Fire Country S03 E05
00:15Round two?
00:17I'm making sure that you don't look like you and I just...
00:20Just did exactly what we wanted to every night that I was in person.
00:24Mm-hmm. For the third time this week.
00:30Let's get going.
00:31I'm pulling another double to pay off wedding debt, and...
00:35You have a big day, too.
00:37Yeah, it's finally happening.
00:39Cal Fire's closer than ever.
00:41You and I are...
00:48You know, we can...
00:49We can do this.
00:51Us, for real.
00:53Whenever you're ready.
00:56I'm nowhere near ready to make a big life decision.
01:01I'm squatting in a trailer so that I can pay Diego's family back for the wedding that never was.
01:07I can't even face my own dad.
01:13You ditched on your wedding.
01:15I held up a store at gunpoint.
01:18I mean, you're living in an airstream.
01:20I lived in prison, and look at me today.
01:23Don't ask me what we are, don't ask me what's next.
01:26I... I can only give you right now.
01:28I'll take right now.
01:32Okay, but not right now, right now.
01:35We're gonna be late.
01:38Sneak out.
01:39I appreciate the appointment.
01:41I will be in as soon as I can get there.
01:44Yeah, no problem. Glad I could help.
01:45I got news.
01:46That is some crap.
01:48Okay, the test results are in, and there's no signs of oriole.
01:52There's no signs of oriole.
01:53Your stupid brother's stupid kidney is fine.
01:57Which is great news, right?
01:59No, they are missing something.
02:00I... I... I told them as much.
02:02I have not felt right since the heat dome, and my shoulder is still stiff.
02:07Okay, you've been working your ass off.
02:09Trying to reopen Smokies, right?
02:11I'm sure you just, you know, pulled something.
02:14Oh, good.
02:15Well, if you think I'm fine, then I must be fine.
02:17But I'm not.
02:18So I asked them to run more tests.
02:20Why is everyone treating me like I'm...
02:22Sorry, what's your news?
02:27Bodie's gonna move out.
02:28Oh, my God, no!
02:29No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.
02:31This is a good thing, okay?
02:32He's looking for apartments.
02:33That was actually a landlord checking on his... his current residence.
02:37I know he's gonna move out at some point, but it's not the right time.
02:42Shouldn't he, like, at least, I don't know, graduate the program?
02:44I thought we agreed on this.
02:46No more over-parenting, right?
02:50He's ready.
02:52We're just gonna have to agree to disagree on that one.
03:00Just a little crisscross.
03:03Hop over and tuck.
03:06When there's a boy, you want to try to keep it covered.
03:09Unless you want to get hosed.
03:11So girls are easier?
03:14Uh, no.
03:15I wouldn't say easier.
03:19Who wants to try?
03:22I'll try.
03:23All right.
03:24Hey, fellas.
03:25How y'all doing?
03:26What's up, Cap?
03:28I thought you...
03:32How are you, big dog?
03:34How's it going?
03:35It's going great.
03:36These guys are gonna nail fatherhood when they get out of here.
03:38I'm asking about you.
03:39I know Gavs hasn't come to visit yet.
03:43But, uh, you know, she agrees that eventually we want to get back to being a family again,
03:47so I'm gonna hold on to that.
03:48That's what I'd love to hear.
03:49All right, man.
03:50Hey, how is she, by the way?
03:52How's her new place?
03:54You know, I wouldn't know.
03:57I haven't seen it.
03:59Or her, actually.
04:01Well, that's no good.
04:04When something's wrong with Gabriella, she hides out.
04:07When I go by Smokey's, I'll ask about her there.
04:09Oh, right.
04:10Yeah, yeah.
04:11You're gonna go for the reopening, right?
04:13No, I'm, um, going for a, um, family thing.
04:22Thanks for coming, guys.
04:23You got it.
04:24Not exactly a massive turnout.
04:26Is there a fire sale at the chicken feed store?
04:29Hey, I don't know.
04:30I put the flyers all over town.
04:32I really thought that people were gonna come.
04:35I mean, at least the cadets came, right?
04:38Yes, I came for the grub.
04:40And the support, Chiefs.
04:43Well, I guess I'll go get some more blood suctioned out of my arm, then.
04:48Right after I talk to Bodie.
04:51Um, go easy on the moving out stuff, okay?
04:54You're telling me how to converse with my son?
04:57So, Dad says that you're moving out.
05:01Guess I should have kept it to myself.
05:03When I find a place.
05:04Don't worry, I don't need any money or, you know, a co-signer.
05:08I mean, we know how much cadets make, and we know what rent costs.
05:13I have to do this myself.
05:16For me.
05:17Hey, you don't have to worry.
05:18All right.
05:19All right.
05:22I am so worried.
05:24Yeah, me too.
05:25Mostly about all the money we're dumping into this ghost bar.
05:30Hey, have you seen Gaps?
05:31Hey, have you seen Gaps?
05:32Uh, how about...
05:34Hi, Jake.
05:35My friend.
05:36How you been?
05:39What's been going on?
05:40You good?
05:41Thanks, yeah.
05:42And no, I have not seen Gaps.
05:45Can you sit down?
05:46Yeah, I can't stay.
05:47I have to meet someone.
05:49Please tell me it's that hot kettlebell girl that you keep making nervous dad jokes about.
05:53Okay, shut it.
05:56I'm meeting my brother.
06:00Uh, you know, I knew you texted Elijah, but...
06:03Yeah, I wasn't sure he was going to text me back either.
06:06But here we are.
06:31Dodger fan in NorCal.
06:34You're going to get your ass handed to you.
06:40But, uh, not as bad as the Giants are next season.
06:44Someone's been hit by one too many Santa Anas.
06:50He's standing me up.
06:51You think he's standing me up?
06:54Who's standing you up?
06:55Hey, Gaps.
06:56Over here.
06:57Over here.
06:59I'm not saying nothing.
07:16You two together again, huh?
07:21But y'all hooking up, right?
07:24Ha! Right!
07:28Damn it!
07:29All right, pay up.
07:31So y'all going to make it weird again?
07:33No, they for damn sure are going to make it weird again.
07:35Okay, I'm going to go grab a drink.
07:37I'm going to grab a drink too.
07:38Yeah, I just got thirsty.
07:40Yeah, stay hydrated, y'all.
07:45B, you cool with this?
07:48We're making it work.
07:51Okay, look, man.
07:52I'm not your trainer anymore.
07:54So as your friend,
07:56whatever this is,
07:58do not let it mess up your goals.
08:01You're almost through training,
08:03but that last phase is,
08:06it's tough.
08:08Look, this,
08:09all this with me and Gab is not,
08:11it's not slowing me down.
08:12It's pushing me forward.
08:14It's motivation, you know,
08:15to get through training, get my own place,
08:18just get everything together so that
08:21we can move forward when she's ready.
08:24Look who it is.
08:26It's a home wrecker.
08:29They're Diego's homies.
08:32You shouldn't get the win.
08:33Not Edgewater,
08:34and not Smokey's.
08:36At least we took care of one of those, huh?
08:45Okay, B,
08:47don't take the bait.
08:51I'm Bodhi.
08:53Took my family's flyers down.
08:56Nothing good happening over there.
08:59A guy's a cadet like me.
09:06You got a problem?
09:08It's with me.
09:09No, Gabs, don't.
09:10It's just gonna get worse.
09:12You mind?
09:16Diego's gone, but I'm right here.
09:18Okay, B,
09:19you are on parole.
09:22You are on parole.
09:27I'm not.
09:31You mind that?
09:56All right, boys.
09:58Why don't you go have yourselves a good night
10:00somewhere else?
10:02All right.
10:15I'm guessing you can
10:17fight your own battles just fine.
10:18Oh, yeah, he can.
10:20He just shouldn't.
10:21Yeah, I got that.
10:24Dodger's gear, huh?
10:26That's brave.
10:28I've heard.
10:30I'm Bodhi Leone.
10:31Nice to meet you, sir.
10:34Cadet Leone.
10:36Nice to meet you.
10:38Name's Captain Casey.
10:40Forty-two's phase three training captain.
10:44You're new, boss.
10:46Station 42, over here.
10:49We've got a major airliner
10:50about to touch down in Edgewater.
10:52But we don't have an airport.
10:54Yeah, they're gonna attempt
10:55an emergency landing in that field
10:56just west of Glenville Gorge.
10:58There's no way that little field
10:59is big enough to land
11:00a commercial plane safely.
11:02No, it's not.
11:04It's not.
11:06It's not.
11:08It's not.
11:10It's not.
11:12It's not.
11:13It's not enough to land
11:14a commercial plane safely.
11:15NUTS is right there
11:16on the edge of Green Valley,
11:17so if that plane doesn't stop,
11:18it gets into all that vegetation.
11:19It will.
11:20It's gonna be a rough landing,
11:21so we'll need all hands on deck.
11:23I'll radio 3 Rock.
11:24All right. Cadets, you're comin' with.
11:26Oh, hell yeah. Let's go.
11:27Welcome to Edgewater.
11:29Green Crest, can we attach
11:303 Rock to the crash site?
11:34Hey, uh,
11:35I would've been here earlier,
11:36but Wendy had a thing.
11:38Yeah, I, I have to go.
11:40Um, I'm sorry. I...
11:41Um, thanks for coming, but there was a plane crash, and I'm sorry.
12:00Monsignor Glenville Gorge, aircraft is into the vegetation with multiple fires surrounding.
12:06Air traffic control, initial report says minor injuries on board, probable inhalation. You're on ops.
12:12Okay, Captain Edwards, you and Three Rocks secure perimeter. Perez, set up a CCP and start triage.
12:18Alright, let's cut line around this mess.
12:20You're on it, Cap.
12:22I want a head count, minor injuries to the left, immediate transport to the right.
12:26All right, that plane was Portland bound from L.A., had a mechanical error, 172 souls on board. Let's get them out. Let's go.
12:40We got Leone, Triple Nugget, Allstate Pitcher, Extraordinary Conduct Credit, and James.
12:54North Colorado transplant by way up Coachella Valley, music major, and you, you.
12:59First saw, second week of fire camp. Good on ya. I did my homework. All right, carry on.
13:04Hey, Cap, I'm taking Leone and James.
13:07Go away.
13:08Okay, look, they just finished ride-alongs.
13:11Great, then they're ready for work-alongs.
13:19All right, Leone, you gonna hold that ladder or you wanna climb it?
13:22I'll climb it, of course.
13:25We gotta complete all phase three before we can be active.
13:27As your new trainer, I'll tell you what you're doing, don't gotta do.
13:29Listen, I saw how you didn't want to back down from that fight in the bar. Show me your fire in the field.
13:35How about you? Wanna show me what you got, too?
13:37Yeah. I don't do FOMO well.
13:39All right. We gotta take control of the interior fire that's blocking this exit. James, I need you on the engine.
13:46Leone, you got the cockpit.
13:48Going in?
13:49Going in.
13:51James, let's get water on that engine and cool it down.
13:54On it.
14:08You need medical attention over here. If not, safe zone is to your left.
14:11Where do I go for my checked bag?
14:14This is a crash site, not a resort.
14:16But I need my suitcase.
14:18Safe zone is to your left.
14:21Is people moving in slow motion?
14:23We got a fire in the cockpit. It's been evacuated already, but people still on board.
14:28The smoke's gonna fill up faster than they can exit.
14:30Everybody listen. I know you're scared, but we need you to move as quickly and carefully as possible.
14:35Do not stop for your belongings. Let's go.
14:48You got eyes on that, cadet?
14:52I'll hit that with water from up top. Looks like it came from the cockpit.
14:56All right, Leone.
14:57Looks like it came from the cockpit.
14:59All right, Leone. We got this.
15:27Hey! Hey! Bodhi's not cleared for that.
15:31He's doing great.
15:32I don't care. It's way too dangerous up there.
15:34Listen, this is not SoCal. We do not skip steps here.
15:37I'm guessing Bodhi's a buddy of yours. I get it. You want to protect him. That's great.
15:40But he's not my buddy. He's my cadet. It's my job to make a firefighter out of him.
15:45My way.
15:58Fire's out. We're going back to the door.
16:19Exit is clear. Hey, get the remaining passengers to the front.
16:22All right, let's clear the ladder.
16:24Okay, everybody.
16:46Follow me.
16:51Here you go.
16:53All right, go, go.
17:06Good work.
17:09Cockpit fire's out. Cadets are safe and passengers are exiting now.
17:18Great work, Cap.
17:19Thanks, but there's a new situation.
17:23Just found out that they're not going to be able to reroute small planes for these passengers until tomorrow.
17:28So these 172 people are going to need a place to stay.
17:33Starlight Motel's not going to cut it.
17:35Looks like Edgewater's about to get real cozy tonight.
17:44Okay, just keep this on. Come back in 15 minutes and I'll check on you.
17:47Just keep this on. Come back in 15 minutes and I'll check on you. Okay?
17:50Wade, I appreciate you. And so will the person who sleeps in this tonight.
17:57Our son went viral.
18:00Uh, cool?
18:02This, Vince.
18:04Yeah, his trainer apparently thought it was a good idea to put him on top of a plane.
18:09Where he handled himself like a pro. I know, I was there.
18:13He is a cadet. Thank you. He is not done with training. He has not finished the program. He should not be on top of a plane.
18:19Talking about the same kid, right? The one who runs into explosions, not away. You're worried about him handling a hose?
18:25On a plane.
18:27Sharon, you should start worrying about what's going on here, okay?
18:30All these people are going to want food and drinks.
18:33Oh no, it's a literal restaurant.
18:36It just opened. Okay? We can't afford this.
18:39I can't afford this.
18:41Oh, so you want to charge the people that are just in a plane crash?
18:44No, I don't want to charge them. I'm just saying we're responsible for a herd of locusts.
18:51Well, I'm just saying that you are focusing on the wrong things.
19:01Did I really get a call about someone vaping in here?
19:06Can't do that in here.
19:07Why? It's not smoke, it's steam.
19:10Well, it's because it's bad for you and this is a fire station.
19:12This is like the safest place ever.
19:14Okay, that's the opposite of my point.
19:16Why don't you just keep the pen, bro? You clearly need it more than I do.
19:21Sorry to bug you. Is there somewhere we can go for some privacy?
19:25Yeah, you go down this way. There's a lounge you can talk.
19:29We're actually looking for a little more privacy.
19:31I'm sorry, Edgewater only has one motel and it's full right now.
19:35That's why we're putting people wherever we can.
19:37Do you have an office space we could use or a store's closet?
19:41We were supposed to be in our hotel by now and we got a corner room with the California King.
19:48Yeah, which I didn't.
19:50I can't help you because I have to get the juices to other people who are a different kind of thirsty.
19:58No, that's not what they were.
20:00Nice work out there, Leonie.
20:02Can't be easy with all those voices weighing in on what not to do.
20:06Oh, it's no big deal.
20:08Yeah, well, they see who you were.
20:11Me, fresh eyes.
20:13I see who you are.
20:17Hope you see something good.
20:19See a man with instincts.
20:21Good ones.
20:23Pay attention to him.
20:25That's how you'll help him.
20:26Pay attention to him.
20:28That's how you'll help people.
20:32Hey, you ever hear of the Big Leaf Valley fire a while back?
20:37Yeah, sure.
20:39Lost a lot of firefighters that day.
20:43My entire crew.
20:47See, I knew how to save them, but I didn't trust my gut.
20:52I listened to my superior.
20:54Should have been ten firefighters down that day.
20:59Sometimes I wish it was, but I lived.
21:06I'm so sorry.
21:09It's awful.
21:11I saw you today at the plane.
21:16You didn't follow procedure.
21:20And it worked.
21:21You moved without hesitation.
21:25And you were right.
21:27So you want to know what I see?
21:30I see a man who wants to take the biggest swings.
21:34And you should.
21:38You got a wolf in you.
21:41You gotta feed it.
21:43And don't ever keep that wolf in a cage.
21:48Hey, have you seen Gabs? Is she okay?
21:52Yeah, she came in to Smokey's.
21:55But Diego's buddies, they started some crap about Bodie driving them out of town.
22:02Diego's gone because of Bodie?
22:05Bodie, Gabs. Gabs and Bodie.
22:09Either way, it's a long story.
22:11Gabs and Bodie, huh?
22:13What does that mean? They're back together?
22:20Okay. Keep it dry. It'll be fine.
22:25Hi. I still haven't found my bag.
22:28I'm sorry about your bag, sir. I'm providing medical care.
22:31Right. It's really valuable, so it's kind of an emergency.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:36It's okay.
22:37An emergency is a plane crash. A lost bag is an inconvenience.
22:41It's black with a blue string around the handle, so if you've seen—
22:44It is the least of mine or anyone's problems. No one cares about your damn bag!
22:52Come here.
22:59Look, we all know you're stressed out.
23:02I'm not.
23:04Look, we all know you're stressed out, okay?
23:07But you cannot talk to civilians like that, especially not in uniform.
23:11So, you're benched. Go home.
23:15I don't have one.
23:17Yes, you do. It's our Airstream. I told you you could stay there as long as you want.
23:21I also told your dad that I would—
23:23You told my dad that I lived there?
23:25No, I did not.
23:29I will pay you rent.
23:30I don't want your money, but you need to cool off and go home.
23:39Ruth made this?
23:41I'm going to try it on myself.
23:53Done with triage of smokies?
23:56Oh, I'm done.
23:58Look, I know that you're trying to put us into a box, but I was thinking—
24:04Come to the Airstream?
24:07Right now?
24:10I'm on shift and there's a million people here.
24:14You're kidding, right?
24:17It'll be quick and quiet.
24:20Gabriella, are you—
24:22Are you okay?
24:35You okay?
24:38Hey, what happened?
24:40She said I couldn't bake, so I just came in here to smoke a little bit of weed.
24:43No, you did not.
24:45It's legal.
24:47Matt, in a fire station.
24:49The match was out. I just put it on, I flicked it on the ground and just, ba-bam!
24:52Okay, look, B, let's take care of this.
24:54I got it.
24:57What the hell was in that suitcase?
24:59Get him the hell out of here.
25:01All right, listen, this is not a normal fire.
25:05I'm on it.
25:07There was a fire at the station.
25:09It started with one of the pieces of luggage.
25:13Was it black with a blue string?
25:15No, no, no, no, no.
25:17Do not put water on it.
25:19Better start talking, Larry.
25:22It's vintage film.
25:24I'm a collector. Very rare, very old.
25:27Nobody uses it anymore because, well, it's kind of obvious now.
25:31Also obvious. Don't bring it on a plane.
25:34It says here we'll continue to burn even if submerged in water.
25:40Okay, listen, get all civilians to safety.
25:43Yeah, right. We'll take care of the fire.
25:45No, don't put water on that.
25:47Yeah, new guy just figured that one out.
25:49Yeah, there's cellulose nitrate in there.
25:51Okay, okay, listen, I say we smother it.
25:53No, no, no, bad idea.
25:55New guy, really?
25:57But I am a captain in my station.
25:59And what I say is that we need to smother it.
26:01That pallet is no less dangerous than a dumpster fire.
26:05We have no idea what's in there, how flammable it is, how dangerous.
26:08Okay, then what is your idea?
26:11It wants to burn, yeah?
26:13So we let it burn.
26:15We don't put it out.
26:18We move it out.
26:21Okay, yeah, let's do this.
26:23All right, I got it, new guy.
26:27All right.
26:29Let me know when you're in.
26:33Let's go.
26:45Yeah, this is a disaster.
26:49Guy's okay starting a fire with his luggage, but he can't drink the cheap stuff.
26:53And all these people, free lodging, Wi-Fi and grub, they gotta drink the top shelf booze, too.
27:02Our son has been out of prison for 12 minutes and is running into fire.
27:07And this is what you want to focus on?
27:09The good gin.
27:12Well, I don't see you pouring your favorite Cabernet.
27:19If this is too much for you, Vince, you should just go.
27:22Just go.
27:27You just go.
27:41Uh, coffee.
27:43Two sugars and one cream, right?
27:48You know, I pride myself on being consistent.
27:53And I see that you're still making plans that you can't keep.
27:56Don't be like that.
27:58There was a plane crash and I was helping people.
28:01You know, it's crazy how strangers get your very best.
28:04Firefighting is my life work.
28:06It could be my legacy.
28:08When you were out making your legacy, I was at home preserving ours.
28:15I had a full ride to Cal Poly for marine biology.
28:21You didn't know that, did you?
28:23How am I supposed to know that when y'all just keep shutting me out?
28:25I'm surprised that you even noticed that!
28:30You know what, I'm, uh...
28:32I'm gonna go ahead and let you get back to your legacy.
28:35Thank you for the coffee.
28:45Oh, fire looks like it's almost out.
28:49We good here?
28:52You know, when Gabriela's on fire, she isolates too.
28:59It's not good for her.
29:02You know what's also not good for her?
29:10I care about Gabriela.
29:12But if I'm picking the lesser of two evils, I'm gonna cut with you, buddy.
29:16Not my favorite take ever, but...
29:18You know I love you like a son.
29:19And I'm trying my best not to jump in.
29:21But it's damn hard.
29:27Come on.
29:31Maybe you with her...
29:33At least she's not alone in all that loneliness, right?
29:36You know?
29:44Hey, 24K.
29:45Hey, 24K.
29:47Hey, you got, uh, 1.7 million dollars you could loan me?
29:52Not without committing a serious parole violation.
29:56Why, what's up?
29:58Well, me and my man send each other dream houses.
30:04Yeah, his are all Outer Banks, Ocean Views.
30:08Mine are ATVs and meteor showers in Joshua Tree.
30:12Long distance dreams that will settle down together one day in the same place.
30:18I get that.
30:20Sucks, right?
30:22But it's temporary.
30:25I try to remember that.
30:28Kind of like fire camp.
30:43Whoa, yo, what are you doing in my safe space?
30:48Hey, we heard a scream, are you okay?
30:51What's going on? What are you doing here?
30:53Alright, look, pack up your crap and get out.
30:56What crap? No, no, no, none of this is mine.
30:58Okay, then whose stuff is all that ice?
31:02I don't know, some chicks.
31:06Wait, have you been living here this whole time?
31:25Alright, let's move this.
31:28Here we go.
31:29Alright, and sit down.
31:32Look, you have lost your walking around privileges.
31:35And y'all, I would tell you to go get a room, but there aren't any, so I'm going to give you a job.
31:39I need you to make sure this man right here doesn't smoke, doesn't leave, and doesn't blow anything up.
31:46Can y'all do that for me?
31:48Might as well babysit.
31:50It's not like we're making a baby of our own today.
31:53It is, well it was, my fertility window.
32:00That's why you guys wanted privacy, so that you could start your family.
32:04I'm sorry. I will not start.
32:06I'm trying to expand.
32:08Our three-year-old wants a sibling.
32:10She needs one.
32:12We know it'll be a minute before the baby, whenever we get him cooking, grows up to be your friend, but it'll be worth it.
32:18Yeah, and then they'd always have each other.
32:34I have a minute before I have to roll, but I'll take a nap.
32:38You want to talk?
32:49That's cool.
32:52I guess I'll just, uh, I'll just sit here.
32:54Next to my daughter.
32:57Who maybe could use her dad right about now.
33:06Could've used my dad when I was blowing up my life.
33:11But you were a little busy getting locked up.
33:15I was.
33:18I was.
33:20But you were a little busy getting locked up.
33:25I know this move, Mia.
33:30You feel shame.
33:34And you move into a hole with it.
33:38All alone.
33:42But you came into it honest, because that's my move too.
33:46We rock on the buggy.
33:53Don't follow my example.
33:58Let me in.
34:03Or let someone in.
34:09Rez, let's go.
34:16Come on.
34:31Thank you so much for the house call, Dr. Andrews.
34:34Anything for the Leonis.
34:36But I'm sure you don't want small talk, so let's cut to the chase.
34:39Yesterday's blood work came back, Sharon.
34:42You're fine.
34:45There you go.
34:48I'm not buying it, okay?
34:50My shoulder is still jacked, and I feel off.
34:54I feel weird, and I feel mad.
34:58Stress can manifest physically.
35:00It happens all the time, and many patients have post-transplant anxiety.
35:06Sharon, there are tools that can help you manage it.
35:11Check this out.
35:12Make an appointment in a month.
35:16You're going to be fine.
35:18I'll see myself out.
35:21You bet.
35:24So it's all in my head.
35:26No, nobody's saying that.
35:29Just, listen.
35:32I want to tell you something.
35:35All those people yesterday,
35:38you held them together.
35:41I, um...
35:43I lost sight of what we were doing, trying to help the community,
35:46and you never did, so...
35:51About Bodhi, though.
35:54He's going to be fine, okay?
35:55This is the next step for him.
35:58This is the next step, yeah.
36:00And he did do great at the plane.
36:02You were...
36:03You were right.
36:06I was right.
36:07Look at that.
36:08But I am still worried about that trainer.
36:09Come on, I know that we said we were not going to overpair.
36:12But you think we should anyway.
36:14Don't you?
36:17Agree to disagree.
36:19Use my own words against me.
36:37That's a hell of a turnout.
36:42And here's my son, the Internet star.
36:47Turns out people like a guy on top of a plane, I guess.
36:53Well, the ones that ended up staying here,
36:56left good reviews.
36:58The news stations picked up the story that
37:01Edgewater's taking everybody in, and...
37:03here we are.
37:04Here we are.
37:07It's a good night for Smokies.
37:09It is a good night for Smokies, yeah.
37:12I talked to your mom about getting your own place, and...
37:16we do want to help.
37:18I don't want your money.
37:19I'm not going to give you any money.
37:21You're going to earn it.
37:25That job here?
37:28I mean, it helped us out,
37:30mostly your mom,
37:31because restaurant plus DC,
37:33that's a lot for her to juggle.
37:37Leonis and Smokies.
37:40I like it.
37:43I do, too.
37:47Uh, one more, please.
38:00You know, me and you, uh...
38:04we're on the same side.
38:06We both want Bodhi to shine.
38:10I'll give you that.
38:15I think we both know he can't shine.
38:23he can be everything he's meant to be,
38:26everything he already is.
38:35Bodhi's tough to captain.
38:38Fair enough.
38:41But I know him.
38:42And I know cadets.
38:45I've been training them for a long time, hundreds of them.
38:48And Leonis...
38:50he's not like the rest.
38:53Guys like Bodhi, you gotta...
38:57you gotta let him be free to run into the fire.
39:01And don't worry.
39:02He's not gonna burn.
39:06I promise you, Cap.
39:09I got him.
39:20Thanks for coming.
39:25Yeah, well, I almost didn't.
39:28All right.
39:32Can we start over?
39:34I should have said in the very beginning.
39:39Siblings are forever.
39:45And I miss you.
39:52I miss you, too.
40:00Eve Vivian Edwards.
40:02That's a triple name.
40:06Sis, I appreciate you being honest.
40:09I gotta be honest with you, too.
40:12God, I've wanted to call you.
40:14Yeah, I was gonna say, about, you know, six years.
40:16That's too long, man. I'm sorry.
40:18No, no, no, no. I'm talking about recently.
40:22Yeah, because I...
40:24I've got some news.
40:30You're gonna be an aunt.
40:34You know I am.
40:36Shut up, Alfredo.
40:44Promise me something.
40:46Do not give that baby the same name as their initials.
40:52That's tacky.
40:55I'm sorry, but I can't make no promises.
40:58All right.
41:04But look, Eve.
41:06If you want to see that baby,
41:08you know you're gonna have to see Mom and Dad, too.
41:22♪ Dropping on a vinyl neon singer with a jukebox title full of heartbreak ♪
41:30♪ 33, 45, 78 ♪
41:35♪ When it hurts this good, you gotta play twice ♪
41:42♪ Another vice ♪
41:50♪ All dressed up in a pretty black label ♪
41:54♪ Sweet salvation on a dining room table waiting on me ♪
42:00♪ Where the number meets the lonely ♪
42:04♪ It's gone before it ever melts the ice ♪
42:10Another virus, another call, another bed I shouldn't crawl out of
42:19It's 7am, the shoes in my hand Said I wouldn't do it but I did it again
42:26And I know I'll be back tomorrow night