• last week


00:30than to give your heart to someone and wait for the same payment to happen.
00:33You, Bárbara, are worth much more than any of the men you can fall in love with.
00:39The Salcedo de la Cruz are charming people, especially the brothers.
00:42That charm will surely have made them friends.
00:46I'm sure that Baristo is sick.
00:52I've got him, Mrs. Matilde.
00:54You're going to go right now to talk to that whore of Luisa
00:57and you'll tell her that it's over.
00:59Do you understand, Matilde?
01:01I'll take care of your son whatever it takes.
01:03You're challenging me.
01:04Bernardo, you're asking me for a very high price.
01:06Leaving the Galvez de Aguirre aside for being happy, free,
01:10for not having to hide anymore.
01:11I know that Gaspar would be delighted to be invited.
01:14He grew up with us, almost like a brother.
01:16The Galvez de Aguirre have a social position, a name,
01:20and we can't put our prestige at risk.
01:23Tomorrow I'll end Pedrito's life.
01:25We must carry out everything that we had proposed.
01:41The Galvez de Aguirre still know how to please someone if they propose to him.
01:45So the dinner was to your liking, ma'am?
01:47How could it not have been?
01:49What a pleasure the dishes were, Isabel.
01:52What delicacies we enjoyed.
01:54As I would have liked to have seen it.
01:57Others, however, had the privilege of attending and ignored.
02:01Are you referring to Bárbara?
02:03The same.
02:04Even Don Sebastián himself asked about her.
02:06When he sees her, he'll let me go.
02:08He'll know where that creature is.
02:10At the door.
02:12What do you mean, at the door?
02:13Are you telling me that she stayed at the door of the big house?
02:15No, ma'am.
02:16What Bárbara is at the door?
02:18Oh, Bárbara.
02:21I see that you are afraid to come in and give me explanations.
02:24She is wrong, aunt. I have no reason to be afraid of her.
02:28You are the one who is wrong.
02:30You have plenty of reasons to be afraid of me.
02:33Last night, Adriana and I had to face each other to try to justify your absence.
02:38I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble.
02:40And I'm sorry to have such a inconsiderate niece.
02:43Why the hell did you ignore the invitation of the big house
02:46to have dinner with the secretary of Guzmán and his heir?
02:49Aunt, I don't want to argue.
02:51I'm sorry, but thanks to your proceeding, I don't lack.
02:54Bárbara, answer your aunt, please.
02:57Don't throw more firewood.
03:01I didn't go to dinner for the simple reason that my presence was not justified there.
03:05Indeed, it is a simple reason.
03:07But clearly insufficient.
03:09Your behavior has been an offense to the Galbés de Aguirre
03:12and a lack of consideration with the Beguzmán, his guests.
03:15Surely your continuous compliments to those distinguished gentlemen
03:18were enough to fill my absence.
03:20Don't provoke me to be open.
03:21It's not my intention.
03:22Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to.
03:25Mrs. Victoria.
03:27Let him go, please.
03:29Don't take it into account, I beg you.
03:32The abrupt departure of his preceptor has affected him excessively.
03:37He has no reason.
03:38That departure is the best thing that could have happened to him.
03:41That man has done nothing but fill his head with birds.
03:44If he had learned something useful, he would never have missed that dinner.
03:49I'm telling you, Isabel.
03:50Because of his teacher, Bárbara, he is no longer the one he was.
03:53We have all changed a lot since we arrived yesterday.
03:58Ready, aim, fire!
04:01Pedrito Almadecántaro, not here with that!
04:03It's very dangerous.
04:05I'm sorry.
04:06It's just that I missed the aim.
04:08Come on, Pedrito, go play outside.
04:13Don't take it into account, Mrs. Victoria.
04:15It must be very hard to spend the day playing alone or with an adult.
04:20Without any child of his age nearby.
04:22That child is too impetuous.
04:24As it continues like this, any day gives us a discomfort.
04:46I have a wound that does not heal over time
04:55For a betrayal that pierced my heart
05:00As if it were a dagger
05:06That locked me in this torment
05:14Of silence and lies
05:17Everything I knew is getting further away
05:24I live dreaming
05:27With what fate decided to deny us
05:32Condemned to the taste of bitterness
05:36Dancing with madness
05:38Imagining that it is you
05:42I live dreaming eternally
05:46Hoping that in this wild valley
05:50Your light will illuminate me
05:52That in this wild valley
05:56Your light will illuminate me
06:01Chapter 2
06:11Rafael, I haven't heard from you in a while.
06:14It's just that I've come to get some papers.
06:17I'll be on my way soon.
06:19And what papers are they?
06:22Maybe I can help you.
06:25They will save us from the Posochas.
06:27You won't find them there.
06:29I went to take them to the library archive yesterday.
06:36That's very bad, Adriana.
06:39We use them daily.
06:41We usually archive them only when they are complete.
06:43No, I didn't know.
06:45It won't happen again as soon as I finish with this, I'll go get it.
06:49It won't be necessary. I'll go myself.
06:51Rafael, wait.
06:53One second.
06:59Is something wrong?
07:02You're just going to give me the floor to talk about work.
07:06And what's wrong with that?
07:08Maybe you don't need to lie to me about these things.
07:14Rafael, we both lied to each other.
07:19But I forgave you.
07:21I'm surprised you don't see the difference.
07:25Because the times I supposedly failed you,
07:28I didn't put anyone in danger.
07:31Rafael, don't be fooled.
07:34We both knew that if we continued with our love,
07:37it wouldn't be easy.
07:39That it would be a tortuous path, full of obstacles.
07:43What we suspected was that it would also bring betrayals.
07:46And what do you want us to do?
07:48That we go talk to Julio now
07:50and tell him everything from the beginning.
07:52Since we met at that dance at Villa de Madrid.
07:58I don't want to end everything, but once and for all.
08:01Then go ahead.
08:03Go ahead.
08:05But we'll lose everything.
08:07Both you and me and my brothers.
08:10But that way you can sleep peacefully and with a clear conscience.
08:13Adriana, when all this comes to light,
08:17when my father and Julio realize
08:19that they have no right over these properties
08:21because they are in my name.
08:23No one will sleep here in the wild. No one.
08:28Much less you.
08:43I didn't see you coming. You scared me.
08:45I've already checked.
08:47Sorry, I was looking for you.
08:49Has something happened?
08:51That's what I'm trying to find out.
08:53Do you know if anything out of the ordinary has happened
08:56these last days on the farm?
08:58Well, no. I would say that beyond Julio's injury,
09:00everything seems to be in order.
09:02Even things are not as bad as they used to be.
09:05It seems that our brothers are doing a good job.
09:12Why do you ask?
09:14Nothing. It was a feeling I had.
09:17I thought I saw Gaspar more nervous than usual
09:20and I wondered if it had to do with that.
09:26You won't know if something happens to him.
09:28To Gaspar?
09:29Why should I know what happens to him or not?
09:33Alejo, I overheard you casually talking to your father
09:37and asking him to attend tonight's dinner
09:39with Don Leonardo and Don Sebastián.
09:41You'll understand that I'm surprised.
09:43Yes. Yes, but the answer is simple.
09:46He asked me to intervene so he could be invited to dinner.
09:50And you agreed?
09:51He knew how to refuse me. He was determined.
09:54Besides, he was sure that our father would not accept.
09:57How did it finally happen?
10:07Can I ask you something now?
10:11What is this sudden interest in Gaspar?
10:14No interest at all.
10:16He asked me why I wanted to attend the dinner.
10:20I would prefer to be somewhere else.
10:23I guess it's because you've never been invited to such an event.
10:32Are you sure you don't want to tell me anything?
10:35I don't have to tell you anything, sister.
10:37But let me ask you again.
10:39Irene, do you have something to tell me?
10:42Do you have something to tell me?
10:45No, just like you.
10:47I would never hide anything from you.
10:49In that case, let's not ask again if we keep secrets.
10:53Since everything seems so clear.
11:15Wait a moment, I have to talk to you.
11:18You tell me.
11:19What can I do for you?
11:22Do you know who that woman who just left is?
11:26How would I know who she is if they haven't even introduced us?
11:29Do you even know if you've ever seen her?
11:34I swear I've never seen her.
11:38You should.
11:42First of all, let me tell you that nothing inappropriate has happened.
11:50I don't want you to worry.
11:53Well, if you don't want to worry me, let me know what's going on.
12:00Do you want to stop turning around and tell me who hit that woman?
12:05It's a healer nearby.
12:08A healer?
12:10And what was that woman doing in this house?
12:12Mrs. Matilde has sent her to call the little Evaristo.
12:19I can't believe it.
12:20I thought you were normal.
12:22No, I wasn't normal, Mrs. Isabel.
12:24What did that woman do to my son?
12:26She's a temper.
12:27She's a temper, Luisa.
12:28She just touched her butt a little bit for a moment, like any galen would do.
12:32She's not a galen, nor is she close to being one.
12:35Luisa, wait.
12:37All I wanted to see that woman was if the boy had gas.
12:42We know that the boy doesn't have gas.
12:44What else, Mrs. Isabel?
12:46Tell me, please.
12:47Please, don't get burned.
12:52She recommended us some infusions and prepared an ointment.
12:55Where's the boy?
12:56We haven't told her about the ointment.
12:57Tell me where the boy is!
13:00In Mrs. Matilde's room with her, but...
13:07You'll see how with those infusions and that ointment that that good woman has given you,
13:12all the stomach aches will go away.
13:15You're going to be a very, very happy month.
13:19Luisa, I'm glad you came.
13:20I have to tell you something very important.
13:22I'm afraid I'll be late because she told me she brought a nurse to see my son.
13:28Well, that's not entirely true.
13:29I came to see me to see if I could help me reconcile my sleep a little better.
13:33Are you going to deny me that that woman has been touching my boy's butt?
13:37No, no, no.
13:39I thought it would be good to take the opportunity to take a look at the barista.
13:42Taking advantage of the fact that one was out?
13:45It didn't make sense to wait.
13:47I wasn't going to hurt him.
13:51Mrs. Matilde knows perfectly well how little I like those women and their practices.
13:55I know, Luisa.
13:56No, let me finish.
13:57Before one of those women put her hand on my son, I should have given her permission.
14:06You're right, Luisa.
14:09I have no excuse or forgiveness.
14:12But ...
14:14The thing was going very well that you have to add a but.
14:17In my defense, I will say that I warned you, you and everyone, but no one listened to me and the boy was not well.
14:23But does something happen to the barista that I don't know?
14:27No, no, no.
14:29The nurse said that it is indeed gases and some colic, but nothing to worry about.
14:35You see, Mrs. Matilde?
14:37But we still had to put the remedy, right?
14:41What is it?
14:43The nurse has recommended some infusions and an ointment to spread over the night before going to bed.
14:49He must be a brother of the saint.
14:53Luisa, maybe ...
14:57I have exceeded by allowing that woman to attend to Evaristo without your permission.
15:00We can't agree on that anymore.
15:04But I swear by the memory of my son.
15:08But I swear by the memory of my late mother that if I did it, it was because I was really worried about the boy.
15:13Mrs. Matilde ...
15:15And rest assured that I understand your concern.
15:19Thank you, Luisa.
15:20No, wait a minute, now I'm the one who has a but.
15:23But what I can't understand or approve is that you did it behind my back.
15:29This is something that should not be repeated.
15:31I give you my word that it will not be repeated again.
15:38My life ...
15:40Come here, mom, come.
15:42Come, come, come.
15:45Help me, mom.
15:55Luisa, I hope you can forgive my mistake and not have lost your confidence.
16:07I love you.
16:37Some enviable views.
16:42It's all yours, I'm leaving.
16:44How? Does my presence bother you so much now that you can't stay in the same place as me?
16:49Of course not.
16:51But I don't feel well and I would like to retire.
16:54Are you sure your discomfort allows you to bear a brief conversation?
17:00It depends on the subject.
17:02What do you think about that young lady who lives in the hut across the street?
17:09I suppose you mean Miss Bárbara.
17:11I think that's her name.
17:13Apparently they have become good friends.
17:18I enjoy your affection.
17:20I hope you don't have any problems with that.
17:23That depends on where such friendship has come from.
17:27I don't know what you mean.
17:28However, I would say that you know it perfectly.
17:31I have known her since she was born and I know that she is not capable of resisting a beautiful face.
17:37She will not deny that that lady, despite being the daughter of a loan shark, is undoubtedly a beautiful woman.
17:47There is no point in denying what is obvious.
17:52Be assured that I do not judge you.
17:55I think it is very good that while she is here, she kills time as she pleases.
18:02Do you mean it?
18:04Of course.
18:07I just want to make sure that you are aware that she will never be able to pass from a simple entertainment.
18:14I do not oppose that she has fun with any low-born Lucareña of those who live in the valley.
18:21As long as she does not forget what is expected of her last name.
18:26Do you understand me?
18:36I am very clear about my situation, so you have nothing to worry about.
18:41I knew we would understand each other.
18:44See how I haven't entertained you at all.
18:53Listen to me.
19:26What do you have for the bird, sir?
19:28I'm not used to seeing him.
19:35You and I have a conversation pending.
19:38I don't think so. I talked to you for a long time and it didn't help me at all.
19:43That's exactly the subject I want to discuss.
19:45What's going to happen now?
19:47That despite my efforts, it was impossible for me to satisfy your demand.
19:50I'm surprised.
19:52I thought you were smart enough not to have to ask.
19:56I thought I had made it clear to you what would happen if I didn't sit at that table.
20:01I also warned you that I had no power over who would go and who would not go to that dinner.
20:06You could have made more effort to achieve it.
20:08Do you think I didn't try?
20:10It is clear that it was not enough.
20:12Gaspar, I talked to my father.
20:14I asked him to extend the invitation to his mother to you.
20:17It should have been more convenient.
20:19Now you will have to face the consequences.
20:22What do you get by hurting me, Gaspar?
20:25What have I done to make you desire my evil so much?
20:29To start failing me in the only thing I have asked of you in all my life.
20:33Something that despite being impossible, I tried with all my strength.
20:38That's not my problem. Now you have the consequences.
20:45It's okay. I couldn't stop him from fulfilling his threat.
20:51It's the first thing he says that we agree on.
20:53I haven't finished.
20:57What I can do is promise him something.
21:00Whatever he decides.
21:02For better or for worse, I will not forget it, Gaspar.
21:05Don't talk to me like you write your poems.
21:08With me, it's going to get to the point. Don't make me waste my time.
21:10Life is very long.
21:12You never know who can give you a hand or give you the tip.
21:16And for better or for worse, I will be waiting for him.
21:20Are you threatening me?
21:21Quite the opposite.
21:23It's you who decides what's best for you.
21:27Don't try to confuse me with your word.
21:31I've already told you what would happen if I didn't get invited to that dinner and you haven't.
21:36Now you have the consequences.
21:41You have no idea who you're facing, Gaspar.
21:46Excuse me.
21:49Excuse me.
22:04I'm sorry to interrupt your study.
22:09The City of Ladies.
22:12That's the book you've told me so much about and learned so much from.
22:16I know it will be impossible for me to learn by myself what I learned with my teacher,
22:20but I don't want to give up my studies.
22:23I could always look for a new teacher.
22:26No matter how much I try, I'll never be like Sol.
22:30If I can't count on him, I'd rather study on my own.
22:33You should praise his fidelity.
22:37I've always considered being faithful an essential quality.
22:42I'm afraid others don't value it as much.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:52Why didn't you come to dinner at the big house last night?
22:56For a simple reason.
22:58I felt that no one would miss me.
23:01You're wrong.
23:02I didn't stop missing you for a moment.
23:06And that smile?
23:09Don't you believe me?
23:13What's wrong with you?
23:15Even if I've noticed, I get the feeling that something has changed between us.
23:19You're not wrong.
23:23What happens is that I don't know if it's worth keeping what's ours.
23:28Or if it ever had something.
23:31I can't believe what I hear on your lips.
23:34What have I been able to do to deserve it?
23:36No, no, don't blame yourself.
23:38You haven't done anything that could take advantage of you.
23:41So, my lack to deserve such punishment must be another.
23:46If it hasn't been what I've done, it must be what I've stopped doing.
23:49You're wrong again.
23:51It hasn't been your actions or your lack of them that have led me to such a decision.
24:02The simple fact of being with you hurts me.
24:04That's why I'd rather leave it now that we're still in time to do it discreetly.
24:12I don't understand.
24:14Not long ago, you yourself told me that what's ours would go as far as possible.
24:19That's right. What happens is that that moment has already arrived.
24:24Please respect my decision.
24:27If I wasn't convinced that it was the best, I wouldn't have done it.
24:30If I wasn't convinced that it was the best, I wouldn't have done it.
24:37Of course I'll respect it.
24:42Although I sincerely believe that you're wrong.
24:50Now do me the favor of leaving and continue with my studies.
25:22Matilde, but when will you learn to think before acting?
25:25Matilde, dear, stop walking around the room, I beg you. You look like a caged beast.
25:28And that's how I feel.
25:30Atanasio doesn't understand that I made a huge mistake.
25:33The only thing I understand is that he should calm down.
25:36I don't see his face. I'm afraid I've lost all of Luisa's confidence.
25:40Let me doubt it.
25:42What will happen to me if he doesn't let me take care of Barista again?
25:45I've taken too much affection from Atanasio. I don't know if I'll be able to bear it.
25:48Matilde, Matilde, Matilde, listen to me carefully.
25:50Listen to me carefully. Luisa is a good girl.
25:53Yes, sensible and who listens to reason.
25:56I was so angry.
25:59No, no, I'm sure that if you have explained yourself well,
26:02Luisa will know how to appreciate your good intentions and will forgive you.
26:06I hope I'm not wrong.
26:20I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think I have to tell you.
26:23There is something that I don't know if you are taking into account.
26:27Luisa is at the service of the little house.
26:31What news do you bring me? I already know that.
26:33What I mean by that is that she does not belong to the family
26:37and that her stay here could end at any moment.
26:42And when Luisa leaves ...
26:44She will take little Barista.
26:46That's right.
26:48I'm not going to ask you not to take affection from her because it's too late for that,
26:51but be aware that at some point or another,
26:54their paths may separate.
26:57And do you think I hadn't thought about it?
27:00Of course I had thought about it.
27:03Another thing is that I can accept it.
27:07I'm afraid I won't understand it.
27:12It's just that I don't know how to love in half.
27:14I don't know how to love in half.
27:18I know that the smart thing would be to separate me from that creature
27:24and build a shield that protects me from the pain of a future farewell.
27:31But ...
27:35But as you just said, you don't know how to love in half.
27:37I don't know how to love in half.
27:42I can't stop loving that child with all my soul.
27:46I got out of it.
27:50And although I know that ...
27:53that at some point he is going to leave and I ...
27:56I will stay here, destroyed.
28:01I don't know how to love in another way.
28:08I don't know how to love in another way.
28:23Alejo, where are you?
28:28Yes, I was just wondering if I had spoken to Gaspar already.
28:32That's right.
28:33I found it yesterday by chance in the house.
28:38I explained to her that although her wish was to come to dinner, it was not at all convenient.
28:46And can I ask her how she took it?
28:49I guess she understood.
28:51But if it's not like that, it's not our problem.
28:54That dinner was too important for us to take into account the whim of a simple employee.
29:00Her place was not on that table.
29:03Of course.
29:09But can I ask you what you are so interested in?
29:14Just curiosity.
29:16I hope so.
29:18Because lately I have the feeling that one of my children is excessively concerned with the feelings of his subordinates.
29:26Be careful, that is not the case.
29:28That is not the case.
29:30No, I was just wondering if it had not been too abrupt to tell her that she was not worthy of sitting at our table.
29:37Not at all.
29:39I had no reason.
29:41I just hope that Gaspar has learned what his place is and does not waste my time explaining it to him a second time.
29:49Me too.
29:56What a pleasant surprise to find you.
29:59I'm sorry I can't tell you the same.
30:03What is such a welcome due to?
30:06Have I offended you in anything?
30:08I take the offenses of my friends as my own.
30:13Can I know what you are playing with, Bárbara?
30:16I beg you, now is not a good time.
30:17I'm sorry, but I'm not going to wait for someone else to hear your explanations.
30:26He told me he loved her.
30:28And I believed him.
30:30I stood up for you.
30:31I did not lie to him.
30:32Not only did he do it, but he continues to do it.
30:35Curious, his way of showing his love.
30:38I repeat, now is not a good time.
30:40And I repeat that I will not let him leave so easily.
30:42Irene, I do not think he deserves such treatment.
30:44He is wrong.
30:45He is precisely the one who deserves it.
30:48Had I known he was going to be so cowardly, I would not have tried to reconcile with my friend.
30:53You do not understand.
30:55It's not about cowardice.
30:57So he has simply lied about his true feelings?
31:02Listen to me carefully.
31:04Bárbara is an excellent woman.
31:07And he does not deserve to be played with her.
31:09We can not agree on that anymore.
31:12I have never played with her.
31:13And how does she love what she has done?
31:16Today she loves her.
31:18Tomorrow it's just fun.
31:20In the past you do not know who he is.
31:22What will be next?
31:24Where does his cruelty end?
31:25What is he thinking?
31:26Shut up!
31:29You do not understand anything.
31:35Explain it to me.
31:39If I have tried to distance myself from Bárbara,
31:42it is because I may have to leave soon.
31:46How? So soon?
31:49What does he think then that Don Sebastián has come to the valley?
31:53Even so, that should be indifferent.
31:58I care about Bárbara's feelings.
32:00What does he want?
32:04To feed his illusions to suddenly abandon her?
32:08That's where he's wrong.
32:11There is no need to abandon anyone.
32:14And much less not to take into account to make such a decision.
32:17You told me that you would make the decision together of your destiny.
32:24Dear Irene, you do not know my family.
32:28Everything would be problems until our love was unsustainable.
32:32How can I not see it?
32:34What I see is that you have taken the simplest and most cowardly option.
32:38I assure you that the simplest has had very little.
32:42I have done what I thought would do less harm to Bárbara.
32:45But in reality that is already the same.
32:47Now I do not understand you.
32:51Bárbara has just put an end to ours.
32:58You do not seem very surprised.
33:00I am not.
33:03Bárbara has done all she could.
33:06And me?
33:08I have done everything I could.
33:11What can I do?
33:13Dear Leonardo, you only have two options.
33:16Which ones?
33:18Or fight for Bárbara.
33:21Against her family, against the distance, against everything that comes her way.
33:26Or leave here forever.
33:28And do not hurt her again.
33:29I love you.
33:40José Luis, what are you doing here?
33:42I was not expecting you.
33:48I came to see if there was any news.
33:51You would be if you had already found out.
33:54And can you tell me what we are waiting for?
33:57For it to be the right time.
33:59The right time has long been.
34:06I know that the task you have ahead of you is not easy.
34:11No, it is not.
34:13That is why I recommend that you only think about the bright future that awaits us.
34:18Because do not hesitate for a moment
34:21that I will take advantage of having recovered relations with those of Guzmán
34:25to manage the title I promised you.
34:29I hope so.
34:32You can take it for granted.
34:38Pedrito, how do you get into my office like this?
34:42Sorry aunt, I came to return this.
34:45You can put it right here and leave quietly.
34:54Have you seen Isabel?
34:56I was going to look for her to accompany me to see Adriana.
34:59You can save the walk, Pedrito.
35:02From what I know, Adriana is in the fields accompanied by my son Rafael.
35:08She told me about her job.
35:11You know, when I grow up, I will also help on the farm.
35:15I'm sure you will be of great help.
35:18From what it seems, the future of my lands is in your hands.
35:24Well, Mrs. Victoria, I'm leaving.
35:27I hope that the matter we have in hand will be resolved as soon as possible.
35:39Well, I'm leaving too.
35:41Wait, Pedrito.
35:49As soon as I finish doing some management,
35:51I will accompany you to see Adriana myself.
36:15What do you want, Adriana?
36:18I came to explain the changes I have made in the accounts.
36:22But I see I'm late.
36:24That's right.
36:26I have already verified it for myself.
36:30I tried to warn you before dinner last night.
36:34But since you didn't address me, I didn't have a chance.
36:40I didn't need any further explanation, did I?
36:44You have established such meticulous control over the accounts that you hardly leave us any leeway.
36:49That's not true.
36:51I have tried to justify every real that comes in or out of the business properly.
36:56And while you were doing it, you seem to have forgotten something of vital importance.
37:01That you are here to learn.
37:04Not to teach us anything.
37:07No, no, no. Wait.
37:08No, no, no. Wait.
37:20To begin with, you have compromised our entire budget.
37:24And what's wrong with that?
37:26That you don't give us a choice in the face of any emergency.
37:29And a bank like ours always has one, Adriana.
37:32Think about warning Albeita. Replace him as soon as possible.
37:35I didn't do it on purpose.
37:37I see that you haven't finished reviewing all the accounts.
37:40Because if you had, you would have realized that I did allocate a portion for those unforeseen events.
37:47And also quite a lot.
38:05And even so, don't you think you should have asked me for permission before changing our accounting system?
38:10I have to apologize for having a bit of initiative.
38:14It's just that what some call initiative, others could consider it a simple interruption in the work of others.
38:19Well, I'm sorry I did it on a matter of such importance to you.
38:23It is. Do not doubt it.
38:25In that case, you can go back to your old accounting system.
38:28I don't care much. After all, it's not about my farm.
38:31I will do so.
38:36And I don't need to ask you for permission.
38:40Now, if you'll allow me, please, I have to keep working.
38:54Mr. Sebastián.
38:57Come in, I beg you.
38:59Although if you are looking for Mr. Leonardo, you must do it elsewhere.
39:02You see that I am here alone.
39:03Be careful.
39:05You were the one who wanted to see Mrs. Mercedes.
39:11Yes. I would like to talk to you a little if it's not a nuisance.
39:15Of course it is not.
39:18You have all my attention.
39:20In addition to your attention, I would also appreciate your discretion.
39:26You can count on both.
39:29I have to tell you that my curiosity is awakening with so much mystery.
39:33I beg you, tell me what it is about.
39:36As it could not be otherwise, Mr. Leonardo.
39:40I have to confess that since my arrival I have been a little worried.
39:45Your lord may be very satisfied with his jealousy.
39:48But maybe he's getting too alarmed.
39:52Mr. Leonardo's behavior is exemplary.
39:55Are you sure about that?
39:57Of course.
39:58He is kind and charming with everyone.
40:02In addition to being discreet, he has no reason to worry.
40:05As you know, my job is to worry.
40:13What can you tell me about that young woman who lives in the house next door?
40:18I guess you mean Miss Barbara.
40:22Yes, that's her name.
40:24I've heard a lot about her and everything that has come to me is excellent.
40:31I should ask my niece Irene better.
40:34They are very good friends.
40:36I know, I've already talked to her and I've been able to verify her great esteem.
40:42So much so that I don't know if I should believe her.
40:44It's bad to doubt, Irene doesn't usually lie.
40:48Besides, I can't tell her anything bad about Miss Barbara either.
40:52She has always been kind and correct with me.
40:56It's not her education or her character that intrigues me.
41:02Her relationships.
41:04In particular, the one she can maintain with Mr. Leonardo.
41:08I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.
41:12In that case, I'll have to be clearer.
41:15I mean if that young woman and Mr. Leonardo maintain a relationship beyond friendship.
41:20Do you think they can be in love?
41:23As you will understand, due to the social positions of one and the other, it would be completely inappropriate.
41:31I'm sorry I can't help you.
41:33I understand that they are very good friends.
41:36They can often be seen walking together through the gardens, but I can't tell you anything else.
41:42Well, I don't know.
41:45And couldn't you find out?
41:50It's possible.
41:52But I wouldn't want to sin indiscreetly.
41:55Nor would I want either of them to bother me.
41:59Don't be afraid.
42:01There is no sin in the favor I ask of you.
42:03It would be for the good of both.
42:06To prevent them from making a serious mistake.
42:12And that smile, what is it due to?
42:17To nothing.
42:19I was just thinking about how easy it is for you to ask me for favors,
42:24when you didn't mind denying them to me.
42:28You're wrong, dear.
42:31I haven't forgotten what you asked of me.
42:35In fact, once you confirm or deny my suspicions,
42:40we can sit down and talk about that lost nobility title,
42:45and how to recover it.
42:50I suppose, as you assure, being for the good of the young,
42:56it would not be inconvenient for you to monitor their steps.
43:01As for some research, I will do it without delay.
43:20No, son, don't cut out the book.
43:23Sorry, father, I had finished.
43:25I just wanted to know how that knee was going.
43:29I'm afraid to tell you that it's the same.
43:32I'll have to listen to Don Atanasio and keep resting.
43:36I can hardly move.
43:38Don't lie to me, that's useless.
43:40As you follow his advice, you won't heal the knee in years.
43:44But maybe the new ones I bring will help your recovery.
43:50Lately, the good news is not abundant.
43:53I beg you, don't keep it any longer.
43:55We are about to close the best commercial agreement
43:59we have ever reached with that corn merchant.
44:02You don't know how happy I am that things are going well.
44:06But wait, I'm not finished yet.
44:09I am also willing to sign an even more important alliance.
44:14We are going to recover relations with those of Guzmán.
44:19And to establish new commercial ties with them.
44:24At last, prosperity smiles upon us again.
44:27I assure you that I will not forget that if we have managed to get out of the hole we were in,
44:32in part, it has been thanks to the effort you have made.
44:35For how you have finally managed to put yourself in your place.
44:38I thank you, father.
44:40Don't do it, it's the pure truth.
44:42That's why I ask you to keep trying to carry our family's name to the top.
44:51Don't give up.
44:53Regarding that, there is something I wanted to tell you.
44:58You tell me.
45:01It has to do with the properties of Adriana's family.
45:06Maybe I need more time to talk to her.
45:08And I thought that your wife had already made it clear
45:12that what is good for the Calves of Aguirre is also good for the Sorcerers of the Cross.
45:16I'm on it.
45:18And I don't see far away the day when Adriana sees things like us.
45:21That day should have already arrived.
45:24Understand it, father.
45:26I don't want to get in trouble with her again.
45:29The only thing I understand is that, just as you have the right to dispose of the property,
45:36I also have the right to dispose of yours.
45:40And if I haven't done it so far, it's because I respect you
45:43and because I want you to learn not to tremble when it's time to do what you have to do.
45:53I understand.
45:55I hope so.
45:59Remember that when I'm no longer here, you'll be the new Duke.
46:03And when I'm no longer here, you'll be the new Duke.
46:06Almost certainly, you'll have to make even more difficult decisions than this one.
46:43She was wrong, aunt.
46:45Adriana is not in El Pajar.
46:47How strange.
46:50I was convinced that she would be working with Don Rafael.
46:54Gaspar told me that.
46:59Look, these are the maps.
47:04Don Rafael showed me how far the land reaches.
47:10These are the wheat ones.
47:12And these are the corn ones.
47:19I'm wishing to be older to be able to work with Adriana on the farm.
47:24Of course, darling.
47:28And also with cousin Gaspar.
47:30And also with cousin Gaspar.
47:34I'm sure he can teach me many things.
47:59I'm sure he can teach me many things.
48:29I wonder what those northern lands are.
48:33Don Rafael and Don Julio told me about them.
48:36Don Rafael and Don Julio told me about them.
48:38Pedro, darling.
48:40Please come closer.
48:42There's something I want to tell you.
48:44It will be a moment. Bring those maps if you want.
49:00What do you want to tell me?
49:02Come closer.
49:17I also have something to tell you, aunt.
49:23I have to apologize.
49:26Apologize for what?
49:28Apologize for what?
49:31Because both my sisters and I have been very unfair with you, aunt.
49:38Thanks to your generosity, we expect a very good future in this valley.
49:45Keep me a secret.
49:52I even prefer the wild valley to the village of Madrid.
49:57I love you very much, aunt.
50:00And I want you to be happy with all of us in the valley.
50:05Because I love you very much.
50:20Don't cry anymore, aunt.
50:28Don't cry.
50:34The other night he asked me to be invited to the dinner that Don Sebastián's father gave.
50:42He started yelling at me, out of himself, like an energy drink,
50:46demanding me to shut up and the poor boy was crying more when he heard him scream.
50:50And you, partner?
50:52We've been up all night without sleeping and you've been the only one who has slept in this house.
50:55That's enough!
50:57Lend it to me and I don't have time.
50:59Tomorrow I leave and return to the court.
51:01What's going to happen now?
51:03It's the same as you.
51:05You asked me for a favor, I asked you for another.
51:08Let's do things as they should be.
51:10And tell me what exists between Don Leonardo and that spoiled young woman.
51:14Make sure that relationship between Don Leonardo and that barbarian ends.
51:17In return, I give you my word that I will personally take care of your matter.
51:22You are a despicable and abject being who only enjoys provoking others' evil.
51:27I don't know if I should pity you or keep laughing at your beards.
51:30Crazy for a woman.
