Gogglebox Australia S20E02
00:00What comes first, the yolk or the egg?
00:02The yolk or the egg?
00:04How about the egg or the chicken?
00:06How many of those bloody drinks have you had?
00:09Every evening in Australia...
00:11What's this about?
00:12OK, let me catch you up.
00:14TV reaches over 12 million of us.
00:16You say that every season.
00:18Hey, I don't see the problem there.
00:20But have you ever wondered what other people are watching?
00:22This show is so good.
00:24That's common sense.
00:26Find out what people thought about what was on in the last seven days.
00:30I love this show.
00:31Just relax, it's just a show.
00:33He's great Australian television.
00:36This week, The Voice was back with new judges.
00:39This is a whole new demographic they've just unlocked.
00:41Rock and roll!
00:43Thank God You're Here also made a happy return.
00:46Oh, I'm so glad you're back.
00:48This is like the Olympics for comedians, I think.
00:51And Ray Martin got us thinking about our last goodbye.
00:54Ray Martin is going around talking to people
00:57about how they want to end up after they die.
00:59You know, it's quite beautiful
01:01because he wants to go out the way he wants to go out.
01:08Celia was counting the other day and we went,
01:11what's after 15? 16.
01:13What's after 16? 17.
01:15I was like, oh, my God, are you a genius?
01:17I was like, what's after 17? She goes, Saturday.
01:19And I was like, good, not a genius.
01:23Monday on Seven...
01:25Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise!
01:28The Voice!
01:30It's back.
01:31You've never seen The Voice.
01:33This is a season like no other.
01:35Sonya's on everything on Channel 7.
01:37They must just put her on ice or something and just wheel her out.
01:39And it starts right now.
01:42Drop in, they changed it up somehow. Here we go. What's different?
01:45Well, joining returning judge Guy Sebastian...
01:47I love Guy.
01:49..are three new judges.
01:50Kate Mill Highkey.
01:52And Leanne Rimes.
01:54Who's Leanne Rimes?
01:56She sings my favourite song ever.
01:58The youngest Grammy winner in history.
02:00How do I live without you?
02:03It's a funeral song of mine.
02:05The international rock icon...
02:07Adam Lambert.
02:08..and the only man who could fill Freddie Mercury's shoes.
02:11What, and you couldn't afford a shirt or a singlet?
02:13Just get to the singing. What are we flapping about for?
02:16Yeah, good idea.
02:17First up to face the blind audition...
02:20..is Shannon.
02:21She's pretty.
02:22All that I have is all that you've given me
02:26Oh, wow.
02:28And Guy's just doing the old chook.
02:30Oh, you better stop
02:35You better stop
02:37And slap it.
02:39Ball chair turn around. Come on.
02:41You better stop
02:45They all did it.
02:48Beautiful voice.
02:49Who's she going to choose now?
02:50It would be such a treat to work with any of you.
02:52I'm going Guy Sebastian.
02:54For skills.
02:56Leanne Rimes.
03:00Can I go out really early on this?
03:05Next to hit the stage is young dad Manawa.
03:08You ready for this?
03:10After I put my babies to bed, I get ready to go to my job.
03:15Oh, he's a doctor.
03:18Pig packing.
03:20I can put my ear pods in and sing pretty much for my whole shift
03:24and the chillers are nice and loud so no one can hear me.
03:27Can he sing though?
03:28Of course he can sing, he had a backstory.
03:30The song I'm singing is How Do I Live by Leanne Rimes.
03:33Oh my god!
03:35You never sing a judges song.
03:38Really bold choice.
03:41How do I live?
03:47Hold on, hold on, we're going to get there.
03:49How do I live?
03:52I don't think he's very good, Keith.
03:54The dead pig should have told him that he's not a good singer.
03:56At least he's giving it a crack.
03:59No, is no one going to turn?
04:01Oh, even Leanne's not turning around.
04:03Poor Guy.
04:04Turn, turn!
04:06Oh, she didn't do it!
04:08Oh, backstory, no turn!
04:11That was really beautiful.
04:15If it was beautiful, you would have pressed it.
04:17I think maybe if I get up here with you.
04:19We'll sing together.
04:20And I'll show you how it's done.
04:22How do I live without you?
04:25Oh, she's fabulous.
04:26How do I live without you?
04:28Not great.
04:29It's like a Ferrari going against a Toyota.
04:32I mean, that's pretty special though, isn't it?
04:34You're right, you're right, you're right.
04:36All right, let's hear the next voice.
04:38Morning, folks.
04:40It's a beautiful day on the way.
04:4228 degrees.
04:43Is this still a voice or is this Bondi respite?
04:45This is Tessa McKenna reporting for The Voice.
04:48Bleached blonde tips and great teeth.
04:50Is anyone getting Billy Idol vibes here?
04:53Billy Idol vibes, I told you!
04:58Ma, ma, ma.
05:02Such a dad song, isn't it?
05:04This is a whole new demographic they've just unlocked.
05:06Rock and roll!
05:07This is so Matty D.
05:15I wouldn't turn for him.
05:16She's not going to press.
05:17Adam might.
05:18Don't be desperate, Adam.
05:20So, Lambert turned?
05:24Does Adam Lambert regret turning?
05:26He's looking, can I turn this back?
05:28I couldn't help it.
05:29Sorry, Lambert, but that's a burner.
05:31Next time on The Voice.
05:34I'm so glad The Voice is back.
05:36The blinds are the best part of this show, I reckon.
05:38Watch it again next week, no problem.
05:51In Sydney, Mia's still talking about the holiday she took with her grandmother.
05:56So, how are the Hawaiian beaches?
05:58Oh, beautiful.
06:00Beautiful enough it got grown in the water.
06:02My mother had a little diamond earring still in.
06:04Got knocked over by a two-foot-nothing wave in ankle-deep water.
06:07Folded like a camping chair.
06:10And that was the end of the swimming.
06:13On Sunday, we tuned in to Channel 7 for TV's Night of Nights.
06:17The Logies are on, big boy!
06:19It's Logie's Night.
06:21And for the second year running, the awards were hosted by...
06:25I love champagne.
06:27Australia's answer to Ricky Gervais.
06:29He just rips into everyone.
06:31Larry Emden nominated for gold, and it's about time!
06:35I love Larry.
06:36For over 30 years in television, as host of The Chase and The Morning Show,
06:39Larry has forged an incredible connection with viewers trapped in nursing homes
06:43or hospital waiting rooms.
06:47I love that he doesn't care who's in the room.
06:49He's just given it to them.
06:50Then, the marathon evening of awards was underway.
06:54Kitty Flanagan!
06:56Love her.
06:58Well done.
06:59The Voice Australia!
07:02I'm OK with that.
07:04It was celebrations all round for Australia's most popular new talent.
07:08Felix Cameron!
07:11He was good in that show.
07:13He was so good.
07:14The Voice, that's one of the universe.
07:16I'd like to thank my friends, family, my brother and my sister,
07:20and my mum and dad.
07:24And I'd like to thank my drum tour, Ignatia Townsend.
07:27Couldn't have done it without you.
07:28I'm so sorry.
07:30Oh, my God!
07:32Thank you, everyone.
07:35Well done.
07:36Then it was the award no-one could get their head around.
07:39We are mildly confused to be presenting
07:41the Logie for Best Structured Reality program.
07:43What is structured reality?
07:46If you are playing with Lego, that is competition reality.
07:50It is making up titles for awards now.
07:52You throw a glass of wine in the face of someone
07:55because they were flirting with the person you married
07:57literally the first time you ever laid eyes on them.
07:59Yeah, no, that's just a cry for help.
08:02There are a couple of good shows in this category, though.
08:04Farmer Once A Wife.
08:06I love that show.
08:07Oh, yeah.
08:08Old People's Home For Teenagers.
08:10I love that show too.
08:12It deserves to be in a better category.
08:14Gogglebox Australia.
08:16Should I have voted?
08:17Yeah, probably.
08:18And the Logie goes to...
08:20Here we go.
08:21Oh, my God, so excited.
08:22Come on, come on, come on.
08:24Gogglebox Australia.
08:28Go, Gogglebox! Go, Gogglebox!
08:31All we did was watch TV.
08:33And well deserved.
08:35More awards followed as the night wore on.
08:37I'm so tired.
08:39Until finally, just before midnight, it was time for the big one.
08:44I just want to find out the gold Logie winner and get to bed.
08:47They should do this one at the start.
08:49The gold Logie goes to...
08:52Andy Lee, hands down.
08:54Larry Emder Price is right.
08:56Yeah, Tony!
08:57If he wins, he'll be the first blackfella.
08:59Larry Emder.
09:00Oh, wow!
09:02That's a legacy award.
09:03He's been on TV since we first came to Australia.
09:07I was so convinced that I wasn't going to win this
09:09that I said I would have all the nominees' initials
09:12tattooed on my arse live tomorrow morning.
09:16Larry Emder!
09:19Well done, Larry.
09:21Well, that's it, mate.
09:22Is it Tuesday? I feel like I've missed work.
09:36In Melbourne, Keith's looking forward to the footy finals.
09:40Who's playing tonight?
09:41Essendon and Sydney.
09:43I want Sydney to win.
09:44If Essendon win, they go ahead of us.
09:46It's not mathematical whether we can make it.
09:48Whether it's not what?
09:49It's not mathematical? Mathematical?
09:54When they can't logically make it.
09:59Mathematically speaking.
10:03Sunday night on Nine.
10:05The block!
10:06God, I'm so excited for this season.
10:08Better than a kick in the nuts.
10:10A bathroom in week one straight out of the blocks.
10:14It's bathroom week!
10:15Let's rip in.
10:17Yeah, why not?
10:18So let's find out what's happening over in house five.
10:21We've got electricians, we've got chippies,
10:23we've got tilers, we've got plumbers.
10:25Oh, he's doing plumbing, cos that's right, he's a plumber.
10:27They're not real plumbers. Can't see any of their arse.
10:30Next door in house four,
10:32Carly is painting something that isn't completely black.
10:36Now, this is a girl that wants black for everything.
10:39She's creating an original artwork to hang in her bathroom.
10:43Sorry, who puts an artwork in their bathroom on a canvas?
10:45I've done that before. You know the paint-by-numbers?
10:48I do one of those and it hangs up in my bathroom at home.
10:50Yeah, cos people look at it and think,
10:51I want to poo faster, so I don't need to look at that.
10:53Time to check in with house three.
10:55Victorian plumber Ricky is holding down the fort,
10:58while his team-mate Hayden is still off-site with his newborn baby.
11:02Congrats on the baby!
11:03How's the wife? Just lets him go, like, two days after the birth.
11:06Yeah, while she had their first child.
11:08That guy should be in sales.
11:10Right-o, let's just get to judging.
11:12This is the first reveal of the season, right?
11:14All right, let's see these bathrooms.
11:16Now we're talking.
11:18Hot, hot, love, love, love.
11:20Mum, would you love a bathroom like that?
11:22Hotty batotty.
11:23That's tack.
11:24Vanity, shower, toilet.
11:26There's too much happening.
11:27Why have you got the dark towels with the light stuff?
11:30And then you've got the gold taps with the chocolate brown handles.
11:32What's happening?
11:33I still want to see more drama. I really want...
11:36This is the block, Shana. It's full of drama.
11:39Sophistication can be personality.
11:42But personality can be sophisticated.
11:44Sophisticated? You're talking about the block.
11:47Classy with personality.
11:49I would say that is classy with personality.
11:51It's classy in the tiling, the personality is in the fugly towels.
11:54I don't want to come to Phillip Island and be in Melbourne.
11:57Oh, whack!
11:58And they're getting the excitement.
11:59So boring.
12:00And they're getting the excitement.
12:01The judges are going for it.
12:02Are you sensing a bit of tension?
12:03Darren's just smiling awkwardly because Mum and Dad are fighting.
12:06Ooh, horns are going to lock on this one.
12:08Oh, come on, people. We've got more bathrooms to look at.
12:11OK, OK, let's take a look at house four, then.
12:14Carly and Pratt.
12:16Oh, the black tut.
12:21It's so dark.
12:24I don't like it.
12:25It's a lot.
12:27Who's she selling to, Dracula?
12:29They need a bank on a Collingwood supporter to buy this house.
12:32This is utterly tasteless.
12:34Leave Collingwood out of this!
12:36The first impact to me goes, poor, you have grabbed me.
12:40You've grabbed me, but it feels like a salt.
12:42What I do like in here is the dark palette.
12:44This feels almost like a nightclub bathroom.
12:47Yeah, very nightclub.
12:48Mid-2010s nightclub vibe.
12:51We know what a nightclub bathroom looks like.
12:53In 2010.
12:54In 2010.
12:55This is as far removed from the beach as you could get.
12:59That's definitely not a holiday house.
13:01That's a brothel.
13:05Not that I'm bidding much, but what I'd imagine a brothel to look like.
13:09Possibly the biggest disaster we've seen in 20 seasons.
13:14My God!
13:17Massive statements.
13:19It's alright, it's week one.
13:20There's always a tin of white paint that can fix up any error.
13:23We need a brothel on Phillip Island.
13:25This is it.
13:27Finally, it was house five.
13:30Christian and Mimi.
13:31Here we go.
13:32Party time.
13:36That is amazing.
13:38It is lovely.
13:39Yeah, I don't mind it.
13:40But where's the shelf near the bath?
13:41Where are you putting things?
13:42What's that ugly stool?
13:43Why are the two plants next to each other but we've got the smaller one behind the bigger one?
13:46You can't even see it from the doorway.
13:47The towel rack's not in a convenient spot.
13:49How do you wipe your eyes when you're in the shower?
13:51I'm not here for it.
13:52When did you do interior design?
13:54I just am good at judging.
13:55And the fact we've got artwork.
13:57Look at that.
13:58What is that?
13:59Is that artwork?
14:00I think it enhances it.
14:03The only thing you should have in your bathroom are the times tables on the back of your toilet door.
14:06Nine times nine.
14:09I actually really love the watery tiles.
14:11Feels like I'm at the aquatic centre in Parramatta.
14:14What is happening?
14:15Settle down.
14:16Let's just see who won, hey?
14:18The winner of week one on the block.
14:21Who do you reckon?
14:22Quick, who do you reckon?
14:23Christian and Mimi.
14:24Christian and Mimi.
14:25Christian and Mimi.
14:26Black bathroom.
14:27It's Christian and Mimi!
14:30Mate, I told ya.
14:33One week one on the block.
14:35That was almost as bad as Ray Gunn's performance at the Olympics.
14:42Well, another interesting episode.
14:44They promised more drama and they're delivering.
14:47This is a good season.
14:48No, it's still shit.
15:02I went to Palm Island earlier this week for work.
15:04But on the flight, I said to my colleague who was sitting on the window,
15:06I said, can you look out the window for Dugong
15:08and if you see Dugong, take photos for me.
15:10And she was like, oh, is Dugong your totem too?
15:13And I said, oh no, I just want to see what my shape looks like in the water.
15:18Wednesday night on Ten, an old favourite returned to our screens.
15:22That acoustic guitar really means one thing.
15:27Thank God you're here!
15:29Thank God it's back on.
15:30Thank God it's back on.
15:31Please welcome your host, Celia Coppola!
15:37Not everyone can pull off a hot pink suit, but she can.
15:39This is the show where we send four comedians through a blue door.
15:42They don't know what they're doing.
15:43And they must bullshit their way through for our amusement.
15:47This is like the Olympics for comedians, I think.
15:49Who have we got?
15:50Flexing their improv muscles tonight are Frankie McNair, Sam Pang, Hamish Blake.
15:56Hamish Blake is on.
15:57Hamish Blake is like the OG thank God you're here guy.
16:01He's the best at it.
16:02Thank God you're here, Hamish.
16:04And rounding off tonight's guests...
16:06Anne Edmund.
16:08She's the one from...
16:09Have you been paying attention?
16:10She just thinks on her feet really well.
16:12What is she wearing?
16:14I don't know, but this era, I was hot in this era.
16:16She's going to be a doctor, she's going to be a nanny.
16:18Mary Poppins?
16:21Thank God you're here!
16:24We've been expecting you all morning.
16:26I'm so sorry, I ran over Mary Poppins.
16:30And stole her clothes?
16:31Mr Jarvis, the new nanny has arrived.
16:34Oh, she's a nanny.
16:36Two hours late.
16:38I do apologise, I have a drinking problem.
16:44That will be Lord Somerton.
16:46Don't forget to give him a formal greeting.
16:49What's a formal greeting?
16:50Dr Somerton, Your Majesty.
16:54Please, please.
16:56I don't know how no-one else laughs.
16:58Oh, it's amazing.
16:59It says here that you require every Saturday night off.
17:02What do you want on Saturday nights?
17:07I like the nightlife.
17:09I like to boogie.
17:11I'm out there, baby!
17:13She's hilarious.
17:14She's properly unhinged, eh?
17:16What are your thoughts on spanking?
17:18I love it.
17:22Oh, my God.
17:24Anne's having fun with it.
17:26She's really found her groove now, hey?
17:28Come on, children.
17:30Oh, no, not the kids as well.
17:33May I introduce you to Miss Phillips, your new nanny,
17:36or as she would prefer you call her...
17:39Big Mama!
17:43Big Mama.
17:45Big Mama!
17:47Big Mama.
17:49Why do we have to have a nanny?
17:51Shut up!
17:54That's me at school.
17:56She smashed it.
17:58Oh, my face is hurting.
18:00Anne's got this in the bag tonight.
18:02But we still have a Thank God You're Here veteran
18:05to go through the blue door.
18:07Hamish Blake!
18:09We love you, Hamish!
18:11Hamish! Hamish!
18:14Hamish, is that you?
18:15What is that?
18:16What's he got on?
18:17I'm dressed as my dad, basically.
18:19Climb for the kids.
18:20We've got climb for the kids.
18:21He's going to be a camp teacher for a mountain climbing class.
18:24I'm pretty sure you know what to do, thank you.
18:26This is it, good luck.
18:27Let's go, Hamish.
18:28Show us how it's done.
18:29This is the big ticket.
18:31Here we go, that's more like it.
18:33They're ready to hear our talk, come on.
18:35More kids.
18:36Oh, this would be so hard.
18:38With a bunch of kids there, because it limits what you can say.
18:41Paul and I decided to take on a challenge.
18:43Climb Mount Everest.
18:45We started training about a year ago,
18:47and every morning we'd go running,
18:49and every evening, what would the two of us do together?
18:55We would certainly...
18:59Oh, my God.
19:00The children.
19:01He's struggling.
19:03We would ascend a summit.
19:07There were peaks involved, there were climaxes.
19:13Those kids have no idea what he's talking about.
19:16You start at base camp, and that...
19:21He's gone blank.
19:22He's lost it.
19:23And then you enter...
19:27Yes, the fun zone.
19:31What is going on?
19:33And it's very, very important to have two things,
19:36oxygen and a safe word.
19:41This was a tough one, but Anne Edmonds was amazing.
19:44Anne Edmonds wins.
19:45No, he was so good. He was easily the best.
19:48Well, the final decision is down to the celebrity guest judge.
19:52Adam Hills.
19:54Who wins?
19:55You're all amazing, and I love watching this,
19:57and I hate having to decide that there's a winner,
19:59so I just ask everyone around me.
20:01Amish Blade.
20:03Anne, for sure.
20:04Gore, Anne, Gore.
20:05OK, we're not all winners here. Pick one.
20:07The winner is Anne Edmonds!
20:11Yeah, she nailed it.
20:13Thank you, goodnight!
20:15Oh, God.
20:16That was funny.
20:17Oh, I'm so glad you're back.
20:19Thank God you're here.
20:21Can you say that every time I walk in the door now?
20:25I think she's left.
20:27You know what I've seen a lot lately?
20:30The leg kink in photos.
20:33The kink of the leg.
20:34Oh, they do know that.
20:35I think they do, like, a duck leg,
20:37and then they throw the butt,
20:38and then it makes them look like an hourglass.
20:40Like, do I look skinnier?
20:41No, you look like you've had, like, eight knee operations.
20:45Does he look?
20:46Yeah, he does.
20:47He does?
20:49He does?
20:52He does?
20:55Does he look?
20:57What is it?
20:58This week on Netflix...
21:01..that's right, and it's a doco on how smart they are.
21:06Inside the mind of a dog, dogs are the best.
21:09Dogs have found their way into every corner of our lives.
21:12Oh, yuck, not on the mouth.
21:14If I lick their balls, you do not let them lick your face.
21:16I love doggy kisses.
21:18And dogs are more than just companions.
21:21They can be trained as service dogs for people with disabilities.
21:25What people view as a great dog today
21:28is what service dogs have been bred and raised
21:31and trained to be for a century.
21:33It's pretty amazing how they can teach dogs to be service dogs.
21:36My name is Vanessa Woods.
21:38Oh, again, don't let him lick your face!
21:40And I run the Duke Puppy Kindergarten.
21:43I would love that job.
21:44We play these sort of fun cognitive games
21:46to predict who is most likely to make it as a service dog.
21:51Some dogs immediately focus on trying to get food out of a container.
21:56How would you get that out if you're a dog?
21:58You don't have opposable thumbs.
22:00I can't even open those.
22:01Some dogs, they realise, I can't get that thing open,
22:04and they immediately look up to the person
22:06and they start trying to communicate.
22:08Hey, get this for me. Look, I'm cute.
22:10That's what Yoshi does.
22:11Those dogs tend to be dogs that are going to do really, really well for service.
22:14There you go. How does he service you?
22:17Candidates undergo six months of rigorous training.
22:20Can't even teach a man to shut a dishwasher.
22:22Mummy's still trying to train me to do that.
22:24We start training a dog in over 40 different commands.
22:28Oh, wow.
22:29Come on, get it. Yeah!
22:32How do you train them to do that?
22:37That's quite amazing.
22:38And after the dogs have done their training...
22:40They're ready to move on to the final stage,
22:42building a bond with someone in need.
22:44So this is now where they match the trained dogs
22:47to the person based on their disability.
22:49Exactly. People like Jasmine.
22:55This is my mom and dad.
22:56So Jasmine, actually, when she was born,
22:58we had complications from day one.
23:00She has trouble with talking.
23:03She needs a dog.
23:04It is one of those imperatives for her life.
23:06Who's she going to get?
23:07And Jasmine, you've been matched with Bonus.
23:11Hi, Bonus.
23:14Oh, look. Beautiful.
23:17In order for Bonus to go home with Jasmine,
23:20they need to build a bond by graduation.
23:22Come on, you want that bond straight away.
23:24Look him in the eye there.
23:27For us to communicate to the dog,
23:28we've got to learn how to talk dog.
23:30How do you talk dog?
23:31Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
23:32Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
23:37That sounds like a T-Rex.
23:39Dogs seem to bark in a more emotional way,
23:42potentially to recruit human attention.
23:44Yeah, true.
23:45The dog talks to me all the time.
23:49A bark is not just a bark.
23:51A change in the tone can make a difference.
23:53Repetition at a high pitch without pausing,
23:56it's generally a state of distress.
23:58That is me on a Monday morning.
23:59And we learn barking isn't the only way
24:02to communicate with your human.
24:04A loose tail tends to indicate more happiness.
24:07It's usually the other way around.
24:08When it's floppy, you're not as happy
24:09as when it's a bit stiffer and harder.
24:11The tail tucked or wagging low.
24:13Are you sure that's the tail?
24:14It indicates to me that there's some stress.
24:16Tighten your butt right now,
24:18and then ask yourself how you feel.
24:20Uncomfortable, crampy.
24:22It's a bit of a hard ask, but I'll try.
24:23The helicopter tail usually comes
24:25with a good, big butt wiggle.
24:27It'd be good if humans had tail legs.
24:29Shake what your mama gave you.
24:30That means I'm excited.
24:31Shake what your mama gave you.
24:32Jasmine and her family
24:33have spent the past two weeks with Bonus.
24:35It's time for them to take the final test
24:38and prove they've built a bond.
24:40I'm really nervous.
24:41They're gonna smash it.
24:42One of the challenging final exam tests
24:45is to walk the dog through an obstacle course.
24:48Time to prove their bond.
24:49Bonus, get.
24:51There it is, yes.
24:52Nice, Bonus.
24:54He's wagging his tail.
24:55That's a good sign.
24:56Bonus, jump.
24:59That's cool.
25:00Tug, come on.
25:02Come on, dude.
25:03Tug, come on.
25:06Yeah, there you go, Jaz.
25:08Nice, Jaz.
25:10Yay, Bonus.
25:11Go, Bonus.
25:13Good boy.
25:15Good boy.
25:17Jaz, take a bow.
25:19Aw, I think they did well.
25:21Well done, Bonus.
25:22Oh, kissy.
25:23Oh, no, no, no.
25:24There's a bond right there.
25:25Nothing seals the bond like a tongue kiss.
25:27Bonus has passed.
25:30I love Bonus.
25:34I'm very happy for her.
25:36Oh, I love that.
25:39Jaz and Bonus are going to make a great team.
25:42Oh, I just love dogs.
25:43We do not deserve those canines.
25:45We do not, we do not, we do not.
25:59In Melbourne, Lee has just got back from the doctor.
26:02She goes, can you feel this?
26:03I said, not really.
26:04She goes, your feet are numb.
26:06I said, yeah, they're always numb.
26:08But that's what I was saying about my little toes the other day.
26:10So what happens as you get older, you can't feel your bloody feet?
26:13Hope it doesn't move up.
26:16This week on Netflix, we caught a load of this.
26:20Too Hot to Handle is back.
26:22Too Hot to Handle, I love this show.
26:24The show where we have more bums than brain cells.
26:29Prepare for a killer Caribbean crib and a parade of perfect 10s.
26:33We're going to see a lot of cheese grater apps.
26:37Holy moly.
26:38Oh, my God.
26:39A lot of boobs that don't move.
26:41Oh, hello.
26:44Even Yoshi's looking at that.
26:45Well, actually, looking is all these contestants can do.
26:49Because the twist in the show is...
26:51They can't do anything sexual.
26:54And if they do, they lose prize money.
26:56You've got all this sexual tension and you can't do anything about it.
26:59And to make sure the rules aren't broken, we've got...
27:03Who's Lana?
27:04She's a talking cone...
27:07..who pops up at inappropriate times
27:09to fine or banish contestants from the show.
27:12It's just like a horny big brother, right?
27:15Yeah, pretty much.
27:16So let's see if these hot people can refrain from touching each other.
27:21Who have we got here?
27:22Bree with an I.
27:24Black Queen.
27:25I've been looking like a queen
27:26People staring at me cos I got that juice
27:29She might turn me straight.
27:30Hold up.
27:31Delicious eye candy incoming.
27:35Oh, he might be kind of nice.
27:37In my preparation for Toil to Handle,
27:39I've completely stopped wanking.
27:42I don't need to know that.
27:43I wouldn't say I have a type.
27:45Ginger, if you're hot.
27:46Brunette, if you're hot.
27:47Blonde, if you're hot.
27:48Turns out he does have a type.
27:53What's the sound?
27:54That's Lana.
27:55Why is she red?
27:56Oh, hang on a second.
27:57That's not Lana.
27:58I'm bad Lana.
28:00What does that mean?
28:01No rules.
28:02No rules.
28:03I betcha.
28:05When I'm in charge.
28:10Even sex.
28:12Yeah, bad Lana.
28:13I will not incur any fine.
28:17Bad Lana's into sex.
28:21They're gonna fuck.
28:22That was so good.
28:24Too hot just got way hotter.
28:27Let it rip.
28:28But what about if you're halfway through the act
28:30and then Lana changes to good Lana?
28:32Bad luck.
28:34Bad Lana's in charge.
28:36What are you gonna wear?
28:37What I'm wearing now.
28:38Do you not like it?
28:39Take it off.
28:41She's forward.
28:42To it!
28:43Take it off!
28:47That did not take long.
28:57This is awkward.
28:58Oh, it's gonna get more awkward.
29:00Let's check in with Charlie.
29:02What are you saying?
29:03I do not know what what you're saying means yet.
29:07You gotta learn what what you're saying means.
29:08What are you saying?
29:09What are you saying?
29:10What is he saying?
29:11What are you saying?
29:13What's he saying?
29:16I've got one basic strategy that works for every girl.
29:20Oh, really?
29:21He thinks that's his strength.
29:22He can't even speak normally.
29:25Is he biting his lip?
29:27Bite your lip?
29:28How sexy does this look?
29:36Oh, my God.
29:38That's what the kids are doing nowadays.
29:39They're walking in the club.
29:40They're like, you.
29:42You're hot.
29:43Charlie's going for girl number two.
29:46He's doing the bite lip again.
29:48He's doing the finger bite.
29:54She's sexy.
29:58Sorry, Charlie's not hot enough to behave the way he is behaving.
30:00I don't know why these mid-men keep thinking they're hot.
30:04It's a third girl?
30:05What is going on?
30:06He's in trouble once good Lana takes over.
30:08Yeah, because he'll be screwed.
30:10Or rather, he won't be.
30:12But with bad Lana still in control,
30:14the contestants are ready for tonight's party.
30:17What is this?
30:19This is 12-year-old boys watching this right now on Netflix
30:21thinking I've hit the jackpot.
30:30So when is good Lana the boss and when's bad Lana the boss?
30:33I'm about to resume control.
30:38No, no, no, no, no.
30:39The party's over.
30:40There will be no kissing.
30:42No kissing?
30:43No heavy petting.
30:44No heavy petting?
30:45And no sex.
30:46Oh, this is depressing.
30:47It is depressing.
30:48Why are we even watching this for?
30:50And it gets worse,
30:51because the two naughtiest contestants so far...
30:54They will be banished.
30:57The horniest gets booted off the island.
31:00And in a twist no-one saw coming,
31:04Charlie and Brie.
31:06See you, Chuck.
31:07Catch you later.
31:08Hope you had a good 12 hours on the show.
31:11Oh, my gosh, I love this show!
31:13Hotter, steamier and more twists and turns.
31:16See, it doesn't pay to be the horniest all the time, though.
31:20It comes in handy, but it doesn't pay you all the time.
31:36Got any fun plans for the weekend?
31:38My whole weekend is spent creating my Book Week costume
31:40for Book Week next week.
31:41What are you going as?
31:42A giant lamington.
31:44I made a tizzy headband that will double for Melbourne Cup.
31:47It's got four lamingtons on it.
31:49I painted some cubes and I put the coconut over it.
31:52My issue is, how do you set the coconut?
31:54Because it looked like I had dandruff for days.
31:59That's that Asha... Asha...
32:01Asha Kitty!
32:02She's in everything.
32:03And now she's on Paramount Plus in the disturbing new drama series.
32:09Oh, Jarrod, it's a show about you.
32:11The show is based on the author's actual real experience.
32:13I've heard so much about this show.
32:15I know, but I think it'll make me too anxious.
32:17The story starts when Birdie goes on a first date
32:20with a man called Joe.
32:22Let's see how dodgy he gets.
32:29That would turn me off wanting to have a drink with this man.
32:31You're a farmer?
32:32Run a small herd of Dorpas.
32:34I fatten them up for the Chinese market.
32:36What are Dorpas?
32:37It's a South African sheep.
32:38Why didn't you say sheep, mate?
32:42This is awkward.
32:47That's very forward for a first date.
32:49Maybe she feels real awkward, so he's just trying to, like...
32:53Get a little bit of...
32:54No, no, no.
32:55Oh, I better go anyway.
32:57Oh, and now you've just got here.
32:59I've got an early start.
33:00Is that how you leave when you're not interested?
33:02Rip cord. Gone.
33:04Well, not if Birdie's mother has anything to do with it.
33:07I think, at this point,
33:09you need to be realistic about what's still out there.
33:14She's being told she needs to lower her standards.
33:16Just find something to like about him.
33:21There he is.
33:22So Birdie gives Jo a second chance.
33:24Is this OK?
33:26Stop grabbing her fricking hands, dude.
33:29Stop that!
33:32Imagine them being rougher, working on the land.
33:34How can you be working on a farm with soft hands?
33:37I wear gloves when I work with a sheep.
33:39Of course you do.
33:40He's lying.
33:41No farmer worth their salt
33:43wears gloves when they're working with sheep.
33:45Then, after their second date...
33:47I learned a new word.
33:49Follow the skate.
33:52Oh, my God, he said, I'm falling in love with you.
33:54He's used that line before, 100%.
33:56See, she's getting sucked in now, babe.
33:58So, on their next date...
34:00Maybe you should see if there's anything to it.
34:03The fly is in the web.
34:06Oh, God, you idiot.
34:08To you.
34:10I just feel sad for her.
34:12And a bit nervous.
34:14I was just thinking about what you said
34:16about my hands being soft.
34:18It's the lanolin in the wool.
34:22I thought you said you wore gloves.
34:26You can't wear gloves working with sheep.
34:31Creepiest show I've ever watched.
34:33Oh, Jesus.
34:34We've got to keep watching.
34:36So, we did.
34:38Episode two opens with Birdie
34:40planning her next romantic getaway with Jo.
34:43Do you think I need to pack a shirt for dinner?
34:45Oh, it's completely off-grid.
34:47I mean, there's not even a town.
34:49See, would she get in the car and go rural with it?
34:52She needs to share her location with a friend?
34:55Multiple friends?
34:56You want me to run a quick background check on him?
35:00The world's not as scary and mean as you think it is.
35:02Yes, it is.
35:03Honestly, get my sister Becky onto it.
35:04She'll find out.
35:05Yes, it is.
35:07It's a trap of lies.
35:08But before they can set off,
35:09Jo gets a call about his son.
35:11Everything all right?
35:12No, there's been an accident.
35:13Harry was running by the side of the pool.
35:15He slipped and he split his head open.
35:17He's in the hospital.
35:19He's doing the whole emergency exit.
35:21He's got three other girls down the road that he's got to visit.
35:23I feel awful.
35:24No, don't.
35:25Don't even worry about me.
35:26Just go.
35:27Poor Harry.
35:30You survived another weekend, love.
35:31Oh, I can feel her disappointment.
35:34But Jo has a plan to make it up to her.
35:40Oh, no.
35:41Fell over his head.
35:43The night at Crown Towers.
35:45Oh, Crown!
35:46God, that must have cost a fortune.
35:48You book it.
35:49You can even get the, um...
35:50Get a grand suite, if you like.
35:53You book it.
35:54I don't have a credit card.
35:55I refuse to pay the bloody bank fees.
35:57Oh, dodgy!
35:59Who doesn't have a credit card in 2024?
36:02And when they get to their luxury suite,
36:04Jo reveals plans for a last-minute business dinner.
36:08It just would have been nice to know.
36:10I'm sorry.
36:11So he's organised a business meeting in this flashy hotel.
36:15That she's paying for.
36:16That she's...
36:17And then...
36:18Oh, shit.
36:19Harry's drained the shared bank account.
36:20What did he say?
36:21His ex-wife drained his bank account.
36:24He's only supposed to access it with a kid's school fees.
36:26No, no, no.
36:28This is not good, mate.
36:29I can't hear over the sound of these alarm bells.
36:31So you're looking at 3,000 to 4,000 per megawatt?
36:34There's that many red flags in this, it could be a circus.
36:37He's ordering up. He's got money.
36:40He's going to ask her to pay.
36:41She's shitting herself.
36:43Don't tell the wife, be honest.
36:45Room charge. He'll room charge you.
36:47Do not offer your card.
36:49Oh, no, he's paying in cash.
36:53What is he, a drug dealer?
36:55Oh, she was so stressed.
36:57I'm still stressed.
36:58Where's the cash come from?
37:00Finally, Birdie decides to do some back-breaking.
37:04Finally, Birdie decides to do some background checks.
37:07Yes, thank God.
37:10Mum word.
37:16Oh, Jesus, don't do that.
37:21Oh, my gosh.
37:22Right when it got interesting.
37:24Jo, you're no good, bruz.
37:26If his name starts with J, better stay the hell away.
37:29Don't need no J's in your life unless his name is Jesus Christ.
37:33If his name starts with J, go.
37:51Three weeks' time at my 20-year high school reunion.
37:54I didn't go to my tenure because I'd put on a lot of weight
37:58and I didn't have a really good job.
38:00But now, I've still put on weight, but I've got a better job.
38:03You've got a good job.
38:05Monday on Foxtel, we watched a very English doco
38:09about the British chocolate wars.
38:13Oh, do you know I love me some snacks?
38:15We can tell.
38:17Who didn't in the UK have a tin of Roses or Quality Street?
38:21Typical present when you don't want to give a present.
38:25I reckon that's the best gift to give someone, chocolates.
38:28I'm not a big fan of them.
38:29I'm not worried about you.
38:31This is the story of the race to be the number one chocolate.
38:35The secret world of snacks.
38:37Can I tell you something about boxed chocolate?
38:40How about you let the show do that?
38:42The story of chocolates began in the early 20th century.
38:45I like caramello.
38:47I like anything with strawberry in it.
38:49A fancy box would set you back 100 shillings.
38:53That's expensive.
38:54Or with pineapple in it, you know.
38:57That was 10 weeks rent for an average family.
39:0110 weeks rent?
39:02And I always pick out the favourite ones and leave the rest.
39:05But one man had a plan to bring his famous confectionery
39:09to the masses.
39:10I know this.
39:11Quality Street?
39:13Nana loves these chocolates.
39:15Look at that.
39:16Oh, my God, this is taking me back.
39:18I remember that tin.
39:19My tater put all her sewing in it.
39:21And guess what?
39:22My dad used that one for cash.
39:24All of those things, I think, are imbued in our memory.
39:27No, mine's just putting them in your cup, isn't it?
39:29But soon, Quality Street had competition.
39:32In 1938, Cadbury's launched Roses.
39:35Oh, yum.
39:36Do you remember Roses?
39:37Oh, Roses were the best.
39:39Yes, but they changed Roses chocolate,
39:41so I don't buy them any more because they're horrible.
39:43But 15 rather exotic flavours, from pineapple to pistachio.
39:47I got really peeved off.
39:49I wrote them a letter when they changed it.
39:51Of course you would have.
39:52And by the end of 1990,
39:54Roses had inched ahead of Quality Street.
39:57Thank you very much.
39:58Thank you very much.
39:59Thank you very, very, very much.
40:01Didn't we go to the chocolate factory in Dunedin?
40:03Yes, we did.
40:04Serious competition was on the horizon.
40:07Here we go.
40:09Mars bars.
40:10Mars is great.
40:11But isn't Mars made out of Cadbury chocolate?
40:13Like, isn't it?
40:14I thought it was Nestle.
40:15No, Mars makes Mars, but they also make...
40:18Celebration, celebration!
40:20I do love a box of celebrations.
40:22They're mainly at Big W.
40:23I love going down to Big W on my lunch break.
40:25I'll buy, like, six of them.
40:26Can you say diabetes?
40:28Oh, I can spell it too.
40:30And so the chocolate wars began.
40:32We're not going to just let Mars own that segment of the market.
40:36Sir Dominic Cadbury.
40:38Imagine that, all you have to do is make some chocolate
40:40and then you get knighted.
40:41It's all your fault we're fat.
40:43In a bid to bring Roses into the 21st century,
40:46Cadbury made the controversial decision to change their wrappers.
40:49You shouldn't have changed it the way you'd done it.
40:52They ditched the traditional twist wrap.
40:54Yeah, and now you have to tear it in the middle.
40:56I can hardly open them.
40:58I've got to bite them to open them.
40:59Known as the flow wrap.
41:01No, but if something's perfect the way it is, why change it?
41:04Why change it?
41:05Because now it's crap.
41:06This is something that Chupa Chups could take note of.
41:08Have you ever tried to open a Chupa Chup?
41:10But there was another thing that ticked off customers.
41:14By 2019, Quality Street Roses and Celebrations
41:18had shrunk the size of their tubs by 40%.
41:22Yeah, that's a rip.
41:23All about money.
41:24That's why grandmas can't fit their sewing stuff in there anymore.
41:27But there is one ingredient that has not changed.
41:30Nostalgia is a very powerful thing.
41:33People get emotional about confectionery.
41:35Well, I did when they changed the roses.
41:37I got peeved off.
41:38I eat chocolate and I genuinely smile.
41:41As much as I make fun of it,
41:43it is a good gift when you're going somewhere
41:45and you don't know what to take.
41:47That was interesting, to know why my arse is fat.
41:50That was so boring.
41:52I mean, really, it would be a five-minute segment
41:54on a current affair.
41:56Just watching that show was so nostalgic though, right?
42:02You don't know what nostalgic means, do you?
42:11Come on, boy.
42:14What is that?
42:15Oh, I thought you were directing me.
42:19Dear friends...
42:20What's going on here?
42:21Oh, it's a wedding.
42:22We are gathered here today to pay respect
42:24to one of our nation's finest storytellers.
42:27Doesn't sound like a wedding to me.
42:31That's Ray Martin!
42:32Wait, Ray Martin's on the show?
42:34Ray Martin's on the show.
42:35Ray Martin's on the show.
42:36Ray Martin's on the show.
42:37Ray Martin's on the show.
42:38Ray Martin's on the show.
42:39Ray Martin's on the show.
42:40Wait, Ray Martin's not dead, is he?
42:41I'm not dead yet.
42:42Wednesday on SBS, we joined Ray Martin
42:45for the first of a new three-part documentary series
42:48about death.
42:51Last goodbye.
42:52This is what gets us up and about, right?
42:54My mission in this series is to look death in the eye
42:58and nothing is out of bounds.
43:00Would you have a nude funeral?
43:02Oh, okay.
43:03Wait, what?
43:04No, thank you.
43:05We can transform your body into part of the ecosystem.
43:08That's what I want, like a native Aussie plant
43:11planted in that soil and I can just flourish.
43:14Just don't trust me to water it because it will die.
43:17What will you choose for your last goodbye?
43:20So Ray Martin is going around talking to people
43:22about how they want to end up after they die.
43:25I hate thinking about death.
43:26I know.
43:27Well, then you might like Ray's first stop
43:29in the country town of Holbrook.
43:31This ordery-looking shed here,
43:33it could actually make Holbrook world-famous
43:36because in here they promise you eternal life.
43:39This metal structure is officially called
43:42the Southern Cryonics Storage Facility.
43:45Oh, cryogenics!
43:46What is that?
43:47So basically once you die, they take your body
43:50and they freeze you.
43:51Yep, all in the hope they can bring you back to life
43:54in the future.
43:55Look, if your life's great and you love it and it's exciting,
43:57which for me and for my wife it is,
43:59why wouldn't you want to have more?
44:01No, but hang on, just pause it for a minute.
44:03So he's going to come back
44:04and who's he coming back to?
44:05Everyone he knows is probably dead anyway.
44:07Well, they're going to come back, what, to get a pension?
44:09And how much does it cost you?
44:10What have you paid?
44:11Well, Australia's the cheapest in the world.
44:12Here it's $150,000.
44:14$150,000 and you're getting frozen in a shed.
44:17I've got a deep freezer.
44:18Come over here, we'll chuck you in.
44:19Do it for $150.
44:20There's got to be more to it.
44:22I want to see the frozen bodies.
44:24Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
44:26We would receive this patient in this form like this
44:29and they'd be covered in dry ice.
44:30Who would want that, though?
44:32Put me in there, I reckon.
44:33Hear me out, though.
44:34What outfit would you go down in?
44:35Because you're waking up at 100 years wearing it.
44:37You don't want to come out in a crap outfit.
44:39And we put them in the computer-controlled cooling box.
44:42They're in a back street in the middle of nowhere
44:44in a little shed in the middle of a farm.
44:46This operation seems dodgy.
44:48Then we lower it into the container.
44:50Will his body remain the same there for...
44:52Essentially the same for centuries
44:54because there's almost no deterioration
44:56at that sort of temperature.
44:57Wow, OK.
44:58I have chicken in my freezer and it's got freezer burn.
45:02So what happens if there's a power failure?
45:04What happens to the bodies?
45:05Or what happens if the farmer dies
45:07and no-one can look after any of these?
45:09There's that as well.
45:10Who really knows when their number is up?
45:12But what if I did know?
45:14Would I want to plan for the end?
45:1737-year-old former truck driver Crikey
45:20is preparing for his own funeral.
45:23With a terminal diagnosis,
45:25cancer of the esophagus and the bowel,
45:27it's only a matter of months for Crikey.
45:31That's very young.
45:32That's sad when you know you're going to die
45:34in a couple of months.
45:35Crikey, which is an old Norse name,
45:37wants to go out in the Viking tradition.
45:41Viking, OK.
45:42Which means burial without a coffin.
45:44Burial without a coffin.
45:45This is exactly what I want.
45:47I want to be able to have my body go back into the earth.
45:50We start off with this helmet.
45:52So you'll wear that, will you?
45:53I won't wear that.
45:54It'll sort of sit beside me.
45:56I've also got the spear.
45:57He's getting buried with a sphere.
45:58You know, it's quite beautiful
45:59because he wants to go out the way he wants to go out.
46:02And the only other thing to go in here is the cup of meat.
46:04I like this guy's attitude.
46:06He knows he's going to go.
46:07You've got to accept it.
46:09That's quite confronting, though, isn't it?
46:11To actually be confronted by your final resting place.
46:15So how do you feel when you look at that?
46:16That's you.
46:20It's haunting, really.
46:24To be honest, I sensed this trepidation a bit earlier
46:27when Crikey talked about a friend who recently died of cancer.
46:31It just breaks my heart.
46:33The closer she got to the end,
46:35the more she came to peace with what was happening to her.
46:38That's one of the things I'm taking solace in
46:41is looking forward to that point.
46:44Yep, yep.
46:48I guess a part of that acceptance applies to all of us.
46:51Death isn't something that we can control.
46:54But for Crikey, going out on his own terms is very important.
47:00Oh, Pharaoh.
47:03Crikey passed away three months after sharing his story with us.
47:06The Viking funeral he'd planned so carefully
47:08was full of tears and joy and plenty of meat.
47:11Exactly how he wanted to go.
47:15That was really good.
47:16As sad as that is...
47:18Cos I hate thinking or talking about death,
47:22that was quite nice.
47:23That gets you thinking.
47:24And that's what, as you get on, you don't realise.
47:27I'm 64, you're 78.
47:29We're getting on there.
47:30I'm what?!
47:31You won't reach 78, I'm telling you.