracks which are still underneath our feet.
00:21We have, I think, the most amazing international community.
00:26I've met some of my closest friends now through this sport
00:29because we have a common language, which is getting to,
00:32in a controlled fashion, beat each other up with lightsabers.
00:35I can weigh a deck of cards and tell you how many cards are there.
00:40And then with one quick glance, I can tell you what those cards are from memory.
