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00:00Yo guys, what is going on? Welcome back to another video on the channel.
00:03Hopefully you guys have been enjoying the Champions League today.
00:05We're posting this probably after we're talking about Foot Birthday specifically.
00:08Foot Birthday is one of the best promos all year.
00:10It's a top 5 promo undoubtedly.
00:12I am a little surprised that it's going to be this Friday,
00:14but EA have completely confirmed it, you know, as far as
00:17if you go into the Foot Champs rewards section
00:20for all you guys still grinding out Foot Champs,
00:21and you look at the rewards available,
00:23there's, you know, 1 of 5 Ultimate Birthday,
00:25Ultimate Birthday icon.
00:26Now, what's crazy about that as well is that most weeks
00:29it's cool that EA have put in promo pics,
00:31but obviously there's been a lot of fodder.
00:33Well, it's a little different because in the menus today,
00:36EA have told us, alright, if you go into news,
00:39when you log into Ultimate Team today,
00:41EA basically has told us that every single player in this promo
00:44is going to be 5-star, 5-star,
00:47which is like pretty insane to think about,
00:49that every single player is going to have 5-5.
00:51I'm sure there's going to be some incredible evos.
00:53And if you even just look right here, you can see
00:55the leak at the top shows Haaland with a Finesse
00:58and a Power Shot.
00:59There is a Ronaldinho 5-5.
01:01I mean, that's my favorite player in the last couple years in FIFA
01:03with Trickster and Tech.
01:05And there's a center mid, which I don't know if we know
01:07exactly who that is yet.
01:08I'm not 100%, but I think it's going to be Potri.
01:11I think. I'm not sure.
01:12It could be Bonemati because she doesn't have 5-star skills.
01:14They wouldn't do it with Boutellis because
01:16there's no real originality.
01:17And you can see there's a hero design.
01:18So, look, this is in 2 days.
01:20I mean, it's kind of crazy.
01:21I thought Foot Fantasy was going to go after that
01:23kind of like a dead promo and then Foot Birthday
01:25in the middle of March.
01:26But, look, I guess we're kind of getting there.
01:27It's already the 5th.
01:28This promo is going to start on the 7th.
01:29It's going to be a 2-week promo.
01:30So, literally, when Foot Birthday is done,
01:31it's going to be almost the end of March, which is crazy.
01:33And then we're almost at Team of the Season time.
01:35So, that is that.
01:37We're going to talk through a couple things.
01:38Now, if you haven't looked already,
01:40if you're watching this video, EA dropped a daily login.
01:43And you already see here that, yeah, what they told us,
01:45obviously, is true.
01:47We've got a 5-5 in Buemo here, which, to be fair,
01:49people will look at doesn't make my team.
01:51However, we'll talk about a couple things.
01:53First of all, I do really like the car design.
01:55Second of all, could be really good for an Evo
01:57as he's already 5-5 and also could be good for a Cup.
01:59So, they've given you that.
02:01You kind of got some general packs to get some fodder.
02:03Nothing too crazy.
02:04A 1 of 386 plus.
02:06But they're starting to sprinkle in.
02:07You get what I said.
02:08And look at this backdrop.
02:09We got this whole Foot Birthday backdrop.
02:11So, we got all this stuff going down.
02:12We're going to be talking about a lot of stuff in this video.
02:14But I'm going to try to make it as short and concise as I can.
02:17We're going to be talking about what I would be doing
02:19to prep for this promo in terms of, look,
02:21EA have given 83-14s every single day.
02:23You can make 9 of these, I think, in total counting yesterday.
02:27Or even maybe 12 by the time they run out.
02:30You can save them all for the Foot Birthday team.
02:32I would recommend the 83-14 as one of the more premier packs.
02:35We've got 81 plus player picks that you can save.
02:38So, I have been saving a lot.
02:41I even finished out this season here.
02:43And I'm going to save all the packs.
02:45So, if you guys are late to grinding this season,
02:48definitely open all of these with the new promo.
02:50Because you guys got to understand,
02:52every single player you pack is going to be 5-5.
02:54Which means, outside of EA completely butchering stats,
02:58every single player should be usable.
03:00Now, we're going to go through real quick.
03:02We're going to talk just a couple leaks so far that I want to go through.
03:05I don't want to go through all the leaks.
03:06We're going to talk about a couple leaks that we're going to show you.
03:09We're going to talk about Ronaldo SBC.
03:13And then we're going to talk about kind of preparing for this promo.
03:15What really more to expect.
03:17So, Kai Havertz is getting an SBC.
03:19In FIFA, in terms of his cards in the last couple of years,
03:22they've all been really good in terms of the position change cards.
03:25I don't think his striker cards have always been great.
03:27But he had a left-back card.
03:28I think one of these years he had a center-mid card.
03:30So, I think, I'm not 100%, but his left-back card last year was really good.
03:34Center-mid Kai Havertz.
03:36It makes sense as well.
03:375-star, 5-star.
03:38I don't know if those are the official stats.
03:40I don't think so because we don't have the play styles.
03:41But he is going to be getting a full birthday SBC,
03:44which is going to be very high in demand.
03:45Something about full birthday bringing the center-mids.
03:47I love the card design.
03:48I think the card design is so good.
03:50I'm a huge fan of it.
03:51Obviously, you can see Howland.
03:52Although, those play styles are wrong because the one in the menu shows
03:55power shot and finesse.
03:56So, I think that's what he will have.
03:58Maybe, you know, maybe a little bit like not the most unique selection of a
04:03player with Howland because he does have other promo cards.
04:07I remember that, you know, obviously he had the winter wild cards,
04:10which is like quite a recent promo.
04:12I mean, for a player to get a promo card every three months,
04:14I can hear people complaining about that.
04:15But Howland doesn't have any five-star, five-star cards, right?
04:18So, that's kind of the more unique part about this promo.
04:21What was I going to bring you guys to here?
04:23So, if you haven't seen already,
04:25before we talk about just a couple of the previous years of like types of
04:27players to expect, let me just pull this up for you guys real quick because
04:31this is obviously a huge leak.
04:33Rinaldo is getting a flashback card during this promo.
04:38Now, we don't really know exactly what it's going to look like.
04:42You know, the Rinaldo cards now are a little slower.
04:44So, I would assume that maybe EA would take advantage of this type of leak
04:48and make him faster.
04:49That's what I was just thinking out loud.
04:51Like maybe they would make a really fast Rinaldo card.
04:53I don't know for sure.
04:54That would be really sick.
04:56And obviously, you know, he does have a team of the year card.
04:59I think that's why I had this tab open just so we could look at that card.
05:01He does have a team of the year card with 91 pace, 96 shooting.
05:04But you will probably expect to see a little bit worse rating,
05:08but probably better stats.
05:11Not better stats.
05:12Little bit lower stats.
05:14Better stats in some departments like pace.
05:17And then obviously, 5-star, 5-star.
05:19That was the appeal with the last foot birthday Rinaldo.
05:22He had a team of the year that year, I think, right?
05:24Did he not have a team of the year?
05:25He had a team of the year, but he also had a foot birthday, right?
05:27And if you look at the time, it was at March.
05:29Let's just say March 5th where he was 5 mil.
05:32How much was the team of the year that week?
05:34March 5th.
05:35Okay, so people were paying more for the 5-5 Rinaldo with worse stats
05:39than the team of the year Rinaldo.
05:41So that says a lot.
05:42This is going to be, however, an SBC, right?
05:47This is going to be an SBC.
05:48So this is interesting as well because if it's a flashback foot birthday,
05:53does that mean it's 5-5?
05:56And there's also, just to point out, I think I was pulling it up here
05:59and I was going to go through these with you guys in a couple of minutes.
06:01But if you go to FIFA 18, he had a foot birthday card here.
06:07And this card had 4-star weak foot, 5-star skills, right?
06:11Just a stat boost really.
06:12It was a position change though.
06:14So it will be very interesting to see Rinaldo.
06:17What's going to happen here?
06:18I haven't seen anything people saying 5-5, but I would assume 5-5.
06:22We did have a flashback Rinaldo a couple years back,
06:25but I would assume it's going to be 5-5.
06:27I don't know for sure.
06:28So we will see what that looks like.
06:29Guys, either way with a player of like Rinaldo's level,
06:33it's not going to be cheap.
06:34This is going to run you a lot of coins.
06:36And EA knows that a lot of people have fodder saved.
06:38A lot of people have season packs.
06:40So they will be probably asking for a lot for this player.
06:42One thing I would ask EA, and I don't know if they watch my videos,
06:47but EA, can you guys consider on some of the more expensive heroes,
06:50the more expensive flashbacks, also letting us try it out
06:53like with the icons where you get a loan?
06:55Because there is going to be a lot of people that want to see
06:57how this card is before they really commit to it.
06:59That would be an improvement I would really like to see EA do
07:02where we could kind of try out some of these really more expensive tier players.
07:05Just the thought that I had.
07:08The recent couple foot birthdays, a lot of years we see position change stuff.
07:13Not the whole team, but players going.
07:15This was from FIFA 18, foot birthday bail.
07:18As I was saying, that was my favorite foot birthday of all time.
07:20Let me know, again, in the comments, guys,
07:22your favorite foot birthday player ever.
07:24Mine was bail from FIFA 18.
07:25Get in the comments, let me know.
07:27Yeah, foot birthday over the years.
07:29Honestly, I feel like you'll basically see here as we go.
07:33The power curve has gotten crazier and crazier.
07:36FIFA 17, they kind of did an end of an era FIFA legend thing for foot birthday
07:40where all these guys, Abate, you guys have been playing FIFA forever.
07:44All of these players, Taiwo, look at these goats in this team.
07:48All these players over the years were just insane on FIFA.
07:51Darren Bent, Agbon Lahore, Eswine.
07:53They brought all these players, Ibarbo, in FIFA 17.
07:57That's what I think we're going to probably see a little bit of this year.
08:00I guess that they don't have it for 20 or 19.
08:05It must be titled something else.
08:06Obviously, guys, FIFA 20 I think will go down as the greatest year of foot birthday
08:11to those that played that game.
08:12I mean, this Abate was the best card in the game even during footies.
08:16I know that's hard for people to believe in a modern FIFA or FC rather,
08:19but the prices people paid, he was the best card at the end of the game,
08:23undoubtedly, pro card, Rashford.
08:26For me, this was probably the most legendary foot birthday promo.
08:29St. Max, I mean, it's just crazy seeing this team.
08:32Hazard, Griezmann.
08:33I remember the hype during this week of the game was absurd.
08:38The players that EA had gone with on this year was insane.
08:41We had an Ozil SVC.
08:42The second team had Pogba, Di Maria, Douglas Costa, Bale.
08:46We had a foot birthday, Bale.
08:47We had a foot birthday, Bale, on FIFA 19 as well.
08:50BVD, I mean, just a crazy foot birthday team.
08:53So that was 20.
08:54We go to 21.
08:56Again, really good cards this year.
08:58I remember trying out a lot of these players like Adama.
09:01A lot of what foot birthday is, man, is just boosting like FIFA legends,
09:05you know, OP FIFA players, giving them different positions.
09:08This year, the theme is weak foot and skill moves.
09:11Everyone's going to be 5-5.
09:13A lot of foot birthday SBCs over the years have always had like, you know,
09:175-5 variants and stuff like that.
09:19So I definitely would expect to see that.
09:23Foot birthday in FIFA 23.
09:24This is when we started getting, you know, foot birthday icons.
09:27I feel like the team in FIFA 23 was obviously not as good.
09:30Like the foot birthday players generally were not as good.
09:34Although this was the year that what they did was they released like two
09:36cards of a lot of these players.
09:38So they would give them two versions.
09:40And then, you know, one version would be better in another way.
09:42I can't say I love that concept.
09:44I'd rather them just boost one card.
09:46Last year was a lot better.
09:48We still had the double, but like Benzema had two cards.
09:51Crazy Araujo, Saka.
09:53A lot of players in this team.
09:55So that's the one thing with foot champs, right?
09:57We're going to have a lot more fodder players.
10:00But there's also going to be foot birthday icons in those player picks.
10:02And then every single player, you know, is going to be 5-5,
10:05which is a unique twist this year.
10:06We've never had that.
10:07So this is going to be the first year you can see Messi was 5-5.
10:10De Bruyne was 5-5.
10:11But not everybody, right?
10:12Araujo, Benzema, Barella, those guys weren't 5-5.
10:15Saka, Benzema, yeah, they weren't 5-5.
10:17So everyone is going to be 5-5 this year,
10:19which is going to bring a lot of excitement and hype 100% to this game.
10:24So in terms of, you know, what to do heading into this promo,
10:28how to prepare, I would personally just say save as many packs as you can.
10:33That is for sure.
10:35And, you know, we're starting to see what I noticed in the market a little bit
10:39was that fodder prices are going up a lot.
10:42We've started to see fodder go up because people are starting to anticipate
10:46we are going to get some crazy SPCs.
10:48Rodri the other day was like $33K.
10:51He's gone up to $42K.
10:52So he is literally up $7,000 more today.
10:55Let's see how much he went up today.
10:56He's been this price all day, but since we got that leak, he goes from $32K to $44K.
11:00So, you know, fodder right now is really pricing in
11:03that we're going to get a lot of these crazy players.
11:05And if you guys remember, during Team of the Year, fodder was up a ton.
11:10There was times when we had that repeatable icon after Team of the Year
11:14with all those crazy player SPCs out
11:16where Rodri was getting up to like $73K, $80K.
11:19A lot of this was that we had these crazy $89K, $90K squads, right?
11:22And then you also had that repeatable icon
11:24that everybody was doing with excess fodder.
11:26So, you know, 91s have told us that, yeah, if there's good SPCs out
11:29and there's like repeatable content, these can get up all the way to $80K.
11:33Easy. Easy.
11:35Now, I don't know if I would invest at these prices.
11:37I would more let this promo come out, see where they drop day one
11:40and then really see where fodder is
11:42because I think there might be a reinvestment time for you.
11:44One thing I want to point out just in terms of ways to make coins
11:47every single week now, all right?
11:49I just did this on my PC account where I bought Foot Fantasy cards.
11:54I'm going to show you the exact card that I bought last week.
11:56I invested like maybe into 15 or 20 of the cheapest Foot Fantasy card
12:02which I think was this player, and I bought her at like $15K.
12:05I think she was more yesterday if I pull this up, right?
12:11I think if we look at the daily, I think this morning,
12:13what was she up at?
12:14What's the peak of this card? Like what, $22K?
12:16So I bought it like $15K.
12:18And there's points where they're $21K, $22K.
12:21So look, the Fantasy FC, and the reason I'm talking about this
12:24is that every single promo now, EA is dropping this Fantasy FC trade-in.
12:28We've seen it with Grassroot Grates.
12:29It will also happen with Foot Birthday.
12:31And let me tell you something right now.
12:32Because every single player in Foot Birthday is $5.5K,
12:36the demand is going to be off the charts for it.
12:38During Grassroot Grates, because it was a new concept,
12:40and I think the promo before that,
12:42the cards that were required went up to $30K.
12:44Now what's required, you guys can see.
12:46You need to submit three Fantasies, right?
12:49So whatever the promo is released, so this one's Foot Birthday,
12:51you will have to submit three Foot Birthdays.
12:53Usually, these don't come out till Monday or Tuesday.
12:56And even as far as Foot Fantasy, they didn't come out till the second week.
13:00So what I would tell you guys is definitely,
13:01if you want a really safe investment to make money,
13:03I mean, these Foot Fantasies were like, you know,
13:05if you look at the charts of these, right,
13:09since this player came out, right?
13:10They were down at like, what, 15, 14K?
13:12You know, that's 3, 7, 8K.
13:15And I think with Foot Birthday,
13:16there's a chance they could push to 30.
13:18So if the Foot Birthday's on the market
13:20or at any point between, you know, 15 to 20K,
13:22I think you're pretty safe at that point
13:24to just start buying into it just as an outside investment.
13:26I think that's what I'm going to do on my other account.
13:28I think that would be a really good way
13:29to just really make a lot of coins.
13:32As far as other things in the market,
13:35I'm not sure what, I'm not sure, my menus are glitched.
13:37So that's why it says 99.
13:38I'm not sure what team of the weeks they're at,
13:39but yeah, you also,
13:40just as safe things going into Foot Birthday,
13:42you cannot go wrong with team of the weeks
13:44at that price too, I would say.
13:45Just look for the Foot Birthdays
13:46over the weekend at that price.
13:48And yeah, I mean, other than that,
13:51I don't think there's too much else to point out.
13:53We've already got the daily login.
13:54We will also get a daily play.
13:56I don't know if we will get,
13:58for Foot Birthday, another league.
14:01I'm not sure.
14:02What I will tell you for sure
14:03is that EA looking at their metrics, right?
14:05For a player like me with this Fantasy League,
14:08I loved it.
14:09I really loved it.
14:10I made a dedicated video talking about it.
14:12If they were to do a Foot Birthday
14:13with all different rewards, different players,
14:15that would be brilliant.
14:16This does end in two days.
14:18It's possible.
14:19We probably would have seen them hype it up
14:21the week before.
14:22So I don't think we will see this
14:23until team of the season,
14:24but I do think we will see this again.
14:25An outside shout for birthday that we may have,
14:27maybe we'll have some sort of swap system.
14:29It's possible.
14:30I don't know.
14:32So let's just see what EA does
14:33because we really don't know that many leaks yet.
14:35We know there's going to be a Havertz SPC.
14:36We know there's going to be a Ronaldo SPC.
14:38And we know...
14:39I think I saw somewhere
14:43a list of players
14:44that I was going to just include in this video as well.
14:49Where was the list of players?
14:51Yeah, so these players we know so far,
14:54Ronaldinho, Haaland, Ramirez, Vieira, Petit, Marquezio, JJ.
14:58I mean, that already tells you
15:00the level that this promo is going to be.
15:02And I assume that, you know,
15:04I don't think EA is going to probably
15:06be dropping too many players at this point in the year,
15:09less than 88 rated.
15:11So, you know,
15:12because they're showing you that you get an abuemo,
15:14you know, from the daily login,
15:16I think those would be like the lowest tier card possible.
15:19The card is not anything insane,
15:20but again, it's 5-5
15:22and all of these players are usable,
15:24all of them, all right,
15:25with like one little Evo in the top meta, right?
15:28So I know everybody's always concerned about meta.
15:30So that's the video today, guys.
15:31Hopefully you enjoyed it.
15:32I hope you guys get excited for foot birthday.
15:33I definitely am.
15:34We will see you guys in a video very, very soon.