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00:00Well, now, a war has broken out, we brought the Minister of Defense, it won't be so much, but there is a political battle today, strong, yesterday I was sitting, Luis Petri, welcome, thank you for coming, yesterday I was sitting here, Patricia Bullrich, and we talked extensively about security policies, the province of Buenos Aires and what was missing, Bullrich said that the governor had to ask the nation for a unified command.
00:29This morning, however, President Milley was tough, you can't work with someone who thinks about security from another point of view, ideologized, therefore, if you can't solve it, get out of here, and let us intervene in the province of Buenos Aires, of course, Kirchnerism reacted as we all know, let's see, what are we facing, Luis?
00:52First of all, Kicillof is lying, his press conference talks about intervention in the province of Buenos Aires, the president didn't talk about intervention in the province of Buenos Aires, what the president said was, let him resign, let him leave, he has to resign, because we are in the antipodes of thinking when it comes to fighting organized crime, insecurity, violence and crime.
01:20While Kicillof defends the criminals, protects them, justifies them, they say they are victims of an unequal society, therefore, we have to protect them, we fight them, we chase them, we defend the victims.
01:41But I'll tell you more, he said he was going to instigate the prosecutor, and I don't know who else, to make a criminal complaint, but I invite Kicillof, since he didn't read the minority law, and now I'm going to explain to you why, at least read the constitution, read the constitution, it will be good for him, and it will be good for the bonaerenses, that the governor knows about the constitution.
02:09Why am I telling you this? Because beyond the fact that the president didn't ask for the intervention, he asked for the resignation, let him leave, but regardless of this, regardless of this, what is the power of the congress to order the intervention, and in recess of the congress, what is the power of the executive power to do it?
02:29So, what criminal complaint are you talking about? If the congress of the nation, and the president eventually also has the power to do it, he didn't do it, but he has the constitutional power to do it, and if he wanted to do it, he would have done it, but what he wanted to do is to ask for the resignation, and he did what he did.
02:46And do you know why I tell you that he doesn't read the constitution, and he doesn't read the juvenile minority law? Because today, released from prison, he said that the murderer of Kim has full criminal responsibility. I ask him to read the law that refuses to reform.
03:08The 17-year-old law.
03:09Exactly. I ask him to read carefully the law that he and all his deputies systematically refuse to reform in the congress to lower the age of impunity to 13 years. Do you know what that law says?
03:23It says that all minors under 16 years of age are unimpeachable, but minors between 16 and 18 years of age, which would be the case of the murderer of Kim, the judge can eventually reduce the sentence to the crime of attempted murder, or even exempt him from the sentence.
03:43He can.
03:44He can. What do I mean by this? If the judge who is going to intervene, or the court that is going to intervene when judging this criminal, thinks in the same way that Zaffaroni, or thinks in the same way that the prosecutor Cladera, the prosecutor who released this criminal a month ago, can get him to be exempted from the sentence.
04:06That's why it has to be treated, that's why it has to be treated in the juvenile criminal responsibility regime, and lower the age of impunity to 13 years. Do you know why?
04:13Let's go.
04:14Because there they understand the criminality of the fact. He justifies it. And I tell you more.
04:17But forgive me, Luis. Let's go, let's go, breaking it down step by step, because what you are proposing is very interesting and rich.
04:23First, can you tell me what my law said? Come on, let's go over it. What did my law say?
04:31If you are interested in the well-being of the Bonaderenses, get out of the way. This is, give up and let us intervene in the province. There are two things, Luis.
04:40Of course. But he doesn't have to ask for permission here. I mean, if the president's intention had been to order the intervention, he orders it because he has the power to do so, and more at this time.
04:51Under what argument? Because Kirchnerism says, this is anti-democratic, it is an autocrat, it wants to violate popular sovereignty.
05:01The president does not claim the intervention. What the president asks for is the resignation. Why? Because he says it at the beginning of the tweet.
05:08The province of Buenos Aires is a bloodbath, and it is a bloodbath because there is a failed state.
05:14Is that internal commotion?
05:16No, no, I want to tell you something. Look, look, Pablo, look if they are not the cause of the situation that the Bonaderenses are living today.
05:25Where they live homicide after homicide, with destroyed families, with parents crying, with children. I mean, a tragedy that is happening every day.
05:36It's a bloodbath.
05:37Kicillof, in the year 2019, candidate for governor of the province of Buenos Aires, justified and defended drug trafficking because it was a work exit, he said.
05:49It's a work exit, drug trafficking.
05:51We passed that plaque a while ago.
05:53And you know what he said? There is no problem. Look if there is no problem in drug trafficking.
05:58And who has the power to judge, to condemn the province of Buenos Aires?
06:05But I tell you more, they took over the government.
06:08December 15, the Provincial Commission of Memory met to discuss the release of 15,000 prisoners in the province of Buenos Aires.
06:19Because he said, they are housed.
06:21Then came the pandemic, they released 4,500.
06:23Look what happened.
06:25Frederick, Minister of National Security, what is the first measure he takes?
06:31Eliminate the protocol for the use of non-lethal weapons?
06:35But the other measure was the elimination of the Secretariat of Struggle Against Drug Trafficking.
06:41I remember perfectly.
06:42I give you another piece of information.
06:44The gendarmes denied Perotti in the province of Santa Fe.
06:49Perotti said that it was of the same political sign.
06:52Do not abandon us.
06:53And they did not give them the gendarmes.
06:55And the fruit of the dessert were the statements of Anibal Fernandez.
06:58A whole message for drug trafficking in Argentina.
07:01They won us the battle.
07:02Yes, I remember.
07:03They won us the battle.
07:04I remember.
07:05From there we started the fight with President Millet and Patricia Bullrich against drug traffickers.
07:09And look if it is not giving results.
07:1170% less homicides in Rosario.
07:1470% more seizures.
07:17Then notice that in 2020, around 2,700 kilos were seized.
07:23In 2024, 11,800 kilos were seized.
07:28Patricia Bullrich said it in a tweet.
07:31And the Secretariat of Struggle Against Drug Trafficking said it.
07:33Put what Kicillof said.
07:35We underline this.
07:37Millet is the main responsible for drug trafficking.
07:41He said in the conference.
07:43And we looked at each other.
07:46Are you serious?
07:48He lies.
07:49He is a deserter.
07:50In a failed state.
07:52Who does not take care of the problems of the Bonaerenses.
07:54The responsibility we have is that we are fighting body to body against drug trafficking.
08:00Body to body against drug trafficking in Rosario.
08:02And with a governor who let himself be helped.
08:05With Maximiliano Pujar.
08:07We have lowered 70% of the homicides.
08:09And we have released the Rosarinos.
08:11Where there are provincial security forces.
08:13National security forces.
08:15And there are also the armed forces.
08:17There are also the armed forces.
08:18We went to Plan Güemes.
08:22Patricia Bullrich is in Salta.
08:23And the armed forces are going to go to the borders.
08:26I mean, to guard the borders together with the security forces.
08:29But the problem is in drug trafficking.
08:32That Kicillof defended and promoted.
08:36We asked Bullrich yesterday.
08:38What should happen for what happened in Santa Fe to happen?
08:41They should ask us to go and make a joint command.
08:45But not in this way.
08:46Not in this way.
08:47Not as the governor of the province of Buenos Aires is doing.
08:51Not with a governor who does not believe in the security policies that are implemented at the national level.
08:55Of course.
08:56This is what my law, the national government, the president.
09:00It was different.
09:02Today he said, that joint command or that joint task, we can not do it with those who do not conceive the security problem as we do.
09:10But of course.
09:11Let's see.
09:12If they vote, for example, the low imputability.
09:16Look at Kicillof.
09:18He says, the problems are national.
09:22And Reitrancia?
09:24Reitrancia has a national side.
09:26They voted against.
09:27They voted against.
09:28But in the provincial crimes, in the ordinary crimes, you have to modify the procedural code of the province of Buenos Aires.
09:34It is not the federal procedural code.
09:36It is in the province of Buenos Aires that Reitrancia needs to be voted.
09:39For what?
09:41For what?
09:42So that the rotating door is closed completely.
09:46Because you have a lot of processed criminals who are not convicted.
09:50Therefore, it is not a re-incident.
09:52It has many entrances and exits.
09:55He enters on a Saturday and leaves at two o'clock.
09:58Yesterday, one of the victims of the crime said that when he went to report a crime to the police station,
10:04it took him longer to make the complaint than to release the criminal.
10:08I say, that is the tragedy in Argentina.
10:10That is the tragedy that is experienced in the province of Buenos Aires.
10:13A victim who spends more time in the police station in the province of Buenos Aires than the criminal,
10:19who is released immediately.
10:21So that they do not release him immediately, Reitrancia has to be voted in the province of Buenos Aires.
10:26And that is not national responsibility.
10:28That depends on X and Y.
10:30Let's go back to the president's words.
10:32They told him to be a hitman.
10:34To ask a governor elected by the citizens to resign is to be a hitman.
10:39What we are telling him is that there is no possible solution if they continue to apply the same policies of insecurity.
10:46If there is still disloyalty.
10:48If there is still protection for the criminal.
10:50The other argument that was not present, or at least if it was, it happened to me,
10:55is that what happens in the province of Buenos Aires is that they took away the funds of 750 billion pesos.
11:02The nation.
11:03Look, a Kicillof that has cost us and will cost us to the Argentines 16 billion dollars
11:10for the brutal IPF expropriation trial.
11:14But a Kicillof that a few months ago said that he wanted to buy airlines and that they would transfer it to the state.
11:22A Kicillof that spends 170 billion in gender perspective policies.
11:31A governor of the province, Kicillof, who has programs like El Acemetullo,
11:39who has programs like Equality Masculinity,
11:43who has programs like beach set games where 2300 million pesos are spent.
11:50That governor clearly has the wrong priorities.
11:54Because those resources of the Bonaerenses should be in equipping the police,
12:00in giving them resources, not in those programs that clearly have nothing to do with the needs that the Bonaerenses have today.
12:07Where the main need of the Bonaerenses is to recover the security that they have lost.
12:11And there are no excuses. Do you know why I tell you that there are no excuses, Pablo?
12:14Because for 38 years, the last 38 years, 34, the PJ ruled.
12:20They have to take charge, Pablo.
12:22I have to ask you a question.
12:24I understand the reasons.
12:26I can share a lot.
12:28We have criticized Kicillof for a long time.
12:30We have had testimonies from ex-policemen here.
12:33I spoke with one yesterday and he told me,
12:36this is a shame because the police is also, thank God, and this does not work.
12:43They are afraid of firing the policemen of the province of Buenos Aires and Ponderó a Bullring.
12:48Now, the people, I listened to the people today.
12:51The people got tired, the people got fed up.
12:53And from there I also heard, do not throw the ball.
12:57Do something.
12:58Yesterday we had a march in La Plata.
13:02The day before yesterday.
13:03Today we had a march in Munro, recently.
13:05In Tortuguitas.
13:07Show me, show me Munro.
13:09This is now.
13:10In Munro there are the colleagues of the Bank of the Nation of Silvia,
13:16the 55-year-old woman who was murdered yesterday.
13:20She was executed on her back.
13:23Yesterday we spoke with Nicolás, his son.
13:25This is Munro.
13:29For the murder.
13:31This is the son.
13:32This is the son.
13:37With the murder of Kim, the little one.
13:40A mother, Luis, with a 12-year-old girl.
13:44The 12-year-old girl said, enough, please, enough.
13:48With my mother, we always stop at the same traffic light.
13:52Kim can happen to me.
13:54The mother looked at her.
13:57The nation, the national government.
13:59If Kicillof continues in this battle and does not ask for help,
14:03can he do something for the people of Buenos Aires?
14:05We are already doing it.
14:08Patricia Ulrich launched a week and a half ago the plan 90-10.
14:14This is to go to 10% of the territory where 90% of the homicides occur
14:22and where 70% of the population lives.
14:25This includes many municipalities of the conurbano bonaerense and the province of Buenos Aires.
14:32We are doing a lot for the province of Buenos Aires.
14:36The problem is that it is impossible to work together
14:40when we go in search of the criminal against organized crime
14:45and on the other side they defend them and open the door to the bars.
14:48In Rosario there are military forces working, contributing?
14:52Yes, of course, exactly.
14:54Because in Rosario a crisis committee was convened.
14:57That crisis committee asked that federal forces come
15:03and also that the armed forces support logistics.
15:07When we said we want to intervene in narcoterrorist situations,
15:14the Kirchneristas all raised their hands and said,
15:17we do not want the armed forces to intervene.
15:20When we took out the decree to enable us to go to the border,
15:23but it has enabled us for 70 years by a law that exists,
15:26what we did was regulate it.
15:28They put the cry in the sky,
15:30we are going to guard the borders together with the security forces.
15:35The first thing the Kirchneristas did was say no,
15:38that it was unconstitutional, that it was impossible.
15:41Is there any possibility that in the province of Buenos Aires
15:43something similar will be done as in Rosario?
15:45A crisis committee should be convened,
15:48they should request that federal forces intervene,
15:52they have not requested it,
15:54and the governor, instead of requesting it,
15:56and instead of humbly acknowledging that he has been wrong so far
16:00in the implementation of security policies,
16:02throws the ball and blames the national government.
16:05We are willing, and the president has said it,
16:08we are willing to accompany everyone,
16:11but everyone who lets themselves be helped.
16:13Clearly Kicillof does not let himself be helped.
16:15With the Anti-Mafia Law we could dismantle
16:18all kinds of criminal organizations in the province of Buenos Aires,
16:21Bullrich told me.
16:22Well, without a doubt.
16:23But Kirchnerism voted against the Anti-Mafia Law.
16:26It voted against the Anti-Mafia Law,
16:27it voted against the absence of trial,
16:29it voted against reiteration,
16:31it is opposed to lowering the age of imputability.
16:33It opposed the Penal Execution Law
16:37to prohibit that violent criminals,
16:39that murderers, that rapists,
16:41fulfill the entirety of the sentence in prisons.
16:44They wanted them...
16:45And why is this?
16:46And why is this?
16:47Why is the opposition to this kind of rules?
16:50Why is the opposition to this kind of rules?
16:51Because they defend the criminals,
16:53because they believe and are convinced
16:55that they are victims of society,
16:57that ultimately they have to be moored
17:00and they have to be atoned for.
17:01Zaffaroni said, who is the mentor,
17:04the guru from the criminal point of view
17:07of this whole Kirchnerist group,
17:09he said that when he read a file,
17:11he looked to see how it was made
17:13to get the criminal cheaper.
17:16Zaffaroni said this, who was a judge of the court.
17:19He felt something like a real success
17:22when the criminal avoided jail.
17:26Because they also disbelieve in the system
17:28of private sentences of freedom.
17:29They say, no, the private sentences,
17:31the sentences do not work.
17:33So you have to free the criminal as soon as possible
17:35because you have to re-socialize him
17:37and they end up committing outrageous crimes.
17:39This is what Zaffaroni said.
17:41And that's why they voted against this law.
17:43I say, in 2017, a law of my authorship.
17:45Look, I'll tell you two or three more things.
17:48We all know, we all know,
17:51that many of the crimes that are linked
17:54to organized crime
17:56are planned within the prisons.
18:00Ask Kicillof what he did
18:02if he complied with the national law
18:04that forces him to place signal inhibitors.
18:06Ask him what he did
18:08if he complied with the penitentiary intelligence.
18:10The penitentiary.
18:11It breaks everything down, Pablo.
18:12Because they don't care.
18:13Because they left their hands untied
18:15to the criminals,
18:17inside and outside the prison.
18:19This is going to escalate.
18:23I think that the citizens of the province of Buenos Aires
18:26are losing their fear at some point.
18:29They are already manifesting.
18:31Let's say, it is an electoral battle
18:36set up as such.
18:38The government, sorry,
18:41the Kirchnerism says,
18:43my law and the national government do this
18:45to erase the subject of the crypto-scam,
18:48erase Libra.
18:49The president is a swindler
18:51who now seeks to be an autocrat.
18:53They have called him an autocrat and a swindler.
18:55We have the collection of Kirchnerist tweets.
18:58But it's false.
19:00And the question of the script.
19:02There are no victims.
19:04There are investors who took risks,
19:06who won or lost.
19:07Many became millionaires.
19:08Others left without a dime.
19:10The president has nothing to do with it.
19:11He spread an investment
19:13so that in the end
19:15small and medium-sized companies
19:16could access the credit.
19:18That was his participation.
19:19It's not a smoke screen, then.
19:21Let's see, isn't it the other way around?
19:23The thief usually sees the others
19:25in the same condition.
19:26But I ask you,
19:28Kirchnerism, with this emphasis
19:30on the question of the script,
19:33aren't you trying to cover up
19:35these serious acts of insecurity
19:38that have as victims and protagonists
19:41families that are torn apart,
19:43bloodbaths in the province of Buenos Aires?
19:45Isn't it the other way around?
19:46They want to cover up the problem of insecurity
19:48with a question, I would even tell you, minor?
19:50We deal with both issues.
19:53Who are you seeing crying?
19:55Those images you have of citizens
19:59who go and claim for justice, for security,
20:01for families torn apart, destroyed,
20:03in different places.
20:04That's not politics.
20:06You are a lawyer.
20:07Can the criminal complaint against the president
20:09prosper because of this issue?
20:10Before answering me,
20:12at the closing of the conference,
20:14Kicillof said,
20:15we are going to file a criminal complaint against my law.
20:18I want to inform you
20:20that I instructed the government advisor
20:22to jointly with the State Attorney
20:24of our province
20:26to formulate a criminal complaint
20:28so that the possible commission
20:30of crimes against the constitutional order
20:33and the public powers of the province
20:35can be established.
20:37No, he's a donkey.
20:39I just told you.
20:40He has to read the constitution.
20:41There you have Diego Ernesto.
20:42You can ask him.
20:43He's a constitutionalist.
20:44Yes, he already told me.
20:46What the president said is,
20:48since you don't help,
20:50since you are part of the problem
20:52and you are not part of the solution,
20:54run and quit.
20:55But the president has the power
20:57to intervene in the province of Buenos Aires
20:59and the congress has it primarily,
21:01with which, I say,
21:02the faculty arises from the constitution.
21:04What the president did not want to say
21:06in those terms.
21:07He spoke of intervening politically.
21:09We want to intervene politically.
21:11We want to act with the security forces.
21:13You don't let us.
21:14You are making a translation
21:16that until now had not been done
21:18by the government.
21:20Intervention was interpreted.
21:21Do you know why?
21:22Because at some point...
21:23Intervene in security.
21:24Ah, well, it's another thing.
21:25Intervene politically.
21:26Let us intervene politically.
21:28Intervene in security.
21:29I say...
21:30Have you spoken to the president about this?
21:32I have not spoken on this issue.
21:34But you interpreted it like that.
21:35But of course.
21:36Because I know what the president thinks.
21:38What happens is that at some point,
21:39I think it was José Luis Esper,
21:40who is going to be a candidate
21:41in the province of Buenos Aires,
21:42he spoke of federal intervention.
21:44That's why the word intervention...
21:47In this context...
21:48I'll tell you something.
21:49I'll tell you something.
21:50If the president had wanted to intervene
21:52in the province of Buenos Aires,
21:53first, he can do it.
21:54And second,
21:55I would not ask Kicillof to resign.
21:57There are certain causes for...
21:59I explain.
22:00I would not ask him...
22:01He could have done it by decree.
22:03He could have done it by decree.
22:05But given the conditions...
22:06But what he does is ask for his resignation.
22:07So, if he had had the motivation
22:10and the decision to intervene in the province,
22:12he could have done it.
22:13He asked for his resignation.
22:14I say, what happens is that, again,
22:16they victimize themselves,
22:17they throw themselves to the floor,
22:18they don't take care of themselves,
22:19they throw the ball out,
22:20they blame the national government.
22:22However, look,
22:23I see there...
22:24Today, everyone went out in block,
22:26everyone with Kicillof,
22:27to support him.
22:28They left the interns behind.
22:30Máximo, Cristina...
22:32No, of course,
22:33you join them in fear for my law.
22:35Did you put together a plaque?
22:37You join them in fear?
22:38Look, I tell my producer.
22:41Now, I saw there,
22:43among the supports,
22:44some veiled criticism.
22:46For example,
22:47MASA is telling him,
22:49Kicillof promoted the prosecutor
22:52who set free
22:54the 17-year-old murdering criminal
22:57to a waitress.
22:59He promoted her as a waitress.
23:01MASA, behind the support
23:03and the criticism of my law
23:04and all the fuss,
23:06I'm going to instruct
23:07to ask the prosecutor
23:08for a political trial.
23:10Do you have to do that?
23:11What do you have to do with the prosecutor?
23:12A prosecutor who frees minors.
23:14Of course,
23:15you have to do that.
23:16But, look,
23:17there's something curious
23:18in Kicillof's press conference.
23:21He has a very serious insecurity problem
23:24that has gone out of hand.
23:26And what I expected
23:28when he announced
23:29a press conference...
23:30Look, that's it.
23:31That's it.
23:32I ordered...
23:33It was...
23:34To write the initiative
23:35Political Trial of the Prosecutor.
23:38There, it seems to me
23:39that they are also...
23:40They tell Kicillof
23:41their own ribs.
23:42Let's see, let's see.
23:43I not only expected
23:44that Kicillof
23:45would ask the prosecutor
23:46for a political trial,
23:47but that he would ask
23:48all the judges
23:49or send a message
23:50to all the judges
23:51and prosecutors
23:52that if they released
23:53lightly and lightly
23:55they were going to
23:56have the same luck.
23:57But besides that,
23:58you know what I expected?
23:59And I think
24:00all the Bonaerenses expected?
24:01Security measures.
24:02I mean, a program,
24:03concrete measures.
24:04There is not a single measure
24:05that has been announced
24:07to improve
24:08the security
24:09of the Bonaerenses.
24:10They play the role
24:11of victim.
24:13The victim is
24:14Kim's father
24:15and mother
24:16who lost
24:17their seven-year-old daughter.
24:18The victim is
24:19Lucia's husband.
24:21are all
24:22who have been
24:24the serious
24:25insecurity problems.
24:26The victim
24:27is not the governor
24:28of the province.
24:29What he should have done
24:31taking advantage
24:32of the opportunity
24:33to have a press conference,
24:34is to announce
24:35what measures
24:36he was going to take,
24:37where he had
24:38a very simple one,
24:39to instruct
24:40his national legislators
24:41to support
24:42each and every
24:44that the president
24:45is promoting
24:46in my law
24:47to improve
24:48the security
24:49of the Bonaerenses.
24:50I mean,
24:51it was a press conference
24:52that was absolutely
24:54and political,
24:57I asked Bullrich yesterday,
24:58with the nomination
24:59of Elijo
25:00and García Mancilla,
25:01my law,
25:02I asked my law
25:03last year,
25:04do you want
25:05an addicted court?
25:06No, no.
25:07I want a normalized
25:08court, Pablo.
25:09We are normalizing
25:10the court.
25:11Look at something.
25:12What is it
25:13that they don't say?
25:14Normalize the court,
25:15that's a constitutional
25:17But, but,
25:18let's see.
25:19Since when
25:20does the court
25:21not have
25:22its complete composition?
25:23Since the year
25:25when Elena
25:27of the UNESCO
25:33We are in
25:35Maqueda left
25:36in November
25:37and the fourth
25:38member who had
25:39left in 2021
25:40is still not
25:42Notice the time,
25:43the love
25:44that the Senate
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