• anteayer
‘Valle Salvaje’ capítulo 113 completo (10 de marzo)- Victoria no es capaz…
00:00The other night he asked me to be invited to the dinner that Father gave to Don Sebastián.
00:10He started yelling at me.
00:11Out of himself, like an energum.
00:13Demanding me to shut up and the poor boy was crying more when he heard him scream.
00:18And you, partner?
00:19We've been up all night without sleeping and since you gave birth to the only one who has slept in this house has been you.
00:23That's enough!
00:24I have a trip to lend and I don't have much time.
00:27Tomorrow I leave and return to the court.
00:29What's going to happen now?
00:31It's the same as you.
00:32You asked me for a favor.
00:34I, on the other hand, asked you for another.
00:36Let's do things as they should be.
00:38And tell me what exists between Don Leonardo and that spoiled young woman.
00:42Make sure that relationship between Don Leonardo and that barbarian ends.
00:46On the other hand, I give you my word that I will personally take care of your matter.
00:51You are a despicable and abject being who only enjoys provoking others' evil.
00:55I don't know if I should pity you or keep looking at your beards.
00:58Crazy for a woman.
01:07The morning rose in a wild valley with a threatening sky,
01:10of a gray mist that foreshadowed more than a simple storm of rain.
01:17There was a dense air, a tense silence that did not get used in that place,
01:21as if nature itself contained the breath before the imminence of a transcendental event.
01:29No one seemed to be at peace.
01:31The rumors multiplied, the walls seemed to have ears,
01:35and even the singing of the birds had become harsh and restless.
01:41A cutting wind swept the field and shook the branches of the trees,
01:45creating a sinister murmur that resembled the painful lament of a soul in pain.
01:52In the midst of that atmosphere full of omens,
01:55Victoria walked with wavering steps.
02:00Her eyes reflected an internal conflict that had been brewing in her soul for days,
02:05perhaps weeks, a whirlwind of fury, pain and remorse.
02:12In her trembling hand she held a small pistol,
02:15a weapon so old that it seemed inherited from some distant war.
02:19A part of her did not want to wield it.
02:22The other, prey to an uncontrollable emotion,
02:25clung to it with the determination that is acquired when it is believed that there is no going back.
02:33Her lips, tightened with force, would not speak a word.
02:37Silence was her companion,
02:39and every step she took brought her closer to the fate she feared so much.
02:43Meanwhile, in the cabin on the other side of the stream,
02:46Pedrito was sitting on a wooden bench full of moisture.
02:53Even with his innocence, the boy felt something strange.
02:57He knew, or rather, he felt that that morning was going to change his fate.
03:05Since he had arrived in Valle Salvaje,
03:08his life had been a constant vibration,
03:11his life had been a constant vibration of threats and anguish,
03:14but he never imagined that his days could be counted.
03:20He wore worn out and dusty clothes,
03:23with his hair stirred by the wind,
03:25and his eyes reflected a fear and an indescribable hope at the same time.
03:31The question that resonated in his mind without daring to speak
03:35was the same that had been drilling the heart of Victoria.
03:38Would someone come to stop what was about to happen?
03:44Victoria stopped for a moment when she saw the boy in the distance.
03:47A drop of cold sweat rolled down her forehead and slipped to her cheek.
03:55She remembered herself as an implacable woman,
03:58in another firm and determined time,
04:00capable of executing any plan without blinking.
04:04However, there was something in that frightened little face that disarmed her.
04:08Could she really take a child's life?
04:11Could she stain his hands with Pedrito's blood,
04:14sealing his fate and his own forever?
04:17Millions of doubts assaulted her,
04:19and with each new stab of remorse,
04:21the beats of her heart were unleashed like wild horses.
04:28The previous hours had not been kind to her,
04:31she remembered in flashes the moment in which Gaspar,
04:34her own son, had rebelled against everything and against everyone.
04:40Gaspar, who used to idolize her as the strongest and most admirable mother figure,
04:45had suddenly become a young man full of rage,
04:48willing to accuse anyone who interposed in his designs.
04:54Victoria's loneliness increased in the disdainful gaze of her son,
04:58who, in an array of contempt,
05:00blamed her for every misfortune that happened in Valle Salvaje.
05:06Somehow, Pedrito's fate had become the climax of that spiral of violence that did not cease to grow.
05:16The scene that lit the match.
05:18The kiss between Matilde and Atanasio.
05:20At the other end of the main house,
05:22Gaspar had run into a young man,
05:24At the other end of the main house,
05:26Gaspar had run into a scene that left him speechless.
05:33As he spied from the corner of a window,
05:35he witnessed a kiss as passionate as stealthy between Matilde and Atanasio.
05:43That vision shook him completely,
05:45because Gaspar was used to believing that he understood the secrets of the family better than anyone else.
05:52However, to see Matilde,
05:54the woman who for some time awoke in him confused feelings,
05:58surrender without repairs to the arms of Atanasio was a blow that filled him with jealousy and indignation.
06:06Blind with fury, he came out shot without thinking about the consequences,
06:10with his heart broken and his mind burning with vengeful thoughts.
06:17It was then that, between the corridors and the kitchen,
06:20Gaspar attacked Luisa and the baby she was carrying in her arms.
06:27The child, oblivious to the conflicts of adults,
06:30broke into tears, terrified by the screams and demands of that uncontrolled young man.
06:38Luisa tried to calm him down,
06:40to hold him tight against his chest to protect him,
06:43while Gaspar's words vomited an inexplicable hatred.
06:48Each insult stuck to the woman like a burning arrow,
06:52but she endured the clashes with the same dignity with which she had faced life,
06:57remembering that her baby was innocent of all the sins that surrounded her.
07:04In the midst of that chaos, Alejo appeared like a whirlwind.
07:08He, who was already fed up with the lies and lies of Gaspar,
07:12could not tolerate one more outrage and swung on the boy.
07:18The blow resounded in the air.
07:20Gaspar fell to the ground stunned,
07:22and for a second it seemed that the entire enclosure remained silent,
07:26holding his breath to see what happened next.
07:32That altercation was the breaking point.
07:35Gaspar could no longer back down.
07:37His resentments towards everyone,
07:39his mother, Luisa, Matilde, and now Alejo,
07:43were mixed in an emotional storm that propelled him to make hasty decisions.
07:50Sebastián, Leonardo and Bárbara.
07:53A secret that sets fire to the future.
07:55While tensions were boiling in the core of the family,
07:58Don Sebastián, who had learned to move cautiously in the world of nobility and appearances,
08:04was striving to unravel what was happening between Leonardo and Bárbara.
08:09Sebastián suspected that this relationship was not only an obstacle to the plans of the Marquis's family,
08:16but that it could also reveal too dangerous secrets.
08:22Mercedes, always yearning to regain Bernardo's noble title,
08:27became the perfect ally for Sebastián.
08:30He would serve as an eye and ear in Valle Salvaje,
08:33watching every movement, every whisper, every brief touch of complicity between the young.
08:41Instead, he promised to tend the threads of the necessary influence
08:45to restore that title that Mercedes so longed for.
08:51The departure of Sebastián de Valle Salvaje, so sudden and wrapped in unknowns,
08:56left Leonardo and Bárbara immersed in uncertainty.
09:01What did he mean by leaving like this, without further explanation?
09:06Did his silence mean a veiled threat?
09:09A way to pressure lovers to act in clandestinity under their own rules?
09:14Both young men, although trapped in the candidity of their love,
09:18felt the dark shadow of an uncertain future.
09:24The only certainty was that Leonardo would have to remain there until new order,
09:29watching the ground, trying to follow the indications that his family imposed on him,
09:34and at the same time, defending with nails and teeth the love he felt for Bárbara.
09:42Without anyone knowing it all, that web of power, ambition and family entanglements
09:48was intertwined with another darker one, that of Victoria and Pedrito.
09:53Its resolution, or its tragic outcome,
09:57could shake the foundations of Valle Salvaje to make them tremble like never before.
10:04Adriana and Rafael's encrucijada.
10:07Far from the intrigues of the family of the Marquis,
10:10but no less affected by the flood of passions that crossed the region,
10:14Adriana and Rafael faced their own personal abyss.
10:18The love that they once believed to be unbreakable
10:21had crumbled under the weight of the hurtful words and reproaches,
10:25of the prolonged silences that devoured any opportunity for understanding.
10:32So many shared memories, so many promises pronounced in the light of the candles,
10:37now they seemed like ghosts that tormented them and that interposed in every conversation.
10:43Adriana, increasingly overwhelmed by tension and emotional wear and tear,
10:48understood that to continue with that relationship was to lengthen a suffering that would only make her grow.
10:56Rafael, on the other hand, fought against a contained rage,
11:00because deep down he refused to accept that his love story was doomed.
11:07However, the discussions became an endless spiral.
11:11Each attempt at reconciliation ended in a more bitter reproach than the previous one.
11:18It was on a stormy sunset when Adriana put together the courage to express
11:22what her heart was screaming in silence.
11:25It was time to make a drastic decision.
11:30With the sky painted with red and bloody oranges,
11:33and a furious wind that shook the dust of the road,
11:36she stood firm before Rafael.
11:42His eyes, before full of sweetness, now shone with a firmness that he had never seen before.
11:51Between tears and broken pleas, she made him know that their shared story was coming to an end.
11:59There was no hate in his words, but an infinite fatigue and the certainty that continuing together would destroy them both.
12:07Rafael, at first, could not assimilate that statement.
12:12He tried to hold on to the good times, to the promises of a future together,
12:17but Adriana's trembling voice rose, breaking any hope of reconciliation.
12:24It was then that he understood that, sometimes, loving also meant letting go.
12:29Adriana's words did not admit reply, and while she was moving away,
12:33her figure was cut short in the immensity of that landscape marked by tragedy.
12:41This decision would change his life and Rafael's forever,
12:45although neither of them could predict which path each would take when they were finally separated.
12:53The decisive confrontation.
12:56The decisive confrontation.
12:58The weapon in Victoria's hand.
13:00Back to the place where Victoria and Pedrito were about to meet face to face.
13:05The tension reached unbearable levels.
13:10Every wild valley seemed infected by the atmosphere of gossip emanating from that possible tragedy.
13:16The people of the village, in their daily work, looked at each other without daring to ask what was going on,
13:22but with the clear intuition that something terrible was about to unfold.
13:29Even the horses in the stables seemed restless,
13:33whinnying for no apparent reason, kicking the ground as if they perceived the smell of danger in the air.
13:39Victoria advanced at a firm pace, but each step felt like an internal struggle.
13:44Her fingers clasped to the stocking of the gun began to numb.
13:51A diffuse memory flowed through her mind.
13:54The first time she held Gaspar as a baby.
13:57The warmth she felt in her chest.
13:59The love she believed to be unbreakable.
14:02Now, with the gun in her hand, she wondered how she had gotten there.
14:06At what moment her heart had hardened so much as to contemplate the death of a child
14:11that had nothing to do with her grudges or her family struggles.
14:18Pedrito, feeling the weight of a look on his neck, turned slowly.
14:23When he saw Victoria, his eyes opened wide.
14:27He felt his soul shrink in his chest, but he did not scream.
14:31The figure of the woman, with the clothes shaken by the wind and the gun pointing in her direction,
14:36was the personification of a fatality that had been chasing him since he arrived at that place.
14:46The first time he saw Victoria, his eyes opened wide.
14:50He felt his soul shrink in his chest, but he did not scream.
14:55He wanted to speak, to beg, but the words pierced his throat.
15:01At that precise moment, a lightning struck the sky, illuminating the scene with a blinding flash.
15:10The thunderbolt exploded over his head, reverberating in the valley with such force that it seemed the roar of a giant.
15:18It was as if that natural phenomenon had been sent by destiny
15:22to accompany the terrible decision that Victoria was about to make.
15:29For a second, time seemed to stop.
15:32The rain began to fall hard, soaking the earth and mixing with the tears that,
15:38without Victoria noticing, slipped down her face.
15:41Pedrito raised his hands in a gesture of supplication.
15:44His trembling lips articulated a, please, barely audible.
15:51And in the look of the woman there was a breakdown.
15:54The determination that he had rehearsed so much cracked like a porcelain mask.
16:01He squeezed his teeth and raised the gun with both hands,
16:04feeling that each fiber of his being screamed at him.
16:07The thunderbolt of the rain and the beats of his heart deafened her,
16:11leaving her in a limbo of confusion.
16:16He thought of Gaspar, he thought of his own soul, he thought of the child in front of him.
16:21How to live with the guilt of staining his hands with innocent blood.
16:28He saw that he was not alone, that he was not alone.
16:31How to live with the guilt of staining his hands with innocent blood.
16:37Victoria murmured a voice that emerged from the thicket.
16:40The woman stood out, turning her head.
16:46Her eyes met a silhouette between the curtain of water.
16:49He could not distinguish exactly who it was.
16:52He only saw a tall man, who was advancing on the mud.
16:57Was it Alejo? Gaspar? Someone else? I did not know.
17:02Victoria's heart was about to explode,
17:05and the uncertainty of that intervention made her stumble.
17:11Pedrito, surprised, took the opportunity to retreat a few meters and take refuge behind a rock.
17:20The unknown voice screamed again, this time with more urgency,
17:24ordering Victoria to stop.
17:29But the adrenaline that circulated through his veins prevented him from thinking clearly.
17:34He felt the drops of cold rain on his face,
17:37and despair pushed her to turn her attention to the child.
17:43The finger on the trigger began to exert pressure.
17:46The final moment. Everything happened in a blink.
17:50A shot broke the atmosphere, resounding in the valley like the explosion of a cannon.
17:57The birds in the trees raised the flight, terrified, and Pedrito screamed drowned.
18:05However, the thunder seemed to have dispersed without a clear direction.
18:10For a second eternal, no one knew what had really happened.
18:15The echo of the shot mixed with the roar of the storm,
18:19and then a new flash lit up the scene,
18:22revealing Victoria's smoking gun, pointing to the ground,
18:26and her trembling body, bathed in tears.
18:32In a burst of humanity, at the last second,
18:35Victoria had deflected the gun to one side.
18:38The bullet entered the ground, splashing mud and water.
18:42A chill shook her spine,
18:45and suddenly, she felt the force leave her body.
18:51She fell on her knees, soaked in the rain,
18:54with her breathing shaken and her forehead stuck to the mud,
18:57broken by the weight of guilt and relief.
19:02She had not been able to commit the atrocious act she had committed,
19:06however, she was not sure what would be her fate after that.
19:12In the distance, the figure that had shouted her name rushed to her,
19:16slipping in the mud.
19:21She came close enough to snatch the gun from her hands
19:24and check that the child was safe.
19:29Pedrito, trembling, looked at Victoria,
19:33Pedrito, trembling, looked at the head behind the rock.
19:37Although alive, his gaze reflected a terror that would accompany him for a long time.
19:44Whoever that man was,
19:46he had come at the last possible moment to avoid the tragedy.
19:52Or perhaps it had not been his intervention,
19:55but Victoria's conscience, which saved Pedrito's life.
20:03While the storm continued to hit the valley,
20:06the news of the shooting and the possible frustrated murder ran like the dust.
20:13In the kitchens, the servants asked in a low voice
20:16what would have happened to that woman who seemed so willing to get her hands dirty with blood.
20:24Others, more at risk, ran to warn the family bosses,
20:28hoping that someone would put an end to a chaos that had been feeding on resentment for too long.
20:37Gaspar, on the other hand, learned of the incident almost immediately.
20:41His reaction was confused.
20:43A part of him felt relieved that Pedrito had not been murdered.
20:47But another angry part propelled him to recriminate his mother for her lack of courage
20:51to consume what perhaps he considered necessary.
20:55The contradictions and insecurities consumed Gaspar's mind,
20:59filling him with more anger and resentment.
21:04Alejo and Luisa, after the fight with Gaspar,
21:07tried to find refuge in one of the mansions that the Marquis owned on the outskirts.
21:14There, the baby was resting without crying,
21:17as if an invisible force had snatched his tears
21:20and left only the silence that accompanies great tragedies.
21:26Luisa kept wondering what future that little one would have,
21:29surrounded by such a hostile environment.
21:35And Alejo, with his fist still sore from the blow given to Gaspar,
21:39wondered if it was possible to mend so much hatred with a single action of courage.
21:43As for Sebastián, although he had physically left the valley,
21:47he had not left the hearts and minds of those around him.
21:54Mercedes kept her promise,
21:57watched every detail, every conversation,
22:00and hurried to write messages that she sent with a letter of confidence.
22:04Every step of Leonardo and Bárbara was reported with the precision of a consumed spy,
22:09but she could not help but feel restless.
22:14The situation in Valle Salvaje seemed much more explosive than Sebastián anticipated.
22:22If the events continued to escalate,
22:25not even the Marquis would be able to stop them.
22:29If the events continued to escalate,
22:32not even all the power of the Marquis' family
22:35could contain the wave of violence and secrets that threatened to swallow them all.
22:43Adriana and Rafael. Separate paths.
22:46Among so much drama, the rumors of the definitive breakup between Adriana and Rafael
22:50also spread rapidly.
22:53Some criticized Adriana for her decision,
22:56claiming that she had not known how to be patient,
22:59others praised her,
23:01claiming that her courage pushed her to get rid of a worn-out relationship.
23:08The truth is that that separation had become a new topic of conversation in the town,
23:13feeding the rumors and briefly distracting the people of the incident with Victoria and Pedrito.
23:24Adriana, with a broken heart,
23:26embarked on a journey that took her away from the valley,
23:29waiting to find a place in the distance to recover and heal.
23:36Rafael, submerged in bitterness,
23:38chose to lock himself in one of the least crowded canteens in the town,
23:42drinking to anesthetize the pain that ran through his veins.
23:48No one could predict if their paths would ever cross again,
23:52or if that goodbye was the definitive farewell.
23:58The only thing that was clear was that, in Valle Salvaje,
24:01each one faced their demons in their own way,
24:03and not everyone would come out victorious from that internal battle.
24:09The next day. Unanswered questions.
24:12With dawn, the storm came, leaving a desolate landscape.
24:16Large puddles everywhere, trees knocked down by the wind
24:19and an icy air that choked the bones.
24:25Victoria, after the failed attempt to kill Pedrito,
24:28lay down in the large living room of the house.
24:34She could not get her mind off the image of the gun, the thunder, the child begging.
24:42As much as she tried to justify herself,
24:44convince herself that she had to obey orders and protect her loved ones,
24:48the guilt did not stop eating her.
24:53She wondered if Gaspar would forgive her for her weakness,
24:56or if he himself would hate her from then on.
25:02In a corner of the same living room, Gaspar,
25:04with his head bowed due to his confrontation with Alejo,
25:08avoided crossing his gaze with his mother.
25:11A halo of resentment and disappointment enveloped him,
25:15although in the depths of his being he debated between anger and a slight relief.
25:22For a moment, when he remembered Pedrito's eyes,
25:25he felt a prick of humanity that forced him to swallow saliva with bitterness.
25:32Perhaps he would never admit it out loud,
25:34but part of him thanked that the child was still alive.
25:41Did that mean a change in the fate of all of them?
25:44Matilde and Atanasio, after the revelation of their passionate kiss,
25:48found themselves in the disjunctive of remaining hidden
25:51or facing the social condemnation of a forbidden love in those conservative circles.
25:59The fear of the reaction of the family was as great as the desire that united them.
26:03However, Matilde, who had lived too many years in the shadow of the secrets of others,
26:08began to convince herself that only by being sincere with what she felt,
26:12although this entailed sacrificing the acceptance of some,
26:15she would find the happiness so longed for.
26:20Leonardo and Barbara, on the other hand,
26:23faced the new stage with uncertainty without the presence of Sebastián.
26:29They knew that, in one way or another, they were being watched.
26:34Mercedes' gazes weighed on them like a subtle threat.
26:41On the eve, in a stealthy encounter, they merged into a silent hug,
26:45trying to silence the fear that harassed them.
26:51While they were together, they felt that they could do anything.
26:54But as soon as each one returned to their obligations,
26:57reality fell on them like a funeral bed,
27:00reminding them that their relationship was a challenge to the will of the Marquis,
27:04and therefore to a much greater power than they could oppose with simple impulses of love.
27:12Thus, Valle Salvaje awoke more convulsed than ever,
27:15with many broken hearts, several secrets on the verge of revelation
27:19and an innocent child who had been saved by an act of compassion in the last second.
27:25Fate, capricious as always, had not said its last word.
27:30As the clouds dissipated little by little, letting weak rays of sun pass by,
27:35each character plunged into reflections, fears and desperate plans.
27:42No one could assure what surprises were coming.
27:45Would Mercedes keep her promise without hesitation and betray his for a noble title?
27:52Would she manage to quench the fury that consumed him
27:55or would she let herself be dragged down a path of violence and revenge?
27:58Could Adriana and Rafael heal their wounds in the distance?
28:02Or were they destined for a reunion just as stormy as their breakup?
28:06Would the love between Leonardo and Bárbara survive the palatial intrigues and Sebastian's plans?
28:14On the horizon, the sunlight filtered timidly,
28:18illuminating the mud and the footprints left by the storm.
28:24The people of the town were preparing for a new day,
28:27patching roofs, drying clothes, opening shops
28:31with the hope of selling enough to survive.
28:36However, a murmur ran through the streets of Tierra.
28:40Did you hear about the shooting?
28:42Do you know that Pedrito is still alive?
28:44Did you see Victoria crying?
28:47And so, every corner of Valle Salvaje was filled with stories
28:50that tried to explain that unfinished drama,
28:53urged to unravel who was really the villain and who the victim.
29:00And in the meantime, in the loneliness of the darkest rooms,
29:04many wondered if the true enemy was none other than the very darkness
29:08that nests in every heart when hatred, revenge and fear take control.
29:15Only time would tell if Valle Salvaje, with his secrets and passions,
29:19would be able to find a new balance or would be dragged to ruin.
29:26For the moment, life went on,
29:28with Pedrito breathing the fresh air of the morning,
29:31silently thanking that Victoria would not have been able to pull the trigger,
29:35at least not this time.
29:40And so, the future hung by a thread,
29:42while each of the protagonists debated between guilt and hope.
29:46Unable to guess whether the next storm would be of rain or not,
29:50it would surely be much more devastating than the previous one.
