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Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 13 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 13 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 13 en Español Completo
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 12 Capítulo 13 en Español Completo
00:00Not even those of life and death.
00:05Is it possible that you have the key?
00:08My machine will make you bite the dust of defeat!
00:15Wait a minute! Here is my daddy's warehouse!
00:18I know! What a shame!
00:21Why don't you blame the free market system and let the best win?
00:25I think I know who can help you.
00:28Some specialist, totally, a professional on the subject.
00:33Someone who helps heal wounds when a loved one is in pain.
00:37What are you eating?
00:41A guaruguero, sir.
00:46Enjoy it.
00:49Don't you want a bite?
00:53Why not?
00:57Come here.
01:05Teresa has recommended me to a professional
01:08who is dedicated to helping people to overcome this type of loss.
01:14Teresa? I'm surprised by her.
01:18Yes, she is well changed. She is more focused, more alert.
01:23Two thousand soles in one day! I love you, Neutronics!
01:28A holistic healer?
01:31Yes, he is a professional of the soul.
01:34Dedicated to healing people who have suffered violent losses.
01:37Like us?
01:40I'm sure he will help us overcome the bite of my daughter and the woman you loved so much.
01:45We must admit that a machine won us over.
01:48We still don't give up.
01:50But no one is coming, Valentino.
01:53It was for the good, now it's our turn.
02:05Welcome, Maestro.
02:08Welcome, Maestro.
02:18Who are you?
02:21The one who sees everything, the one who knows everything.
02:27Now we are going to talk about my honors.
02:29Why did you let this homeless man in?
02:32The gentleman said you called him.
02:35You are the Muki?
02:40I thought by your name you were a shaman from the East or something like that.
02:47Isabella Maldini?
02:49No, I am Francesca Maldini who called you.
02:52But I think there is a mistake.
02:55Yes, I think we were waiting for another type of professional.
03:01Another type of professional?
03:03Wait a minute, please.
03:12Are you Marco Zunino?
03:14Look, Mr. Muki, I will not lack respect.
03:18If we start like this, we are bad.
03:24Did you mind that this man came in?
03:27Are you going to fire me?
03:29And if you fire me and I have not signed a contract, does that mean I will not charge anything?
03:33Shut up.
03:35Only I can think of asking for help from those people.
03:37Mrs. Francesca, I'm sorry.
03:40I'm really sorry.
03:42I do not want to intrude, but I saw Mr. Leonardo enter the house,
03:45and then I also saw Mr. Muki enter.
03:48So what's going on, if you can tell me?
03:50You are an impertinent watchman.
03:52Limit yourself to your affairs.
03:54But those are my affairs, because they are visits that can alter the order, Mrs. Francesca.
03:58Do you know if Teresa is there?
04:00Yes, I saw her in the room.
04:03Let's go.
04:15Only I can think of asking for help from those people.
04:20But I will not be prejudiced against that Muki.
04:30But I ...
04:34Hello, Francesca.
04:37Blessed are the eyes that see you.
04:40Keep your horn, poor devil.
04:43I'll find a way to get rid of that smile.
04:53And to think that I left my smart house for you, Francesca.
04:58I just wanted to make your life better.
05:02Greta, are you?
05:07Did you really say by mistake that she was your girlfriend?
05:10Yes, it is with that.
05:12It is that he had made me so many illusions.
05:14My love.
05:16Oh yes, yes, my love, but not your girlfriend.
05:18No, but listen to me, look.
05:31Have you lost something?
05:34No, no.
05:36Nothing, nothing.
05:37And you?
05:40I see that you are empowered.
05:44But happily, now I'm here.
05:47To de-empower you.
05:51Listen to me well.
05:53If you make a mistake, a minimum mistake.
05:56I'm going to make it impossible for them to throw you off the hills.
05:58Did you understand?
06:00You're not going to go up?
06:02Because the house was going to cry, right?
06:06I'm going.
06:13The smallest mistake.
06:28Sorry, love.
06:29Sorry, it's the habit.
06:30I forgot you were here.
06:31I always mess up.
06:33Excuse me.
06:34Excuse me.
06:35Please excuse me.
06:36I did not want to.
06:37It's over.
06:38I can't stand it anymore.
06:44Isabela is the person we want to contact in the afterlife.
06:50Isabela is daughter?
06:52One of my daughters.
06:53Yes, and she is my wife.
06:54Well, she was my wife.
06:57She died a few years ago.
06:59Of a violent death.
07:01But she is still alive in our hearts.
07:03We want to talk to her.
07:06Although she has already manifested with me.
07:09I have seen her as I am seeing you now.
07:13Are you a medium?
07:14No, no, no.
07:15What are you going to be a medium?
07:16No, no, no.
07:17Well, you can be a witch when you want, but ...
07:19No, sorry.
07:20It's not a medium.
07:21The Gonzales have told us very well about your work
07:25in this type of spiritual events.
07:28I am the Muki.
07:31The best disciple of Rosendo Malki.
07:34The shaman.
07:37I think I've seen your teacher a couple of times.
07:40I trust that you can help us.
07:44That's what we are for.
07:52Hello, daddy?
07:55Yes, everything is fine.
07:56The winery.
07:58And the winery is wonderful, dad.
08:00Everything is working amazing.
08:02In a few words,
08:04your winery is breaking sales records.
08:07A total success.
08:09How good what you tell me, baby.
08:14Well, as you will understand,
08:16the air of my land has given me a lot of strength.
08:21We will be in contact.
08:24Take care, baby.
08:27No, no, no, no, no.
08:29You should have asked him things in more detail.
08:32Litito and Lorena, how are they?
08:34Yuli and Salvador?
08:36And Joel and Jimmy?
08:38Have they found Alessia?
08:40And Macarena?
08:42Has he arrived from Tabaco and Chanel?
08:49Pardon, pardon, pardon!
08:51Forgive, forgive.
08:53You already know something about Lowly Martinis' death.
08:59Oh, and visible strays.
09:01That's what I believed in.
09:03To leave the neighborhood.
09:05What does it do? What does he eat?
09:07How does it move?
09:09I want to know everything.
09:12when we arrive,
09:14you will have the opportunity
09:15You will have the opportunity to ask.
09:19For me, the important thing is that everything is fine and my little boat continues to work.
09:27And above all, to have you by my side.
09:33Oh, my little silver.
09:37I will always thank heaven that the Lord has put you in my way.
09:45I say the same.
09:48I love you, little turtle.
09:51I love you, little ginger.
09:54And why didn't you tell him that we are already in Camango?
09:58Because I wanted to give him the surprise.
10:03Oh, but what a catch.
10:10That's how I am.
10:13I love surprises.
10:28Any sale?
10:31May God take us confessed the day we leave this land.
10:35That machine of the devil.
10:38It is that if we close the winery, my daddy dies.
10:43It's water.
10:48I don't want Grandpa Gilberto to die.
10:51That's not going to happen.
10:53We just have to get rid of that Neutronics.
10:57I don't want to get into trouble.
10:59Look, princess, calm down.
11:02I'm going to get my hands dirty for you.
11:07I can't stand it anymore.
11:09I have to go through the entire pijama rooftop to get rid of that stinky silo.
11:14I have a great idea.
11:16I have it.
11:18What do you think if we get one of those portable bathrooms?
11:21We install it here in room 8 and that way you have your private bathroom.
11:25Are you serious?
11:28Of course.
11:30I have my leg, Cholo Calypso, who organizes concerts on the main road.
11:33He can sell us a second hand in very good condition.
11:36And I guarantee you that the smells don't come out.
11:38There's no way I'm going to accept something like this.
11:41The only solution is that we can move to another place.
11:44I can't stand it anymore.
11:46I can't stand the heat in this room.
11:48I can't stand the pigeons fluttering in the calamity.
11:51I can't stand the whistle.
11:53I can't stand the stinky smell of the silo.
11:56I can't stand it anymore.
11:58Calm down.
12:00Calm down.
12:02You're right.
12:04I want you to be comfortable.
12:06I want you to be happy.
12:08And that's why we're going to go to a better place.
12:14Really, my love?
12:18We're not going to move?
12:20It's the best thing for us.
12:22And if not, we're going to go to a little apartment, a little house.
12:26Warm, warm.
12:29A table.
12:33It's the fastest way to contact the souls of the beyond.
12:37A candlelight dinner.
12:39Isabel loved candlelight dinners.
12:41I always surprised her with a romantic scene.
12:44The candles.
12:46And I started singing.
12:48Leonardo, the gentleman is talking about something else.
12:51What do you need for that ritual?
12:54The first thing.
12:57A table.
12:59We can use the dining room.
13:02I also need white candles.
13:06And blue.
13:08I can get something else.
13:11I need a photo, Isabela.
13:14I want to know how she was in life for her spirit to manifest in front of me.
13:37The next day.
14:02What's going on here?
14:03I just came to buy some candies, but I see that the machine is well supplied.
14:08Take a picture of the machine.
14:10To what?
14:12I saw that you took out your cell phone and took a picture.
14:14A selfie I have taken.
14:16Of course, for my followers on social networks to keep them up to date.
14:20What do you think?
14:22Let's see the selfie.
14:24The selfie?
14:26Valentino, the finest friend.
14:28Follow me on my social networks and there you will know all my content.
14:30Bye, Julio.
14:31I know something is going on, but I can't make the slightest mistake.
14:37I know how to eliminate her, but it won't be easy.
14:40Felix is watching her all the time, but don't worry.
14:43We will take care of him.
14:45We will take care of him?
14:47Princess, princess, calm down.
14:49I just need to call my team.
14:51Have you been to Miami?
14:53Miami? Of course, my love.
14:55You say Miami and the disco, but the one in San Antonio.
14:57My love.
14:59Oh, I'm tired. Wait.
15:02Ah, it's from work.
15:04Do you work?
15:05Of course.
15:06Now I can tell my mom that you are not a nobody.
15:08What? Does my little sister-in-law say that about me?
15:11She says worse things.
15:13Ah, yes. Wait.
15:15Well, we got a job.
15:19And Barbie, do you want to see your... your action?
15:22Yes, wait for me to call my mom.
15:24Mom, guess what?
15:25Guess what?
15:27Miquel is not the dirtiest thing you think.
15:29Not a crap, not a garbage, not a waste,
15:32not a good for nothing.
15:34What? Does my little sister-in-law say all that about me?
15:37Yes, something like that. But why should I tell you?
15:39Yes, let's go, let's go.
15:55Let's go.
16:21I need to see you again, Jamil.
16:24No importa el precio que tenga que pagar.
16:44Mikey, look, when you tell me, my love,
16:48it's nice, but...
16:50but I feel like I'm not making a commitment.
16:53Tiempo al tiempo.
16:55Besides, the other day we talked that when you go to crowded places,
16:59you never take me out.
17:01But how do you like to make movies in your head, don't you?
17:06Do you think I'm hiding you?
17:08A little bit.
17:10So, why are we going to the club right now?
17:16But do you think I'm not going to want everyone to die of envy
17:20when they see me with you?
17:21Oh, yes, I cause envy, yes.
17:23Of course, my love.
17:29Tell me, Mr. Miguel Ignacio.
17:32I'll take care of my vending machine.
17:34And you know,
17:36at the slightest mistake,
17:41Let's go, my love.
17:43Let's go.
17:51Let's go.
18:05What are you doing, you good-for-nothing?
18:08Calculating if all my things go in here.
18:11For what?
18:13I plan to move in this room with Lorena.
18:19Are you going to evict your daughter?
18:21It sounds horrible, doesn't it?
18:23But what if I use the word to evict?
18:25Let's evict from the room, daughter!
18:28It sounds better, doesn't it?
18:30Well, why not expropriate?
18:32You can always fall lower.
18:34It's just that the room, you know,
18:36doesn't have the comforts to become
18:39the nest of love of a newlyweds couple.
18:42She didn't get used to it.
18:44Not at all.
18:46Well, it's not her fault.
18:48I hope Yuli also wants to leave in a good way, right?
18:49Well, if you explain it to her like that,
18:51the girls will understand.
18:53Look, I really don't find it very funny
18:55that you are my neighbor.
18:57But when it comes to Lorena,
18:59I evict her.
19:01Thank you, Tere!
19:03Oh, sorry.
19:05I meant Mrs. Tere.
19:15What are you doing here, champ?
19:17Why did you bring her?
19:19She wants to see her Ken in action.
19:21My Barbie?
19:23What? You are her Ken?
19:31Oh, sorry.
19:33You better not say anything.
19:37Daughter, where are you?
19:39I better go before she sees us.
19:41Good luck.
19:43What's the plan?
19:45Wait, I'm going to make a story.
19:46Please, please, please.
19:48Oh, sorry.
19:50Do you really want to belong
19:52to this organization for no profit?
19:54Wait, don't you charge for your work?
19:57No, but ...
19:59Well, work is work, right?
20:01Yes, you're right.
20:03Well, this is the plan.
20:17But look who we have here.
20:22Do you want to play a game?
20:25Huh? Are you excited?
20:34Dear daughter of my heart,
20:36adored niece of affection,
20:39we have a proposal to make you
20:41that will change the course of your lives.
20:43What proposal?
20:44Do you like it?
20:46You're going to love it. Yes or no, Lorena?
20:48Yes, yes, yes.
20:50When I heard the idea, I said,
20:52Mappy and Yuli cannot miss this tremendous experience.
20:55Oh, I'm curious.
20:57What experience?
20:59Do you know the word permutation?
21:01I don't think so.
21:03No, it's not used much.
21:05The point is that we are going to offer you
21:07this beautiful newly remodeled room
21:10so that you can feel more comfortable and independent.
21:12And we, who are sacrificed parents,
21:14well, we'll move to the room below,
21:16which is all ugly and small.
21:19What do you say?
21:23But there is no bathroom here.
21:25Yes, but the silo is in optimal condition.
21:28And it also has an air conditioner.
21:30Yes, I put it on lavender, delicious.
21:37I don't know what to tell you.
21:42Girls, I, I...
21:45I'm going to speak to you with all sincerity.
21:49I don't get used to being here.
21:52The truth is that when I was younger,
21:54surely I could have endured,
21:56but now I can't.
21:59I need my comforts,
22:01have my things close and...
22:03and I don't feel good here.
22:07Besides, you are not that old.
22:08What? Uncle!
22:10I mean, I mean that they are young
22:12and they can withstand the silo, the calamine,
22:15the unbearable heat.
22:17On the other hand, you are not for those trots.
22:20That's what they say.
22:22Guys, can you give us an answer
22:25before this man keeps calling me old?
22:28Can we talk outside?
22:30Yes, call the group.
22:32Go, go.
22:36I won't accept it again.
22:38This is a posilga
22:39and you already called me old like five times.
22:41No, no, no.
22:42Please, I didn't mean that.
22:44If I'm older,
22:45don't I look old?
22:50Oh, mommy.
22:52What strange things are they going to do in the house.
23:05Can we start with this once?
23:08I don't want my husband to find us like this.
23:12Let's start, Mr. Maldini.
23:15But first I want to warn you.
23:19When I go into trance,
23:23I will face other people,
23:28speak in other languages
23:31or transform
23:33into any animal.
23:36I ask you to stay calm.
23:39But we are prepared for everything, Mr. Muquiar.
23:42Yes, right, Frenchie?
23:43Yes, whatever is necessary
23:45to talk to my daughter one more time.
23:49Then let's start.
23:57I heal, I act, I conduct, I exalt, the blood, I drink you,
23:59my heart, I give birth, I have you, don't touch me.
24:01If you touch me, don't touch me!
24:18Comrades, comrades,
24:20from this historic moment,
24:25I want to speak!
24:27No, please!
24:29Let's use a little recipe.
24:32I am innocent!
24:36Thank you, my brother, you know,
24:38we are about to reach the final!
24:40Thank you, people, pass it to the final.
24:47Beautiful, beautiful.
24:50What do you want?
24:53Hey, what do you have?
25:01Thank you, my brother, you do not know, we are about to reach the final.
25:05Hey, how are you?
25:10I can not take it anymore, let me go, let me go, go ahead.
25:57It's my daughter.
25:58How is she?
26:00Can you hear us?
26:01I love you, little thing, I love you, little thing.
26:06Excuse me, I'm looking for someone else.
26:11Her name is Isabela Maldini.
26:14Have you seen her?
26:19Excuse me.
26:38Let me go, please.
26:41I want to talk.
26:43Manolo, please.
26:45Hey, what do you have?
26:47What do you want, what do you want, what do you want, please?
26:53Sir, are you okay?
26:54Don't die here, please.
26:58I'm back.
27:00Did you find my daughter?
27:02How is she?
27:03What did he say?
27:07I did not see her.
27:09No one saw her.
27:11What do you mean he did not see her?
27:13He must have seen her.
27:15She has to be in the beyond.
27:19If his soul inhabits him beyond, it is because she does not belong to that plan.
27:27That is impossible.
27:29She has to be there anyway.
27:32Does that mean my daughter is alive?
27:50They don't pay me to put up with this, they don't pay me to put up with this.
27:55They don't pay me.
28:02Yes, I just wanted to know how things were around the house.
28:08That in addition to paying your salary, you want me to give you therapy so that you get scared?
28:13What are you talking about?
28:17Do you have a spiritual session at my house?
28:42It's slow.
28:48Did you know that if you have Claro in your house and Claro on your cell phone, you are full Claro?
28:53Live full benefits without paying more and for a lifetime.
28:56Become full Claro by calling 0800 00200 or in claro.pe.
29:03What do we do, Juli?
29:12Do we move?
29:13Well, I like the idea that we have a place just for us and that we are away from the family.
29:20Oh yes, thinking about it, if we stayed here, we could stay until late watching romantic comedies,
29:26eating canchita and gossiping without anyone finding out.
29:29In addition, we could date our boyfriends and see if the miracle of being friends happens.
29:35But apart from all that, I do like the idea that my mom is happy and happy with my dad.
29:43Oh, now you gave me a good reason.
29:50Oh, and I'm white, but I don't have wrinkles.
29:52Yes, no, compared to the girl, you are already older.
29:55But I'm not an old woman.
29:56Yes, of course not.
29:57What's wrong with you?
29:58Mom, Dad, we have already made a decision.
30:04We accept the offer, we will move out of here.
30:11Thank you for accepting, thank you.
30:14Yes, girls, you don't know, you're going to have a great time.
30:18Oh, if these triplets spoke.
30:20Stay silent.
30:21Yes, better.
30:22And when do you want to move to the first floor?
30:25Right now!
30:28Isabella is alive.
30:30Franchi, Franchi, you know perfectly well that this is not possible.
30:33But you just heard it.
30:35Isabella's soul is not in the beyond.
30:38No, but it could be anywhere else.
30:41Mr. Mugui, do you think that suddenly my ex-wife's soul is in hell?
30:48I'm just asking, Franchi.
30:51Isabella Maldini does not inhabit the world of the dead.
30:55A soul in pain told me.
30:57But who is that soul?
30:59I don't even know her.
31:01He doesn't know her.
31:03He told me very safely.
31:06Isabella is not dead.
31:09Francesca, you yourself buried her.
31:12But I didn't see the body.
31:15The same thing that happened to Grace could happen.
31:20Do you remember Lucho González?
31:22He died three times.
31:24And I myself claimed my death.
31:27Mr. Mugui, are you sure of what you are saying?
31:29Because this can completely change the course of our lives.
31:35And they made me doubt.
31:39In any case, I could reconnect with him beyond.
31:47But that would take me more time to recover.
31:51What the hell is going on here?
31:59I hope your girl does what I asked her to do well.
32:01If not, I'll grab you or I'll kiss you.
32:03Please, man.
32:04It simply has natural talent for acting.
32:07If I saw the scenes you made me ...
32:09What scenes?
32:10Hey, fill up, fill up.
32:11Wait, wait, wait.
32:13What is this?
32:15My girl is ready.
32:17We are already, we are already.
32:18Hurry, hurry, hurry.
32:21What is this guy doing here?
32:23I am El Mugui, the best disciple of Rosendo Malki.
32:26I don't mean you, Rondero, but this limaña.
32:30Oh yeah, but I'm not Rondero.
32:32What twisted ideas are you putting in my wife's head?
32:36No, I mean, I just want to help Franches.
32:39All you want is your personal benefit.
32:42You're beating him to get money, right?
32:46I'll kill him, I'll kill him.
32:49No, I'll kill him.
32:50No, you have to pay something.
32:52I'll kill him.
32:55Lucio, Lucio.
32:58You pay, you pay double if you do it.
33:01Well, double zero is zero.
33:03No, no.
33:07Nothing will happen to him while I'm here, watch out.
33:11I'm sorry, Mrs. Francesca, but I can't move.
33:16Incompetent scoundrel!
33:18I told him that visit was going to be very convictive.
33:22Enough! Enough! Enough!
33:26Leonardo has not asked me for money. We were just remembering Isabella.
33:31But don't you realize, Frank, what this guy is doing to you?
33:35What we talked about went through one ear and came out the other.
33:38Put your grudges aside and listen to me carefully. Isabella is alive.
33:43But what are you saying, Frank?
33:45Master Mook is a powerful shaman and has contacted him beyond.
33:51And he has told us that Isabella is not in the other plane, which means that she is alive.
33:56No! This guy must be conspiring with Leonardo to get those ideas into your head
34:02and drive you crazy and keep all your money.
34:05No! I don't allow him to take me like this!
34:08I am a very professional shaman and the Gonzales can trust my work.
34:12The Gonzales, please!
34:15This guy has Claudia's blood running through his veins.
34:19He's our enemy. Don't forget everything he's done to you.
34:22Claudia? That was the name.
34:26What did you say?
34:28Claudia was the soul in pain that contacted me when I was in trance
34:33and told me that Isabella was not in the other plane.
34:37But do you realize?
34:39These guys want to emotionally destabilize you.
34:42They want to drive you crazy.
34:44But I'm not going to allow it.
34:45Both of you get out of the house!
34:48Get out of here or I'll call the police.
34:49Get out of here!
34:50Wait a minute.
34:51Yes, yes.
34:52Call me if you need anything else.
34:53Don't forget my sonority, please.
34:55Get out of here!
34:56You too!
34:57Get out of here!
34:58Go to hell!
35:04But what are you trying to do, Fran?
35:07Isabella is dead.
35:10Do you understand?
35:24What's going on?
35:35It's me, Tere.
35:39Oh, your mother.
35:41Tere, I hadn't recognized you.
35:44I'm the same one who wore pants.
35:46But today, more matriarchal than ever.
35:50Tell me, what happened?
35:52Look, the truth is, I came looking for something, but I'm going with my head.
35:55It's a disaster.
35:56I never thought, Tere, that I would hear something like this.
35:59Like this?
36:00But the fly, what is it doing here?
36:02Well, I gave Mrs. Francesca the phone.
36:04What exactly happened?
36:08No, no, no.
36:09You're not going to hear it for me.
36:11Tere, it's been a great pleasure to see you.
36:14The pleasure is mine.
36:16And let me tell you that the years have fallen on you.
36:23Oh, thank you, Tere.
36:24And you are...
36:26Take care.
36:29Oh, what happened?
36:33Oh, Tere, don't blame Leonardo.
36:36It's just that you don't like that look.
36:39Look, Felix.
36:40Mrs. Tere has a mission that goes beyond the physical at the moment.
36:46And Leonardo is in his prime.
36:49He is to eat and to carry.
36:51Look, if I wasn't married, I wouldn't forgive the IGB.
36:56Don't say I said that, okay?
36:59Don't say I said that.
37:07Don Bruno, I don't know how to play tennis.
37:10Look, all you have to do is hit the ball with the racket.
37:14That's all.
37:15That's all?
37:16That's all. It's very simple.
37:20Of course.
37:21Calm down, calm down.
37:24Are you really going to play in your chair, Bruno?
37:26And what's the problem?
37:29Well, get ready to lose.
38:29Let's go, Candela.
38:30Let's go, Candela.
38:32Let's go, Candela.
38:34Let's go, Candela.
38:36But why have you climbed so much to the net?
38:38You have to be lower.
38:41Oh my God.
38:42It can't be.
38:45Calm down, soft, soft.
38:47Let's go.
38:58Miguel Ignacio, tell your girlfriend Adorno
39:01to be more careful with my assistant.
39:03Oh, sorry.
39:05It was nothing, it was nothing.
39:07The old man thinks I'm your girlfriend.
39:24I'm out of practice, God.
39:27Temple, temple.
39:29It can't be.
39:30How's the hit?
39:32No, it was nothing.
39:33I wouldn't have done it on purpose, your girlfriend.
39:36Oh, sorry again.
39:38She also thinks I'm your girlfriend.
39:44Nothing, we're just getting to know each other.
39:46No, no, no.
39:47You don't have to give me explanations.
39:51Are you tired of losing, Miss Zapayal?
39:54I think the one who lost is you, Mr. De Las Casas.
40:09I'm going to tell you a secret.
40:11I'm letting you win.
40:13I know Miguel Ignacio.
40:15He's very hot.
40:17And if he loses, he's capable of saying goodbye.
40:21You're right.
40:23Look at him.
40:43Don't worry.
40:52Help, please.
40:53She's been robbed.
40:54Help, help, help.
40:55Please, please.
40:56I don't know what to do.
40:57Help me.
40:59I know you.
41:00You're Margarito's girlfriend.
41:02I'm going over there.
41:04I don't understand.
41:13I don't understand.
41:58Go, go, go.
42:14Thank you, Tito.
42:16Why are you thanking me?
42:19For what you've done for me.
42:21You convinced Teresa and the girls to move just to see me happy.
42:28I will always want to see you happy, my love.
42:31That's my mission in life.
42:33I want to see you happy.
42:35I want to see you happy.
42:37I want to see you happy.
42:39I want to see you happy.
42:41That's my mission in life.
42:43So you have to leave the room and all your memories.
42:49I love you, Tito Lara.
42:52I love you, Lorena Contreras.
43:00One goodbye.
43:01And no H.
43:09No one.
43:11No one.
43:13I didn't find any thieves.
43:21Where did you go?
43:24Has it rained here?
43:27No, no rain.
43:29This machine has been vandalized.
43:33I hope it hasn't been vandalized.
43:35If not, Mr. Miguel Ignacio will keep his word.
43:42I don't understand.
43:43And we do all this so that the mission is closed?
43:46That's our motivation.
43:48Oh, I love that you are so cute.
43:50Now we just have to make sure that this machine is vandalized.
43:53God bless you.
43:55I hope it works.
43:56Let's see.
44:03It works.
44:04It works.
44:05It works.
44:06It works.
44:07It works.
44:08It works.
44:09It works.
44:10It works.
44:11Why is that machine still working?
44:13So if it's a machine of the devil.
44:32It works.
44:33It works.
44:34It works.
44:35It works.
44:36It works.
44:37It works.
44:38It works.
44:39It works.
44:40It works.
44:41It works.
44:42It works.
44:43It works.
44:44It works.
44:45It works.
44:46It works.
44:47It works.
44:48It works.
44:49It works.
44:50It works.
44:51It works.
44:52It works.
44:53It works.
44:54It works.
44:55It works.
44:56It works.
44:57It works.
44:58It works.
44:59It works.
45:00It works.
45:01It works.
45:02It works.
45:03It works.
45:04It works.
45:05It works.
45:06It works.
45:07It works.
45:08It works.
45:09It works.
45:10It works.
45:11It works.
45:12It works.
45:13It works.
45:14It works.
45:15It works.
45:16It works.
45:17It works.
45:18It works.
45:19It works.
45:20It works.
45:21It works.
45:22It works.
45:23It works.
45:24It works.
45:25It works.
45:26It works.
45:27It works.
45:28It works.
45:29It works.
45:30It works.
45:31It works.
45:32It works.
45:33It works.
45:34It works.
45:35It works.
45:36It works.
45:37It works.
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45:40It works.
45:41It works.
45:42It works.
45:43It works.
45:44It works.
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45:47It works.
45:48It works.
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45:50It works.
45:51It works.
45:52It works.
45:53It works.
45:54It works.
45:55It works.
45:56It works.
45:57It works.
45:58It works.
45:59It works.
46:00It works.
46:01It works.
46:02It works.
46:03It works.
46:04It works.
46:05It works.
46:06It works.
46:07It works.
46:08It works.
46:09It works.
46:10It works.
46:11It works.
46:12It works.
46:13It works.
46:14It works.
46:15It works.
46:16It works.
46:17It works.
46:18It works.
46:19It works.
46:20It works.
46:21It works.
46:22It works.
46:23It works.
46:24It works.
46:25It works.
46:26It works.
46:27It works.
46:28It works.
46:29It works.
46:35Pero porque el maestro mucky mencionó a claudia
46:51Parece que no salió competencia
46:53Intentarán pero no podrán a lo que irá doña francesca vino a buscarme quería el teléfono del mucky y yo se lo di
47:02Pero lo raro es que el mucky se apareció con leonardo rizopatrón que en realidad es llano porque es hermano de la mirada de tiburón
47:08que se casó con isabela
47:11le dijo que mancó
47:13pero acá lo raro es que esa casa está teniendo movimientos extraños
47:18es raro además que leonardo aparezca así después de tanto tiempo
47:23que sabe más churro que nunca
47:27Con su peinadito con su luz
47:31todo pulcro el con esos pelos hermosos y frondosos
47:38su cabellera platinada
47:40un aire místico
48:53Don Juan no don Juan don Juan
48:57Ah don Juan don Juan
49:13O sea que don guapa tenese a canton
49:18y los primeros chinos que llegaron al perú son de esta zona eso quiere decir que la comida acá es parecida a nuestro
49:25Eso dicen
49:28Yo solo quiero ver alicia ya ya no como sancia me viene que cobernos un aeropuerto vienta de pago
49:42Existe el puerto no existe no aguantan
50:20Neutronix todo bien no tienes que responder me
50:27todo bien por acá
50:30todo tranquilo todo suave alguna novedad
50:35ninguna novedad
50:38Funcionará valentino si esa máquina no desaparece antes de que don gilberto regresa desaparecerá
50:44Es que le puede un ataque o algo
50:50Espera tortolita
50:53Mejor vamos al patio y ahí les damos la sorpresa
51:00Que buena idea
51:04Vamos a entrar calladitos pobre don gil cuando se entere que su bodeguita le habrá casado
