👉 La Corte Suprema de Justicia de Argentina ha rechazado por unanimidad la solicitud de licencia del juez federal Ariel Lijo, impidiéndole asumir como ministro de la Corte. La decisión, liderada por el presidente Horacio Rosatti y apoyada por los jueces Carlos Rosenkrantz y Manuel García-Mansilla, subraya la independencia judicial al no alinearse con las expectativas del gobierno de Javier Milei. Este fallo destaca que Lijo no puede ocupar simultáneamente su cargo actual en Comodoro Pi y el nuevo puesto en la Corte. A pesar del revés, Lijo ha declarado que no renunciará y esperará el debate en el Senado sobre su pliego.
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00:00The Supreme Court unanimously rejected Nacho's request for a license.
00:05This, which Kariel Lijo produces at the moment, cannot assume as Minister of the Court.
00:11And this is also a clear message to President Javier Milei.
00:16Epa, epa. Who failed in this case?
00:19The President of the Court, Horacio Rosati, and his Vice President, Carlos Rosincrat, failed in this case.
00:26And, believe it or not, the renowned Minister of the Court, Manuel García Mancilla.
00:32Excuse me, excuse me. What a gesture of independence from the recently appointed Javier Milei.
00:38I mean, excuse me, I don't want to meddle in your business,
00:41but if there was any doubt about how García Mancilla was going to act in the court,
00:47if he was going to be aligned with the Casa Rosada,
00:50with this, García Mancilla takes off from what the Casa Rosada wanted and says,
00:54No, no, for me he doesn't have to assume like that.
00:56I'm going to tell you something.
00:58Very well, García Mancilla, not because he is in favor against Lijo, but because he showed independence.
01:02Something that circulated today in the courthouses of the Court.
01:05The discussion, which was brief for what is usually an agreement of the Supreme Court,
01:11was clearly legal.
01:14Some said, Nacho, that yesterday the vote was 2 to 2.
01:18And that this was going to delay the decision.
01:21However, today in the court they assured me that that 2 to 2 never existed.
01:26There were always three voices in favor of this decision.
01:31Of the unconstitutionality of granting that special license to Ariel Lijo.
01:37Let's see, we have the document, Lucia, because I know you got everything.
01:41That's why I dare to tell you.
01:42We have the document, right?
01:44We have the document that also...
01:45Look, it's even underlined.
01:48If you want, I can tell you later.
01:50It was in an office for many hours.
01:53In a particular office.
01:55What did the court say in the first term?
01:58That what Ariel Lijo asked for was not an ordinary license,
02:01but that it did not fit into any of those ordinary regimes,
02:06and that it was therefore an extraordinary license.
02:10And that in that case, it only corresponded to this court to grant it.
02:16And to the chamber that lacks the attribution to grant it.
02:20Ears up for Comodoro Pi, Nacho.
02:23Ears up for the cameramen who had accepted that license expressly.
02:29Well, two things.
02:31In Comodoro Pi, this decision was not expected.
02:34And much less that the court dedicates at least four paragraphs
02:39to remind the Federal Court Chamber
02:42that the only one that can grant these licenses is the Supreme Court.
02:47But let's get into what they said about Ariel Lijo's request.
02:51Let's move on with this resolution.
02:53What does it say?
02:54It is constitutionally inadmissible for the same person
02:58to attempt to simultaneously invest in the double condition of a judge of agreement,
03:04that is, as a member of the court...
03:06Of the Senate, with agreement of the Senate, as a federal judge.
03:11And a judge appointed in commission.
03:13That is, what they pointed out to Judge Lijo is,
03:17at the moment that you accepted to be a judge in commission,
03:20it is understood that he also admits to renouncing his previous position,
03:26which is of lower hierarchy.
03:28We have a few more paragraphs about this resolution.
03:32In this section, what they propose is that the appointment of a judge in commission,
03:37regardless of the fact that he is subject to be discussed later in the Senate,
03:42cannot coexist with the idea of being the head of another position.
03:47Good, perfect.
03:48What is it that distinguishes a head judge from a subrogate judge or in commission?
03:52It can't be both.
03:53Let's see, Lijo said,
03:55I have no problem with you assuming in commission,
03:57but the point is that you are a judge,
03:59and until you stop being a judge, you cannot assume.
04:03A mistake that was legal, very specific,
04:08that what Judge Ariel Lijo said,
04:10that in these conditions there is no way to be able to swear as a minister of the court,
04:17if he is going to continue retaining his position in Comodoro Pi.
04:20Now, you will ask yourself, what will Ariel Lijo think at this time?
04:25Of course, what is Lijo thinking, what is Lijo going to do?
04:28Because the government says, we don't have plan B,
04:30we are not thinking of removing Lijo from office.
04:32What is Lijo going to do, Oralú?
04:34Ariel Lijo, an hour after the failure of the Supreme Court of Justice.
04:39This is Lijo, for people who don't know him, this is Ariel Lijo.
04:42Federal judge, a man with a lot of weight in Comodoro Pi.
04:46Powerful, powerful.
04:48That is the word that describes him.
04:50He became federal judge by a decree signed by Néstor Kirchner,
04:54let's remember, more than 20 years.
04:56Ariel Lijo assured that he is not going to give up in any aspect.
05:02I don't give up, I'm not crazy, said Ariel Lijo.
05:05And what is going to wait now, Nacho, is for the Senate to debate his plea.
05:12I don't give up, I'm not crazy, very strong.
05:14Look, he said this to the environment.
05:15He said this today to his immediate environment,
05:18at the time of the failure of the Supreme Court of Justice.
05:23The fate of Ariel Lijo is not only in the hands of the Senate.
05:26Specifically, it is in the hands of Kirchnerism.
05:30Because it requires 48 votes, a special majority,
05:34which can only be guaranteed by the government of advanced freedom, Kirchnerism.
05:40Until now, and until that discussion reaches the Senate,
05:44Ariel Lijo continues to act as judge of Comodoro Pi.
05:49Well, perfect.
05:50Lucia Salinas with the best information,
05:52the exclusive resolution of the court's failure
05:55against the aspiration of Judge Lijo to assume in commission.