Fire Country S03 E12
00:19Not open yet
00:27Hey, hey
00:31Feels like we should talk about the Ren fair
00:36Dragons fires bunch injuries
00:45Yeah, I guess there was there's like that other thing at the end there that uh
00:50kissing thing
00:52Didn't hate that. I
00:54Definitely didn't hate it either
00:56but we should talk about it because
01:00You know, you and I just got out of other things with other people. No, I should
01:06Should be responsible
01:09Figure out what exactly this is first
01:16What is this
01:19Probably need to investigate
01:25Investigate what
01:30I was just ordering a chicken fried steak
01:33Smokey's this chicken fried steak now, huh? Oh, yeah, we're uh, we're thinking about it
01:40Okay, we'll pick this up later
01:53Be I was
01:55Seeing if you want to get some mo tea field trip to Trinity National for risk assessment
01:59It's gonna be a long drive and a long hike. Oh, man. Let's go
02:05Listen up three rock
02:06Okay, juice boxes are in the kitchen arts and crafts are in Bay three and photos are in here with the engine
02:13Can't wait to see my five little monsters in time, bro. All right, the kids are gonna be here in an hour
02:17So let's get moving gentlemen water cap. Come on y'all. Yo cat. Thanks again for kicking off this reunion Express program
02:23It's pretty cool. Yeah, no the kids need to see their dads out of a prison setting
02:28Yeah, I'm just glad DC. We only actually approved it. Well with
02:32Conditions Sacramento only signed off on it because fire educated went so well
02:37So if we have any hiccups, we're gonna get the axe
02:39So everyone dads and kids need to give it a thumbs up surveys will be at the door great
02:44All that means is gotta make this with a winner
02:52Hey, what are you doing here?
02:54I'm dropping off mac and cheese for the kids to support Eve's reunion Express program. You left your father at the house alone
03:02He just got done living by himself. Okay, he can spend an hour or two at the house Kenny really
03:09Because it's only been a couple of days and I know it's a convenient
03:13But we don't know if he can be alone for a day or a night or an hour
03:18okay, so
03:19That's what we're doing now. I
03:21Mean Bodhi moves out Walter moves in we become parents again
03:25except for this time the baby is just
03:28old and
03:35Didn't say not an apple. My dad's not a tree. I didn't say it
03:40Okay, I'm gonna go home. I was gonna take you to the new steak place for dinner tonight, but I
03:47Hope you like our couch cuz that's where we're gonna be spending date nights from here on out. I
03:54Love our couch, it's my favorite not a threat
04:09Go ahead just ask what so Bodhi you and Audrey. Mm-hmm. We're taking a slow
04:20Real slow. Yeah until I'm trying to figure that out
04:25Do we both want to get it, right?
04:28Okay. Well, are you what do you got going on?
04:31I mean, are you gonna get back out there?
04:34Yeah, I mean, I'm out here now. Let's see. Look. I mean look at look at all these beautiful mountains trees
04:48This kind of feels like we're skipping school
04:53You know what this reminds me of
04:56The time you convinced me to skip in order to go with you to that Kenny Chesney concert in Oakland
05:01Do you remember that?
05:03I caught us both dude. I got grounded for like a month. All right, you know
05:08Didn't keep us from sneaking out again. Nope
05:11No sure didn't
05:18How are you
05:21D23 for Stella. Hey, there you go. Stella over there
05:38And what is your name sir
05:41Your eyebrow
05:47Okay, we have team Robin here I think your dad has shown me your photo like 500 times
05:53That's my crew
05:57W-17 I'm not doing plastic bling. Everyone has to wear one, but you can take it off at the end of the day not my party
06:13Missed you all so much
06:18Look at my little ladies. Wait, hold on. Hold on. Did you guys get even prettier?
06:25Logan look at you. You're almost as tall as me get in here, but you too cool to hug your pops nice fit
06:40Give him time
06:44And last but not least. Hi, sweetie. What's your name? Simon?
06:49Simon you're Harper's kid. Okay, so I
06:53Have some bad news. Um, so your dad is fine
06:56He just got a little sick
06:57And so he's in the infirmary and you were already on the bus when we found out
07:01So he's not coming at all he's not but we're still gonna have fun we have food art game
07:11Cinnamon I'm so sorry. So it's too far. So we can't send the bus away until everyone's done at the end of the day
07:28All right
07:31Yeah, it's not too much further about half a mile out from the dry patch
07:42All right, let's tag these trees so they can be cleared before fire season
07:49Okay, first contestant looks like we're here four miles
07:54This counts as leg day for the week
07:56Uh, yeah, sure whatever you say
08:05Hey, buddy, what do you want moisture meter or spray paint?
08:14Right stupid question Bodie Leone the secret tagger of Edgewater Middle School
08:20You want to clean break wall? You probably should have put an extra eighth grade art room
08:24Fair point fair point. All right, this is 14%
08:28Sorry big guy. We don't want you going up like a candle and killing all your friends
08:34R.i.p. Buddy, this one's got decent fuel moisture. No sign of bark beetles monitor only
08:46Marking it to monitor you smell it smoke
09:06Someone's campfire
09:10You got that yeah
09:15Hear that is that a rock slide whoever left this campfire still out here
09:21With me
09:33Oh, yeah, someone's buried under there
10:03Yes, can you hear us how fire is here
10:08Hey, hold on hold on hold on hold on look, all right, this rock slide is new might still be unstable
10:16You've been through avalanche training. How do we get him out?
10:20If there is a secondary slide and we don't see it coming
10:24Well, then none of us are getting out of here alive. So what we need to do is keep an eagle-eye view above tape turns doing it
10:33Got it. One looks the other one works. Yeah
10:39What sounded like it was coming from somewhere on here
10:42Yeah, I'll start digging. All right. Look what's your name? And are you are you hurt?
10:46I'm not sure. Yeah, he must be in shock. All right, Raphael. I'll save you breath. Okay
10:52Look, I'm captain Jay Crawford with Cal fire and I've got firefighter Bodie Leone here with me
10:57We're gonna get you out of there
10:58Listen the minute we get him free one of us has to run for help the phone should work closer to the road
11:03I'm gonna hand moving this one. All right, I'm afraid
11:17Dog house
11:22Lunchtime great. I'm starving
11:25Here you go
11:27What I don't eat rabbit food
11:30Neither do I I'd rather eat the rabbit. Look these are superfoods. Okay, it's
11:36avocado and chia seeds and
11:38Pomegranates, it's good for brains even crusty old ones. Yeah, probably tastes like the front lawn
11:45Yeah, I'd rather have a burger too great idea once you fire up a few of them I'll take two myself this
11:52Crossword puzzles, that's what's good for the brain
11:55Hey Vin
11:57Ancient Greek physician known as a father of medicine. I bet you don't know that one Hippocrates
12:03Who Raphael do we sound closer or farther away now?
12:08Can you tell where that's coming from no, no the
12:12The acoustics of the rocks are throwing the sound of his voice. It's sound reflection
12:16All right. Look, we got to change this up. Hey Raphael. Were you at your campsite when you first saw the rock fly?
12:26I can run back to the trucker now and grab medical supplies try and call as soon as I can
12:30No, no there and back is over eight miles. It'll take way too long
12:33Our main priority is find where this guy is first. Do you remember anything specific that you saw at your campsite?
12:44Right there right there. Yeah, there's a tank. Hey, hey Raphael. We're close to them
12:51Please be very careful. Let's start digging them
13:12Hey buddy, I was making the picture frames over there. You want to make one?
13:22Hey, how about I help you make a special get well soon card for your dad
13:42What did you do I
13:44Want to see it open doc. Well, this is a rescue boat Logan. Are you kidding me?
13:51Yeah, we got a spill I'll get a mop my son and I will get a mop whatever
14:00Come on hurry up. How does this deflate?
14:05It's just a glitch chief we've got it under control
14:22Got your whole closet in there
14:27My crap whole apartments crappy laundry machine broke
14:32Again, well the station one is busy with station stuff. Oh, right. Yeah. No, I uh, I
14:40Can just take my couch quarters and spend the day with the weirdos at the laundromat or
14:46Maybe you could save your quarters and use one in my house
14:51Vince could honestly use break. He's pretty crabby and so is Walter great. So everybody's crabby
14:59Lucky me. Yeah, there you go. Look
15:03We have to stabilize the rescue corridor
15:06Make sure the walls around them are stable
15:09Using nature's cribbing. Hey, remember slow smooth smooth as fast
15:19Watch your step. Yep. Hey now it counts his leg there
15:27All right, let's see what that got us
15:34Okay, one more rock
15:36Rafael can you see any light? Yeah, I can see it
15:50Sharon said that I could let myself in
15:53Do some laundry
15:55She also said you might need a break. Yeah, you don't need any of that grumpy old weirdo on your plate. Trust me
16:02That's fine I've dealt with plenty of grumpy old weirdos in prison, are you sure yeah, how bad gonna be huh?
16:10Guess you're gonna find out. Um
16:13thank you and
16:16Laundry rooms right back there. Okay. Holler if you need me. All right. Thank you so much
16:21Hey, I thought I heard you
16:26What you got there Oh laundry
16:29What's the matter they don't have any washing machines in that fancy dorm of yours
16:34Dorm I I live in an apartment. Oh, you moved out already. That's great first sign independence get your own place
16:41Come on, give your grandpa. Oh
16:46So good to see you Riley
16:58Hmm what is with all this bleach in your hair? I like you better when you were dirty blonde
17:17You're not Riley, eh
17:23No, I'm Audrey I work with your son and your grandson
17:32That's all right, it's just a mistake, you know
17:48Riley died
17:56Satellite service unavailable
17:58No clear line of sight even up there
18:02Rafael we're gonna have to get you out ourselves
18:06How you feeling Rafael?
18:07grateful, I
18:09Can't believe you found me. It seems impossible. I went for a walk
18:13I was almost back to my tent when I heard a rumble
18:17Boom it felt like a mountain to hit me
18:23Guessing mild concussion fractured ribs. I'm pretty sure no pneumothorax
18:28You doctor?
18:31Came from Argentina for medical school my fiance Mika. She's still there like this week. I
18:39lost a patient a
18:42Six-year-old girl
18:45Devastating and
18:47That's awful
18:48That's why I came out here on this solo camping trip. They try to make sense of it all, you know
18:54Guys, I think my oxygen sets down my heart rates getting slower. We'll work faster
19:02We're halfway there Rafael
19:08There you go shake it until you can see you thank you
19:12Okay, look at that my baby girls are smiling all day
19:24All right, but picture time ready
19:28You could wear the fire hat or you could wear a super cool fire jacket I
19:37Miss my dad
19:42I could slum it in a truck. Okay. Oh, I'll be right back. I'm gonna grab some more film
19:51See I need it was a little time to warm up teenagers, it's hormones
20:15Should get these they were sitting up on hooks about the shells in the gear thought y'all wanted us to be all oh
20:20We're fine fine. It's not a joke Logan
20:24Yeah, I'm just not gonna help. Yeah, but it's gonna make me feel better. Okay, it looks like we need to have a little chat
20:29Let's go
20:37So someone could have really gotten hurt is that what you wanted no then what tension
20:41Because I got a kid in there that's heartbroken and came all the way up here, but his dad is sick
20:45Let him hang with my dad. No, but your dad really loves you and he wants to spend time with you
20:50My dad doesn't even know me
20:53Look it's hard. I get it
20:56While you both are here. You have an opportunity to get to know one another
21:01Tell him about yourself. Let him in
21:06Other kids don't have to talk to their dads here this one guy at school Damon his dad has a job
21:12He comes home at night each dinner. It's normal
21:15To Damon, I'm probably like this juvenile delinquent with the dad in prison. Okay, if Damon is your friend
21:21He's not gonna care where your daddy is. He's
21:25He's not my friend what is he is Damon bullying you no, no
21:30Damon's nice place hockey. He's smart. He's funny
21:35He dresses well, he always knows what to say and
21:39Everyone likes him
21:43You like him
21:50You know the thing that you have to tell your dad a long time ago I had to tell my dad the same thing
21:58How do you take it, you know me and my dad we got a lot of problems, but
22:04That wasn't one of them
22:06And I don't think your dad will have a problem with it either
22:10Will you help me tell him
22:17How are you feeling I thought it was good but now I think I'm bleeding internally and if that's true
22:23My organs are gonna start going soon. Yeah, just keep me talking. It'll help
22:30Yeah, yeah
22:33What kind of music do you like
22:35These might be my last minutes on earth. Does it really matter that I'm into emo pop?
22:42Come on guys get real with me. You believe in the afterlife. Yeah. Yeah, I do
22:47Get real with me you believe in the afterlife. Yeah. Yeah, I do
22:52between my dad and fiance I
22:55Know I'm gonna see him again
22:59Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me going. Yeah, I'm with you. My parents went first. I gotta believe
23:07They're at a big celestial party just waiting for me to come through that door. Yeah my
23:14sister Riley I
23:17Was with her when she died
23:23It's been hard for me to find anything to believe in
23:35Put it I can see you nice to meet you Rafael
23:40Jake oh
23:42God I
23:43Thought I'd never see the Sun again
23:50It's unstable rocks are still moving up there secondary slides coming Rafael hang in there
23:59Be turtle formation now
24:05Brace for impact
24:35Think we're good
24:39Hey Rafael, you good I'm here
24:45Hey, don't be you're like, okay, I'm fine. It's just rude. All right. Come on. Let's get him up
25:02You are perfect kid
25:08Love whoever you were made to love
25:11My only regret is the same one as always instead of being home to listen and help
25:19I'm here
25:24Is there anything else you want to say
25:28Well, come on you can tell me anything
25:33There's this guy Damon
25:35Hold on does my boy have a crush
25:39Dad stop. Oh, no. No, you got to tell me all the bottles
25:44He plays hockey. I don't know anything about hockey. I mean I googled it
25:49But still what do I say to not sound like an idiot? Oh
25:53I'm gonna put you up on some game. Okay
26:00Don't pretend to know anything about me
26:06Asked nobody you got this show him that you're interested in his interest. So your mom
26:13Loved these Twilight movies. Do you think I care anything about some sexy vampires?
26:17Although to be honest, we ended up reading the books to that. That's beside the point and I'm team Jacob
26:22We're gonna get in all of that
26:25All right, the secondary slide set us back but we're close to getting you out
26:30Wait another slide, okay. No, we're good
26:36Guys I
26:38Need you to tell me cuz something we met so young and I always thought it was too young but now
26:46Now I know hi
26:49You can tell yourself please her life can't stop because mine did
26:55Tell her
26:58Tell her to find her next great love
27:04Tell her I said so promise
27:11Yeah, yeah promise
27:16We don't have to look you're free good work, let's get him out of here
27:40Didn't mean to scare you
27:43Of course you didn't I always want to remember Riley
27:48She can't just
27:51somewhere into my brain
27:58Really played baseball
27:59She was a good shortstop. I
28:02taught her everything I taught her how to feel balls how to take the runners and
28:08What about you you play any sports
28:11No, I do sing though. Ah
28:14For as long as I can remember
28:17Like the only thing I can rely on
28:24Look at Bodie. Yeah fishing. Yep
28:28Steelhead look at the size of that. He caught that the first time he went fishing then
28:33That's me. I taught the kids how to play poker. That is until Sharon caught on she didn't like that very much
28:40On Benson Sharon dancing. They're good dancers. Yeah. Yeah, they are. I've seen it
28:47And Riley sweet 16
28:50and a couple years later
28:53Riley was gone and Bodie was gone, too
28:56Just didn't take any photographs after that
29:04Yep, just like that easy
29:06Good job, Rafa. Good job
29:08All right, this rock should help keep you safe for many more slides
29:12Bodie you need tells me you stay I'll run
29:27Thank You Bodie, yeah
29:55You know, it's okay
29:58You don't want to do crafts
30:01We're taking your pictures. I hate taking my picture, too
30:05But instead of pretending that all this doesn't suck
30:10You want to do something about how much it does?
30:18Yes, everything you're mad at him hit it yeah, just like that hit it there you go
30:27Hey, this bags in trouble she's got a right hook
30:31Only cuz you taught me
30:34You know, my dad and I used to be separated for a while, too. Did it suck? No so bad
30:41But we get to work together now like a lot
30:47You know, we get to work with your dad a lot too and he's a dang good firefighter
30:51Want to show him what you made up?
30:53Yeah, got your phone. Yeah
30:56Okay, we'll make sure we get this to your dad. I'm ready go
31:09Chief I'm sorry for everything
31:12What happened the firetruck the kids crying the rescue boat? I just oh
31:19That's just people and family family is messy. But this this today was a success
31:26I mean, I wouldn't go that far
31:29Every kid getting on that bus and every dad getting on that buggy. What do they all have in common right now?
31:36They all got a problem
31:39No, they're all happy they all had a great day and you gave them that you did really good my friend
31:56Come on
32:05It's cold Jake's getting help I know be here any minute
32:17It's almost over no, no not if you don't give up
32:21There's a difference between giving up and letting go
32:36Let's keep talking keep talking to me you helps on the way you said talking would help right get my body to a donor center
32:43It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be all right
32:46Helps on the way you said talking would help right get my body to a donor center fast
32:53They can use my organs
32:55You said that you believe in the afterlife, right?
33:00And believe in a miracle
33:11This is captain Crawford from Cal fire, I need immediate medical assistance at Trinity National Park now
33:24I'll see that. Okay
33:31Okay, oh you ready for this sure ready, that's it two pair blam
33:40Lamb blam three of a kind see you play circus poker. They've been blamming now for a couple hours
33:47Turns out Audrey's the Walter Whisperer
33:51I'll like this one
33:53What's not to like right? Hey, if you guys wanted to go to that restaurant that you were talking about I can say
34:01Cuz I'm about to kick this one's ass. Whoo says you
34:10We're playing for money how much you holding? Well, not a pretty light I will say that right now, but we'll see
34:18Watch your step
34:21Keep an eye out for flares this way. Come on guys
34:26Hope we'll be here any minute
34:29It's too late
34:33Look up there
34:45That's the miracle
34:48Living's a miracle dying's just the next question
34:55And I want to live my life
34:58My last moments in this miracle
35:03Before I get the answer
35:13Almost there
35:24Look up there with me
35:32That's what you want
35:53Yeah, there it is buddy, that's why we're here we got medical supplies
36:17Nobody knows how to say goodbye
36:24Seems so easy to try
36:29Then the moments passed you by
36:35Nobody knows how to say
36:48Nobody knows how to get back home
36:54We said
37:00Search the heavens in the earth
37:06Nobody knows how to get back home
37:19Through the darkness to the dawn
37:25When I looked back you
37:30Heard your voice leading me
37:36Through the darkness
37:51You ready
37:56Yeah, go ahead
38:02Hello, hola Mika soy bomber a Gabriela Perez edgewater, California estoy aquà con mi compañero
38:09Crawford que estuvo con su esposo Rafael hoy
38:14I am
38:20I'm so sorry for your loss
38:25Rafael asked me to tell you something
38:29Lo siento también Mika
38:31lamento su perdida
38:33Esta mucha mano por si tienes alguna pregunta
38:43Love is deep as the road is long
38:49Lose my feet to carry
38:54It beats my heart
39:00Love is deep as the road is long
39:14You think he's okay
39:18Probably not
39:21But it will be
39:28Looks like our new normal is gonna be
39:32Trying to take it day by day
39:36Did you just try to go with the flow right?
39:43Not not my strong suit as you know, yeah me neither but it's right
39:49We're just gonna meet Walter where he is every day and then I'm gonna meet you right here
40:05Nobody knows the story
40:11Live the day doing what you can
40:16This is only where it begins
40:23Nobody knows how the story ends
40:28Nobody knows how the story ends
40:53Pay attention, I know what's going on. Hmm. Well to be honest with you
41:00I'm kind of falling in love
41:03with Edgewater and
41:06Station 42 and your family and Morty
41:14It's too soon to tell
41:18But you know if we try things and they go south and he's fine
41:25He gets to stay here
41:28I'm the one that just goes away. Well, you're here now
41:49Hey, okay
41:57I heard a little about her from your no-no today
42:27I think our son had a hard day today. Yeah, we need to talk to him
42:35You know, I think
42:39We should wait for him to come talk to us
42:41Come on over here
42:43family photo time Oh
42:45Oh, thank you there
42:54Love it. Right everyone smile