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#sydneymaycrouch #weeklyvlog


00:00Good morning, I have to keep going back to my carry-on, so I'm going to go and get my
00:29case because I've packed everything but I need things. Today I've decided I'm gonna
00:36do like a 24-hour vlog. We've got our 20-week scan in like an hour's time and
00:43then this evening we are flying to Dubai. So in my head I'm thinking I'm actually
00:4821 weeks tomorrow. I just haven't vlogged anything for like a second trimester
00:53vlog yet so let's just put, I've got no mirror, let's put this blush on first but
00:59let's just make it a day in the life vlog today, you know? So yeah we're going to the scan.
01:05Obviously I can't vlog in there annoyingly because it's an NHS scan.
01:09Ideally I probably wouldn't have put it on the same day as fly-in but it was my
01:12own fault because today is the 4th and when we booked to go to Dubai it's from
01:18the 5th because we have a night flight. I just forgot that obviously we fly the
01:22evening of the 4th but we get to Dubai on the 5th so technically speaking
01:26Dubai starts tomorrow and in my head I was like yeah we'll just go the day
01:31after the scan because this is kind of what we're waiting for, the scan, before we
01:34could go. So yeah, just kind of some bad planning on my part but it's not the end of the world, it just meant being a
01:40little bit more organised and we're pretty much all packed now. It's just
01:44that last bit which I hate when you're running around and just picking up
01:47random things for sake of it and I weighed my cage yesterday. We are about
01:5125 kg each and mine was 22.8 I think and I'm just gonna be cocky about it and be
01:57like oh I've got room, let me chuck some things in but will I get there and it'll be over?
02:01Probably, absolutely, let's be honest and it's just sorting through hand luggage
02:05and stuff and I will actually show you through my hand luggage bag because I
02:08actually saw Zelia do this video on TikTok the other day where she went
02:11through her hand luggage and her two daughters and I was just like I can't
02:15believe like props to you that people have their own hand luggage bag like
02:20ever since I've had Ocean I've never had my own hand luggage. I don't know if I'm the, am I the only mum?
02:24Like my hand luggage is Ocean's backpack like her baby bag and I just have
02:29probably like three or four things in there that are mine. I've done trips but I
02:33have nothing in there that's mine, literally nothing. A drink, well not even
02:36because I get through security and then I get a drink. So I will show you because
02:41I feel like I'm very organised this time around. I have to be, we're going for a
02:44month. Even my case, I'll give you an overview when we get home but just
02:48waiting for Cass who just popped to the post office. Oh my god, it's actually a really
02:51beautiful day today. Weather's been really nice in the UK the last couple
02:54days, just sun shining, it's just doing everything for me. I can't wait to be
02:58away. That's my vibe. I just want to be here, places like this constantly but yeah
03:03welcome back. This is gonna be, I don't know how I'm gonna do these Dubai vlogs
03:07to be honest. That's why I thought, no don't wait till you get there. I wanted to
03:11have parts of this going to talk about anyway so we'll see. There might be the odd day
03:15with me, there might be a weekly vlog. We'll see what goes. Dubai's actually really hectic.
03:21There's so many people there at the same time that we know, like different weeks
03:23cross over. It should be so exciting. I'm really, really looking forward to it but
03:27first up, 20 week scan for baby two. I can't believe this is the first time
03:32we're gonna be asked the question, do you want to know the gender? We've got to be
03:36strong, we've got to say no. We want to give it a surprise which will obviously be
03:39tempting in the moment but let's go and hope everything's sweet and dandy.
03:49Just come out of our scan. We've got a close up of baby. Nothing zoomed out with it, she didn't see
03:54anything zoomed out the whole time because I think when I went in I was
03:57like, by the way we don't want to know the gender because I just panicked. You hear horror stories
04:01that they say, oh he looks great, she looks healthy. So I just wanted to set
04:05the bar and then I put the lady on edge because the whole scan was like zoomed in.
04:10So I couldn't really see a thing to be honest. Half the time she was like this
04:13looks good, this looks good and I was like, to be fair, I've no idea what you're looking at
04:16but the baby looks really healthy, all the measurements are perfect. I've got to
04:20take a breath. Technically speaking that should be our last scan. We'll probably do a
04:234D one when we get back from Dubai just because we've done it with Ocean and
04:27it'd be nice to compare the two and yeah with Ocean they thought she was breech
04:32at one point so we did have to go for a scan later on but that's when they're so
04:35big and you literally can't see a thing anyway. But here's baby number two. I'm exhausted, my ring
04:41alerted me about three hours ago that I'd already hit my activity for the day
04:45which I don't do anymore, like I rarely hit my activity but why is the last day
04:51the most stressful even though I'm so organised? Like I said I'll show you
04:54my case in a sec but this is my hand luggage. So bloody heavy I'm not gonna lie
04:59but obviously luxury of having a pram. You can just chuck it on there but I
05:02thought I would go through it because I need to go through it anyway and see if
05:06there is anything I can take out because it is bursting at seams. We will see and
05:10there's a lot of stuff next to me. Okay so like I said earlier this is just my
05:15baby backpack. I quite like to be hands-free and have it on my back if
05:19it's not on the pram so I can grab Ocean if I need to. So first of all we've got
05:25two of her teddies. You'll see the minuscule amount of things I have. I've got my
05:31Kindle. This is my clear pouch for going through as well as her bottles which I'm
05:37taking one milk bottle through to get her to sleep hopefully. So that's empty
05:41at the minute. I'll get some milk at the airport and then she's just got a juice
05:44cup which that's adding weight at the minute because that's full up but saves me
05:48having to buy juice when I get through. Bib! Because you can take kids stuff through.
05:51They'll let you take stuff for kids if they're under two but if they are over two
05:56just take their two. I don't really need this maybe I'll take this out because
05:59the aim is our flight is at 8.15 we will have dinner at the airport but I just
06:04panicked that I have a fear of her getting hungry but that is her favourite
06:08quote at the minute. I'm hungry. Really I just think she's trying to tell me that
06:12she's bored and fed up. I have a cardigan. Being hungry and being cold is my fear. I
06:16literally ordered this the other day from Next because I had nothing that was
06:20like big enough for her. Like as in everything at the minute where she's
06:23like just before two everything's a little bit snug so went for a two to
06:27three because the jump up is quite a bit big when you go into the next size.
06:30Thought this was cute for holiday and also I just think on the plane it'll be
06:33handy. I have two packs of wipes in here. I do not need two packs of wipes. I'm gonna
06:38leave a pack here. And then I've got about seven nappies. My theory is a nappy an
06:43hour. I won't need a nappy an hour but I have been on the plane with her once
06:47where she had a bad belly and we ran out and I had to ask a random mum if I could
06:51have some nappies which it happens you know. Happens to the best of us but I'd rather
06:55have too many. Then we have, this is a bit of a Mary Pepper Poppins bag. That's why I
07:00like having backpacks. Lots of change of clothes. That's my other thing. Obviously
07:04if they're gonna be doing a lot of toilets you might get an accident. I've
07:07had many an accident. A few times I've said I'll pack spare stuff for me
07:11because normally if they're on you and they have an accident you are damaged
07:15goods too but I just can't fit it in here I'm gonna be honest with you. So I've
07:18got a spare vest, pyjamas like baby grow and then I've got two little pairs of
07:24shorts which I don't need to. Let's do one. And the shorts also if we land and
07:29it is ridiculously hot which it will be 7 in the morning so I don't think it
07:33will be. The last thing in this section I think is Ocean's Distractions. So this is
07:39just a pepper book bag which is so handy. It's from Card Factory. Cass's mum got it
07:46the other day. And in here we've just got one of them doodle pads that is
07:50literally like so cheap and tearful. The pen comes off, you scribble on it or can
07:55use your nail and then you just press delete. And then I've got two sticker
07:59books, a Peppa Pig one and then a dinosaur one. Pack of crayons and there's
08:04notepad paper in there and then a pack of flashcards which to be honest we
08:10don't need in here but I think her case was getting a bit too heavy. So that is
08:13all the just... I just said the book bag's really good. The Ziptra spray. Oh damn.
08:18Damn, damn, damn. Listen, it's gonna have to do. We don't have time. We will just shove that in there. Pretend it never happened. And then the rest of the stuff that is
08:29for me is at the back which, don't get too excited, it's the tiniest little zipper
08:35compartment right at the back of the bag. And I've got AirPods, my card holder and a
08:40battery pack. And I wouldn't take this normally but you can't put it in your
08:43main case. So that is everything. I've probably squeezed my Kindle in there and
08:46then literally everything of mine is at the back. And then the only other thing I
08:50have is her little tablet which I have strapped in this bag for the pram. So I
08:55just attach it to that and that can hang loose. And then obviously the only other
08:58things I'll put in is my phone. Squeezed my phone charger in there. The beauty of
09:04going to Dubai as well is that it's UK plugs so you don't have to take adapters or
09:08anything. That is it really. Oh I've got a front pouch. There's a front pouch. Some
09:12snacks. We've got pombes, a spoon. I've got some paracetamol in there to bring it in the
09:18worst headaches. A little cake bar. Again we're gonna get dinner at the airport so
09:22these are all snacky bits. Oh we've got two dummies and some nappy sacks. This
09:26bit's quite spacious. I should have another spoon in there. And that is
09:31everything. If you don't have kids that might be the most boring thing you've ever seen in your
09:34life. But I'm always intrigued how people manage to take such a small amount of
09:40stuff with the child. It fears me. I don't think that's the right words but my
09:45brain is like mush. It scares me to have to travel with two at some point. Well
09:52after the summer. So that'll be fun but within the next half hour hour we're
09:57gonna head to the airport. I need to actually take a breather. I'm starting to out of breath. And I've got to fit this camera. The camera I'm filming on right now, that's got to fit in my bag as well.
10:05Part of me thinks, shall I pack that and just vlog on my phone. Anyways. So here's my case. Not only have I done packing cubes but I've labelled them because I just, there's nothing worse than getting your packing cube out and then having to pull stuff out anyway to see. So I've got
10:20kiwi shorts, shirts, dresses and trousers. Bikinis I don't have to label. Self explanatory and tops. And then this side it looks a bit more messy but I do really know what's going on and then I'm just gonna put these flat on top. That's just a bag day to day to put
10:35Ocean's Bits in whilst it's inside this beach bag. And I actually couldn't find the beach bag I wanted to take. I've got a really nice Annie Bing one which is like Wicca. Wicca? You know. But yeah we've got to squeeze everything in now because it's go time and I can hear her showering in me.
11:05So we're just about to board. This has been such a pleasant experience. The airport is so quiet and I think our flight is really quiet. I don't want to jinx it but I'm hoping that we have some rows free near us. So me and Cass can possibly take it and turn it to an app. But fingers crossed we're about to go on the plane. So keep you posted. And our bellies are nice and full because I've already looked at the menu and I don't like the look of the dinner. And I know Ocean won't touch anything either. So hopefully we get to go on the plane and I'll see you guys in a bit.
11:35We made it to Dubai just about. Just about. It's Thursday. So we travelled Tuesday night. And in case you missed my stories on Instagram. There was obviously a lack of footage on the flight. I do have the odd clip from Cass. But I'll do a really quick summary because if you did see my story you'll know what I'm talking about.
12:05You probably don't want me to go into it again. Yes. Not watching Blippi. I'll go into that in a minute. I've decided today we're going to do a screen detox. Which we'll get to in a minute. But really quickly. The flight was hands down the worst flight of my life. It was so weird because we were in such good spirits. And I hadn't feared that it was just going to go perfect. She was so well behaved at the airport. Had a really nice dinner and weather screens. Which part of me is like was that the problem?
12:33Yeah. Half an hour into the flight. It was a six and a half hour flight. I started feeling really nauseous and I asked if I could have anti-sickness tablets because we flew with Emirates once before and Cass asked if he could have paracetamol because he had like a pounding headache. And I remember they are allowed to administer tablets as long as they get your approval.
12:52So I asked and then obviously they said anything we need to know. I said I'm pregnant. And then they were like we'll have to call the ground staff if you are feeling really bad. And the time they'd gone to go and call the ground staff I'd already rushed in the toilet and been sick for the first time. Well for like the first five times. And pretty much every 10 to 20 minutes for the rest of the flight I was throwing up. It was hell.
13:19Luckily the flight was relatively quiet but there was a time when I did sit on the seat and TMI but I went to get up and I saw there was a queue for the toilet. And obviously my first reaction is I'd rather be sick anywhere than obviously on this plane around people. So I just grabbed my jumper. The only jumper I wanted to buy by the way. Literally a cardigan. I grabbed it and I looked at Cass and he was like just do it. And I was like just throw up in my cardigan. And I think they could see then that it was pretty bad. And I just could not see things slowing down.
13:48I think every time I was sick I was like surely I'm running out of food in my stomach. But they did an announcement which I never thought I'd be one of them people that needed someone on the plane when they ask if there's a doctor or nurse or anyone that works in the professional field saying that.
14:02Ocean's got her stethoscope around her neck. Is that what that's called? So we had someone. But I'm laughing now. It was tragic. I cried so hard to Cass and was just like Cass I just don't like I can't tell you how ill I feel. And he was like I could just see in his eyes. He was just looking at me like I don't know what to do. She was asleep. That's the only good thing about it being a night flight. Other than that I've completely gone off night flights now just because of how bad we felt the whole of yesterday. Obviously where me and Cass didn't sleep a wink.
14:31It was rough. There was a really lovely nurse on there. She sat with me for a little while. There was a lot of back and forth about whether they should give me an injection give me a drip on the flight just because I was so weak. But everything kept coming back to me being pregnant and they were just worried that it was just the wrong thing to be doing when potentially things could escalate and we're still in the sky.
14:51So they were basically like as long as you are happy to be in this way and hopefully things could get better for the next however long. They just kept giving me this medication which was not helping. It was making me if anything like as soon as I took it I'd throw up again. We realised as soon as I had anything they were like have a sip of water throw up. Have this throw up. Like I could not keep anything down. Don't know what it was. Could have been food poisoning. Could have been motion sickness. I've heard people get motion sickness when they're pregnant.
15:19However we did fly to Mexico at Christmas and I was fine and obviously I flew quite a lot when I was pregnant with her so I don't know. But then apparently there's sickness bugs going around at the minute. Haven't heard anyone that I know have one but it was rough. When we landed there was an ambulance waiting for me.
15:35Again I don't know if it would have been this. It might sound really dramatic to some of you but genuinely like I was like trembling. And maybe it wouldn't have been as I can't think what the word is but taken as seriously maybe if I wasn't pregnant. So I'm really glad everyone did take it so seriously and the Emirates staff I cannot say how amazing they were. It was like insane.
15:59And they moved us to business. It's one of my long flights in a while where I've just thought I just don't want to do business. It's a luxury and it's amazing in so many ways but it is so expensive. And I was like I just feel like yeah I was in really good spirits. I was like no we're going to smash this. We can sleep sitting up. It's fine. And then yeah they took me to lay in business and then they brought Cass and Ocean to come with me I think because Cass was worried. But yeah I was on an IV drip and the outcome was I'm absolutely fine.
16:27If anything I feel so good right now as in I'm just so grateful that we're here. I did have a quick hour where I was like why am I here like we need to go home. But then the thought of getting on another flight I'd rather move here to be honest. You know when you're ill and you just want to be home. I was like this could not be worse. Anyways I just said I'd keep that short but that is it in a nutshell. We've been here for yeah nearly 48 hours. No we haven't. We've been here for a day and a bit.
16:56And we had a really nice day today but in my head I'm thinking let me vlog properly when I'm feeling like 10 10 and I do feel like I'm getting there now. So tomorrow is the first day where I feel like I'm going to treat this like we're here. Like we went to the beach for an hour or so today and then we met up with Aisha and Zelia because they're here at the minute. And yeah really quickly before I give you a quick Airbnb tour or should I leave it for the next tour because I feel like this one is getting lengthy and it's dark right now. Not to leave you cliffhanging but this Airbnb is beautiful.
17:25When we've left I will definitely give you guys information because I spent so long picking where we should stay. I just wanted to be in the perfect location. I didn't want to be like oh we're too far from the beach or we don't have this. We don't have any amenities near us. Cass has literally just popped to the supermarket. We've got a supermarket downstairs. Everything's on our doorstep really.
17:45But yeah it's, what is the time? It's ten to eight so when he gets back we're going to have some dinner and then she can go to bed. Being our first night with that four hour time difference she actually slept a dream. I think she was really tired and she's been a bit frappy which leads on to she has been just testing me slightly. I'm torn between saying it but I feel like I will because it's real. So she bit me quite bad this morning and it was because I turned Peppa Pig off.
18:12And I've just kind of said from there I was like cold turkey. I did this probably about eight months ago. I just, again I was on holiday. I feel like everything's easier on holiday because you've got more distractions. I just cold turkey pulled any screens from her and I did see a change. You may remember if you followed me on TikTok I did talk about it. But yeah this morning I was just like weak. Do you know what? I wasn't even out of anger because I tried to tell her off but I know it's such a hard age to like gentle parent and Peppa Morphin.
18:41When I was so shocked that she'd done it that I like looked at Cass and just laughed and he like looked at me. We just we know what we're thinking and he looked at me like you can't laugh. Like she cannot know you're laughing. So I went to like walk away and act like I was obviously sad. I want her to know that that's bad. That's sad. First time she's ever done anything like this.
19:01Yeah he dealt with her but he he literally went in the bedroom with her and I could hear her talk to him. He's just we're very different. I am quite like ah. And he is very like he's probably the poster boy for gentle parent him. And he was like she was just like trying to hit her head on the wall. She knew she'd messed up. And yeah I was just like no there's no point in explaining it. Like I showed her the bite on my leg and she was just like looking through me. She didn't understand.
19:28Obviously this is our first rodeo. This is our first time doing this. So we're trying to figure out but in our heads right now it makes sense to take screens off her. And she has asked a couple times like when I started recording. I don't know if you could hear but she said flipping mummy. So she's asking but at the same time like we've got every toy out. I'm just trying to get her to use her imagination. Be a kid like we grew up that way. I just want her to I don't know it might sound really silly. Some people that just do no screens at all are going to be like you're being so dramatic.
19:55But I will admit it like where we live in the UK we don't have a garden currently. If the weather has been bad I have resorted to telly probably way too much. Just holding my hands up being honest. And yeah I want to change it because we're here for a month and I feel like we can make a big change. She's fine. She's absolutely fine. And I'm hoping it will maybe help her behaviour maybe not.
20:15No you can't watch baby sharks. It's not working today. No you can't. It's not working today. But there's so many things in my head I was like we're going to try and do napping. What's it called? Potty training. Which I still think we're going to try and do whilst we're here. Like we have a month but I just feel like because we feel like we've got so much more time on our hands I was going to take the dummy away.
20:35The dummy is the least of my worries right now. If anything it brings us back down to earth. I'm all for the dummy for now. But anyways I'm going to stop this video here because I'm rambling. But thank you for watching. And this was a bit of a random one. It's going to be the start of the Dubai vlogs. And yeah we had the 20 week scan in here. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions. But the trip starts now and we will see you guys in the next one. Love you guys.
