• 1 hour ago


00:00To celebrate the 4th anniversary of the show, Kyokorohi will hold the Kyokoro Star Gratitude Festival.
00:08We will give out a quiz with a lot of luxury goods, and we would like to express our gratitude to both of you.
00:15I don't know why, but I feel like I'm being welcomed.
00:19Let me explain. She's not feeling well.
00:22She's the same as Nafuda Saito Kyoko.
00:24Is that true?
00:26I think you can do it. You can do it, even if it's just a handwritten question.
00:30We will give out a quiz with a lot of luxury goods, and we would like to express our gratitude to both of you.
00:37I don't know why, but I feel like I'm being welcomed.
00:40I don't know why, but I feel like I'm being welcomed.
00:48I'm Nishino Horochiki, and I'm a regular guest on this show.
00:53I know.
00:54I know.
00:55Why are you wearing white socks?
00:56I'm fine.
00:57It's rare to see a man in his 30s.
01:00Why are you wearing socks?
01:02It's rare.
01:03How's your body?
01:05You were really slim when you came here last time.
01:08I wasn't slim, but I was really shiny.
01:11I'm sure you can't say that.
01:13I was really shiny.
01:16Look at this.
01:17You're 7% slimmer.
01:19And you won the 7th place in the competition.
01:23That's amazing.
01:24Since the competition, I've been doing a lot of things.
01:28I run an online salon.
01:30Is it okay to say that you run an online salon?
01:33It's a strange word, but...
01:35I mainly do training and eat meals.
01:38I only tell the members.
01:40Do all of you run an online salon?
01:45There are pioneers, but Nishino is the representative.
01:48I see.
01:49Like this.
01:50It's big.
01:51It's big.
01:52It's thick.
01:53I want that.
01:54But it's white.
01:55I don't need white.
01:57Glasses look good on you.
01:59I don't have anything to say.
02:02The opening of the Kyokoro Star Appreciation Festival.
02:06What's the first match?
02:09Kyokoro Family Thumbnail Battle.
02:15We have gathered the thumbnails of 10 guests who have appeared on the show so far.
02:21You can choose one of them.
02:24If you choose the video with the lowest number of views, you will get a thumbnail.
02:29As a hint, you can take a look at the video.
02:32Let's start with Dekami.
02:35Even if you are a very famous person, you have a YouTube channel.
02:39It's difficult.
02:40It doesn't match with your panties.
02:43Can I see Moto's video?
02:45Guitar technique?
02:47Guitar technique?
02:49Dekami's guitar technique.
02:58I'll teach you one technique that I know.
03:01When you play an ad-lib, you play the guitar with your face.
03:05I play with my face.
03:06For example.
03:07Dekami's ad-lib.
03:15I'm not good at this.
03:17This is not good.
03:20This is not good.
03:21This is rude.
03:23I think this is good.
03:25I think so, too.
03:26I've seen Nadal's video.
03:29I've seen Nadal's video.
03:31I've seen Nadal's video.
03:32I've seen Nadal's video.
03:34I saw Nadal's video.
03:35I found Nadal's video.
03:37I will show you.
03:39The number is 7.
03:40The number is 7.
03:42The number is 7.
03:44The number is 7.
03:47I thought the number was higher.
03:49I'm very good at this.
03:51I've seen Tanabe's video.
03:54I've seen this video on YouTube.
03:56I've seen Tanabe's video.
04:00The number is 115.
04:03How about Roland?
04:04How about Roland?
04:06I think he is popular.
04:08I think he is popular.
04:10This is the number.
04:11This is the number.
04:12This is the number.
04:15This is the number.
04:19Let's take a look.
04:22What is this room?
04:24I don't think I'm doing something different because I'm Roland.
04:29I'm going to take a break today.
04:34This is the toothbrush.
04:35This is the toothbrush.
04:37I feel like I'm licking the candy I ate the day before.
04:40I feel like I'm licking the candy I ate the day before.
04:43It's like a quote.
04:46I'm going to walk and train.
04:48Let's go.
04:54I feel like I'm going to train.
05:01That's great.
05:03What did you do when Roland was training?
05:07I didn't know that training was so popular.
05:10I was happy.
05:11Roland is amazing.
05:13It's hard from here.
05:15It's scary from here.
05:17I'm very angry.
05:18I'm very angry.
05:20I'm very angry.
05:22I'm worried about people's anxiety.
05:25I'm worried about people's anxiety.
05:28I'm worried about people's anxiety.
05:30I'm worried about people's anxiety.
05:33I can see it as a hint.
05:35I can see it as a hint.
05:37The softness of the hand is important.
05:41If your hands are soft, you are lucky.
05:48I want you to massage my hands more and more.
05:56It's AORISHI.
05:58It's not AORISHI.
06:00It's not AORISHI.
06:05I think everyone will see it.
06:07I think everyone will see it.
06:10It's 1.5 million times.
06:13It's a fraud.
06:14It's a fraud.
06:16I think AORISHI is better.
06:18It's getting a little difficult.
06:21It's getting a little difficult.
06:25This is for people who want to see NISHINO eating.
06:29This is for people who want to see NISHINO eating.
06:33I want to eat lunch now.
06:37I've seen a short video.
06:41I think it's because it's a popular channel.
06:45Are you ready?
06:47This is the 9th place.
06:49This is dangerous.
06:51This is dangerous.
06:54This is the 9th place.
06:56I will not forget this.
06:59This is KEN NAOKO.
07:01I know KEN NAOKO.
07:03This is safe.
07:04This is safe.
07:09I want to see this.
07:11Can I see this?
07:13This is too burnt.
07:15This is already burnt.
07:18You should change this.
07:22This is funny.
07:25I made a mistake.
07:26You made a mistake.
07:28This is cute.
07:31Did you put this in the food processor?
07:35Did you put this in the food processor?
07:39Did you put this in?
07:42This is very good.
07:45This is KEN NAOKO's video.
07:47This is the 4th place.
07:51This is 1.38 million views.
07:54This is the 2nd place.
07:57This is difficult.
07:59I was worried about CHIMADA.
08:04I was worried about TOSAKA.
08:09TOSAKA is also AORI.
08:12TOSAKA is also AORI.
08:14I don't know if it's TOSAKA.
08:17I searched for TOSAKA.
08:20This is TOSAKA.
08:22This is the 2nd place.
08:25This is great.
08:26This is AORI.
08:29There are three places left.
08:33I'm sorry, but there was AORI REN.
08:37FUYUKI MOTO doesn't make fun of anything.
08:43He is hiding his scalp.
08:47He is not good at making fun of others.
08:51He doesn't make fun of others.
08:53I can't help making fun of others.
08:55I'm not interested in the video of KYOKO HAMAGUCHI talking to her mother about love advice.
09:05KYOKO is energetic just by watching it.
09:10I'm a big fan of KYOKO.
09:12Can I watch KYOKO's video?
09:14KYOKO's video.
09:15I would like to have a casual conversation with KYOKO HAMAGUCHI.
09:21What kind of person is KYOKO HAMAGUCHI?
09:25I will ask my mother.
09:28It doesn't matter who it is.
09:31I'm interested in this.
09:33What is it?
09:34I want to see it.
09:35Did you see the way HATSUE sits?
09:37It's like a snufkin.
09:39It's like a snufkin.
09:42It's like a traveler.
09:44This is interesting.
09:45This is interesting.
09:46This is definitely interesting.
09:49This is the video of KYOKO HAMAGUCHI talking to HATSUE about love advice.
09:54This is the best.
09:57This is the worst.
10:00This is the worst.
10:04This is amazing.
10:06I received a message from this person.
10:10I received a message from KYOKO HAMAGUCHI.
10:13This is KYOKO HAMAGUCHI talking to HATSUE about love advice.
10:20This is KYOKO HAMAGUCHI talking to HATSUE about love advice.
10:25If Saito and HIKOROHI appear in the video, what kind of project do you want to do together?
10:31I want to challenge HIKOROHI.
10:34I want to challenge HIKOROHI.
10:37Saito, please walk.
10:39HIKOROHI, let's aim for the 100th anniversary.
10:42Let's go.
10:50HIKOROHI, let's aim for the 100th anniversary.
10:56What do you do when you upload the video?
11:00Everyone, look at this.
11:02This is my soul.
11:04This is my spirit.
11:08By the way, this is the number of times MOTO and SAIDA appeared in the video.
11:14This is the next battle.
11:17You gave me a quiz on VTR.
11:21Give me your ring finger.
11:23It's been a long time since I met HIKOROHI.
11:32I don't like it.
11:34SHUHEI SHIMADA from KYOKO HAMAGUCHI gave me a question.
11:39SHUHEI SHIMADA and HIKOROHI have a lot of things they want to do.
11:47Every time SHUHEI SHIMADA and HIKOROHI appear in the video, SHUHEI SHIMADA gets in the way of SHUHEI SHIMADA's work.
11:52SHUHEI SHIMADA gets in the way of SHUHEI SHIMADA's work.
11:56SHUHEI SHIMADA is a YouTuber.
11:58SHUHEI SHIMADA is a YouTuber.
12:01SHUHEI SHIMADA is a hard worker.
12:03First question.
12:05When SHUHEI SHIMADA and HIKOROHI appeared for the first time, SHUHEI SHIMADA showed HIKOROHI the stairs.
12:15This is a terrible case.
12:19After this, SHUHEI SHIMADA showed HIKOROHI the way to chase SHUHEI SHIMADA.
12:26What does SHUHEI SHIMADA hate about HIKOROHI?
12:33Do you remember?
12:34It's like a martial arts movie.
12:37I remember.
12:39SHUHEI SHIMADA doesn't hate HIKOROHI.
12:42I definitely saw it.
12:45I just remember it was interesting.
12:48Next, HIKOROHI.
12:49When HIKOROHI looks at SHUHEI SHIMADA's hands, SHUHEI SHIMADA gets money.
12:54Don't do that.
12:56This is wrong.
12:58I think this is wrong.
13:01Otherwise, I can't get money.
13:04You are a liar.
13:06I'm not a liar.
13:10Every time I do this, SHUHEI SHIMADA gets hurt.
13:14I will announce the correct answer.
13:17The correct answer is.
13:19I don't trust anyone who became a fortune teller from a comedian.
13:24You are an angel.
13:27I lost my memory for a moment.
13:31I felt that my body temperature was going down.
13:36This is what happened at that time.
13:40A wet woman is hanging with one finger.
13:46A woman's spirit has been on her shoulder for more than 10 years.
13:54I want him to look at my hands.
13:57I can't get money.
13:58KYOKO looked at his hands.
14:01And HIKOROHI.
14:03I don't trust anyone who became a fortune teller from a comedian.
14:07I don't trust anyone.
14:09You are an angel.
14:11You are an angel.
14:14Recently, I searched SHUHEI SHIMADA on the Internet.
14:17I found the word RINCHICHI.
14:20You are a liar.
14:22This is a shocking video.
14:24Recently, I searched SHUHEI SHIMADA on the Internet.
14:28I found the word SAGISHI.
14:30You are a liar.
14:33I'm sorry.
14:35You both lost 0 points.
14:38You said TACHIYAGA.
14:41You said TACHIYAGA.
14:42You said PETENSHI.
14:43I will never remember this.
14:46You said you became a fortune teller because of this program.
14:50You said you became a fortune teller because of this program.
14:54Why did you say that?
14:56That's too sad.
14:59Next is the second question.
15:01I was very angry.
15:04I read the book YOKUTOSHI NO NATSU.
15:09This is my favorite book.
15:12I encountered myself in a dream.
15:15This is a scary story.
15:20SAITO suspected me.
15:24I lost my pride.
15:28What did SAITO suspect SHIMADA?
15:34Please answer this question.
15:37What did he say?
15:39It's a bad thing for SHIMADA.
15:42It's what KYOKO might say.
15:44It's what KYOKO might say.
15:48Did you answer this question?
15:50SAITO is a realistic person.
15:52I think he is a person who can't breathe.
15:56I think he is a person who can't sleep well.
15:59I think he is a person who can't sleep well.
16:02Did you answer this question?
16:04If you make yourself a fortune teller, you can say that you are a fortune teller.
16:10This is scary.
16:12He is a person who can say that.
16:14This is scary.
16:16What is the correct answer?
16:18The correct answer is.
16:20This is a story about the leader of JOSHIMA.
16:23This is a story about the leader of JOSHIMA.
16:25This is a story about the leader of JOSHIMA.
16:27This is a story about the leader of JOSHIMA.
16:32This is what happened at that time.
16:35I had a strange dream.
16:37This dream is very clear.
16:40I was lying on the ground covered with blood.
16:44He said that the fear he had in his dream might come true.
16:48He said that the fear he had in his dream might come true.
16:51He said that he had a dream of a dead body covered with blood.
16:57I heard this story from the leader of JOSHIMA on the radio.
17:01Is this a story about the leader of JOSHIMA?
17:05Even if I were to make a story, I would never make a story.
17:10This is a different story.
17:13After hearing the story, you don't have to be scared.
17:16You don't have to be scared.
17:18You don't have to be scared.
17:20You don't have to be scared.
17:22Because of this story, there was a barrier when I went to the event.
17:28After the story, I was asked a question.
17:31I thought I was being bullied.
17:33I was scolded by the staff.
17:35I was 28 years old.
17:37I was scolded by the staff.
17:39I was scolded by the staff.
17:41Both teams are 0 points.
17:44I'm sorry.
17:46I was listening to the radio when I was driving.
17:49I listened to SHIMADA's radio.
17:51I listened to SHIMADA's radio.
17:56I listened to SHIMADA's radio.
17:59I have a story about a person who has survived in the mountains.
18:03I have a story about a person who has survived in the mountains.
18:10I have a story about a person who has survived in the mountains.
18:19The broadcast date of KYOKORO-HI will change from April.
18:23The broadcast date is from 11.45 pm on Monday.
18:27The broadcast date is from 11.45 pm on Tuesday.
18:31Please watch KYOKORO-HI on Tuesday.
18:35KYOKORO Star Appreciation Festival.
18:37What is the next game?
18:39Muscle NISHINO training quiz.
18:45Are you okay with that?
18:47You became the champion of KING OF CONTEST at the same time.
18:51You promised to win the world championship in the comedy world.
18:55Muscle NISHINO training quiz.
18:57Are you okay with that?
19:00You became the champion of KING OF CONTEST at the same time.
19:0410 years have passed.
19:05I didn't think I would be Muscle NISHINO.
19:08From now on, I will show you three trainings that I usually do.
19:12There is one training that I usually don't do.
19:18If you can see it, it's the correct answer.
19:21Is it a training that doesn't work anywhere?
19:24If you can see it, it's a training that doesn't work anywhere.
19:30This is the training.
19:34I think I can see it.
19:36Have you ever seen this training?
19:38This training is called REVERSE PUSH UP.
19:41I think I can see it.
19:43Where does it work?
19:44This is the triceps.
19:48This is the arm.
19:49This works on the arm.
19:51This is the abdominal crunch.
20:00Where does this work?
20:02This is the upper part of the abdomen.
20:05This is the last.
20:11I think I've seen this before.
20:15This is the DRAGON SPRING JUMP.
20:21I think I've seen all three of them.
20:24But this is the correct answer.
20:27I missed it.
20:28Can you show me the DRAGON SPRING JUMP again?
20:38It's like when you jump.
20:41It's funny when you jump.
20:43I'll try it.
20:45It's like when you jump.
20:48I'm sorry.
20:50It's like a real house.
20:53It's like a studio.
20:55There is a house like this.
20:57Let's do it together.
20:59Wait a minute.
21:00Wait a minute.
21:01I may be licked from today.
21:09It's so delicious that I can't speak.
21:12It's natural.
21:17Please subscribe to Hikorohi TV.
21:23This is the former of Ureta Tensei.
21:26I'll bring this.
21:28What are you doing?
21:30Wait a minute.
21:32Wait a minute.
21:33I may be licked from today.
21:40I can't do this.
21:41I can't do this.
21:42I want to do it too.
21:43Let's do it together.
21:50I'm sorry.
21:51I'm sorry.
21:52That's it.
21:54Training is not fun.
21:56What are you talking about?
21:58Don't say that.
22:01Don't say that.
22:03Please answer.
22:05Among these three, there is no such training.
22:08Number three.
22:09Dragon Spring Jump.
22:11I didn't think I could do such an embarrassing thing.
22:14If it's the correct answer, you're talking nonsense.
22:17Hikorohi is a person who trains every day with this.
22:20Abdominal Crunch.
22:23Number two.
22:24I think it's different.
22:26The position of the hand.
22:27I think you're doing it in a small place.
22:31Among these three, there is no such training.
22:34Dragon Spring Jump.
22:36There is no such training.
22:37There is no such training.
22:39But we all did Dragon Spring Jump.
22:42That's the worst.
22:43I'm tired.
22:44What kind of world war is this?
22:46Tegami won.
22:48As a prize, you can experience my online salon.
22:52Nishino will give you personal training anytime.
22:56Then I'll do it someday.
22:59It's like when I fed you.
23:01It's like when I fed you.
23:04It's like when I fed you.
23:08April 27th, Sunday.
23:10We are waiting for you at the venue of the spring festival in Hibiya.
23:15We are currently accepting secondary selection.
23:18Information about the event and the guests will be gradually released.
23:23For more information, please visit the program homepage.
