• 3 hours ago
Beyond the Gates S01 E001


00:30Cause our love's no mystery
00:34Demonstrating love and affection
00:38And it feels so openly, yeah
00:42I like the way you make me feel about you, baby
00:46Want the whole wide world to see
00:50Oh, oh, you got the best of my love
00:54Oh, oh, you got the best of my love
00:58Oh, oh, you got the best of my love
01:02Oh, oh, you got the best of my love
01:06I'm going in and I'm changing
01:10Kind of turn around each day
01:14My life has a better meaning
01:18Good morning, Mrs. Dupree.
01:22Good morning, Calvin. You look radiant.
01:26Thank you. And top of the morning to you, Dr. Richardson.
01:30May I take your coat? Yes, thank you.
01:34Always a pleasure. Let me know if either of you need anything.
01:38Thank you. Mother, you look beautiful as usual.
01:42Looking pretty swank yourself. Have you spoken to Danny?
01:46I texted. No response. Well, I hope no news
01:50is good news and Danny's not out there giving her emotions free reign.
01:54If so, God help us all.
02:02How are the boys, Jerome?
02:06Oh, you know, this time of year, busy, busy, busy.
02:10Thank you, Jerome.
02:14My pleasure. Please enjoy your breakfast.
02:18Thank you. It never ceases to amaze me
02:22how two sisters can grow up in the same environment with the same advantages
02:26and turn out completely different. One of the things I've learned
02:30from my patients, people are born who they are. Outside influence either takes
02:34or doesn't. Danny is exactly herself, a force of nature
02:38with no apologies. My little force of nature is all over the place right now.
02:42Truthfully, I can't fault her for that. Danny was blindsided
02:46by Bill and Haley's affair, and she surely never anticipated
02:50the end of her marriage. But here's what I don't understand, Nicole.
02:54Bill moved out months ago. I thought Danny had come to some
02:58sort of acceptance. She was getting there. But literally,
03:02the minute the divorce is final, Bill and Haley are booking the country club for their wedding,
03:06set Danny off again.
03:20I love you.
03:50I love you.
04:20Morning, Vanessa.
04:28Well, so much for stop by for a cup of coffee.
04:32Plenty more mugs where those came from.
04:36Is that...
04:40You still have the wedding invitation? Why didn't you do what everyone else in Fairmont did
04:44and toss it in the garbage? It's the audacity.
04:48I can't get over it. It's bad enough Bill's marrying that traitor,
04:52but to do it here? I will be the laughingstock of Fairmont.
04:56Who are you? And what have you done with Danny? You are picking a hell of a time
05:00to start caring about what people think. Besides,
05:04you're not factoring in the dupree of it all. Your family rules this community.
05:08Your grandfather built it. Everyone's on your side.
05:12Be nice to think so.
05:16You know what you need? Dedicated spa time.
05:20Get your head out of Bill and Haley for a couple hours and put yourself in
05:24therapeutic hands. Tempting.
05:28Maybe later. I have to meet my mother and sister at the club.
05:32They're worried about me. I never did care for Bill.
05:36Oh, I put on a good show for the sake of peace in the family, but
05:40there were red flags from the very beginning, even when he was
05:44hiding behind that public servant persona. No, that didn't last long.
05:48Soon as Bill married Danny, his true ambition came out. Just in time to use your
05:52father for a leg up. Once the criminal law practice took off,
05:56we got the real Bill Hamilton with his shiny suits and pocket
06:00squares. That calculated charm
06:04reminded me of some of the shadier denizens of the music business.
06:08Oh, they charm you silly while they took everything. Your money,
06:12your gift, your talent, your looks, your pride.
06:16Too many talented girls fell into that trap
06:20and were never heard from again. Not you.
06:24I kept my eye on the prize.
06:28I was going to be the best at anything I took on and I wanted
06:32to take on the world. No way was I going to be
06:36seduced off my path by some jive turkey trying to get over.
06:40Well, I wish Danny inherited that gene.
06:44I often think how different her life would be if she didn't give up her career for Bill.
06:48I tried to warn her. Use your father as an example.
06:52Vernon embraced who I was. Never once
06:56tried to change me. But you know your sister.
07:00Gets her mind set and that's it. Nothing would do
07:04but to become Mrs. Bill Hamilton. And here we are. Bill's about
07:08to marry the proverbial younger woman and Danny's a powder keg primed to explode.
07:12Naomi? She's still joining us? Just running late.
07:16Says something came up.
07:56You didn't have to do this. Sure I did.
08:00My lady's turning the page on a brand new chapter.
08:04You need to meet it well fortified. Wow.
08:08Welcome to the rest of your life,
08:12Nurse Ashley Morgan.
08:20Hang tight. I just got a touch base
08:24with Chelsea.
08:34Hey, Mom. What's up? I'm just calling to remind you about your wardrobe fitting later today.
08:38Believe it or not, I know how to keep a calendar.
08:42Well, it is my job to make sure you are where you're supposed to be when you are
08:46supposed to be there. And so far, I think it's served you well.
08:50Agreed? Whatever. Gotta go.
08:54Ungrateful little brat.
08:58Do me a favor. Don't channel your anger and frustration with Bill
09:02riding poor Chelsea. I don't think you realize the pressure you put on that girl.
09:06Well, excuse me while I find my tiny violin.
09:10Chelsea is a successful model making big bucks.
09:14She's got millions of followers on social media eager to like and copy whatever she does.
09:18It's the life any 23-year-old would kill for. The life you wanted.
09:22The life I had. I wish I'd known you in your modeling
09:26days. You must have been something. Those were some good times.
09:30I had so much to prove. That I was grown
09:34even though I was a baby. That I could make it doing what I wanted to do.
09:38The entire time terrified out of my mind.
09:42But I pulled it off. Fake it till you make it? That was me.
09:46The most seemingly confident 17-year-old ever on the planet.
09:50Until Chelsea came along.
09:54Just when I think Mom can't be a
09:58bigger control freak, my phone rings again.
10:02God, Kat, I hate my life. We'll be changing it soon enough.
10:06In the meantime, embrace what you do. People will be interested in our brand
10:10because you're Chelsea Hamilton. Fashion icon and social media
10:14influencer. We'll be tapping into that a lot, so don't knock it.
10:18I just want to get on with it, you know?
10:22Once we launch my purse sign, we'll be on our way to giving the Kardashians a run for their money.
10:26I'm just not sure about the timing. Mom's a pain, but
10:30it doesn't feel right to walk out on her just yet. But we agreed on a timetable.
10:34I know, I know, but that was before Dad dumped Mom for Hailey. And these last few weeks
10:38since the divorce was finalized and wedding prep started at the club,
10:42Mom's been, like, insane. If I quit now, she'll have lost
10:46everything that defines her. She gets on my nerves, but
10:50that's my Mom. I love her, and I don't know
10:54if I can pull that trigger.
10:58Don't think all this focus on Dani has made me forget you're being honored.
11:02Now, what's this award again? I mean, there are so many, it's hard to keep track.
11:06Look who's talking, Ms. EGOT. It's the State of Maryland
11:10Distinguished Service Award in Psychiatry. Right. Vernon received one
11:14for his work in the movement. It's a nice plaque. It is a
11:18fitting tribute for the wonderful, healing work that
11:22you do. You consistently make your father and me very
11:26proud. Sometimes we don't say that enough.
11:30The wedding's just a couple days away and you still haven't given me a final headcount. I'd like
11:34all invited guests to be accommodated. I'm sorry, I thought most of them either
11:38hadn't responded or they sent regrets. True, but I'm an optimist
11:42by nature. Don't worry about cost. Money's no object.
11:46Excuse me.
11:52Dani. Wait.
12:00There it is. The animosity.
12:04Feels like something physical.
12:08I hate it, Dani. You, Chelsea,
12:12especially Naomi.
12:16We're like the family I never had. We were close.
12:20And I realize that I can never have it back in that way,
12:24but surely there's something we can salvage. You really are a piece
12:28of work. I thought we were close too, Haley.
12:32So did Naomi, your so-called best friend.
12:36We opened our hearts to the poor little orphan girl all alone
12:40in the world. Made a place for you at our table.
12:44And you paid us back by stealing Bill, my husband, my daughter's
12:48father. I didn't intend to hurt anyone. How do you live with yourself?
12:52How do you look yourself in the mirror every day and walk around this world thinking you're a
12:56good person when you betrayed the people who cared about you? And now you want
13:00it to be what? Bygones?
13:04If we could just find a way to be civil.
13:08Back up, Haley.
13:16conversation is over.
13:26Do you have any idea how much
13:30I appreciate you? You've always been so
13:34patient and supportive. I know it hasn't always been easy.
13:38Right. Because being with you is such hardship. Not to be frustrating.
13:42All those nights you wanted to make plans like a normal couple and I blew you off to go
13:46study. Garland Memorial has no idea what an asset
13:50it's getting today. I've wanted this all my life.
13:54When I was little. Every Halloween
13:58I had to be a nurse. Somehow I knew it was
14:02important work even though I didn't quite understand what that work was.
14:06It meant easing pain. Saving
14:10lives. Being of comfort.
14:14You'll be great. Know why?
14:18Because you're one of the most selfless people I have ever known. I'm
14:22honored that you love me.
14:30Well, I just ran into Haley. Do you know how much I
14:34owe that woman? Well, good morning to you too.
14:38I can't believe I let myself be taken in by that
14:42cheap conniver. I trusted her. Hell, I'm the one
14:46who convinced Bill to hire her. Let's all laugh about that. Meanwhile, she's moving in on
14:50him. I'm no Haley fan by any means, but last time I checked
14:54it takes two. And I'm willing to bet Bill was the instigator.
14:58Wouldn't have been the first time he cheated. Look, I'm not making any excuses.
15:02But before Haley, Bill kept his
15:06affairs away from home, which made it easier to pretend it wasn't
15:10happening. He got with Haley right under our roof.
15:14I will never forget either of them for that.
15:18Law offices of
15:22Bill Hamilton Esquire. How may I help you? I'll let him know.
15:26Thank you. What is with this schedule? You do realize I'm
15:30getting married at the end of the week. I also know you'll be taking off on your honeymoon, which is
15:34why I've scheduled you within an inch of your life for the next two days.
15:38Well, hopefully none of my clients will commit a heinous crime this week. Is Haley in?
15:42At the new house, picking up the keys.
15:46You know what this is, Caroline? What?
15:50A new dawn.
16:00Hey, Vanessa. Haley.
16:04You realize that's the last time I'll ever have to ring that doorbell?
16:08Finally getting the keys to our brand new home.
16:12I can't believe I'm going to be living in Fairmont Crest. Frankly, neither can I.
16:16Mind if I ask, what are you thinking?
16:20Excuse me? You and Bill could live anywhere. Instead, you choose
16:24Danny's community, and make no mistake, it is Danny's community.
16:28Not Bill's. And these upstanding citizens will rally around all
16:32things Dupree and freeze you out.
16:36So many homes with that negative attitude?
16:40The women who live inside these gates? You're their worst nightmare.
16:44The sexy younger husband thief.
16:48But it wasn't like that. Bill and I didn't set out to fall in love.
16:52Trust me, life would be a lot easier if we hadn't.
16:56No one will care how you justify it. You'll be a social outcast.
17:00Well, I'm choosing to stay positive.
17:04Sure, it'll take time to be accepted. I'm sure Danny's poisoning everyone
17:08against me. But I am confident that if I'm patient and persistent,
17:12things will work out. They always do.
17:16I assume the designer has finished furnishing the house?
17:20All done. Excellent. I can't wait to take a look around.
17:24Thanks so much for your help. And your discretion.
17:28Just doing my job.
17:32Good luck, honey. You're gonna need it.
17:36Oh, Congressman Richardson.
17:40Man, good to see you. Good to be seen.
17:44Will you be having the usual? The usual it is. Granddad.
17:48Martin. You're looking awfully pleased with yourself. Taking a moment
17:52of reflection? It's good to appreciate your blessings.
17:56Show gratitude, and God will keep them coming.
18:00Where's to live by? Look no further than here.
18:04I got a magical wife, and she can sing.
18:08Beautiful family. I've managed
18:12to do some good in this world. Of course, a lot of that hard work
18:16is being undone. But my grandson is in the trenches.
18:20Doing his part to make it right.
18:24And I get to cheer him on from the sidelines in retired glory.
18:28What's not to be grateful for?
18:32A life well lived, indeed. And I still want to be just like you when I grow up.
18:36I'd say you're about halfway there.
18:40Making a difference for your constituents.
18:44Solid marriage. Couple of terrific kids.
18:48Oh, but... But what?
18:52I want more.
18:56I just haven't figured out what more is yet.
19:04So what's your day like, babe?
19:08Settlement conference this afternoon. But first order of business is
19:12checking in on Mom. Well, have you spoken to your dad?
19:16No. That's the way I like it.
19:20You and your dad used to be tight, Naomi. Yeah, well, that was a long time ago.
19:24And apparently not tight enough to stop him from sleeping with my so-called best friend.
19:28You know what? I don't want to talk about him.
19:32Especially when you're standing there all fine in plain clothes
19:36distracting me again. I swear, Jacob Hawthorne, you make it hard
19:40to leave this house. Here's a thought. Let's not.
19:44Let's cancel everything but each other today. Come on.
19:48Baby, you know I want to. But the D.C. Metro Police Department frowns on brand new
19:52robbery homicide detectives playing hockey with their wives. I don't know about this new gig of yours then.
19:56When you were a beat cop, we got to sneak in briefs.
20:00Well, that just means I have to work harder when I get home there, right? Or before you leave.
20:04Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne?
20:08You were bad, you know that? That's the way you like it, right?
20:20How is it?
20:24Pretty good. As usual.
20:28I am so sorry to interrupt. That's why we're here.
20:32To be accessible to the community. What's on your mind?
20:36When I glanced over here and I saw one of my heroes, Vernon Dupree
20:40That's an honor. Aren't you kind.
20:44What's your name? I'm Bessie. I was involved in the movement back in the 70s too.
20:48Now, I wasn't as good as you, of course, but
20:52I did do my time. How awesome is that?
20:56I'm a big fan of Anita's as well. Her group was so inspirational.
21:00It's just living proof that black girls can come right out of the projects
21:04and conquer the world. Well, I'm not going to take any more of your time.
21:08I just wanted to let you know that your service in the movement
21:12and also as a senator is much, much appreciated.
21:16It was my privilege.
21:20Thank you for stopping by, Bessie. Thank you, Senator.
21:24Have a good day.
21:32That right there? That's the kind of interaction
21:36that wins voters permanently. The small personal moments.
21:40People never forget them.
21:44Voters don't forget a brush with greatness either. You're an icon, Granddad.
21:48And there's no doubt about that.
21:52It's been too long, man.
21:56Thanks for seeing me on such short notice. I know you're busy.
22:00Never too busy for an old friend. I still miss seeing you out in the field, by the way.
22:04You're not here to rehash your glory days. How can I help you?
22:08It's my son. He's in serious trouble.
22:12Why don't you let me be the judge of that? Here, sit. Tell me what's going on.
22:20Terry has a drug problem. He broke into someone's home
22:24and he stole money and jewelry. And a security camera got a clear shot
22:28of him and he got arrested. Is he in custody? No, I was able to bail him out.
22:32But the victims are determined to press charges. Okay, and they are?
22:36Jerry and Diana Overton.
22:40Oh, he owns World Tech Innovations.
22:44I don't want my son's life to be trashed before it's even started.
22:48So I was hoping that you could represent him.
22:52I'll do even better than that. I'll make the whole thing go away.
22:56Every time I think about Haley,
23:00another blood vessel explodes in my head.
23:04Here's a suggestion. Don't. Don't think about Haley or Bill.
23:08They're not worth it. Well, it must be wonderful to be you.
23:12With your perfect husband and your perfect marriage. No muss, no fuss,
23:16right? Just smooth sailing through life with a man who not only wouldn't cheat on you,
23:20but also doesn't seem to know that any other woman exists on the planet.
23:24Don't be snarky with your sister. Nicole's just trying to help.
23:28I recognize I've been luckier in love than Danny, less in a way she hasn't.
23:32She needs to take pot shots at me to feel better. I'm good with it.
23:36Thank you for your permission, Nicole. I just truly wonder if you think that telling me
23:40to not think about Bill and Haley is at all helpful.
23:44Okay, I know this isn't easy, but Nicole is not wrong.
23:48Obsessing over what's past isn't hurting the two of them. They're moving forward.
23:52Post haste. But it's keeping you stuck in a cycle of anger.
23:56And that isn't healthy, baby. Oh, I'll be healthy
24:00again. As soon as I make a couple of cheaters pay for
24:04blowing up my life.
24:12These last two years with you have been the best ever.
24:16I feel the same way. I can't imagine my life without you anymore.
24:20Good. Because I'm not going anywhere.
24:24Except the hospital. We gotta hit. Wait, you're taking me?
24:28And picking you up. You get the full service from me today. Oh, really?
24:32I'm gonna hold you to that later. Please do.
24:36I love you, Derek.
24:40You're the only man I'll ever want.
24:44It's go time. Ready? Ready.
24:48What's that, babe?
24:52It's a gift for Ashley.
24:56Oh, yeah. It's her first day on the job. Wait, where'd we get her?
25:00A stethoscope on a chain. Oh, okay. I mean, that's cool.
25:04I, uh, got you something, too.
25:08Actually, it's for both of us. Oh, yeah?
25:12Let's see.
25:20Now, I expect my detective husband to arrest me tonight for a serious crime.
25:24Well, I'll drum up the charges and wrap the warrant. Okay.
25:28Turn around.
25:32So what am I looking at here? Golf for business or pleasure?
25:36For inspiration. A couple of kids in my district
25:40expressed interest. Granddad and I are gonna give them a crash course
25:44on the basics. Expand their horizons a little.
25:48I love that about you. Always looking to inspire our youth.
25:52Turn them on to something new. I'm so proud of you, son.
25:56On that, my sister and I can agree. Uh-oh. You two disagreeing?
26:00Mother and I are trying to convince Danny Bill is not worth the grief she's putting herself through.
26:04And I resent the implication that I created the situation.
26:08No one is saying that. Good. Because I'm not the one who cheated.
26:12Remember? I was the one who was cheated on. Dumped. Remember?
26:16I'm sorry. I'm with Mom and Grandmother. Good riddance to that guy.
26:20You're better off without him. Well, what all you well-meaning people don't seem to understand
26:24is that Bill and I got married when I was 19.
26:28My entire adult life revolved around him and our family. Erasing yourself
26:32was your first misdeed. Let Danny have her say. Right, wrong,
26:36indifferent. That's how it was. Bill's world that I lived in.
26:40My focus was the home that I created for him.
26:44The daughters I gave him. Now the girls are out of the house.
26:48Bill is gone. Everything. Every routine that was familiar has been upended.
26:52And that wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Bill and I were supposed to be together forever.
26:56That was the pact. Right. But he broke it.
27:00And I don't know what to do with that. It's confusing. It's angering.
27:04And I have every right to those feelings.
27:08Yes, you do. Just remember,
27:12you've given that man power he didn't earn.
27:16That devotion you gave to Bill, he threw it back in your face.
27:20And he walked away with his little chippy.
27:24He is unworthy of even one of your tears.
27:28So come on now.
27:32Who's the best?
27:40Who's the brightest?
27:44Me. That's right.
27:48Never forget that.
27:52All right.
27:56Maybe you're all right. Maybe I should just
28:00let go.
28:04If you can do that,
28:08praise Jesus.
28:16Check out Granddad working his magic.
28:20He actually got Mom to laugh.
28:24Didn't realize how much I miss hearing that. Can I ask you a question?
28:28When did you start checking first?
28:32I was thinking about your father. Maybe you'd rather not go there?
28:36Nothing's off limits with us, Kat.
28:40You're not just my cousin, you're my best friend. Ask whatever you want.
28:44Do you hate him?
28:48I hate what he did. The awful way he treated my mom.
28:52Like all their years together. Our family
28:56meant nothing. But he's my dad. I don't know how to
29:00hate him. Wanna take lessons from me?
29:04Chelsea, Kat, you okay? I'm good.
29:08Am I hallucinating or is our mother actually
29:12smiling? I know, right? Long time no see.
29:16I think we should take advantage of the sun while it's out.
29:20Doctor has left the room.
29:32All done.
29:36The Overtons won't be pressing charges.
29:40That was amazing. Connections and favors, man.
29:44That's what makes the world go round.
29:48Whatever you charge, it's well worth the cost.
29:52No, no charge. You're kidding?
29:56You just saved my kid. All I did was make a phone call.
30:00You just owe me one. You see?
30:04It all balances out. So there I was,
30:08middle of the night, dead of winter, trying to not only find a store
30:12that was open, but one that sold Asian pears.
30:16I never even heard of Asian pears.
30:20But that's what my pregnant wife wanted, so off I went.
30:24What can I say? Danny was demanding even in the womb.
30:28That's my sister. Difficult from the jump. Don't hate because
30:32I know what I want. And you managed to find a couple too.
30:36A little bruised, but you weren't gonna hear me complain.
30:40Your dedication to a cause is truly a thing of wonder, Granny.
30:44Oh, you know how Daddy is when it comes to his baby girl. What Danny wants,
30:48Danny gets. It wasn't about Danny. It was about this
30:52woman right here. If Anita asked, I'd run through
30:56fire then and now.
31:00Hope you're paying attention. That's relationship goals right there.
31:04Nope, not interested. It's a single life for me.
31:08Oh, you just haven't met the one yet. When you do,
31:12change your tune. Or not. There is nothing wrong with being single.
31:16This from the woman who's been married most of her life.
31:20You're gonna be alright, sissy.
31:38You told me you were starting today. Look who landed. The elusive Andre Richardson.
31:42We haven't seen much of you lately. Yeah, I've been keeping busy.
31:46Jetsetting around, taking amazing pictures of tropical islands and luxury resorts.
31:50Yeah, it's a dirty job. What brings you home?
31:54Is it a hit and run or are you staying a while? Uh, I'm in between gigs.
31:58So I offered to shoot Aunt Nicole's video bio for her latest award.
32:02I'm checking out the hospital for potential locations. And since I'm
32:06around, I volunteered to shoot a fashion layout for Chelsea.
32:10After that, I'm open, especially to suggestions
32:14from the lovely Nurse Ashley.
32:18All nurses to the nurse's station. Hey, babe. How's the house?
32:22Amazing. Above and beyond my wildest
32:26dreams, babe. Hey, that was the plan, right? Where are you now?
32:30I'm at the country club, about to go to the restaurant for a bite.
32:34I am famished. So am I, but not for food.
32:38I was thinking we could meet at my hotel suite this afternoon.
32:42You might be able to work something out one last time
32:46before the wedding. One last time?
32:50Yes. Vernon and I make it a practice
32:54to count our blessings and express gratitude every day.
32:58And this is today's moment for me.
33:02Of course, it's trying time because one of our own is in pain.
33:06But it warms my heart to see this beautiful family that Vernon
33:10and I created together in this way.
33:14To think a march on Washington in the 70s resulted in the existence
33:18of such remarkable, accomplished human beings.
33:22I am so proud of each and every one of you.
33:26Sorry to hit and run, but Vanessa McBride
33:30Realty is popping and I've got a showing.
33:34As the seller's agent, I've been bound by confidentiality.
33:38But now that we've closed, I wanted you guys to hear it from me.
33:42The home that was for sale on Marigold Road?
33:46Bill bought it. Wait.
33:50In Fairmont? Haley picked up the keys this morning.
33:54Are you freaking kidding me?
33:58I can't keep a woman in my face forever?
34:02You're right. It's outrageous. But what can we do? Bill can buy wherever he chooses.
34:06I'm sorry to dump this on you, but I really have to go.
34:10I don't believe this.
34:14They're moving in and I'm just supposed to lie down for this?
34:18I'm done being disrespected.
34:26Baby now.
34:30You have a hell of a lot of nerve.
34:34Getting married at the country club is disrespectful enough.
34:38But then you and Bill leave. It's one day.
34:42To move into this community?
34:46Expect me to live down the way from my cheating ex-husband and his piece of trash new wife?
34:50While you all go on about your married business having no consequences for what you did?
34:54Okay, Dani.
34:58No! That will not happen.
35:02Dani, you're upset. I get that.
35:06Let's not do this here. Shut up! I'm talking!
35:10You could have stopped this, Haley.
35:14You could have dug way down for a shred of decency and told Bill that buying here
35:18was not only a terrible idea, it was heartless.
35:22You did enough damage and you could have stayed in the home that Bill bought
35:26when he left or moved to another community.
35:30But you went along with living in Fairmont.
35:34Who knows? Maybe it was your idea.
35:38Well, let me be the first to give you a housewarming present.
36:20Welcome to Fairmont Crest.
36:26Welcome to Fairmont Crest.