• yesterday
The Hunting Party S01 E02


00:00Previously on The Hunting Party.
00:02It's called The Pit.
00:03It's home to the most dangerous and violent criminals in history.
00:06All of whom the world believes are dead.
00:08Or at least it was, until the blast hit.
00:11This is Detention Specialist Shane Florence.
00:13You're a prison guard here?
00:14Until the laws came down, yes ma'am.
00:15Speaking of your career, there are going to be some more inmates to find.
00:20How many?
00:22A lot.
00:23Anything you need to know about Agent Neville, you can read in my file.
00:29You are the warden?
00:30I need someone that I can trust.
00:32Someone who can help catch all the inmates who made it out alive.
00:35The blast that collapsed The Pit was no accident.
00:38It was a jailbreak.
00:46I'm so happy you all could make it here today.
00:49The whole family together.
00:53It really means a lot.
00:54I feel very special.
01:00I guess I should make a wish.
01:03But I don't know what more I could want.
01:06All of you here to celebrate me.
01:14This really is perfect.
01:27You have some explaining to do, Johnny.
01:55We just want to understand why you hurt that boy at school today.
01:59I don't know. I get angry sometimes, okay? I get the urge to hurt people or break things.
02:08It feels good to let out my anger. It might feel good to you, but think about how your actions affect others.
02:15I don't care, because I'm a bad person. You can't fix me, so I try.
02:22Johnny, but if we can't help you, maybe someone else can. Talking about these things is the first step.
02:30Who would want to talk to me? We do, son, because we love you.
02:36People will ask you to stop, people. We don't even know who we are.
03:06The White House wants an update on the manhunt. I was told the President doesn't know about the pit.
03:20He doesn't, but the front page story of the Times this morning was about the blast in Cheyenne.
03:26The President needs deniability, which means I need to be able to assure him that I am taking care of it.
03:32So, am I taking care of it? Five more inmates were recovered alive from the wreckage, but dozens of bodies are still waiting to be identified.
03:39So as of this moment, you don't know how many escapees are out there? We won't know that till the excavation is complete.
03:45But our team estimates that up to 25 percent could have made it out alive. Where's your team with determining the source of the blast?
03:51It was gas leak. You know, I don't know what's harder to believe, the eco-terrorist smokescreen you sold CNN or the store you're trying to sell me now.
04:01Bad pipes. Really? It happens. I'll send you the report.
04:13I'm looking for a deceased inmate.
04:29Agent Henderson, there's been a development. Another inmate? Yes, ma'am. Follow me, please.
04:39Agent Henderson, you may not remember me. Jennifer Morales. You took my Officer Candidate course in Behavioral Sciences at Quantico.
04:47We erased that final exam. That didn't happen a lot. Yes, ma'am. I'm an intel officer now. Best job in the military.
04:53I'm assigned to the Inmate Recovery Task Force. We're a task force now.
05:08This came together fast. Military moves quick.
05:12We've been monitoring all criminal activity within a growing radius of the pit site. Early this morning, there was a carjacking at a gas station in Rollins.
05:19A team just recovered a blue jumpsuit that was stashed nearby. We can now confirm that the jumpsuit belonged to Clayton Jessup.
05:25Mr. O'Dell, care to brief us on the inmate?
05:30Jessup was one of our most volatile inmates. Even as a child, he exhibited a maladaptive fantasy life.
05:35And he would use violence to reject any reality that did not conform.
05:40And that violence turned deadly when, on his 16th birthday, he poisoned his entire family with carbon monoxide.
05:48He spent the next three days living with their corpses, playing out the fantasy of what he felt was the ideal family, one focused on him.
05:55He then continued his killing spree, targeting families he saw as perfect, breaking into their homes, disabling the exhausts in their boilers so their homes would fill with carbon monoxide.
06:06They would die in their sleep, and he could stick around playing house for a few days before moving on.
06:10But if he wanted to be part of the perfect family, why kill everyone?
06:15The killings were just a means of compliance for the fantasies. I mean, dead people will do what you want them to, right? Can't disappoint you.
06:22Delusions like his are extremely dangerous, and acting the fantasy becomes the only way he's actually able to relate to the world, which means he's likely got his eyes on the next family.
06:31It also means there's no time to waste.
06:33Copy that. Uh, where are we on the stolen car?
06:34Well, we're gonna get every LPR in the state looking for it.
06:39Glad you're here.
06:43Can we talk?
06:49Was Eli Johnson in the pit?
06:51I called Sussex this morning, and they said that they transferred Johnson, but they wouldn't tell me where.
06:55I'll look into it. You don't need to worry.
06:57You and I both know that any list of the world's most deranged psychopaths is gonna have his name on it.
07:00Bex, he was never down there. The world knows he's still alive.
07:08Got a hit on the stolen car in Kimball, Nebraska.
07:11I know what that man means to you. I promise, he's not involved here.
07:17You found the car. Let's go.
07:42Thank you, Mom.
07:55It looks perfect.
07:57Just like you.
08:11Okay, Clayton, that's great. You're doing good, son.
08:21Now, tell me about the Dwyer family. How did you choose them?
08:25I don't know. I just like them.
08:32I saw them at the playground. Mom was watching the kids play tag with Dad.
08:41They were all laughing. It was perfect.
08:51And then I followed them home.
08:54He stalked them from a playground?
08:57Jessup has a unique form of reactive attachment disorder. He comes from a relatively stable
09:02family, but he had trouble forming emotional bonds with others, including his own family.
09:07Psychologically, though, he still craved that connection.
09:10There's a big window in the back of the house where I could watch them from the yard.
09:18I watched them for hours.
09:22Happy families make each other feel special.
09:28I could see on their faces how much they loved each other and...
09:31There's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved.
09:40And when did you first enter their home?
09:42That night.
09:43The only way he knew how to get the attention he craved was by invading
09:46the lives of the families he idealized.
09:48I just wanted to watch them sleep.
09:53First, the girls. Mom and Dad.
09:56I could hear them breathing.
10:04So peaceful.
10:11That's how you sleep when you know you're loved.
10:14This is like a nightmare.
10:16He breaks into a home, watches the families sleep, and then kills them all with carbon
10:20monoxide just because he wants to feel loved?
10:23Jessup doesn't understand what normal human connection is.
10:25He plays with these people the way a child plays with a toy.
10:29The shinier the toy, the more he wants it for himself so he can be the perfect boy in
10:32the perfect family.
10:33Yeah, well, nothing says perfect to Jessup like a quadruple homicide.
10:38Can I keep it?
10:44What about you?
10:45What do you think?
10:46I mean, look at him.
10:47He's so young and he did all this.
10:52You ever get used to this kind of stuff?
10:55No, not really.
11:01All right, thank you.
11:05Paramedics said her husband will pull through, but he's not going to be talking for a while.
11:07This is an atypical Jessup crime scene.
11:09He kidnaps the wife and he leaves the husband alive?
11:12Yeah, and the carbon monoxide.
11:14You got an idea what the hell Jessup's doing?
11:16I don't know.
11:17This feels rushed.
11:18Carbon monoxide poisoning takes time, so he either didn't have it or he didn't think
11:22that he had it.
11:23Also, none of his previous crimes involved guns, but we got a missing shotgun over here.
11:26And she left her phone.
11:27Do you think maybe he's trying something different?
11:30Got the footage.
11:32Oh, there's the shotgun.
11:34Where is he taking her?
11:35Wife's name is Irene McFadden.
11:37She's got an old model sedan registered to her name, but...
11:39No GPS, I assume?
11:40I put out an APB with a do not approach order.
11:43We got any info on the daughter?
11:44Her name is Lucy McFadden.
11:46She's in college up in Sheridan.
11:47Has anyone contacted her?
11:49We have to contain the spread of the information.
11:51I know I get the need for secrecy, but come on, man.
11:53Somebody has to let her know her dad's in the ICU.
11:55I agree.
11:57I'll have Morales pull up the daughter's cell.
11:59Got it.
12:00Oh, really?
12:02How'd you guess for PIN?
12:03That's on profiler trick?
12:06And also, it is on a post-it note over there.
12:09Boomers, man.
12:11Hang on.
12:12How many devices does Irene have?
12:14Says there's three here in the house and earbuds moving north on I-80.
12:19That's Irene.
12:22My name is Irene McFadden.
12:30I teach middle school social studies.
12:34I have my own family.
12:38My daughter, Lucy, she's going to college.
12:41And my husband, my husband is a very good man and you...
12:46And he's been really badly hurt and you need to take me home
12:50so that I can get him some help.
12:52You need to take me home right now, please.
12:55Mom, don't worry.
13:01All of this is going to be over soon.
13:07You'll see.
13:08I promise you I won't tell anyone about this.
13:11I just need to make sure that he's okay.
13:12He's not well, please.
13:15We're almost there.
13:18We're almost there.
13:20Wait, they stopped moving.
13:22Wait, turn right, turn right.
13:33What are you doing?
13:38It's okay.
13:40You don't have to worry.
13:44I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise.
13:56That's it.
14:06FBI, get out of the car.
14:08Hands, hands.
14:14Are you Irene McFadden's daughter?
14:16Yes, what's happening?
14:19You took your mom's earbuds.
14:20Are you serious?
14:22They're just earbuds.
14:23Why would she call the FBI?
14:27Are you kidding me?
14:35I hope that you're comfortable.
14:38Now's a great time to take a little nap.
14:44Okay, you just get some rest.
14:48You know?
14:51Then I'll be right back.
14:57Come on, people.
14:58Jessup's not exactly gonna blend in.
15:00Let's find him now.
15:16911, what's your emergency?
15:17I just saw a man get abducted.
15:19Please, you need to send the police right now.
15:23Hey, what's up?
15:24He's crossed state lines.
15:25We intercepted a 911 call.
15:27Witness saw someone fitting Jessup's description of Dr. Mann.
15:30He kidnapped someone else?
15:31She got a photo, sending it to you now.
15:33We'll be on the plane in ten.
15:41Victim's name is Walter Quinn, 51.
15:44Any way to connect him to Jessup?
15:45Or Irene McFadden?
15:47Not that we know of, but morale's no dollar on it.
15:50This behavior makes no sense.
15:52Shane, do you know anything about the treatments that Jessup had at the pit?
15:54By the time I arrived, they'd given up on treatment.
15:56He was in ISO.
15:58Well, apparently a few years after he got to the pit,
16:00he had a violent outburst that crushed the spine of some researcher.
16:04No one wanted to work with him after that.
16:07He seems like such a people person.
16:09In the file, it said something about remote visual cognitive monitoring.
16:14What is that?
16:16Yeah, that was just an excuse to ignore Jessup.
16:18None of the guards wanted to go near him,
16:20so they just put on these weird educational videos
16:22that for some reason he loved and just left him to it.
16:25Wait, why did he love them?
16:27I don't know.
16:27I didn't watch the videos.
16:29They were like those old PSAs they'd show us in school about not doing drugs
16:33that made everybody just want to do drugs.
16:35But not me, obviously.
16:39I would never do drugs.
16:42So for years, Jessup's only connection to the outside world were these videos?
16:46I suppose so, yeah.
16:47Okay, I need to see them.
16:48Well, if they're on those analog tapes,
16:50then they're buried under 200 feet of rubble right now.
16:52Well, hold on.
16:54We might actually have something else.
16:57Sending you the playback now.
17:00He'd watch the videos and they'd record his reactions.
17:03It was part of his protocol.
17:06Is that what we all look like when we watch TV?
17:09Morales, middle row, far left.
17:11Can you isolate that one?
17:17What is he saying?
17:18You have a plane, honey.
17:21You have some explaining, honey.
17:24I'm a Lucy?
17:25No, I think he's saying Johnny.
17:27Leave me alone.
17:30Can we go back to the beginning of the video?
17:34Wait, why did you pause the tape?
17:36Look at the reflection on his glasses.
17:39Those are words.
17:41Nice catch.
17:43Conflict resolution.
17:45What is that, UW?
17:47University of Wyoming.
17:49They made the tapes.
17:50Morales, contact the university.
17:52We're gonna need a copy of these tapes.
17:54No need.
17:54Turns out the UW psych department posts all its videos online.
18:00You have some explaining to do, Johnny.
18:03Leave me alone.
18:04We just want to understand why you hurt that boy at school today.
18:09I don't know.
18:11I get angry sometimes, okay?
18:13I get the urge to hurt people or break things.
18:16It feels good to let out my anger.
18:18Man, can you imagine watching these things all day, every day, for 10 years?
18:23And I'll probably be a psychopath too.
18:26But if we can't help you, maybe someone else can.
18:30Wait, that woman, Morales, can you pause on her?
18:36Well, you don't think...
18:37Do we have a picture of the first abductee, Irene McFadden?
18:43It's her. She's mom.
18:48Then the second abductee...
18:52Jessup is abducting the actors from the video.
18:55For years, the only psychological outlet Jessup has had,
18:57the family he can project his fantasy onto, is this one.
19:00So as far as he's concerned, these actors are his real family.
19:03Well, if that's true, he's going after Johnny next.
19:05Okay, well, how do we find out Johnny's real name?
19:08How did Jessup...
19:10What are the chances?
19:15No way.
19:17New plan. Morales, find us a location for Michael Brennan.
19:21On it.
19:25He lives here with his father.
19:26Seems like Michael Brennan's taking a little break from acting.
19:30Uh, felony possession. Felony possession with intent to sell.
19:33And public urination. Cute.
19:35Child actors, man.
19:36Mr. Brennan.
19:38Who's asking?
19:39Rebecca Henderson, FBI.
19:43I've been expecting you.
19:45I sent you 87 letters about those cell phone towers.
19:49The negative ions.
19:50In the copper piping?
19:52Reverberate EMFs.
19:54It signal blocks the pineal gland.
19:56Which is the mind-soul connection, of course.
19:59Of course, but we're not here to talk...
20:00Actually, that is exactly why we're here.
20:03The negative EMFs.
20:04Negative ions.
20:05Sorry, the negative ions, right.
20:07It's a very serious matter, and I'm glad that you have alerted us to it.
20:11I'm just doing my duty as a citizen.
20:13You know, I tried to tell my son.
20:15Yeah, but he doesn't believe me.
20:17Is he home at the moment?
20:19No, he's never home.
20:21He just hangs out with his punk friends.
20:24Okay, it's not his fault.
20:28It's the 5G.
20:29Softens the brain.
20:30Can you tell us where Michael is right now?
20:32We just want to talk some sense into him.
20:36I'd be indebted to you.
20:38We'll go.
20:54Who's that?
20:55It's my son.
20:55Oh, I see.
20:57Who's out there?
21:07Michael Brandon?
21:15Going in.
21:16On the floor!
21:17In the attic!
21:31Be there!
21:33Where's Brandon?
21:35Where is he?
21:36I don't know, man!
21:39Brandon's in the mirror!
21:39I got him!
21:57Hey, brother!
22:00I was looking for you.
22:03Do you need a ride?
22:27They're looking everywhere for Jessup's car.
22:50Get with Morales.
22:51See what she can find.
22:52Head back to the command center.
22:55I'll catch up with you once they stitch me up.
22:57We don't have time to regroup.
22:58Jessup has three hostages and we have no idea where he's taking them.
23:00We're on a clock right now.
23:03We're always on a clock.
23:04Head back to command.
23:13I need to speak to someone who knows how Jessup thinks.
23:15Who was the last therapist to talk to him?
23:17Oh, that'd be the one you turned in for Pretzel.
23:20Does Dr. Pretzel have a name?
23:25Listen, I've had it with everyone being so damn withholding around here.
23:28You guys can have your secrets.
23:29That's fine.
23:29You can play your little games.
23:31The reality is Jessup has three captives.
23:33If we don't find them, they will die.
23:35Look, I never met the guy, but I heard his name.
23:39Dr. Lansing.
23:40You sure?
23:42All the guards heard this story.
23:43Yeah, I'm sure.
23:46Okay, let's take a little field trip.
23:49Something tells me you're not planning on telling Asani about this.
23:51And ruin his medical leave?
23:53Well, did the kid hit him first?
23:57Well, you know that's self-defense.
23:59Obviously, I'm not gonna say that to him.
24:06Yeah, I'm gonna have to call you right back.
24:09Tell the kids I miss them.
24:10Love you.
24:12So, um, other than the imminent danger from escape psychopaths, everything okay?
24:19If I ask you something, can you promise not to repeat it to anyone?
24:23Uh, sure.
24:30Did you ever see this inmate in the pit?
24:34Did you ever see this inmate in the pit?
24:42No, I don't think so.
24:45Who's that?
24:46His name is Eli Johnson.
24:48Eli Johnson?
24:49I've never heard of him.
24:51Was he someone you, uh, you put away?
24:54He's the one you nasty drood, your friend's dad, right?
24:58You think he was in the pit?
24:59I know that he was transferred somewhere, but I cannot figure out where.
25:03Why don't you ask your friend? I mean, if her dad was transferred somewhere legit, she'd know, right?
25:07I can't do that.
25:08Why not?
25:09He killed her.
25:12I am so sorry. I did not mean to be...
25:16It's okay. It's okay.
25:21The night that I slept over at Naomi's, when I broke into her dad's garage and I found the rope, he found me.
25:30I don't know if he heard my footsteps or what, but when he turned that light on, I just, I just ran.
25:36And I went home and I woke up my dad, and by the time the cops got to the house, there was a standoff, and, um...
25:44He killed her as they broke down the door.
25:49Um, it says, it says we're here.
25:58I was wondering when you might show up.
26:12You two must be from the base.
26:13FBI, actually.
26:15Detention specialist, D-Block.
26:18Do you mind if I take a seat?
26:22Dr. Lansing, I was hoping that you might shed some light on a prior patient of yours, Clayton Jessup.
26:30You were the last therapist to speak with him.
26:32And he was the last one who saw me standing.
26:36What can you tell us about the treatments?
26:38I was close. He was getting better. He was.
26:43If I had just had a little more time with him, it could have been a career-defining breakthrough.
26:47What went wrong?
26:50One of you.
26:53It wasn't Clayton's fault. He moved to embrace me, guard got spooked, drew his sidearm, Clayton lost his temper, gripped me too hard, and...
27:07I'm really sorry.
27:17Sir, how's your arm?
27:19Doctor said I'll live.
27:21Where's Agent Henderson?
27:23She hasn't reported back yet, sir.
27:27I need the location on the vehicle.
27:31Look, I understand that it's been a while, but do you know of anywhere that Jessup might be hiding out?
27:37A place that feels like home to him.
27:40I wish I could help Agent Henderson, but Clayton isn't my problem anymore.
27:46He hasn't been my problem since the day he broke my back.
27:50I wanted to resume our sessions when I was well enough to work again, but the powers that be wouldn't allow it.
27:55Powers that be? Who'd you report to?
28:01I know there were other people in charge back then.
28:03We're just trying to understand how it all works.
28:05Of course. But truthfully, I don't know how much I can help. It's been years since I've been down there, and I really shouldn't be telling you any of this.
28:15Max, it's a sign.
28:28My hands are tied. I truly hope that you find him quickly. I do. But it's late, and I am very tired.
28:39Doctor, I'm sorry. It's just... you were the first person involved in the pit that can give me any real answers.
28:46My dear, don't you understand? There are no answers in the pit. Only more questions.
29:09Okay, what about the therapy videos? Why did you show Jessup all of those old PSAs?
29:34Those videos were made specifically for Clayton.
29:38Look, I produced them myself through a grant from the University of Wyoming, who distributed them to schools throughout the state.
29:45You made the videos yourself?
29:47Of course I did. Now, please.
29:49Where did you make them?
29:54Here. You filmed them here.
29:58Jessup's in this house, isn't he?
30:01We just want to understand why you hurt that boy at school today.
30:05I don't know. I just get angry. Sometimes.
30:23Where is he?
30:25You need to leave. I promised him I would get you out of here quickly. If he senses you're onto him, he will kill the others.
30:31He's gonna kill them anyways.
30:32No, please. You don't know him the way that I do. I can talk him through this.
30:35Not a chance.
30:36He trusts me. Look, if you want to help, you and your friend need to get out of here now and let me do my job.
30:52Please, I am begging you.
32:00If you go now, I can save them.
32:03Where does this door lead?
32:29Dr. Lansing, you need to get out of the house, okay?
32:31He won't hurt me.
33:01Shane. Shane.
33:31Breathe, breathe, breathe.
33:37We gotta get them out of here.
33:49Put him down, Clayton.
33:52He said, he said it's safe here. He said it's safe for my family.
33:59Clayton, please listen. You're very bad. You lied to me.
34:06I just wanted my family all together. All together.
34:11I'm gonna put the gun away, okay?
34:13I'm just gonna put this away.
34:15I get it. You just wanted to be loved, right?
34:18Does it feel important?
34:20Clayton, is that right?
34:21Yes. Yes.
34:24I understand. Yeah.
34:27Now I can't. Now I'm all alone again.
34:30No, that's not true.
34:31It's very true.
34:34That's not true. You wanna know why?
34:37Because I know someone who loves you so, so much, who thinks you're incredibly important.
34:46Dr. Lansing.
34:49He loves you.
34:53Guess what, though, Clayton? If you hurt him, he can't love you anymore.
34:57He thinks of you like a son.
34:59Even after you hurt him, he tried so, so hard to come back and see you.
35:04That's how important he thinks you are.
35:06Do you wanna put him down?
35:09Let's let him go. Do you wanna let him go?
35:11Yes. Yes.
35:16But no, I can't.
35:18He has to die.
35:23Clayton, don't. Don't hurt Dr. Lansing. He loves you so much.
35:27He doesn't love me. He lied to me.
35:32You're a liar.
35:34He's a liar. You're all lying.
35:36No one's lying, Clayton. I promise.
35:39You're very bad.
35:40Let's let him go, okay?
35:41No. You're a very bad man.
35:44And no like this time.
35:48Stay down. Stay down.
35:51Don't move.
35:52Stay on the ground.
36:01Irene, Walter, and Michael are all gonna be okay.
36:05Uh-oh. Asked you and then coming.
36:09You hear yourself checked out? All good.
36:11Hey, Hassani, listen. I'm sorry. We should have told you that we were...
36:15Are you hungry?
36:18There's gotta be some place around here still open.
36:22I know a place.
36:28Go. Come on.
36:32Still got it.
36:34I'll stay three years running. Go Badgers.
36:37Let's begin.
36:39You're taking that to the bathroom?
36:46Wild day, huh?
36:49I cannot have you running off without me like that.
36:54Trust goes both ways.
36:58We pulled another guard out of the rubble this morning.
37:02He was stationed close to where we believe the blast originated.
37:07I had a lab analyze his body for C4. It came back positive.
37:11You told me the explosion came from a gas leak.
37:13I told you what the AG told me. I don't know what happened, but I knew it wasn't an accident.
37:19Okay, well, why would the AG say that, then?
37:21The only reason someone invents a terrible lie is to cover an even worse truth.
37:31Hey, I need to show you something.
37:45You brought him here?
37:48I knew you wouldn't be satisfied until you saw Johnson with your own eyes.
38:16What a surprise.
38:20I haven't seen you since...
38:23Well, in a long time. My God, you've grown.
38:34I said you were transferred out of Sussex.
38:37Where did they transfer you to?
38:38Oh, a cage is a cage is a cage.
38:41Doesn't matter where you put it.
38:42You'd be surprised.
38:46I petitioned for a move to Wallens Ridge.
38:50I wanted to be closer to my daughter.
38:56Don't get too comfortable. I'll have you transferred back to Sussex in a week.
39:00You think they'd let you still be an agent if they knew the truth?
39:04If your friend, Agent Odell, hadn't buried it?
39:10He knows the truth about what really happened that night.
39:15Or didn't he tell you?
39:19When you were at Quantico, he was the one who interviewed me for your security clearance.
39:24And I told him everything.
39:27What you said to the police, to all the investigators, to your father.
39:33It was a lie.
39:36You said you went down into my garage alone.
39:41But you took my daughter with you.
39:45You convinced Naomi to go through my personal possessions.
39:50Which she never would have done on her own.
39:53She was a good girl.
39:58And now, the world thinks you're a hero.
40:04You and I both know the truth.
40:07You're just a girl who ran away.
40:10And left her friend behind.
40:15And you're just a sociopath who killed his own daughter.
40:32You okay?
40:34You knew. And you covered for me.
40:40You were just a kid when that happened.
40:43But lying to the police would have disqualified you from the Bureau.
40:48And I knew the kind of agent you'd make someday.
40:52Why didn't you tell me that you knew the truth?
40:55Because it was your story.
40:58And I thought if you ever wanted me to know, you'd tell me yourself someday when you're ready.
41:05I'm sorry.
41:08For how it ended.
41:13Now you made the right call.
41:19What do you got?
41:20You were right. Ten minutes before the blast, the digital firewall at the prison was breached.
41:24A thousand terabytes of encrypted data was removed from the server.
41:27Can you confirm the location?
41:29The breach occurred in the office of Oliver O'Dell. He knew the blast was coming.
41:33I need you to send me everything the agency has on him right away.
41:36I'm on it.
41:37Do it quietly.