• yesterday


00:00So, this is kind of crazy, but if I'm sitting around at home and I'm like, you know what,
00:04I really want to send Morse code to somebody, well, I can come over here and find, like
00:08in this case, this is Zach, and Zach's at Elliott State Forest, which is, looks like
00:13it's kind of by Coos Bay in Oregon.
00:17And then I can tune up to his frequency, I can see, okay, Zach is on 14.0.265, so let's
00:25go 14.0.265.
00:26Oh, he's literally saying, Park's on the air, this is Zach, does anybody want to talk to
00:36He just confirmed my call.
00:37He just said, good afternoon.
00:38He says I have a 559 signal, which is pretty good, sweet, roger, roger.
01:05Thank you, Zach.
01:07You are 579 in Utah, good luck.
01:21He says, roger, roger.
01:22He said, thanks for Utah and 73, 73 means goodbye.
01:27Now he's going to confirm his call sign, K7FC, dit, dit, that's just us kind of saying, all
01:33right, dude, peace out.
01:34WA7BRL just hunted him, so now he's going to talk to WA7BRL.
01:42That's pretty cool.
