• last week
Hey guys!

Hope you enjoy this video, sorry it's a day late and sorry for the abrupt ending!

I've Linked the shorts I wore below (code ZOERAE10) but I would also recommend sweat seamless, legacy & vital seamless for really good running shorts! AD


Love Zoe xxx


00:00Hello guys and welcome back to another video. This is actually the second time I started this video this week
00:08Today is Friday, and I started this video on Monday hoping to do like a weekly vlog
00:14I've had a hell of a week. I'm not gonna lie
00:16I have been bed bound literally bed bound with the world's worst cough and cold I mean
00:25It's not like I've had like a really bad flu
00:27I've just not been able to breathe for a week
00:30Which has been so unpleasant and really put me in a foul foul mood because I've not been able to train
00:36I've not been able to exercise
00:38I've really I'm gonna be honest since Monday. I've not moved my body a great deal if at all really
00:44I've been going to the bathroom, and I've been going to bed and other than that
00:48As you can tell I am still a little bit poorly, but it's on its way out
00:53I've woken up today feeling the best I felt all week, so that's a positive
00:57I am aware as well this video is going to be going out a day later than it would normally
01:02There's just something about not getting a video out on a Sunday. I can't relax. I hate someone was like
01:07Oh, I just put it out on another day. It's like it's not that big of a deal
01:09It's like no no I have to have it out on Sunday
01:11It really messes with my head otherwise Sunday's my day
01:14But I'm gonna get this video out on Monday for you because we can't go a full two weeks without a video can we?
01:19I am also aware that I have not done a video in this country for a very long time
01:26My last video was Vienna video before that was Portugal this video is my Valencia vlog now
01:32I haven't spoken about this trip really at all booked it so last night
01:36Not really last minute, but I've always known that I was going to be going to Valencia this weekend
01:40I've only really just got around to booking it the last few weeks basically my auntie and uncle so my auntie is my dad's sister
01:46Her name is Jackie and his name is Michael they have recently just moved from the UK to Spain
01:53They're about 45 minutes away from Valencia, so that is why I'm going there this weekend
02:00Coincidentally guys not that I plan this at all or anything like that. There was a high rocks in Valencia this weekend what?
02:07Who said that I didn't not me how funny and how bizarre that I plan to go and visit my auntie in Valencia on the
02:14Same weekend the Valencia high rocks is my main reason for going to Valencia is to visit my auntie and uncle
02:18And like I said they moved
02:20Maybe a few months ago now
02:22And I've yet to go and see them and I keep meaning to go and see them and so I finally got around to booking
02:26Obviously with all my busy busy weekends at the minute. I've just not really had the chance
02:30So I am going by myself. I'm doing a little solo trip staying with them tonight where they live and then tomorrow night
02:35I've got us all a hotel in the center of Valencia. So it's at that Saturday night and then Sunday
02:42Me and my auntie are doing Valencia women's doubles and
02:47now I
02:48Was looking for a solo tickets. I just thought you know what might be nice for them to come and see it
02:52I've not been to a high rocks before they don't know how like how it works. What's involved blah blah blah
02:56So I thought I'll look for a solo ticket. There was literally no solo tickets available
02:59I was looking high and low searching high and low what was available was loads of women's double tickets
03:03So I suggested the idea to my auntie. She's a really good runner
03:08But she has never done
03:12Anything high rocks related never in her life. She's never skied pushed pulled burpied lunged
03:18warbled and so
03:20the deal was
03:23Doing doubles with her because she does like really want to do it like she's really excited about it and she's like very fitnessy
03:27She's always out running
03:29I just said to her look I will do literally all the stations if you don't want to and you can just run with me
03:34and you can see what it's about and get a feel for it and just be in the environment and like
03:38See what you think um, so that's kind of the plan know what she's like, though
03:42I'm sure she will want to give some of the station scope
03:44I know she's got like a couple of niggles like she's got a bit of a wrist problem
03:47she does have a little bit of an ankle problem, which she says is fine to run on but
03:50Things like burpees like might be a little bit hard on her wrists and stuff
03:53so listen, I'm up for doing all the stations and also I'm kind of I'm glad that
03:58Like we're just going for a little chill one because me and my current state. There's no way I
04:04Could go full send for a high rocks right now, so we're just gonna get around it. Enjoy it show her what it's all about
04:09I really think she quite knows what she's got in herself
04:12Michael as well her husband like he is honestly gonna be like what on earth is going on. So yeah, what is this?
04:17Yeah, I I'm actually really excited
04:19I just hope she loves it and I hope she enjoys it and I'm literally so happy to do all the stations like I will
04:24Let you do all the 100 wall walls. So I really don't know if she'll be able to do a wall wall
04:27Which is fine, but it's just like the experience and it's just bonding time
04:30And yeah, I love doing doubles with like loads of different people because I just think it really brings you much closer
04:36I rocks is definitely bonding time. That is one thing for sure
04:39It is I am also aware that I'm just high rocks and high rocks and high rocks in a minute
04:42I feel like it was the same last year. They all seem to come at once and obviously this one was a bit spontaneous
04:47I don't really need to be doing it today is Friday and it is the first day that I felt
04:51Semi, okay
04:53Send me like I can get out the house and do something. So by Sunday, I'm hoping that I will be fully recovered and
05:00Not snotting everywhere. Yeah, other than the high rocks
05:02I'm really just looking forward to spending the weekend there spending some quality time with my auntie uncle and
05:07Yeah, just enjoying a little sunshine. Hopefully on the table behind me. I'm aware a big mess
05:11I'm actually about to pack my suitcase miss you guys literally a week later and I feel like I'm doing the exact same thing again
05:17I'm showing you what's going in my bag. However, this time I'm not taking my high rocks bill for athletes back
05:22I'm taking a
05:24suitcase, but it's not a
05:26One you have to check in it's one you can carry on and I've measured it and I've looked on the website and it is
05:32Within the guidelines. I hope I hope they don't take this off me. It's currently 1136
05:39Fly at like 4 o'clock. So I really want to be ready and leaving for the airport like 2 so I've got about 2 hours
05:45I'm gonna pack this
05:46Ideally, I was I would like to go out for a little like honestly like 3k run
05:52Just to see what my breathing is like and just to move my body because I
05:56Can't remember the last time I'm not exercise for
05:59Five days. I didn't do anything Sunday either and Monday. I just attempted a run
06:05Which was a big fat fail. My mom was a big fat fail. So really I'm not exercise for a week like
06:11That's unheard of for me. I'm hurt. I'm surprised my mental health isn't through the roof right now
06:18But I'm not mad about it because I really was like that poorly
06:22Also, what was I gonna say this week has really thrown a spanner in the works
06:26My marathon training really really has this morning. I was meant to be running 23 kilometers at
06:32Marathon race pace. I've missed a lot of mileage this week
06:35I'm just hoping that one week or just over a week isn't really going to affect it that much
06:40I mean, it's it's not my confidence big time
06:46I'm just hoping we can get back to normal next week. Well, I'm hoping that all this is gonna fit standard
06:52I've got my makeup bag. I'm not gonna go through this like I did last time
06:56This actually was gifted with a few bits in it from it's I know it's not pronounced Ole Henriksen
07:03From this brand I call it a Ole Henriksen, but apparently it's Ola
07:09Is it Molly said it's Ola because she had to do is she has to up an advert
07:13Oh Henriksen and she was like, I have to call it Ola Henriksen. Have I got that completely wrong. I don't know
07:18Well in here, I just think I changed my makeup bag because this is possibly the most gorgeous color bag
07:23Like it's this gorgeous
07:24Light looking color and I really really like it
07:27makeup bits
07:29Standard toiletry bits so many of you asking where this little toiletry travel case was from
07:34It's actually from the smooth company again, they kindly sent this to me with my favorite little smooth stick in it
07:39So I just now use this as my clear toiletry bag
07:43Pop that in there
07:46Trainers race day trainers. They can also go in
07:49There I reckon. Do you know what actually gonna wipe a bit of space left over?
07:53I've got this jacket from Jim shark
07:56Some leggings. I like daily clothes, which I only really need one set anyway
08:02My high rocks ages for like one full day some pajamas
08:06This is all gonna fit really nicely actually and then for my race day outfits
08:13Basically, my auntie was like, oh, do you think we need to be matching?
08:15I was like
08:15I don't really know if I'm gonna have time to order something matching and also I don't know if I'm gonna have space in my
08:20Bag for us to have something matching. Actually, I do have the space now. So that's great and
08:25I've recently got sent from Jim shop the new Whitney adapt
08:30Which by the way, it's chef's kiss. So I've not got us matching colors
08:34I've got a second matching sets these adapt shores. I would say I think I have mentioned before like
08:40Probably my favorite ones from Jim shark
08:42Like if I were to pick a pair of shorts to run in the marathon, it would probably be these because they're flattering
08:47They look cute. And also they do not budge. They're quite long as well
08:51They're like I like a longer short, but also you can kind of like pull them up
08:55So they don't look like too long and I don't just look weird
08:59These are the shorts that I am going to be wearing
09:02I'll do a little animal print of them, but you can see a little bit longer like not I
09:07Don't like a really really short short because I do get chafing and like chopper up
09:10It needs to be long enough and then
09:12The back is of course the bum scrunch because we love a bum scrunch a sports bra with that and then over the top of that
09:18I've got like a matching
09:19Holster next hop also from the new Whitney Simmons adapt collection
09:25It's kind of backless
09:28But I just thought with a simple sports bra underneath holds that over like that really cute
09:32So that's what I'm wearing and then my auntie Jackie
09:34I've got her the same in black
09:36She's a little bit smaller than me, but I feel like these are quite tight and like they stretched me
09:40So they should fit her fine
09:42I would have probably just worn a sports bra myself, but I didn't think she'd be comfortable just wearing a sports bra
09:47And so I picked something that she would feel comfortable in as well
09:50And I just a really flattering set really comfortable. You don't feel like all exposed and stuff. So that's why I have chosen
09:58This and also something that's brand new is always far more appealing to wear
10:01but if you are looking for a gym shorts that looks cute and doesn't move and
10:06If you got chafing in trouble because I do I really like a spoken about to be honest at all
10:11whatever and a lot of fitness influencers don't seem to get
10:16Chafing and chopper. I do
10:18Me over here. I do so the
10:22shorts with the bum scrunch
10:24They're the ones for you the codes give you money off it is Zoe ray 10, I'll leave it on the screen
10:32Go get those shorts are the best ones and I've tried a fair few oh
10:39Boring knickers and socks
10:43Wow guys, I've got loads of space left
10:46Do you know what then? I will pop this cardigan. That's really great news. I've got some space left because
10:52Have I got that much space so that's the only thing I was just gonna wear this other jacket to the airport
10:56But oh my god, I got so hot in Vienna
11:00Everything I was wearing I try and minimize space. I think I'm gonna start taking this suitcase a bit more
11:05This is from Captain and son. I have had this
11:08Honestly for the longest time if you guys probably remember I had used on here
11:11I remember when I used to work with Captain and son a lot like I use a suitcase all the time
11:18Oh guys, this suitcase is incredible
11:20I didn't realize how much I could get in there compared to like how much I could put in my rucksack. I'm real
11:26I'm sorry buzzing with that. Okay, but nothing guys. I think I'm gonna go for a run
11:37Don't know why I'm actually
11:40Guys, I'm not gonna lie. I
11:42Was gonna go for a run, but I don't think it's wise like I'm just gonna do nothing until Sunday as much as it's killing
11:48Me like I still can't really breathe and I don't want to
11:54Any chances of me feeling better for Sunday because I don't want to let my auntie down either
11:59So no, she's really looking forward to it. So instead we're making ourselves
12:03some brunch
12:05So I don't have to get anything at the airport. I say this I probably won. Anyway, let's be honest
12:10Let's be honest, I can't go to the airport and not have a single bit of food
12:14So I'm just making my breakfast wrap, which I have honestly been
12:19Loving it recently. Like I've not been having anything else for breakfast
12:22I just had a really small bowl of shredded wheat when I got up this morning at like half 8
12:28It's now 12 o'clock. So it's kind of lunch
12:31It's not any brunch, but it looks like brunch. So what I've been doing
12:35I think I might have made this on another video. I can't remember
12:38I've been smashing like a quarter of an avocado
12:42These avocados honestly are so nice. Sometimes I think invest in your avocados because you can really tell
12:48And also invest in your eggs. I am a big believer of
12:52investing in your eggs a
12:55Wrap with a quarter of a smashed avocado
12:59Two chicken heck sausages and an egg. I have made this on a video
13:02I have I remember because the inside of it looks really really gross
13:05I actually found a wrap as well when I did my food shop at the start of this week when I wasn't feeling like death
13:11That was more of it. It was just a better size. I feel like the ones I was using before were just a bit too big
13:16And but these aren't mini and they're not really they're not large. So they're nice in between
13:22So I've got my avocado my two chicken hecks
13:25I've definitely done this on a recent vlog, haven't I? So I'm sorry about that. And then I've also got my egg
13:31Oh, it's so good. I made this for Daniel as well when he was home
13:35He loved it
13:3810 out of 10 and then we have my little lunch guys. We have landed. I can't remember I mentioned that I was flying to Alicante
13:49Yeah, I've just landed Alicante and then I'm actually flying back from Valencia because she lives a little bit closer to Alicante Airport
13:55than Valencia, so
13:57Just landed at Alicante. It was
14:03Bit of a crazy flight, I'm not gonna lie. Everyone was just drinking and everyone was literally about to go out
14:11out on the town out in Alicante, but
14:14Landed, I think I'm just gonna get back to there, chill, have some dinner. I know they've made me a chilli
14:18But yeah guys, I'll probably not speak to you till tomorrow morning
14:30Good morning guys, from Denia. I'm in somewhere called Denia and it is so so lovely here. This is the town where my auntie and uncle live
14:52Well just outside they're hoping to buy a property here, but it's so gorgeous and it's a real shame about the weather today
14:59It's a little chilly, I'm a little bit cold
15:01It's also typical because they said this is literally like the first day in such a long time
15:05Where it's not been sunny and it's not been really really warm. The clouds look
15:12Clouds are looking a little bit daunting
15:14Yeah, we are here. We've just found this really gorgeous little breakfast area where we're gonna sit and have a coffee
15:19Get some breakfast. This is so cute gorgeous little markets as well. Loads of like tapas areas
15:24I can imagine in the summer that this place actually pops off
15:28Like in the summer, this is insane. It's so cute look
15:33How gorgeous is this?
15:36And down this little alley here, there's loads of like tapas food places
15:42Yeah, we're just gonna sit here chill and get some breakfast I think. Have you been on my vlog before?
15:48No, we haven't
15:50Well, actually Jackie and Michael are used to being behind the camera anyway because
15:55Would I say they did or do you have your own YouTube channel?
15:58We do have our own YouTube channel. Cruising on the border. I'll leave the
16:03The name of it here if you want to go check their videos out
16:05We've also got our own Instagram account for our adventures in Spain. Yeah, that's more where you post like current stuff, isn't it?
16:11So they lived on a narrowboat and now have moved to Spain and stopped the YouTube channel when they moved to Spain
16:18but post like
16:19Daily updates I would say
16:23But the YouTube channel was so successful, I think Molly's probably spoken about it before
16:26She's so successful, did really really well. Not as successful as you are
16:32But we've got our breakfast, you can tuck in, don't wait for me. We're still waiting for our croissant aren't we. Got my acai bowl here
16:40Peanut butter acai bowl. Yours looks incredible to be fair. That looks so nice and pancakes
16:46Lovely, how gorgeous is this? We have just got off the train in Valencia and guys, this is crazy
16:54There's basically a festival going on this weekend called, I think Jackie just said it's called fire festival
16:59But there's like fireworks going off, there's bands playing
17:03Like this is carnage, but our hotel, I think it looks over this which is insane
17:09There's also fireworks which are gonna go off at midnight tonight. So literally no sleep for us
17:14I've lost him too
17:31Yeah, huge festival. Oh bikes everywhere
17:35When we check in we'll probably come back out and have a look properly
17:39Everything that's going on, but it's so busy. We've decided that we've just missed absolute chaos. So the fireworks, what were two o'clock?
17:46What's the time now? Probably like half two
17:49And it's so busy, so crazy here, like there's just stuff all over the floor
17:56I reckon that, I reckon that road was filled with like a big parade and stuff
18:01Oh my god, look up there!
18:07Michael look
18:14That's not our hotel is it?
18:18Oh my god
18:20Look up there
18:24Are they all queens?
18:30Never have I walked through a more carnage city in my life
18:34We were aware that there was some sort of festival going on this weekend
18:38Like I know there's gonna be fireworks at midnight tonight. That was the one thing I knew
18:43But it's actually two o'clock in the afternoon at midnight every day
18:46For I'm not sure how long maybe like a couple of weeks, which is crazy
18:50I only really got my camera out when it wasn't too crazy
18:52But I actually think if we'd got to the hotel
18:56If we'd got off the train like half an hour to an hour earlier, we wouldn't have made it through like
19:01We definitely just caught the aftermath of what was going on
19:05And I wasn't sure if my room, because I booked a hotel quite central for us
19:09I wasn't sure if my room was gonna be overlooking
19:11Kind of like the main area that it was all going on, which I was gutted about. Actually now I think about it
19:17I wouldn't get any sleep tonight if that was the case because the fireworks going off at midnight
19:23Basically what we just walked through there happens again at midnight tonight
19:26So I'm guessing from like 10 till 12, there's gonna be a massive build-up
19:29I think the city's gonna be like crazy people drinking people like just everywhere
19:34Um, this was 200 pounds a night, which I think
19:38For the size of the room is quite expensive. But then again, it is very central. Bathroom's really nice though
19:44Really cute and
19:46I just have a single bed because it is just me staying here
19:50This is where I'm going to be located for the next two nights, just dumped my suitcase there
19:55I need to have a little sort out and unpack. My view isn't bad to be fair. It's not bad at all
20:00It's also not cold at all. But the Sun really hasn't made an appearance today. The Sun is out tomorrow though
20:05Yeah, we've just, Jackie and Michael have just gone to check into their room as well
20:09And I said we would meet, we got here at 3, it's now 20 past and I said we would meet at half 3, a cafe
20:16Which they came to when they last visited Valencia for Jackie's birthday called Honest Greens
20:20Which they said is incredible and it's got like 300k followers on Instagram and the menu just looks insane
20:26So we're gonna go there for like a coffee
20:27Probably some late lunch and then we'll get another late dinner for this evening
20:31I really really really want paella like that is my go-to dinner for this evening. I've decided that's gonna be my carb loading
20:39I washed my hair this morning guys
20:41This is why I just don't wash my hair because I'm moult, honestly, like crazy. My skin also looks really greasy and sweaty
20:49So yeah, I'm just gonna have 10 minutes now to unpack, sort myself out and then meet them downstairs
20:53And we will go and get another bite to eat. Good evening guys
20:56It is 5 to midnight and I've stood in the middle of Valencia Square, about to watch potentially one of the best fireworks plays of my life
21:03Supposedly, that's what everyone's saying, it's absolutely incredible
21:07I mean literally everyone's gathered here at midnight to watch this so it's meant to be really good
21:11It's just been out for a gorgeous dinner
21:12We had paella, a few glasses of rosé, three glasses of rosé before High Rocks
21:17I have never drunk alcohol before High Rocks in my life, which just kind of shows like how unseriously we're taking tomorrow
21:24We are currently taking a shelter under a tree because it is raining a little bit
21:29So we're taking a shelter under a tree and everyone is here ready to watch this firework display and then I'm not gonna lie
21:35I am so ready for bed because I'm absolutely shattered
21:38But we couldn't miss this, we couldn't miss it
21:42I'm so excited
22:00Guys I am so pleased we waited up for that
22:03That was literally the best fireworks display I've ever seen in my life
22:06No fireworks display is ever gonna compare to that now. That was insane
22:10I've never known anything like it. That finale was like, oh my goodness. That was out of this world
22:15We were all just like jaw on the floor. Absolutely incredible. Guys. I am shattered. I'm gonna go to bed
22:21Thankfully, we're not on till like three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. So
22:25My eyes still not 100% is it?
22:28So yeah, I'm gonna get a nice long sleep tonight and I'll speak to you all in the morning
22:32Night guys. It is time to head over to the venue
22:35They are just heading over to my room to dump their bags in my room because they've had to check out of theirs because they're
22:39Going back home tonight, but I've got this room for another evening
22:42The weather is absolutely glorious today, which I'm low-key gutted about. 50% of the day is gonna be spent inside the High Rocks venue
22:47Which is a bit of a shame
22:49Yeah, we're gonna head over now. It's like half an hour, 20-30 minutes on the tram. I've got my race outfit on
22:58I went for the
22:59Whitney Simmons Adapt
23:01shorts with a little halter neck and then I just chucked on this
23:06Thin like windbreaker jacket over the top. I'm not wearing my race shoes to travel in
23:10I've packed these in my bag because as much as they aren't great to race in
23:14They're just I just feel like when I've got them on my feet for too long
23:16They can start to irritate me a little bit. How I see tomorrow coming with me is honestly guys this
23:20I literally felt so much better yesterday so much better
23:25And now I feel like I've gone back downhill, which is really annoying. I'm full of snot and tissues
23:31That's what I need to pack. I need to pack a packet of tissues
23:33I'm a bit nervous
23:35Why am I nervous? Oh dear. It's just because I know it's gonna hurt and I know I'm gonna have to do
23:40Well, I said I would do most of the work anyway, and it's just because I think it's just because I've got a cold
23:43We're gonna head over now
23:45And I will
23:47Speak to you when we get there
23:51This goes around your ankle
23:53It's so important that you use it
23:55Because if not you will have to pay a lot of money
23:57It's better not to pay a lot of money
23:59Okay, that's mine
24:01That's mine
24:06Thank you
24:16Here we go
24:18Alright, how are you feeling?
24:20I'm feeling absolutely fine
24:22Are you? You're not nervous at all
24:24She's literally not been nervous once
24:26Are you nervous?
24:28I need a wee
24:30We'll go in and have a look and then come out
24:33Desperate for a wee
24:35It doesn't look like there's anywhere around here for a coffee
24:37I'm not nervous
24:39She's so crazy
24:41I have no idea
24:43That's what it is isn't it
24:45You kind of do know what to expect
24:47I wonder if you can get a coffee from in here
24:51A little stand or something
24:53I would go as far as saying
24:55That's the least I've ever vlogged
24:57At a High Rocks event
24:59But there was just no way I could
25:01Get my camera and phone and stuff in
25:03I wasn't going to
25:05Make my uncle get my camera out
25:07And vlog
25:09That lights really bad
25:11I kind of just wanted to enjoy it as well
25:13I didn't want the pressure and stress of having to get my camera out
25:15In front of them
25:17Especially when they've never been to a venue before
25:19Because it is so over stimulating and so overwhelming
25:21I think if you've never been to a venue before
25:23You literally walk in and you're like
25:25What on earth is going on
25:27But we smashed it
25:29And I really hope that she enjoyed it
25:31I think she did
25:33We got 119 which I'm really pleased about
25:35I thought we were going to go under an hour and a half
25:37But yeah she really surprised with her running
25:39Station wise
25:41She really struggled
25:43I think I literally did 90% of the station
25:45She did some skiing somewhere
25:47But wasn't really able to do much
25:49But I knew that was always the plan
25:51Going in that I was going to do
25:53All the stations really
25:55And she would try things if she wanted to
25:57It's so funny because I do say that
25:59Herox is for everyone
26:01Just go and try it
26:03If you've not done it you'll be able to do it
26:05But actually
26:09It is really hard
26:11I do think I underestimate sometimes
26:13How hard Herox actually is
26:15Doing it with Jackie
26:17My auntie has really put it into perspective
26:19Not everyone can push and pull a sled
26:21It is really heavy and you do have to train
26:23She's tiny
26:25And I do think
26:27The more weight behind the sled the easier it is going to move
26:29If you're lacking a lot of strength
26:31Then you're going to find certain things
26:33Really hard
26:35I think
26:37Me saying on a lot of videos
26:39Just go and give it a go
26:41Everyone will be able to do it
26:43Yes of course if she trained she would be able to do it
26:45But the fact that she really
26:47Struggled pushing the sled today
26:49Shows you do have to put a bit of work in
26:51Before you just go and try and smash one out
26:53Which is kind of what I have been saying
26:55I always just say just go and try it
26:57Go and smash it out you'll be fine
26:59You'll get round it you'll finish it
27:01No not always the case
27:03The memories are there
27:05We had a great time
27:07Brought us closer
27:09It's always a good bonding experience
27:11They have now gone back to their house in Denia
27:13I am here to spend the evening
27:15By myself in Valencia
27:17However I am up at 4am
27:19I am up at 4am
27:21My flight is at 7am
27:23I think it's so funny because I booked that flight
27:25I was like oh yeah 7am fine
27:27It's not that early
27:29But actually when you take into consideration
27:31How early you have to be to the airport
27:33Getting up, getting ready, getting to the airport
27:35We are actually an hour behind here
27:37So 7am flight is 6am
27:39So I am going to have to get up at 4am
27:41Which is 3am
27:43UK time
27:47But I will be back home by 9am
27:49Which is great so I have a full Monday
27:51Can get this video edited and up for you guys
27:53But I think the plan now
27:55Definitely hydrate
27:57Because I feel so dehydrated
28:01Oh my god as well
28:03On the way to the venue we met these two lovely girls
28:05Charlotte and Sian
28:07Who were on the same tram as us
28:09And we just got chatting to them
28:11Turns out we were in the same race as them
28:13And turns out we literally finished at exactly the same time
28:15We were kind of neck and neck
28:17It was a big competition
28:19We were side by side the whole way
28:21And we finished at the same time
28:23It's just so random
28:25We met two random girls on a tram
28:27And we literally started and finished
28:29A race out of all thousands of people that take part
28:31At the same time as them
28:33And they were so nice
28:35And we made really nice friends with them
28:37Shout out to them
28:39I am going to go and get myself some food
28:41I think I am going to go back to that Honest Greens
28:43Which is up the wall
28:45I want to go to Honest Greens
28:47I want to go to Honest Greens
28:49I want to go to Honest Greens
28:51I want to go to Honest Greens
28:53I want to go to Honest Greens
28:55I want to go to Honest Greens
28:57I want to go to Honest Greens
28:59I want to go to Honest Greens
29:01I want to go to Honest Greens
29:03I want to go to Honest Greens
29:05I want to go to Honest Greens
29:07I want to go to Honest Greens
29:09I want to go to Honest Greens
29:11I want to go to Honest Greens
29:13This morning I had my overnight oats
29:15This is my post-race meal
29:17This is my post-race meal
29:19It's healthy but I'm going to get loads of it
29:21I've had a really lovely few days
29:23I'm going to stop waffling
29:25And you're going to come with me
29:27And we're going to see what we can get from Honest Greens
29:29The way I am so obsessed with this place is not normal
29:31The menu, I've never seen anything like it
29:33And you basically
29:35You basically get to see them make it all in front of you
29:37And it looks so fresh
29:39And healthy and insane
29:41It is so nice
29:43And they've placed it all up here
29:45It is actually incredible
29:47Probably the nicest place I've ever been to for food
29:49Probably the nicest place I've ever been to for food
29:51This is me sat at the window
29:53Found a nice little window table here
29:55I love to people watch
29:57I've ordered
29:59Let me show you
30:01Basically I wanted a nice side
30:03And the guy recommended some baked feta
30:05Which sounds incredible
30:07So I got some baked feta
30:09Truffle smashed potatoes
30:11With a side of halloumi
30:13I asked for a coke zero
30:15And they were like no sorry we don't do soda here
30:17Because it's a really healthy place
30:19So I just got this cold pressed drink instead
30:21Let's give this a little taste test now
30:23I'm not sure what this is going to taste like
30:33Very beetrooty
30:35That's pure beetroot
30:37I mean it being Spanish
30:39There's probably beetroot juice in Spanish
30:43This is the back of my day
30:45I've had a really really great time
30:47Also does anyone else if they're doing exercise take off their ring
30:49And then feel like so naked
30:51When they forget to put their back on
30:53Because I've knocked my ring on now and I feel so incredibly naked
30:55Yeah I'm going to sit here and people watch
30:57I'll show you my food when it comes
30:59And just kill some time
31:01Because there's a massive parade going on outside the hotel
31:03So I think it's going to be a real struggle to get back to it
31:05It's a real struggle to get here
31:07And it wasn't even fully kicked off yet
31:09So I think I probably messed up in terms of getting back to the hotel
31:11Like do you see what I mean
31:13Like do you actually see what I mean
31:15Halloumi, salmon, truffle smashed potatoes
31:17Which I had yesterday and they're incredible
31:19And the dressing that they put on the salad
31:21Honestly is so nice
31:23And that's my baked feta
31:25I'm not entirely sure what I'm meant to eat that with
31:27I mean I'll probably eat it with that bread
31:29But I thought it might come with bread
31:31But guys it looks incredible
31:33I'm on my plates right now
31:35Like I'm obsessed, this is so nice, I'm having such a good time
31:37Everyone that's walking past me is looking at me in the window like
31:39Is that girl alright
31:41This is probably the best refuelling and replenishing
31:43I've ever done post high rock
31:45Normally I'm like carbs carbs carbs
31:47But no today we're like salmon leafy greens
31:49And veg
32:03I think I've messed up
32:05Well and truly messed up
32:07So there's a road down there which is very hidden
32:09But the road that I am meant to walk back down
32:11To get to my hotel
32:13Let me see if I can zoom in
32:15It's currently blocked off
32:17By a load of firemen
32:19I just don't know how I'm going to get back to my hotel
32:21When I've got like 8% on my phone
32:23Because I know
32:25I know I'm not going to be able to get back to it
32:27Because I don't know how I'm going to get back
32:29To my hotel
32:31I know I'm not going to be able to get back to it because
32:33The parade is literally right outside it
32:35And that's what they're blocking off
32:37So how on earth am I going to be able to get on the other side
32:39I'm going to have to start to move now
32:41Because I can't do this whilst my phone is dead
32:43I also really want something sweet
32:45So I think I might venture out a bit later
32:47To get myself something sweet
32:49Guys I am telling you now
32:51There isn't a chance in hell I'm getting back to my hotel
32:53Not a chance
32:55My hotel is on the other side basically where that big clock is
32:59Oh my god
33:01What am I going to do
33:03This is all completely blocked off
33:05I might have to go this way
33:07No guys
33:09I think I could cry
33:11How do I get to the other side of there
33:13Do you have
33:15Sorry do you have to go round
33:17Yeah great
33:23This is a disaster
33:25As if my legs weren't tired enough already
33:27Don't ask me how
33:29I must have walked about a mile in the process
33:31But I have made it to the other side
33:33Of the barrier
33:37I want to know what everyone's waiting for
33:39What's the parade
33:41I know there's the fireworks at midnight
33:43But it's only like
33:45What's the time now
33:47It's only like half six, seven o'clock now
33:49Yeah there's obviously something people are waiting for
33:51And that's not the fireworks at midnight
33:53Because we watch the fireworks at midnight
33:55There was no one waiting for it
33:57So there's obviously something about to kick off
33:59It's just a shame that I've not got a
34:01Balcony that's overlooking the square
34:03I'm actually overlooking the back
34:05I'm just so on edge that there's going to be a massive bang
34:07Because every two minutes there's a huge bang
34:09Scares the living daylights out of me
34:13Guys I think I've figured out
34:15What the parade was for
34:17Oh my god
34:19That's actually really scary
34:21I don't think I like it
34:25I can't see them though
34:31Guys this is really scary
34:33I'm sorry I don't like it
34:35I actually don't like that
34:37No get that shut
34:39Why do I feel all shaken up
34:41That's horrible when you can't see the fireworks
34:43But hearing the noise of the fireworks
34:45Oh god
34:47No that was horrible and it was cold
34:49And I didn't like that one bit
34:51It's been going on for like five minutes
34:53It's three o'clock
34:55I'm going to get packed up
34:57Book a taxi to the airport
34:59And get an early night
35:01Because I'm literally up in a few hours
35:03But I think I will
35:05Do a little bit more vlogging when I get home tomorrow
35:07And hopefully I'll get this video up tomorrow
35:09Really I should have brought my laptop with me
35:11So I could edit it now
35:13That would be smart
35:15I didn't have the room in my case or a laptop
35:17Guys night from me and I'll speak to you tomorrow
