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00:00Everybody wish me luck wish me luck alright. Hopefully we can get someone good. Hopefully we can get someone good man
00:05Like hopefully we can see a yamal. I don't know. I don't know
00:08I don't know. I feel like the icons and these have been worse this week. Let's go man
00:11Hopefully we get someone good the hate watch is starting for many of you guys. Good luck to me
00:15Let's get like who else could be in here like Deepala like
00:19Let's get a pack with Bobby Charlton and Endrick, bro. Here we go
00:26Right mid, this is terrible. Oh, this is terrible. I got cooked bad bad bad bad
00:38My goodness that might be worse possible. Oh
00:43That's bad wow
00:45Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa?
00:51Somebody's bring me foot for birthday chance rewards right now man, so I don't have to look at this anymore
00:55Oh, that is the worst one. I have seen I think that's the worst one. I've seen
01:00Ripped to me man ripped to me. We went we really went Wow we really went one. No we went two out of four
01:07We had a bad 94 over here our icon was Zico the other account
01:11We had bar Cola and the icon was a van der Sar. I feel like we really didn't cook from those four
01:16I thought I was gonna do better. Oh my god one of five birthday guys here
01:19We go one of five for birthday this guy got ranked to man. That's crazy
01:24Gurasi yeah nice looking tough Kelly
01:30Jackson oh
01:33Kelly's gonna be like 20k by Monday you're hoping to see
01:47Oberdorf but
01:49Guys how much is a rabiot even bro everyone is five five though fire emoji
01:5564k not because guys it's extra sweaty 250k. Oh my god on a Friday Wow how many people just lost motivation after watching that
02:03Wow guys
02:04You can but yeah, you know you can't base it off one rewards
02:08Are you paranoid or something dancing dog bros becoming a FIFA conspiracy theory butter, man? What are you talking about man? Oh?
02:18My goodness no for birthdays from 85 tens guys Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow that is not what we want to see
02:25That is not what we want to see
02:27Holy guys oh
02:30My god what no way rank three bro Ledley King how much is he Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow
02:41Surely a lot right
02:43My guess is 500k the chat is saying 300k
02:46Jeez, yeah 300k looks amazing though jockey anticipate very good
02:51We kid Oh
02:54Jackson again alright one of three let's see if he gets luckier the one of five got cooked
03:03Wow wow it's looking almost impossible though. It's looking almost impossible to get the crazy cards what champs not looking worth it at all oh
03:15My goodness oh
03:23Good for the Evo how much
03:2630k, but I think he's got a crazy Evo right
03:32Diaz right
03:33Cookout cookout all around Oh until it wasn't
03:37Salma how much is Salma a quick step
03:41There we go there. We go. We got something. That's it. This is the third account
03:46three accounts so three accounts
03:48Duran as well. I haven't seen Duran at all Jota Duran
03:52I don't think sells, but that was the first time we saw him. Oh my god. She's a what she's 800k Wow Wow Wow Wow
03:58So you just got to get lucky
03:59You just got to get lucky. Oh my god. You just packed Darwin. What what was that even from was that from the one-player pack?
04:06Yo, that's crazy. I'm I have Darwin and Rinaldo up top 442
04:10Goodness gracious good luck to all the center backs
04:15No way no way this guy's gonna get cooked worse than me. I'm skipping a second walkout. I'm skipping it for good luck
04:22Ain't no way ain't no way they gave him Darwin twice cool bar see oh my god the pack weight on these fell off
04:30Well the other guy got let the King so I'd say two out of three
04:32But only one of the actual promo pics was good. Yeah, how many you guys still play on ps4?
04:37There's probably some you you think it's a lot easier. I feel like there's probably some demons on that console
04:44It's Mickey Mouse they're insane no no one's clowning me. I'm not clowning you
04:48It's Mickey Mouse they're insane no no one's clowning anyone for being broke guys relax. It's not that deep man
04:56Trent oh my god two doves all right rewards not too bad
05:03This guy wanted a first owner Jackson that badly that's crazy. I forgot we're on the Chelsea account. That's still crazy though. Oh
05:10Man, it's Chelsea fan. You know he couldn't betray his still crazy though to me man Trent bro. That's kind of crazy. Oh
05:18My goodness. Oh my goodness
05:22Wow you have to respect it you have to respect it oh
05:29My god for birthday again
05:32Cam Argentina
05:35City ah that's just Goldie Bala, but like I never see him as a walk. Yeah good for the Evo
05:41Oberdorf all right
05:43All right, I just read that I don't even want to see what else is going on like
05:47I'm not this PS message thing is like for you page, bro
05:51Like straight up like you just I just some things you got a scroll pass bro like I don't know what the it's gonna be
05:56I don't want it
05:57I feel like there's no in-between this is either we're getting banned for the weekend or this guy has like a pack with like
06:02Like full birthday Halland and Jude in the same pack. Oh
06:05What's this? What's this this guy logged out which tells me this is crazy. Wait a second wait a second guys
06:17Oh wait what that's so anticlimactic sorry guys oh
06:30My goodness Jackson is good, but he's like 30k. I'm tell you he is good though. I just used him. He's good
06:35I'm being like real. He is actually good
06:37Wow man
06:43Kelly is really good like these these cards like all have such good stats, and they're all five five, and they're so cheap
06:50I'm sure I'm sure you can make like the whole full birthday team
06:54Do like an 11 for like probably like 300k and make I mean your chem is gonna be cooked
06:58But sure you could build a really good team
07:01Benzema you should look at the Evo for him if you haven't done it our full birthday is already 18
07:05Oh my god. No don't don't buy yet. Don't they're gonna. Go lower then damn 15k is free coins, bro
07:12Jota Jota in the first one Jackson. They're 15. Oh my 15
07:18Jeez Robbie Oates. He's very good, but that was the best for birthday. I tried today
07:22I didn't try any really top-tier for birthdays like in terms of price, but
07:27Okay the icons seem impossible
07:30There's no heroes in this too is there
07:32There's no heroes in this too is there oh?
07:36No oh
07:38No, we've only seen petite. I mean there's four icons, bro. There's hardly any are you doing cr7 today?
07:44We need that nostalgia of FIFA 23 Ronaldo flashback when you say please Cristiano score
07:50Do what what evil did was that fever 23? What was the no that wasn't an Evo, bro?
07:55You got to take me back wouldn't be what I dude
07:57I've had a lot of Ronaldo cards like I always try to get a Ronaldo card last year
08:00I did an Evo with him. I remember that was 22 is that also the for birthday. I didn't pack it though did I?
08:07That was Christy
08:10Christy that was Crosby's thing in FIFA 19 when he put the 4 2 3 1
08:14It was like always begging for an all those score
08:17It was a flashback, baby. We're in all those baby. We're not no way this guy got a drink. Oh my god, so lucky
08:24Dude, why did I get cooked so bad on mine, dude, man?
08:27Kubar see
08:29Kubar see and Hendrick Wow last try to Evo right you have five wins for me for me five wins
08:35What do you even get for five wins a guarantee pack bro? There's no way you get anything
08:39That's do you even get like a guarantee pack chat surely not all right. We got another 90 times for
08:46What we got center back
08:51That's not real that is real wait that what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that?
09:06Really got cooked on this man, that's crazy bro. Just got himself a real future star
09:12Damn how much is he?
09:14Anticipate an aerial now even cares. He's probably so broken Wow nah. They gave me sunny. Yolo man. That's crazy
09:22Yeah, that's crazy, bro. My pack was bad
09:25I got zany olo kai sado Cucho Hernandez and like Pascal grocer. I do it was terrible like I honestly
09:32It's not even one player that goes to my team really bad
09:35like worst of the worst I
09:39Don't even know if I got keen dude. Yeah, it was bad
09:43877 foot birthday galore right now
09:47You got Diallo EA yeah, but that's something bro like I've left the table with nothing
09:53How was that EA that's good bro Diallo's ass yeah, but at least you got something bro that you could definitely use him no
10:00That's better than walking away with nothing center made Dutch
10:07No, dude. I got a try Rinaldo. I'm wait. I have one viewer that has uh he's getting ranked to right now
10:13So dude, I don't know Chad. We're gonna make it
10:17Be out of chai Rinaldo dude, it's gonna take me so long to do that SPC. We didn't really time this well today
10:23It's because I played that
10:25one person that I didn't score against
10:29The four two one three that killed me all right. What else you guys got no I started what no no
10:33I did not start the SPC rank five
10:39Guys these are your rewards look alive everybody look alive. Let's see what you guys are gonna get this weekend
10:44Yeah, here we go
10:47Now how many wins is this this is a good record bro rank 5 is a good record no 9 and 6
10:54This is 9 and 6 might as well not even play guys come on man garasi
11:055-5 Duran cold
11:08At the jaw the TFO is going garasi again
11:17It definitely ain't easy man not even rank 5 isn't paying out right there. That's not what I want to see
11:22I think we're gonna do the watch party tomorrow although guys on the YouTube stream if you guys want to watch that
11:27Watch that game with us. We we can't stream it. I don't think on YouTube. I think it's copyright so it's gonna be a twitch only oh
11:35Wait with that team what rank did this guy get with that team here? We go. I it's too tough to tell I don't know
11:44For or is it three
11:50You played against this guy crazy team man you hope he gets nothing real classy guys
12:06Rank six is eight wins right that's what's ways been getting rank six
12:09It's not even this eight wins the rank six sounds so much worse
12:12Is it it wins something's going wrong for that to be rank six doesn't rank six sound terrible. How's that eight wins?
12:19Good to so
12:22Did they nerf like all these rewards the 94 the 88 plus yeah, it's all it's all over man. Nah. It's actually all over
12:30It's actually all over. That's crazy, man. What have they done. They want me to do Rinaldo chat
12:35But I'm like, but I'm like maybe what we'll do is we could just do Rinaldo tomorrow after we watch the Sidemen game
12:39For a bit that might be a better play guys. I do want to try him, but I'm like maybe we could give it more
12:44of a proper
12:45experience tomorrow
12:49It's cr7 you need him now brought you for real yo, I don't want to last the coal man. What do you like? Oh, oh?
12:59Okay to rom
13:02So Salma Trent and to rom those are the best polls through like four or five of these rewards guys, bro
13:08Scammed us nah nah relax man Stokes said Rinaldo is top four in the game
13:13Let me see a Stokes T4 in the chat right now W for Stokes man
13:18Butter what the hell is that butter? Can you what are these donos man? I'm buying a new mic
13:22Oh my God. He got him twice. Oh, what a team wow team name get cooked. Oh
13:29That's a very nice team get cooked. Oh my God that left side tail and Lillian
13:35Strong kids of this team. I'm not neglecting Rinaldo man like just relax guys. We have to put like a proper review man
13:41We'll have to put a proper review. It's only heat like it's only right he deserves it Robbie old from the pics. We take those
13:49In a bit we have some we still have some more rewards coming in right now
13:51Basha odds and all for saying he's too busy saving football gaming to be invited to a charity match
14:00Probably gonna say that
14:04It's go if messy was out. He would be an insta complete
14:08Rinaldo is just another player. You don't know what you're talking about bro. That is that is crazy. Talk. What is this guy?
14:14What is this guy saying man?
14:16Wait is that true though guys?
14:18Guys messy Rinaldo for me messy Rinaldo name are get SBCs
14:23I will be there unless they literally like sell the card bad. I would complete pretty much
14:28It doesn't matter where they play like I will be there. Yo, what are these icons guys?
14:33Do not do these icons best though for an evil potentially in the future
14:38The champs player picks the best player has been garnacho
14:42No, Salma Salma Wow for icons. That's what you get Wow how we doing man?
14:53Robbie ought to start oh my god, no way
14:57It's go oh man, I thought that was about to be insane
15:02Adel ho as well for the evil is that a gold hand so that I've seen their SC tomorrow, bro
15:09No, no, I'm not. I'm just seeing I'm just I'm just assessing the vibes in the in the party invites that we have
15:15Not thank you guys man. Thank you guys now. We've done well today, man
15:17We like the four two one three is so triggering man. I did a good job today
15:21Like anytime we could walk away the end of the stream with not pure salt. It's a good day, man
15:25It's a good day with this game, especially and I feel like I failed you guys this week
15:29We didn't get around to geoguessr. I was having a tough week, man
15:31I feel like I failed you guys this week. We didn't get around to geoguessr. I was having a tough week, man
15:34I feel like I failed you guys this week. We didn't get around to geoguessr. I was having a tough week, man
15:37Some shit going on. I'm all good though. Um, we'll have to do that next week
15:46Oh garnachoo
15:51Cook bro, let's go
15:54Dub did he go up? I can't believe he was 300k like I feel like I was using his Europa card like a month ago
16:01for that price
16:05Oh my god, garnachoo is totally in the rotation right now
16:10We take those that's a w brother. Congrats five five garnachoo, man
16:14I would love to get that card. Nah teelo you better teelo give timmy 10 minutes right now if he's still here
16:18He's probably here
16:20Just give me like garnachoo and jota. I'll be happy. I'll be a happy man
16:29Is there a rat's glory this year? Oh, there's gonna be a rat's glory buddy
16:33I I am gonna be I'm gonna be letting everything out
16:37We're going to love island as well, man
16:38I'm gonna go to like a beach for a whole month and just literally wake up every day
16:43I'm gonna be living the life man the life that I deserve i'm gonna go to like a beach for like a month man
16:48I'm gonna wake up every fucking day cook
16:51The entire fifa community with the 4213 for four hour episodes and then go to the beach all day
16:57Go out to dinner with a workout in there go to sleep and do it again the next day
17:01I'm gonna live the life for 30 days straight
17:04Wake up every day man. My morning ritual is cooking rats with the 4213
17:08I'm going to get a cam with incisive pass plus it's gonna be it's gonna be pure cinema, man
17:14Yeah, that that is the dream man
17:17You wish little bro. I'm back everybody just in time for this. Oh my god. I thought it turned off guys
17:21I'm gonna order one. I promise right after the stream. I'm gonna order one
17:24I promise guys
17:27How is it going kind individuals of the world, how are you guys today?
17:33Oh, it ain't easy that was not a good one better than mine, but not a good one dion what you got bro
17:38Evo la caca I cam and use ronaldo as striker
17:42I you guys are sleeping on this. Lukaku that i'm gonna evo. Yeah, it may take me two weeks to evo
17:47Wait, did I start? Oh my god. I have to start the fantasy captain before one tomorrow. No, no, no, no
17:52We didn't even think about that. We didn't even think about that. We didn't even do that
17:56Oh my god, y'all
17:59Bro i'm not gonna be able to do it
18:01I should have done bench boost. I shouldn't have done it, bro. I I didn't even finish bench boost
18:04How am I gonna do that? If this game's at 10 tomorrow, can I do it before content?
18:07I'm not doing it tonight, bro. That shit. Wait, did he just quick sell?
18:11Yama, he just quick sell yama. What is wrong with this guy? Madrid fans come collect your man. This guy is weird
18:16This guy is weird. I'm, sorry
18:17Nah, that's I don't even care man
18:19Like now you need to show some respect to one of the coldest 17 year old players we have ever ever witnessed
18:24That's disgusting man. I'm, sorry guys. I can't stand for that dion. Let's see your team
18:29Let's see your team. Let's see all the barca players in your team, right?
18:31Let's see all the meta barca players in your team. Let's see your team. Huh? You want to talk all this talk?
18:36Yeah, did you even see his team? He logged out
18:39Just checking out the bench right now. All right. All right, man
18:43Yeah, a little man city action though. Interesting. Nah, these fell off these fell off every time smith. It's an l
18:54Do you guys know how lucky that is? Like do you do you just conceptualize how lucky you are? You have no idea?
19:04Bro, what?
19:06The disrespect i'm seeing between these two sick individuals man
19:11Madrid fan discarding yama
19:14Oh, man, don't disrespect darwin especially after this week. That is so disrespectful
19:18You ungrateful individual and look at your team as well 4 2 1 3. This is who ea rewards man
19:24most meta academy evil
19:26vr idm
19:28Golden poppy at left wing man. Nah, this guy is sick
19:32That's crazy. What did you even get this from bro? That's what i'm wondering. Like what did this guy even pack this from?
19:37Crazy, bro, you got that from the player pick you're lying. You're lying bro. There's no way
19:43There is no way you got that from the player pick bro. Chad. That's cab bro. There's no shot